GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. VOL. I, SO. 135, CEEEWMO, X. 0, IDllSDAF AFTEB00X, SOVEiBEB 17, Mi mice m m mi Both the method and results whe? 8yrnp of Fig is taken; it is pleosni and refreshing to the taste, and v gently yet promptly on tbe,Kidnev Liver and Bowels, cleanses the tj: tern effectually, dispel cold, heaa sxhts and fever and care habitual constipation. Byrap of Fig ia the only remedy of it kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ' its action and truly beneficial In its effects, prepared coir from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ' Byrup of Fig is for sole In 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mar not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not. accept any substitute. CJtUFORk'1 FIO SYRUP CO. t fHAHCISCO, OUt, tMitriui. nr. mw tot. A ATTENTION. ENOUGH FOB ALL. We have tank ' receive! - Urge stock of CEIINA WAEli. ETtTTtbiofc new and of tm vrr V?st. Call and tx am n f jr Tuari'.'lvi' . E M CiLDCLEUQH k BEO. Buoklen'aArnica Salve. The best Salve in tbe world for Cat. Bmi-es, Sore. ,, Ulcers, 811 Eheaw. FverSotvs, Tetter, Chapped Hand,, Chilbl i' i, Coma, ui nil Skin E upturns, and podtively eurei Pilos, or no pay " is required , It is guiranUed to give perfect natisfa tion, or jvty .refunded. Price 2 cents per hot. For !e by C K Holton" ' ,, TT 7" Mcst.J. -S-ott&O' have just received for their wfiole?ale trade icn gros, or I52 pounds,7 of Blum's A U roanar, wh ch is th Brat , inbtaliiaent of that famous pub'iction,. so wo'l known in se'ctioo of North Caro- Una. Country merchants will get ; their supplies from J. W, Scott 'UMON HOT DROPS. Cures all coughs, rolds, hoarseness sore throat,, bronchitis, hemorrhage nd all throat and lung diseases. El egant, reliable. i . ss - cents at diuggists. Prepared only by Dr. U: Mode, Alanta. Ga : "Qwl" brail 1 Hnd "Ajax" coffee, 23 cents pound, : l Onsidered by many of our custome r 10 be superior lo Arbuckle's. Well, y a pays your money and you takes your choice. Fresh 1i i f ail three kinds on hand now. . J. W. S ott&i. ... 1 1 i in 1 11 1 P t "' " 1 'a ' Jhlil t, eti-iu, ioM)inr nuit healing in Dr. Sag' currb remedy. Curt tbe. worst forujS permanency. No xperinieutius.r Itj "Old Reliable..' 25yetra of uccewt. ,,,11, ' I J ' ' . ' . . , . . GOING TO THE OITT FISH MARKET ONLY! fill I II I UJ T 'v your Tkanksgivinq FISH and O a ro u Drury Hoell fic "i rfock nljvavs on band. 3pCey so ' t at Stall 4i'uuiUr 8. " ' ' iiuaicd on by J E Cartia.advt ogent LOCAL WHIFFP. The north sidowalk along Davie street is being ptved with brick. M' or VendenLall has done riulit in increasing the police force. The people will fee' sate This is fino weather for horseback riding. All the saddle horses in the stables are in demand There are thirty-fivo horses in C. P. Vanstory's stables They are a fine lot and are kept busy all the time. ' We desire to inform the pnblio that this is not a tin shop. We have had quite a lot of calls recently for tin. We will ohargo Mr. Yates a commis sion on every austemor we send to the "lower regions " Inquiry being made this morning at the east entrance of the court house for news, the inquirer was informed that there had been a final close of the news department on aocount of the ono sideness of the reports Cleveland and all of his adherents having got every thingandgone on. EVIDENTLY THE WORK OF AN INCENDIARY.; Thore was another small fire in town last night. The question is, 4 'was it the work of some infamous scoundrel or was it accidental?" v The alarm was given sfor the fourth Ward "kit" night about three o clock. The fire was soon found to be at Mrs. McCormick's Mrs. McCormick is a widow lidy. She lives on Ashboro street and sup ports herself and two children by keop inff hoarders. The fire was first dis- o covered bv one of the boarders, a Mr, ----- r Jones. Ths Workjux went down to Mrs MoCormick this morning in searoh of particulars. . The fire originated in the basement under the south room which has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Raban. This morning there is a pile of charred pine wood under this room The sleepers and flooring over this pile of wood arejoharred and prob ably burnt a third through. , The Workman talked with Mrs. McCor iiick about the fire. ' She is unable to aocount for it. She soys that the basement was used as a storage place for Mrs. Rahan's wood. The pile of pine, wood had been in there about a month. . The colored woman who stays about the house carries Mrs Rabans wood. She carried it up last night about six o'clock. She knows of no one else being in the basement afier that. The wood is saturated with oil, and,-would at first lead one to suppose that somo one bad set fire to the house. But the wood was brought from the old oil tank and was no doubt saturated with oil before it was put thore.' The end of the sill under the south room is charred too and looks as. if oil bad been poured on and a torch applied The brick on tbe' outside seemed streaked with oil and smoke. Now the - question is would the smoke from wood, sotura ted .with oil, streak the brioks and leave the trace of oil ; on them looks more as if oil was poured along the sill and a light applied to the south end.' A man at' Dobbin, W. Va., ate oooked rat in the presence-of an opera house full of pooplq Saturday night, m payment ot an electron Dev t-xneoon tract called for the eating oF.a-raw.'rat but the Democrat allowed the Repub liean to have it cooked. SETTLE 13 ELECTED. Thos. Sottle has been officially de clared the Congressman elect from the Fifth District. The news was not a great surprise as it has beon known for some timo that if Williams was eloctod at all, it was by a small ma jority, and that he could only be seated by throwing out some of tho Stokes county votes. The Democrats havo made a hard fight, but Tommio has proved too much for' them. Thore is no doubt about Settles ability, and with a good Democratic majority to rostrain his Republican proclivities, he will do very well. yWe could havo wished it otherwise; but, sineo it is tho will of the people, w6 submit as gracefully as we can. Chief Polios Weatherlj's Opinion. Thx Workman talked with Mr. Weatherly this morning about the fire last night. He was inclined to think it (he result, of an accident, possibly lora fire which had fallen from some body's pipe. Knowing that Mr. Raban under wbose room the fire occurred Land was a constant pipe praoler and thinking that he - might have been down- , mere ? ana dropped ., no me fire accidentally from . his pip-, ' Tux j - . . . Workman and Mr Weatherly went in search ot Mr. Raban. Tbey found him at the oVjvt with the pipe in his movh T they say be sleeps aodi.y, itya In'bfomoutb. But Mr. RaTx , sw that he did not so into the bK.eant last nigut. i?u tbe fire mutt have originated s me o;htr wsy. DAVIE STREET Tbe Workman took ts' roll thr.-ugh Davie street this tn.jrni.ig. It ! not a pretty place Bany uieart, but there is quiie s lo' irvis.'ness do e ou this street. ' tl j , First, th fit IHe market house, of course, wlTwLX (he teef is bought aooVsold. . ho 'you can find either mountain a '"noun try beef. - The mountaiu beef Is especially line. It comes mostly from Wilkes county; is killed there and shipped here. We noticed some fresh mountain cheetr, weighing six pounds which sells at twelve cents a pound. The are first class and sell rapidly. Tben there is John Phoenix, who does a general produce and commis sion business. Tbe volume of bust ness done in this unpretentious house 18 immense. Marriage What Blount Thinks Of If When a couple enters this sweet and holy and bUsed domain this God. given, Angel-tended, Heaven sheltered realm ot the purest, highest, strongest and most ecstatic emotions or tbe numaa heart yea wnen couple enters the blessed sphere in which so iimny precious germs of promise are just ready to bud and blooii) and blousoro out into full ex panded flower cf luxuriant beauty snd richest things of loveliness ye when 'bey en'er this higher sphere of existence their steps should be timed to the melody of heart beats, miogl ng together ia a harmonious and magnifi cent rytbm, and they should murch. up to this hitllowed God dedicated shrine of purest earthly rapture only through the bliss bordered isle of reciprocal love and devotion, Observe thi rule and marriige wil ive to earth tne rosiest and brightest and ra.Et beauti fuKoolotingj,1 and existence will be thrilled with the puliings of therholiest and sweetest rapture. Amen. Wil S' n Mirror. FI'RELV PERSONAI, Col. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, arrived here this morning. Mr. J. C Bain, of Randleman, of the firm of Bain St Sons, merchants, came over vesterdav and was here today, purchasing goods. Mr. Foard, of Wentwortb, who was here ih attendance on Presbyter), in. formed a Workman reporter that preparations have been made to start up the Bingham School on the first day of January, with Rev. Mr. Mur ray, present pastor of Alamance church, as principal Mr. J J Thornton received a dis patch from Raleigh this morning stating that the late Hon. D. W.Bain, Treasury of the State, will be buried by the Grand Lodge of Masons to. morrow at 3 o'clock, p. in. A dele gation to attend from tbe Greensboro Lodge, will be chosep at a meeting tonight , CoL W. F. Henderson, of Lexing ton, who ran for Congress in tl;is dis trict against Gen. A. M. Scales a number of years ago, and was defeat ed, wis here this morning on hit way to Winston. ' The CoL looks a little older than he did, but is still active. Our reporter was considerate of the feelings of CoL Henderson and did not thrust the subject of party polis tic on hand. Tbe Col says that he has but one bad babit, and that is cbefting . tobaccoNever says, "I'll bet". ' WHERE T3 F1ITD 1EY3 TO THE TIER BOIES. Below we give loouicn of the differ t nt fire boxes and wbere tbe key are left. No 12. Corner Greene, opposite FarmeM' Warehouse ; key at Farmers' Warehouse, Mabe Lamb and Denny H( us-. ,' (No. 13. Church street; key at Jas. Pughs, J. R. Hughs and Dr. Griffito. No 14. E ut Market street oppo site S. t . Dodaon't; key at Do J son' , Mack Gorring.r, C. E. Holton. No, 1 5 Conrt Hou-e Square; key at Fitzslmmon's drug store, Benbow House and Port office. . ; No. 2l. West Market street; key at Neal Ellington's, W. C. Porter, S. H. Alderman. No. 23. West Washington street ; key at Professor Frasierc, Straus Cor" tier House and Dr, Rowe. No. 24 Corner East , Washington stree!; key at McAdoo House,' K. R. Nioore, J. vV. Scott and National Bank. No. 25 East Wa4iintou street ; at C. H. Dorsett, P. D. Tuce, Sam Brockmann. . No, 3I. Awbe st; key at Guilford Lumber Cooip my and Love's Saw Mill. No. 82 .Ashboro st; key at W. H. Farris', Cape Fear Depot and t No, 223 oorner Scott's Ro. ONE KIND OF VISION. Some thirty yers ego or more a man wa elected as TJuited States Senator from Vermont, and his Col league at Washington was asked by a b cottier Senator : '"What kind of a man is this that has been elected ?" His answer was i "He is a Very sharp sighted man. He cm ee a fly a mile off on a barn door, and not see the door.'' There are a good many who are sharp to see a small technicality and are blind to a large principle. The Intependent ,' J ; 1 ; ' :;X (iy. . - " i,,'V-:V ' 'i The new union station kb St; "Louis will oover thirty-two trains and cost $5,500,000. LEMGN ELIXIR, Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, ake Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness, and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon EJuir. For indigestion and foul stomach. take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough on ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Motley's Imon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseaes, all of which arise from a tor pid or diseased Liver, stomach, kid. neys or bowels. Prepared onlv bv- Dr. II. Mozlcv. Atlanta, Ga. 50c and one dollar bottle . at druggists. Guaranteed Care. We authorize- our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's new ditoovery for Consumption, Cough snd Gold's upon tnis oordition. If vou are afflicted with a cougb cold or any lung throat or chest tronble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no ben efit, you may retnrn the bottle and have yonr money refunded. We could not make this n did we no know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disap Eiiots. Trial bottles free at C. E olton'sdrnflf ore. Large ansa ISO oents and $1. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy con dition of all of the vital organs. It the liver be inactive, yon have a bD ons look. If yonr stomach be disor dered yon have ft dvepeptie look, and if your kidneys be effected you have a pinohed look ,, Secure good health d you will bave good looks. EleQt trio Bitters is a gieai alterative and tonio sets directly on the vital organs Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at (J. E. Holton' 1 drug stote 60 cent per bott'e. , , 11 HI . Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved From a letter written b.iMrs Ada E Hnrd, of Groton, S. D., we quote the following: "Was uken with a severe cold which settled on my lungs, cough net in and fioallv resulted in consumption. Four Doctors gave me np, saying I could live bnt a short time, lgave myself up to my Sav-. iour, determined that if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I ' would meet my abseut ones above. My husband, was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, eonghs, and co ds. I gave it a trial and took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, aiid thank God I am a well and heart woman. Trial bot ties free at C. E? Holton' drug store , rogu'ar size 50 oents and $1. China HaiX Fine Laropt, Din ner, Teaand Toilet Sets just arrived at. E. M Caldcleugh Sc Bro. C. A. Thompson, Seymour Ind., writti! 'My sister Jennie, wbeu she was a young girl, suffered from a white swelling which greatly impaired her general health and made her' blood very impure, In the fpring she was not ab'e to do anyihing and could ctrcely get about , More than a year ngo she took therce bottles ot Botanic. Blood Balm, and now she is pe-fectly cured. , ' : Dr. O . W. ORATEON, GREENSBORO, maaomai'S, IV M j . , i l 1 A(t,1e8 will be given of a patient wLe - le.tti ttw Mdic UOUe.4 In caltunoro, -and was oured by me in Oreentiboro. ' HliL'SSMAN WANTED. Valuable e I'oa ottered X).00 weekl earupd bv t oy of our asrntii. Bamples bee. V. O. lux 137lNewYork. i,- 1 v. : f I t L