THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1915 THE CAROLINA-UlNTAINEER -t- The Carolina Mountaineer !l7!iM:iin .ytr--t U ii- A HA '.'I I. Kiit.r-0ne I' 1 1 :ih)(' rati ' Display Advcrtuin Rates: T hirty Cents pr-r crtliimn lAch. Guaranteed Circulation SI IISCKII'TION UATKS vt:j'tmii I'ayulili m A'lviu't' i Li ''i if not ,-o jiaid ) I l -.11 i; Mn(u 1.MJ ;; M,,i,ths .IK-Ls r.n'i-r. ,j at the nt uflirr, at, N. ('., as Second ( l-t Mail Matter, as provi'li-d under ihi' Art vf March ::, 1T!, Nuveml.i-r L'O. I'M 4. I'l'llLIKHKD ON THLKSDAY ic?ne, with iMm projrres-sivc growth of their city. -They have given freely of then time and efforts to make their Adoration your Association, and have i,...i he fore them the vision of Wayne-Mi " . she will j.1 t'liiately ! e.oine, one i ; ' i mo-t talked of, piogies-ive, and In n-Mii! citu - in We-tern North Cai olma. supporting large and impcr tant cninnieirial. industiial and a': : cultuial tnteiprise-, with thousand of new homes on her gentle . lopin;; hillside-, anil iinanc ial in.-tit in ions second to ntini' in the State. Thn.-e who have heen day. Those in in making the Haywood Home li'ldd- Kuykendall wi-u- :ng and I.oan A-sociation a hu'wai'K of strength and an influence to lie felt .n their community arc ticets and director: I!. I.. President I'reMdent Ti easurei Dr. Tho-. Strmgtield. .1 P. Kran'is. S. M. Hushnell, K. I LAKE Jl'NAI.L'SK A NOTES. ISN'T THIS THE TRUTH? The farmers around thir place N'o k,ly mjoys nayinjr taxes. Hut are about done planting corn. Wejpeople have shown that they 'vill pay are needing rain as the weather is with a degree of cheerf ulness whst aie needing some as the weather is ever taxe.s are necessary for econom ilry and hott Business is looking ical administration of public business, good at present. We are expecting , What arousta them is to he asked to ., '.' "e crowd of folks at the Lake apy high taxe.s th'.- -i.mmer. Mi-. II. L. Jone of l.awiens, S. C. ettiiiii'd Sunday to her honu after .i week's stay at the Lake on hu.siniss. Mr. and Mr-. I'. E. Kuykendall of Mazelwooi! motored to the Ijike S-jn- conipany with Mr. Mrs. J. 1. Kuykea lull and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kav Parker of Ha- the of- zelwood spint Sunday with Old T-'P Ptevo-t. and family. ('has. E. tJiiinlan, Vice Mai k Smith who had a position with J. Rj I!oyd, Serela-y- .UI1aluska Supnly Company hw hirectois: Kufus ,Siler, ngjno,) (,is positon and is engaged Strmgtield. .1. K. Hoyd, .1. in building houses and is readv to com. to support ."uperflu . . . . IT L.I I. ous oiiK-eiioiuer-s ami to cr.iry govei nmen t ex t ravagantly. Kan sas City Times. HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? Then the Advice of This Waynesville Resident Will Interest You. Does jour back ache night and day; Hinder work; destroy your rest? Are you tortured with stabbing pair.; When y" stoop, lift or bend ? Then likely vour kidneys are weak. on m.. ,i,i. .. . ..ur LIUULIO ll.UJ SM'll lipp II. COMMUNITY (MB MEETINti. Headaches, dizziness, nervousness; Ot uric acid and its ills. Help your weakened kidneys witn a stlmulent diuretic. The Community Club met Monday, ', ae loan's Pills. April L'Tth, at 't:.'10 in the club rooms, I Reatf this Waynesville testimony: Mrs. Rufu.s Siler, the newly elected! Hal Fbrmer, auto mechanic!, president, presiding. I Cherry St., says: "My kidneys acted Thursday, April 30, 1925 STEAD NATURAL (ilM)WtH modeled, an I then are an unu-tial unrulier of new bungalows, cottages and other dwell. ngs Ih':ii;j 'mil! at the present time. The pa. liters aiv all busy and there are hoa-es on every s:de heifii? redecorated, painted, eV., t-tb on the interior and '''eri . . Kound about the d-. Ill- new '.o', iiuiiding-, etc.. that are Immh.,' h . vv.ll a Id much to the at tract r. c lies- of th section. S'e have al ready putdished a full account of The meeting opened with the sing-; too often and I had to get up a good ing of America, followed by the club deal at night to pass the secretion.-, prayer. i which were scanty and contained sod-' Business was then taken up and iment. They irritated in passage. reports were called for from officers too. My back was so lame and weak, and departmental heads. ;I could hardly get up or down, and The cluh VOtH In i.ivo tr.A f l,A U.aA atikpn nnlna uuri, mmhtv on J niunicale with any one who is pros- , , , , ii.t .' t Kvitt Ch-,H V Ouin- . . .in ,, u r" "rlts i our annua nower vere. negan using noan s nns anu irenost, r.. J. lly.nt. t nas. r,. vul" nectintr or exDectinc to build. He is .. .. ... ... .. .. " ... snilU kHA tuwnm vu-M .ha Ul avtlnDVII 'The committees for spiling tickets Pharmacy entirely relieved me." lor the Carolina Haymakers, gave' 60c, at all dealars. Foster-Milburp vprv crr-fttifvintr ro,wirtu na ln , I. ,1A f Mfra Diiffnl, M V A .1,. The ( arolma Mountaineer expects Mr. Sam Burress a nice bungalow of tjckptj . to at an early date, a Na- on.hM. fjrm- ... The nrn.,m , .k. f ,. NOTICE OF' SALE OF BIDS. of prepar. ti(jna ,.ul(pcity Edition; pndiably .' """""on , ,h,s senbe was . J ' p r "lj whose subject was "American' sealed PrODO-,als wl" rece.veu ' a.." u... f la . ... . ov tne town or tiazeiwoou. at o:uo r. wanted to .,et to Waynesville as quick , ' ' . . . I . . M.. June 1. 1925. for the Purchase of 'lah. ;o. 11. Waid .VATKhNAL I'UBLK ITV W Mil lei. EDITION. a lirst class stone mason and can give 'good service in that line of work. He and his brother are at present erect- Theie are many signs ations for a great influx ot tourist i abKjut twent1--cight or thirty pages. "' - . 1 rtt this -i-n-oni In H avnesVlllP unfl Th,. O.Ji.M a,;1I 1... to-intp.l on ir,un n . , aio ui u.iu n..u unj vicinity many homes are heing re- cuatej enamel ia)cr with plenty of BILIOUS ATTACKS From Wbici Kentucky Man Saf fered Jwo or Three Timet a Month, RelieTed bj BUck-Dranght Lawrcnceburg, Ky. Mr. J. P. Nevlns, a local coal dealer and fal mer, about two years ago learned of the value of Thedford's Black Draught liver medicine, and now he says: "Until then I suffered with se vere bilious attacks that came on two or three times each month. I would get nauseated. I would have dizziness and couldn't work. "I would take pills until I was worn-out with them. I didn't seem to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couple or three times, then I would' be Tory constipated. "A neighbor told me of Black Draught and I began its use. I never have found so much relief as ft gave me. ' I would not be without it for anything. - "ft seemed to cleanse toy whole system; and make me feel like new, I would' take a few doses get rid pf the bile and bare my usual clear hiiad: feel full of' 'pep' and could do twice the work." One cent a dose. NC-161 II:, -'. i ucture- i n a Carolina -Moun- -ection is one of these now han.lsorn f r ui , i i--ue of thi :ainecr. The denot tlie most piospcrou-, .and pleasant -ection- of WayiUjvi If .he Southern R. It. -tation had a M ".v coat of paint aiu! if the -treets wei, kept better cleaned of !uh:n-h, dut, old papers, etc., it wuM add gieatly to this -ictioii. Visit. get th-nr til -1 impression of our town at the d put anil if the street, and stat in I I.... .1. -'""""S ' no iiii.on M'l" ( it net 1 1 men ! a I to nut whole com munity. The hainl-ome -tines end iilliee lm;ld:ni;s of tin- par: of Way M. i. ,11. i... 1 ' ' , ' fulfilled. wnere in western Aortn i aninna tmit h.. .h..., .....1 ,.n i. i... i, 1 """ "" "J will clean ana up-to-date appearance that cut., and -eenes of this section. We expect to is-ue at lea.-t ten thousand i opie-v ln the fall of l;ti:;, the present ed itor Wil.s assinted by Mr. Howard Sh.unp.nn in producing a big special edition in Transylvania county. It was a teal big -ucce.- and helped iiufine-- generally. Also gave nnrh real advertising and publicity to that wonderful land, "The Land of Wa terfalls' Mi, Howarii .Shannon has a Na tional reputation for producing real good .special editions. His integnty j.s beyon,! the -hadow of a doubt mil any rumoi to the contrary arc ill advi-ed and certainly misleading. Mr. Shannon has put on several .-.penal edition- in Western North Caiolina I lemiersoiu illc. liievaid, itc A toA-n M known by the per i; produce-. Th.' bu a- possible as thev had been held up down on the Crabtree Road and as aulte, b; thiir mul sent'ed in the form of a picture .show. 10.00.00 Water Bonds, bearing in- Irunken fellows, and "';i"-. .....y ueautnui pic- lUIL'S. 1TIV nir 'An fu na M PQi-h nar SO We . . , . "I. : notllrinir 'tRftA Mh ur frcm 109R . , , . , . i , , ticuiar artists lite and works. This " J suited at one, for Waynesville and , , . , . WWK- . . tn 1947 hoth inclusive, in Henomlna- was one oi me oest nrepared and ; ,, . . . linn KliAD pnrn inlaroqt invanlp fortunate in having oi' am. taken from them. terest at the rate of six per centum per annum, dated 'May 1, 1925, art;) L'ot in touch with Sheriff Cahe We i i i . .i j presented tooics of the year, and the made our wav hack to the scene, and ' ' " behold when we reached the Kinc!i?i farm our di tiuty -.heiiff, Mr. John I'. Morrow, win the assistance of a few citizens bud just about roun led club feels most had the oppoi t unity of having Mrs. : Crockett The hostesses of the afternoon we 'e ii) the fang; with the exception of Ylrs- Kerevcs and Mrs. James one whkh was junr ng for his life Atkins, who served sandwiches and with several after him and by th iced t.a. ' The next meeting will be May 18th. .ANDS p,o,e.,onaiinan i noes noi ,e,,i,- M r M James Iaik; at her -nort -ighted to say h-n.' uu' ','asl- Huff to our little village, near the All tontracts for advertising in the a, . ,1,1,. .,i ,.i .. ,.;.. ' Carolina Mountaineer will be strictly t(, j,url '1)urT Undav to vi s.V friends Any agreement made in an, ...l .tiviw the name of the Carolina Mountaineer ,- (; pi-aver of tlrs In.- fulfilled. Any agreement ,v..,i .,vn ,,,. AheviM.. l. . a,,, auM.i,,,,. iIi.i.miiwu i leaver iJ eniDloycil in Asheviil as a of our.- will be staunchly upheld by n..ntei- with Mr nn v i,vn . .i- tlie nianagenient. We are iere to Waynesville. and says the.- ;. tfA srnr the public. We will not tolerate tjnif alone k i I i i ii ir ic-liiimii: 'I' l. ; .. ii... i e i . . can Hl-t v claim that .. - " ' 1 ' l""" interest payable in New York. Legal proceedings and preparation of sale of the bonds under the super vision of Bruce Graven. Esq.. of Trinity, North Carolina. Bidders must deposit with he Treasuier bifore making their bids a certified iheck drawn to the order of the Treasurer upon an incorporated bank or tiust company, or a sunttof clcf money for or in an amount equal to two per centum ot the tace amount the Havwnod .Jrnl n tnlv 01 lne onas 01(1 ror- 10 'eU''6 tne ! Mav 4th, will start 'to Ukewoith, municiPa,ity aKainst n' loss resut' ' Fla., where he has accepted a posi- m f,rom the failure of the ly'Mer to . Hon )tl, ik irr.u f .k,t ;. comply with the terms of his bid. , Mr. Sentelles genial personality ?ai? bonds wi awarded to the Jus, recently moved fro.n 1"'???? ? unless all bids are reiected. viixii ui lnuncis nere, Dul all will a-si-tance of Sheriff Cabe and Mr John k'.rley the fellow was taen in custody just us he was going to jump in Pigeon River. They were taken to the eollntv tail whore thtiv weie allowed to take lodging .'or the the mocnanicaI department of rest of the day so as to get recuper ated un mi as to meet the Recorder's What a pity lh HAYYYOOI) PRINTER FLORIDA JOa Dick Sentelle for two years newspa- (.()Ut (in Tut.sday ness or ,i,.. wish him success in his new location. 18-2tc R. L. PREVOST, Clerk. loom ; and progressive business men. Waynesville lannot boast of a great glowing whirlwind or hot air In ' nut its citizen thi' (ommunr h.n- alway- had a hteady natural -rowth. Very little ho'iRting or es alile exaggerate! yxi ruing or t r u n 1 1 :ng ha- evi.o i-ee indulg. d in by t he .km I folks of this city, iiut one can ea.- '. see that more jia- actually -i n a mijiV.-lieil in th - cit' ii ijan t , j t'v.' harl i lfoit- noon ihe nart ,.f the cit,enty in the way ot' niatci il n1 '!i tiian all : I. diavhard.-in ri. e.-'. or C::y of tin -an..- -i:-e. A C'it t h;il c ill I' . i l la 'Ailing '-s "w" VV.lter -llj'p!.,,. !':h a iTieater Vv I a i ea than any it . ti, .., i. f.ft'iii., hav .in; i- in "'J. t. (. 'S- ec! . 1) e '.Il t . i ,t ., ,. .,. liou-i . an an:s If8 If vou want the best in a Mat- If you want the best in a Mat" t ress buv a Sealy Tuftless, sold tress b"V a Sea'y Tuftless, sold n Waynesnlle only by the Blue in Waynesville only by the Blue Ridsre Furniture Co. It Ridsre Furniture Co. it I Wood's Pedigree Boone County, Woodburn White Dent and Wood a Dixie Corn, the best varieties of white corn. Pedigree Reid's Yellow Dent r.nd Improved Golden Dent Corn lvst yellow varieties. Wood' Virginia Ensilage Corn oest available ensilage corn. All of our seed, corns are of High Germination. Write for prices and samples of varieties best suited to your soil and climatic conditions. FREE Crop Special ft gives full information and current prices on oja boanu. Wood's Pedigree Kanflu crowd Alfalfa and other seasonable seeda. T. W. WOOD & SONS Seedsmen Since 187S ss S. 14th St., Richmond, Va. giiift-ing advei tiding scheme ' 'o t ' '' '"i mat tne wedding bells will be ring- oui idea of a ical serviceable county i,)tr soon around this place, a.s there new -paper. With mul ice towards none, are several youngsters that lock like but goodwill to all. We will wan: they are deenly impressed with love many nanus for out National Tub- and affection toward each other licit y IMition for out mailing list. And Mi. Howard Shannon, it is ex j,e, ;cd w dl i e light hole to ansei aii iiicstions and gne lull value far all eoinp. n.-at Ion receivu.!. .Jgger.V. olilci !o, We need to hear from our old old friend M. H. S. as he is , good prognosticatoi . If he would th signs of the moan und gi'. u as ,& good write u" it would be pleasing to the folk-, e-neiially -o '.he v-iung- 1 111) 'I OWN KI.KtTION. 'I'1 e nr marv ha- .nen called 'or S.itui.iay, May ''nd. for the lleino i : itic scleit.on ot a .Mayor and Ho r d of AIJi'iiiii'ii, Th re -min to be very I't : ! e. item. 'in and very I t :1 i i. ::c,i; in r irard to -ame. -ters jump THi: !'!!!( H ( ( I I KH. i, . 1 v. .nl, : i.niiiiic in:,. ' lib ' i. 1 a::,li 'i. " a. -. ii . Ln' iiir !'!, .. .k :. -A ni lei ful -i enic g : a ' ::: I ;.l .', o i. ,:,.:, that -i i::..-' :.. ' -.v H! -oi ai .;. and und.o t!:, " t i , . - 1 .. ' . , 10 ... A 1 a ' Mr 'ai i.i a :r ,1 n,: .-I-. , oi: s i '.i e.iilft do.'- not l:;.vc ;. I:u:r.i : i In cs.-ij'ire: ate lioa.-tfuliie-s what it I.i', .ii vooiph.-hi d hecar.-e the v.- I. n e of a won I rful steady nat.n.U gi'Wth, in !u-l i' ially, socially and ottiiru:-c i- ai'oiit us on every i.le. II WWOOK lIOMi; III l.IMN; AND I-OVN ASSOCIATION1. Tne operiiru- of th. l'ith Se: i - of the Haywood lloiiie Hi; Iduig anl lian Asociat:on marks an even, in the chante.s of this -pl.ndid institution. Waynesville ha a r'ut.itin that extends out-side the state limits if being a city of beautiful and attrac live homes, many of which have been made possible through this assici'i. tion, which, throufli it acl.v'Ii's 'tis done more to upbuild anl beautify Waynesville than has any one im portant factor. Righ now the foundation may be laid for that home of the fjtu:?. by rtubscTibing to sharo in j this l'-th series. Apart from their standards of home building, the Haywood Home Build itg .nd lxn Association will ex plan iust why it is the safest in etment and the easier-wty to save money before the pubjie today, and it furthermore la ao strongly rfinan red that they have ready money1 to close all loan promptly. The officers and director! of thiit enterprise are heart and .tool con- Tel Ar -milifiir i iiniii.i iriir w'nt '1 uts for 'lev .- mar, win 1 - '. lion' - !ia i e :if .,;.., 1 1' v o;i st e to hull ! a hu-in. -: I i n,-t e a huiiiai'. s il.etting leak y oir needed profit. J i i:-tii g luck will let y on I vi I.i or ,'S all :d U Inn i." !,;' ''" ''ll 0,1 ' Their denal","k,1- us keener To -ell r'gh; ri1 n,,t "f"r '"- I'or no trade can '""-' loval To a man who's a "'-rret'i Can't deliver- who'- in n ''ving On lllt"iest of hi- dc""- THE r.-'lN( (iu.ssie, the colon. 1 maid of Rib and Mrsv .1. T. Manguni is dead. She was taken suddenly ill on Friday and pased away early Saturday morning. While Gussie, who had been in the omploynunt of tho Mangums for 14 years, .she lived in Waynesville only about a year and a half, she was well known. She was so fricndlv that iver friendliness was irresistible. All the children of the town who knew her loved her. Since the congregation of the Methodist church have moved into their new church she has served as the (lpr keeper for the Beginners' Department and has rendered much assistance in managing the little totj. She truly belonged to that generation of darkies so much loved by the people of the South. The type that the pset Harry Harmon so well describes ir. his tribute to the old colored evv;toi : "Soon Ihe last of this faithful race, Will pass away to a lowlv grave, But the South will hold a memory sweet, Of the faithful .olden slave,'' who are expecting to take the in the I. an, I of Ma'., niony and OLD TOP. '. WC(:l). NOH'l H CAROLINA. '!-. lave .lavires who has been i '. :!' i. sllghrjy improved : i. .;' i i . w. 1 ;,c a .-ale of .'IT lot- I '' v I" Met'racken on 'hi . ' eliwood Road Monday the fifth of Mi,. We hope as many as possible; will take advantage of this. "Own' your own home" campaign out here. With the settlement churches, school,; stores, nostoflire and Suncrest I.uin i b, r Company's work Oellwood i.s l.c .(.::. Irig iuite a desirable place to live. Ten minutes fiom Waynesville on a paved road we enjoy the ui.t and charm of the real country. Mr. Seagraves has opened an ice, cream, soda water and hot dog parlor and i- doing a rushing business. There will be a pie supper Satur day night for the Methodi-st par.son- age. A good attendance is expected i to help a worthy cause and enjoy the1 '"good eats." Miss Bufoid Dunavant spent Tues day ari'l Wednesday with Miss Mar-' 'garet Hyatt of Hazelwood. The little girs acting as French waitresses at the High School banquet Tuesday evening. j i Dr. R. E. Ssmmes of Memphis vis ited his sister, Mrs. Crews Moody, last week. ; j Mr. Glenn Cagle and family have returned to Dellwood and are occu pying their cottaage. Brown and Fred Ferguson and Jule Boyd Campbell captured seven foxes Monday and are holding them alive. The fox hunters are afraid their sport will be curtailed this summer. ' .. .. I EDITOR VISITNG WAYNESVILLE. 1 Mr. C. Bush, formerly editor of the Polk County News has been helping The Carolina Mountaineer for a ftw' days this week. Mr. Bush recently gave up the Tryon paper and experts to bj connected with a Western North Carolina paper in the near future ;g From The Mountains of North Carolina to the Provinces of the Orient Included in the 'settings for the ! Oth State - - Tour of - - I he Carolina Haymakers i Plays that are Quivering with D r a m a A 1 i v e w i t h Romance! and Throbbing with Suspence. Plays that bring a laugh to fhe face, A thrill to the Soul, And a Tear to the Eye. With Three New Folk Plays THE SCUFFIETONS OUTLAWS. A gripping story of the Lowry Indians with an added bit of true romanticism, By Bill Cox. OLD TIMES, a rollicking comedy of old moun tain customs as it appears to a Carolina, Student, by Ray Hef fner. "THE THRIC PROMISED BRIDE" A Chinese Folk-Play where true love fights fals love and wins Chinese customs Chinese ways, and life. By Cheng-Chin Haiung. "A Play. For Every Mood" ' HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Saturday, May 2nd, 8:30 P. M.