4 mipSBOKO DMLT WOBIMAI.' Vol X.-Jf0 96 GREENSBORO. N. THURSDAY' AFTERNOON, SEP 30. 1892 Price 13.00 Per Year. NOT WITH THEM. IN W. R. Lisdsat Tasks so Part ' the Oxford Discussion. The , Oxford Day, reporting the joint debate at ttrnt place between the Congressional candidate! hai this to "Mr. , William and settle" were present, but Mr Lindsay wat conk pic uoos by h' absence. Mr. Lindsay came to Oxford Saturday night," bo doubt with the intention of keeping his appointment, but be had a confer ence with Dr." A. J. rDalby, county chairman' of "that party, that'slaie night, and early' the next morning "he jumped the town. Evidently Dr. Dnl by and Mr. Settle bad coma to ad on demanding, and the' way" the' fatter spoke' ii Was plain to the cu'lest i on that he was doing all id' bla'pow'er 10 assist me Third partyites. ' Further proof of a deal was Urn'sh ed when Dr. Lee,' of 'Caswell, Third party district elector, arriv.'d during the speaking and Dr. Dalby postively refused to let him take part in it, ' Dr. Lee protested and said that he came for that special purpose, but it availed him nothing. Dr. Dalby also' told him he could not speak at Buchan an." THE MILLS TO SHUT DOWN. Carnkoik Stiel Plant to' Close it Vert Soom. Pituburg, Sept. 19 -A well found ed rumor is in circulation at Homo stead today that the big plant of the Carnegie Steel Company will shut ilown in all of its departments this week. The twenty thiea inch armor plate mill was indefinitely closed down to day and the men paid off. SPEAKING OF TOU Buoklen'eArnlca Salve. Re-. J. B. Richards. o High A ' " , """V. Point, was here this morninp, also ZT ' ' lvZ . w,ce"? Dau Dr. Reid, editor of th. Raleigh Chris. TT' 'T- n' ti A,W.. n, tm, p "and Chilblains, Corns, and all ... -V. WW.., c. . . . ... , P. E nf thia diatrirt. nt n, a w "u UF"UB. positively cures Linebery and Rev. Mr. Ashman of P6 f ftty re1uirod 11 " the Methodic Protestant church 8U"U fe parted sati.tai t... - a 1 . . xm. r ur n- . 1 mou, w money reiunuea. rnoe Zt . . .,u.m8, wnoonce Bmt,n,,rhnr - ... . ,..- k.. 1 t,.- L " " j " " '"-'si v" uvw ui jiaicign, 1 JJolton passed through here tbis morning. Mr. Alf. Scales has returned to the SHOE EUMG. J. 8. EDWELL, 8YCAMORE STREET, NEAlt TUE MARKET. Makes and mtndit shoes in fir t rate . ttjle, and t prices lower tnan than the same work is charged for elsewhere, litis U plkia talk, bnt if yon try it, you will find it true. Eoonomy is a srroat thing and a thins J that can be practised in shoes as well I as in anything else. 5 TVT "W7I -x The official fcr the company refose " Ucend practitioner of law, 1.1 JK VV Jj I J RN f TTTR"R " LSTnT?"!?. . . .. . ... .. ... ..JUI.l.i. . . 1. . w--w w w -B.r-.AJ4 to laia aDOUi we mauer, ann meir i iu uccome a evasive answers to questions make it I worthy representative of his excellent appear that the report is true. ' Mlar Trad a father, Col. Junius I, Scalea Mrs. W. S. Moore and Mrs C. M. Vanstory have gone today on a brief visit to friends at High Point. D. N. KIRKPATRIOKIS NOW IN G.WILL ARM- FIELD'S OLD STAND, According to ad-ices received quite recently at Marseilles from Aden the slaves trade continues in Africa on a 111C IMUV. vniux .t.w 4 0 iniV.. . i. t . .r 1 : ... . offered uicr iculkci m ioin cy, for slaves and the high prices for them slave caravans are arriving 00 the East coast daily. The caravans find no difficulty in And hai nr! ArtraAtivo Hf-not nfMom Mrs. Annie Hicks, of Eale.gh, who AA Tt a- n. . r m. . .,.. 1 . with her three " little children, has "" U,IWB LUU w WUIDO HuW, ana men JDilUllIie U1S been on a visit of two weeks to her ' L rarlor and Bed Room Suits, Hat-- returned home on the east tmund train tbis morning President- Winston, of the State CHOLERA PREVAILS St. Petersburg, Sept 99 TLiny x five new cases of cholera weie report ed jesterdiy, an Increase of 17 com pared with Tuesday's figures ; seven deaths sgainst two Tuesday. Haw, Sept 39 -In this city .yts terday there were f jur new cases; two deaths roport d . This is a decrease of one in deaths, compired with Tues day. London, Sept 9-The Vienna cor respondent of the News says that ihe . danger of the chbleraVpidiemic in Ga lacia is over, provid.ng proper precau tions were taken to stave off -the epK , demic. " f V ' ' . traau to 81 Thle Nw. Pittsburg, Pa , Sept. 39 Four, companies of the Sixteenth regiment now at Homestead have been ordered borne -and will 'break enmp Vhortly . It is reported this evening that An drew CarnegtB has written to eeveial' prominent men in Pittsburg, ' ex-i ftressibg a rte'siie that the Homestead strike be settled as soon as' possible. Jjt is also, heard from goad 'authority that Mr. Carnegie is on. ,his way to ! this country and that- eVeft ow he may be in New York city. ' ' This news seems to be reliable, his . coming having for its 'sole object the settling of the difficulties with his workmen. Mr. Fnck was seen today : bat positively refused to ! be fitter I .viewed or to permit the'" reporter to. ask any qilestlohs. ' , "-The officials .of, the- Amalgamated -'Aasogiatioq know" nothing of any communicaiion ) r oa Mr,; uanwgie "nor' anything of -his coming home1 They were' not surprised to hear that he desired settlement.-',: r ,' ' trsivelling through ' Vitu. The slaves University,' Vasthei;e thisi morniDg, are embarked from points in the vicini andjiooked exceedingly beerful and ty of Zejlah, Massowah, Djilsontil and happy no'4oobt because his work at ouaaio, ana occasionally ajzajiji. in 1 me uoiveruiy.ia so prosperous,. exenange lor me suvettne traaers Mr. W, E.' Benbbw, who travels for accept nothing but modern firearms Ut Tobacco . hoiiie of J . L. . King& nu .uhuuu.uv. . 1 Co., has returned to the city. A AAV IMVIIMItJ HIUVIIIA a sin WW i - , . - . - t . i while en route to the coast from lhe N. Staple, ha. gone to nf nn I 5.. mm .u U1U(I IU 1U1 interior is 73 per still larger scale are expected during portant law case. the winter in the region of the Congo Dr. Wakefield ret!nd t('Wiostu State and the English German portion J lhis "orning. -J. ' cr Attica.- ' .1 Mr. a vr.v. rni v arrived in the city last niuht. and re' mained until : the, departure of thi Racks, Writing Desks, Sook Cases, Plush Rockers, Side Boards, v AND THE GBUENSBOfiO FURNITURE MFO CO'S GOODS. xxuu ujnajX PLACJS YOU CAN GET THEM. RESPECTFULLY, Cleveland Will Remain I train fnr 1mm t Hii ri- m Mr. fHeveland. it ia announced, will I '- New York, except to bring his family m'n from Yokohama, Japan,; of "um ureiiuwu . wun ; unue last we, I arrived here last niehf. viaan'Fran. back to the citv. which he will do as soon as his house can be put in readi ness to. receive! itbem. Mr.,' W. C Francisco, with a . letter of introduc .inn wn. to a . r 1 - ; .... . I , r . . t. editor W this bape-".rfa ''has' beeh P.ess yesterday morning that he WL-: u,k: deceived a letter from Mr. Cleveland to the effect that he would remain I A .. f ; : . permanently when he came to New ?f l"" 1- . :n .u- comes ovr xora. ivir. v,icvctauu wiu siny -i ins Victoria Ho el until his in 0 d r. ; V. . .Tw Proportions. .: . The Star will obligate iiself to give one column of sdvertisfng one'year free of charge if Harrison is elected ceptin'g the proposition. wiU:guarante$ to pky double ratei in case Clevelan is elected Or the-Daily tr will be sent one" ytar fre.it Htmson is,' dee tedron condi ion that t he ( person ac ! cepung iho propositipn -will , -pajT, $ 1 if Cleveland is k e ec"Ud. Wi'mingtou herb been under the Hit. "Cobperi Whb has This Space Belongs To instruction of our I to avail ' himtelf bf the I house is put Institute, Den. Niercnson and "Wile ' avt !!. advantages of Oak Kidge where he will no doubt he well cared for and carefully insTrocttd ". Mr.' Fletcher Cox, of TCedar . Falls, FISHB L ATE.. Bloomington) Ilia., Sept. ,29. who went-vp to the Catawba ' Fait at Gen. Adtai Stevenson and wife, re Newton snime dars .ago was here turned home this morning from their today on his way home.-'' He says the sixteen dtyb tour throughout the Pair wa,s hardly as good as usual. bouth. coin are in excellent neaun. pr0, f M; fatherly and his tw'o Stevenson said he. had charming were The ..1 J 1 .M.J. II a h.fl I ' ' - . . 1 . hearty receptions everywhere. ' General brings home a hornets nest, which jj m0T9 promijing thsn ever. raoou loos ana. omer wuvcoir. F,- , . Js yUit; - the untrl ta him bv enthusiastic South . . . , '-'. laimiy 01 uen james v. viicpn. ernera. Upon amvins; home he finds v ' ' -,.m i '-' - over 800 letters awaiunjj him. He The meeting.- at j the' Methodist speaas oaiuroay ai jia, wj Protestant Churcb cdntihiie f nightly, home of Gov. Campbell, ai.d will tK a t n , was Jarsvr open ma imnois campaign .1 than usual, and a nore: thirt ordinary . 1 October 3rd A Marion county (la) physician is seriousness pervaded the ' audience. The pastor preachtd an earnest dis-l and prayers were, offered by " I re a ,Aiaaceni rvl a rmarlramA nnmflfi I ' lilG UVOBhiMVt VI a mwsw 1 1 1 . j . . 1 . i ;i 1 1 uivam Jk waas aa uiiiv va UJMAW VllllUf monstrosity that of a sixteen inches long long and weighs 9$ pounds and whose head is a perfect counterpart of the hf ad of a gigantic serpent. He who makes up Lis mind that the WOrld owes him a living will fled that he has a very bad debt to'collect, 41 and Kev. J. K. Jonesj ' It was an nounced that several p rons had pro fessed a change of heart since the be-. ginning of the services. The meet ings will be continued. ; . ... - Everynan is after his brother, With a long shurp stick or something or whet, 4 r , And Fishblate is afier the whole of his kind ; With a greaVbig stock in the ck thing " line : , The biggest stock, and the. finest too, That ever the railroad liain brougl t through. ' ' Concoid sunward t cards, sn- nouiicinthfl manixne Xt Miss Fan- Vie Fisher and Mr. R. E kidenhour, TOveV' two" milli6n ' postal cardi are have been ' isstted. - The,1 ceremony necessary to meet the daily demand in will takt plsce. in ,t.-Jam s Lutheran this country. ; v - ' .,'.-n-. ' - cnurcn, ai o p. m s jciorct 1

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