010 DAILT WORKMAN. ton iso. iii, urnim s. t, rciDir mnmi mum , mi MCE $3.00 TEE VK.lt. B ) OINTIS UPfJOYO Both the method and results what Syrup of Fig is taken j it ia pleasur and refreshing to the taste, and V -gently yet promptly on the Kidnc , Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho 17; tern effectually, dispels colds, hcaa aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ceptable to the stomach, prompt la its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. . ' , -Syrup of Figs is for sale in BOc and f 1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept auy ' substitute. - CAUFORKi FIQ SYRUP CO. $AM flAMOiaCO, Ott. - touisriut. sr. mm row sr.. Tho Lat,wt in ll SHADES ond OOL ORS, .Tee, ruffs. Four in Hand, Wiodor. n. CALL ANDJ.OOIt AT ' ' C ht t laud S. Just recoivtd f y J. W. Sco'.t & Co. one hundied baske s Concord grap i, at 2$ cents a 1 a let. These aie just in time Tor Suud y. Also on band always the best, of tirioles out if which to wak a to d b ekfa t, din ner or eupp r ' h y have n v-ry largo numoer ' " boarders" vn that principe Buoklon'e Arnica Salve. The ! Snivi in th orld- loi Cut, Brut e, Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum, F.-rSaiv8, Teter, Obappel Hand, 'CiniMiiiiA, 'Corus ul "I Skin E upi ions, and positively cures Pile, or no pay is rqnired. It it goaraulHtid to give pnfuct satisfa tion, or money refunded. Frice 2B cents p'?r box Holton For sale by C. Mesr. J. v. Si ott & O. have just received for their wholesale trade ten grosj, or I52 pounds, of Blum's AN manar, wh ch is the fir at installment ' of thht fanvms pub icuion, to wu 1 known in t is sectioa of North Caro lina''' O'Uitiy merchants will get their supplies from J. VV. Scott & Co. ';' ' UMON HOT DHOP3. ' ' ' Cures all coughs, colds, hoarseness sore throat, bronchitis; ,. heniorrhafie nd aU tnro.ii and lung diseases,' ;v El ejant,.r2'aub!2 J: ". : I ' : 2$ cents dtuggiW,'- lYejwretij only DyDr. Hv'toey.'Ala!ita. pa. - "Owl" bran l ij mi Afax" codee,' 23 cents puu, 1 o :t.idfred by many of our custane'rs "to be ;,erior to Abuckle's. vve:i. y;u pays you; money an:) you takes .your choice. Fresh lut of ail ihs-eo innrf on hand now. J. t. S, ott &). . THANKSGIVING DAY. Our Btor'o'will bo closed on Thanks giving day, Nov. 24th. Friends and tjufctomeru will ploase take notioe, ' SAitp-K .Biiowk. "Mi!d, (feiule, aootuin? end bealiug ia Dr. Sage's citirrh rerueiy,Cu"; . (" e worst forms permanent; No imontirf?. 11 "Old Rfliab." ASLO0SD NEILOHEAII. , Omau, Nkb, Nov. ai. Frt-mont c unty, lvw, is t-xt-ttrd cer the mjts Uriou death of the fifth wile of Wil liam Mayher. Mrs Ma) her di.d lud denlyOot ber aSth. S'e h-d takVn three or four gmius of quline tor toothache, aud"iu less than an hour was dead. Humor had it that Mayher had made away with several wives, and tbe coron r deiermited to ho d n inqnts'. The body tf wfo No. 5 was dlsin terred and tie toraach, braia and lungs wre rent to the Mat chetr.i-t for analysis. Thy disclosed t yen nine poi-om'ng and the jury yesterday rendered n erdict in sccoidanc i ith these facts. Maher is six y years old and a native of Ireland., Wht n twenty-one years old he nanied a California woman, who toon died of con uip tion, S ayherSiis. In 1868 hi mar ried Mrs. Travis. In two iars she was taken sick and died. Three mouths later Mayher married Mattie Iloon, a S daey,(Icwa) womaa She lived twelve years Mayber moved to Axtelle, Kan., and one mcning w fe No. 3 died while at tbe breakfast ta'de. Alter a lpse of tl ree years Mayher married Mis- Anna Vnbh, of Sidney. They went to Ax telin, and there wife No 4 died of Ispinrl trouble, according to Ma)h r's story Thtn Miyler married Mis. Erbeck, a widow with two small chi! dren. Tne dea h of wifj No 5 is re latcd kbove KILLED HI :TuOUSItf AND KlVAL. Entbrprise, K., Nov. 2o Hars Tf Wineate was shoi nd kil ed by his cousin, O'car Y. Hill, on Fleming Fork jesttrdiy. Thi difficulty came up over a tin wi.oin Viagate had sncceede 1 in tuking away Irru Hill. Hill e-caped, but is being closely pur surd by officers. IE PL Af E QUIREElT Thomas Odell, a young man of 22 years of age, living seven miles back of Greenup Kentucky, has met death in a strango manner. Ho had been a puzzle to physicians for several years. He was affected by what he ate to such an extent that when he indulged in beef eating, about an hour after ward he would, become restless and wander out in search of cattle and bellow as an ox, and would get down on his hands and knees and eat grass like a cow..".. When he partook of mut ton his actions were thoso of a Bhecp, and he would plaintively bleat, like a lamb. When ho ate chicken, he would go and soratch 'for worms, which be would devour with apparent relish. After eating fish lie would wander to tho crook and go in swimming. ' Mon day his father killed several squirrels, of which tho son ato heartily for din ner. He left thc houso shortly after and was'follow'ed by his father.- . Tho father saw., him enter an oak, grove, and soon saw his son jumping nimbly from limb to limb, at'thd same time barking like a squirrel. ' . ' I called for him to eonio down,', but this only etiued to make the boy want to . cs Cape, and np attempted to jump from one treO'to another, but missed and fell to the ground, a mangled, breath less mass of humanity, and expired in loss than five minutu9. Louis Zavicr, the French sculptor, Bays the feet of- American 1 wonten tfro too small.- He has never bee to Chicago. ; But if however saw; an American womua'put rlnr foot down anday sho -mtvint it ho would" think -Star. " ' r V"' , IN8T05'3 HEW HOTEL BUSHED. Winston, N, C, Njv 23. Wins- t n bus teen visijed ty another disas troui fire. This time, it in the Hotel ZiiZi-ndorf, Winston's fine new hotel that was onlyroceit ly opened. Fire broks out ia the Zinzendor at 11 o'clock this morning and the structure was entiicly destroyed. The fire originated in the laundry of tho hotel and Was caused by the explosion ot a gasoline store. The loss is estimated at $125,000. There is so inturanoe of $100,000 on the property. ; A liter dispatch says: The mov ables and 'lersonab'e effects mostly were saved. Tbe flames spread rap. idly, fanned by a strong wind, and in hair an hour tt)t building was a mass of fjames. Thousands gathered to see tbe awful sight Several invalids were.carried out in time. . The fire . companies could r' nder but btlle assis:ance. The hotel was completed last May. Two month 1 ago it parsed from the management ot Eugene Boswell to L W. Scoville. There were ab ut thirty guests in tbe hotel. It was built by the Weit End Lend Company, at a cost of $140,000 and was insured lor about fcl0i,000. heavy L038 B7 riaiLATiTtfai, Ltnchcubo, Vs., Nov. a4 The greatest conflagration in the history of Lynchburg broke out atac tarly hour this morning What was yr r day probably the busiest I lock m iiie city is to-day a charred ruins. A cum ber of tobacco factories and t-everal large business houses w.-r destroyed. The assessed value of the bu Idings burned is $! 2,000. but their selling valu would probably aggngite much ore. The value of tbe stock cannot as yet be accurately estimated, bnt it will b 1 upwards of $175)0. Tbe insurance will not cover the l ss, as one of th largtst buildings was not insured at all. The total innu anre will be something like $100,000. " The fire is supposed to have started in th immenso tobacco ftrtilizor ts tablishment ol Wright & Craigbill, on Commerce street neir Seventh. The alarm was trned in at 2.2$ o'clock a ra., an ! when ihe firemen arrived they found the fertilizer hcuse' in a light blazV aud the adjoining. bulling, a la: ge brick structure, oc cupied by Mr., W. A. Heffern as a stained glust macufacory,had cauh A eooud alarm w. s aounded, and the entire department . responded. - The firemen devoted (har energies to pre ventiffg the spread tf Ihe flames, b it owinq; to the strong wind that was blowing a", the time, it was far into the morning before the fire could be gotten under control. The origin ot tho fir ' ia unkr.own. . : A3 TO THE EE VtTIS ILLIS0I3 ' While the tariff apt fores bills,. Mr Cleveland's popularity and the do fedtion of theLutherans doubtless had much to do in bringing about this revolution, in Illinois yet we believe fho chiof cause of it was the nomina tion of Illinois' gallant leader, Adlai E. Stevenson, for second place ou the ticket. The Credit for this sagacious political move is due chiefly to.the North Carolina .delegation in the Chicago eon vention and especially to the chairman of tho" delegation, Mr Jos' P. ' Caldwell.- Newton Enter priS ' ' . ; Mrs,' J. ; M-" Cross-.' returned . from IIEM3 OF GEHEBAL 1NIESEST. Tho Turkish war office has prohib ited all officers below the rank of major to take a second wife. A building in which a wedding feast was in progress at Brjar, Spain, collapsed and nine of the guest were killed The President hat appointed Wm. Potter, of Pennsylvania, minister to Italy, and Wm. P. Thomson, of Ore gon, minister to Turkey. A cyclone swept over the town of Red Bud, III., last week, destroying thirty-fivo houses,; killing three per sons and injuring fifteen others. ' .1 Congressman Chapon, of Brooklyn, recently appointed a railroad commis sioner for New York State, ha re signed as a member of Congress. Secretary Foster denies thau he said there would be a deficiency ia the Treasury ibis year. Tie Treasury Department has lie gun the issue of the new $700 notes, a.distiDgoishiog feature of which is a v gnette of Gen. W. T. Sherm.n. Gov elect Turney, " of Tnnessee, who was reported as being some days ago, is much improved ! it ! .jfjjou&ht-wiil oon b4 wciajiiu. THE GUILOTINE " AND ITa V INVENTOR. ; Oue of the most w dely dissemi ra'ei of popn'ar errors is that Dr. Guiliotio .inviiu d the gjim machine which still bears his name. The real inventor ot this sinister c ntmahce was Dr. Louis, a srell known medical man and permanent secretwry oi the Parisian School ,of Medic ne, or Academie de Medicine. Dr. "Guillotin, who died in 1S14 energetically but vainly protested against the use of his name in con nection with ihis disagreeable sul jeet an evidence, if one were wantel, oi the great d fficu t. there is of correct ing a popular error,. Needless to s y that the legend that Dr. Guilhitin was among the victims of his friend's in genious and merciful instrumeut of destruc ion h wholly apocryphal. He died at a good old ge, and in his bed, surrounded by his children who, how ever, oblain. d permission to change their fiame, London Saturday Re viw; " THE TIES! STEAMBOAT. 1 It ii hot generally kuown that the fire,t stemboit ever built, in "' the United States was . construcud by James . Ruuisey,' ut Shepherds own, W. Va', in the;year ,1785 Robert Fulton, wi h his e.lermont, whs ant.ci pated y' Ruriisey jwehiy two jears According to the Fi ederiik (W. Va.,) News,; the steam boat., was fitted up with machi'iery partly . mariufautured at the Carbd irrfurnsce of the Johnson Ba.s , near Frederick Th-3 . boi'le-, twd-cylindeip pumpp, etc, wire manufactured in" Baltimore':; Some portions of the wo. ks were . o ade at t ie Antietam Iron Works, On March 14, 1785, a public experiment, th9 first ever undertaken in America, was made on thit Potomac River.' Rum spy succeeded in attaining a epeed o four miles an hour iigaiiwt the current. -Railway Keview. - , , . Mr. Eiank L. Full,r and Miss Lil lian Day were, mwyied nt Durham j lust ,Wenesdriy' morning "Iu thw 1 afternoon of the Fame day Mr,, Evn G. Raylaodi 'led to the ? al'.ar Mirs Ella Tones Reaves.- - " ' y . LEMGN ELIXIR. Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, ake Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, tika Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness, and palpitatioo of the heart, tkke Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomachy take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, lor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Imon Elixir will not fail you in sny of the above named diseaes, all of which arise from a tor pidor diseased Liver, stomach, kid neys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr II. Mczuy, Atlanta, Ga. 50c and one dollar liottld at druggists. Oiiaranrctd Cstr'e. We authorize, our advertised ding gist Jo sell Dr. King's new difoovery for Consumption, Cocghs ind Cold'a upon this, corditiun. If jou sre afflictfld with a eougb cold or any lung throat or cbwt troub'e, and frill use tbis remedy as directed, giving1 it a fair tria', and experience do ben efit, yon msy re-torn the bottle and,' narn your mouey refcndeJ. We could not mak" tbk r iirl We ro know tJiMt, I)r. Kibg' New r eonl1 be ' Good .looks are uioie than skiq deep, depending upon a bealthy con dition of all of the vital organs. f the livt-r be insciivo,yon huve a biU ous look. . If ye ur stomach be disor dered you ha?e a dypeptio look, and if your kidneys be effected you have a pinchsd look. Secure good health il1 on will have good locks. Eleo trio Bit ere is a great alterative and lonio acts directly on tbe vital organs Cures pimples, blotrbep, boils and given n good cotupbxiou Sold at C. E. Holton' drug mote. 50 con' per botte Piououuced Uoprless TetSayeo F rom s letter written byMrtt Ada 1 Hurd, of Groion, S. D., we quote the f.,lloiijg: "Whs taken uith a severe 1 old wbich settled on my lungs, cough eet in sud finally , reunited in consumption. Four Doctors gave me np, paying 1 con id live but a short time. 1 irvn myself up to my Sav ionr, determined that if I Could riot sta.v with my friends on earth, I would ninet my absent ones above. Mv bnsband was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, cougls, and 00 ds. I gave it a trial and lock in a 1 eight boitleaj it has ciyed mf, m d thank God I am a well and bnarty n umnn. Trial boc tie fren at O. E. HoltonV dmg stora roga'ar size 60 cents and $1. C. A. Thompson Seymour Ind., writs: 'My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from a white Bwellinj? which greatly impaired ' hr ientiriit health end made her blood -very.;. impure In the spring she was not ab e to Jdo anyihing and ' could ec u cely get about, More than a year jiga he took therce bottles ot Botanic Clomi Balm. and now she is pcfect'f cored, -v r nntria. win insae .vm as tirt. smi P. MABSB ALL, Stall f, Is a iran Ui-iu'J ''l'nn a'ivertlst slila freth mrats. Try it 11 tt'i-rt'tll lie is cheap and advertises EMimated 03 by J ii Omrlii,o'1vt tn t n (ptyUcwt OHitsr lor ;..dt. ; Miliary .i;.- - $ V. --M'i'ltfv;"-'i''rr"V 1. V. . kilf.y S'.t.T. ; 7 J iZy'Hlirt fcU old chronioH di-iwaV Wit mtt-J A J Concord last night A-