GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. Vol. X.-Non4 UEEENSBOIIO. N a, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. as. 1692. Price $3.00 Pev tear. Llfa and Oharaoter of Bev . F. Ohrnm. Her. W, F. Ohrum, son of Mr. Columbui Ohrnm and bis wife Annie, was born at Finksburg, Md., Septem ber 5th, 1803, and at bia death was aged 29 years, 2 month and 14 days. IIo was one of six children, four sons and two daughters. After the ordinary primary training in the public schools of Finksburg our young brother spent two years betweon Western Maryland college sfed the Theological Seminary at Westminster, Md., ' after whioh . be spent a year in study under his broth er, Bev. S. 0.. Ohrum, at Delta, Penna. , quitting a lucrative secular business to engage in the work of the ministry to which the Master bad called him. From May 13th 1891, until No vember 8th of the same year he filled the pastorato of Albemarle circuit, N. G. conference, which was bis first charge, and when be first developed that wonderful magnetism which drew all hearts to him, his labors being crowned Jwith the accessions of twenty fire members to bis charge and re markable general prosperity on that field of work. On returning from Albemarle at tho close of his engage ment, he returned to his studies at Delta, from which place he was called to the pastorate of the young flock in this city, arriving here April 7th, 1892. His affectionate earnestness of man ner; bis cheerful, childlike, unquesj tioning, realizing faith; bis thorough and unreserved consecration of all bia time and all his powers to his chosen work; his steady and unabating seal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls; his unaffected catholicity of spirit, and his constant and tireless application to tho cause of tho Master these traits. of character won for him the respect, the esteem and the love on every hand whioh constitut8 his death a wide-spread calamity. Possessing these traits, as the writer is assured that he did, one may readi ly account for the suooess whioh at tended this lamented young brother from the time of his arrival at Oreens boro until he had finished his career. The number of members in this little flock when he came, was 33, and( at the time of his death the number Was 75 all this in a short period of time. His pastoral visitations were on a soale of almost marvellous extent, in all directions, among all classes and .to widely separated points. The lan guage of all his cheerful, loving, self consuming ministrations was: - "I delight to do thy will, 0, God . yea, thy law is within my heart." y But though one might say in truth that the measnre of public respect and honor shown to the memory of the deoeased in the services pf bis' funeral obsequies was full and complete in 1 every particular, thero will still, be found many hearts who will testify of a sorrow yet unspoken and , of a sense of loss yet unexpressed; and many more there" be, who, ' peering into the "clouds and darkness whioh overspread tho Throne," would fain find a solution of, the inscrutable Providence whioh baa taken the work man from his unfinished work. But - turning from all these fruitless ques tionings, there is abundant comfort 1 in the thought, God reigns, controls all events, never willingly affiiots, and makes no mistakes. . And so let the , survivors bnt emulate the example of :.(li3,"that tbeir portion may be like! Mule Thief. David Scott, has just roceived the following telegram: Mule thiof named Louis Lyon, weight, 150, agod 22, ginger cako, five foet six, arrest and notify. Be sure right man. -.,'.'' " : ' ' 'Thos. II. Battle, Mayor, , Rocky Mount. The right man has been found and is now in the lock up. The negro had sold the mule and eart and was making tracks for distant parts. lie is safe now and will have board and lodging freo. Scott is a hustlor- APolltlcal Theft. The . Prohibition party is by all rights of priority the Third party The People's party while not offi cially calling themselves the Third party use every other means of asse rt ing their right to the third place in the political arena. Theirs is the third place. Ton are No. 4 and nothing else Yon are net the People's party, for the people are not with you. The worn out politician, No. 4. Put Him In 1 he 8auage Factory We suggest that alt the dos killed in the city be turned over to tbe sau aaje maker. ; ; - At any rat don't leave them on the trect and in back lot to breed pesti lence and diaeas. , ' Dead Doj A dead dog killed by the police is decaing on th; back lot in ao feet of Soutb Elm at, close to Houston's ABro's store. Whose duty is it to remove the carcass? Buoklen'sArnica Salve. Tbe beat Salve in tbe world for Cote, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Handi, Chilblains, Cores, and all Skin Eruptions, and 'positively caret Pilot, or no pay is required. It U guaranteed to give perfect ealiafal tion, or money refunded. Price 2J eenta per box. For sale by C E Holton A Good Suggestion. Would it not be well for the City Counc I to appoint two tax payers fronij each watd to inspect the condi tiod of the ward they live and report. to the city couuci-. Lntbrn Service 1o 'sorrow, 8 p. m . In the court House, by is. v raw er. . All invited- ' ". . St Andrews Episcopal Cburch, worship in Pbipp'a Hall, S. Greens boro. Services tomorrow - at n a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sermon at eaoh service by tbe pastor Rev. T. e, Stickney. Pleaching "at Grace ' Methodist Protestant Clutch, on Lee street, at 1 1 o'clock a. m , and 7 :3b o'clock ' p. m.f by Rev. S. C. Ohrum; of - Delta, Pa. Mr. Ohrum is a brother ol the late Bev. W. F. Ohrum, first pastor ot this church. ; Young pi ople a meet ing 6:15 p. ou - : There will be a Prohibition . rally and apeaking by Rev. W. T. Walker in the court house here on Saturday, Nov. 5, at it o'clock a m.' Hal Pointer reduced his rec rd on 1 October 18. and cune close to the championship by his mile in 8.04, made in a special match with Guy. The city it full of people come to see the show. - S. A. Crulter will a ak at the Y. M. C A to morrow at 4 o'oock. Mr L. A. Coulter if Charlo'te will give a talk on "ImpoasiMlitie-", all m n cordially invited. .". Mr Cool er will also give a talk at PEES05AL ASP OTHZEWIEE. Prof. Geo. P. Wills, of Oak Ridge Institute, was here today. Mrs. W. F. UoJa went to Danville this morning on a visit of a few weeks. Ex-Sheriff Watkin, of Ramseur, was here today and will return home tonight. I Rev. Duncan Mclver was here today on his way home from Synod at States ville. '. Capt S. 2. Allen, who formerly lived here, but is now of Winston, p.sied up to ma home this morning. Miss Ida Tail, of Charlotte, who has boon visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomllson,' went to Denver, Col., this morning. , Rev. L. L. Albright has gone to Winston on a visit to his friend Rev. C L. Whitaker. pastor of the Metho dist Irotestant Cburch, in that city Mrs. Branch Merrimon and chil dren returned this a m. from a visit to Chief Justice Merrimon at Raleigh bringing intelligence that the Judge is somewhat improved in health. Bon. Pendleton Ring has been in the city some days on a visit to his brothers, Messrs. J. L. & R. R, King Mr. King ia one of the best cultured and thoroughly informed gentlemen we know of, and it is a privilege to hear him .talk Mr. King, however, as is urease wiui air vmy cuuurcu gentlemen, does not parade his learn ing or dictate opinions to otneis, out is modest and deferential. Numbers of gentlemen of bia acquaintance are always pleased to engage him in con venation, and would go miles to bear him talk for half an hour. The Workman congratulates the old State and old County on having given birth to a man so rruly wise and able. .. 1 ... ,11 'V,'' ,- - - ' A crowd of small boys rotten-egged, Maryann Butler at Wilson last Friday. '. .. 'y ' - , i Clean out the wells and let us have good water. Is the city supplied with good drinking water. Redficld Proctor baa ' been elected to the United States Senate from Yer mont for tbe next fuU term. In Chicago during the dedication of the World's Fair, buildings, on Oeto ber aoth, women fell fainting by the score in tbe densely packed streets. Many were injured in the crush and and more became hysterical ,'. ere borne away in ambulance ! wagona. One woman was seriously and, per baps, fatally hurt. '.' Elgin creamery-butter comes a his tie nigh but is well worth the . price, quality considered. Three tuba just received at J. W. Boost & Ca'a. . ,lOwrand and "Ajax" coflee, 83 centa pound, is considered by many of our customers to be superior to Arbuckle's. . Well,, you , pays your money, and yon takes your choice. Frwsh lot of ail three kinds on hand now. v.. J. W. Scott & co. . Iihblt'i AdrcrtlMBiMit Has , - Been"' : " On. ( - The !. ... 1 1 1 : Inside ' For 1 ' - Some Time, i '' But- , . Fishblato ' ' Himself . , Has , . Not ( Been ' , Asleep. Good Looks. Good looka are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy coo', ditionof all of the vital org&na. If the liver be inactive, yon have a bil ous look. If yonr stomach be disor dered yon have a dyspeptic look, and 11 your kidneys be eireoted yon have a pinonod look. . seonre good health and yon will have good looks. Eleo Irio Bittera ia a great alterative and tonie acta directly on the vital organs Cares pimplee, blotchw, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at U JS. Holton 4 drag atote 60 cent per bottle. J. W Scott A- Co. are generally pret ty busy filling orders in their retail department and shipping billa of goods from their wholesale department, yet you will not have to wail long when yon come in to buy. The first Cranberries of tbe seaaci was opened today, at J. W. Scott &Co. PLACES OF REGISTRATION The following are . thev places ol registration: . i North Morehead Grand Jury South Morehead R. G. Glenn a office. North Gilmer Tamts W. Forbis' office. ' South Gilmer Front office in Yates building. Are you going to the Worlds Fairj Will you go for twenty five cents? You can do it' Call at Kirkpatricks and see the nxe things he has in the way of furni tore, some of which is ahead of any thing ever sen in an establishment in Greensboro. China Hall Fine Lamps, Din ner, Tea and Toilet Sets just arrived at. E. M. Caldclebgh & Bro. D. M. Kirkpatrick has just receiv ed a nice line of new carpets. Call and see them. The Latest in all SHADES aaJ OOIi OUS, Teoks, Puffs. Four In Bands. Windsors, eks. CALL AND LOOK ATI ' Cart lauds. tf . - ' Fishblate is still able to show yorj a very fine stock of ready made cloth ing, furnishing goods,, etc Dont forget to remember. LEMON ELIXIR. Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and coastipation, ake Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness, and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. . F-r MiVextioti an' um ntnmach, take LeiU'Hi K.lixir For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough Or. ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Iemon Elixir wiU not fail you in any of the above named diseaes, all of which arise from a tor pid ot diseased Liver, stomach, kidi neya or bowels. " Prepared only by Dr. H. MoilbtJ Atlanta, Ga. 50c and one dollar bottld at druggists. This Space Belongs To PIS H B L A T B. Every man is after bis brother, . With a lorig sharp stick or something , or other,,' And Fishblate is after the-whole ol his kind With a great big stock in the clothing ' ' line : ' ' . ' rhe biggest stock, and the finest too, Chat ever the railroad train brought , througt. v ! in tbe bright world to which he -he Boys meting which begins at a I ' 1. ' f . . o,c'ock. ' .

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