1 GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. 1 . w Vol. X. No 04 OREENSBORO N. fj., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. n 1892 Price 3.00 Per rpr. WEAVER DENOUNCED. TIIP DETIOCR IT! Or CILE1 COCK TV, TEN!., DO THE WORK THE DAY HE SFKIK1. Tbr Accord ta II Im lair Haarlng Bal Kaawlaf lllaa, Brao4 Ilia Bandit Balara (ha Ecaa OI -HI Vale la Da4. Pulaski, Tenu., Oct. 10 -While Gen, Weaver wu (peaking near Pu laski Saturday the democrats of Giles county were assembled in the town listening to ringing addresses by staunoh advocates of democracy. The following resolution! were unan imously passed before th meeting adjourned: Whereas, the people's party candi date, J. B, Weaver, has made ao ad dress to the people here today,' and whereas, we th democrats ol Giles county, believing in the right of free speech, have accorded him a hearing in his own defence concerning the charges of inhumanity, spoliation and brutality, allegi d against him while commander of the post here in I863. 4. Nevertheless be it resolved that we do retffirm and do publish to. the world that Jss, B Weaver, now .pos ing as a friend of the down trodden and oppressed of this land, did while our county was under his dominion as military commander ia 18634, levy assesments on non combatant citizens, that he wantonly .devastate.! our county, that he insulted old women and childnn an t that his name is a byword of reproach to our people That contrasting his conduct with that of Col Gresbatn, Gen. Johnson and others while here we condemn him not as a Union soldier but as a maruder and despo ler of the helpless and indxt htm b fore tbe people 0' the United States. Ex-Senator Ingalls on Weaver. Topeka, Kansas, Oct 8. Ex Sen ator IajalU made his first campaign "speech in this campaign in this city to night. He spoke of his position personally in the eampaign, advocated the election of Harrison, and said: "I would a thousied fo d rather than the electoral vote of this State went for Grover Cleveland than fjr James B. Weaker. That' would be a mistake that w could rectify hereafter (applause). The other would ba an ,; indellible stigma, an! a disgrace that - would rest upon us for a century." '. He insist -d that the battle was to be fought in the western and in the north ! western Stales md that Cleveland would surely '. b defeated unless enough electors were chosen fjr Wea verto present Harris in's electim. ,On the 13th of Sept. I843, Henrv , Clayt wrote to Dr. P. S. Brorson: My ' opinion that there is no dange r here . alter of a high ta iff Is founded on the gratifying fact that our manufacturers 1 have now take 1 a deep rort. ' : In their iutancy they needed a great er measure of protectiou but as they ; grow and advance , tley acquire strength and sability and consequent - ly W'll require lss protection. v. ' 5 '' i'-1 ' '. j'ir. . .The Dm ham Academy of Medicine ' held a meeting on the 3rd day f Octob r, and resolved upon ithe amount of fees to be charged for 1 visits in th 1 corporate limits, and also without, ac fir visit after nght. ;a . It takes mot of the tinue of Mc ' Kinley's Secret n) to keep the run of " the challenges to debate that he de ' lines. 1 , Waltalaw Hala la 187a. Weitela Reid ediieJ the Tribune in I872, and while it was thought that the Democrats had carried the elec tion of August, 1672, he wrote ihe following editorial: We have carried North Carolina agaiost the corruption fund of the ad ministration against the threats of the revenue collector, the iaiporta- tion of negroes and the persecution 1 1 1 .1 lor alleged memoersnip in tne long disbanded ku klux against a candi date for the vice-oresidencv. a secre tary of the treaiury, and a secretary r . I . " . . I 1 I . 01 tne interior igainar me ucst man aged and most liberally supplied can vass ever made by an administration nrt in Nnrth Carolina bv a ma jority of, at the very lowest, 1,000, as we reckon it here ; of four to five thousand, as our coolant friends in Raleigh insist We have swept out the tbievicg carpet baggers and in italled a government of the people. by the people and for the people. Well done, nooie worm Carolina 1 You have denounced in advance tbe verdict of a nation. Nearly a month later, September a 8, 187a, tbe following appeared from the same source ; , Tt U ana natent to the meanest capacity that the administration party . . . . 1 ' 1 1 is at last inorougniy anxiuu. The tide ia all in out favor. The masses are all around for reunion and reform. The harvest is ripe fur the sickle A few more days of bard work and it will be gathered in. But tbe work niubt be dote The Evening post says 1 Give us some more of it, Mr Reid. 'The polincal sparring match '"be tween G rover Cleveland and Beoia min Harrison han o far resulted in favor of the Democratic champion. In the first round Cleveland got in a good bod alow on bis opponent with a handsome Democratic majori ty in Arkansss Harrison returned with two light and ineffectual taps on Grover with his greatly reduced Republicai majority in Vermont and Maine, Second round. ; Cleveland leads and draws first blood with a twentv thousand, Democratic majority in Florida. , - Before Benny has time to recover Grover ru-hes and gets in a resound ing blow with his terribU right in the shape of a seventy thousand Demo cratic majority in Georgia. Benny is staggered and is only saved by ' the gong sounding. , Third round. Benny is winded no and Grover Hggressive. The Demo crat gets in four heavy successive licks in the way of the accessions to the Democratic ranks of Walter Q. Gresbam, Judge Coolev, Waype Mao Veagh and H. LV Bane Jayne. These blows foiceyHrnson to the ropes, w, he 1 e he is struggling 'desper ately ks the round ends. He is al ready suffering from' his punishment, but his opponent looks fresh and con fi ieat. : Harrison cannot hold out much longer. Benjamin's second H -V. J. Carter; bottle hold r, Plttt and Clarkson. ?: Williaih ' P Hsrrity .is seconding Grover and Davi.f B. Hill and W. C. Whitney are his bottle holders. Referee : 65,000,000 people of the United States. Sentinel. . ' Mr. Depew says that on the ' tariff question "the Republican Party stands where it always stood." Oh, no! The Republican psrty stood in 1864 for a moderate tariff. Two of its Prei dnts, Grant and Authur, have favored free rar materials wo vt its Secre tariei of the Treasury, Foluer and Mc Culloch.have rec m.mended a thorough tar ffreduct'on. VISITORS. Mr. 0. H. Doughty went to Dur ham this morning. The Messrs. Henry and Julius Pegram, brothers, were here this morning. Hon. Paul B. Means, of Concord, passed up home this morning from a visit to Raleigh. Mr. Derastus Lewis went up to Walnut Cove this morning for the purpose of placing in the school of Prof. Wilburn, at that place, his daughter, Miss Lulla Lewis. Capt Robert L. Murphy, late con ductor on the C, F. & T. V. railroad is iust tram Salisbury where he was in attendance on the funeral of his father, Mr Robert Murphy, who died a few days ago Mr; John T. Hunt, of the W. C Bain Manufacturing Company, went down to Burlington this morning, and will tomorrow superintend the exhibit at the Alamance Fair of -the speci mens of hsrd wood from tbe factory of the W. C Bain Company. Dr. Jno. R. Brooks - and M s. Brook, Rev. A. P. Tyer", P. E., of the Charlotte Diatrict and Kev. P. L Groom, of Waynesville, Hawood county, went to Durham this morning to be in attendance on the dedication exerciie. of Trinity College, which are set for tomorrow. The occasion is to be one of mueljhterest. ' Mr. Jesse F. Hoskins, of Summer field, went down to Raleigh this morning. In answer to a question from a Workman reporter he said that he was going to Raleigh to find oat who was going to be elected that livina in an ont-of.the.w nlara he did not feel satisfied that the newst he had wu entirely reliable, and that he was going to head quarters to ob going to head quarters tain the truth. And then he Said, perhsps Simmons knows." Rev. E. E. Hoes, D. D., editor in Chief of the Nashville Christian Ad vocate, passed through this morning on his way to Durham, where he will, at 10 oVWV tomorrow morning, de liver the utdicatory sermon of the new Trinity College buildings. .Personally Dr. Hoss, who appears td be something over forty years of age; is a genia , pleasant and com municative gentleman,-of fine physi cat health and an abundant flow of cheerful spirits, and would strike one as having been reared in South west Virginia, North Carolina,East Tenne s.ee or Upper Georgia combining alt these in one; while ea editor of the Nashville Advocate be is simply su peril, in the requisites of a ready writer, withi first 'class powers of dis crimination, tact, toleration and chari tyj bywhich the Advocate lakes "the lead among the religious ' journals of the South. We are mistaken if Dr. Hoss does not give a good account of himself in his sermon tomorrow. The reception given Weaver at Pu laski mcst have been a terrible disap pointment to him. . He went there expecting to create a riot in the hope of making political capital for the - Re publicans of the North, but the digni tied manner in which he was received the people simply refusing to listen to him speak, but determinedly main taining the' pence not only check muted him, but reflected the greatest credit upon the Tenaesseen. He has now p'ayed his last card, and he had better tgnominiously retire R.cl mond New. 1 , , AINT A BITING. We beard from Samson yester day that Mr. W. K. Pigford posi lively declines to allow bis same hoisted on tbe mast bead of tie Progressive Farmer, as tho rsnpply candidate for Lieutenant Gover nor on tbe Third party ticket, in plaoeofthe discarded Cobb, Mr. W. H. Worth, the special messenger, offered tbe bait tat Mr, Pigford refused to bite. All honor to Mr Pigford. ' Good actions crown themselves with lasting days. Who deserves well, needs not another's praise. We bear also from Fender that Mr. 0. 0. Woodcook, who was nom inated for sheriff by tho Republi can convention at Bargaw, declines without thanks. He says he wants no recognition from tbe Republi can party. He was surprised sad disgnsted that tbe Republicans should take the liberty of making ose of his namj in their conven tion. -Wil, Messenger. ARRIVALS AT THE BENBOW HOUSE. R. E. Hervey, N.T. J. S. MoVey, Richmond W. 0. Shannon Philadelphia W; B. Kindriok, IUleikh J. W. Hartley Pro?, R. 1 T.'llTWin'rey, RTohmond R. L. Herdage, Atlanta, W. P. Gannon, P. P. Zimmerman, Char. M, L Cline, Hickory, G. W. Means Odnoord, Paul B. Means, Mrs. Hal lister NewBerne Miss Hollister NewBerne, Miss Slover, NewBerne ow8rni MU" Gnion NewBerne, Mrs. W. r Uoaohman and family J sokson 1 Til,e' R K Itham Va. H. W. Pe- gram N. Y., J. 8. Royal Atlanta, J. W. Johnson, WalnntCove, Miss Hattie Gentry, WalnntCove, Jno. A. Barricgtr, J. M. Ratberford, A A. Wells. A Threalsncd Tembla So the Third party can not so much as stand the Cobb they set np for Lieutenant Governor, and will' pall ; him down, Bat what about Long and tbe other fellows no better than he is on the same discreditable weas, oorrupt ticket? Are they good enough for tba Wea ver gang? Well, any people who can stand old Weaver and Mary -ann Butler, both turncoats and Pliable, can, of coarse, stand the gang tbey have nominated for State offices. " Bnt why kick oat poor Cobb? Is be worse really than tbe others? ; One good use that is being made Of the prohibition and third party movement it is in effeot sit the same . s one mov-ment against the Democrats,' is to solidfy t he Demo crats and bring them out to the fray and the great probability is. that Grover Cleveland, the . central idea and immovable rock of Democracy, representatively speaking "will crush out the entire triple alliance ' and march, in triumph to j the White House, (which he graced so splen d dly four years ago. . v Good on MacKay, of Biston, not only gives his divorced wife $35,000 a yea', but has withdrawn the proviso that she shall only receive it sal long as she remains unmarried.' Twaair-flva Cania will krlnc tlia WOHKnAN ta raa Soar far a aaoU: A small boy In a Brooklyn Gram mar School has furnished the latest information about girl in a recent composition: Girls U pretty afraid of guns. They wear toe rubbers and look at the clouds and say, "0, how per( cily lovely." A new dish appeared laUly on the meous of Swiss table d'ho ei which puzzled every one who read only its name. Ariostee. Those who risked a trial were amused to find an old friend Irish Stew. PLACES Or REGISTRATION. The following are the places of registration : North Morehead Gran 1 lury room. South Morehead R. G Glenn office North Gilmer Jaras W. Forbis' office. South Gilmer Front office in Yates building. BATTLE GROUND CHORUS. The members of the Chorus and any other ladies or gentlemen who wish to take part in the ceremonies attendant . on the unveiling of the Mar I'm! Mnrti r on'thr 15th day 01 Oci.itiei.i t : c 1. 1 e 1 r U'' , i cordially invite J and n quested 10 meet at the court hcun at 8:15, p. m., Monday, October 10 for practice Thomas Woodroffe, Oct 8, '93. Director. There are many boys and girls, men and women too for that matter, who wid be glad of a chance to make fifty cents. tiow here is a chance to make not only one but several fifty cents. Thn price of the Workmas is $J,00 per year and will be after the first day of Nov. i89a- But now we are now going to make this offer; to hold good till Nov. 1st I893. ' ' We will send Thb Daily Work man to sll new subscribers and to all old subscibers who renew before the first day of NuV. for $3,50 per year. We will give tbe boy or girl,man or oman, who brings us a new name or an old one to renew, fifty cents (.50) for such new subscription cr renewal. Subscriptions under this offer must not be for less time than a year, and must be accompanied by oh. 1 ALLEN TONES offers his proles sional services as STOVE POLISH ER to the citizens of Greensboro. I will polish stoves at the following prices: (Jookirg stoves. 7 ena 7, 35 cents : plain heating stoves with tnree sma'l joints of pipe 25; large parlor stove 35 cents ; enameled grates 25 to 35 cents ; all stoves at a reasonable rateby ALLEN JONES, East Mar ket S'reet, Number 018 i7"Uampers 10 cents; .picas 10c T. W. Scott & Co say. their new rail eata-Us are rolling in now every day. The first Cranberries of the season was opened today, at ;"' ; . J.,W. SCOTT ttCo'S. UM1VJ3R9ITY OF K Of Inftru'-tioh i 1 ffeied in four general coorses nf stDdy. six brie! chorees, a large atiB ber of special eoams, and in Taw, medicine and ngineerinit. The Faeultv iceinfl taantT teachers. ' 8CH LABSBIPS . And lom mid sre available for ni)v unp men -r.f talent and charac ter. The NSXi HES-sION BEGINS September 1. For eataiogne .with . fall infoimation, adrirew, , raaaiDnrf Wwtoir, 1 J2J2m - Chapel HiU. SLC, '