I. f I . . i t GREENSBORO DAILY WOTOTAW VOL. , SO. Ml GEEEXSI'.OCO, X. ft. MOXDAV AFTEEXOOX, WlMl 7, IS9t mil m m 1EAC. . J TTmr CAN BUY THAT NFW SUIT m w w NOW. SAMPLE S. BRO WN. LOCAL WHIFFS. Short Items of Interest Jotted Down for Workman Readers. Tomorrow decides. Four nioro years of Qrovc;'. Go and soo tho many new and pretty gooila at Dike Book CoY U There is a man on tho Greensboro registration books who claims to be 100 years old. Soveral parties are in town inspect ing opportunities for st-rting another cotton factory. j .Gen. W. R. Cx and Hon. Ottavius Coke were in towu yejterday on the r way to Raltfigh. All the newel sty.es if' stationary! IVoiu the cheapest, to tho finest at Diko Book Company. Mr. Ed Wharton, who has beon sick some time, is boiler today. He wants to como out and vote tomorrow. Several traveling men. Democrats, have paired off with Republican JViends and will not go homo to vote. "Let us win thih election with money and we will win the next one with bayonets." is t!n Republican motto. Hev. Jlr. Smith will beiri a scries of protracLal services at the Presby terian church beginning with noxt Sunday. ' An old negro in one of the eastern counties, whon asked when he was born, said "in 1894." lie did not register. Anywhere botweon 25 and 40 thousand, is Octavius Cokos estimate of the Democratic majority in North Carolina. ' "Three weeks ago I did not think Cleveland had tho ghost of a ehanco but I have no fears now," is what Jno. R. Webster says. "One of our townsmen appreciates the value of tho single vote and has como 1100 miles to .cast his vbto for Cleveland and Stevenson. Our city fathers would do well .. to inspect the buildings7 on the various ' streets that ore, davigerous to fire and unbecoming to tho street. That sermon of the . Rev. Mr. Thomas last Sunday night had the - true ring. Character, manhood, oon-r-'viction; these ere , the things worth living for. t There was quito a little war out at , ,one of tho cotton mills yesterday boi IWCOniWV OOlOrOU -UOJf! ... .; uiuavu i head, a doctor's bill and a lot of gall ''End the hoys are ready to fight again., We have jast opened np a NEW LOT OF LIC1IIT COLORED SACK SUITS-six styles in single and doable breasted suits, tqnare and round rat, with single and double treated VE3TS. Thcao were bought lite in the season at out prices. You can save from (2.00 to $1.00 on a suit by seeing tbem. Don't take oar word for it but come and look. Oar line of OVERCOATS and PANTS is complete, and prioes way down. Tho drummers have all gono home to vote. Col. Jno. Staples is suffering from an attack of rheumatism in tho leg. Caldclough Si Bro. are paving the sidewalk in front of their property on Davie street. Let the good work go on. J. L. King is resting very well to day. He is not a bit uneasy. The only question is, "what will the ma jority be." Ruild nice storehouses ou Davie streot and you will soon see tho busi- ness that will bs carried on in that central business avenue. There will be troublo in Now York tomorrow, it is fcarod. There is a threatened conflict between tho State and national authorities. Mr. Marion Jeffries passed through ysterday on h:s way to Cnlpepper, Va , to cast his vote (or Dsmocracv. Mr. Jeffrey owns a large lumber in terest in Krycr, N. C. Why is it th:t the owne.'x of val uable lots ou South K'.m, Kust Wash, inston. Kast Market ;id West Market streets do notbu'ld them up. Would it not bo best for tho health officer to look after those offensive odors that arise in the centre of the city after suusot from hog-pens and slop barrels. Tho Democrats and Third party pooplo had a lively time in Durham Saturday. They wero fighting all day long, Ono Third party man got whipped twice. Tho Third party nominee of tho House, in Alamance, Capt. B. F White, is out in a circular, bidding for the colored vote, and advising his Third party followers to forsako tho other nominoes of tho Third party and voto for the nominoo of Republi can party, ' Read tho circular else where. y.y'.'Y,. ; In Saturday's issue we made the statement that Thomas Bros, had bought out the Dike Book company. This is incorrect. . and we cheerfully make the correotion. V Mr! ; John Thomas alone has bought the stook and will take pleasure in showing his many friends and oustomcrs . the excellent lime of goods he has. " The polling places,; for Morehead and Gilmer townships on' tomorrow will be North Morehead, the Grand jury room in the court house, South Morenead, 'tnei ratnot j omce, iMortn Gilmer, t'ae,- law, ?bffiee I of J as. W: Forbts, South Gilmer, the" Yates building, oornor of Sycamore and Elm streets. . DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. I assume that you all know the im. porUncc ol carrying the election on tomorrow and trust your interest it sufficient to awaken in you a desire to do somolhing to help bring success to the Democratic party. I therefote appeal to ycu, merchant, maolanicf , doctors, mill men, salesmen, lawyers, and all good citizens of every voca tion who desire the success of the Dcmocratio party td come to the polls, early in the mointDg and devote the who'e day in an effort to elect our entire ticket. A hearty support on your part will be worth hundreds of votes. I beg and trust that you will do rour full da:y. W. E. Seville, Esq., has charge of the vehicle to bring infirm voters to the polls. Please make it your special duty to report to him early in the mo.ning all such as will have to be sent for. R. R. Kwo, Chairman. Nov. 7, 489a. Let Mr. Ea.nson Ti IleWng Dew York, Matters promise to be lively in New York city on election day. The Feder al authorities declare they will force their election marshals inside the rail ings of the polling places, where they are forbidden to corue by the State laws, and the officers of the State of New York declare they will eject them and arrest them if they attempt to enter in defiance of the State I w. We may, therefore, have a very ptet 1 Iltylittl's contawersvpf h, We cau " wir-w: . -i r:-. jtt; qui Ttcnu mis impending ciasn 01 nthority as one of the roost fortunate circumstances that could have aris -r The act of Congress under wmch the marshals are intended to act is part of the reconstruction legislation of twen ty.five years back. It was intended for the South r 'one, but, being genera' in its terms, the Republicans find it broad enough to authorize the meas ures by which they hope and intend to disfranchise New York city. The people of the North aie, therefore, roused by 'he impending clash to ap preciation of the fact that if a Force b:" is once put upon the statute book, hough f 'Tied now exclusively at the Sou h, it v."! be mercilessly appl ed by the Republican party to any pait Of the North at any time when the r necessities in an election call for its application. The Force bill is thus brought home to the people of the North and thiy are taught by this in cident the jeopardy in which their 'iber!ies and righ-s now stand An interesting question io this connection is, WiH Mr. Harrison d?re attempt to enforce the act of Con cress in New York city in opposition to the contest which New York will make against it? He would boot Virginia or South Carolina, not only without hesitation, but with a malig nant and devlish del:sjht. But what will he do to New York? .That is very different question. . Gentle reader, we will tell you what he will do with New York. He will do as all bullies do. He will bluster and foam at the month until he sees that the ' authorities of New York mean business, when he will suddenly go into the White House and pull the White Housa in after him. He will be like the man who went hunting the grizzly bear He tracked him over mountain and across dale, at the end of the third day he suddenly quit Being 'asked why,' he said : "The trail was eettine too fresh . Mr- Harrison may try- tor boot Vir ginia, but will he dare trying to boot New York? iiilENT A WHITE ROSE BLANKET At Our Establishment. THIS BLANKET WEIGHS Sj 123 Under Sits aii Drawers k lies, TO BE CLOSED OUT At Less Trak Cost. WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will pive the benefit to BiVEKY MAW UT GUISEXTSnojao mr TIIESle If yon expect to secure any of thnne bargains. Goods "f this cbar nc'tt and at these prices don't rest on onr counter at thia season of the year. POWELL & K. OF P. BUILDING, C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind., writes : '-My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly impaired her general health nd made her blood very impure. In the spring she was not ab e to do anyihing and could scarcely pet about. More than a year ago she toot therce bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, and now she is perfectly cured. Both the method and results v;. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleamu and refreshing to the taste, nnd ' fently yet promptly on tlie Kiduc aver and Bowels, cleanses the ey tern effectually, dispels colds, beau aches and fevers and cures habitual oonstination. BvruD Of Fiirs is the only remedy ot its Kina ever pro . 1 : . j .. . . . duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomacn, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and nave made It the most popular remedy known. - U ? ' v ." ; Syrup of Figs is for sale to 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists.- Any reliable druggist who ; mm may not have it on band wui pro cure it promptly for any one who jrishesto try it Do not accept any substi&ta.. i XXr'y V.V CALIFORSCi FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH FHMOiaOO, OAU UUISVIIU. Kt. HEW tOU, HX POUNDS AND IS FULL SIZE. f onr customers now, when WHARTON GREENSBORO, N.-0. Pronounced tlorwlest Yet Bayed. From 'a letter written bMrs Ada U Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we qnote tha followiug: "Whs taken with a severe cold which settled on my lungs, cough ?t in r.nd finally resulted ill ooutmiuption. Four Doctors . gava me op, raying I could live but a short time. 1 cave nnself np to my Sav iour, determined that if I could not ' stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. Mv husband was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and co ds. I gave it a trial and took in a 1 eight bottles; it bas cured me, and thank God I am a well and homy woman. Trial bot ile freo at C. E. HoHou'h drag store rujivar tiize CO cnuts and $1. Good L.ook. . Good looks are more than ekin deep, depending upon a healthy con ditiun of all of the vital organs. - If the live- bo in active, you Lavs a hila ons look. If yi ur stomach be disor Hired yon haye a dj npi ptio look, and if o1ir kidneys be tffepted you have a ptt c'i. d look. Stcnre good health u:d rou will have good looks. Eleo iric Bitfera iba great alterative and tonic nets directly on the vital organs Cure pimples, blotohep, boils and given a good complexion. Sold at C E. Holton'i drng stote 60 cent per bott'e. : ' . . .. BALtPMAN WANTED. Valuable eommll Ion ottered. saO.OO weekly earned bv many of rwr R("nt,n, Samples freo. . P. O. Box 1371 Sew York. : Dr. C . '. OHATSOX, GREENSBORO, Write me full symptoms of your eld ouronio disease i, suoh as . rheumatism, I vill treat on aty mode of praoiioe de sirtd. from thet'ansdian Indian down t; rough the Mineral Kingdom, Toms ' souiD, and B?drpathy eures. Btate your fnweial condition for ;ref onable terms; medicices fnrni&htd. v ,v Feb 15 Estimates by J IS Uurtii, advt aaa mum pa .'.. Jt . mmmm V :!';