GREENSBOEO DAILY WOBKMAM. I X. GREENSBORO, K. a, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEP i, l92 Price S3.00Fcr Tear. i 4' . " .1 BOUND GUILTY I CHARLES REYNOLDS CON VICTED OF MURDER. THE ' DEFENDANTS ASKED tFOR A KEVERANCU-, c WHICH WAS GRANTED Hk&dh, His Accoapuca, Now The trial of Charles teyntf ia'iod Judge Merriraon Heacen for the taut der of Solathicl SwaJm wss be;uh' on yesterday, tba Sia-being VpreMrt pd by SoLciUjr Parkor, and tbedNefend ante by Mess. U. It King and B. -C. Sbarp, who wore assignel ty tie Coart. . ,, . v The defence asksd for a severance of tho defendants," which the couit granted, end Charles Reynold's case wai taken up first, The first witness examined was Mr P. R. Coble at whose home the trage dr occurred . Ha described the plan and situation of his house. Said he was away from home at the time of the murder Cam hme and found old maavSwalm dead. Mis. Coble was examined. Sbe told of the shooting. That sbe wu in the front part oft be bouse and that the deceased wu sitting to the back door lead ng out on the ell Porch. She heard the pistol shot and went out and found the defeated lyinit, on the ."floor in aiog c r WT W r JLKA CSiU. v was examined, a . .criDea me wounJ in be bead which caused the death. ' Reynold's brother tesified that he bad Mold cartridges to Charles. Rey nolds at the store at Climax This wan about the testimony on vesterdar This morning P. R. Coble was re called and stated that he had taken papers found in the woods and the rubber shoe home atd that they bad been eiv ec to the sheriff. They were produced and he identified them in Court, He described how the access d carried bis money and papem. A. S Barker Said he hud bono ed f so dollars from the deceased that morning. He bal money wrapped in a haoderchie'. I V -.. V ' Tohn Teazoerr Wenftto" Coble's soon aft the shooting. ,8aw.the ,de i-Mud liinir on .the fioor. Saw aJ white hat 1 ir the back tard. Would feat . The hat was croduced and identified) Saw in the road lead ing to Coble's a track made by ao old : rahhor ihoa with a wueintheoeeland saw the same kind of stea leading from the bouse.V Also anotner traca if muiahv i'Na 8 sboe. Follow ed the trac and found rubber shoe itfc a arira !n the heel. . svrl witnesses' were called aod examine 1 aud the robber s'o and hat were identified as uiariee iey ' Wi'nesses awnre to the findbg of the money and pistol at. Keynotes , . .borne . , Rimolda te-tified that C as hat mnrnioir ' with Mrri " mon He.d-n t ctW cord wood. That he wore an old pair i t ruDoer ano ' .- . h. h.t Ha thoucht tne siioe ifUlVi m ----- - - - w and bat found the oner Charles w ire ir. h S:ate nffured the confess ' ion of Charles Reynolds. It was ob ' . TPU liars lectedtoby tne oeicnse. was sent out nd there was a lengthy araument before the court as to 'he d inisabiiity t the tertimon' . Af er examininR the officers and hrartpg the evidence that thwe hid been nonduce 1 nr threats m ce the ..r...;n uipn admitted. onerui . ..1. ..M T?vnnM tetlt lor him DV ' eler, J. H. Rantdn. Th.tthe , j kim nt h s riorhts under the law and that his cotfersicns would I e Dsed aft-ainst him in Court. Said the prisoner had been crying. He said he shot old man bwsim inac iieaavn wss with him and immediately behind him when ne fired the itiai snoi. its then went on .and told what he did jth the' money. Tbat be and Head enuidrf the money on a tog in me woods - Tley attempted to the coat, but it would not burn, so rhc JrimnleJ it into the mire in Miles" Uaach. ' TVntm thru- ihne ttatnraenta Sher Iff Cook and othtrs went and found all thno thines a stated bv Remolds. The founds the coat and Diners in the woods.! -r '-After the confession was in the - , State rested it esse. ITnoti the asiemblinir of court this afternoon the defence stated that tney hod no enaence ana tne case was suo mitted under the charge of His Honor, The iurv came in at 4'M and ren dered a yerdict of fzuiUr. The court is now engaged in the trial of Headen. CHOLERA YfcCREAJBES. Paris, Sent t -Twenty one new cases of cholera or cholerioe were re ported in Pris yesterday and ten deaths. . London. Sept i Another case of cholera has eome to light at Islington.! A child five jears pf age il the victim and is dying' at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. ' New York, Sept iThe Inman Line management has decided to car ry only first cabin and second eabin psatengers from Liverpool during the mooth of Sept . :;w -Yuik, tia.: lim' ai;aahvt( tbe Hamburg American Paeket Com pony, to which line the plague ship Moravia belongs, have now dtcided to abandon I's immigrant service alto gether. Havre, Sept I -There were 59 new cases of cholera yesterday in this city and 19 deaths. Fortunately the chol era has not spread to the quarters cf the city in which the better classis live. Boston, Sett 1 The- State board of he-tHh has issued orders cot to al low immigrants from the British Is ands or Scandinavia to come into tbe port of Boston without the fumiga tion of themselves and of their bag. London, Sept 1 Eflorts are being made to trace to their places of loca tion in England over 100 of the fel low passengers of the victims of chol era who landed at Hardmch from Hamburg oa Monday, and died at II lington. . , , , St Petersbuie. Sept 1 The official cholera returns from all Russia show a total of 4,859 new cases and 3,539 deaths, a decrease of 1,383 in tbe new cases nd sis in othtrs, and a mortali t o! alichtlv over ca Der cent In V 9 SU Petersburg yesterday there were tai'newcaxes and ao death. The w . fiKures for Tuesday were 155 new cas es and $1 deaths. Tba Culver!)' Oefluwlnar Chapel Hill, Sept. 1 The University of North Carolina opened today with io atudents . ' .There is a conspicuous absence of hazing and rodyism. The Young Men s Chris. tun Association.' gives a reception tonieht. I President Winston will ad dress the students Saturday night Every train brings iff large , numbers and the roll promis-s to re ich 400 during the yer, ' , - . SPEAKING OP TOD Mr. Tohn O. Roberts, of Kcrners- ville, cme do wo this morning ou a hurried trip and return! home on the first train. Mr. Frank White, of Mebane, was here this morning on his way home. Mr. Elwood Cox aud Mr. R. F. Dalton, of High Point, were heie today. Mr. Watkina, of Ramseur, went to Salisbury this morning. Mr. S. M. Holloa made a visit to his old home near Jamestown today. Prof. 0 W. Carr started to New York today, and it seemed as if the cool, crisp air this morning had braced him up considerab'y Rev. Mr Stickney, of this city went to Reidsville this roorning.where he will preach on Sunday next Dr. W. A. Coble, of Kimesville was here this morning on his way to Concord and Mount Pleasant, Calar rns county, having in charge one of his daughters who will enter Mount Pleasant Female Seminary. Dr. Coble was accompanied by Rev. H. M. Brown, Henry Cobb, Jr., and W. M. Kime and hi son. Messrs. Brown, Cobb and Kime also',' have each daughter to leave at Mount Pleasant Female Seminary.? a zy Man. ' Ll .'Vll ... k.. &4 SHOE MENDING. in this campaign, withihAflCjHe 1 . altogether out of the conitnottt rjrst j.js, fjjwELL, vention. iwhfck eave'lw.3 i i and mtndt .u. : j. Tie. ana ki iossu vjajjcia. Jhe TswT ism ana for union oa the traditional. . 1 of the Democratic pirty.,, hadr. Aywck's.srechew r the Chicago platform ,in hi IL ' way ana pointing out now.t aavrv from th Pitfalls o!.nisstate( a 1 r t. ' X 1 . t na nnauy we nave oau Ransom's .'driving home of nail in the 'coffin of Weaver: Clintoniam, by his powerful appeal to all who bad heretofore been Demo crats to return to. the doctrines ot the party ts laid down by those entrusted with authority to do so. Under these successive influences, the tide has turned homewards, and we no longer drill out to the uncertain sea of hetrodoxy. Fayetteville Ob-server. 4 1 "Sat Ta.mia Ijoeea 1 i.f- :Ids, of Asylum Sheriff Tesi" ris Uft last's: young man nau Kernersville, to for treatment At Hickory the il stoipedfor dinner, and. as well ascan be a-cer Uined, tbe insane young man was left in charge of Dr. Morris, a one legged man, while Teagoe went to dine. Io his absence the crazy man walked off and walked so fast that the ooden Ugged Doctor couldn't catch him. A walk of ten miles further back (ailed to discover the fugitive and the sheiiff and the doctor came back dis consolate. . Several citizens reuoarkel today that they thought itjwas bad enoogb to let murderers escape but when . It came to allowing a crazy man to get away the time had arrived for the vot ers of Forsyth to discover that tne county was sadly in 1 eed of a sheriff. Winston Sentinel. i . 300 Mmu Arrisd. ... Rhinelander, Wis, Sept i Owing to the riotous conduct of the itriking mill hands here, warrants were sworn - w out for the arrest of three , nunarea men On the charge of rioting. , f A del egatton of mill owners have left tor Madison to lay the matter before the governor and ask that the militia 1 e sent here to protect their property. Today not a mill is running. . Tbe sheriff is unable to secure sufficient deputies to protect the mill". Fifte n hundred men are out. ' This is the year when Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, tbe "holier than thou" aet, the sell-righteous demagogues and Whited Sepulchres, hope to have a soft snap in politics and to scoop in all the offices within the gift of the people. Ex. Bucklen' Arnica B&lve. The best Solve in tbe world for Cuts. Brainea. Sore, Ulcers, Salt Rl.u.F-TTSrra. Tetter. Chauoed iiauJ-i, CuiiIjIjiiup, Corns, and all SVin EinDticftia. ami '.noHitively rarea Pilea.orno iav U required. It is (Tnarsnteed to give perfect satiafal linn. nrmnncT refnnded. ' lVioe 21 eentaper bcx. For sale by C Ej Uolton - shoui in nrieoa lowxr e fame work in charged re. Ibis i plain talk, j'iU you ill nod it true, I a-fri tbms; and a thing l tW'ttiihcxwM wefl f'ReduceaRa Lleicb. aeconnt t?A. st 'of Demo Clabs at Raleigh On following 'S'Si areeiven on cue v& . r. a, v, railtrsii T From7ajettevi'Ue. M.40 UhAm . 5.76 Oretilboro 4-80 Wilmington 8 Thara rataa are lor the rsund trio. beginning August 29, 30 and 31, final, tpteinper tne 4th. 1 m 5 ew lot of He-no Tea, Oolong Tea, English breakfast tea, and yonng Hyson te joat opened np. Also a fresh lot Of fine rosited coffee all gradea from the Ajax brand at 23 eenta to our finest blefl dedorJavaatSSeenta. U Ton want a good strong cup of coffee try OW Breakfast Rio at 26 eenta pound (ot io packages hr-r tv ) .! 8COTTCo. Bams come high now but they must have them. Had to advanoe onr prjo on small hams to 16 2 8 but can ' seB large siset still at IS oenta. We weigh onr ba a when wa sell toem ana . dons mark weight on the nam wnen tney are first opened like some parties do, STama mil Arm nnt 1.1 nniind to TMnnd in a week or to's time then tell Of these loss it is if yon bny by the mar ket Heights ' J. W. SCOTT Co. -:-Ne w And Desirable-:- Goods at and Below COS TS Our entire stock consisting of Silks, Woolen Fkbrics of home and foreign manufacture. Trfiuiaville. Kr. Sept i A powertuH combine, to be known as the leaf Tobacco Company, was formed here edterday, h-se object u to compete with the newly organized tooacco I combine ht Cincinnati, Ohio. . Eleven thie.t war-house of the va .v a I Tit. - . a.:,.! ci v ar in tne ; aeai. ; vne . cipiw Men's Furnishbg Goods of all de&criptions, Shqe &c. M-.-. mm mm r ffiiTT f . . 1 k? mV1 i, eVw-A .vt - is ilbttLVYlTll onsrea irom now uuuiuia 10th day of September, . Kernt-rsnlle News as a suitable C ihdi' atock i olced at Ss.soO ooo The date for registers of deeds on the I urticles of incorporation : wer 'filed Dmncra tic ticket in Forsvth t'il,.ht nd O.e ne com. ine will - - -j --; , - ---r , , . , A good man for the place gin bus ntss immedi tely. AT AND BELOW COSTi; TbG Ff etzfeltier Dry 'M'MWft.