FOR HUMANITY'S SAKE I' HOB WAYNESVHXE, HAYWOOD 60UNY. KORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $240 if not so Paid VOLUME XXXVII. . Nombor 25 VOTE FOR THE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BONDS. II ."' ' ' 1 '- j i ' i Report HayWood CountWelfare Since Mr. Fred L. I&fford's term of office as superintendent of schools and public welfare expired on June 30th, it will be of general interest to the citiiens of Haywood county to know what has been accomplished along welfare lines. As the county has no whole time welfare worker, Mr. Safford, by virtue of his office as superintendent of schools is the welfare 'superintendent also. He is a member and is the sec retary of the county welfare board. The county board serves without pay, by appointment from the State Com missioner of Charities and Public Welfare in Raleigh. The board was re-organized in January as folio'! Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan, Chairman; Mr. M. Theodore McCracken, and Mr. H. Arthur Osborne. The board has taken as active interest in welfare work, and has given Mr. Saf ford its heartiest support in all of his undertakings. i Not only has effectve work, bem done in our community, but the board has co-operated witih' welfare-. super intendents and workers on tthe fol lowing counties: Wake, , fjpwyths, Swain. Cherokee and Jacteon, aisb Richmond, Virginia, and the South South Carolina Industrial Home for Girls, as well as various institutions in our own state. Homes for five needy children h&ve been secured. Free treatment in oar county hos pital has been given to fivtf of our welfare cases. Arrangements were r& tVSlh&l a needy mother and he small child werei sent to anothe." commuhMy where a comfortable ,.om and suit able employment could be provided. Transportation was se:ufcd for' an other fam.iv of six, returning them to T fir former home. ,. ... ,., Two $ir! hav? Beet ain't 'w A res cue home. Mothers' Aid has been Secure! for; two widowed mothers, one with five, the other with four children. This aid comes from a state fund which islLk,-hitt made marked success in matched dollar for dollar by the county to. assist worthy : mother-, to care for their children in their own I homes. This aid is given to mothers only after a tkorrarh investigation ' . 1 as to their character end ttieir awl- ity to use the money wisely and! economically and to properly care for and train their children. j Two crippled men have been put in touch with tlhe Vocational . Rehabili tation Board in Raleigh, through its field agent, who visits our county at regular intervals. One of these men is now receiving training so that he may become able to provide for his family. The other is preparing for training. This vocational training is for cripples of either sex, over six teen years of age, who are disabled either through illness-or accident, and are capable of being trained for suit able occupations, so that they may become self-supporting citizens. 'Application for treatment for a number of cripplel children has been made at the Orthopaedic Hospital in Gastonia, but owing to the crowded condition of the hospital and the long waiting list, only two have been ac. cepted so -far. These two were taken to the hospital on June thirtieth, however, the -prospects are good for the acceptpanee of others before long. The board has a list of all crippled children who were examined at the clinic held at the County Hospital two years ago. They are very anxious to get in touch with these and any oth er crippled and physically defective children in Haywood county. The board is particularly interested in helping this unfortunate group. . The number of compulsory school attendance cases handled last year was nine hundred and thirty-six, in volving approximately five thousand absences. Each of these cases callsd for at least one letter and very often a visit to the home of the child. All were handled in a friendly way, and no prosecutions were made. "After h veatigation all of these children were returned to school, :xcep; in a few instances where lawfi-1 excuses were given. Eighty-one dollars and " sixteen cents was expended for books and clothing for needy xnool children, distributed over fourteen . cases. Clothing lwai ,. pouV ;orlve chil dren, the balance being) spent ' for books. TMa'nptti MM'tomJfiat2Dl,'to ttti"' - The Elmart Ladhstore' First Sale Ever Hefd By Exclusive Ladies' Store Now Going on. J The Elmart, Waynesville's Smartest Exclusive Ladies' store has real Sale now going on. It will end Sat urday. This store is selling the very finest silks and ladies' wearing apparel, in- VJuding millinery, lingered and in fact everything that a woman wears, at remarkably low prices. The Elmart is owned by Mrs. Bessie. Ponnv nn. nf Wavtw-svillfTs most i - j , ft charming business ladies. And the Elmart is considered one of the most exclusive! and smart ladies' stores iiC this section. Exquisite gowns, millinery and pretty things are always to be seen attractively displayed at the Elmart and can be had there when they can-1 not be purchased anywhere else in the city. rri. Rlmarf u aim. nf the smartest of stores and would be a credit to a! The third meeting was to. have city many times the size of Waynes-, ten held in Clyde last Monday af ,jn ternoon, but not more than one or The ten davs' sale oery thing in the store at half prices and sometimes! i. h-vin- nm.HUftllv laree natrona-e. The sale will; close on Saturday and will not be held again. SWIMMING PARTY AND PICNIC. A number of the younger set en joyed a swimming party and jicnic supper at East La Porte last Thurs day. They were chaperoned by Mr. ajn4 Mrs. Covington and Mrs. Neal and were joined at East La Porte by Edwin Howell and Howard Covjngton. Those on this outing weae: Misses Eleanor Bushnell, France Denton, Eliijbei Quinlan, and Janet Quin and - Dick Covington, Jim Berryman of Washington. James Neal. Bob Woodard and Hoyt -Covington. MISS HUNGER CONTRALTO. Mi.. Voll 1T.Hni-f Wntvill Ala., who spend, her summer at the waTto New Xork where she ha:" has bsen conducted along various Wfli studying fkf. the past three yeais. she sang in the Little Church Around j the Corner for a year and Tecently "T" took part in the "Mikado." Sh also'lt, the farmers of Haywood can t " ' !K onln ti-aDora in the rn-onerative sang" m the Capitol Theatre. ! . .- s- ti.. -.i4i Stilly I" IIIO W lilivnuv. tu-:. -t7.iina. stvw. rtf tfcA onta of Miss Isabel Ferguson. jtWnk that they have not even caught on yet and started to be even trailers. MRS. R. L. ALLEN HOSTESS. So far as we know there is not a single fanners' co-operative assccia- Mrs. Rufus iL. Allen was hostess to tjon of aT1y kind anywhere in Hay a small dance for the younger set -wood in compliment to Mrs. James T. Ber- re have no knowledge cf the ex ryman of Washington, D. C. ! jstence of even a boys' pig club, or Assisting Mrs. Allen were Mrs.'caf cub or corn club or poultry Charles Randolph Thomas, Mrs. R. cub or jmy other similar kind O. Covington, Mrs. Ernest L. Withers. '0f ciui. amoune the boys or girls mong the dancing guests were: Misses isaDei r erguson, uoroin mora- as, Margaret Ray, Mary Ray, Dorothy Seaver, l-Tances uenton, r, the state, there are but lew wnicn Quinlan, Eleanor Bushnell, Fanny do not every week report activities Johnson, Margaret HolTiman, Thoma-'0f gome ort on the part of farm sene Howell,, Messrs. Hoyt Covington,' boys and cub or co-operative Howard Covington, Richard Covin?- j action of onr kind or another by the ton, Charles Lee, James Neal, Ralph grown up r-rmers. tier, James R. Thomas, Jack Lapsley.j jphe fa' mcrs of Haywood have Prevost, Robert Woodard, John Gau- ),ave an abundance of examples set Archibald McFadyen, Joseph Johnson, thm and of inspiration offered them and James T. Berryinan. '' '" jto get together and pull together and CARD OF THANKS. w n t ,V theVneonl of PhilUpsville for the many k.dnesses o the farm papers lT0"otrTthef ETpSyo throughout' the United StaXes with . " .. . ' , , voice and nen are urging the farm we appreciate the thoughtfulness of . our undertaker, Mr James WjUs. uMy These will neter be for- coopwation in the 80 , , , 1 selling of all farm products to cut R N. Presi.ey and Family. re" . . l;j,.n .-j Cant n out e n"eM: middjtemen and ' speculator in food stuffs. attendance - oases, mentions only' Mr. Miller, editor of the Southern some of the more definite and out- Agriculturalist, who puts uj some cf tending' things that have been ac- the strongest arguments in favor of complished, while a vc.-y lare nu-i- organization of the farmers, declares ber of other matters Have been taken the co-operatiive movement among the up. At least fifteen hundred letters farmers is the greatest economic de hv been written, two .taouiand,nvle8 veloment of our day. traveled, an many risift And inves" Are the farmerf.of Haywood will tigationa made and consultations ing to continue to be mere trailers beid. ..... ;vvv i thi" P1 mveme"t? Much of this wi mmyM l: MctakJWl'. been been accomplished: :wk jKi'. been for the co-operation fUj 'pbyatemns, lnteretsed organisations, ana mdavta- trip Richmond, Ky. Mrs. McGrud uals. Eepeoially rs the board in- ?r and Mr. McGruder will remain in debted to the County Coiuiiisslopcrs WaynesviUe several weeks as the for their hearty support, as they have guests .of th4 Lindsleys. acted favorably upon every case hid Mr. Jack Way spent Friday in Are The Farmer Of Haywood To Be the Trailers in the Greatest, Movement!- che .Farmers of j America Ever Started? It certainly looks that way just nov. W'Xhin the last few weeks' two meetings were held at Clyde for the purpose of trying to organise the farmers of Haywood who are inter ested in stock raising in a selling land shipping association. The mat ter of working together to improve Jv sl0 ugn w also considered Barely a barker's dozen of farm ers attended either of these meetings. At the second of them, near a doien of prominent farmers were named i ... J.I rpL , .. " eommiuee on organ.z.uo-. i"vy we expected to confer together 'and do some missionary work in their respective neighborhoods and ittend the next meeting and submit, some definite plans for the formation of a co-operative association. two of those named as members of aid committee came out and not a baker's dozen of farmers appeared, nt even naif a dozen mis ume. So no attem pt was made to hold a meeting. Naturally this indifference on the part of the farmers in the county to ward a movement concerned with matters of such vital importance to them is-discouragmging to the men who are trying to get them to pull together in improving and in selling their livestock. A few weeks go the Madison county farmers afld stock raisers organised a co--0Perijive shipping as sociation. Last wee! the farmers of Jackson county took similar action ,at.Sylya. $a' r J The farmera .of ',, JJuneombe Jtna Henderson counties ve Several as sociations for co-oper4tive baying and i . PI VI ...ut!Ju i Ja Vaa snipping. nit: cu-ui.m. en V, ,f development in those two counties for several years. lines. So we see oor near neighbors have De oniy trailers hi movement. It is "c ""' r. discouraging iu 8nywhere n Haywo-jJ ounty. Amor.g the exchanges wmcn come offlce from many counties throughout work together for their own separate individual good as well as for the i i tUn ntirp farm- general we...- - . - Mrs. H. .C. Lindsley, Mrs. H. B. ivira(ir and sort. Mr Richard Mc- ufoGrudet and sort, Mr. Richard Mc Qrudg have returned from a motor .Aahevilla on business. Felix E. Alley In Demand Hon. Felix Alley, popular candiate fdr Congress from the 10th district, it in reat demand as a public speak er. Recently he spoke to the Civitan Club of Canton and last week to a large gathering in Forest City. To morrow he goes to Franklin and from there to Robbinsville where he will make an address at the July 4th cel ebration. LOG CABIN CAMP. Log Cabin Camp for Girls opened June 25th with a splendidly equipped faculty and an attractive group of campers from ten states. Camp activities include horseback riding swiimming, tennis and basket ball. Mrs. I. W. Williams is manager of Log Cabin Camp this summer, and a successful season is predicted. The Sunday vesper services were conducted by Rev. Albert New of the Episcopal church. CONCERT. The OxforJ Onharajre Pinsing clas which is being brought here imdei the auspices nf W.'iynnsvillc Masonic Lodge No. 2")'l will appear at the Central High School Au ditorium Saturday, July 11th. This season's program promises to lie un usually delightful. MITW nop Al ARM I The fir? deoartment has last ailed a splendid new electric fire sirene which is run by a five horse power motor and can be heard at a distance of four miles. It is operated by switches in the telephone office and at the fire station. It is probable that a weekly alarm will be sounded every Saturday at noon. MA5TE PENNY INJURED. Waster John Everett' Penny, the younsr son of Mrs,- Bess Francis Penny, while riding his Kiddie Kar.a on the' bridge at the foot of East street on Saturday last, rode over the bridge and into the water,-there-bv breaking two bones af his wrist. Much to his annoyance Master Penny, carries the injuried arm in a sling, but he is otherwise unhurt. NEW DRINKING FOUNTAINS Main etret Kna haon crrplltW i in - tikivuI hu tb niWitinn nf turn heftll- tiful rock drinking fountains one in front of the Hotel Gordon, the other in front of the Jere Davis and Sloan- Plott stores. They are made of creek rock and are so built the the smallest child can drink with ease and even the dogs have their -especial place. Tf.iese fountains are not only a great cenvenience, but are very or - namental. PROF JOHNSON HrJl ll K.MH. Prof. Lewis H. Johnson, head ot , mony took place here. Vocal Department of Agnes Scott while Mrs. S. Watt I.awler snn "A: College, arrives in town today for,, Pawning.'' the bridal procession con the summen Returning with himjt;nued up tp th(. altai-,-where the re as his accompanist is Miss Elizabeth mainder of the ceremony, including Lawrence, who is well known in j tnp rjnR cei eniony, took nlace. Waynesville as an unusually talent- Lohengrin's "Wedding March," was ed nianist. Mr.. Johnson expects tolt.v . a recessional. conduct vocal classes in the old high school building. This promises to be a very inter - ing musical season as several well known Atlanta singers are planning to spend their vacations here. PASCH ALL-KELLER. Moss Enla Lee Paschall and Mr. S. H. Keller were quietly married Tuesday afternoon, June thirtieth, at four oTclock in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Stuart R. Crockett. Only a few friends of the couple witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Keller has been superintend- ,ent of the Waynesville hospital for thc past six months and has proved very efficient. Mr. and Mrs. Keller will make their residence here. ,r.- m iiTu tx, i"r, DENT. rrway aiiernoon aooui six oC1oi; Mr. Albert Harris was qu te seriously injured when he Was jtruck by a passing automobile driven by a Mr. Rush of Florida. The "Went oc- curred near the Medford Farm and wa, wnouy seems to be restfng well and it is hoped that he will have a speedy recovery, Mr. Clyde Ray was an Asheville Visitor during the week. A Marriage Of Interest GRAHAM-ADAMS. Fort Meyers Tropical News. An event of wide social interest took place Saturday when Miss Grace Graham became the bride of Charles Adams at a beautiful wedding which was solemnized at high noon Sat urday at St. Luke's Episcopal church, the Rev. F. A. Shore officiating. The church was artistically decor ated in a color scheme of white and gold. Potted palms and Japanese bamboo wer banked on either side of the chancel. At the foot of the chan cel on either side was a white floral basket filled with gold marigold and asparagus fern. The seven Sabatical candles, in a gold color, on a candela brum stand stood on either side of the chancel. The altar was beautiful with white cut flowers; asparagus fern and white altar candles. The bride was beautiful in a dress of white maline, was caught with simple lines, with insets of Venetian lace, and with a long train falling from her shoulders. He bridal veil of white roses and glory-of-the-day orange blossoms. She wore a triple strand of pearl beads, a gift of the groom and carried a shower bouquet K white roess and glory-of-the-day. The matron of honor, Mrs. E. R. Page, wore a white georgette dress trimmed with panels of oyster while lace, and a large picture hat of oys- ter white horse-hair braid. She car- ried bouquet of gold-colored zenias. The bridesmaid. Miss Lorain- Tichenor and Miss Lorena Stout, were Kfrefed- (Jjn Wangol taffota 4rses. with white horse-hair Urald picture hats trimmed with gold flowers. They carried bouquets of white shasta daisies. Immediately preceding the wedding ceremonv a musical Brorram was ren- dere Mr. T. Cfod8 Tayed several selections an the organ: "To Wild Rose," by MacDoweil. "Be - cause, DV rreaencK rarrar, m u Trysting Place," by MacDoweil. A duet, "All for You," by d'Hardelot, was sunir bv Mrs. Effie Hennderson and Mrs. Nettie Pearl Battey, accom- DaniedVen the organ bv Mrs. F. C. Alderman As the strains of Mendelssohn's' "Wedding -March." played on the or- cyan Ku Mrs. Alderman, beiran. tb i minister urnmti nnH host man ram into the chancel from the side en-1 trance 1 The ushers, marching by twos, fol- I lowed by the bridesmaids, marching, singly, the matron of honor, and th flower girl, strewing white rose petals before the bride who entered on the j arm of her father, came in from thi' main entrance at the front of the j church. As the bride approached the ! groom, the latter descended the chan nel stens to meet her. The first part I or the Hih Church marriage cere. Following the ceremony at the church a wedding breakfast was serv- ed at the home of the bride's parents, j an(i ,;nr8. W. B. Graham, on Lee street only the immediate wedding party, including the musicians, and Mrs. Nichols and Miss Flossie Hill, were Dresent. The house was decor- ated with potted palms and baskets ig one ot the landmarks of Waynes of white and gold cut flowers. The vi)le and e wope here will be in wedding cake, a fruit cake, was of terestod in this transaction. ' especial interest as it was the gift of Mrg ctier and her son. Mr. John the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Gautier. have arrived and will occupy Mrs. Willis Proctor, of Darlington, wis., and was maoe entirely oi nome mvm nrodurts. A tfrve course break- fast was gerved. r-ne out-of-town guests at the wed- din(r wefc ,Mrs Annie Nichols, of Cof- , feeviUe, Kans., aunt of the bride, and J Q- Adams, of Waynesville, N. C, brother of the groom. The gifts of the bride to the brides. ,tw . anA fln..r we;e ovcUy bracelet8( nd the ah, acc0,moaniBto, bar pins, .fu of gom grooms. je wer6 0,d cjff ,inkgi an, hu g.ft man wa8 . white ol(, wtch chain. The church and home of the bride's parents were decorated by ' W. T. Jenkins. The bride is the daughter of Mr. An Unusnal Occurence FIFTY-ONE YEARS OLD VISITS COUNTY SEAT FIRST TIME. Mr. J. W. Phillips of Big Creek which is only 34 miles from Waynes vine, visited Waynesville for the first time in Ms life last week. Mr. Phillips is fifty-one years old, a married man, and a well-to-do farmer of the Big Creek section of Haywood county. It is a most unusual thing for a mountaineer citizen to have lived for fifty-onip years within tbjirty-iour miles of the county seat and never to have visited that city. Mr. Phillips is an unusually intel ligent man of a very quiet disposi tion and appears to be one of those old fashioned Scotch decent pioneers, a tiller of the soil, who minds his own business exclusively. He has never served on a jury, nor witnessed a iurv trial, never arrested in his life, never drank any alcoholic bev erages and is conscientious Chris tian and up-right citizen. He came to Waynesville to see the sheriff about a horse that had been stolen from him. And while being interview by a representative of the Mountaineer acknnowledged the above to be true facts. FOR RECENT BRIDES. One of the loveliest affairs of the early summer was the tea given Sat- urday afternoon by Mrs. varies Badgett and Mrs. George Ward at the home of the former in honor of Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. Grady ' P0 aml Mrs- level-nd Kirkpatnck, popular urines ui w.e ra.. Sweet peas and larksppur in pro- fusion .raced the lower noor. Receiving ai me aoor weie ir. Charles Quinlan and Mrs. Ernest Witheks and assisting them were Mrs, Lowry Lee and Mrs. R. O. Cov- ingwm. Mrs. uusnneu ana m. iAiice - sided' in the dining room. Puncn was served in the living room by Miss Josephine Thomas. Musical selections were given hy Misses Nan Killian, Ida Jean Brown and Mildred Crawford. About one hundred and twenty-five called during the aft.'.rnoon. 1 - ROD AiD GUN CLUB. Abut twenty members of the B. Y. R U of the BPtlst "burch spent last wwk camping and fishing at the Rd a"'1 Gun Club on Pigeon. BUFFET SUPPER. Miss Isabel Ferguson entertained with a buffet supper at her home Fri day evening in complimen. to her house guests. Misses Manrarrt Hyatt of Norton, Va., Nell tiinger of Huntsville, Ala., and Mauiine llledsoe of Asheville. Enjoying Miss Fergu son's hospitality were the guests of honor, Misses Janet Quinlan and Lucy Tate, Messrs. Achie McFadyen, Hoyt Covington, Joe Johnson, Bob Wood and Jack I.apsley and Ralph Prevost. A number of delightful affairs have been given for the visitors, including swimming parties, picnic suppers and motor triPs- THE GEORGE SMATHERS HOME SOLD. Mr. George Smothers' hand pme residence on the heights overlooking Boyd Anrenue was recently sold to Mrs. Mary Gautier of Miami. This th? jr home for the summer. ..lm- momher nf the Fort Mvers voune- er set. She is a graduate of Welles- iey college, and has been teaching in the Fort Myers High school during the pgt year. The groom i a member of the wholesale grocery firm of Bryan, Keefe & Adams. He came to this .... , H .. . vetera f the WorI(J .during which he saw oversea duty. V Th youn ,eft by a, urday fternoon jor the ,ounuins of North j,, wherextliey win apend three weeks. On their return thy will be at home in the Johnson apart- ' ments until their new home, a .gift of th bHds's father, which (seeing- bi 'n the Pa'm!ee Pr.rk N completed'.