Opportunity's Cirtpire-Wayncsvillc Altitude 2,850 feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Number 17 Waynes ville, Haywoxd County, North Carolina, ThunJay, April 23, 1925 $2.00 i Year in AHance, $2.50 if not so Pai4 C. E. Ray & Son Department Store THE QUALITY STORE OF WAY NESV1LLE. What a wealth of splendid bargains in quality goods is presented to our appreciative public at C. E. Ray & Sons' Department Store in Waynes ville. It would seem as if some metro politan wholesale house of the higher class had found this thriving resort city and poured its marvelous styles and beautiful clothing into every de partment. Staple and fancy groceries and feeds in alnndance prevail m their large double store rooms on Church street. C. E. Ray & Sons is a department .store of quality, and bears the hall mark of exclusiveness and discrimi nation in its selections. It is the place to get nice things to , imported one. This variety of trees is Hlinois on last Christma. wear, and in the ladies departmsnt j probably indigenous, that is a native matic Art. may he found such distinctive nr. tides as handmade blouses, beautiful i skirts in fine crene weaves and fash-, ionable fabrics, linen dresses, early i: J .,. ..! summer fashins, and crlebrated brand undenvear and white goods. Here r:iv be found knickers, golf reflect that vou are observing a form l"d .Vu see it: hose, sport hats and a wide and va-'of life originating in such a distant; Well, nobody cl.se did. but shortly ;ied line of accessories to dress. They 'part of the world under conditions ft" sunrise last Sunday morning a have as tine an assortment of sweat-! extreme! v advors!e compared with number of people observed a cloud crs to be found in this section. those our more fertile soil and more wllich had almost the perfect outlines The shoe denartment is complete '.genial climate ,of a Riant Zeppelin nestling on Junes' wdth the latest' modcU and leathers! Bv the wav'did vou notice that Dr. Knob. Without change of outline oV in women's sport shoes, oxfords and .i;nre inllri;n Inintir foKrio fur .evenino-' wear. From men's work brogans to the most "classic" dancing nvfrrls. Tk oruii-imont is the lastLomo t s word in seasonable wear, and con- tains one of the largest stocks of men's clothing in Haywood county. The suits represented here are pro ducts of the country's most famous tailors including well known brands V . .. . In every detail U K. itay oons, store maintains the same high stand-1 ard as has made it well known ,;,V, WixrT, VnrOi Carolina. Mr. C. E. Ray, the efficient and competent owner of this department store, is courteous and affable, and his genial manner has won many friends for this splendid establish- i. , 1 : 1 nrflpnt Me is a lovai citizen, kihj if ment ne s a . y c , inorougniy m accora w.u. a ana tte. . - , t ...... Mr Ml. .J I ways louna eager to as.Bt m c.cl WaV 'POFBlDrc a .lvw: Vllltl pi ir launched to promote the material welfare the further progress and prosperity of Waynesville the Beau- if C. E. RAY & SONS REPORT FAST FREIGHT FROM KANSAS. A carload of ground feed and othr mill stiifT from Lawrence. Kansas to - Waynesville, a transit of more than 1000 miles in four days. tnat is tne report Tnaoe uy Ray senior member of the firm to a representative 01 tne Mounuunee.. GraveSf chaperone. The fol-' Many times nereioiore 01 coursr.. That cerUirJy is remarkable rap- owin5f shl(tents j, ma)ce the tl.jp: But with each return of spring, it id transit for a carload of freignt. charle8 w GoW of Green.sb0r8, Wins- sems for "iany. greater and " Far different such a report from tne ,ow Mc,ve,. of Sanrord Rgy Heffner than ever before. Perhaps that is complaint of slow transit of freignt of Mai(tenj Ray Heffner of Maiden,'due to inea"' of Tower 10 ,ll'tect nna fo prevalent among merchants. L H Wallace of Smithfield, Graham ahsorb beauty. However, remarkable this report ofDozier AtIanta Ga Bro(A TodJi At this writing the red maple has i-apid transit of freight it is not so' f 0,3,., John of Asho. lost its long held dominance and turn- remarkable, as the fact that such a j viile c Mintz of "Wjlmington, C. V. ed its over ,ts PPoslte- tllc Rhipment should be necessary. It is;Kiser of Coids'boro. Kike Kyser of dogwood. not merely a remaraao.e it, really an amazing fact. Cannot Haywood county with ;nc boasted fertility of its soils, and its long favorable growing season raise) .iiflRnliini niiontitv ftf f AT Jill a u...v....i. Hu..v.y Kincis ior an me live aw ui profitably be bred and maintainetl in the county? If not it strikes one that, manifestly in the part of the tillers of the soil of the county, there must be something wrong in their farm management. WILSON BUILDS NEW BUNG - LOW. R. L. Wil on. the well known car- penter . m nun- . i . 1 .1 ? 1 gaiOW on a uttmy nwnut? 101 a" himself. It is located on the left going down fromni .Miller avenue some 15. or 20 rods from the inter- section of this avenue with Daisy .vn Tha new hnildino' will 'he equipped wt;Ui Sail 'modern conven iences and make a very comfortable and pleasant home for Mr. Wilson end his family. It is the first new improvement to j be made in that part of I town for some time and is sure to be appre- ciated by all the old residents Dr. Green's Rus- sian Olive Trees Notable for Foliage, Flower and Fra grance. If on your habitual line of daily, travpl it will he well worth voir ... - - .. . , while to pause and abserve them. II - j " lllicivai, III uvuauiiic, ovwviww w- going to and fro it will amply repay Lard apponenU; .general excellence . :., ... .u.l . . .' , , .... . yuu iu inaKe apecmi unp iu i;ic in debating, voice, speacn, aouuy 10 northwest corner of Mam street andirelation tTself to the audience and! Miller avenue, and regale your sense 'arjrlm!nt. The cup is awarded by both of sieht and smell with their flowers and fragrance. The., n-rnwina. n tho Inwn nf fir . G. D. Green you will fined two tan'olleRe as one of Ui debating team slender trees with a strange gray,!,, the recent Intercollegiate debase foliage, a color of foliage not rese.r,which wa.s Won bv Agnes Scott C-.1-, bleH bv that of anv tree native of i.. , ,wr, r. r-a xt.jL i hese trees are specimens of the sian olive tree. The variety is an These " " ' v. .... ,tn.v. of the steppes of Asiatic Russia. Its foliage may be taken as indicating that it comes from a cold, arid re-1 : t, .u. : ...i gion. It stirs the imagination wh?n hen, you gaze on these locally unique trees on Dr. Green's lawn and. Green was the first man to sprout a Ltn v.i : knn. rirrt At anv rut if t)w first one'itself was remarkable. A detached .glimpsed by this scrivener for the I Mountaineer. It was whn the Hoci.,r noon for his mail. THE CAROLINA PLAY MAKERS With the largst company of play- era ever assembled under the direc-' , i.: nt i. .us. mi vi mt ummm rijrmiiM:r uu group of Ururcrsitj -players win Iwve Chapel Hill April S4th to play in the roIIOWBMr towns: April 24th. San- ford; Aipril 25th, Winston-.Salem; 'April 37 tk, Charlotte; April -28th, Gastoiia; April mh, LmcoJnton; April 30th, Shelby; May lst,rMarion; May 2ruJ, Waynesville; May 4tH, A c-KTlr, Alan ..nn on1 juwiSuwm. n' I j -. ' - - - l-auintir civ stiMlnnrc will r,i dL 11 4ha .K . ...... . iiu6iBif wiwi,iHR vi liii one-act plays: Oldtimes, a comedy of mountain characters; The ScOffletown outlaws, a tragedy of .the famous jLowrie gang of Robeson county; and The Thrice Premised Bride, a ro- mantic Chinese Folk-Play by Cheng- Chin Hsiung. Large casts are re- quir ired for each of the three plays and horte staire effects for the n: i iuiiut;9c (Jieiy iiicuc iicvcisoi'y iiuiu- of assistants in tne tjechnieal department. , The players will be accompanied by profps,nr. Ko..v, ..j nm ,i Mrs. jRocky Mount, Bill Cox of Rowland,! H G Strickland of Nashville, F. H. Koch of Chanel Hill. O. V. Dennv of iCh&B., Hil, Mi Fjiin-fh Hender.! son of chapel Hi( MrS- Grave8 n, 1 -mw t . m ,0I (jrvapet H1n, Mr. j. u. King, jr. ot Wilminirton. Frank GotT of Lumber- ton, Mr H. Schwartz of High Point, and L. V. Huggins of Hendersonville. EPISCOPAL CHURCH NOTES. Divine worship in Grace Episcopal church 0" Snnd APriI 26th' wiU Degin at 8 A. M. in the "HOly Com. munion." , ineunurcn jcnooi wwi meet in tne . . . rarisn nouse at iu a. m ....' . -v ' " 1' and again at 8 F. M., Bishop J. M. Horner of Aahevillc will hold a special service on Sunday, the 17th of May, to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Mr. NVs ministry in Waynesville. n 1' 1 . .. . averyooay is coraiauy inviieq 10 nil hoaA orvi- ALBERT NEW, Rector, . . Waynesville unsurpassed 'natural resources for the location of manu facturing industries. Miss Ferguson Awarded Cup Friends will be delighted to know that Miss Isabel Ferguson of Way- I hrau won nnA hwn nresenttd with the Oueville Harrold Cup as the v ii .......j jAwaiAV Tim rAnitiro. Ull I VU"U 11 1 . I"V " . - ments in winning this honor are: f.,it of the dehatine- council. :.. H.-I lJ . .... ' . . ... . w Isabe also represented her college at the North Western University of ill iur ii i coir: i unmnni.Y w. in Dra- she will -'graduate Asnes f roni Scott on June I, 1925. . 'nilirl iv tTl'll IIV llVF.J" F-ITEI.IN STUCK ON JONES' KNOB. -shirt of Pstin it persisted there f'r moi-e than half an hour. 1 his in cloud mass that Ps'tion and no lorger than it was, rarely holds its form mare than a few minutes. It would be interesting to know the number of people for whom :in- agination made a giant clh-gible bal- loon of that cloud on the knob Sunday morning. There are not many localities where u 1. i fWm ..! me cmns-s aorm 1.111 10 aumci me aiienuuii 01 cloud movements, clod colorings con. anios. aily cllller. 0ne ;a a etitute so reat a fascination for tljaj.h oak tree. on tb. branch of human eye, as in tne sjsies expanaeo over Waynesville and the surround- ing mountains. More than one visitor to our moun- tain city has remarked that the cloud pictures here are tar -more wonaercui nA rauiMtiiiff flfm nt A sh PV1 1 1 P. nu 1 " . M mer soioumers here find -7- " : nnp f Wlpir ITTMlTeKT OIVerSlODS in T"' 'aviw nirturfts fease. .... " j v.. - of our skies. SPRING'S WOVIE SHOW. "'a ou nonce u. . Thus week he-e m waynesville. PPK in her mOT.ng show needed n hcr "rat pictures. Aire.ioy m tin's nave lost tneir viviuness aou are blendine and sinking into sub- dued nues- B"t when was there ever .such a n01 01 "nungs m me o foliage rrom morning to niornmg ju r those white splotches that look like belated snow drifts appearing a little higher up the mountain side and you know that before the end of another tnoiilf la ilrtrruinnl will ivn I'A ltd UJfYito banner from every mountain crest as a signal to the world that spring "as am,c w,e,e luu- i ARTHUR MILLER BUILDS BUN GALOW IN HAZELWOOD. ArUmr mue a Waynesville plum ber. is having a five-room bungalow , ... i ui j Ti n L j l l u wood. It will be equipped with bath .... ... I'nnm and a 1 1 mrulflrn ronvpniPTlPiP!!. A. G. Hollyfield of Wayneille is doing the carpenter work. "PETE" GETS HOME. "y - " . . IVT'l T 1 u .... n. nicoiomuo un Uu..Ka.u. liA mkJ fmm W. irnaavilla In Ttn " "-j" ,,.lu,nnH Mr Nirnlodiin is Iho mnn. 'ager of the Royal Ice Cream Parlor 1 , , T,., , , . , and Candy Kitchen and is known, as ' Pete. " Haywood "opportunity's Empirt",on May 2nd, are now on sale at A1-' Mr. Virge McClure of Canton was resource for the location of manu--altitude 2,850 feet. exander's Drug Store, Waynesville. in town Friday. facturinu industries. A Haywood Clark Quartet Not a musical connection .''re they being mentioned, but in a re lation that makes them seem more 'interesting than most musical quar- tets. This Clark quartet consists of a venerable father, two middle aged I . . . d a youthful and aspiring 'intunn The homestead of the father, EPOraim Clark, is on the Asheville M. a lime way ocyonci me nrsi hfli driven over on the other side of . . . ., . . , ,J JUHSlUSka on the Way to t lye. it w nwrly opposite the entrance to the drive up Pine Top, the sylvan home- stead of the well known C.losser family. A f- r.wla .wh'jitwI thf nnvcrl 1 . V h - way and opposite the ancestral home he Clarks is the comparatively t- new and rather spacious roiden.-e of Tii,;,i rinrl, the elilio- son. the same side of th? hii'h-.v-y 'aiA 25 or SO rods beyond the old ..rick rjlideiK-e in which the sons were .reared stands the comfortable and -oem. t,n,,U ,'irtt fnH:ih i. :m. pleasantly located cottage home of C. P. Clark, the younger son. .Note now. Mere we timl the res,, denc0 pia(,,. f ,he parents and of the two sons ; triangular position, all thrM with speaking distance of each othcr. This is a situation not often foun,j jn COUntry districts. Another notable feature about this 0m.bii.iti:on is that though raised on fi.np farm there, neither of the two sons is a farmer. Both have comc carpenters and skillful build- jntr mechanics. ,Anj the fourth menibev of the quartet R. Austin Clark, son of David CUri has left the farm, and dis- tiniruished himself in dental collego circles in Atlanta. I There are two objects in the home trpounds of Ephiim Clark that sel- . . ., .. ... . which an amaxine number of tufts of mistletoe are growing. It is doubt- fuJ if another tree so striking in this respect exists anywhere within view aionft tne entire length of the Ashe- ville-AtlatnU highway. T V. .. . U U ; . U 11 ,.:M 1 nc uurei uijtL is uic ;n- w uL... .u;... a... """" u- 1 .. t ..,) tumnfn ' ' ' "r. nt" fiJint tu mu n ; Cark homasteads possesses a pe j'culiar charm which cannot escape , any passerby who pauses to give it ; more than a moment's attention. The .... , , .. .,, ., mnet aliilrinir fnat lira it Min I r r most striking feature is "Pine Top." Las( wwk (h(, pjt,turi, fl, ,he n trano(, thf di.jve up ,.pjmi To)) rould nnt havp been improved upon . . landsi-rane archi- ," ... , ,. .. ,, , I. ifii tne nil .1 Lilian )iouji in dogwoods in full hlooom. The left , f ,)em h , fi ,(, f luxuriant emerald clover with the darker evergreens for a background. T() tht, i jjrht of (,nl,,lnce jn a liu, , holow jn whjfh a sma K,.oup of fruit m,es was in full bloom also wilh th(? evrrtret,ns f, ., backgixmn.l. But the picture depic.s description. Let the rea(ler ake note (lf th(, ll(,autv bf thc sp()t when hp passps w..)y Ub ,)cautv n(,ver (t.pa,, . Only varies with the seasons. (:oli(l on!v this imp,.rfet.t .sketch. v c)osed without a nole sadn?s BuJ Bphraim Claik, 7 vr oM ho ,nrousrh inir in,i. ' jf sMm knw ,i.,..s Mi ' )fss )ieg on bs bo(, he!plrss strick - ... ....... 071 wltn a paisy. Has lain the-e ... , months. One has to won - (,er , such an cmlin must ipJ flirted upon a long, laborious and praiseworthy earthly existence. HARRY GOOD. e expert meat cutter at the City garnet on vinurcn Mien icii on noj-seback la.st Saturday afternoon J for a trio over the mountain to hia - farm home near Sunburst. There he will spend a two week's vacation helping his family with the sprng( planting. Then he will return to his; old ioh here and deftlv slice off the choice cuts for tlie discrimma HriB - summer res0rters. liAKUUSA FLA I -1FAIV E-Ko OI.W'i ING TICKETS. 1 , The reserved seats for the Cam. lina Playmakers which will be held Medford Patch Waynesville Phar Building Boom macy Expanding Medford Farm will probably be 'he name by which the cluster of cot tages and residences which promises to grow rapidly, will continue to bo known, Medford Farm it will be rememDei. ed was and still is the name of the Ii . i j i . i hotel and summer resort located n the Asheville Road about mid way , , . , between Clyde and Lake Junaluska. For many year the hotel and c - un ic. ...... pie living at various points in Florida. Cfl ......... . 1U Mrs. Hardy Medford were the no ular host and hostess of the estat,. lishment I fal1 the Medford harm '...- (1 1 V itlcd into U)t Ht)l S()!(l Ut actlMl by a ( anton real estate concern, Already a number ot purchasers have begun to bujld and otherwise . improve their properties. Another number of them are talking of taking similar action soon. Hence it may lie .-aid that uit' 1 building boom ha lllllHlllL' liooni "as Mailed ai .,1'U- ford Farm. I A cottage of several rooms tor uauu i P"", ,,,..., Champion Fibre Company at Can-on. is near completion, Charles 1'enland, another employe of the Fibre company, has a stone retaining wall m Iront of his lot complehd ami woik on a cottage for him will be unde way soon. A tin barn for John Clevin ger, the plasterer has recently been completed ' Rev. H. N. Rogers, pastor of church at West Mr. Guy Cossett of Canton, Forest Swayngim and several FJIorida purchasers c.f lots are getting ready to build within 'he immediate future "n me wnoie n iooks as n ,i uiihi and prosperous season were ju t u...i f M,lf..,.i ir.m, ..ou . - C. P. Clark who lives nearby tne carpenter and general building me - cnanic, nas tne contract ior mosi mi' the buildings to be erected. . , ; , O'l-l-OWHEE UBFEATS S. C. I. "TUSCOLA." Cullowhee ,N. C, April 10. The .... 1 . ,, , . CuHowhee bodies added another vietorv to thier list bv defeating theVl.,1 bv the enmino- to them nf n man " S- C 10 ,0 2 in game. Cullowhee will play their next game April IS at Sylva, with S. C. I. Cullowhee 10 Gibbs .... , Rooinson 2 . , P Is, !, 2nd I :!rd b .onnso , ;airett 1 Douthet I' . Hughs 1 Woodard Sutton Crawford Highdon 1 f f c f SHIPMENT IX) W A YN ICS VILLF FROM THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Mr. C. ('. I'lott has recently le -n ' notified from the U. S. Department of Commeice. Bureau of Fisheries, tli.it a shipment of l."),7.r0 Brook Tr iut ' will arrive in Waynesville on Satur- day. These fish will he distributed; Ill lilt' siifuiiis in it" Cl'Ulll, in the ROME CIVIC LEADERS WAYNESVILLE. VISIT! : ()n la.. Mondav members of the! i R,re (;a. Chamber of Conimerc ' ..::.,. ..:ii tu ,.:.i ; ' ' ' hele in mivanc ee of about twenty-five 'automobiles and one hundred people sponsored by the Rome, Ga. Chamoer of Commerce, which is to leave Rome on Mav l!th and stop over here on jts Uener,' to Ashevil,e in the jM. ,ora . . . n- n:i,,-v rt- ,.,,, rynA r,t , a 1- Home, Ga.. to Asheville. Th wvtiPttvilL r-ivi,- io0,inr, nm "v " ' " " " planning to entertain these boosting visitors UVonter.. For Alderman. .1 At 'ne solicitation ot many lnen is. M nave oecaea to mane tne race lor "Oh may thy people faithful be ' J T e T ....... ... aiuermaii. 11 eieciea promise 10 serve the people honestly and to the , .hilrtv .. .. I believe in progressive ness, but I also believe in a conservative gov- ernment. DR. J. H. SMATRERS. Adds New Motorcycle and Side Car In Order to Give Quirk Delivery. The Waynesville Pharmacy which is owned by M. H. Reeves has re cently irtstalled a HarleyvDavidson motorcycle and side car to its already extensively equipped drug store, thia will insure quick delivery at any and all times and will be nf great service to the ever growing patrons of tM popular drug store. The Waynesville Pharmacy is an attractive .store, neat and sanitary in all its arrangements, and taste fully fitted with high class furniture, (fivini; it a high class nppearanc?. The nieseription department is Uir principal as-set to this store, nnd registered druggists are in charge. One may lie sure that the physician' pi l sciipt ions will be compounded with skill anil accuracy, front the purest. mi u jrs obtainable. Of com sr the well stocked drug ile pa i tine nt is in a class by itself, containing the full line of medicines, household remedies, toiletry, rubber roixIs, ami everything that :m iip-'o-dato pharmacy needs to olTei the p n 1 1 it-. A line of beautiful stationery and perfumes is always on display, anil very delicious candies. A nio.st up-to-date soda fnuutais and ico cream parlor is one of Se main attractions of this splculiJ Waynesville business house. M r Reeves, the propi ieor of the Waynesville Pharmacy, has just re turned from Florida where he has ppent the winter recuperating from his illness of last fall. He is one of the public spirited citizens of Way nesville, and is strong for any move ment, that will tend toward the prog- of his t.ommunjtV( am js always . ' .' ,iouna leauy ana iiiuik K - 'sunoort to anv worthv cause designed 1 y nrorress ani , ' vVavnesville and HJ- wood county. TEN YEARS OF SERVICE. (Contributed.) Ton year.s ago the people of Crace v., .1 , . Churcr in the Mountains were made " " fGod who "when he came-exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the I-ord. For he was a good man and full of the s- r- ' -' Holy ;host of fai'h." Fravsj jt sepms fitting that some mention Sutton sr,ou, i,,, nlade of the valuable er Mullinax vi(,0 wnj0j, the Rev. Albert New has I'angle n,niv 1(M s peonle for be has ever I.ivmg.iod I faithful ininislev of Coil's, word and Sacraments and the com fortable (iospel of Christ bar been Jiougn l, truy pieachi d to his nenple as only '"''Mi t;al prophet and follower of Chr-', jcould pieaeb it. .Mr. .M:v does not murine his in-ttic.st-- to the affairs of (irace chtrcS for his attitude of friendliness and kindliness toward nil j jnanife.siel by the fact that he ha., friends am ng all th e religious denominations of Waynes .ille. He is deeply interested j t.e W(ir, ,,f tu, j;ioni' order and js Hijrh Priest of the North Carolina Masonic ordr. jrs. New is an active worker in I trie Woman's Auxiliary and Parish (luild ami being an efficient musician she adds much to the intere.-t of the jchun-h sen-ices hy giving her services as organist dloth jMr. and Mrs. Nev. are so quift "bout the work they do in th , AlasU-r's name that much thej do passes unobserved by many. In addition to the above remaika 'ct 14 bct K!l1'' tha' ,houKh numerical!, Grace church may not be much larger than it was when Mr. New took charge there is no doubt thai I h. spiritual life of the church has b en deepened and his rail jntnwtual ' , w""' iuuui. oroati mimi- "I?" " ,u '"n Ke nn StZ J 1 he is a rector of which any Episcopal church may well be prond. Arid in Uiey pastor s honor Thee And with them work and for th?m pray, And gladly Thee in them obey: Receive the prophet of the Lord And give the prophets' own reward.' , i Waynesville unsurpassed natural

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