1 . GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. VM. . VI. j cieessboco, . c, rirair mimi mum 3, mi V . , x X . x r x x x ' Vy - s ''.IB Cm! M UClllVX'S S'l nHkn !'., i wjilr .in. f-il-rrl Ml!UUif -Mxk f-n llir i . ..... fMhr nil I i!if in,: la'.Mi!!f n Call- f-rnia al-ij,. HV tat i .ft! USrU- ., Hi!-- II'!! CciifiirX IVjilc Jiliw I" m hw liim Our arwl Hi' In . 1 I nana ami b.ns LpI lllrf..ll In..-.....! A "'"i.S'M lll.r,ri XXX y h rrcrnl a'rri,ilj I. TWO THINGS " f;in"l lilJ jut aniwtfrf SEAEtSS flLT SLIITLUS kh&n nllfBi-B, ami llir famn. if'I.Cf) IV IHE.V !iO.i;ilL.l Kill BinoSSnflK.CiBiw '$mw ami flwra lals-jii fmm i i U S. THE BEST SHOE l. TDEiVOELD FC TilF TElCt' I51tttTf KB HAS THDJI. HI Hi:i,V PF II10'IAI,. Mi. .Inn. K' , L.uinr.l rt- !...-: iiil,!. Mr. W. W. Rcl.ln retrrned hom j this niorniiitf. (' Is. i I,.. . " "in n viit nt Winsii u. ol. J. M. CronH went ln n A-ltl)ori morning. Col. Jas. E. Boyd went down to waid Raleigh thin morninj. Mf. . (V. Ml a I. . Land, t man, was hoie IomIj. W IT lifii- timoro. qq BIESNT& ill Smith h:.i gone t to her so,'. Ir. LOCAL WHIFFS Short Items of Interest Jotted Down for Workman Readers. Jdo. Staple and Clem Minly will address thi people Fiidny t.ight. Veuthe;ly fa- linlics Ir.-- itnveyance foo th 'Si who can not or will not a k. The stockholders of the st el and :;oo wjiki held a rueclin !a:,t n!!.'.. Wed.d Jlr. 1 hittiegton inrnj.s ticc yesterday He may not have satisfied as many warrams s the other-., but be certain ly fills cur idea of a policeman in v t:i' r sj t . . We said yesterday that it was tha duly of i olireman uot dimply to a A n man w',: i ie ix: 'n-.i trmts but to keep him out of double and Mrs. Capt. A. M to Sulisbury on a ving Smi'h VM I ' will, Lrr ,hngl,vri Mrs. a thtou. VKiHlOU, IJ. K. Mown r.om W'i. Aierol of Mr. A. "V'i who has been hltakrr n r-ti" I A WHITE lit 'SE BLANKET At Ouk Establish ii i jjsTi THIS BLANKKT -f F.GIIS POUNDS AN,, ,g FULU S1,E. ' 23 Bfider Shirts and Drawers fe In, TO BE CLOSED OUT At Less Thk Cost. WE U AVE DECIDED TO CLOSE C UT ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will Bive th benefit to otr enstomem now, when DON'T WAITteh a " i . i . uull epnim out ol tiouble and Quite a lot of geeso ! !,-ou"a' . , , ... nu , ? 'anger if posMl'le. Greensborulast n.ih: -..'ii.nr.eu oni , , ' , ,., r nn mat is The DiiihtCT'of w-tau'U atlfiedia what. Mr. .WhiiiingtoaJim cone. not the only test of Wgenee in" police M'rvice Wu submit that Cleveland could not do better thnii to adopt our cabi net in toto. If Mr. Wuiuington gets a drunken rain off I ho stteet and tends h m homo io hi lamily, is that good cause for discharging him? H. B. Glenn wi:l speak io hu Dem oc atf f Giecnxboro neNt Monday. Kvery n.o.lit T- son will iuru ..-t to hear Lira At i otlj. k is tii "me The po c mian who ke ps p-.-ople out of mischiel is belter ihn the one who sti'n ' around wmting fur trouhli to begin ai;d 'hen make an hi .-si. A trloffrVn has just b-n iceived from .1. L. 'King Ma'ingth'U the Dem. ooiatic couniv candidnii-h will f peak in the iirt house next Friday. To this metin;4 th H puLili'ims ae iu-vittd Hav'ng found outUe factsrwiTeiadl give hi-n credit for rloin his du y. Mr. W hittingion has not been treat ed fai;ly. He hits been mad.' the cb iect of pmon-! r:o;d:.e tn.I haireJi There was not suffi ient evidence cf future tj do duty to warrant a ds missal. . Mr. Whit lrg'on does not want the position would not hve it. But he ought not to have ben kicked out without cause He outrht a'lowed to resign. The Boji'd of Aldermen, owe it as a duty to themsflvesand to Mr. Whit t'tiaton toieir-tnte him f.nd o"ow H:iti to resign XIlP stutio Will Wynno won the first prize in the bicycle contest at Charlesiou yes terday, a gold modal, in competition with Hartford, Conn., Savannah and other riders. Hurrah for the Tnr Heel! The uufcr urate wives aid chil dren of those unlortuna'e men who somei'mii-s g t drunk, or get into trouble othc;r ise, ill Hppreciaie the kiadntss ot Mr. Wi ittingon in Bet ting them home without nibjecti g them to the disgrace of arrest and im ' prisooment The Wokk.u an reporter, saw Ilufus Amis on the north bound train last ; night and sought to whilo away tho time by puttifTg a few questions to ; the gentleman whoso congressional thirst has been quenched by tho al lurement of the ofliqe of Sowotavy of State, Mr. Amis was winging his way to "Bluo Wing," in Gi.inville coun ty .JJwhore he will await tho orders, of his eommandor-in chief,' Eaves, nis last regular appointment w.w at Lin colnton last Tuesday, M- vi-d at the M. E. Church, Surr merfuld, yeste.day f-venintj at 6 o'c ock, by Rev. T. J. Ogbmn, Miss Fanaie Diittain, ot Sumniftfirld, to Mr. Emmett Kirkpatrick. The waiters were Charles F. Neely, Pljatant Garden, with Miss Mattie Ogburo, of Monroe ; Webster Ogburn.Summerfield, w"ih Miss Alma IJoskins, same place ; Ch-. :!uh Kul--man, Greensboro, with Miss Cora Donnel', of Oak Ridge,' : E. M. Wil CiX, University of North Carolina with Miss Maggie Kirkpatrick. of CrieenBboro; b'St man, David Kirk patricK, hrother ot groom . Ma;d of hono , Miss Mary Ballinr, (Jrtnf boro The wedding m?.rch way played by Misa Gannon, of Greensboro The bride and fcioom, vith their at tendanls, came to the citf last nieht and a rec plion was be!d at I he resl dence of Mr. D. N, Kirkpatrick which the young people greatly t n joyed. The WoR.tf,N congratulates the happy party. r DlS.,tf have iV fie 8c abusive in en tail T om a bt He told o!d pift I A than evef J what tf Jm as to whA :n '' Ol ll.bM,.i, ood.,,Ki. .... fjoi i rest on oor connfpr .t n - -"-coooter a this ueaaoa of V r If r"i pipect to t la t-r hud ui i b jar. K. OF P. BUILDING, GREENSBOJiO, N. C. ies exc The Major is urui in r: ' op V lit 4 I 1 V A di (patch .rom I.ii"! lupis eajs Attorney General W, H. E. Warner will retire f.om the CHbirjtt soon after theelecticn wnjther MrliHanisOn is elected or not. i j He h p-!nersnip irr that 'in, ty, home and will move back th i first of Janeary. f i r- ... ; not lormer there aout TF CABINET. r.fAirn. Al. l.. 1 I . viuvuitiim uas already In-en much questioned as to tho make up of UN tabmot. We submit tho follow ..Secretary of State Hobl Muiray w ,. i. , pur - 01 ueo. rilzsiiunions Secretary of the Treasury, 0. D. iieubow. : Secretary of the Interior, Jno. M. Wilson. Attorney General, A. M. Scales, jr. Postmaster ( eneral, G. W. Pritehett. Secrotary of Agriculture, Dr. Jno. 1 arris. Secretary oi' tho Navy, E. W. Tate. Thcso honors could not he moro worthily bestowed. Tnese gentlemen will fill their respective offices with satisfaction to themselves if not to the public. . AOOBEEOIION, Under tho head of news items ves- ilay wo slated, on tho authority of the Charlotte Observer that Judge Dick had appointed 100 supervisors for Mooklonburg county. Judge Dick, supervisor Trogdon, informs us that this is a mistake; that no supervisors have been appointed, aqd that none will be, that the time for making 1 ap plication is out. jpy? imps, f.oona H, V.,8.TM f,,:ir,ai. m..' , ""quote tbe GNU JOYK Both the method mid iwcnlt., u Syrup of Fjgs is taken; it is pie-,.,., auu reiresning to tlie taste, and i rronflm w . 1 . 1 - T " 1 ilVer and Bowels, rlnnnnra tha t.i tem efl'eetllftllv. flisnola rnl.la l,oo,. J f VUiUUJ AtljtV4 aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, nrmnnt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthv ana flrrreenhln Riihntnnwa its 4 O .m many excellent qualities commend it io an ana nave maae it tne most popular remedy known. SvrUD of Fitrs in for Rftlfi in fiOo and $1 bottles Dy all leading drug- Pl'stH. Anv mlinKln rlrtlfrnriaf nrn 0 J "5b'" J may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to trv ir Do not wnt nun substitute. CALIFORK'l FIG SYRUP CO. SAH fSANCISOO, DAL, wuisviuE. nr. new tout. h.k git oon I gave C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind:, writes : '-My sister Jennie, wheii she was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly-impaired her general health and made her bloodj ver impure. In the spring she was not able to 'do anyihing and could scarcely get about More than a year ago the, too theree bottles 01 Botanic Blood Balm, and now she is pe fectly cured. -old which wflon 'rSS ongh h in tod nnallv Sited In POl.Himptiou. Pom TvJ.' - m uoiiTIUIDea tUHt if T nn.il 1 i. a.vi,b my friendV on b -? would mpt my r bseiit m. J. , ' X Humption. canal,. j ' fte at C. E. Hulton's drU? ior. rngu'ar size 50 cents and $T 016 Good JLooka. Good lnnba u . . mure man nlrin deep, .Impending opon a tealtl" . -non of all otho vital ore, i r , - owumm ue aisor. dne.rya h .ve a d)Bpf p(io lookami if j tfur kidney, l)0 effecd ,0lf Ce puiol.- d look. SecnregoodheaUh MHi VOU Will hHVA ,y.A 1??. trie isit ein iha cim oi... .--. jooio ho diiwt.,- on the Vital organs Ci.ret, pmn. es, blotrbe, boils and 1371 SWT. ti: V - ' B r V.. W. UHAYSOTf, OBEEK8B0HO. Write mu. fc'I symptoms of yonr eld obronio diseases snoh as rheumatism i ui treat on any mode of praotioe de sired from the Canadian Indian down ronga the Mineral Kingdom, Tome ' luD, and Hjdrpathy cures. State your fluanoia' condition for rearonable trmft; mnd'oines fwrniahgd. Feb 15 a 1 Enimatos by J M Curtis, advt agenj

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