-r, TT" -7 " " " i - v - ;'.;' t GSEEISBORO DAILY WORKMAN. Vol. X,-NoioS GKEKNHUOKO. N. fj-, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 15. 1&9J Price 13.00 Pe? Year. V BETWEFH THE DEVIL AUD THE DEEP BLUE SEA- The Kindergarten resoock in a bad Fix Tbc effort of Mr. Settle, thn joumj Congressional aspriant, to avoid the odium of supporting the Force Bui before the peop'e of this dintrict is too thin to wash. It is entire! trans parent It positively will not work. No well-informed voter can credit Settle with sincere motives in aosum ing this radically impossible position before the public The Force bill is the issue of issnei with the Republican party. It is ap solutely nesessiry to the perpetuation ot tbe life of that party and its contin tied lease of political power. No res toratives can revive its fallen fortunes The favorite to culled stimulant, "pro teotioo," is losing its potency. "Reciprocity" and the many other , purely artificial methods prescribed bj gcave Republican Doctors wi 1 not supply the lost issnes and bon and sinew of debauched energies. The Republican party has "a slowly dying cause" and is parsing away by slow degrees" With' a Wasting Asease:' ' Tes perate malignant ype of disease re juire heroic ' remedies and those who are determined to ee the GV p. P. out live the" days' qf its glory and use fulness bave preprared the Force till v r""-- '. vi: party from tion which . - nding t mho Lulds dbe to his heart of heart the love not simply of his party's tute''ets but its very existence, , can aft trd, when the screws arr turned on and the crucial test is made, to resist the pressure' brought to. bear upon ' him to support the force 1 ".bill, And, ..save the Kepublionn party tram extinction The Republican national, and its? - quivocally. i ne . tick-ts put lfT,a on those platlorui will , unquestionat bly receive Mr Settle's 1 .support." '? IadinV Republican tn jfoe. county hive declared, themselves to.be , j-spec tally Injavor of "what-is known "as the Force bill.. Presiaent'''lrlsrri. son snpport r b7 suggesting non par tisan boards.'.'. ' Blaine makes- the is sue all tbe more conspicuous by the absence of any ollueion to, it in . his manifesto and his studied, ingenious attempt to draw public- attention ' to other hsues " The Republican press to a Urge extent, ' by systematically refusing to dUmisi the 'question and and by pooh-poohing it are convinc ing thepeopU. of the living, hideous reality of the monstrosity. ', No intel ligent stndeot or ' current political ' events no pr .found prophet of 'the signs of the tiuiescun fail td ' tec ig nize the rihniVmppro-sed, but resol utely implied,' determination on the part of the '.Republican "rant"; and Cle to fbice this revolutionary measure of intimidation and proscription upon a liberty loving people. -Review'. -.: , All Thursday night tho citizens of Coffey ville were expecting an' attack ftpm the rest of the Dalton gang, .but they did not come. I'ire in the lint room of the Flor Ootton Seed Oil Mill in South . Caro lina destroys seroral. hundred dollars ftortb ot property. , 1 ," ... - , L, I.EODEHHAMEE.M.D., Fattier of J. M, Bodenhamer writes Tie Workman a Letter. Editor Workman: I wish to give you tho facts in regard to the shoot ing of Lawyer James M. Boden hamer, by C. B. Hasten, both of this placo, as I oaw in your paper of Oct. 13th several errors as to thu facts in the case, that in justico to both parties should bo corrected. A short time ago a suit was commcnocd against Hasten for embezzlement by a Mr. Whitaker who employed Bodonhauicr to prosecute tho cose and Hasten em ployed C. B. Wataon to defend him and each lawyer was truolo his client and sharply went for his opponont as is usual, and Hasten appeared to be perfectly friendly with Bodenhamer after tho trial but told him he thought he (Bodenhamer) was rather severe on him but that he knew it was a law yers duty to do tho best for his client, so things passed off quiet till Wednes day the 12th, when Hasten consulted Bodenhamer about the registration law and Bodonhamcr went with him to the registers office. Hasten then told Bodenhamer that he wished to get his Insurance book that he left at Bodenhamer's and they walked to gether in friendly conversations to Bodenhamer's house, and when they got in the porch, Bodenhamer ask Hasten to waOup stairs where his "vapd ', i lit3-' v-aW Hasten the door and handed the book to Hus. ten who took the book with his right hand and presented the hiuzzle of his revolver against his nock and shot instantly, without speaking a word. Bodenhamer said, "Banner you have kilted me." Hasten turned left the yard and got on the street looked back heard - Bodenhamer's wife screaming and shot himself walked some distance xnd shot anotner ball into his breast, Went some distanoe further, foil and died in about twenty-five minutes. There ' was no hot or unkind words used, no quarrel, neither was Hasten drunk. But it was a deliberate at tempt to kill Bodenhamer! for prose cuting him as a lawyer. Mr. Boden hamer is improving and will, it is thought, recover. These are the facta in the case, which I hope you will publish for fixo benefit of all con cerned. State Chroniclo please "copy. . , i. 1 ' L.' I., Bodiiuiamsb, M.' D." Kernorsvillor N. C.,: Oct. 14,' 1892. A fearful snow Btorm 'was raging in Wyoming and Colorado- yesterflay and the day before. : Iu some placed the snow was five feet on a level and had drifted eighteen feet in railroad cuts;, T Many trains ; are delayed and luurv nro repurus ui ittiai aociaenis. : ' ' ... ... .1 Since Senator Daniel of Virginia has deolined to make the dedicatory oration at Chicago on the 21st inst- President Palmer is in favor of asking Henry Watteroon to do so. j Tho Dalton boys out in Kansas who Were brought to . grief a short while ago, became outlaws, their father says by reading yellow back literature. Miny a mrn nas been demoralised by reading the trash sent out by Repub lican campaign managers. Subscribe for Thb Wobkmah., BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Meeting called to order, Mayor Mendenhall in the chair. Aldermen Balsley, Beacham, Glas cock, Glenn, Hughes, Love, Price Pritchett, and Stone were present. Alderman stone introduced the fol lowing resolutions : Kesolved, That the Mayor mayi grant permission to any person or persons to play such games upon the public lots belonging to the city, as may not injure said lots, or prove a nuisance to the residents of said locality provided, that said permission shall be revoked by the Mayor upon receiving from a responsible party any well founded complaint of injury or annoyance arising from said places. Adopted.' ' " R. M. Douglas appeared before the board as attorney for J. S. Barnes and pre-cnted a claim against the city for $49 90 for damages caused by his horse falling through a defective bridge on one of the stieets of the eity. Alderman Pritchett moved that the claim be rejected. Carried. Mr. D. Schenck, Jr., appeared be fore the board in behalf of Mr. Duffy and asked that he be allowed , $3 for the digging of each pauper grave and that the city carry out its contract for the sstne with him. Alderman Fr tchett that the ceons tery keeper be allowed Sl.50 for dig ging the two graves of "V lte'y rnea jnhetoc,"w .titroi 01 tae graves a.. .. i he receive e amount specified, in iSe ordinance of the city. ' ' ''. ' Alderman Love called lor the Ayes and Nays: Ayes : Balsley, Beecbaoi, Glenn, Pritchett, and Stone. . Nays: Glascock, , Hogher, Love, Price. : The freeholders appoinud by the Bjard to assess the benefits: arid dam age to Mr. N. R, Jeffries from the extensidn of Walker Avenue across his. premises on Mendenhall Street, made their report j Jand . fixed the amount of damages sustained at $500 and tbe amount of benefits jit $500, but stated that tins iepoit vras made upon the basis of the old roadway extending the street -straight across the premises instead of in a diagona, way.-;'; '."..'; .'-"; Alderman Glenn moved that tbe report of the Committee of the Board be adopted on Septembers 13 in refer-; ence to "the extension of Walker Ave nne be reconsidered. .Carried. A. Herman Glenn rnoVed' that the former report of the Committee be amended ty extending Walker Ave nue jn a straight line across tbe premises of W. K. Jefmes to LUhia Stri-eU Carried. The report, of the Committee as amended was adopted. , . , Mr R. K. Kiuer as attornev for Mr jflries.fbed. with the Board excep tions to the report ot the rreeholdere Alderman Price moved . that tbe farther consideration of this matter be postponed till the next regular meeting of the board, and . that the freeholder be Ttquired to go upon th premises "and assess the btnefita and damages arid make their rp "rt fd the next meeting of the board Anderson Nelson- appeared l eforn th- Board in beh iff of thtj Warners ville Fire Company,and asked that the Board build a house for their engine. AJderman B-achara moved that he matter be refered to tbe Fireman's Committee. Carried. Aldrman Love moved that the Light Committee be empowered to sell the old street lamps and prsts Carried. Alderman Price moved that Mr. Hughes be empowered to pnrchase lumber and cover the dog house and store the lamps and posts there until a sale cou'd be effected. Alderman Price moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to col lect tbe rent for the fish stalls in the market by the month in advance. Car ried A'derman Beacham moved that the School Committee be instructed to insure all city school property which is not insured in like proportions as that already insured. Alderaixn Balsley moved that the btreet Committee be instructed to widen the road bed ' of Asheboro Street in froot of the p-operties of the McAdoo heirs, M. A. Whining, ton, Dr. R. W. Tate, R. L. Vernon, S. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. A. H. Worth thirty five feet according' to the Strange survey. Carried unanimously. Chief of Police fi'ed his monthly report for suggestions showiug num Der 01 warrants issued 71 out of fines imposed $303 45.' Amount col It-cted on fines, $143 54 balance due, being worked out on streets, $599?, and received from maiket rents $53, and received dog tax $ it. and received from cemetery $oo, total rec'';, And detv. Chief of Iolcea health -officer filed Lis mcnthl; report showing numbtrof nuisances abated, 183 Cemetery Keepe- filed his monthly report for the month of September, showing 7 interments: 5 children : a adults. Aldermin Love move that tbe Street Committee investigate and see if they can fiud a lot suitable upon which to er c: a building ' for city Stables and for store room for the city tools and niachii ery. (' Upon mrttonthe Stieet Committee was instructed to pave with 'Wick the side walks in iront of the Marke House at once - t '. Alderman Price ortered the follow lowing ordinance. : Be it ordained thet, a regular, stand ing committee be i appointed by the Mayor to. befkljow'as the Market Committee, whose duty it shall be to have general supervision over the Market ; House and ' of the Market privileges of the city. Carried. Mayor appoints as that Committee, Messrs. Price iind Pritchett ...... Adjourned. 1- LIAMS Talks To SETTLE I hold his death warrant in my hand. ;' When a man comes into", court he must come with clean hands. Your name was put at tne bottom of a Democratic ticket. f : Thus it was that you were elected Solicitor. , - ' -..You ought to resign, V ' I buried Brower 1900 votes. . I propose to bury Settle in the same grave. - -- j t- ; Tho burial would not oast much. ... .... ;wimamS 1 UI. , Last Mondav cashVheat sold in the I unnago marKei ai.fX-if J.eenis. jjour years ago af the same date cash, wheat sold, in the Chioago .marked at $1.16J Tnat's the way the' MoKmley tariff helps no larraer. ' 1 , ., HMlntlOBaf Knptcl. The following resolution were passed at a recent meeting of tho Woman's Missionary and Parsonago Aid Societies of West Market street M. . Church, South. Whereas, In tho providence of (Jod one of our number, Mrs. Mary H. Steele, has been removed from tin labors of earth to tho rewards of Heaven. Resolved, 1st. That while dciply deploring our loss, and fueling that our sister's presence and ever helpful spirit will bo sorely missed in these societies, we humbly bow in sul mis sion to tho divine dispensation, ray ing that tho voice of God in this sad providence may speak powerfully to Our hcares, saying, "Be ye also ready" for that summons which will ere long oome to each, as it has to our beloved sister,' to leave our work and render account of our stewardship. Resolved 2nd. That we tender tt the bereaved family and friends our warmest sympathy with earnost pray',1 ers that God's blessing may rest upon them, and that ne may minister con solation in this deep affliction. ' Resolved 8rd. That these resol u tions be spread upon our minutes, and that 1h",r be -"lit t the ri'.V papers with request that they be printed in their columns. Mas. ;LL. S- meets Monday nig elcotion of officers Kindegarten Peacock Mrs. to. A. Edwards who has been in the city some days - on her retrjtfn from the Richmond Exposition, went up to hes home at Winston this mora ,Bv. Mr. Ohrum is s'ill quite sick, but his appointments for tomorrow will be filled as usual ly his substi tUteS. ' ' ' -: C'apt A. M. Rsnkm went over to Benajah this morning on a ihort visit to his parents. 1 " ' '. Mr. - A A. Holton, of Jsmestown was here today. Call at Kirkpatricks and see the n ce things he has in the wsv f futnt tore, some of which is ahead of any thing ever s- en in an establishment in Greensborii. rtwA Hall. -Fine Lamos. Din ner, 'XV and Toilet Sets just arrived at. E. M. Caldclewoh & Bro. Trade is "picking np" and it keeps us HUSTLING to fill our ordt'c, l-ut send then along at.d we will see that you are w t ed on J. W, Scott & Co. D. M. Kirkp arick has just receiv. ed a nice line i f new carpets. , ' ChH j-nd set fhem. , Ti.. ) a,Mst in -II SHADES and COL oRS,..';:vis, puffs. Four in Hands, WiuU-ri;M. ' v " " ' CAtL AND LOOK AT, ' '0 art lands. !"?.;;.-;'; ;." v ; ! .;,';;;'.;.';-, -' TfV Scott & Co. are generally prefc ty busy fil idit ' orders . in their retail department "and i-hipping tills of goods from their wh ,1eale depinmeor, yet yru will not tiave to wait long when you come in to buy. J. W. Scott & Co., "say their new rail eatables are rolling in now every day. v . t " , ' - The first Cranberries of the seasot j was opened today, at " ' ' lit v a J. W. SCOTT A LO'8,