GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. VOLT NO. lid. C, SATMD.U AFIEC00. OCTOBER !9, IS92 I'ClfE -f 3.00 I'll! 1EAC Can liiiil at BMW VS an f wllfst f uliilf and tiwl Id I'lLniUls of all limk frmn llif tliMpf si np ti llif finest 1aUillr na-I Cali funiii a!l (Hioik iW ah lire a wry Nmplrlf lint f Whilf litilts, anil lamr iinrns. unr rarnn. Cnrlam inn Kii; wl ha kftt larlj' incrrasfd h m nt arrivals fifsiralihoi I'V Drkrd fowls. V a pr.. TWO THINGS taa'l find just invukcit- SEAILESS FELT 5L IPPERS fw hJirs ffDllrnifP, anil the famous SI.CO LA- DIES' DOXGOLA KID BL'TTOX SHOES, Common Srw and Own Lasts sizes from 2 1-2 to S. TflE BEST SHOE IS THE MELD FOB III? MICE. Good L.nokt. Goo J looks are moie than akin deep, depending npon a healthy coo dition of all of the vital organs. 1 f the li be inactive, yon hve a biU ous look. If your stomach be dixor dered yoa have a dp. ptio look, ttnd if your kidneys be effected ou have a pino'iid look. Secure good h-lth and oa wiil hvo (rood bx.ks. EL-c trio B.t'er u a great alierati e and tonio acta direct 'y on the viil ogana Care pimple, lilotcber, ImiiIr Mod given a good complexion. Sold at D. M. Kirlcp trick his just rec- iv d a nice line i f new c rpets. Cul' Hnd se- hem. SALESMAN WANTED. -Va'nble eoiLmli Ion ottered ekl rn1 t many of onr awntn. 8ainpli iree. P. O. Box 1871 Now Y.rk. Fishblate is still hHIc to show you a vtry fine s ock of re dy made c oth ing, furuishii g goods , etc. Dont forget to lemembr. Elgin creamery but'er come a If. tie nigh but is well wo th the price, quality cons dered tubs jua receiv d at J. W. f cost & Co 'a. Call t Kirkpatricks and see the nice thing he hat in the way of furnt tare, somi of which is ahead of any thing ever s en in an establishment in Greensboro. China Hall Fine Lamps, Din ner, Tea and Toilet Sets just arrived E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro. at Trade is "picking np" and it h ep us HUSSILJNtr to fill out ordtis, ut send them along and we will see tht you are w l td on J. W. Scott & o. LOCAL WHIPFP. Short Items of Interest Jotted vovra for Workman Readers. Jno. A. Wilson will voto for Cleve land. S. S. Brown will continuo to vote for low prices. noskins lost fifty votes by his eon duct at Suramerfield yesterday. They say that Snow docs "put bis foot in it" every tiuio lie "gets up to speak. They also say that if there is a man who bates the sonrWn tnn that man U Snow. A good many peoplo went out to Stokesdalo this morning to hear the county candidates. But Snow will not bo there. There will be too many Democrats present, so ho will take a day off. Two convicts passed through town Inst night on their way to Raleigh. They aro put in for stealing. Ono of them is a dangerous charactar. He did his best to uso a Winchester rifle on bia guard yesterday. Rev. Thos. Dixon was fined $155 dollars for shooting 31 robins on Statcn Island last Tuesday. The magistrate would not let Mr. Dixon havo a single bird, but had them broiled nice and brown for own break fast. '"; fcx -sheriff Hoskins and registrar Chns. IT. Wilson, of Sunimorfiold fought yesterday. A controversy arose over the right of somo parties to register. Words led to blows. IIos kins got Wilson by the throat and got him down, while Wilson clawed IIos- kins in the face, leaving four ugly marks down his face. The trouble grew out of an attempt to register some. crazy negroes-. Through tho kindness of Mr. Juo 31. Viok, a Workman reporter was allowed to go through the Greens will be the m-.xt Pi esident of ihn United j boro Steam Laundry. And an interest- ing sight it was to see the clothes put in soiled and dirty and come out clean and fresh. This laundry has only "Owl" bran I and "Ajax" coffee, 23 cents pound, 13 considered by tuany of our customers to be merir to Arbuckle's. Well, y- u pays you--money and you takes yoa- choice Fresh lot f ail thiee kinds on hand now. J. W. S ott&co. I pi edi t iha States and that the 444 electoral votes will be catt as fo'lowj: Cleveland Harrison ! Weaver- ., Name Address been running about eighteen months, but already it has acquired a reputa tion for good work not to be surpassed by any institution of the kind in th State. . : Mr. Miller has a reputation all over the South as an expert in his lino of work. He gets work from ! Ashoville and Fayetteville, towns which havo laundries of their own. Too dry to In ing toba; co to nnrket. Cuiiio and we our Hiiniuiii watch. Hoys! Come mid ee if you want our h. vangclict Fife only got $150 for locksvillu meeting. Hgon loads of mountain apples for on tbe streets this morning. shhoro street will bo widened. kpatrick has given his consent. Evangelist W. P. Fife and family havo gono to Charlotte to live The opossum and big yam potatoes have made their appearance on our market The Aldcrmnn havo decided that each policeman must continue to buy his own uniform. jV. A. Whittington has been sus pended from tho police force forfaiting to perform service. YouagMr. Stand i, a student in Liberty High School, was in the city this afternoon on a brief visit There is a plan on foot to do away with the sergfant of Police. Can the city affoid to do without such a val uable officer? Tbe people ot Liberty purpose to have quite a p'ensant lime on Thanks giving Day, the program of which will be announced later Can you. get threo or four more subscriptions for'.- tho Workman next week,. Yoa may win a new watch Come an 4 ee it.- . 'A pcfiUotk ba beuQ 'presented to the Aldermen asking that tho coal schuto bo moved out of tho town limits. They say it is a nuisance, All meo are invited to ai end the meeting of the Yonng Men's Christian Association to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. J. O. Broadn .z will deliver an address on tbe tec nd com ing of Chrin. Mersrs. J. W. Seott & Co. have just received for their wholesale tiade ten pros , or I52 pounds, of Blum's Al- mann , wh ch is the first installment of that laraous pub iclion, so well known in this sectioi of North Cam Una Country merchants will get their supplies from J. W, Scott & Co. Jut received by J. W. Sco'.t & Co. one hundred baskets Concord grapis, at 2 cents a Laket. These ate just in time for Suod y. Also on hand alwAva tLe best of articles out 1 f which to maku a go d bretkfait, din ner or mpper thy have a very large number of "boarders" on that priacip e The Democrats of Randolph couni. tv will finiih up their joint discu-sions ' - . . , . 1 1 i. on aiorjaay next, dui me ciobo wun will not slackea until t-undown on the 8th of November. Ihe canvass in hat county ha been exceedingly vig l .1. - oious. any notwiinsianaiDK iui i"c sid i-hows and diversion echemes, the Democrats expect to win. Call at tho Workman office and see the new watclathat wo are going to trive to the nelson who brings in the greatest numVer of subscribers by next Saturday agnt. ine wawn win be iriven to thevwinner on Monday following and hisrher name pub lished in tho paper-6ubscriptions mav bo for ono month at - twenty-hve cents a month. The twenty-five cents must accompany the name, The Woman's Mi fionary Society nt thM E Cnurch. South, Westtrn North Carolioit Conference, will hold a district me ting for tbe Grcnaboro Dis'rie,', in Rt dsvilU. Novf-mb-r 4th V 6 h. v. We hope to have a full rep. resentati .n from every Auxiliary and Tuvenile Han-t in the 1 'istriC, ad would lik. to linv a reptesetitative mm iharee in 'he owrict. ' Jr B F. lixon,of G F. Coll .ge, wll p'eic'i "n Sunday. ffiENT UlENT HII A WHITE ROSE BLANKET At Our Establishment. THIS BLANKET WEIGHS 3j POUNDS AND IS FULL SIZE. 123 D&isr Shirts and Drawers for Mi TO BE CLOSED OUT AT LESS THAN COST. WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OCT ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will give the benefit to our oastomeis now, when CVEIXY MAN IW GBEIUtSBOftO jric! TITEM. . BMO 1 1 I H I 111 If yoa expect to shmh an j of tlmsa bargains. G jndii -4 :--8 n U trlcinKlou't rt oh oor counter at tbisw- WELL & WHAETOJ K. OF P. BUILDING, GREENSBORO, N. 0. This Space Belongs To- FIS H B L A TE. Ever) n an is after l is biother, W uh a loan sh rp itick or somethir-g or cttie , And F sh late is afier the whole 01 hi kind Wita a gieat big stock in the clothing line : TbC biggest stock, and the finest t o. ,.' Chat er the vailrotid train li cuglil through.