v J GREENSBOEO MET WQRKIAf VOL. . M. i CRttxsiiono, x. c. ivi:dm;sd.v afubxoo. novehiile !, isa mice aiio m mm t . HOUSEKEEPERS fan U il BOTH an wrfhl li of ultitc ami ruliirril M I'l'inUN of all kiuk fmm tlir fliMsl Dp It tlir finest Li-aUillr anJ Cali f"rnn ,illi)riittil. iimm bjtf trrr (niiilflf line of IVhilr Quilt, ami Talilr liu'R. Onr rarpel, I umii anil utM m bfti lanrw iBtrfasrJ hr rrrrnt amrals NiNralitanl lu (iricrj CLT LOCAL WHIFFS. Short Items of Interest Jotted Down for Workman Readers. .Jno. Staple and Clem Manly w.ll address the people Friday night. Mrs. Ainlerxon, who has been s :1c for somo time, died this morning. A number of peoplo vent to High l'oint this morning to hear tho can didates. ,mjl T7 oc-ats ) f7feenbbot ifext Monday. x, rv. S if X OA' X I X XX M A X X V xx r J , r Ms. " X X 4 '''Eveiy hiother-ton ' will turn oft to ' ? hear bim. A t-lfgram ha. just bin received from J L. King Nta'ingtha the Dem. 03iatic countv candidatHS will speak in the eo irt home next Friday. To this m eting the U publicans (i.e in- vited Mr. C. II. Doughty has gone on a business visit to Danville. The Workman reporter asked him partic alarly about taking down his nign, . ,' and awakened a very serious train of : . thought in his mind. - . While tho Alderman are rebuking . Mr. Whittingdon for failing to do duty, basing that service on the! satis- . 'fying' of warrants, they ought also to ,- ' urge tho rest of the force to greater 1- diligence. A word or two to those .who stay at the depot, would not be . amiss. ' o It is generally supposed that every , sane adult is able to take caro of him ; T self.;1 That, in places of danger, he is ;;, ,' to be tho protector and guardian of . tho' helpless and weak. Events, ; .. within tho present week, havo shown .'that this is not always tho case. Men .V ftr'o nbseiit-mindod, and Hometinies as helpless as children. It is for thc protection of such persons as thesd hat guards are appointed at depots. v,Tho duty of tho foroa then is not Bimply to nab a man when he gets into troublo, but to keep him out of trouble and danger if possible ' ;.Tney v, Cr vo Him a 'V 's 'The City Fathers havo decided that Mr. Whittingdon needs a rest. They re not disposed to mako a man work . -nlien it is such a strain upon his phy sical, nervous and mental system. So Lo hag boon given an indefinite leavo of absonoe. They have not yet made jro visions for sending him to a winter fi urt, but will probably do so soon. It is slated t that Mrs. nns her own bonnets. Cleveland J A -ff T THINGS SEAMLESS TKLT SUITERS fdadir til gratlrmrn, and lot famous $I.C0 LA- DIES' DONGOLA KID Bl'TTOX SflllES, tmrni Sfiw ail Opfra lasts siirs frutn ! 12 U $, THE SHOE IX THE WOCLD FOC TOP PHICE UUtYN, UH HAS THEM, Ba-:3m 8t Icken. A special to the Winston Sentinel from Statesvilte, dated Nov. i, says : While Seoator Ransm was making an nnmually bright speech here yes terday he was tnken suddenly ill and physicians summoned He uflered excrutiatingly tor an hour and a half, lie was suffering from neuralgia of the heart bruuplit en bv )iJ'"viAit?' iufJ oy wore active work for him ..'- and he h,.s goue home to recuperate jt'tfasteofTime A few day ag i tlio Raleigh cor. respondent of the Itichmond Dispa'tch interviewed Cuairmur- Eaves, of the Republican S ate Committee, and asked him the direct question, " Will your St-i'e ticket be taken down?" " You can say a from me officially that our Sia'.n tickol will not be taken d nvn, and that ve make the voting f r Harrison an I our S a'e ticket equal t.s s ol lea ty to th-i party. That t STaight. As to congrissmen Ve Rtp iblicans are off the lirket in the First, Furth and Sixth districts. I do not think thwy will go off in i ny other districts. I know they will not in the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth. CI iik, Republican, in the Third, was hero a day or s i ago and intimated that he would sUy in. Eium, Thi;d pany nominee for Oovernor, was here Fnd y and t jUI we that he intends I to siuy in the field." . Mrs, L'-ae;' Mad. Tho following is takn from an in terview with Mr. Leae, published in thi Chicago Inter Oceau: " Ae yoj in f:tvor of a pi; in a Force bill to the South ?" " I am in favor cf abolishing the Force bill now u-ed by intolerant Democrats, and applie I to whites and blacks who differ from them politicul ly. In other words, I believe the bal lot sh mld be for the voter, and not the voter tor tue Daliot. Why, in many places in the South, men h ive been voting H eir dogs and mules for years. They give them names, have them registered, and then take them to the p ills and cast votes in their names. 'V y " Th all important and living isnue now before the Am-ric n people i to wipa out forever the intolerant, vindic tive. slvem 'kina Democratio party th it has ever bet n a" protest against progi ess, and has beioaiei.i its blind hatred a menace to good government an I free iastituttons " '''' ' Mr. William Jones. WIhmi Dili .Junes wus n-runnin' For tho Icfrihlatur lie Wan n-joking' an' a ftnmiit', Jcs' as social an could be! He'd hitch bin old mulu at the gate An' throw hi hlouili hat down, An' wit up with you, noon an late Tlie best old rlinp in town! Ho woro a pair o' muddy booU, An' said his rash was slim; An' nl.Ki that these old jean suits Was good enough fur him. lbey praised hi in up from dark to dawn Jcs' like poor humnn natur; An' then they took an' sent him on To boa lcgislatur! But uow! his namo ain't Bill no rarc, It puziles a believer; He's bought a slick suit at the store An' got a toweriu' beavor! Done throwed tho muddy boots away, So folks has said that sawn him lie's "Mr. William Jones' today The Lord hayo mercy on him! HIHU.V PKRSOtAI.. R. T, Gray is in town. J , Capt. J. B. Hussy was ucre today. Theo T. Klutts, ol Salishiny, is in the city. baJ Mr. b. L. Adams h gone to Lynchburg. Col. T. M. A go retorn'i to Ral T.CWomLX of Reidsv.lle, was Col. T. M .V here this morniLg. Gov. T. M. Holt came Raleigh this morning. L. G. Cole, of Durham, up from was here this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holmes were in tho city this morning. Mr. Ed Wharton was reported im proved this morning. Dr. 0. W. Blaeknall, of Ualeigh, was here thit morning. Mr. A. E Iloltou, of Yadkinville, was hero this morning. Mr. W. W. Ridding, of Ilandlemau, was hero today on business. Cnpt. J. M. Odcll was here this morning on his return homo at (Jon cord. Mr. S. Bryant, Secretary and Treasurer of tho Naomi Manufacturing company, came in on the train this morning. Mr. J. II. Millis of High Point, who has been on a visit to Rox boro, reached hero this morning on his way home. Mr. J. A. Crews, agent and trav elling correspondent of the Wilming ton Messenger, was here this morning on his way from Charlotto to Mount Airy. Rev. T. J. Ogburn, of Henderson, was hero this morning on his way to Summerfield to celebrate the marriage of his niece, Miss Fannie Brittian to Mr. Enimett Kirkpatrick at 6 o'clock this evening. The party will return hero tonight. II. J. W. Ham, the eccentric Geor gia orator, passed through this morn ing on his way to New York. Ho will speak in Tammany Hall tomorrow night, and mako a number of speeches for Democracy in that section, He addressed a very largo crowd in Char lotte last night to great satisfaction captivating them completely, . Bojjs! Come and see if you want our watch. . - - CM ffflENTg3 Tn) A WHITE ROSE BLANKET At Our Establishment. c THIS RLANKFT TOPtfiHC Ql d 123 Under Shirts and Drawers for Mea -TO BE CLOSED OUT- At Less Than: Cost. WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OCT - ( ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will give the benefit to dvdrt maw m onEEwsBono rrs them. 19- TIAMIT t ipect to Bnreoy of these bargains. Ooods of thia char. rn..e , ricee don t rest the Tar. POWELL & K. OF P. BUILDING, ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results - . Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plcwa and refreshing to the taste, and . 3ntly yet promptly on the Kiunr.--iver ' " ' Bowels, cleanses the ev. tern effectually, dispels colds, heau aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Byrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its Kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared onlv from the most . ...' . . . healthy and agreeable substances, its manr excellent Dualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bovtles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. - cali fork: no syrup co. SAM fRAHOiaOO. CAU t WUISVIUk. Kf. NEW tOUt. .. C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind:, writes : '-My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly impaired her general health and made her blood very impure. In the spring she was not ab'e to do anvihing and could scarcely get about. More than a year ago. she took therce bottles ot Botanic Blood Balm, and now she is perfectly cured. if iuuua Aisu la r uIjIj bJZfc, our costomeis now, wLen "X7 - A7rn on onr oonnter at this Bflon f WHARTON GEEENSUORO, N, 0. Pronounced Hoptless Yet Saved. .lrom a letter written bOfm Aa v XI i -.. ,. J xiu, m uro.on, ft. U., we quote the f..lloiug: .Wmb taken with a severe c-old which settled on my lnncs. cor.gh net. in and fiiiuliv n-snlted in coi.Mimptiou. Four Doctors gaye me up, MyiDW I conid live bnt a short lime. Igavh imKedf npto my Sav iour, determined that if I could not stay wub my fritnds on earth I wonld nuet my absent ones above. Sly hmdmnd wag advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and co ds. I gave it a trial and took in a 1 uiRht bottles: u has cured me, Hnd thank Qod I am cu ann nBriy woman. Triul hot tie i fien at C. E. HoltonV drno- w rcga'tir size CO cents and $1. Good Look Good looks are mote than skin deep, depending upon a healthy con. ditiou of all of the vital organs. If the liver be itiHciive.you hve a biU ouh look. If y nr stomach be disor. dered y;.n huve a djwpi ptio look, and if j our i.idiniys be elioett d you have a pities t look. Secure good health ii:d vou will huvo good looks. Eleo rio Bitters ih a gieat alterative and tonio acts directly on the vital organa Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at C E. HoltouN drug stoto 60 cent p- r bolt o. 8 vL.SMAS WANTbl). Valuable commit "Ion urrl 130,00 weeklj earned by many of our &i-nl. Bampira frw. P. 0. Box 1871 Now Y..rk. Dr. f . W. KATBO?T, GREENSBORO, Write nan lull symptoms of yonr old ohronio diseaset, snoh as rheumatism. '.jvuniivcr' 5ides0Bac I ill tre t on any mode of praotioe de sired Irom the UaoHdian Indian down through the Mineral Kingdom, Tome souittn, aud Hjdrpathy cures. State yonr floanoial oondition for reasonable terms; medioines furnished. ' Feb IS Estimates by J E Curtis, advt agenj n

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