.1 : ' v BAILY WORKHAW. Vol X,-No95 GREENSBORO, N. a, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, .SEP 8, 1892 Price $3.00 Per Tear (jEEENSBORO . 'f -' it? KX GEN. WEAVER. f .... THE SPFAKINO TO DAY. Thvre was qui e a boisterous lime in the courthonse hire toda ). pen. J. B. Weaver, PresiderUial candidate on the Third party ticket, made a speech of moderate length, which wasfollowel by a longer one from his female assistant, Mr Lewe. This writri was unable to get into the room where the speaking occurred, and could on'y hear a sentence occis tonally. , Everyone seemed to think well o! Mrs Lease's speech, as to its ability, and an Intelligent gentleman runa, k ed to the writer, tuatlt was, a. sum ming up of the grievances ot the fern? ers and tbe poor classes of the peo ple, but .'he added that be thought that such speeches are calcuajed jo do hana by working upon tbe preju dices of the people1 and causing them to anticipate some gnat tviL It is well that so many of our fellow citi zens are conservative and duly sober and have tbe perception to see through the designs of the Third par ty leaders, who, under the guise of special friendship lor the farmers, are leading them down to a condition poorer and worse by far. Telegraphio Clicks. Greenfield, Mast, Sept. a 7 The estate of the lafe" Geo Wm. Curtia, according to tbe will filed in the pro bate court yes'erd ty, amounts to about $70,000. " London, St pt 27. The great foal take at New Market today , were won by Orme, Versailles second, and Dunruj third-. The stakes' were 3,850 pounds, course 114 miles. Bellingham, Muss, fcept s 7. Over one third of the business portion of the torn was destroyed -by.. fire at 3 o'clock this morning : The lost will aggregate $55,000' ' " ' :- Riobmond Va .Sept .2:tS 'or Daniel, ci Lynchburg, .has receifedfofl leiegraw iroui mu saying mar uie ut ter will make a political, speech at IflruchbaijfTOc mun .jipu. ni ,ciun oui, ,invipe Louisville baseball patkas --burnesT about toidnigTit'lalr-yi. about $10,000 - WoofiVin:,,N."H. Sept 17.-7-A terrible wind.ndusnow. storm prevail ed on Mount Washington last night, the wind reaching a velocity of 100 miles p-r houV. ' .,.vi Washington, Sept .wA-general order was iMu'ed;atl.'tHiB' Wsf.'pajty-. ment today.aun'ouncing Oie death'., of Gen. Pope, retired- ,The1wder,xt ; recites bis milttary-careef trod -other wise eot.titav.' jjC';'' 3 " , ' ' " "?NBWtS JSTOTES t Mrs. Harrison is still ill at Wash ingtou. ; She whh worse yesterday, having passed a very1 restless night' 1 Mayor John J. Martin of Whe ! infc ijtf :t'j' shot :'Monda- while holding court by S.R.ftaVrtnekeep er of a "speak easyf" i&ijioV . , Tis'erday was a0", event ful iay for the strikers a- Carnegie's ' Mills near Pjttsburg.rv F quent , quarrels and serioiMiflghts .betiren;tie njiion,and 'v noh unionfmen end five break ! downs in the wo.ks. cau iiig s-veral 'depart - nents . to snut down are am nir the - occurrences SPEAKING OF YOU Capt J. M. Odell and Mrs. Odell, who went to Durham yesterday morn ing, returned to Concord last night. The captain had a letter from his son, W. R. Odell, yesterday, which gave a favorable account of the party, now travelling in Europe Contrary to what we here might suppose, the cholera is los talked of and less feared in England than 00 thi side of tbe Atlantic, and the party have not been inconvenienced on account of the disease. Major Finger went up to Newton last night.. t , Mr. aad Mrs R. R. King went to Danville last night to attend the funeral of the ltte Charles Holcombe, The Misses Cheek, accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Woggoman, and ber children and the three little chil dren of Mr. Eaton and their brother, Mr. Pleas Cbeek, came up on the train from Mebane last night where they have been summering and are here for the winter. Tinsley is at Chaptl Bill, as a student there, and Miss Sudie is teaching a school not tar from Mebane, in Orange county. Mrs. Woggoman will spend some time here and then proceed to her home at Charlotte. Mis. Joe Albright, who lett here with her three children several months ago to visit her relations in Canada returned to her home here on the train last night and has come baik tO stay. The section in which she has been visiting is over Coo miles north of Montreal, and must be cool. Tbe meetings at the Methodist Protestant Church continue nightly. Rev. J. R, Ball preached last night to a good and strictly attentive audience. Miss Martha .-Driver,, ot Norfolk, Va , who was at one time a pupil in O. f. Colloge.arrived here laot night, on her way home from Shelby, and spent today in the city. Col. A. B. Andrews went north last night on his special car. . Mr. Lemuel Snelling, of Paducah, Ky who was7ejaf nfog" hoina frOnV.. visit 10 nis 01a nome in wue county, ftccomntnied by his 'nephew, trot left Jierei last night -grIaek of .niotma?,. tion'.about the trains, and had to lie jpvitr until today. Rev, Dr. Durham ' was here this morning on his way to the Alexander Baptist Association at Taylorsvil e. Lee Crawford went down to Dur ham today. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill have gone on a visit to North Wilkesboro. Mr. Fletcher Cox, ot Cedar Falls, went this morning on a brief visit to friends at Newton, where he once Went to school ' Mr. W. J. Ridge went to Raleigh today.;'' ; ; ' Prof F.S.Blair, a good Prohibi tionist, was l ere today. Mr. Crewe, travelling correspon dent of the Wilmington Messenger was here today on his way fom the west to Raleigh.' r . Dr. D.; Reid Parker, Dr.. Exum, Mr. t ' W. Denmark and others of the Third party, were here today to meet General Weaver the candidate of the party for President, t .'.MrK tind u Mr. W. W, Lasley, o Burlington, who have been north to piircba.se goods, were at Phi'alelphia last night and reached here on the ! belated train at noon1 today. CoL A. K. cUure, editor of the Phuadel phia Time?, made hs great speech on the Tariff to a vast audience, in reply Major McKinlcy's speech delivered Philadelphia but Friday night. Major KcKinley had declined the challenge of Col McClure to discuss the question ot the Tariff in public debate, and Col. McClure chose last ight as the time to answer Major McKinley. Mr. Laaley, who went eady to the hall, failed to find admit. Unce, and says that while the throng attendance wa immense, a number rive times as great was turned away for lack of room . Mr. Lasley under steod that several manufacturers who ere present and heard Col. McClure were favorably impressed with his vi-.ws on ihe Taiifl. Mrs. Curtis and her daughter Miss Maud, of. Franklinsville, have been here today. We learn from the Pittsburg Lead ei, a Republican paper, that the color ed voters of Pennsylvania are organ izing themselves into Democratic clubs, and a State convention of color ed Democrat is soon Jo be held at PhflsepWa. " ' " ' " A colored remocratiq club of one hundred. .bSr-Jeen.sUrte4 in Pitts burg, Thi j js done underjhe leader ship of M..-, J, Jackson, a colored man of Madison courthouse, Va., " t Come in and see,, at Kirkpatricks furniture rooms the fiiitst sTdfoords ever seen in Greensboro. Dr. Exum' says' that be will get nineteen twentieths of tbe colored vote of tbe State, oh tt)e ground that me negroes oeiieve m . me iicpupii cans are an annex of the Dem cratio party. Crazyi ' "7 . When Mr. Denmark, one of the chief men of the'eop'e's party at Raleigh, and one of the owners of tbe Progressive Farmer,' Benin to gather thing that v turned t up; ;,Vae , Jhalj he cotridn tnd tbe commutes. . , , A ' young! gentleman-j of .Greens' boro, who was at Rohok,,'Va quite. recennv savs ine ijemocra s mere are ,thOTpughijr aiouserl,, and t)iata lnian joined' ihe Democratic Qubi wBq bad been a Republican all his life I . Some stranger en the depot plat' form this morn'iBg ' got 'Into quite man Leref decided' democratic pw clivitierand te contest, collected so many bystaDdtrstogetner ' tnat policeman had Jo interfere. v : Mrs: Li ase" thfe People's Pirty -lady orator,' is a native of Ireland and not of Kansas, as reported. -a-- " ... . ' O.ood LooksV'T.'.V" Good looks are "more5; than skin deep, depending upon a UealtM ton? dition of all of the vital Organs.' -If the liver be insotlve, yotj bave'a biln ous look. If ycurBtomactr be disor dered yoa have a dyspeptio look, and if your ldueys be tneotedjou nave a pincU. d loot - Secure good health scd t on. will nave good looks,. : itttQ irio Bit erd is a great altera e and tonie ho s directly on ine vital organs Cures pimples, blotcnefy boilg and gives a good complexiou. . Sold at C E. Holtou's. ding stote 50 cents per bott'e. -: - . Chima Hall r-Dinner, Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets just received. Give us a calL' , ' E. M CaldcLkwoh & Bro. : Country bacon Cor cooking with vegetables can't be had but we have tounrl a got d substitute in the shape of "Ensbsh Ci.red". Smoked Sidea. We have so d lots ot this ba.cort and it gives general satisfaction. ' J. W. Scott, & Co Bucklen'eArnlca Salve. The beet Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tettr. Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pies,orno pay is required It i guaranteed to give perfect satiBfal tion, or money refunded. Price 2 oenta per box. For sale by C E uoiton New Furniture Store D. N. KIEKPATBIOK IS And has an Attmnti And Invites You to Come rarlorand Bed Racks, Writing Desks, Uook Cases, Plush Rockers, Side i Boards, AND IBSBSf?nJ,!HWA? " t0's GOODS. Ekubt B.lKmiiPATRiCK, MA'c. This Space FIS H B Every man is after Lis brother. With a long sharp fctick or something 1 or otherf And Fishblate is after, the whole ot his kind With a grat big stock in the clothing line s ,.! The biggest stock, and the finest too, That ever the railroad train brought through. ' i. SHOE MENDING. J. 8. EDWELL. HYCAMOItE STREET, NEAlt THE MARKET. Makes and minds shoes in fir t rate t-tyle, and at prioes lower loan than the same work is charged tor elsewhere, 'ibis it plain talk, but if you try it. yon will find it trn. Economy is a great thing and a thing that can be practised in shoes as weij as in anything else. NOW IN 0. WILL ARM- Ifuw, and Then Examine his Room Suits, Hat- IWU Ulljl IIIHiIU. RESPECTFULLY, Belongs To: L A TE.

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