Opportunity's fmpire-Waynesville Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsui passed K&luial Raouus fcr Hie kcalion of Manufacturing Industries If Volume XXXVII. Number 11 Waynesville, HayMd County, North Carolina, Thuialay, March 12, 11C25 $2-01) o Year in Advance SUMMER BOARDERS SUNDAY WAS BIG INDUSTRY OF INTEREST HAPPENINGS IN CIVIC LEADERS FOR THE FARMERS METHODIST DAY FOR WAYNESVILLE TO CLUB WOMEN THIS SECTION HOLiJ BANQUET TWENTY-I IVE ThOl SAM) WAIT IXC TO COM K TO WKSTERX NORTH CAROLINA. The Southern Railway is authority for thi' statement, that in addition to the people who spend their vacation period in, Western North Carolina now, at least 2o,()00 more will flock here the first summer there are ac commodations to care for them; and that is only the lioginning. If accom modations can be arranged for and these people are informed and, after spending then- vacation here, return to their respective communities .satis fled with the accommodations and treatment afforded them, each on? can be counted on to act as an advertiser of this section of our state as a vara, tion report. So, the number of regu lar Western North Carolina vacation ists will increase each year in pro portion to our ability and willing ness to care for them. The situation at present may be likened to that of the farmer who knows lie has a pro ductive and vonequenll valuable piece of land and allows it to lie fallow. By 'ignoring the possibilities of pro viding he right kind of vacation ac. commodation.- for the thousands who would come here from .such as Cin cinnati. New Orleans, Memphis, etc., the ci'izens. and speak ng more par ticularly, the farmers of Western North Carolina, are practicaliy refus ing to accept the hundredsof thou sands of dollars thesje vacationists would leave here each season. We speak specifically of the farm er, because it is in large measure his opportunity that is being lost. Thou sands of people in the cities mentioned cannot afford to live in high priced hotels. Thousands more, particularly those with children, do not care for the life of the summer hotels, but choose the change to life on the farm with its qufet simplicity and close ness to nature providing the farm house is equipped with those simple conveniences to which the city dweller is accustomed, and considers funda mental and indispensible to his com fort, and that the food is wholesome, of variety and well cooked. Western North 'Carolina, Inco., with headquarters in Asheville was organ ized to serve ail the people of this section of the State. Its executive committee and officers are confident that in natural .scenic beauty and in vigorating yet equable climate, h U unsurpassed in the United States. One of its ohectives is to acq-iaint the people, particularly those who are accustomed to take a regular summer or full vacation, with the accessibility, charms and health-giving attributes of these western counties of our State, then induce th?m to come here and by so doing, to provide an added source of income for the farmer wh ) is progressive enough to realize what that increase in income will add to his we'l-being and that of his family. There are thousands of such farm ers in Western Carolina, men of vision and capacity, who are willing, and what is mure important, equipped and prepared to accent from tw to ten naying guests this summer. But, they have no means of advertising the fact. They are, as it were, cut off from a source of supply that means added comfort and increased prospects. That is where Western North Caro lina, Inc.. can and' will function for them. Western North Carolina, Inc., is now engaged in compiling a list of farm houses in this section, in which summer boarders can be accommo dated with profit to the farmer and satisfaction to the guest. In compil ing this list. Western North Caro lina, Inc., must have the, assistance of the progressive farmers in every one of our twenty-lfive counties. That as sistance will cost them exactly two rents the price of postage to mail a letter informing Western North Car olina, Inc., of this desire to inqreasc their income by accepting summer boarders. Western North Carolina, Inc., will, in turn, answer the commu nication, setting forth the minimum standard that has br-en adopted for farm boarding houses inquiring as to rates, location, etc. and will then, If th? reply be satisfactory, list the farm home and recommend it as a vacation home to some of those '.wen-ty-five thousand people who seek to come here. Western North Carolina, Inc., G Government St. Asheville, N. C. DISTRICT MEETING OF I.AUIKN Ol' TIIK WAYNESVILLE DIS TRICT M. K. CIII III'll, SOI TH. The Laymen of the Wayiit-villc District of the Western North Car. lina Confirence M. K Church, South Lumbt'r Compriy i.s practically as- to the IT.'i or more club women in gathered at the First .Methodi-st -u,v'l ' locating here. Waynesy'lr. :!'. throtl federated church on Sun.hr.' las', for an all day 't :l mass meeting held in the court clubs from here always sending a conference. .Mr. James Atkins, Jr., of nouse on last Friday night con-sider- roo, representation. Waynesville is the District I .ay Lead- :'l,,l enthusiasm was manifest by the The ch'te of the annual convent.! jn or and had prepared a program- which m,,st "f the civic leaders of Wayne?- of the North Carolina Federation of was thoroughly enjoyed by the six or vl"1'- Women's Clubs at Pindhurst, have seven hundred people in attendant-". Aci ording to those who were in a been changed from .May o to H to May Mr. Atkins presided over the meeting position to know it required nearly 4 to (S. inclusive. This change was which w?.s called to order shortly a!- s('vel thousand dollars to make the found necessary to avoid a conflbt tir ten o'clock. railroad right of way assured. with the State Bankers Association, A f ature of the day was the meet-' 1 '"' l,rovel " he a very mai which holds its convention there May ing of the Men's Bible clashes of the matter as the business and profession- 7, 8 and 9. Waynesville Methodist church and the ol mvn immediately on Friday night The Carolina Hotel will be head members of the Men's Bible class of alu' "n tni" next ''' Saturday, raised quarters for the club women. Monday Canton. The Canton class came up n,ul'h more than the quota; but aro of convention week will be given to some fifty strong under the leadership sti" lrsirou.s of giving every public the three board meetings the boai-d of their teacher, Mr. J. H it Smathers, spirited litizen an onpurtunitv to show of trustees, the executive board and who taught the lesson of the day. tlu' proper spirit. the board of directors. The opening "The Crucifixion," in a most interest- Wl' holding un until all names session will be Monday evening, ing and instructive way. There were have been added and then a Mrs Palmer Jerman, who recently miore than one hundred men preseiu. complete list of all thos who visited Pine-hurst to make arrange After the Sunday school class ad- participated in any niannei will tie ments for the convention, says that journed Mr. Atkins called the meoli-g publiMie.i next issue. not onlv Pinehurst and Carolina Hon-! to order and called noon Itev. P. W. This news will oe received by the are counting on making the approach Tucker to lead the devotional services, citizens of Waynesville with great de- ing convention the best the Federation Mr. Atkins then introduced the b- light as the location of tris mam- has ever known, but that the whole ject of the conference, stating that tioth industry wil; no only add an- Sand IFII country is asking for a tho whole membership of the South- other large payroll in Waynesville, share in the entertainment, of the crn Methodist church was to engage ,,ut wil1 hring many new citizens here StaU's club women. A number of during the week from March Sth to all(' wil' '"' ot such inestimable bene- invitations to social features have had March loth in trving to raise the un- m'1 lnat 1 "'" ;m" ton numerous to to be declined, she says, owing to thf paid pledges on the Centenary Fund mention at this time. shortness (,f time the convention will and that the Laymen of the Waynes- - - , be in session and the amount of im- ville and all the other districts were HON' J- K' ")YI) IIOME A( Al V portant business there is to be trans going to try this year to pay al! the benevolent collections of the confc ence in full. The next speaker was Pro". E. .1. Robeson who made a very .nteresting and inspiring talk on "What the Me;h odist Church Means to Me. The hour for the preaching service having arrived, the Rev. Dr. Ashley Chappell, pastor of Central Metho- dist church, Asheville, was introduced uplifting' sermon. Music during the day was furnish'd by the Methodist Orchestra, Mrs. Haywood County. Matney at the organ. .An act alidf-Umg n T,O,0OO.O0 At the conclusion of the morning v khad ,M,pn is8Ue), ami sermon all the peoole were invited to ,)y q rmmissiono,,, the spacious .lining room, of the church op , atU)rncv havi faju 1 where more than seven hundred pen- pie were served dinner. This was an old fashioned ' dinner on the ground" meeting and the members of the local congregation together with their fa;,.- ;lies came together with baskets of i ,u: rrt.. tl. ...,t ..f-t.,,n in, 1 IT HI,. UOMt-S O"-.. " h--- wn.cn wc.e "i " ...,..s ... llitlill" room anil alter me vasi : owil was served until thev could -at . , . . - , no more amn e food was lett to serve seviral hundred more 1 . . The afternoon session was called to order bv Mr. Atkins at two-thirty, who introduced Mr. J. Mark Boont, an , ,. :l... I i i;,r o .1 wavnesv ne ikiv, no ,t n.n'..k , ' . , Methodist avnilin of Andrews, ho spoke in a very earnest and helpful way on "A True Revival of Religion or Personal K vangelism." The next speaker was Mr. J. Rob ert Long of Bryson City, whose sub Mot, "Stewardship in the Light of the u'bth Century." was one of the out standing addresses of the day. Mr. Long was followed by Hon. D. .1. Kerr of Can-ton Who presented "The Duties of a Layman to His Church" ; "n.-ive'' Kerr's inemitable manner. ,- ............ ...!, ;,.. ed. -1 .,.!, .,!;., l,l, was be"'"" ,I',1"H""1 "U..l lilt- t out iuxh'S tti. ...... " H:slion James Cannon, Jr., of Rich- , n l mond. a. Bishop Cannon spoke on The World's Need," and the obliga tion of the Methodist church to help m iet that need. Bishop Cannon has been in toucn with the mission fields of the church in Mexico, Cuba, Europe and Africa in the past few years as few men in America. His address was a survey of the needs of these fields and our ability as a nation of surprising wealth to meet that need. It was replete with incident and anecdotes ' , . , . , , , !,. i,;- OT ininifS WHICH Iiau :iriiiv: u.ii... . .. , . . ti,,. rr.embfs of the Countv Board of L.d own observation and stressed the j,v,. ucation from five to three to tak--reat congregation to the depths of its nature. . , . ', . . , .u:u i..,.-nt AdverMse in The Mountainerr-Cou l "0 evening seiv:i.t- wiiiv-ii nu..v Ltiv Leader Atkins described as "a Perfect Day in Waynesville" to a close was an organ recital rendered by Mr. lames Alderson, concert organist of Durham, England, now residing in Asheville The church was narked to its capnc- e;t inv th? Methodist had ever had -"-.otircps for the location of manu ity to hear this master play and his i W'aynesville, faeturing industries. : I N( REST LIMBER COMPANY W II I. LOCATE IX AYXK"-- V1LLE. - 1 A - announced in the la-t issue of the Mountaineer-Courier the Suncrejt -Hon. J. R. Boyd, Haywood county's Representative, returned hamo the early part of this week after having been hard at work in the interest of hLs oonstHucn(s at thp State Capila! in Raleigh. tr n, i ,,.ti,. ,.,.ft m ma looa, .u,ts cffcctinK d . at the se? . Tba fo' lowing will be of interest fn a!1 riti-'pns and tnv reavers of fl.iv- wo(Kl countv. especially those actls .., , . . , , " ..' .'. . .. . , , ,,,.'", the title to the an(, on whj.h Betlu Wgh s.hoo building stands. . , . f thorr.e the Town of A a(.t t() Cant(,n ,() issU(, j.ono.ao in bond . . . ' ' and sewerage for I-ergusontown and , , . . . the Newfound road section of Can- , , r ,, , on and for the nurnose of onenn.L' and sewerage for Fergusontown and the Newfound road section of Can ton and for the purpose of opening , . .. .. ami paving certain streets. An act to ahtrlifi the count. y chaingang and to provide for the ,. . , , hiring out by the (ountv Comm s . sinners of the criminals. An act prohibiting the sale of any bonds by the County Commissioners without first submitting the saiuo to the vote of the people. An act to rilieve the County Com missioners of certain duties ;hi. reduce- their salaries to $."(MI.II0 for the chairman and SUim.OO for th b -r two. An act to reduce the salary of th" Sheriff and tax collector $"i00.00 pin- y('a'' An act to create a game rummis- n: r.... II r ;ind re- . , i . ' . -t . ,V . "1 Ol.OO 1(11 IVSUH'Ill- Ol III. l.Ulll.V . . j who desire to hunt off their own land, except for rabbits, onossum and wild cats. An act to protect the fish which re. quires a license fi-e for tishinir to the amount of $1.0(1 for a resident of the county. The money derived from the Ii cense tax for hunting and li'lrtv is to be spent for patroll.men who ii"e o protect the fish ami (jamo and forest ." , , , An net to reduce the numhei oi rier and we lioth make money. program, which was published in this paper last week, was greatly appre- (.jatc,I and enjoyed by the audience. On all sides we have hoard the opinion expressed that Sunday was the great- I I H WDM KN TO MEET AT PIXL-HlKST. By Mi-. .1. Il.-:;r Highsmith. "ha..- run of Publicity, The following will lie of into "st acted. However, Mrs. Jerman assures us, there will be recreation and social features a plenty to break the tedium of the conference work. Arrangements will be made for these .... ., two institutions that perhaps appeal most strongly to the club women of the State-Samareand Manor and the State Sanatorium for the treatment oftuberculosis. In the establishment the women will see the things for which they worked years ago realized. In 'he S,'rV!ie t,hat t,hc' " hum!""'-v "'' l 'W S,at" thy W'"' ' doub'. fmd. encou-agem. nt to press on with their present program which apparently has found little favor in the eyes of the average legislator. Club womei. did not give up whin their bill t erect and maintain a re- formatory for girls was rejected by uie leirisiaiure ine n.si inne or -or second time. A visit to SanVaracand will convince the most skeptical club ... , ., , woman mat it is worm wnne to hcep .up the ngni ior i farm colony for women prisoners too old for Saniar ' cam and for a reformatory lor !- beirient colored i-irK-. A new feature or the .'onvent be a press lunch', on. The main toi.ic for discussion al this ,-oiifo ore'' will be the Federation liulle'in. Whi! ' the Bulletin will not be a year old. its lusty growth and the possibility1- f r it-- further d-velonnvnt an 1 more ef fective se-viie . all for onnscl and co-operation on the part .: th. c.)". vent ion delegates. Many ime:iii rertairiiu1- . the Hullotm w'll be an swered at the luncheon. It n-v'ht be s;,i,l here that the 1 it : o, !ii!;et'ii lias met a reception that no' even the mo-t hooc.ul "f it--iromoters anticipated. .Tiidcin'.' fr-m the welcome that ha-' bee i ri''e:i it and the prompt and willing responses of the members who have been c.Vlcd on to contribute its column;, ii c'i.'f-nt that t hv -VI'raM n hidrcah ... , - ed the noint where to continue it growth and inerea-e its usefulness it needed an organ of :ts own. To those "'o. hav made the Hnllo'ii l.issible, the members of the F ' lei-Minn are d'fnly grateful. Mrs T. L. Cwyn, state chairmrn of Art. is calling attention to the ten dollar prize offered by tho director of General Headquarters Washing- Ion for a design -it. table for a book p'ate to be used permanently in thr , headquarters library. The design is . . . . , to be suitable for use by tb General Federation Woman's Clubs andj therefore should be svmboli.? some phase of itB work. All communica tions should be directed to Miss I ida Hafford. 1734 N. Street, Washington.' P. C. before May 1. Haywood "opportunity's altitude 2.S50 feet. Empire" Woynesv'illo unsurpassed, natural (Ol X I V SIXCINC COXVKXTIOX. I h nai -' - i n ( 'oi; v en, io.i met last Si.nday, March Mb, at the court hou-e wi'b all the officials of the convent 'oti present. The convention a- called to ord i at 10 o'clock by Pre- den K. M. I.e.ith. erwood pi. siding. The devotional exercises wee con ducteil by Dr. Henry Smathei ; of Canton, after which the clas-os woo organized for the day. The choirs and quartets thai li-ted for the occasion were a- follow:"., to wit: Prof. R. N. C.rishani of (Ireei--ville, S. ('., a quartet; Prof. Seb: .-n of Asheville, two quartets. No. 1 and No, 2; Beaverdam Quartet; Jaek.-on "ounty Quartet; llazelwo.nl 'Juar'et ; Arnold Sjirings Choir; Morning St ir 'hoir; Fast Waynesville Choir. The singing iiegan about 10:.o A. . and closed at 4:.'(0 P. M. The singing was the best ever had in the county and tlu- interest w'as unex "elli'l bv anv audience that I have ever se. n on like occasion -. We also bad some spicy little talk- frori I 'of. K. X. (Irisham and Prof. Seotin. R. M. lA'atherwood and other;. During the day the question of Inn ing our next convention in the conn try was discussed, but af or due thought and consideration of tiv oi ficials and leader- of the conven. o n. it was thought best to rout inco to hold our convention at the county court house, as it is nearer the central location and t hat visiting choirs would have better accss tvo our convention than if in the court v. I want to say that during t!u ic cess of our convention that we had several congregational Mo.igs sung, led by Or, S. XI. Med ford of Clyde. It is believed that in the rend tion of those congregational songs tha. every man an) woman present mad.' an ef fort to sing and seemed to share wi'h us the sentiment and spirit that our boosters of tha . singing convention will get busy and let's have if possi ble a larger attendance .it our June convention than we had at 1 1 . - one. It is estimated that we ha. I with us on this occasion more than one thou sand people. Our next convention wii' b.- held the second Sunday in Jjn Let ev eryliody work for u biggc an I bet ter day Your in th- work. R. M. LKATH ERWOOD, Pies LF.XTEX SERCICKS IX CRACK EPISCOPAL CHl'RCH. During Lmt, theTiev. Albert X'.-w. Rector, will conduct special service every Wednesday night at S P. M . and every Friday afternoon at o'clock. On Sunday, loth inst., tii'.or will be a celebrat ion of the Holy Com munion at S A. M. The Church School anil Bible Class will meet in the Parish House at ten o'clock. The Rector will preach at 11 A. M. ;:i d agaain at S P. M. There will be s,.,vice.- cwiy .'ay during Holy We. k, which begin- en Palm Sunday . () Oood Fridav iii'iii'inr it noon, will be held the "Thiee Hour-.' Senile," when the Rev. .1. T. Mm gum of the Met h.'.li-t church. .mII ". . e i ht a 'ii e-s Kvrybody ;- coidially inv.te-l : at tend 1 hi- 1 -i lit eric- of -p.' -:.il - e : i.'es. EDWIN DAVIS DEAD. On la-t Friday night news wa- re el ived here bv relativi- of the sud den death by heart failure of Mr. K.lwin Davis of Atlanta, C.a. Deceased was the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bell of Waynesville. He leavi'-i to mourn their loss his widow and two children. Mrs. J. M. Bell and daughter Cor nelia left immediately by bus for Greenville. S. C, where they preceded by train to Atlanta. ATTEXTIOX II AY WOOD POST NO. 17. AMERICAN LEGION. There will be a rousing meeting .if the Haywood Post No. 47. American Legion, at the Community Club rooms, Tuesday, March 17th. 1925, (St. Pat rick's Day.) So Iwys brings, your shelalas and shamricks, your yarns and come full of pep, for there's going to be something doing every minute. Hod's Katam Orchestra will be there. Roy Campbell is going to feed you. Dave .Miller, Bob Coin and Tete V" hsffey are kitchen police. UO I MO (III! IXS'I ALI.KD. i ' '" i ; "i.n: of thf Rotary niir ic io . n I !, !.i night gicea bv Asheville Cit;. n we! be of local ii. ti W; ' :1b . M.n-rh 7. An add'vss Hewaii Mahon, of (in-enville, d'-trn't governor of the thirtv- t ' eighth Rotary district, which includes North Caiobna. featureil the induc tion of the Waynesville Rotary Ciub into Rotary International last night Methodist church. The Asheville Rotary ( lull was sponsor for the new organization and it was undo,, the auspice- of that club that the meeting was held and the charter formerly presented to Way nesville Rotarians Mr. Mahon mad" a masterful addii-s- jn which he told of Kotarv ideals and what those ideais mean to the world and each individual member of the whole organization. Mr. Mahon formerly delivered the new charter to Rev. Thomas Mangtini. pres ident of the new dub, and gave it in behalf of the international orgat.' zat ion Rev. Mr. Mangum m a few well chosen remarks declared that the words of the district governor had made a profound impression and be felt that the Waynesville ilub and every member will always follow the ideal- of the organization Ernest Withers is secretary of the new club which has a charter membership of 25 men. After the presentation of the char ter the meeting was turned nvoy to Fred Kent, president of the Ashe ville club, which sent a delegation of HO members to attend the presenta tion. Besides Mr. Kent, other officers of the Asheville club, including Chas. H. " Hones, secretary, and Ceo. E I, cc, its first president, were also in attendance. Resides members of the Asheville club, five ladies, wives of Asheville Rotarians. also came over to the meeting. Whills' Mr. Kent nreskh-r! both- Wr. Lee and Mr. lioness were called on for talks and neke about the good fellowship netween the two places and how it will be increased as a re sell of the establi iii.nent of the Way nesville ciub During the meeting J. Dale Stentz and ("has. S. Walters of the Asheville club led in the singing and a number of other entertainments featurs were enjoyed. A vote of thanks was given the ladies of the Methodist church who arranged the dinner for those present. The oflicis of the local organi'i tion are: President. .1. T. Mangum. Vice President. S. H. Bu-hne!l. Secretary, F.. I.. Withers. Treasurer, II. B. Atkins The Board of Directors of the officer- witk the Then. McCrackon, J. Han - composed followin g: .'n Howell, and J- M. Long- The members in addition to the abov are given: Dr. J. F. Abel. Chas. S. Badg.'tt. C. 'M. Dice.-. I!. O. I'M eel t..r.. T Lenoir Cwyn. E. J. Hyatt. I.. M. Killian. W. 1 . Lampkin. F. E. Martin. Dr. X. M. Medford. Dr. .1. 15. Mcf rack'ii, W. C. Phillips, ; c. Plot;, F C. Ripnetoe. S. C Sattei tliw.i t. .1. 1 1 stent.'.. Dr. S. I.. St rinirlield. Tlios. S: ' iniM'e-ld. 11. '- Sloan, (ieo. 11. Ward Mlt. ATKINS iU'VS PIXCIIAUD PROPERTY. Mr. II lliai 1 Atk.n- bom-iit a large lot on Main street this week. The proprty was owned bv Mr. Pitich ard. an attorney of Montgomery, Ala. Thi- is very valuable business prop erty fronting on Main street, near the post office, between the Dr. II. M. Rogers property and J. R. Hyatt. ! The transaction included quitr a sum of money and showed that real estate is beginning to really bring what it is worth in Waynesville. A new building will be erected at an early date DR. D. L. Ml MPOWER OF THE HOARD OK MISSIONS. Dr. D. L. Mumpower of Nashville, of the Board of Missions of thp Meth odist church, was the guest on Friday of "Mr and Mrs. Mangum. Dr. Mum power was the medical missionary at the head of the Wembo Niami Mis sion established in Africa. Mr. Man gum being the secretary of Bishop I.ambreth when this mission was firs; organized in Africa. All kinds of legal blanks for sale at this office.

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