Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries is- mmmmmm VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 2.1 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUN'Y. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1923 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid I i Better School For Haywood Equal Opportunity for Every Part of Haywood County. Takes Flyer The need of a hospital in Haywood Co Barber Apple In Onions rpr the past several weens 1hc Board of Education of Haywood coun ty has been working upon '.lie .May budget. In the nroi-i:ng last Monday held for the purpose of liniihini? up the document before submitting it to the Board of County Commissioners for their official confirmation, several things affecting the school-, of the county came up for consideration. One of the matters that claimed attention for a time was the question of bot rowing the sura of $25,000 to replace the expenditure of a like amount by the Waynesville township committee, although allocated in the budget for 'he payment of tue sal tries of the ttwnship teachers, had been used for another purpose. In the discussion of the question of making the loan, the only point at issue was whether or not the instal ments and interest should go upon the county budget or be taken from the special tax of Waynesville town ship. Mr. R. L. Prevost and Mrs. J M. Long, representing the township committee, presented a petition in person from the committee asking that the Board of Education borrow the money, charging the sinking fund to the county budget and the interest to Waynesville township budget. Af ter a fall discussion of the matter the question was put and failed to carry, members voting "n;." explain ing that they were in favor of bor rowing the money and lending it to the township committe in accordance with the school law as given tinder section 276 of the codification of 1925 but were opposed to the request as given in the petition. The township refused to modify then- request and 1he action was declared . lost.. . Another motion was then made tl.tt the county board borrow the sum of $25,000 with which to pay off the outstanding obligations of the county including all teachers' unpaid salaries in Waynesville township if the chair man can get from the attorney cf the board the proper legal advice as to how it is to be handled. Mr. T. A. Clark, the attorney, explained that the board of education cannot borrow money legally unless in anticipation of the budget and that if this money is borrowed, provision will have to be made in the budget to have a sinking fund and interest to retire the claim as it faTIs due, a matter that every body does not understand. It is hoped that the way can be found to borrow this sum so as to pay the teachers the amounts that are due them, which will not only relieve the board of an embarrassing situation, but will pay the teachers the money that has been due for a long time. During the discussion that tjys sit uation orougnx out, tne united sen timent of the board was emphasized that better school advantages for every part of Haywood was to toe pro vided, that the fartherest corner of the county was entitled to the same -'fits and ooportiniti ;is any other. From the advanced positions taken, one must believe that there is a bright future ahead for the country schools as well as those of the towns. 'Another matter of outstanding im portance passed upon was that of al lowing $2,600 in the county budget for a superintendent for Waynesville township schools. This came as a clmiix after its was learned that the County Commissioners had declined to confirm the amount of $3,400 for a cr.t.jty wide supervis . to wrk un der and with the county superintendent If this is allowed by the commission ers, Waynesville township will have1 a better fund for the salary of the township superintendent that last The American Hospital Association 1 has shown that an average community Mr. Killian Trying Out Sot of PIr- f ten ,housand inhabitants cm .un. i port a general hospital. Haywiod I County is a community of about geon River Bottom for Valuable Crop. That Having put in thirty-two years at thirty thousand inhabitants, and has the key board in variious t)egraph'a large number of industrial ettter- omces w. K. Killnan of Clyde conclud ed the time was ripe for him to try some other game for a while. During his years at the telegraph- I prises, and more coming in the Bear future. Our neighboring county on the west is also building a number of sible. They are stimulated to study arc! take post-graduate courses an I the people who fall into their hand-;, A Carload of Both Lime and Sulphur as patients, wlli be the beneficiaries. Used in Spray Dope Soy Beans Another benefit of an up-to-date Sowed for Cover Crop. hospital in Haywood County, will be a Nurse's Training School, which must' Almost any day for weeks that you be operated in connection with the miKnt hove happened up that way and hospital. This will enable ambitious Passtd near or through the Barber and deserving young women of the "I'P'e archurds you were likely to county to prepare thmselves1, here nt'al' ttu' popping of gas engines driv at home, to enter one of the greatest inK thc sPray dope in clouds of fine Cattle Meeting Orchard Notes! Held at Clvde HAYWOOD CATTLEMEN MUST 0U;ANIZE SO THEY WERE TOLD AT CLYDE TUESDAY er's key board he used much of his industrial plants which are asking professions open to women. Natur- mist over the fruit laden trees leisure in reading garden literature! this community to furnish hospital ally, preference in accepting students Nearly always a group of four and became particularly interested in. service, and the greater the industrial i for this training school, will be given spray rigs, in close formation, were in what he found about onion growing. 'development of any community, the I to Haywood County girls. operation.. Now and then he read that on a com-1 greater is the demand for hospital mercial scale yields of as high as service Why a County Hospital? A rig consists of the engine and When a. hospital is constructed uml num.. nn,i t,.,.b u 2,000 bushels per acre were reported. Haywood County has in wav. h-en ! operated with private capital, wheth- tw !,.. ', i tv. "is .operating a general hospital for the;1' doctors or other people, the man to each hose to handle the noz- past several years. At this hospital cnaiges musi tic sutncient to pay for zle. Then u tender lank to .'ach rii- were treated, last year, about fnir 1 construction, operation, taxes, insu- to keep it supplied with Inn,. I.-., h Naturally this stimulated interest and enthusiasm. Last spring he retired from the tel egraph service and at once set about to try out his dreams about onions. hundred patients, including four hun. died and twenty-eight days of free Accordingly he put about four acres, s,.rvice. Because of poor' surround- of that fine dark sand loam in tV', ings and noor equipment, this hospital .a..te ami a m menu sufficient to tank has a capacity of 150 gallons, justify the outlay of money. Sime Each rig and each supply tank is a county ho.-i.ital is exempt from tax- diawn by a team of mules ation, and is not stiiinoscd t lower part of Clyde to the left of has no, had the general support of the ! .mndend.s, s enabled to gnvc sec'-' ' ' T ,, ! pr, the highwap to Canton in first-cfci.s ' ,iraI nroresition of 11 (.nilTltv !,,. al a ,.,,,ltlv reilu.. " ....... T' ''V"' " lhrvv. "W" m,d tilth and at the proper dates as he,Thi, vear th,s nosnitll, ,, ,. . . I privately owned ' ,n,V, l.ms Th.. w,th thv batU'ry figured them out drilled in onion seed tcr sUpport from .he Brtf ' aml; county hos.i.tal mveslmlv hvi.., ""'.' ,w,v mvn and of several varieties. All germinated. is caring for a greater number of " care tor a great numbe"r of m.h-' Z'el,?! V r """.'T well and came up promptly sc that he; patk.nts than ever hef(m, an;) haR!gt.nt patients, and, ocng a public , '"UK' has a fino oven stand nivnl the firsf ' ..... i - ... , . , ., , ,. I , . , Bas Power. Ouite a large and " , iH-i-ii auvanreo one no r !iv tnpi'i"i"i. win oe ei yioii it n:i ri i,.m:n.. ...... few rows sowed before he got the (,,,,. rnn.miinm.,. t .',;..!., .h,. , lis,, !,,, ,.r ,.,... l aggregation ,1 seems, yet . j .' - - .'iiauii - ............ iiji I'lini- i uu- arin properly adjusted. I expenses Mr. Killian is trying out varieties. They are the Golden Globe outstanding oneratin.r n,li,ai,,n ;and will nmoortinmn.lv ' -'s, . and fung, and insects. Danvers, mile "BejWuda, New Denia showinc- that, with thp ,,nitn l nnnn, t taxes f ,h,. ,.,,l. . ., u T pnxluce the self-boiled lim" an 1 Prize Taker, "White Southport, Red of the medical Drof"Ksi m of Havwatwt U'ountv sulphur solution which this concen Southport. and "New Sweet Spanish. County, and the additional support of' Location. ,t rat ion of the th.ve kinds of powers Bis heaviest sowing was of those1, number of mrrminent nhv.iicians rf' , ., ,. mentioned, sprays over the Barber two old reliable market varieties thej other counties, which is assured, a issioners for operating 111 ln-' oistr,:jution ot the Duke It now has more than dation Fund, which wi ill necessary to protect these exten mean much, 1 ,.,.h,.i t.. i,.. ........... .., ... . n.i.M .,,.11.1,1. . I- ... -,i ,.ti, ; , mi- ui 01- -u,,,,., aianauic iuiius 10 in.".'i " . i iu-liuii anci operation, . ...,l ,;i ; . v.: ' most piominentry mentioned being a part of the Dr. Sam Love estate in East WnynesvilJe, s;h.,.,,,i ,..! ;.. . ... ,.. .... - ,,...ult r.etuoi. oe cai-,orcha,.4js in une 8,.a80n requires the ned lor hospital bonds, a suitable use of one carload of limo and one location win 0e select. A number rload of sul:.'iur. nf loi";lti(ir hiwu 1,iiin J.w..w...-! 4't.wi uivunccu unc TV,;., i i , in.-- jiiuv iuk iu ou JiKP a ramer larjre quantity of these nialeiuils to tjt' u$v on a single Haywooil farm in a sin trip sp.'i-ifin Rut vmi ViiM of Haywood County for treatment "uiiiung ana tqu-pment. , 1)ear jn min(J thflt theie and they tot $25.00 Der week eaih. 11 :s !roosed to erect a modern thousand bearing apple Uw to be "mg interesting things -relatin)- to it for hospital care and nursing, -not nr-pioo! ou lding, equipped with el. ; sprayed sevTral times a season and to report from time to time. counting physicians' fees, (anyone i tvator. -a.v, latioratory and every-1 that the incalculable number of square who has taken a member of his family lnlnK in tie way ol modern hospiUllfeet of bark and leaf surface they to a hospital outside of Haywood , equipment. , )i esent figures un into billions. Be sure to wt roarrv for the 2nd C ount'' wiI1 aPree that this is a low Golden Globe "Danvers and thj White, modern hospital in Haywood County Bermuda. The other varieties wereW0Ud be more than self supporting, sown to test their adaptability to this, At very 1aw e5timate, there btc sop and climate. twenty Haywood County people in mis prooaoiy is aooui tne most inter, hospitals every day in the year. Snp- pose all these people have to go out made in Haywood roi-ntv this year, and the Mountaineer counts ,n hav- THE FLOWER SHOW. How Operated. That the spraying this season of annual flower show of Waynesville eiitlmate.) l"wenty people at 5 00 j This county hospital must be oper-tiese orchards has been successful is and Havwood county on Friday, Aug.,per week earh' wou,(1 Pa' the sum ofated by a board of directors, or a 1 nulinated by the clean, healthful an- 1 at the Parish House of Grace I lr WWK' wn,cn one ear. commission appointed bp, and under I learance of both fruit and foliage. church, given under the ausnices of.WT)uld amomrt to S26.O00.00. In fourjthe direct supervision of the Board ol All this is very gratifying to Mr. A. the Garden Committee of the Com- vears th,s wouU1 nwunt to $1M.000.- county Commissioners. This bc ardiH. Sparks, the orchard manager, who munity Club of Waynesville. a f,TU" m( rv lnan sumfleT,c 10 j is also to hvae charge of the construe for a number of years has assumed We most cordially invite all those DU,,(1 ana prlu,p a "ospitai as goon astion ()f thp hospital uuidinK having flower gardens or beds, how- De T0UTla ,n t"e country, ana ever small, to add their contribution to whuh woula ferve the coun'5' cr ti, ki .r .1.;- ir..i,ij-..i ...u; years to come. ",t t-oui.y ri li la it. 'Jllui V.Ml bition. Bring your flowers and thus share I'woo1 County are nrv withnu:, f I Lime and sulnhur are not the only the ioy of them with other; at the ''V311 ' ,n ' ' " .. , , , . , ... '!' materials used. At certain . i . said bones to hear a rate of interest - same time yon may feel the thrill of Fu"n "p a 1 ' " ' ,, . .u , , . times large quantities of arsenate of seeing a prize taking ticlcet attached, j ""try r- .ci-- now P-actirn, , - - JUU lead and of nicotine solution are All entries free. Haywood ( v ,re f.r ..t mUWem keeping w.th pre-, M - and when they are gone, there .,8Mes. pll ,abl-v 5''- ,n. At this time it ,s diflicnl. , make , RI I oft O : will be none to take their place,, feent that a is ound tiat by ,he percentage of an . L. Lee 0t l Haywood County hasn't had a young part.c p.Ui on in the IHike Vound- mTmal man in a medical college in the last;""" any other .-eason.ij, . th, pini(,n tna( . I .lllllllsfll V ten vears. rne requirements, in lime ' ' 1 u.. ...... . the responsibility of seeing that the ! Cost and How l'aid For. iMnay solutions are right, and are I , ... .,. , . , . applied at the right time and in t'ie To build this county hospital, ;t is! ' , ! .. , , ...,. . ,t nght way. I his, it is plain, is no ; - c ,i .- in utwrcti w ."-uuinil LU tilt voil'l S t'i .- , 'A number of the communities ,n ' , slight, no msnrnificnnt resiM.nsihilitv I nil ruiiintv tiro fiiieruin ,,t hnnil i- ' sue of one hundred thousand dollars said bonds to bear a rate of interest ln,l .lnll.,,u tc -,.,.,.l..l f,,. .and money, nuve become so enor- "'"' """' " " i i C,nsidered Imous that other fie ds are more in-"111'0" i int proposed nosp.iji., th. con- ;v ;: fair normal yield. I he I set of apples on a gieat many of the iw i nicest (.ems rurnisning e.s- ... , . ii,. ih., m,,.. f k,u. :,ii " " taUbfawevts-SeU Ladies Shoes ! V!t,m?- wn?" younjr man nas met : - , ."'7 t.ees. he said will have to be tliinivd. and Hosiery. The 'firm of R. L. Lee & Company I the legal rtourremenU of a college wi" he issued. education, f ur years in a medical By referring to the following sche.l I school, at a ,-ost of from ten to fif- u!e prepared by Mr. (J. N. Henson, I teen thous."-: I dollars (not counting State Bank Examiner, it can l seen The cultivation of the orchards for this season came to an end ahn.it two weeks ago and the entire acre- is known nerhans better throutr.iout ,.. .. """ . ; . . ' . . . : k'0 "nv d to soy beans. The j . .v i his time n', anything) and has served just what would have to lie paid each ...,,.,.,. ,,.i : ,..,ni ,i, n;i.,..- Haywood countv than most any otntr', ... .- , . anei used is called the Hiloxi an i . , .. ,.' , . ... ... his mtemtshin nn a modern hospital, year, and everv citizen can determine .u,,,. ,,.. cu. i ,, ,u ,., r . store of its kind in Waynesville. . . , - , " , . , ., . , ' . ... tnt-v "ere ow,d at the rate of two . . . . ,, .. it is an evident fact that he will not just what he will have to pay, this i , . . . ,, n , This store caters to gents furnish- , . . l"Uf,n(,s lo the a'ie. Due to the m. , , I locate in a country communitv, or m schedule being based on a property .... u.,,. , ,..,, . ings and notions. They also make a , , ,, , ,, " "'atnei tney did no! come uo i. , . , , , , a town where there are no hospital valuation of twenty million dollars,',..,-,. ,..,ni., i,, ,u ..u. t .u specialty of ladies' shoes and hos:erv. , ..... . , , , , ' . , , ,. , , , . A. ,, r evenly, but the showers of th" The senior member of the firm f8C,Jltle. to.enaWe n,m t0 pra'1. h "! 'ssu- "f hundre i ,hou early part of this week may help more W. T Lee, Chairman of the North Pfs,on the way ,n whnch he,. ml dollars: Lf ,, , (.()nu, up The m Carolina State Corporation Commis- ha8.?;een tramCd- ur population is ; Schedu le: bean beetle has already begun work . , , . P , , , . i.inii iiiv i , Willie un iiuiiiiici oivir.wiFU.iiv iiwauiL.il iiunii.-, inniiii. ... h, 1,..,. .I...... .U-. I. I sion and he is one of the most pop- .... . , ... ' ; . - ' . on tm 5 ocan P''"ts that showed ular office holders in North Carolina. ' " " ' . ...K - . -. i eventually mean that, in a great num- twenty vears; lew ifigured on the Mr. R. L. Lee, a son of Mr. W. T. , , .. , . ; . , , . , .. . . . , . ber of cases, -natients will have to be basis of $20,000,000.00 valuation: Lee, is manager of the store and is . , , ., ' , . . . , , , t, i i . , . , . , . , carried to the doctor, instead of the Year Principal Interest j ,. . .. . doctor going to the natients, hence 1st 50c levy on the $1000.00 This firm has been in business for about forty-ifive years and number thtir friends and patrons by many the necessity of a well equipped hospital. In our increasing number 2nd 50c of industrial plants, serious accidents 3rd 40c are frequent, many with severe shock 3rd 48 year, and this mav be taken . 1..;.,. i... .i...... i. a and profuse hemorrhage which re- 4th 46H : ply"'0' l.V S i va uracil iaudij . . . . . . . . . , happy solution of a matter that ho. , .i,. .iu .v lulre immediate attention. In such 5th 45 - - - aj-j niv genuine ,juam.j Ui tuc IIICi - been hanging fire for some time. chandise they sell and the reasonable price standard alwaya maintained. $5000.00 $5000.00 ' 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 4750.00 4500.00 COMMITTEES APPOINTED FOR MARIE MORRISEY CONCERT MANY TOURISTS HERE. cases, transportation, to any gi-eat 6th 44c distance, would be at grave risk. 7th 42Vi Benefits of a Hospital. fth 41 j The chief benefit to be derived from 0th 40c !an UD-to-date hosnital in Havwood 10th 39.' The following committees have been There are many strange faces in County will be the improvement in 11th 38c appointed from the Community Club town, visitors and tourists. In fact the qualitv of medical service that 12th 36c to heln with the Marie Morrisey eon there are several hundred new sum- the people of the county will receive. 13th 34c cert on July 2nd: mer visitors here now which Is tm- Nothing develops, doctors like hos- 14th 34 On stage decoration Mrs. Rippe- usual for this early in the season, pitals. In the hospital, they come in ISth 32c toe. Miss Altsaetter, Miss Stringfield.' Of course there are many familiar daily contact with each other, and 16th 31 '4c Advertising Miss Alice Quinlan.j faces also, those who have been com- each other's patients. Each one 17th 30c ing year after year. From the out- learns what the other is doing and 18th 29c look at this time this will surpass how he in doinij it. They discuss 19th 28c any tourist season in the history of cases and exchange ideas. With the 20th 26c Waynesville. It will be a hurd ropo- aid of the X-ray and laboratory they sition to find room for the many are enabled tp make diagnoses that Total 'thousands of visitors. would otherwise be practically impos. 5000.00 4250.00 6000.00 4000 00 5000.00 3750.00 5000.00 3500.00 5000.00 3250 00 5000.00 3000.00 5000.00 5000.00 2750.00 2500.00 5000.00 2250.00 5000.00 2000 00 Mrs. Covington, Mrs. B. Ray, Mrs Hammond. Tickets Mrs. Thackston, Mrs. R. L. Coin, Mrs. E. J. Hyatt. f ' Other committees will be appointed later. 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 1750.00 1500 00 1250.00 1000.00 750.00 500 no 250 00 $100,000.00 $52,500.00 (Continued on back page) up last week, but it is hoped the beetle will do no great inj'iry. If the soy beans do well it is tho Intention of Mi IBai-ber and Mr. Sparks to have the vines mowed -it the prorjer stage and cured for rough age for the twenty head of mules kept on the farm. The stubble and the roots of the beans will, they fig ure, add much nitrogen to the soil As a matter of self-protection for all depending on it as a source of income, indeed as a matter of the preservation of the industry the farm, ers and cattle raisers of Haywood county must organize, and leirn to pull together, learn to co-operate. That was the earnest conviction ex pressed by every one who spoke on the present state of the industry nt the cattle men's meeting in tiic town ball at Clyde Tuesday afternoon. In respect to attendance the mett ing was a disappointment to those responsible for the calling of it. However, they found much encour ngemeent in various indicatinos show ing that all over the country ther,'1 is appearing a real awakening to the extreme seriousness of the situation. A keen sense of the unavoidable need of organization, they feel is growing rapidly. Mr. (iwyn who called the meeting, acted as ihairmun. After a few In troductory remarks he called upon James (I. K. McClurc of Hunromlie county, widely noted for his success in organizing the farmers of that county, also of Hemic ;n coenty, to explain the proceedure and offer sug gestions toward promoting similar Action in this county. Mr. McClur? briefly explained the discoeuragenient met bv him and the few at ulrst interested with him in the moement to organize their fellow farmers for self-protection, over at Fail view. At first for months, he said they could induce only from eight to fifteen of the farmers in that vicinity to attehd the bi-monthly meeting--. Then, suddenly, he de clared, the idea caught fire and spread and that very quickly thereafter a sufficient number were lined up with the movement to enable them to un dertake the building of a co-operative warehouse a few miles out of Asheville toward F i view. A great many dicouragements of of various sorts. Mr. McClurc. said, were encountered which eventually were overcome and soon the ware house venture was found serving that community so well that other com munities in Buncombe applied for as. istance in organization associations ami. establishing. warehouses. Now, he tells, there are four ware houses in successful operation in Bun combe and two in Henderson county. Mr. MeClure exhorttd those present not to be discouraged by the small number in attendance and remarked that all movements of this kind are always led by a few earnest and self sacrificing pioneers. Jno. W. (ioodman, District Agricul tural Agent, whose headquarters wo at Asheville, was called upon bp Mr. (!wyn for a few remarks. Respond ing Mr. Goodwin explained in a few sentences the nature of his employ ment bv the State, and unqualifiedly endorsed all that Mr. MeClure had advanced in favor of the fa'im -s organizations. V. M. Lewis of Raleigh, chief of the Livestock Division of the State Division of Market; followed Mr. Goodwin ami explained how the di vision he represents could lender bet ter service to farmers and cattle raisers of Haywood if they were ef fectively organized. He made it very clear how fteble a single farmer or stock raiser is, .standing alone against a railroad o (ran. v io i, or against the highly organ i.ed ma'keting agencies of distant cities. But, said 'ie, let a hundred or more farmer and i.ittle. men of a community orjaii "? and set in a well directed manner as a unit and thry command instant at tention and respect from thc highly for the nourishment of the trees nextla"d organized forces whi h surround year. !them on everv hand. It will be interesting to note the When Mr. Lewis had concluded, Mr. outcome of this experiment, the first, wvn summed up the remarks of the perhaps, of the kind in Haywood yev'ral speakers and urged action county. along the lines they had recommended. Mr. Gwyn now gave an account of MM)!) PICTURE FOR A GOOD the organization of a co operative CAUSE. Through the generosity of Capt. Edwards the Near East Relief will receive the net proceeds from the picture "Capt. January" shown on the night of June 25th. This is said to be a good picture. Remember the date and come to see it. S. R.CROKETT, Acting Chairman of N. E. R. shipping association composed of an influential number of cattlemen of Madison county and told of the part he had taken in the movement. Mr. Gwyn explained that the asso ciation selected a committee to super vis? the gTading of the cattle to lie V"ded and in a e-eneral way direct the affairs' of the organization. A local bank was selected as trenrj-er and, (Continued on back pae) POOR PRINT