"r-i GEEENSBORO DAILY WORKMAI. Vol. X-No ios GREENSBORO, N. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. OCT. 1a 1892 Price 13.00 Per Tear' ALL HANDS INDICTED. ADVISORY BOARD FOR TREASON AND THE CARNEGIE COMPANY OFFICIALS FOR MURDER AND CON. SPIRACY SawMtSaMBWt Pittsburo, Pa., Ocober It. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the grand jury came into court and returned true bills against the Homestead ad viaory com mitlee, charged witn rrea. on. True bills .were also returned against H. C. Frickjohn G. A. Liah man, Lawrence Phippt, F. T. Love joy, Superintendent Potter, Otis Childs, Henry Curry, Nevin McCon. neu, captain uwper, rrea Primer and all other of the Carnegie officials and Pinkerton detectives, charged with murder and conspiracy. ' Bntiar ud oiiaa. When challenged by Mr. Glenn ia:he joint discoasion Wednesday night to tell why he supported the demoaatic state ticket, which he helped to nominate, from tbe middle of May to the middle of July and advised everybody e'se to support if, and then helped to nominate and has since been trying to .sleet another ticket, Marion Boiler did sot attempt to answer tba challenge. Be sneaked and dodged, grimaced, felt mean and locked mean, for Mr. Glenn convicted him out of hU own mouth and gagged him with hia own words ao effect aaDy that tie could not reply. He did not say a single word in con donation .. of . the democratic state ticket or if the democratic a! ate platform, for be helped to Dominate the one and frame the other, and with all hia brazen cheek he did not have the effrontery to condemn either. Neither did he say a word about the Third pair state ticket, which be fJso helped to make, for the . reason, peraapp, that he felt ashamed of hii work, if he has not sot bevond the tna J point of fe-ling ashamed. 1 Nor did v. .1.- ... .. r.... t. ; mii.nt u; i.wiwv u Ufa vauut date, Weaver, until be was forced lo do ao by, Mr Glenn'f excoriation of Waiver, and than Mb reference win a lame apology, addressed mainly tol the negroes present, for Weavers mfomoua utterances.' Butler w a bust and bad egg. Outside of ft cal lous hide and adamantine cheek, he ia a dismal failure. Wilmington Star. ; The seriotM, if' not. fatal, 'injurV to Mr. Gerald McOarth.. Who was ,trUck bv an Win. bf the R & D. . ... 1 o.-- raiiroaa ai - uiuvcrsiiv oiaiiou cbici the railroad vmj, " , .5, track, is pretty good proof that the lessons l eing tsught by the frequency ot such oci-urrences are not iiKeiy to ' avail much with tbe public. Mr. ' McCartv was deaf. ' ; v '-7-J 1v ! ALLEN JONES offers! bis proles ,. atonal services as aiuvfewwo ER- to the citizen ot .ureensporo. . t Zin ij.i. a th Mlnwukirt prices! Cookirg ktove4, i7ind y, j5 1 centa i olain heatini stoves with three ' small joint of pipe larg v pw" . -1 ... rMnnhle rate by ALLEN JONES East Mar ket Strict; Number'9t m-A :;St .'" ; . '. " :' ..." !'t."V;: I. ' IV, DCOTT OL IW, aay men ucw Fall eatabUs are rolling m now every At the Work lugnta.ii Clnb: Mr. J. A. .Wilson said: I am glad to see this organization. 'It will bring out a laiger vote thin we have ever had before. It will be a patent fac tor in the coming election. It is the laboring manwho feel most keenly the oppression of tbe party now in power. If there ever was a time when we should stand shoulder to nborlder it is now. Tbe people's party djn't kuow where they ate going. Ask Mr. M eaver. He will be bet ter able to tell on the 8th of Novem ber next. The old t nerat is btfore you. White men, laborers of Guilford, the republican party is before you What ia iU tecord. It is a record of taxation, burdensome and oppres site. It is a record of class legisla tion. It is such a record that if you have ot lot , honor ,nd roemorv of. the party you cannot help re- entihg it by your vote. - There ia no man woo wore the gray wLo i, oppoted to paying pen. sions to the disable 1 soldiers, who de fended the Union. . But tbey do say present pension system is iuuou ana uniusk Mr. Beecham said: I can cast but one vote. But il I live till November 8th that vote shall be a Democratic vote. ' There are many here who can cast more than one voje. You can see some one who bus not registered or J who ha not determined wueTrier to vote or not. . 1 Mr. Broughtou raid; Since my oldest recollection I have been a member of a workingmen'e dub. '. '- When I first ; eme to ; the : polls there were two lines of voters. ' It was left to me to cbo a 1 which line I "would fall in with. One line was a black one, tbe other white ; I did not see how I could vote with nKn(1u 1sa "than the white men.' 1 This is a time for r.joicing. . lbs very air u nliea with propnecies 01 victory.' ' ' X: ' . ! Since the. McK'nley biU b6came;a h lave been 456 strikes -i the Urted a-aws ana 500 m. . duced I ti,. kifrfM.it itit aver - Dolled in 1 pip - - - Nth Carolina. w; polled on the 8tb day of November., ,,y Ana I Hoes that mean.' It means-. att whelming democratic viotory These third party friends are follow. ins the swill cart of republicanism. If they will raise their heads they will see where they are, Go to your shop and as you push the plane push the dootrihe of democracy. d "you forge- the steel, forge alw heatts f Pot.sm, 1 -, T never had anything; e e to do Oi 1 . .- a election day but vote I - . ... . k; I went oat in the country last Sal Bidy with ihe "intention of replyi to woui4 sq senmpr jope 11 u laryihing. But he did not -f The Thos. 'Woodrcffe comdhy have on nand building contra! Key Weat, Florida, which- is gelng - .. rmm t distance away from home have another contract at the h oroundi ' the" ' Orifein! Dr. F ing j lies piBCe njne miles north i f town1 and near, mown ...oowui. . " I i c TU consist chiefly buildings irfhuji-? J xkn from :tioriKrl6r-Ippcbd forta ble auarters thus1 provided. will r quire about sit months to plete I the ) reparati- ns. , 1 VISITORS. Mrs. John W. Payne returned this morning from a visit to Keidsville. Mr. C II. Ireland is in Richmond, and Mrs. Ireland is in Atheville. Mr. Henry Coble, who is living at Winston, and holds a position on the Norfolk and Western railroad, was here this morning. Mrs. Pryor, a daughter of Mr. Thomas Woodroffe, whose home is in California, reached this city last night and will spend the winter with her father's family. Mr. G. F. Makepeace, of Frank linsville, met here this morning, Mrs. Makepeace, who has been on a visit of several months to ' her son in Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Make peace returned to Fraoklintville this evening. Mr. R. B. Kerner, of Winston, was here this morning on his way to Ran dolph county. Mr. 4 Kerner was a delegate to the Chicago Convention and supported Cleveland with unre mitting zeal and ardor until his nomi nation was (fleeted. Rev. Dr. Malton and a number of other ministerof the M. E. Church, took the Wilkesboro train here this morning for their Annual Conference, which meets this week near Poindtx- ter, Yadkin county, Bishop Foss ill go up tomorrow; ' ... Gov. Thos. M. Holt has issue 1 his proclamation, offering a reward oT $300 for the arrest of the per.on or persons who mnrdeted Mr. J. Frank Matthews, at Burlington Staturday night "( i:. : The late4 news from Mr. W. R Odell and his company writes, that they were in Paris and would in short time be at home. It will be a relief to them to be treated on the Englieh language for a while. 4. 'i u CoL Fairbrother ; has done 1 the polite thing by . our townsman, Mr. 0. H. Doughty, and on his arrival at Durham the Globe presents him to the public as "CoL C H. Doughty, of Greensboro" ' . ' ' .'. Durham is a manufacturing town, and Col. Fairbrother is a roanufsc turer.' , .. , ' , ' ARRIVALS AT THE f V BENBOW HOUSE. 1? - r, 1 . 1 - . M. King, Baltimore; J. B. bater, Beidsville; 0. E. Balleo, j Dr. W. H. Wftkefield," Winston F. Delsheitaer. Philadelphia; A Shefti Richmond': B A. Ford. ity;Mi9 Johnson, CinoianUi O; . L. Batt.. Aagosta Ga; E. O, all, ;Bft)nore; J, B. L:Tesay, lontnona: a, mags neuaon, timore; W. C. Haban, Newton N I.. H. Mr Eelnhard; Biohmond H.E. Weiseger; W. F. Clark; Lyoohbnrg; 0 W;( Fitph DetrtotJ F. N. Br unner, JKaleigb; N. P. Can oon, Atlanta Ga; R. Ii. BardKf, Atlanta; MiBS Smallwpod, Tenn. Mr. G. H-.Makepeaofi, Jf racklins villi, Mis. Nellie Makepeace; Geo H. Makepeace; A. J. Thompson, Lanre!1 Bluff; J.'FWray, Winston J. A Eoekioa V ' ' BiTTLdfcloWNjQp BUS j ; 'M.enjtH'rs : ptl thel Battle; Ground Choiut iU ileasc afteak tbe final re hearal at the court at 8aj,this (Vd nrsdsy evening.. V,'! . u'' , A full attendance is desired 1 ' , : f : Thomas WooDROBifft, ? , . ' : Director. CbaJrmaa HairHr'a Eitltaais : Chairman Harrity, of the Deruo cratic Nationil Committee, after cares ully going over the reports received at headquarters from every State in the Union, has made an estimate of the probable eleetorial vote for the National ticket. He figures that Cleveland will receive 4S eleetorial votes. There will be 444 votes in the next Electoral College, and 223 will be necessary to a choice. Counting the lb votes of Indiana, Mr. Harrity thinks the Democratic ticket will poll 245 eleetorial votes. If In diana goes republican, the Democrats will still have seven votes to spare, and if the Republican should carry Con necticutt there will be one vote to spare. The following table gives the probable result of the election: Sutes. Cleve land. 11 8 Harri son. Weav er. Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Conoecticutt 9 4 6 8 4 i3 Deleware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 3 24 IS i3 i3 8 Kansas Kentucky 10 Lo'ana Maryland Massachusetts 8 - IS 6 8 Michigan Mississippi Minnesta Missouri . 17 - Montana Neb aska New Hampshire Newjersy, 10 New York 36 North Carolina 11 North Dakota 3 23 4 32 4 Ohio Oregon . Pennsylvania Rhode Inland South Carolina 9 South Dakota ' Tennessee is 15 4 12 Texas Vermont Virginia i Washington West Nirginia Wisconsin Wyomiog IS 3 Totals, ' . 345 17a s; Cleveland's mjority over all, 46 ; Plurality over Harrison. Standard 1 BROWN-THOMPSON. ' Miss Elsie Thompson, daughter of Dr. V. O.' Thompson, ! and Mr. George Brown, son of R. D. Brown will be united in marriage at Centen ary church at six o'clock tomorrow evenin. After the ceremony they will leave at 8:30 for" a bridal trip to Northern cities." ' M 1 RAILROADS. -The aggregate r number of miles of milroads ia the United States at pres ent is ,i75,ooo;fmUesl,j;tufrlcieQtJto girdle the globe seven time I All but about 400 miles of this has been con structed within the past half century. It took from 1830 to 1851 to build the first ' 1 0,000 miles, so that 165,000' miles have been built in 41 years or ,ovet 4,000 miles per year. ' ;i A SAD.STORY Poeblo, Colo., Oct. Byron A, Dal ton, father of the Dalton boys, has arrived in Pueblo, and in aa interview eaid: "My oldest boy has always been honest and ioduxtrions, bnt tbe others, through novel reading, took to crooked ways when tbe James and Younger bojB bean their oa reer of crime. Tbey would not go to sobooll re fused to work, and laugh at any thing that was hodest Mf xjosi were not addicted to drink, bm dej sired t life luxury, and would uot attempt to secure it honestly. "My heart is broken an 1 so i mother's. We can't oru-iu down a parents natural love for son. We all have our faults, nod my boys gave their lives for theirs. They have passed to the grett nn known, and we bow to tba will of God. Th People's Party Khwi I'. Three times three are sixty-six, Straws not needed for making brickij Crops depend on politics A'd'he re pV'i -at'. lno i , l'.urfi l;J u u e 10 a pttt out;, The way to farm is to run about To p. p. meetings and storm and spout, v . Aqft tqjeopleVparty knowsjt. f 0,this will be a glorious land, And when things are done as we have panned ' We'll have prosperity fresh and canned, And the people's patty knows it. When we've kioked the plutocrats down stair We're all a going to be millionaires, And the people's party knows it. The Uaves of the WU be dollar notes, v . And diamond rings around the heads of oats And silver tips on the heads of the (Exuin's) goats, And the people's party knows it. The cheeae'll be silver and the but- terll be gold, The streams'!! run whiskey- hot and cold, And the mugwumps forget to scold, And the people's party knorfs it So hurrah for the great p. p ; . 17 and 0-3. A is Band X is Z, ; 1 And the people's party knows it. : ' Washington Post Tweuiy-tlre Crala wlU brtnc Ui PLACES Oe REGISTRATION. The following , are the places .ot registration : North Morehead Grand ' Jdry room. ' ' ' , .' South Morehead R. G. Glenn s office, . . , t North Gilmer office. .. James W. Forbis, ' 'South' Gilmer Front Yates building. 1 ' office "iaf ijmvEjsaTvr ow w o9 jaktraetion is ffftrteJ in four general courses of study, six brief ooorsee, at large nnnit er of special ooanes, and inlaw, medicine and engineering. The Faculty ltcibfle t6nty teachers, , ! ::: SJH"L4RSaiP8 ' And Ions fiirnis ore avaflable for needy young men ot talent and otiarao ter. The- - c M-Xl'.r-'E.S-IOM BEGIN j September 1. , For catalogue with full infotmatioi), adnreaa, ' . . i , . ' , FprsiDRNT WranoK, 1 j'222m Chapel Hill, N. O, day.

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