:-;;r OpporlLty'vfnipirc--Waynesvillc Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsurpassed Nacre! Resources for the location of Manufacturing Industries 1 1 VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 2.1 , WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1926 $2.00 Year in AaVaaee, $249 if not m PaM Th3 Appalachian Scenic Highway Last week local oou was formed of the great Appahachain Scenic High ghway. Much tnthu.itatrt. wis 'mas ifested'and the spirit of co-operation mnd the number of membership tub acribed for shows that Wayno&eiBe and Haywood county can always be. relied upon to put over aary oAd -aM movements that hare for their ultl mate object the growth ana prosper itp of this entire rejreion. Below is a list of those subscribing as turned in to the Carolina Mountaineer by one of Waynesville's greatest boosters, Mr. Fatio Duafaasn: SnDacfapfiosn Apatelarfcain Scenk Highway Asaoca&tion, Wm, A. Band (CaroQBa Moun taineer) Publicity 126.00, Milliard B. Atkins Cheok U)M Dr. J. R M-cCraclcen Check $10.00 Fation Damnem Hftcl Qordon) ,. lastitaticnal Mcwilbership, Check f&JM MeCraciwn Clothiatg Co. Check 410.00 Dr. J F. Abel Cher, 10,00 J. L. StrmgfieM Check; $10.00 Hugh J. Sloan Check $10.00 F. W. Miller Check H)i00 J. C Fisher, Hazelwood, . N. C Check 110.00 J. 51 Ixmg, Haaelwood, IK. C ChecK $10.00 James W. Heed Check $10.00 Joe Mormino Check $10.00 Bnunlett Bros., Livery Business. Institutional Membership . Check $24-00 Waynes-viTai Gro. Co. ..Check $10.00 Waynevrille Book Store Check $MJM J. H. Mock Cheik $M.w0j First National "Bank Cssp'tfift, J. H. Way, Sr. Che?k (10.90 Hyatt Oo. Chaci: $25JTO F. G. Rippetoe Check 910.0 Walker A "PerguBon . . . .Check $10.00 Cherokee Arato Co. . . . Cheek ilftM J. P. Swift CnecbllOO Azandor "Drag Store Cjiedk'Oa farmer Kay .-Cash tl$.P D. M. Shraon : Check! 10.06 W- t. Mebatfey Co.... $10.00 Mrs. M. Ki)gort 110.00 H. G. Stone Check $10.00 Martin Eleurfic Go Check $10.00 J ere Davis Check f lQ.vt G. C. Piatt Check $10.00 WaynesvTDe Barber Shop - $25:00 C. R. Thomas $10.00 Haywood Soppry Co. . . .Check $10.00 R. L. Prerost Check $10.00 Rufns SuVr Chick $10.00 R. N. Barber Check $10.00 WayneswiTle Pharmacy .Check $10.00 WaynesTille Book Store .Check $100 Hassie Furniture 'Oo. . Check $25.00 S. C. Satterthwait Chcct $10 00 Roy Martin Check $10 00 Bass A Withers Check $10.00 Kenmore Hotel O. M. Bell) ....Check $10.00 'Clyde Ray Check $10.00 Blackwell ft BushneTI ...Check $26.00 Burgin Bros Cheek: $10.00 There is an adage to the effect -that every great institution is but the lengthened shadow of a man This is peculiarly true of the Appalachian Scenic Highway. Early in 1924, Mr. Ro.sc oe A. Mar vel, owner-manager of Kenilworth Inn, Asheville, N. C. president of the Western North Carolina Motor Club, president of the Cleveland-Marietta. Asheville-Florida Highway, and officer .in lerveral other highway associa tions, set out to give Asheville better highway connection to the North. In the pursuit of this purpose, he spent months of his own time, thousands of dollars, tore up several cart, and by person or proxy, explored thous ands of miles of roads, ranging from excellent to impoesrble. As this work progressed, there grew out of it, five highways, all of which are now recognized by the National Highway Association and .will appear on this year's maps. Of these, by far the most important is the Appalachian . Scenic Highway, which has been left, to the last for development- Its im portance may be judged from the fact that Mr. Chas. E. Davis, presi dent of the National Highway Asso ciation, is quoted as saying that it will develop into the most popular and bast' traveled highway in. Eastern America. Having its northern terminal at .Quebec, Canada, the Appalachian Scenic Highway runs almost due - southwest, jta principal southern term, .in w twtatf La, ... At Bar-. CC tssaa tasr page) '. . Hotels Open For Tourist Season OPENING OF THE HOTEL GOR DON AND BON AIR. The Carolina Mountaineer, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Mr. Band: In regard to your inquiry for a little information with reference to the opening of the Hotel Gordon and Bon Air. We are opening the Hotel Hon Air Sunday, June 14th. This season the Bon Air will operated exclusively on the American plan. Heretofore it fyas been run as an annext to the Hotel Gordon. Parties roaming in the Bon Air took their meals at the Gordon! (The dining roam of the Bon Air was operated as a Grill and Tea Room), separate and distinct. Thie season the Grill and Tea Room will be done away with and the dhrng room operated only on the American plan. Of course, outside parties can take any one of the three meals they desire in the regular dining room at a taHe de' hotre price. The Hotel Gordon will open July 1st and on the evening of Jury 4th, we will have the formal opening, thr occasion to be marked by i special dinner and dance. It also ushers in the Tegular dances for the summer season which are held every evening during the week at 9 P. M. exaept Sundays and Thursdays. We hare an unusual lot of god bookings Tor his summer and unless aTl urges fail, it will he one el the best seasons we have ever enjoyed. In wry opinion, the good rovls rn this Ticinity are woing us be a great booh to the resort busines. Heretofore, TJVtipla hare been deprived of the plaawxre of weeing Waynesville if fhey were 'H flie'tr cars and I thine Waynes Hie only liae to be s'-er. ! ap pivjc'iated. Youm ve-y truly, ; v - FAT 10 DTJKHtVM ANMJAL JUNE PICNIC U. "D..C. The United Daughters of the Con feoaracy will give the annuel 3une picnic ilrnner to the veteran, their wrres and Widows on June the 16th The TSwugStters and Sons of "Veterans will meet the Veterans, Wives and Widows 'or Veterans at the court house at twelve o'clock and will be taken to the home of Mrs. Leon M Kiuian, wnere a bountiful picnic dinneT will be served. The program will be given on tht court house lawn .before the clinher which wTH be as follows: Prayer by Rev. C. T. Tew. Song, Bonny Blue Flag, by IDaugh itrs and Sons of Confederacy. Speech by Hon. Felix E. ADey. 'Delegate to Reunion. Md. ID. I.. Boyd. BOY SCOUT NEWS. The public of Waynesville are or lially invited to H.tend field meet, Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock cn the Episcopal ch nvh grounds given by the Scouts of frop Nr.. 1. ui ehow the public wnat Sco.jtf can d. We hope the ;i I':!; - will make a Bp.iial effort 'o".n! this fi! I meet s as to encourage the boys in their work.. The boys and official; of troop one wish to extend their thanks to the Rev Mr. New and the officii! of ths LpiMopal church for allowing the .couts to use the Pa'Is'i House and grounds for scout meetings and games Mr. and Mrs. New will give the fronts of troop one a weiner roait Friday evening at 6:00 o'clock. Reg ular scout meeting will be held at 8 o'clock MOSE HARVEY Scout -Serine MRS. T GRADY BOYD HONOREE. ' 'On Wednesday at one-thirty o'clock Mrs. M. H. Reeves entertained with a bridge luncheon to compliment Mrs. Grady Boyd, recent bride. After the delicious six course luncheon wsis served, several exciting progreasions os, bridge wre enjoyed. "Atjha con clusion of wh,ich the honors' nii jjiVein a bo'ttle of perfume and the prixe for the top score, a deck of cards', was won by 'Miss Josephine Thomas.' .Those present in addition to the above: Mesdarr.es Roy Frsnc:s, Wm. Hannah, ad the Misses Sara . Tbowe and Georgia Miller. The Junaluska Supply Company: JUNALUSKA SUPPLY COMPANY, COMPREHENSIVE MERCATILE I ESTABLISHMENT. 1 Comprehensive? Yes, that is the right v.ord. For manv vears the romantic Cher. okee name, "JuaafctsW suggw j only the lake and the summer resort only now mown nv wiai apjei.kiuu. Few who go to enjoy the lake and other diversions offered by the re - fort even pause to observe '.hat one of the most interesting and extensive r.-rcantile .' V -. ,rr. i s in Wejti-rn North Carolina, has in a comparative ly few years, "pr in up at the main entrance to the grounds. The growth and ta expansion of it have been really phenomioal The Junaluska Suppfly Company made its beginning in 1912. That was oiu$ thirteen years ago. The start ws made on a very small scale. Now under practically one roof you con find there every commodity, every thing needed for the coiaTort of ex istence in a summer resort eomrrum. ty as well as in the farming com anunity which the e?ttahrWhment serves. Indeed, you will find tlhere ni3t of the 'luxuries demaitded mow-a-dayn. The main building iff a three story brick structure t?0 by 100 feet with a convenient basement under it. The main sales room m 40 by 100 feet. In it attractive lirrae of all classes of 5neial merc'".ar-Te are displayed The central position of this room is occupied by trbe meat and provi sion market. Sen C. C. Chamber U the chief motionary, and n great expert has he heco ne Li cktering t the discriminating and exacting pal ate of the sasnmer resort rs. No OMi knows so well as He that the palate is the chcif orgwn of delight post- eased hy no small fractjn of his mer custoaw'ia. Qaude Fnsncis and Dallas RatbH bone are the other courteous and af fable salesmen in the main depart ment of the tflsmt, To the left of the main entrance Is j the door of the drug department winch ncludes an ice cream parlor nd finrtfWaynesville and the entire community.'11511 Birtfst church to Clyde Baptist class soda, fountain To the rrght of the main entrance ia the garage where Ford cars and supplies are sold, also accessories for other automdbiles and a complete "er-ij vice station is maintained for the con venience of aTl wayfarers who roll by the doors ef this inviting establieh nent. James Parties nresides over the garage and service station. .lUKt back of the garag? is found the lumber and building materiral depart ment. Here are carried in stock full lines of buildinir materials of such vn riety and quality as should satisfy the exactions of any reasonable per son. A planer and all other wood working machinery necessary to fit the lumber for the erection of the finest of cottages and residences have long been installed. Hardy Lin and Millard Poteat a:e in charge of this department, an j all who seek tli-ir services, and the build ing linea they handle will at all titties find them thoughtful and attentive. And here it may be interesting to mention that in this department th. rc is now assembled a stock of building mateiial afone worth morie than $60,000. With this suggestion thensa casual survey of the entire estab lishment of the Junaluska Supply Company sets in motion come inter esting guessing as to the whole amount of the capitalization of the concern. Just think of finding here in a coun try store everything demanded by modern civilization from a lip stick to the last no.'.l in builldtne ma terial for the 'finest of residences, i Wlhere can you beat it? And the financial and commercial geniuses back up this properous and stun expanding establishment are jerry uner ana nugn j. sioan, na- tives of the vicinity, too well known to require anything in the way of introduction or comment from the Carolina Mountaineer Unlike the fa. bled -. Persian who eearched the world over for the pearl of great price only to return when his days were about numbered to find it - in the rivulet purling by the' door of - ! lirth place, Mr. Liner and Mr. Sloan have tarried at home and have dug out the pearl of commercial success right hom oa the ahoro of good oll Richland creek. Selah. The lloland Oldsmobile Co. Dram ,in kwoale Cars Have FiBed Many Orders ia Waynes. ville and Vicinity. The Oldsmobite, tor four yeart introduced in Waynesville has become popular car of medium price, and, - hae iwowe-ecognieTi-s nej bt cre built for climbing the mountain highways, and for the etrain " - - , Pd upon them in mountain ser- !Ti - Realizing the sterling worth of Mr llarged and greatly improved and Mr. H. E. Graham, salesman of Noland: and Mrs. Speare say they are going Motor Co. which the Oldsmobile be- to have a splendid season. Several came sole agents for this territory and have spared no efforts or expense in' placing the merits of the Oldsmobile! before the residents of Haywood coun ty. Mr. R. L. Noland, the proprietor and manager, is particularly interested n the needs of the farmer, and knows . , I Rev. and Mrs. R. V. McCracken, Dr that the farmer, more than anyone, , , f Jnd Mrs. T. A.Roberts and others at- good automobile. The splendid roads' nnded union fng st Cr"fee ..... i.,r. n M.v.i MB(''t Sunday and took active part in . . . . . demaad a good car, and the cost is .k. -.r.tin M-k;i Tti 4 A ,w twenty JJive miles on a gallon of gas oline is not an unusual record. According to its initial cost and upkeep, the Oldsmobile, whatever type or model, is one of the hand somest amtomobiles msnfactured, and v., .. u i t i ...... ..u.u, uc pvu to ww. nd show his friends. Mr. Noland not only sella ears, but giwes xcallent serticc and carries flail lines of accessories, supplies and parts. Th garage and sales room is knawj) for many miles in every direc- tion ai-oand Waynesville. Mr. R. L. NtewoQ'ig also known aa a ousinesa man of ability, and aa a citizen is known for his honesty in all dealings n for -his integrity and fair treat- jsttemt to hia customers. It. .Noland is an ardent supporter southeast irom Myoe, wiw of every program advantJ for the'n-niin,B n,B,bei', af whom tw" eood of thia solendid count, and iel1- r nl thre c1- Uer eater to offer his support to:ored- Th membership is now abQt nromete the greater progress and prosperity of Haywood county, of He is a Knight Templar, a Metho- ddist, a Democrat and a man who Iava, hia falliw man wA Vi o a , a. A eniration and respect of aB who know JN HONOR OF MISS ISA BELLE McDOWELL. . Iketifhtful Bridge I arty at the Hour of Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. from the Winston Sentinel. One ofjtihe most charming entertain - anents of the late spring waj gien on Saturday afternoon when Mrs W SL Shepherd and Miss Joscelyn Mc- Do well entertained at bridire at the loreUy home of Mrs. Shepherd honor- ing Miss Isabelle McDowell whose en- gagoment has recently been announc- ed, the wedding to take nlace in the summer and Miss Miss Flossie Teckle of Burlington whose marriage to Mr. John Edgar of iFayetteville will ie solemnized in June. Mrs. Shepherd and Miss MIowll received their guests and presented dl.fgM1 by prominent Haywood speak-then- charming honorees. Miss Mc- m ad wakers from othtT counti Dowell was lovely in . Beautiful gown , t .... . M . of Hortense blue. MUs Teckie was very attractive in a gown of ecru over' coral. Four tables were placed for bridge in the lovely rooms where myriads of spring flowers added charm to the pretty seen Ragged -obin, snap dragon and many other of the sea- son's most beautiful flowers were ef- festively arranged throughout the home. After a number of games Marion Erird was awarded the prize, a bottle of bath satp kifd Mis Ethel uh iwivd b lroi'tinn nri . novelty collection wf, jreio for sandwiches to., k ....... . . ine n ir.orco wei pre- r,t.,ltw) ,!,:. p'f. fQy their t'eavsseau. At five o'clock nuiii'e-- cf i!ji- tonal guests came n for tea. A n'Ost delic'du salad course, fol lowed by parfaH and cake was erred.hllt no oftVtr of tmt sh, contwet MISS MORRISEY A MEMBER. It may be interesting .to the local Greensboro News Company and an-j which he feela considerable pride and chapter D. A. R. to. know that Mia other member of the council, Julian justly so. Considering his busy ca iMarie Morrisey. who will sing - in Price, is chief stockholder In the com. reer as a businesg man it follow that Wynri)l July 2nd is a nembr of pany that, publishes the Greensboro tne acquaintanr must have boon taa National. organiatin and active Reeord, afternoon paper. New and formed in the course of ujeful oca in the work of the Observer. -ommendkble' icti vti-ss Clyde Has Much Hews CLYDE ITEMS. Mr. Jesee I). Boone who was until lecently editor of the Mountaineer Courier, was here last Saturday and asked the writer to begin to begin again as local correspondent for the Carolina Mountaineer. Not only Mr. Boone, but qujte number of others say they want to read a letter from Clyde oc casknally. The Clyde Inn is considerably en- have already come from Florida. Mrs. Robert Harris, who has charge of Skyland Camp, has made several improvements on her propertp and contemplates the best year in the his tory of this very popular camp for K'r,s- I the services. The Clyde male quar- , m . , tet composed of Dr. A. C. Downs, Jen y Robinson, Crawford Sanford and D S. B. Medforrd sanir several selections during the day. The revival meeting which closed last Sunday evening resulted in about twenty-five accessions to the churcn. The pastor, Rev. Frank Stler, was vrv fthlv &&LAtfd hv fir. Gihbs. nastor ! J ' of Mtbodtet church at Canton. We are -),d to report that the wa terworks for Clyde will be completed within the next eight .it ten days at a c0t 0f not lets than $35,000.00. H if believed that the state highway, our waiter system and two splendid achoola will oiake our town grow as never before. Oo July 80th, 184, when an awful war was being waged between the states. Pleasant Hill Baptist church ;a organized on an eminence one lw nuMrM- A0"1 two f nm hn$l t Pleasant i church. Several months ago the church voted to erect a tnondern brick structure to cost about $12,000.00 ' wlii.l. nll it . ' 1 out. 1 n n,.wnm. iV ... . , . , , accommo date the increasing membership and I the Haywood Institute student body. Th work on the new huilding started, joff father slowly, but is now moving, I nicely and will probably be under roof j by1 Aug. 1st. The first brick was laid .by the pastor, Rev. R. P. McCracken, June 1, 1926 at 11:48 o'clock, when I work on the walls aoove tne concrete .ttgle rendeivd very markel service ' hegan. Mr. Orville Haynes.lin putting the school affairs of the tiason i nd mechanic, pave Mr. Mc- a quarter to lay the first bracken bnck- Mr' Ml-C racken lr"v' tfle qU91 Pncrease of salary for the father and lr hi wif who Kave i( to ttiel inuring payment of it. A'fo Mr Woman's Missionary Son -ty ,,y whom ,l W,U be '"" ''ont "-"".other movements for the ,ocil and 4 i -w. , nA Iknc SnatiiM.Mii k I - .1 a 1 j i . r . i -1 cu.i.v n i.e iiiwiwi piuuun.iK; . ui.u . for the chunh. It is earnestly hoped that every member of the chuicb vi ill be present Friday, 1 2th ins' , when the corne? stone will be laid. The gathering, beginning at eleven and .-lnsino- at. t.hre o'clock will h ad- un,i ,4f. tn i, . ,liv In(.al j.,.-,. , . witn tne assistance oi good people 6neraiiv. the denomination here ex- -t, 0 buiI(1 th ,.rd . hou n? nr,hin th., .h-ii . tn .l. tow th ,ienomination and Ilavwoo.i Association. MBS COUNCIL OWNS STOCK. E. B. Jeffreys, mayor of Greens- boro, told city councilmcn this after- noon that T. J. Murphy, editor and k. -U .)..:.. ' , "' ...uu .lum, a .,,,....1... Jl "vvwwu uimi Ul j'unles the city's tax list is pubdished !in the Patriot and not in either of the dafly paprs, he wiU proceed against two members of the council .under the state law which provides with firm of which he is an ffcer. Mr. Jeffress ie prosldent of the Prominent Clyde Business Men D. M. CAGLE SON. PROMINENT MERCANTILE CONCERN OF CLYDE Mighty oaks from little acorni grow. So said the old time copy books. Influential business concern often trace their beginning back to some dinky little country store. From small store on Jonathan's Creek at the mouth of Cove Creek has grown the very respectable business concern in Clyde owned and doing business under the firm name of D. M. Cagle SM. Mr. Cagle, the senior, was born and raised in Jonathan's Creek section. Suj h book learning as he acquired wm uch as the country school of the neighborhood afforded in the early 80s. Although raised on the farm far from the busy marts of trade Mr. Cagle in his early manhood ft'k tne stirrings of. commercial instinets Yielding to them he opened a liittle store at the mouth of Cove Creek as already mentioned, m 1897. His cap ital was very small to start wit'i, but he prospered from the very beginning and continued to prosper there for IS years. In 1906 he moved to Clyde and opened up in the stor.' huild.rg near t ie head of tl.e brii);- over l'itrecn r v.r. where ni ke perit continued to :i.:t,i' him. Two pears ago he moved up .treet to the present location of thei." pt''ie near the railroad. D, M. Cagle, Jr. is the jui.:oi mem bar pf the firm and act .i etneral manager. fa their store very at active lines of all classes of general merchandise ..i always to .i f jjn! One reed n i spend much time in observation to diisepver that their store is a vary r ovular onj ind tlat the Cg command a fair share of the patron age of the. community. To continue popular and successful in business for 38 years in practically the tame locatlity sneaker volumes. And if you will Iftgure a little you will find Mr. Cagle Sr. has been in business fpr the period mentioned. Ail that spells honesty, fair dealing, pood bus. iness judgment and worthy sc: l ice to the community. But M'"- Cogle'.s services I j lw com munity have not been confined en- tirely to commercial lines, hi.urtetn year he served on the county board of education. The first and second terms he served under appointment. The remainder of the period by popu. i-- (.lection ..;! nu:i) iti Mr. county on a sound financial basis Also he did much towa, tccuring Cagle has always been a five in all euucauon. oeuerment or .n. com- munity. Two or three years ago Mr. '.."aR! bought a fsS acre farm north of the I'lor. riw: : ie v.'.iy out of town. There lat.t summer he had a rather vpacious and very elegant residence rwted. Its appointments and furn ish ngs are all the most modern and first class in every respect. From the front norch of this residence a panorama of mountains may be ser vtyed which in beauty and interest is probably unsurpassed in the county. Mr. Cagle's farm is all set in grass. Three acres of it have a good stand of alfalfa. This experiment with al falfa is being watched with a good deal of interett by Mr. Cagle' neighbors. N'othwithstand:n ; the ntti sctivencss of his farm home Mr. Cagle wan.s to sell it. He says he is no farmer and has no ousiness with it. So here's hopinr that a buyer for the -11 . ,1 . 1 in win mkiii come wiong ana xnnt IV. IlIWi; .VM.B JH 1 . lgl? Will COn- tinue to prosper as a merchant. Almost we failed to mention it Bnd jn way jt is really noteworthy M, r- Iays cl.im to ,he omnioB that he probably is personally ac- quaintel with more people than is anv othc- man in Hay- wood county, It isa distinction in . - Ms-w.A..-a3i'l.-:. -'- i POOR PRINT