"TV.,," GREENSBORO WORKMAI. Vol. X, No ioo GREENSBORO, N. a, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. OCT. 6, 1893 Price $3.00 Per Year. DMLY ..,-.. Hon. H. A. Gudger TELLS WHO HE WANTS THE BIG BASS DRUM , TCNB H4RK! rnom the tomb - I IIEIRADIOI RHIL ROUND in the court Mr. Gudger spoke bouse lout night He said : We ought to vote the Democratic ticket, btcaose it is the ticket of the only National party in the United States. - i say so because the Republican Presidents have never recognized the people of the South. I do not recall but two cabinet o'a fleers appointed by republican Prcsi dents. , ' The Republican party has . not hown itself national. It has not shown itself friend y to the South. They ignore their own party bteth ren. They have no use for them except inthe elections. Under Mr. Cleveland the Sooth was fully represented. Byard of Delaware Lamar of Miss. Garland of were the representatives of te South If Mr. Cleveland had done nothing else, we ought to feet proud of him, and extend to him the friendly hand oi counciy again I wish, to notice soma objections that have been made to Mr Cleve land It has been said that he is the can didate of Wall Street, Why; my ftiend, do you know that Cleveland did not get a single vote from New Yi rk at the great Chicago Convention The gieat city of New York did not give him a single vote. The great State of New York did not give him a single vote. . Mr. Cleveland was nominated not withstanding the politican. . He woe nominated because he was the choice if the people, , When he was elected. President her found a depleted Treasury. He paid off the indebtedness and left $100,000,000 when he went out of office. Mr. Hartieon has had the same sources of revune and yet it tan happened during his administration that the cpurs could not be held, be ' cause there was no money to pay ex pences. The Republicans have kept one promise at any rate. They promised to reduce the sur plus. ' Tbey have done it. - Mr. Cleveland a administration was an economic one. - - It was predicted that if he were elected the county would go to rum. " He was elected. The country flourished as it had never done before. . - - ' It baa been sid that Mr. Cleveland was too honest. I do not wai t our great : leader to degenerate. ' 1 ' . I want the times to improve.. v ' I will not dif cuss the eilvef qis tion to nieht I will sayMhii. ; , Silver has be n disgraced but twice , a the history of the world "i Once a Republican Corgress de monetized it. . , " ' ' Oace Judas betrayed his Lord and Master for thirty pieces ( r silver. These are tbe only times. The Republicans declare not aims ply for a tariff for protection ; but for a high protection tariff. The Democrats declare for a low tariffs one for revenue only. They say that the McKinley Bill increases wages. The New York World prints a list of 530 manufacturers who have re duced wages since' the McKinley Bill went into operation The World has challenged the Re publican papers to show one instance, in which wages have been raised be cause of the McKinley Bill. They have not shown a single in stance. I ak any working man here if his wages have been increased by the op eration of the McKioily Bill . Who then ia benefitted this tax. Not the laborer' clearly. Who then? The msnofactorer They claim that the tax is to pros tectthe manufactorer ; rnd yet that they claim that goods are so'd cheaper than they could be without the tax. A strange anomaly. They say th .t Roods are cheaper than they were 50 years ago. Ofcourse they are. The peifrction of Machinery and the increased sti 1 ih labor accounts forthat Tbe gratest objection we have to the Republicans is that they tax the necessaries of life, the the xnd the poorest classee most havil; and that the luxuries of life are subjest to lower rates. . . . The Force Bill is not a dead Ufue. Mr. Harrison was in the senate and lobbied for it The farmers at Ocala did not think it was a dead issue. The Third Tarty wants the Gov ernment t buy the Kailroad. Sup pose tbey could ao it. 1 nere are ndw 1 20,000 Government employee". Tore are 80o,ooc Railroad employees. This would g ve the Piesideut the power of appointing 920,000 men. Nearly a million. ' Suppose each on f these million men contributes five dollars to the campaign fund.. Tbe president in power would have a million men and five million dollars to begin with. He could never be turned out. There would pe monopoly That is the one thing that the Democratic party stands opposed to. There are o ly two ways of gating the railroads I By buying them. 3. Confiscating I hem. No good citizen, no christiau i 1 entertain this second plan. What would it le id to? A a fur buying them: The Railroads are listed for taxa tion at $12,000,000,000, ,'' During the last fifty years there has been mined in this country only four billion dollars worth bf gold and silver It would take all. the gold and sil ver that could be mined in one bun dred ' and fifty years to pay for the roads. ' . , , . North Carolina demands that her sons shall serve her. ; , la peal to you as sons of this great Ct-mn.ojweain to do you duty. :' - ';, ' '. . : I ask for nothing of your hand my self ..,?. " , All that I'want is a gn at telescope placed on Mitulioll' P-ak with th- iocus. on waimngtonsf so that our people can tee that solAin procession as they march out, too-by-two, to the tune of that old hlnn. Hark I from 5e tomb, I hear a doleftl sound. Up in our country wj are construct inga b;g bass drum. We want Tim Boyd, Charlie Price Fand Revenue White for drummers. Tune: 'Turn the rascals out." And then we will all join in that other hymn-"Praise God from whom all blessings flow." Bucklen'sArnioa Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FeverSores, Tetter, Chopped Habds, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay ia required. It it guaranteed to give parfect eatisfai tion, or money refunded. Price 2 cents per box. For sale by C. E Holton VISITORS. J. A. Long is in town on legal busi ness. Mr. Jas. H. Wray, Deputy revenue collector for this District, is in attend anoe on Federal , Conrt here this week. Mr. Wray is one of the Stal warts in Republican ranks. Meson. Southate and Miller of the Prohibition wing, were here today. Judge Furches, Republican cand date for Governor, left here this morning. Judge Schenck is striking hard licks against the triple Alliance in the west, from which he returned last night in good trim. If the Workmau is oot grea'ly mil' taken there is a decided falling ff n the members which constitute the " Triple Alliance" against the Demo cra-s. In t laces where the combination was atrong some time ago it in n w constantly jon ; the jtgnc ; jThi', ,. we learn, is strikingly true in mawba county, where the Third Party is weak eoiog and persons from that aide are coming in to swell the ranks of "Cleve and Steve"' New Fubniture Store D. N. KLRKPATBIOK IS NOW IN G. WILL ARM- FIELD'S OLD STAND, And has an Attractiva Stock of New Furniture. And Invites You to Come Nuw, and Then Examine his rarlor and Bed Room Suits, Hat- Racks, Writing Desks, Book Cases, Plush Rockers, Side Boards, AND THE GREENSBORO FURNITURE MFG GO'S GOODS. v THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN GET THEM. RESPECTFULLY, BmiET B. KlKKPATRIOKf mah'g. 1 1 n WILL YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT? There are many boys' and girls, mm and women too for that matter, who whl be glad of a chance to make fifty cents.' . . Now here is a chance to make not only one but several-fifty cents. Th price of the Workmau is $3,00 per year and will be after tbe first day of Nov. i80a. But now we are now going to make this offer; to hold good till Nov. 1st I892. . . ' We will send The'Dail Work man to all new subscribers and to all old subscibers who renew before the first iay of Nov. for $2,50 per year. We will give tbe boy or giri,man or woman, who brings us a new name or an o d one to renew, fifty cents (.50 for such new subscription tr renewal. Subscriptions under this offer must not b for less time than a yenr. and must be accompanii-d by c-h. Trade is "picking up" and it keeps us HUSTLING to fill our orders, but send them along and we will see that you are wiitted on ', J. W. Scott & Co. WANTED. A reliable ' man of f xiwrienee to sell float on com' mission in oonneotir n withvanoth er tine of goods. References re' quired. ''''.' v ' " - k Address, Madge, Smith fc Co 3tod Baltimore Md. . SHOE MENDING. J. 8. FDWELL, SYCAMORE STREET, NEAR THE MARKET. Makes and mends shoes to fir t ritte t;le, and at prioes lower tnnn than tbe tame work is charged! for elsewhere. This i pluin tnlk,' but if you try it, you will find it u ue. Economy is a great thing and a thing that can be practised in shoes as welj ks in anything else. -This Space Belongs To-:- FIS H BL ATE. p1 111 Every man is after his brother, ; With a lon sharp stick or something or, othei, (And Fishblate is after the whole oi his kind Witu a great big stock in the clothing line : - ' ' Tbe biggest ttoak, and the finest toe, That ever the rai!roadjtrain brought through. ' "A 1 It'

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