fTTf TH CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER ULT 2. 1J25. ' The Carolina Monojaineer 979 Main Stresf i . Wm. A. BA.'JD. Editor-Owner Policy Democratic ' Display Advertising Rates: Thirty Cent per column (tick. Guaranteed Circulation SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Payable in Advace ($2.50 if not so paid) 1 Year KM 6 Months 100 3 Months r0cts Entered at the post office, at Waynesville, N. C, as Second Class toa.il Matter, as provided under the Act of March ;i, 1S79, November 20, 19U. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY m J.. 1- . 1 LATEST HAYWOOD FIGURES PROPERTY VALUE. SCHOOL ENROLLMENT. ETC. Haywood Garage Good Business The countv ' -"rty valueation for 1924 in Havwood -.' p'sed at $19,-' TiiO.SSS ! Sells Dodge Brothers Motor VeeicleH The School enrolment for U. ' . SionS- Accessories and VJ24 in Haywood county wag 5269. - srvi- The average daily attendance for the .scholastic year of 1923-1924 in The Haywood Garage is one of the Haywood was 67 per cent of the eri- , ,.:. -rui. .r-..ti-i mobrile concern is located in the com- ' '" modious Nineteen Three other coun- tire enrollment t-es in the tate had the ""street showed a higher attendance. Hare county had the highest 90 per cent. Scotland countv had the lowest, t0 per cent. , The per cent of illiteracy in Ha wood i. reported to be 11.3 per cent. Buncombe lays claim to lowest per Main Main quarters oo 1003 right on the corner of and East streets. The business is owned by Mr. O. R. Martin who is also the manager. i Having had seventeen years expe dience he is exceptionally well pre pared t (rive splendid sen-ice to the re- i- ,IIF (MHll'.AS PRESS A-iHOC', I lOv XHURgrrAY, J4-2 1925 flOPriTVL FACJJUTUH IN CMTEI?STAXSt(i - THE Inhabitants Per Hospital Bed in 1923 70J Ha j in the following tables the states fere rinked according to the number of inhabitants per bed in all hospitals taearn state, exclusive of federal nospital. The table js bael on, Hos- Tjitals and Disoesaries. 1923, issued by the Federal Department of Com merce. The number of persons pe is derived by -Jv-idinit, the pppu- tion of eae"h state' by tfie aggrgate beds in all hospitals in that state Colorado leads in'hospljjal facilities ith one bed for every 193.8 inhabi tants. North Carolina rank.s forty first with one bed for every 610.3 inhabitants. U. S. average, one bed for every 336 inhabitants. North Carolina peeds nearly twice her present hos pital facilities to be on a par with the average for all the states. Sank State Persons !. per Hos ' pital Bed .1 Colorado 193.8 2 California 212.0 3 New York 215.1 4 Minnesota 211.3 o Mas.'.vhu.wtts 226.7 New Mexico 234.2 7 WasVngtnrr 250.9 Avina.A 259.9 d 262.8 ampshire 264.2 uiing v :.2G4.2 lecticut 201). 2 gon 2158.8 itana '. 275.2 lois 280.0 Jersey ' 282.7 'vania 285.fi 'sUnd . , . . i, . . :I0.'L5 koU ..,....'.304.9 :'.....'.. .'.307.1 314.:i .123.8 333.9 : . . 342.H 354.7 360.9 ta 375.1 375.3 399.5 402 8 101 ! arc -;I3 2 447.0 Virginia . . . ., 4ol fi '. 17!.9 , 5(115.7 515.8 , . 544 9 560.7 lsc ....S75.8 Carolina 610.11 na 6.T8.7 'jy 644.0 1ppi 694.8 .ia 796.4 noma 795.4 th Carolina 821.6 kansafl ..1001.6 , :m: a . t-.l U. ' ' r-""" rem oi numeracy, vst. r.uKciumui: ..;..- . i -i , i .... i pairing of automobiles which is this countv is reported to have the nigh- . . . branch of light or heavy work. Mr Martin carries besides, a splendid est percentage of Illiteracy, 22.4 per cent. Thee (Vgures are for 1924. reports an increasing popularity in 1 closed cars and haa many sales re corded for the past season. He hag a force of experts, who do not only auto work for the Dodge, but are skilled mechanics for all makes of automobiles. Mr.. O. R. Martin, the rrfanager and owner of the Haywood Garage, has been in the above business for about five years. He is a Mason, Methodist, Democrat, Rotarian. Coodfellow and a booster that Waynesville is proud of. He is a native of Buncombe, a young man witti a charming wife and two tittle daughters. He is a hard worker and booster for his city, and as a live wire business man, haa no superior. He's one of the leading advocates of good roadi and as a val ued citizen is known and respected by the entire community. REAL ES'ATE TRANSACTION'S. stock sories , Mr. of supplies, parts and acces- During the past week a number of , Mr. Martin ha-s the WaynesvUle Important .real .estate deals have been agency for the - splendid Dodge made by H. G. Stone. Among them . Brothers motor vehicles,, which are are: , Known we world over for their splen- The J. D. Boone residence on Main 'did qualities and appearance. He street to Frank W. McLean of P1m! Beach, F!a., for $15,000.00; Dr. C. H. Mclowells residence on Main street to C. H. StaBBs of Fort Myers, Fla. for $20,000.00; A lot belonging to Hil. had B. Atkrins on Main street to H. A. Ford of MulbeVry, Fla for $12,500. Without a doubt the good rdads of our tdwn' and county are as responsi ble for the numerous purchases as our excellent climate. BEST-BALL. Mr. and Mrs.. John B. Best of Crabtree announce the marriage of their daughter Willie Louise to Mr Frederic T. Ball of Canton On Wednesday, June Z4, 1925 WHAT ABOUT WAYNESVILLE? You Can Double The Life Of Your SHOES CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DUCKETT. Prop., V Main Street Prices Are Low Waynesville) N. C. ance JDusmess College ASHEVILLE. N. C Under new Management. Additional Instructors, Modern Courses And Prices witnin the reach of everyone. POSITIONS GUARANTEED AND DIPLOMAS ISSUED I nquire about (Our Courses. Special Waynesv-ifle citizens are showing heir city pride as well as their per sonal pride in painting and cleaning, up their premise. In addition to a1 great number of residences recently! painted, several stores on Main street! have been given new coats f wear. ' Among them are the Royal Ice Cream arlor, store occupied by Saad and iger, MUler Broa WaynesvillJ Hardware. Alexannder's, McCrackcn . i lothlng and others. pWered by the' Board that a. license tan. tsmr ehe prmlege o carrgtiupj L-iveiy stables: Vacant lots, that vere heretofore on thebusines or doinjr the act natoed for thtc year ending May 31, El(il Hirintr five to ten. feoeaes .. ruhhisih hean have been i & an the same is bereDy levied' s tollowsr i tunog wn w iweimjf ounoi For any Information Related to Vaace Business College SEE MISS MAMIE CLAYTON Firt Natioaaal Bank Buildin' Wayaeaville. N. C Write P. 01 Box 1395 Department B. PRIVILEGE TAXES LEVIED BY THE TOWN Of WAYNESVILLE, JUNE 1st, 1925 unsightly leared and planted with flowers; al estate ha.s an upward' trend; ouses are. being built all over town; nVi- tvo'i Waynesville is ALL RIliHT! -VHH EfcLr PROPERTY S)LI. The R. T. Ells property now occu ied bv the Covington family, has ieen sold to Mr. c. rl - SWds or Miami. , - Auction sales of real estate, where the total (mount ef sales does nt exceed 28,000 per day $ 2QCU0t Automobiles for hire upon each: person, ftrrn: or cocnorstroo, oper ating an autamobile for hirw SstinK poll' or Bnaaatj taxation in: the Town of Waypesville, Ucense tax awfollo-wst Jfot ovr seven passengers . T." . . ... . '-.'I' . IrXOO passengers . More tlian severs pasaeners Person, firm or tarporation 20.00 30.C0 40.00 60.00 500 20.00 not listing' a uil. or 'property for taxation in tin Town of WajmriH and operatunj an aotomo- i ( LI BR AHY. HOURS CHANGED. For the remainder of the summer e Waynesville Library will be open rom ten to twelve in tne mornings nd from four to six in theafter noons. ' bilwtoi hire.' si Scense tax as foBawS:' Cars of seven paaaangers or lessi... s---r v f- SKOu1 Cji-j of or than seven oassengacs 40 00 Automooile trucks fix bjre ; f. ..... 10-00 Automobile or automobile truck . nanafactureT'aKeotfinr cadi brand Hiring twenty to thirty berses Hiring thirty to forty horses Each saddle horae kept Sot hie . . , Lumber yards, each ytardi w.liv'if;.?..:'.. Metalic cartridgea, each efcaler 6.25 Metaiie eartridgis, 22 cafflaar only . , ... 2.00 Machinery or agricultural implements 10.00 (Provided, this aiaxQ pot. apply to regular herd ware dealers.) I Meny-g-rounda . . 50.00 Moving picture shows 37.50 Medicines patent, . in tin vrant, dealer ;'.-ir, ; . . . . . :. . .20.00 Newspaper contests for weekly or semi- or tri-weetly Newspaper contesta far .daily .'. . . ws stands , . , TWO SHALL BE BOR.V. Born the wfcol" wide 50.00 100.00 5.00 Ocolists, .itinerant or deafer in spectacles or eye gtosaea 10.00 Ost-door advertising,. , 6.00 of c;w or.troiDa - . 10.90 Palmistry ....... 100.00 Automobe or automobile trucks amEesman-for-eaeH- tjrandl ef ear or ' Peddles, pcheddler on foot ,,,.....iv,'(;..vj 26.00 true - 10.00 Perfdlers,; each. With horse'f mule with or withoat vehicle or with Auctioneer, each 20.0o! vehicle propelled by amy other power .. ; 76.00 EkWlrlTakV-o Ath atii) itoaw JJ1A. 9 AIj:J mmTa. Barber sflops, foir ewrh chair 2M, ' 1J r . w.'v.u "f""' mymn- Batteo' sarvice asof tire repair stations 10.00 Billiard r pool ttaUea bowling; aJfcyi or aJloji-of HHo-ltindL each tablj- j or nfley J Anv othur ganie ir play with or without nunc Two shall I world apart. And speak in different tinreues, and ,,.., , I Bottlinir works- -.... - 500ft Pf3tols dealer in K.u h of the others beig. arrr. no heed; , J "stols. aeaier in tions, flavoring extracts, spices and toilet articles, whether on foot or with horse, mule, ox or without vehicle or with vehicle propelled with any other power .. . . Photorrapher .-. And there o'er unknown smti, t un-. known lands, , death; ' Knch A -lit all un'.-onsciou liy shape weryi act Ar ! jr.l each wfiHi!iT.t:r ff-eu. his on? end That some ilav, ou. d;tr;cnreM, tttey shall meet. And read 1-fc'- ni-i n.r m f.VB -fi- 'oal Dwlars ':rriag-for ftire each omailruBf, hack, wasjon, dtey or other vehicle 100.00 10.00 50.00 26.00 200.00 it s eyes. Su in Mr Si :;u'lin Pict.irs at Wavnewood Jalr 7th. BAl.SVM SEWS. witS- two seaits or more . xte hocav earriaire, tsav dray, tatpresav. oastvse or ottaer veriiicle . . 'C'lr.ircttes or fjrara retail - - X... to j llns ach . . : w Each bitch .. Kiectriciana eeeh firm doing- business j. eleribiB . Express compmy, an annua tax of - Fireors each dealer - j. huckster , iO(K z-j.i"r AlCXQ SOLOIST TO SING IX GRACE EPISCOPAL CHITCH. offertory olo In pxace church lUnday morning will be sung by lira.'. Mosser of the Sunday Evening MnaW.Club of Chicago, Illinois. The tor Ml preach on "The Suffer- 1K 'f the World- today," and admin- the Holy Communion. wncn 1 musi will be sung by the vttted choir. Tha Bible Oass at 10 a. m. in the 1T Wlirisn Hooao. under the direcUon of p. "m BxCbtt-rsm' Oh- K Thomas ; lriu study very Interesting; epocn " ll historL "TJie Church's Conquest S ( tAt ! . m. thora. will be-Choral W Brensoiiaf. with an address by the t Sector OaVtho ftrst martyr in church '" Uatorr. I'Wiijf, -ii w w ..- m m ) i TSurvW Anrdiallv invited to all m- " , ' ' mat ir?ioe. Mrs. J. A. Olantz, who has been visitinj; her daughter. Mrs. R. J. Bryson fr some time, left Friday to visit Iter daughter, Mrs, Pen'and, of Clyde. Fortune tTllers Fruit stand or Fresh meats, firh and oysters, resident- Fresh meats, fish and oysters, non resident 80.00 Frsft and orvtcr.s. each dbn&r . 1 Viither ri-ratcrs ir.3U pfstols, bUnk cartrafges PTumbert: -. 10:09 Having- in their employ an average of not more than three per sons for the previous year 5.9ft Having in their employ more than three, persons and not more 10.00 nan six persons j Having in their employ more than six persons Ptp corn popper or pop corn wagon i.. ; Pressing clubs 'and dry cleaning plants Rear! estate agents and rent collection agents Restaurants or cafes: Those having- chairs or stools for ten persons or less 5.00 Those having chairs or stools for more than twenty-elve 10.00 TsMMe having chair or stools for more than .twenty-flve and less than fifty : 'J . , 20.00 Those having chairs or stools for more than fifty 30.00 On all other stands where prepared food is sold as a business 5.00 25.00 1 ZsftOffl i(lrjoo 100.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 10,00 10.00 20.00 Garages 19.99 GaooJine filling stations: o.OO Charlie" Gasoline agency, selling- oil or naptha Horse and mule dealers if party Bits a poll ear property for taxation t0w Shoe shine parlors: Mr. A. H. Mehaffey returned last m the Town of Waynesvilla 255.00 week from a business trip to Wash- Horse and mule deaJWrs, if party does- not fist their poll or property for ington City. . taxation 50.00 Misses Ruth Williams and Evelyn , Hotel or board in r- heose, American plan: Maney of Waynesville spent the weekJ charging more then $1.00 ad lo than $2.00 per day each room enj with Mrs. W. T. Lee, Jr. ' Charging more than J2.00 and tea than 3.00 on each room Rev). Mr. Allen of Harelwood, charging $3.00 per day and not m excess of $4J60 on each roora . Where the number of chairs or operators is two or less 5.00 V VJTneiilIhe jjumber of chairs or operators exceed two and does not 'exceed "six . , s jo.00 Sign minrter,. , n).oo Skatnjlnk , 10.00 Slot machines: Where the machines does not require over one cent deposit 2.50 preached a fine sermon in the Bap tist church here Sunday morning. Mis. M, C. Green and children mo toied to Clyde Friday. Mr. R. J. Bryson and family attend ed the Glantz family reunion, which was held last Sunday at .the home of Mrs. OH'e Gletitz Penland of Clyde. Messrs. Henry Christy, Grady Queen, Corbet Ensley and Grady Crawford ar camping this week on Old Bald. Trains NfiJs. 21 and 22 are now run ning daily to and from Balsam and Asheville. v 1 .. - r ; Mr. ijugi'n rfEjuley' ad fmily ef Hazelwood have moved to' Balsam for the summer. . ( , ,.?iUi flettit Bryson went JtWaj, nesville Monday. Charging $4.5 per day and not in excess of $6.0 en each roo Chargng $6.00 per day and not in excess of $7-6, on each room .... Charging $T.B0 per day or more, each room Hotels or boarding houses, European plan: Charging $1.50 per day or less on each room Charging in excess of $1.60 and not in excess of $2.50 per day, on each :00m fhnrirtnv In excess of tS.50 and not in excess of 14.50 per day on each 9 nn TTiutm4abm. emhalmera and coffin dealers room r -it-,.' Charging In excess of $4.50 per day, each room 4.00 Wrestta or boxing matches for each exWbjUon Tie omce, dining room, one -parlor, the kitchen and two other rooms hall not be counted when calculating the number of room in ho tels. Provided, that one-half of the foregoing taxes shall be col lected from resort hotels and boarding houses which are kept open for only six months or less In the year Where the machine requires a deposit of more than one cent .25 Soda fountains and carbonated drink venders .50 On each retail stand at which bottled carbonated drinks are sold, the 1.00 same not being" a soda fountain ............ ,t. , 2.50 Salesman Upon each itinerant salesman who shall expose for sale 3.00 either on the street or in a housie rented temporarily for that 4.00 purpose, goods, wares or merchandise, either fs a principal or gent soecial tax of .50 Swimming pool t '. Shooting gallery IZ0 Telegraph company, each '.,.......'..'... 1 Theatre and opera houses 10.00 5.00 1.25 100.90 6.00 . .5.00 10.00 75.00 15.00 12.50 Ice crenm ps-!or Junk dea'er. testdent Junk denter. non-resident Jeweler prtilversmtth, itinerant Laandrles (Provided, that this tax shall apply whether, such exhibition ia given in a licensed or unlicensed hall.) It was ordered by the Board of Aldermen that all parties are notified that special end privilege taxes must be paid to tie town tax. collector on or oeiora-rfuiy-A, wo -u sne asine ne not para qd oemana, me amount may 1JO.00 lyaaApfi'ilrtfeit and sale of tW aitlclei wnich have been levied 25.0a upon-w-sndtJlar property of the owner which may be distrained and sold 60.00 to wfisrftftaxes. See Section 14 ChafcterltftTriWte Laws of 1885. 20.00 10.00 TC; BRBDMNO, Clerk. 1 v v i Jk,.J.:'lijjiEii