GBEENSBOBO DAILY WOBKMAM. ML 1. W. CffiSSlllltll, S. C. Il'MJI InTCM, lOVtKB IW. i two nc mi J" YOU CAN BUY THAT NEW SUIT NOW. SAMPLE LOCAL WHIFFS. We'll see what we'll see. The question is almost decided. Garfield's brother voted for Cleve land today. Tho ballot has executed the will of the people. Wait til! you hear froia the election returns. Somebody will be surprised. The negroes have nearly all voted with the Republicans in this election. Tho printers are on a utriVt ' i New Orleans. There will be no p erg to ;Ttre the returns.. - -r, Tho weather has cleared up somc what today in order to give tho Demo crats achancotopollthcirfullstrcngth. ' The voter of Greensboro were ex tremely quiet today. In Asboville even yesterday the wildest excitement prevailed. Froo fights wore numerous. Tho right way to do. Ouo good Democrat said that ho got up soon this mornihg, said his prayers, went down and voted, then went hack homo to breakfast. According to the best 'estimates the Democrat expect to come out of Greensboro with a majority of one hundred. The whole couii'.y will probably (five a 'majority of two bin ilred. We promised last week to announce the winner ot our prise wateh. Les !;e L. Al en is the proud owner. He brought in the largest subscription list and was presented with the watch last Saturday A drummer for a big machine con 1 v crn in Buffalo, N, Y., reports that he took orders for 50,000.00 worth of machinery in a Southern town last week; but that every dollars worth was ' ' conditional. If Cleveland is elected the goods are to be shipped, if Harri son is elected the orders aro to becan . . celled. .;...-'; "..'',- In passing through the crowds of voters Ths Wohkmaw found Mr. T. G. McLean in charge of one of th Prohibition ticket elands. 7 Mr. Mo e. Lean said that many of the best poo- Die of Greensboro will vote the Prohi bition ticket, not because they think , . , it will 'win; but because they think they are right. Mr.' MoLean's tickets 1 were in demand too, and his. , supply ' v had to be replenished constantly. '' I - . ; Doctrine brines no sinners to re- ,' ; v ,r Pleasure must bo always -well , , arejsew yiiappiness; . novor itninKs ' , ' f about Ito'oths". " We bavo jast opened up NEW LOT OF LIGHT COLORED SACK SUITS six styles io single and doable breasted suit, square and round cot, with singlo and doable broastod VESTS. Those were bought Ute in the season at oat prices. Yoa can safe from 72.00 to $i 00 on a suit by seeing them. Don't take oar word for it bat come and look. Oar line of OVKRCOAT8 and PANTS is complete, tad prices way down. . BRO YVN. 0BE OBOWi rOSD OF EI3 BED It's furny when a mn get t he over forty, how hs always longs for his own bed if he happens to be sepa rated from it," arid a retvued so jouiner at a meeting place "When I start toward home I al ways begin lo ?ive rein to my hitherto restrained desire t get home, and the main idea in my mind is to get into my own bed. It isn't becausj those I have beeii occupying nights were porr ones, or because mine is superior, but there's a something unexplainable when you land yo"r weary I ody in it Somehow $t seemras : if the bBtilde world was not qu e so powerful in its hanssuien t Thn sigh yon have when you pi'M up the t-heets and put your head into the iilow is just ab ,ut the same size and bu'ld you used to pump out when you were a little bo and had been fearfully homeoick, away for the fi'St time from home. You can look back to that time, and se with clear eyes at longe range through time's magnifier, that it was not sick for home that you wire, but just heart sick for your mother, ami wh-n you were oce more witii her, and bedtime crnie, l,ov, you were sately tucked in beveen 'he sheets, she came wi'h soft steps, nnd her thin hand puf up b fore the lamp to thade your face, and gliding up to 'he bed side, stood there looking down - stead fasf, (solicitous, wistful faces of poor work-worn mothers I Moist eyes have to s?e thjm now with memory's help. New York Recorder. SHOT AND KILLED HI3 FATHER-IN-LAW- News of a tragedy in High Point last night wax brought to Charlotte yesterday, The names and full particulars were impossib e to get this afternoou. From what : we learn Robert Ayers, of High Point, went to his f therin. law's hou e 1 last, night under the influence of whiskey. Fo sometime pst ti e two famines had not been on the bi t of terms. Some family trouble being the cause. Last night the old trouble was brought up and hot words ensued. Ayeis pulled his pistol Out and fired at his father-in-law, whose name it was impossible for ths News to learn,' atid then ran. The ball took effect in the old man's stomach and death shortly fohowed. Later report say that Ayers' has not yet been captured. Charlotta Nws, , They who marry where they do not love are apt to love where they db not marry. A misspent life is like a wasp. Onf does ndt Feelthe"Btihg 'unift'he'gots $0 tne end of it. ' ' TWO 0PJNIW8 ABOUT BUR. Henry Mount thus describes a woman : we saw on the train rn Saturday n young lady fioro Washing ton, and she is unque-tionably one of the finent and gran Jest and loveliest specimens of womanhood wo have ever seen. We repeat bhc in t-aus- Ccdcntly bcautifu', ami as we drank in the intoxicating potation of her ravishing charms w iuogine her cheeks to be those roy dial plates on which the heart throbbing were counteJ in those bewitching blushes which made all men her victims, and that her eyes, so radiant with waves of lncious witchery, was that deep ocean of enchantment in which all hearts were drowned in the delicious deeps of a blissful raptare. She is indeed a marvel of lov, liness, for her fignre is the perfection of symmetry ; ber neck tapers beautifully from shoul ders of splendid chiseling, and sup ports a head of r-gal bearing which shows the royalty of her queenly nature, and that regal nobi'ity of soul which makes her one of the loveliest creatures that eer gave splendor to womanhood and glory light to home Where Silence Beigns. "There is a plare down South where ono can hear the heart of a man heat distinctly and clearly. Each systole and diastole is as unmistakable as the tick of a big mantel clock. " The speaker was a Chicago travoling mad and he was addressing a half . . ... ... ... i' ' . . - - dozen loungers in a down town store. Six whistles of incredulity from as many throats. "It's a fact I'll swear to it. ThouxundH who havo been there are witnesses to it." he asserted. One by one they sorrowfully de parted until tho lust one, who said mournfully: "John, a bit of advice. Let your l'es be probable." . , "Woll, if that don't beat all," de clared tho travelling man to tho barj tender. "I might havo told 'em I caught a forty pound bass and they'd have believed it, or affected to do so But becausa I tell 'om somothing true they never heard before they make me out a Munchausen, or worse, It is down in Mammouth Cave, Kentucky Our guide Btopped our party by the shoro of the Echo River and had us put out our lanterns, that wo might bo in darkness which might bo felt Dark was it?' The darkest place in n'.l the universe. Well, that idiot had lost his matches, and there wasn't one to be had among us all. Scared wasn't tho word. Three miles under ground. The guido reassured us by declaring that relief must be had in a few hours, at most. That did not reconcile us much. We stayed there ten mortals hours before a search party sent out from the hotel reached us Then it was, as we satin tho darkness we observed the heartbeats not only our own, but those of our companions' We thought it due to the thumping that camo of our scare. But, bless you, no, it wasn't. . ' For, after we were found and on our way out; we tried it, and learned that it was possi ble anywhere in the cave, so great is the awful 8ilence."Chicago Mail. In a letter to the Richmond Dis patch, Capt. S. A. Ashe, of the News and, Observer, says: It is intimated that the . Democratic majority will be vtl'JteastliSopQand.mayjeacb ac, ooojbjjtJjfjftaja.a c nat rvatrve esti ma p. , - i tj liJENT A WHITE HOSE BLANKET At Our Establisdmknt. THIS BLANKET WEIGHS SJ Hs and 123 Ur TO BE CLOSED OUT- At Less Than Cost. WE HAVE DECIDFD TO CLOSE OUT ALL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, And will give the benefit to BYEirr Mm giikeitsboi?o rrrns tutqMi jjfWDON'T If yoa expect to secure any of these barcainB. Goods of thia char. 'pier and at theme prices don't rest POWELL A K. OF P. BUILDING, C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind., writ' s : '"My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly impaired her general health ind made her blood very i it. pure. lu the spring she was not ab e to do anyihing and could FC'ircely get about. More ihan a year ngo hhe toou theree bottles of Duianic Blood Balm, and now she is perfectly cored. ONJZ INJOY&3 Both the method and rcsulta Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleitssu and refreshing to the taste, and gently yet promptly on the Kidnev Liver and Bowels, cleanses the rj tern effectually, dispels colds, heaa aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced,, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. ': ,. ' ;! : ; Syrup of Figs is for sale in 6O0 and $1 bottles ty all leading drug gists.: - Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand eure, it promptly &r any one who wishes to-try it. Do not accept any substitute, v i ;; j .4 : M CAUFORk'i FIG. MRU Pt CO, SAH fRAHOI8CO0U ' V uomiut,Kt. v new no, MX - 01 mm POUNDS AND IS FULL SIZE Drawers oar customers now, wben WAIT - j -01 on our counter at this season of WHAETON GREENSBORO, N, C. Prooouncetl II oiw less Yet Sayed. From a letter written bjMra Ada E Hnrd, of Groton, S. D., we qnote the following: "Was taken with a severe cold wbicli settled on tuy longs, congh pot in snd finallv rcfnlted in couenmptiou. Four Doctors gave me op, saying I conld live bnt a short time, lgave myself up to my Sav iour, determined that if I could not stay with bit friends on earth, I wonld meet my absent ones above. -My husband was advised to get Dr King'a New Discovery for eon sumption, coughs, and co ds. I gave it a trial and took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am a well and bmirty woman. Trial bot tle-i fie at O. E Holton's drug store rogn'nr size CO eeuts and $1. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending npon a healthy eon diuon of all of the vital organs. It the livf-r be in 'dive, you have a biU our look. If yc nr stomach be disor dered yoa have a dypptptic look, and if your kidueys be effected you have a pincii d look. Secnre good health 11; d vou will have good looks. Eleo rio Bit'ers is a gieat alterative and louio sets directly on the vital organa Cures pimples, blotches, : boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at C E. Holton'i drug stote 50 cent pr bott e. . BALKBMAN WANTED. Valuable com mil lion ottered. ; J0.0o weekl earnsd bv many of nur aovnta. Samples me, P. O. Box 1871 Hew York.' ' ... , , Dr. O . W OHATSOSr, OREEKRBOBO. Write me full symptoms of your old otironio diseases, saoh as rheumatism, , 1 t 1 - I ill t rea l iT uode ot practice da sired., from tbeCansdian Indian down ti rough the Mineral Kingdom, Tome sOQUDoaod HydDpathy cures. . State yonr financial condition for reaionable' terms; mndioinna furnished. - v Feb 15 for Men, Estimates by XjJUartiv alvi v ''.:?;.'v'r:'.i''-:

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