a ....... . ..( : rT7 .v .. ,' i ' GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. VOL S. M. IS. . mo, I c rat it AranoM, mam i, w tici fj.no ut urn YOU CAN BUY THAT NEW SUIT NOW. SAMPLE 8. LOCAL WHIFFS. Short Items of Interest Jotted Down for Workman Readers. Next Tuesday ta the time. After that we will all take a nst. The side walk on tho south hi Jc of East Sycamore street is being paved with brick . The ptjeis will have to U k about something elsu besides poli'ics, aftir Tuesday Saniplo Brown has a new ad in to days paper. Read it, then go and see tho suits. Leo Overman predicts that North Carolina will go democratio by be tween 15 or 20 thousand majority. 1 R. A. Cobb is to como off the Third party ticket and tho populists are to vote for J. M. Woody tho Rcpubri can nominee. Mr. W. J. Ridge, who has been travelling quite extensively in the State, says that tho prospects for the Democrats rre good. Thanksgiving Day is approaching and tho turkey gobbler is enjoying himself as best ho may. lie will soon gobble his last gobblo and then he himself will be gobbled. Mr. Dorsey Jones, a popuW Wins ton Warehouse man, stopped beie this mon in on his way to Danville. Mr. Junes is making a cross country tiip of it. With the two fine horses he is driving it is very pleasant. He will s i p at fceidville tonight. Will you tak '.hi bet?. A drummer offere 1 to make the fo lowing bet yes terdiv : "I will bet you twenty dol lars ihatl can name 38 States that will iro dsMocratic. Tien I will bet you orty dollars that I can name six othert that v. ill go democratic. A r peter stopped iu at Callums DrugStoie jesterday, and was sur prised to ec what in xtentive whole sale busine they were doing. This is sn esp' ciully d U seaon, but thty l ave f ur men cn the road and one selling goods all over the coui try-': Tradt will "pick up" con siderubly af er the e ection, At tho family residence of Chief Justice Merrimon yesterday, the Chief Justice and bis youngest daughter, Miss Maud, were received into the membership of Edenton Street Metho dist Church of this city. All his life Judge Merrinion's moral charac ; ter has boon of the highest type but ho had never formally conneoted him self with any churoh, though he has been a regular attendant upon and liberal supporter of tho Methodist unurca ior yoa. wb auu v"", W h:ve jmt nve'iod np a NEW LOT OF LIGUT COLORED BACK KUIIS ix style bungle and double hroHnUd hoit, iqure and ronud ca wrh single aul doubin br.td Vi'.STS. Theae were b'-uhl U'h iu th rmhod at cat price. Yoo can i-ftve from $2 CO to f i 00 mi a suit by Peeing thnj. Don't 'uke oar word for It, bntonruennl look. Oar line of rvii.nrrkTa piwtq complete, nad prions way down. BBO WIS. Tho Republican candidates failed to exhibit themselves today. Capt. Snow says he has had enough. There is a much manhood and vir tuo among our Southern people as any Vermont Yankco ever dared to have. Senator King. J. W.Scott & Co. aro shipping supplies to places you would never drcam.of as patrons of any Greensboro J no. staples ami Ulom Manly will speak in the court houso tonight. I The members of workingmens club will turnout in full forco to hear him. Conspiracy, is tho cbarro arrainst Mr Seou. Tha trial .III nn,n nff tomorrow morning. T Wl will keep iU readers posted. Tho evTB denco will be given to tho public. Tho Star Chamber Board of Aldnr. men do not voice to sentiment of the good people of Greensboro. Secret trials, prejudico, personal grievances, These things disgust sensible men. The annual entertainment of the Webslerian Literary Society will be hold at Guilford C-jlUge on Saturday ivening, Nov. 6th, at 7:30 o'clock, An i iteret ng program has been pre- ono on 0 stngo would have been hiss pared and fll are invired to b present, ed off the boards. It was only in the One of the most attractive turn cuts to be sten on South Elm Street, on bright sun shiny day, is the little Hack pony and yellow cart, driven ty Miss Causey. Miss Causey is a fear less driver and many heads . turn to watch the cart and the fair driver. There arc few men who will not turn to soo a good dog fight. Mr. Shed Hill's dog had a "set to" with a large black setter- this morning, Mr. Hill's dog rolled tho black one over in tho dirt and left him. That's what the Democrats are going to dol to the Republican and Third parties. There is a Third party farmer in nf thi rnnntiM nf tht .?-. has two sons that are n ally capable men and are candidates for tho Legis alure This man refuses to speak to one of his sons when the latter visits him, and all because, the father has been crazed by the Third parly doc tnnes. It's a hard chsc REDUCED BAILBOAD SATES. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad will sell round trip tickets Nov. 13th to loth, inclusive, good re turning untd and including Nov. aist, 189a. to Fayetteville, N. C, on ac count of the Cumberland Fa r, at the following low rae-, which includes one admission o tho (air ground : Madisop; $3 ics Germanton, $t.Sot i'-ru, i-i.-oKA. a.. ... tiT.i-..: 1 W 1 i W t Ull. . Xlll q- $j 0. Rlirai Htti $J I0 FI'HIXY rCHMIIAL, Jan. I'. McTviT, of Carthnge in in tlm city today. Itubt. Gallnway i fhaking hands with hiH friends in town today. Mr. T. A. Lyon in at borne, after a trip through tlio southern xtatc. Hon. Juhu A. Webster went down 0n tho Raleigh train this morning, Jas. E. Boyd, after making a force bill speech in Kaloigh, is back in the ci,J' - Mm. G. II. Roystcr returned last night from a visit to rolativcs in Richmond. Col. Staples went to Pleasant Gar- don today to ruako a speech, and will also speak in tho courthouso tonight. We aro glad to sco that Mr. J. S. Jones is back in tho city. We will need him to protect us from tho angry lnob next Tuesday. His office is in front 0f ourg Tie Vestibule Will Ban Though to Hew York. In a short while a b!g, chango in the running of the Richmond k Dan ville vestibule train will Uke place je vestibule as it now Jg, runs only from Atlanta to Waihingtoi;, with a New York sleeper attached that goes tnrougn, DUl mis it in u juunc away with, and a solid train is ,to run trom Atlanta to New York. Washing will, when this change' takes place, only be a 20 minutes stopping rxvnt ' breakfast. This will f put p...,. U" in New York (hpitly af.er 11 "'i XSCSZ ,0 ourThr char-Mnlre The Handkerchief in Public. waa not nntl1 the re,gn of tho tm- PrcM Josephine in franco that the pocket handkerchief was tolerated at all as an article for public use. No Iad woulJ have dared 080 one in thc presence of others. Even the namo was avoided in polite conversation. An actor who whold have ventured to uso beginning of the present century that M11- "onesnois, a tamous actress, dared to appear with a handkerchief 1 in her hand. Having to speak of it in the eourso of tho play she could only summon courage to refer to it as a "licht tissue." ' A translation of one of Shakospcaro's 1 plays by Alfred de Vigncy was acted, and the word was, used for the first tim on tte "tago, and provoked storm of indlgnant hisses from all I parts of the house. The Empress Josephine, although really a beautiful woman, had very bad teeth, and to conceal them she was in tne oaoit oi carrying small handkercniets, trimmea m costly laces whioh she raiscd gracefully to her lips to conceal her teeth. The ladies e court followed her example, and handkerchiefs rapidly became an im I portant part of the feminine toilot. New Hone Herald. News.Observer. The Democratic tiger in Nt w York city bids fair to be a very l vely animal this year and an immense one, too ; and the Demo cratic tiger in Nor'h Carolina is now lashing his tail ready for the fray. He will lick his chops next wetk afte having made a hearty meal of Exura and Furches, nnd Sha frr, too, with his e -k-'..tM,i. V.I m a have no power to srxalc ot. claim to supervise oar people. I A WHITE KOSK BLANKET At Our Establishment, THIS BLANKET WEIGHS 3j 123 Under Slsirk and TO BE CLOSED OUT At Less Thax Cost. WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will pive the bonefit to oor castomeia now, wben lYVHY MAN IW GHEEKSBOnO TTRTDS THbjh eerDON'T WAlT If ynn r-xpect ti s-ca nay of Ihono bargains. G vjin of this char-f- ir - nt t'n-n riot dou't rest on oar counter at tbid eeaaon of tbt year. E0501LL & K. OF P. BUILDING, C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind., writ's: -My sister Jennie, wiieu sne was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly impired her general hcalih and made ner blood very injure In the spring she was not ab c to ;do anihing and could circel.y get about. J.orH lhan a year ngo he toolt theree bottles ot Botanic iilood Uaim, ana now sne is pe fectly cured. Both the method and results v'rj. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plnuci.' and refreshing to the taste, niid gently yet promptly on we ivianc Liver and Bowels, cleanseB the tem effectually, dispels colds, heau aches and fevers and cures habitual nn8t.inn.tinn. 8vrun of Fies is the only remedv ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, nrenared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commeuu it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CAUFORKU FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRAHCISQO, CAL tauisviut. n. hew roK nX POUNDS AND IS FULL SIZE. Dm for lfa, WHAHTON GREENSBORO, N, 0. Pronouaced Howlest Yet Sared. From a letter written by Mrs Ada E Hurd, of Oroton, S. D., we qaote the following: "Was takeu with a severe cold which settled on my lungs. cough pet in nnd finallv resulted in coiiHumption. Four Doctors gave me up, paying I could live but a short time. I gave myself np to my Sav-, ionr, determined that if I could Dot stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, congbs, and eo ds. I gave it a trial and took in a 1 eight bottles; it has cared me, and thank God I am a well and hearty woman. Triul bot lie free at C- E. Holton's draff store n'u'ar size CO ceuts and $1. Good JLook. Good looks are moie than kin deep, depending upon a healthy con dition of all of the vital organs. If tho liver be inactive, you have a bil ous look. If your stomach be dieor ilcrt-d you have a dvepeptio look, and if; our kidneys be t fleeted yoa have a pinc'i. d look. Secure good health n:d 'on will hi ve good looks. Elee iric Bitters it a great alterative and (ouio acts directly on the vital organs CurftH pimples, blotches, boils and givos a qood complexion. Sold at C. E. Holtou' . drug stote 50 cent per bolt'e. .... mLRMAN WANTED. Valuable eommtl lion onernd. saO.OO weekl) arnd bv many nf rnr aint. Ramolea free. P. O. Box 1871 New York. Dr. C. W. GHATtSON, OKEEJiSHOBOj Write me full symptoms of your old O ronio diseases, suoh as rheumatism, "Xi BACKACHE I v ill treat ou any bode of practice de sired, from the Canadian Indian down ti rough the Mineral KinRdorc, Tome aouian, ard Ejdr apathy cures. State yonr financial eocdition for reatonabla trn: rnndmirtmi fnrntaperi. ' Feb 15 fcouuisfces by J Jtt uurtia,: advt .a&ea

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