GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. Vol X.-No7S GREENSBORO. N. a, MONDAY AFTERNOON, SEP S. 1892 Price $3.00 Per Xear. yiw. CUvlaa4 Wrlt m m Vlrgtalaa, Winston, Spt. 3 J. E. M. Wright, of Lynchburg, one ol Vir ginia's leading D-mocnts, and a personal friend of Grover Cleveland, showed me a letter today from the Democratic c indidste lor President. Among other things M Cleveland says: I join with yo-j in anticipation that the Democracy of the nation will pre sent a solid front to the enemy in the pending campaign and that it will he actuated by the common desire to reinstate the principles which we pro less in the national council-. I am pleased with your confident predic tions as to the action of yoor Stste and hope that ad who believe in the principles of Democracy will have abundant occasion tor congratulation in November next. A Brkan Itlat. Philadelphia. Pa, Sept 3 A special from Wilkesbwe, Pa , says: A riot occurred this morning on the Yyilkesbarre and Eastern railroad now in course ot construction. One of the contractors employs 150 negroes whom he brought from Virginia. The negroes declared they were brutally trsatecfand several times they rebelled only to be beaten iuto subject on by the white bossesrmed with revolreri nd steel knuckles. The negroes were watched day aud night so they could not escape, but th.s morning twenty negroes gathered together and fought the whj bosses with club and stones and escaped from the ca.up. Two of the negroes were shot One is s.ri ous'y wounded A genthman raid here after heariog Senator Ransom's spe ch that it was one of the easiest things in the world to be a Democrat, and that he felt glad that he belonged to that party. There wi'l be n regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce tonight, at which officers will be nominated for next year and the wm tobacco fac tory discmsed. Lt attendance be fun.: With .such a small stock of fruits of all ktndr it is well that the water , melon wagon btill continues to visit us selling a prettv fair melon fur a nickel Nothing is wore popular on the mar ket than a water mi Ion, and r f noth ing els that is palatable can one buy : more for a nickel, v Tub Workmam heard today that Madison had a gTand old time on Sat ' urdayat the speaking. Mr. Lindsay met Senator Ransom on the stump, and found more stumps thvn he count ed on, Lindsay spoke first, Ransom followed and Lindsay had another turn: It is said that when the tpeak ing was over Lindsay was worsted, but the Democrats were so highly en thnsul thxt the? sang the Dead hiarch for thtir opponents in advance of the 8th I Nove iiber obsequies. It take a very, very Sorry white man to represent to a young girl whose suitor he is that he has a first class house an I home to take her to, when in fct he does not own even a log cabin; and on the other hand very, very simple is the girl who will believe the s'ories toll on such occasions when there is nothing" to depend on but the bare statement of the man, and he a stranger. But we all are . more or les like the poet, who saysi .. "T'is better to have loved and lost, ' Than never to have loved at all '. OPENS NEXT SUNDAY. The main auditorium of the new Methtd'St Protestant Church on Lee .Street will bs opened lit public er. vice next Stbbath at 1 1 o'clock, a m., on which occasion a sermon will ta preached by Rev. Thos. J. Ogturn, pastor of the Henderson Church. Those who have never heard him will dj themselves a service by hearing him next Sunday, aud those who have heard him before will m ost likely desire to har him again in fct all who atteod will feel that they have been amply repaid in the earnest and able presentation of gospel truth 00 the occasion. Do not fil to come. Preaching at 8:15 by Rev. J. R. Bull Very spirited speeches were made in the Kepub ican Convention here on Saturday by Messrs. Jas. E. Boyd and Thomas Settle. Col. Boyd spoke in response to vote the of the coanty convention Jirn'orsiog him (for nomination fur Governor at the State Convention toon to occur Col, Boyd said that, of course, there was as yet 00 knowledge of the fact who ould obtain the nomination, but if it were ttndered to him he would not de cine Mr. bettle spoke in response to an invitation from the convention to make a speech, and occupied a half hoar or more in his remarks which were we! I received and cheered by the Republicans present. There are already numerous indica tions of the appioach of Autumn, The dronght hd reddened many of the forest leaves, and the cool nights remind one of a falling barometer and morning fires. These changes, as life advances, seem to come closer together than tner were wont in earl ier days, and the traositioos take' place 'like a dream, turamer, aut umn, wicter succeeding each other almost without notice. D. N. Kirkpa'rick will open bit big furniture store in the Arm field Buil li g on Wednesday, September 8th, where be will welcome a 1 perrons who would like to buy or see" what he bast' show. a t REDUCED RATES. ; . The C F, & V V Railway will ex tend reduced round trip rates over their line on the following occasions : State Assembly K & L, Elm City, tickets on ea'e Sept 5, 6 and 7. Sanford, , $500 Maxion, , 7 00 Greensboro, 7 30. Demo ratic Clnbs of N C, at Ra leigh, tickets on sale Sept 14, 15 and 16, via Sanford : . Fayetteville, 4 40 Wilmington, 7 05 Maxton, 5 7s Woman's Christian Temperance Union, at Greensboro. Tickets on sale, Sept 13 1 1 16, inclusive : , Fayetteville, $5 00 3 40 45 6 30 7 55 Sanford, Rural Hall, . Maxton, Wilmington, All commercial travellers or solicit ing agents resident in Greensboro, or making their headquarters tu the city, who bave the cause of Democracy at heart are requested to meet at the McAdoo Houee, on Saturday. Sep tember 10th at 8 o'clock, p m , for the purpose of organizing a Democratic Campaign club and opening head' quarters in this city for distribution of, ;.mnion litoiataVa rl orW wort under the countv Executive Com. inittec. " - Sept. 5-i.w SPEAKING OF x"OU Capt. B. J. Fisber, of Asheboro, was in the city this morning. Mr. A. E. Holton is hen again today, also Mr. Tom Settle, Republu can candidate for Congress in this district, ex 'Congressman Brower and Capt. Eaves. All the political partita have put on the war paint thick. Mr. G. J. Smith, of Summerfield came in to see us today and gave an account of things about his precinct Corn, he said, had about done all it would da There is, however, no danger of a famine in this country, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carter, of Ramseur, who went recently on a trip of recreation to Washington, D. C, weie here today on their way home. Mr O. R. Cox, Mrs. Cox, and Orlando came down last night from Connel y Springs and were here today on their way back to Cedar Falls. Mr. W. F. Moss who csme up from Danville, Saturday night, returned home last night. Mrs. Jesse H. Page, of Statesville, who has been on a visit to her aged mother Mrs. Anna Wills, at Brinkley ville, and .her daughter at Henderson, came up on the train from Raleigh Saturday night and yas the guest of Mrs. R. H. Wills, cf this city, until this morning when she took the South bound train fW Statesville. f- Mi-Jr W GoehiBlsditoircf th Winston Repablicnn went to Lexing ton, via. Greensboro, today. - Mr. and Mrs. fobn W. Cultrane, of Walnut Cove, have been spending some time with the family of Mr. Derastus Lewis, near Moriah Church. Childrens Day was held at Tater nacle Methodist Protestant Church yesterday, and proved to be a p'eas ant oc.asion. Mr. Rossie Brown delivered one of the addresses, and a good collection for Missions was taken. Mr. H. E. Mclver and family, Of Winston, returned home from a visit at this place today Prof Harry Smith returned to his chair at Davidson College today, to be ready for the Fall opening, which occurs on Thursday next Mrs. Rosa L Lindley and children left for a few days sojourn in the East today Capt. A. M. Smith, who has betn down on a visit to his family returned to Asheville this morning. Mr Arthur BroekF, of Jonetboro, who stopped over with Mr. R. W. Brooks on Lis way to Bfngbam School, went up to Asheville this morning. Presiding Elder Carrawsy pa-std through this city today on. his way to his home at Winston. Mr. Turner of Libert was here today. Mr Ben Parks, of Franklinsville, was here today, v - Mr. Herbert Tomlinson, of Arch- dale, attended Jthe Quarterly Meeting of Friends' at Springfield yesterday, Sheriff Ross, says the Asheboro Courier, has moved into tbe dwelling ot the lale W, S. Bradshaw. The friends in this county of Sheriff I Ross ara pleased to bear that he Has been nominated to be his own succes. sor. His reelection is almost a cer uinty. , , REPUBLICAN STATE CON VENTION. The Agents of the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad are authorized to apply tariff 4, circular 544 in the sale of round trip tickets from their S. R. T. book to Sanford or Greensboro, on account of North Carolina Republi. can Stste Mars Meeting at Raleigh, N. C. Tickets on sale September 5, 6, and 7. Final limit September 10th, iSqi. The following rates will govern from points named to Raleigh, N. J., via Sanford 1 From Fayetteville, $4.40; Wilming ton,$7o); Maxton, $5.75; Greens boro, $430 Good Look. Good looks are more than akin deen. deDeudinff odod a health eon. dition of all of the vital organs. If the 11 w be imctive, you have a bil ous look. If ytnr stomach be diaor. dered von have a dvsnentio look, and if your kidneys be effected yon bave a pinotica iooa. secure good nealtn and you will have good looks. Elec irio Bit' era is a great alterative anp tonio acts directly on the vital organs Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at C E. Holton's drag stote SO cents per bott'e. Mild, gentle, sootuing aud bealirg is Dr. Sage's catarrh remedy. Cons the worst forms permanently. No experimenting. It's "Old Reliable." 25 years of ancoess, Bucklen'sArnica Salve. The best Salve in tr world for Cote, Brnines, bore. Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chanced ? ,Clii;I..I-;ie,.Corri..a4 all skin jLioipuoiik, anil -poniuvely rurei Piles, or no ' pur w reqnired. It it guaranteed to giyn perfect eatiafal tion, or money refanded. Price 11 cents per box. For sale by C E Holton -:-New And Goods at and Below COS To Our entire stock consisting of Silks, " Woolen Fabrics of home and foreign manufacture. Meu's Furnishing Goods of is HEBEWITH offered from now until the 10th day of September, ' AT AND BELOW COST. Tlie PretzfelflerDry Roods & Shoe Co. SHOE MENDING. J. 8. FDWELL. HVCtMOKE STREET, NEAIt THE MAliKET. .uasea auii n uas shot in fir t mt ttjlo. nd at prices lower tasu thuu the stme work i charged (or rlnewhere. ihU i. pikia Ulk, but if you try it. you will find it true. Economy is a great lliiuR aod a thing that oan be practised in shoes sit well as in anything elfe. aug27 2m Reduced Rates to Raleigh. On account of the meeting of Demo orstio Olahs at Raleigh, toe following rat-s are given on the 0 F. k Y. St ra lway: From FsYelteville, 4.4.(1 Mulon 6.75 O reensboro 4-80 W-lmitRtou 6 Tbe e rates are for the rannd trip, beginning August 23, 30 and 31, final, t4ptemper tne 4th hew lot of He-no Tea, Oolong Tea, Engliab broaktast tea, and young Hyson te just opened np. Also a fresh lot of fine roasted coffee all grades from the Ajax brand at 23 oenta to onr finest blen ded or Java at 36 cents. If 70a want a good strong cup of coffee try oar Breakfast Rio at 25 centa pound (not in packages bnt loos). J SCOTT Co. Hum oome Liii uon out tiicy u.utt have ttem Hd to advance onr prioe on small bams to 10 2 8 bnt can sell large sixes still at 15 centa We weigh onr baas when we sell them and dont mark weight on the ham when they re first opened like some parties do. Hsms will dry out 1-2 pound to a pound in a week or to's time then tell ns whose lose it is if you boy by tbe mar ket weights J. W. SCOTT A Co. Desirable-:- all descriptions, Shoes, &c