z- DAILY IXCfrT SUNDAY. 4: 1. RJH HAUX. Kdltoi. J. 8. M1CHAUX, Local Editor. ENTERED AT THE rOST-OEEICB IM OMENSBORO AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. RELIGIOUS REVIVALS AND POLITICAL REVIVALS. If one had lime and wete to dis posed be might write quite extensive ly on some of the points of resem bltnce between revivals of religion, so called, aud tevivals of politics. Hu man nature is the same every where, and a giest many persons can be found who are only really zealous in certain seasons, whether it be in poll tics or religion. It has long been the esse, especially in North Caro'ina, to hold protracted and camp meetings at the close of the Summer, when the crops have been laid by and the fodder has been pulled, end the habit has become pretty general in inaoy of the churches to expect a forward movement at such season only. We need not die cuss the correctness of the principle involved, bat simply state the fact But while men are zealous in religj ton at certain seasons only, Ihe same is true in politics. The roases are generally quiet except when a politi cal campaign is on hind, but when the cimpaign is begun it is necesi ary to get up an enthusiasm, and an effort is at once made with that vew Now we might and we do condemn the excess into which many persons are led, but much of the noise aud confusion ihat exi-ts is one of the necessary tvilj ol politics. The bent christian in the land can only deplore these excesses and guard against them in his own person, but it he is inttl igtnt and patriotic he cannot l e indifferent to the princip es involved in the campaign. Let him choose for himself th p .rty with whom ke is to affiha e. It is a great pity that the. e are peo lla her and there who have no tolera tion for those outside of their party, provided the othera claim to be in the right This is a time for tue exerci-e of a good deal of charity. CLEVELAND CHEERED When Or n. Weaver had finished his speech in the courthouse today there were three cheers , giv. n fur Grover Cleveland. The cheers were so loud and hearty as to ive full proof of the hold th t Mr. Cleveland has upon the affections of all the people. It is estimated that f II- hree. fifths of the crowd cheered the nam 0 Cleveland, w iile a number of Cleve land men p sent did not j in in the demonsration. A SUICIDE IN WASHINGTON. Washington, Sept 27. CoL W. P. Canady, of North Carolina, ex Ser geant at Arms of the United States Senat , committed saicid this morn ing in his room here by blowing out hu t rains with a revolver. At six o'clock th's morning a mev senger summom d J. Q. A. Houghton Canady'a partner in the brokerage bus ingss, to Canady'- room where Canady tefd the former that during the night two negrots hid entered the house, bound and gagged him and taken two thousand dallars deposited in a safe by Houghton last evenirg. A ccording t o a boarder in the house taily thia morning hi heard a tapping (pond in the 100m below and going down f und Canady loosely bound to ' s doir xnob with a piece of night gown stuffed in his mouth. When Hough ton heard CaoaJy's story he accused him of subteriuge to hida the theft ot the money by himself and went out to get a wairant (or Canady's arrest. tanady went into his office and blew out his brains. Canady'a wife and son, from whom he separated, live in Wilmington, N. 0. Canady left a notejto Houghton saying: "After your conduct this m irning I have uo further use for life." Mrs. Leae stumped the State of Kansas against Senator Iogalls, and afte he was defeated Mrs. Lease mde a speech in Washington and in vited Ineatls to a joint discussion. In galls declimd and replied that there were only two classes of individuals who scalped a foe after death aod'they were an Indian and a woman. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin on Tuesday rendered a decision de daring the apportionment made by the extra session of the Legislature invalid. List of Letters i Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Greensboro, N. C. Sept. 8st 189s. Mrs. B. J. Allen, John Baker, Chas. Bivins, cue of Victory Cotton Mills. Miss llary Buchannan, Joseph Gld well, Mrs. Mary L. Cox, W. W. Callweil, Calvin Crumpr, Betry Davidson, Mis. Nannie Davis, Mias Emma Foust, care of Mrs. F. A. Hunter Rev. D, S. Freeman, Charlie Harrir. Sam Hollie. Mrs. Nanoia Ireland, Hugh Turdan Esq, Joe McDonold, Mil-a. Litba Orsiment, W. W. Pugh, A. S. Seals Esq, Miss Mandy Shep, Messrs T. S. Shlton It Co, Mrs. Bettie Sloan, Mrs. Rev. Lena Nelson imitb,' John W. Smih, C. F.'Snider, Mr. Jonephfne Tsrver, Mrs Lizzie Thomson, Miss Blanche Thornton, . W. E. Wood, Persons calling for the above, will please say advertised in The Work han, and irjve date of list , J. D. White, P. M Mild, geutle, soothing and healing ia Dr. Sage's catarrh remedy. Cures the worst forms permanently. No xpriunuting. Itrs "Old Reliable." 25yera of luccess. URely a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from the forests of jia, and has been used by millions of people willi the beat results. It CUBES All manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nose to the worst cases of inherited blood taint such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and . Treatise om Blood and Skin Disease malted fata. , Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ga. The Latest In all 8HADE8 and COL OE8, Teoks; Puffa, Fonr in Hand, Windsors, ta , CALL AND LOOK AT Oart lauds. tf . - Five Bicycles for Sale I have five second hand bicylesfor sale at reasonable prices. Apply to, . IW, J. H. CoUtWAR. Gnarantend Cure. We authorize onr advertised ding giat to sell Dr, King's new disoovery for ConaomptioD, Cocghs and Cold's upon this cordiUoD. If you are afflicted with, a cough cold or any long throat or cheat trouble, and will t this remedy as directed, giving t a fair trial, and experience no ben efit, yon may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We oonld not make this er did we no know that Dr. King's New Discovery oonld be relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles free at C. E Hoi ton's drug store. Large size 60 cents and $1. Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs Ada E Hard, of Grot on, S. D., we qaote the lollowiog: "Was taken with a severe cold which settled on my longs, congh set in and finally resulted in consumption. Four Doctors gave me op, saying I oonld live bnt a short time. 1 irave nmelf np to my Sav iour, determined that if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I wonld meet my absent ones above. My Husband was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for eon' sumption, concha, and 00 ds. I gave it a trial and took in a 1 eight bottles; it has onred me. and thank God I am a well and hearty woman. Trial bot ties fre at C. E. Holton's drog store regular size 60 cents and SL ENJOYS Both the method and results wher. Byrap of Figs is taken; it ia pleasni and refreshing to the taste, aud w gently yet promptly on the Kidne--Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eyr tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy or its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt b its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. - -; Syrup of Figs is for sals in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not- have It 00 haadwill pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it - Do not accept any substituteW , cauforkh no syrup co. tn nunoaco, ou uummu. n. mm nmu .s w c-rrr th tiaTc lin : of dry gnods ever shown and we are marching it b the biggest bid "er made for priblio fswr. Caretnl pur chaser soon find out which side their hread is buttered on and om ont devices are an old story to tbem. It is to oarefol pnrchatm that we are addressing ourselves now- to pur chasers who know just what they are lointr. who know wna itneiz money ought to bring them every ime and who wisely wait for the chances which clearing ont sales are sure to bring along in January. For. snch pur chasers the opportunity has now ar rived and here it is We are selling our stock of dry goods and shoes at greatly reduced rates in order to re. dace oar stock for the Spring trade -a. wiu, ARMrnaj). JfcttS&s- mi Ml WWW NON-PARTISAN NEWSPAPER Devoted to News. Basinee. General Intelligence, virtne and Morals. - Pub liahed every day exeept 8undav, Though in a special sense d-v ied to the interest of Greensboro, Hs intended to promote the lbs bast In terest or lbs country as well aa the town. Itnch of its matter ia prepared ex prendy for Its columns. Having neen eerabtianed in 1883 'S92. ia now old enough 10 be known as a fixture. The Datxt WoxjiAX began its' life wnen me runners 01 ureenaooro waa small, and in n nnaetded condition, bat has lived ferongh . all the seasons of trial and depression, and ia ready to live throned) the i eaaon of improve- ment which aeema now to be npon us. Our leading BUSINESS MEN ham appreciated the efforts of the Dah,t Wobxhah, and to their raoouragement is due the fact that it not enly has lived through the difficulties of the oast yean, but is in a condition to live and rosper and be nseful in the years- to rhseription pricel per year . v . 1 , niont I .. V " week Ihe Greensboro Ice Co's a a SI ' w a u u n 1 . WILL BE ON THE STREETS EVERY DAY, Ready to supply all families and stores in Greensboro with such quaiw tities of ICE as they may want from day to day. We tan serve you with Ice Tickets from 5 pounds to 100 pounds, or we will deliver you so many pounds each day according to your instructions. , It is my rule and purpose to give my customers satisfaction in every wsy, and if this rule has been broken it was entirely unintentional If any one has a complaint to make, I would be gfateful if you would wing it to my at tention so that I may correct the mat ter. I want to sell you the Ice and want your trade. I will assure you to spare no means to give all customers satisfaction. Iam grateful to you for the trade you have already given me, and hope to merit a continuance ot the same. I have fresh made Ice at all times it is as good as can be had from any source whatever. Give the Green, boro Ice Company your orders for daily supplies of Ice, and we will give them prompt attention. The clever young man, Mr. John Cator, will have charge of Delivery Wagons, and all orders given him, will be appreciated. Very respectfully, Greensboro Ice Co. J. P. Harkness, Manager. apa8-ew Holtonsays "Sow the Seed1' And you had better buy of him ii you would ''Reap a Good Crop" . His seed are all fresh and rwr received The trade has already been so heavy that he has been obliged to re-order. Select yours before the variety is broken Prescriptions Still a specially, day or night iy Everything in drugs medicines soaps, brushes, etc DiooiitJTioN, The firm of Rldg sod Trent has thia day been dissolved, W. J. Bidge having en'd bis Interest in the said Co partner bip to T. M. Treat. Persona owing the firsn will phut call and set tle. The business will h rea-'ter be eontnettxt uuder the name and style of T. M. Tren Co "" J. Ridos, T. la.Taxm, ang 26 4r LAND OALR. AS Admloiatratfir rf Joho llaey. I wU: arU fin M-ndty 8e tembfr 8th 1892.. on Him pre r-1 nar Henry llaey V, pnhlic aoc'i n. lor the pur- poae of rrea ii.g aweU fr trie payment of the drhtsof the dt-eesed. the real estate of the dec awd, on Pole Cat reek, in Ooilfrrd v nuty, adjoining Henry Maey and otbi-rs. oottainina about 80 aereaa, b4r g hi ahare in the divixion of hi father's lan1. ' Terms of falepnMbird of pur oha-e monf-y caah. and the remainder on a credit of three .mortha, with bond and good swnrntr: JUHN K. HOCKETT, , Adm'r of John Ucy, lOD, ICD, lOEs Messrs. Wharton, Jackson & Co. manufacturers of ICEiiNa 115 Buckhannon street, have their wagons on the street now, and will deliver - - ICE to any part of the cty IN QTJANTI-! TIES TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. You can buy tickets from Wagons or at the Factory. x J. S. BARNES, apay im . ' Manager.