TIE SMENSIiOEO NIL. UltRKMW. DAILY IXCKIT SVND Y. w. g, koiu:hon. BKTtRED AT TMK TPST-OIElCk I QUSNSBORO AS SriOND-CLASS MATTCR. GIDEON BAUD. Clause F. Wil-cn, uliior of tl e Wilson Advance, re. eivcJ the folio ing letter fro.ii or.e of the members of "Gneon's I5:inl" a few days ani, and shows vcha respect some ol the Third J arty peo, !c have fo.- t' e and free institution' ol c ur country: "Mr C. F. VN u-sdn: The miser able, contemp-.ible, nirty eheet you issued last week will not be allowed in Wilson county. If you dare pub lish another such again we w.ll throw your mean, a iikin body in 'loisnot warn p. Be warned in tine ; we Tnean thin, so you watch out We are no gteburning crowd, either, bui we will attend to you it you agin abuse us. SlGNKD.l "Wilson County Gideomtes." The mvisib e combustible "Gideon ite?," oi Wilson couuty. in l.armonf with their ubiquity friends throughout lhe united world, who sold their birth right for a mess of pottage ate about to discover the enor of their way as men eaters. THE CAUSE OF I EE TROUB. E. A get th nun who l as bren can vassing pre'ty extenive!y in ti e couo ty of I hathaiu Las dtscovere i a fact which sutlici ntlv ac.ounts for the great interest shown -,n that county in the quettio of ti e lree coii age of jlv.-r. It is is ih.s : at least two thuds cjuhe ei, U of in-) county Lave for uing silvei, reat quan being found there, and i hoarded tia-in the and.iLVlS."wIih a view 10 th passage ot the free coinage bill. It is no use for ti-e t'd p rple cl Chatham to dig up any mote ri ver unless they can have it coined, and we art not surprised to heat I their earnest ndcavcrs f r the passage oj the Silver b.ll. li as by a t.,e e acci dent that ageLtlemau made 'hi- as covery of the great hoard .f si.v r :n Chatham county, and conntquei.t ot th9 interest felt :h re in t. e -Free Coic age question. - The Third f arty vs. tw rco: Maa. The Third party is as much the poor Ihan's cdduit as the Republican party is. Look at its platform. It proposes that the Government shall issue money to the amount of (J0 per capita, and lend it to the people on real estate j mortgages at 2 per cent per annum. Xow, the farmers and others who own land would be able to borrow cheap money under such a law, but a poor man with no land to mortgage would not find the situation improved. On the contrary, he would be the victim of class legislation. lie would get no relief, while his land owning neighbor would be favored by the Government. Atlanta Constitution. irs. Harrison 8 remains were r tt . buried yesterday.. Ransom spoke iu 4,000 people at Newton Friday. Eium boasts of his dastardly work With his knife. Exum used such vile language on first class ear last Friday that sev eral ladies were compelled to move to different portion of the car. Exum ought to have a keeper. This is the second time he has been guilty of an assault; this time with an open knife. And yet lie poses as the Champion of reform and as a leader of lhe honest tanners of the country. V POLICEMAN WHITTlBQTOa Eofi- FEBDED FBOM THE POLIOS Fo:cj. Aa Inrestigstfon to be Had Hext Monday Police Committee filed followin; r.pjr.: Pcrsuaot 10 a ca'l of the Chairn an the To.ice Committee melon theius at S a m , and remained in session to and a half Lours. The business oi the nueting w the tol. owing com munxation from the Cbiel Police t To Tin Hon. PoLict Committee Gentlemen:-! hereby prefer charges against M. A. Whittir.gtcn, Serjeant ot Police. The charges are that he uoes not do hi duty aa police otlicer ; simply failing to do service, hiving done leas than one-fourth the average work done by tie other mem bers oi the lorce. fSiGED F. R. Hall, Chief Police. Mr. Hall's evidence of the charge was based on the following record o the policemen, as shown by his books From May 1891 til date, F. R. Hall satisfied 64 warrants, $169 40; W. J. Weatherly satisfied 48 warrants, $452.00; S, N. Ridge satisfied 6j warrants, $163,571 D. Sfiott satisfied 61 warrants, $13374; W. A. Scott satisfied 29 warrant, $11900; M. A. Whittington s.tisrieJ S warrants $33 8o- Mr. Whittington in hit defense s at.d tlut he thought he had doue hit duty. Tnat he ha 1 Lever o t itled d ing I. is duty, when he had known of an ordinance bung broken ; tht he waa s ck and off duty for four weeks. Meesrs. D. Scott, V. II .-cote nd S N. Ridge tes.ified that Mr. w hi j tiugton seemed will og to do his duty. Mr. I.id'u testined tnt on one occasion Mr. ,V, Littiugton remaiked to him that h j did no: giva a . dam waether 1 e ever got another warrant. Upon nil the evid nce submitted thu committee iiKu.:h:, best to r?com mend t'se suspension of Mr. Whiuiug t .n un.il a further invalidation coa'.J be made by !ie (oid pt Aldermen. ign'id ILL Scott. P. D. Price, v. .'. BtiAOUM, w E. Stone llr. R : iLini' and J. . More head aprejrtd ofo:e te b aid in b hall of Mr. Whittington Alderman Gl.scock movtd that the fur.ler consider-anon ot this maiter be postp.ned till Monday night next. when au inres-igation shali be had Eight Hegroes To Hang. Chcstertown, Md., October Joshua Trainard, Lewis Benson, Henry Hurtt, Moses Brown, Frisby Comcgys, Chas. Brooks, Fletcher Williams and Charles Emery, all colored, ; were found guilty of murder in the Erst degree. They have been on trial since Monday. They were charged with the murder cf Dr. Hill, on the road from Wellington to Mas scys, on the night of Saturday, April -3rd- John Potts, the ninth person on trial for the murder was found not guilty. ;v': V:V;V The people of the South are free now. They can now see that their own laws are honestly administered. They can see that their own elections are fairly held. Will it be so here after? That depends on how the peo ple of this great commonwealth vote in the coming election. If they allow themselves to be deceived, deluded and entrapped into voting for the Re publican party and its' pet measure, the Force bill, all will be'over.' We will be slaves, subject to the will of the Republican part. Freedom and liberty will be athing of the past. Milwaukee had I J20.000.000 fire yesterday. mKHTBICKHAS GIVEU THE AL- DERMIS PEEK IS? ION To Widen Asheboro Street. Mr. S. Kirk;Utiickappcaivl befor thu Board mi. I pioei kvl a pr.po tion to the CoarJ that ha woAl cd sent for tlie city of Giceifioro hive the right ol way over 11 cert portion of his premis, 1 on Ashelc' S'.reet, needed as a side m a k.provi. the city should obligate itself to a! the ahade trees now standing cn strip of Lnd to remain unmolr unless bv reason of decay, any 0! allot the trees fhjuld die. Alderman frtcheit moved th. proposition le acapted. OTHER CUT O0UB0IL ITE Alderman Gleun moved that consideration cl the excenaion Walker Avenue be postponed till next Monday evening. Prof C D. Mclrer asked that the city place an electric light on the hill near the residence of Mr. Eops on Walker Avenue. Alderman Price moved that the matter be referred to the Light Com miitee. A petition Wa presented from citizens asking that the Coal Schute be declared a nuisance and that the Railroal Company te ured to remove the same outside th city Umiu. A'derman Pntchett moved that the matter be reftr ed to tbt Police Com raittee. Mr. Jas. D fhe, keeper of cemetery presented a bill agin-t the city for work done in the new portion, $15. Ai lenna 1 Lovi m- vrd that thi ra ttier be r-feired for the Cemttery Committee for a report. Prof O. A Uriiusley, Superintend ent Graded Sch.jol fi ed his m .-nthly report. . . ' Alderman Ueacham teportrd that the market house had been cennrc ed with the city wwer. ATcJemnn Pritcli-tt introd ced the ol!oing r:-o1utions. Sol ed that heoffic of Sergeant of Polic- be abo'ished Alde.iu m m V4 d that the consider 1 tion be p wrorted xi next Mond y oieht J. H. villi , Chairman of the Coun ty Commissio'.eis, asking that the city ex'er.d its sew r;.g )s tin o as to enable f e Count-, authorities to c n nect the Ja-l trerewi h Referr- i to the Sewer Ccmmiitee. Alderman Sco't piesenled from Mr. J. A. rt rkti, that he be a'l-w.-. to hi:ild a ucKHlen fc:ton-n in tn r:ar ot his p:rintS' s v-ii o;i Street. A! u ned. Earnest Franklin met with a serious accident vesterdav. While rilavine "Fos in the morning" on the South Greensboro Graded school ground, he fell and broke his le'. Fishblavs Ctching I'.ou-e nei Hi r fretae 1:1 wtr.irr nor dre- u in Sum met-, you enn sec b g--irig in or by a el 1 te 'ro i, r e outside Nu liber of i op:,, ci.s e to Uieeusboto lor ihe stHc ai purpose ol sseine Fish laeon the so: r e I cf tl.eir cersynal epper ance. Save Paving: Doslors' t lills W sassm am ssbsm. nAVIIIIfl yayayB eiooDBAu.il inc. un cm 1 ncmcui . FOS ALL BLOOO AND SKIN DISEASES Bai beea lhoroclilrtM(d by ImoI phjBteao. and Um pmpat for at Tvan. ul amr fuM to . em qdeklj aad pmaaaaUCy RHEUSUTISB. F1BPLES, ERUPTIORS, f M an awiaiii 1 or UTlu, wrx uuiw aaa ILOiMlta HBS. tarartakkx cara. tk Moat loataroaM Uoo4 dlBMae. K dllUmi are f'4 Smaat. Prwai parkouia, iMUaKurea, far BLOba) SMJI CO- Atlaata. Sa t smr- Bins v TRADER n MARK 1 v-. ERADICATES BLOOD SON AND BLOOD TAINT. SrvrtiAi, btt rf Prltft Ppecine (S.9. f) enliirlyc.iV.inirU my vtcn ol conUgloua blood poiton 4 the viy wnrt -r . V u. a. LuoMit, boroveport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. Inn acawi k in ini, md drained my ,)iM tnlin ly Irom It by t iking tevra bottirt Ol S. S. S 1 iuw nn nw mnj mjuiy tutnauBG. r VV VV11 rnx. Spartinuuirf , S. C HASCURCD HUNDREDS OF CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Ticatlw on nUwd'std PWn Dlw milled fact. bwirT ai-tcirn. la, Atluu. lit. Tmrniy-Mw OqU wI krlnf Iht) THE TRUE LAXATIVE PRINCIPLE Oflh plants used in manufacturing the pUasant remedy, Syrup of Figs has a permanently beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral sola tioos, usually sold ss medicines, are permanently injurious. Beirg well- ' r 1 :,, 1 1 . iniorroea, vou wui on mc uuc reme dy only. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Guaranteed Core. We authorize onr advertised ding gist to tell Dr. King's cew ditoovery fur Consumption, Cor.ghs nd Cold's upon this cordition. If yon are afflicted with a cough coll or any lunff throat or cheat troub'e, and will use this remedy aa diiected, Riving it a fiir trial, and experience no ben efit, you may return the bottle and nave tonr money refunded. we conld not make tbia er did we no know that Dr. EingN New Discovery could be relied on. It nevr riiaap p-iuta. Trial bottles fren at C. Holtou a dm n store. Large size 5U ceata aud $1. WASTED An evperlMieMl ljarmoc miQ to maoatie a paring Accldmit bnlQH bar- to Orevntbom. Got otol-1 lo' a tutler. kittf, LlvlnsezpTln ce. B a XKJ, llaua, Gaorfa. LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all coughs, colls, hoarseness ore throat, bronchitis, nemorrnas;e nd all throat and lung diseases. U egant, reliab'e a cents at cuuegtsts. Prepared n'v bv Dr. H. Mozley. Alanta. Ga. . I tjHA'li Ld COL iil!' t' -.r lu J kiidh, V.V. L A SI' 1. cjS a i a r c lauds. 1 il.l.!, iieu-le, BOtitliin ui:l Lealii g a Dr. S.ii'f's cturih rvmedy. Cures the worst forma iMrumui n:ly. Xo iperimjiiij'. Ito'OIJ Keliiiblr." I 25ycnr of tuccebs. Bucklen'eArnica Eaive. Tikf r-fi !aiv- ii. .. orld foi Co't, UnH'ca, oi. TJicers, Salt BhoniUi Fev. i Siri t4, T t'er, t'htipd Hnds ClnM -i.-H, C rns, ti.il d Skin Erun ious, au.l po iiH.ly cm.. Piles, or 110 p.v i r ui, .1 1, , gniraated to fivt p . 1. . t -t;ri tion, or money ri-fundi-d. IV:. e cnte per box. Vnt ml i-y V. . Ilolton LEMON ELIXIR. : Pleaeant, Elegant, Reliable. ror binousr.ess and coitMipauon ake Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness, and ,-alpitatio 1 of the- heart, take Lemon tuixir. ; . For indigestion and foul stomach. laze Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, ior natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Motley s Jmon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseaes, altaf which arise from a tor pid or diseased Liver, stomach, kid. neys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozliy, Atlanta, Ga. 50c and one uoliar bottle at druggists. Mrs. M. A. Payne: Agent for ELECTROPOISE. Anv one wishing information, call at her residence, 127 Church St, Grccnsbo rO,N.C l.i M WUI SF - . TV ONC ENJOYQ Both the method and results vrhsi. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is j.Iccscl'. and refreshing to the taste, ami u . Eiotly yet promptly on the Kidney, iver and BowcK cleanses the eye tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly benefickl tn ha effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale b 50c and f 1 bovtlea dt all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. . CAUFORH'i FI0 SYRUP COL it ftAHCISCO, CL loutiYiuk. tt. am rox Health is Wealth. InuuN T Or. B. C. Wnt'a Knva ard Bra.'a Trat' neui, a naraotMd apeeiBe fur Hretrla( On nar. i-oiivaiaioD. lit', Se'Toue Ko rlirc, Rraciarbr, Ncivuui PrmtriUon cacuicd by t be cue olaoubol or l tcco, wakercu. Mrnial Drprra-lor, Badn-leg e tba Rreln, re I dj In InrnnltT ard .adlcg to mlrj dT.v and deitb, FrmHurec ld Aw Rerivn'rve, IxjMct Power lae'thor tel. In. voinn'a-T Lr'-e'd Pp-rraonbcEt cm turd m vrt-r rnliii o' 'h b ain. airbaa or over Indu'iir ce Emrb box com el Da cne month's trttrnt. ro be. or rli bni. n t-t t',rf. ract by mat. prepared en re calt of 1 r ce WE GUA11ANTEE SIX BOXES Tfnrrmiv wr, Wlthrrh order rvrolrrd b or"r,:i roir", ecumpanird with (3,00, eill it ti e pur hver our wr.ttrn iraar 1 - .' . " " ' Miami j 'cesMt kffrci. a care. Goaiaotera Iraoed. at t tn ivfr-H thi mnntt I in, tM.in... QUI) " HtrH RI)S0Jf FiRRH. DKUaGIST-l-Ot B KNT, OREKS4BOBO, N. C. I $5 00.00 REWARD I We will par th above rw'd for anr cafe uf LlTr ComplalDt Dtenri ai,, :0k Bead- kcIih. tndlif stlon. C'ontp t; or, l oetlvenxa, w((onotcurenllh Wmi'i Vrr-et able JUver iM'e. when lb dlreetloce r- .trlctl com piidlth. Theja-o pcirrl. venetable. and r ev-r f I to glv aatlerartirn Buiir coated. Mrr bdr, oonti.lr.loi? 30 p'l'r, 15 c.,. Eewareof count rfelte ard lmItlorj. Ttt Crroloe tranufectunx) t olr t -tpe JOR r wEsrroMPAxr, c pu ago. ill Sold jy Richabdson ,t Farris, Druggists (Jrfkmsboro. N. C OPTHALWIST THE TYE A SPECIALTY. ... 1 t Comp aia 7j mi . p. o nuv eye 1 ... .. . ' ri.- ti iv, von irn i-ufnltlv. R fAl-RA.lt b kt . o , 0,1 they wiil giv on r i.f if . 1 is pcetible. iL-j arn 1 ir . u w U ail the lawi inl ni sc i pr -ii .1 i.v-'bHlmio in--sir; tac nfa ac.y U no j j ia examin .' inic ili-f.vv ; , fo. txty tt cr bi.t foreign auN.ti,nce rer-.rd nitt..., 1 ) ain Olaasea fit'H to relieve al- kl mimitl visionary livr.ble rnchaa Art ij u.it::r. Urcer. opio, M-1 yih, Itmh.' a ia, Hrrnrpbor. r a oi r n. 1 1 1 can Muscular insnHiuuni-y or au caponed tron dim. v e are aeenta fnr thn .( GERM ah EYE WA.TEU. ireacribed by LIU AGNEW. TLa tx-at known rt-nieclj for ic flamed eyr a, Rr&nnUr cr eoabv evelide. ond nnv.r I i tn n and rives no pain. , uoiu. ilver and a! eel apecs. in ureal quantity. Th lu-ffORt lnn r.f .nU and ai ver 1 coda ever brooch t to the place, BB1DAL PRFKPNis Tl... oldeat and moat reliable house estab lished 186. Offlw home from 10 a m to 8 p. nu W-B-FillM8,80N, !KI 102 Eoath Elm bt, Greensboro, K. O