. 't If" ,' .v .J. 4ti- - "J Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-UnsurjilSd Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Number 31 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925 $2.00 Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid us A Littre Bit of Broad way Friday Night To Be a Rare and Delightful Treat A Beautiful and Clever Produc tion Offered the People of Waynesville Masquerade Ball at Gordon Hotel to Follow Pro duction. The presentation here of "A Little liir of Broadway" Friday night at the High School Auditorium will give the residents and visitors of Waynesville the opportur.it y cf witnessing one of the most beautiful, high class and clever entertainment over offered the public. This play is the outstanding dramatic, musica' and s'ial evont of the season, as ;he best talent that could be foi'nd and the n ost popular young people and bjautifnl girls are appearing in the play. ler since the first announ? i.iert that this pop ular play was to le presented in VYa nosvillc interest has been growing o.i'-'y, and ;i lart crowd is expected ' attend. The vnun Kewcft wish to j.nnounee that !hh l;nc vi'l operated stinting from thi Gordon Hotel be tween tiic hours of 'T:tri Mild P. -'O, nuking stops at Alexanders Drug S'cre atid the Hotel Waynesville for Hie accommodation of those attend i :.; the' play. r(1h? play -vill start promptly at 8:3 and from tne first r;se of the curtail, it will project wilh snap and pep of a real Broad way show, givini' the audience "a glimpse of littl o'.d Xew York with its dances, cost'jrcv and choruses," said the Jacksonville, Florida paper alter the presentation . tho'e last winter. "A Yittld Bit of rirondwuy" con tains so many d "ntf 1 and -le'-el features that there isn't space to re late all. Among the outstanding fea tures of course is the dancing, both the chorus and the solo. The music lovers are going to, be given the op portunity of hearing Miss Barbara Staten of New York and Wilmington in several vocal selections. Miss Staten, who is a guest at the Gordon Hotel, has kindly consented to sing in "A Little Bit of Broadway." She has a lyric soprano voice of beautiful quality, and has studied. To produce a successful and clever musical comedy the first step is to select the prettiest and most graceful girls for the choruses, and' tbis is just what the promoters of "A Little Bit of Broadway" have done. The work of the choruses will be the most attractive feature of the show, the girls have been trained to kick grace fully, point their toes and dance in perfect rythum, which is not often tt,o ..hup in an amateur production. The latest song hits will be heard, and put over in great style by the large cast TheTe will be dances of every variety and type from the most ar tistic to the jazziest jazz, danced by l At,op nrtists. The costumes seen will rival those seen in real Broadway shows. In all the play is far too good to miss, and everyone should avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing this clever and popular play. Reserved seats are on sale at Alex ander's Drug Store, prices 75 cents and $1.00. General admission will be sold at the door, adults BO cents and children 25 cents. Newspaper Comments. Charleston News and Courier; "A Little Bit of Broadway' presented by Misses Burhimer, was a great suc cess in every way. The show is rich in fun. catchy tuneful music, graceful dancing, elaborate costumes, and U well worth going to see. The large audience evinced its approval in no uncertain terms, much rapturous ap plause being accorded the performers n.Vin norformed as though they were professionals doing an every day job." Augusta, Gea. Herald: "There never has been given in Augusta in the past several generations a more beautiful amateur entertainment than 'A Little Bit of Broadway' which was present ed last evening at the Imperial The atre. The dancing and music through out was beautiful and the costumes and stage settings worthy of any,' professional show. The entire produc tion reflected great credit on the Misses Burkhimer, who wrote and produced it. The Misses Burkhimer i have established a reputation which will rebound to their credit, and their every future presentation here will always be to capacity houses.' Wilmington, N. C. Star: "Superb, manificent, -professional, not amateur! (Continued on back page.) j The Flower Show : j Held Under the Auspices of the Com munity Club Attended by Large Crowds. An occasion which has been antic pated with the keenest interest in Waynesville and Haywood county was the annual flower show held on Fri day afternoon under the auspices of of the Garden Department of the Community Club. Through the cour tesy and generosity of the members of Grace church this show was held in the Parish House which, by vir tue of its location in a beaut ful grove of stateW everf'-(-en3 jnd lux urious shrubs, d:Tois an ideal setting for displaying nat'i'V i gorget.nsness as embodied in the tl w:ms grown in this section , , . In view of the Ion- dro-.ght there were some misgi'ri-." as t O e pos sible number mil nullify f ill" on-! tries, but fro'n the huiireds of ar tistically arranged vases of flowers representing eirao"(iiiary speci- mens of over fifty varieties one vould never have gues.u-l that the eason had not been i perfect on" for prow-! ing. In fact, ther? was a laig" in crease in the m"!i'v'.' of omiies as compared to ih-.it of last year and there were twenty-sit larcjo exhibi tions of heautiud colections. This fact va gieat cncitri'.itenient for those in charg1 i's was such a splendid demonstration of vt'-actical evidence of th-? increasing irterest in the attention being given to the grow ing of better plants and thereby the raising of the standard of this annual event and the creiiing of mere beau tiful gardens. Music was furnished throughout the afternoon by the Hotel Gordon orchestra. The hundreds of guests who inspected the displays were gra ciously received by the following: Miss Caroline Altstaetter, chairman of the Garden Department, and her committeS composed of Mrs. Robert Coin, Mrs. Floyd Ribpetoe and Miss Sara Thomas, Mrs. R.ifui Siler, pres ident of the Community Club, Mrs. J. H. Way, Sr. and Mm. Charles E. Quinlan. Delicious pni.ch was served by the Misses Sara Thomas and Alice Quinlan. The judges for the occa sion were Mrs. T. O Alii'' n of the A ': .r Flower Shop, Asheville. Mrs. C. R. Thomas and Mr. Clydn Ray, Jr. Outstanding exhibits were made by the following: Dahlias by Mr. J. B. Ivey of .Tunalus'.;a: "W. T. Shelton, and the Unagusta Manufacturing Compa ny of Hazelwood; the collection of forty-four varieties of different flow er; by Mrs. R. L. Withers; the won derful display of Mrs. R. Q- McCraek tn; the gorgeoii3 arrangement of tlirty-seven varieties by Mrs. Htrry Hall; the mammoth Zinnias by Mrs. W. C. Garrison and Miss Eevelyn Lee; the collection of ten shades of superb Nasturtiums by Floyd Rip nitoe, Jr.; magnificent pond li'lies by Willard Francis, Jr. and a wonderful exhibit of our native wild flowers by Mrs. Edmands. No praise is too great for Miss Altstaetter and her splenid committee who worked so untiringly to make the occasion such a notable success. The winers of the prizes offered were as follows: $10.00--Largest collection of differ ent varieties of flowers. First prize Mrs. E. L. Withers. $5.00 Largest collectior of differ ent varieties of Dahlias, Second prize Henry Tuttle, (W. T. Shelton.) $10.00 Largest collection of differ ent varieties of Dah':.n, J. B. Ivey. $5.00 Finest single Dahlia, J H. Ivey. S2.50 The most artistic display of Dahlias, J J. Ivey. $2.50 Vase of finest DavMi, J B. Ivey. $2.50 Finest old fashioned boquet Miss Ann Hobson. I o nn M.t .rflitln mmhimKnii nt ft.vu j'iuau at nov.v. w... i ir is...., two different varieties, Mn. Harry J2.00 Best display of Asters, John Srrntl.rrF, Jr. $.0- Ctst display of SnaKi ae ons, Henry Tuttle. f j $2.00 Best display of Zinnias, Mrs. W. C. Garrison. $2.00 Vase of largest Zinnias, Miss Evelyn Lee. $2.00 Best display of marigolds, Mrs. Joe Tate. $2.00 Best display of foxgloves, Mrs. Harry Hall. $2.00 Best display of Calendulas. Mr. Rirhia Rtlor $2.00 Beat display of Nasturtiums,' Floyd Rlppetoe, Jr. Large Real Estate: Transaction Outstanding Real Estate Transactions In Waynesville Amounting to $197,950. Flnridians Investing Heavily in Way nesville Hundreds of Thousands of Outside Capital Brough Into Community. The past week has been the rnoUt active in real estate ever known here. The Schulhofer business block and vacant lot joining waB sold to Messrs. Black and Braddock of Florida. Sale made through Bass & Withers. Thele Florida capitalists have invested heav ily in Waynesville, having purchased in addition to the Schulhofer prop- Icrty which brought approximately .,, . ,t ,ta few lots of Pisgah Park around $2,50l)j also the Ward property with consid- erable acreage located near the forks I of the two concrete roads above Lake Junaluska dam; approximately $15,000 investment. These two Floridians i have hinted that a large new million ! dollar hotel may be in store for Way nesville in the nenr future. Mr. II. G. Stone, the live wire real state agent, who was one of the first to see the possibilities of real estate (investments in Waynesville, and ' made the first several large sales earl ir. the spring, has again sold the Mc Powell property on Main street. This makes the third sale within a few months. To show the intense interest in real estate that has taken hold of the investors here; at this sale there were three different parties trying to buy. It sold for about $32,750. Also Mr. Stone sold his home on Eagles Nest road to Mr. E. G. Steward erf Tampa, Florida, for about $20,000. Mr. C. F. Kirkpatrick purchased the Haynes property on Hazel street for about $6,500. Several lots on the Thomas' ,Trffll were sold this week to Mrs. Spilman of Cocoa, Florida, for around ?l,200. The Badgett place opposite the Gor don Hotel and next to the Presbyterian church was sold to .Mr. C. G. Stubbs of Fort Myors, Fla., for about $20,000. There has been several large sales fn connection with Knincs property that have not been included at this time; but it is bcrng hinted that the new hbtel proposition which lias so long been talked of may become a possibility at a very early date as it is understood that a crojp of finan ciers of Spartanbjrg, S. C, are g'titt ly interested in tha marvelous f-cenic grandeur and wonderful possihities of Waynesville. TO IMPROVE PROPERTY. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stewart, who have been making Waynesville their sum mer home for some time; intend t spend about $50,000 in improving their property near Eagles Nest. A new lake and other development is contemplated. Mr. Stewart is con nected with a large marble and tire works and h-'s all of Florida as his territory. Me expects to interest many, peopl" about this section anfl no doubt " ill give Waynesville con siderable publicity and will probably bring many others here. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cooley with theor children, Edith and David of Miami, are here for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boone. Mrs. Cooley is Mr. Boone's sister. - Miss Margaret Blackwell, who re cently went to visit her sister, Mrs. Harry Frehn in Kansas City, is en joying a wonderful tour through Yellowstone Park in company with the Frehns. She expects to return home about the first of September. John, Thomas and Fred Lykes came t. s ii : u w mat ween irom tuvir iiumc 111 imiiijo ..... for a 8h0rt stay here. $2.00 Best display of roses, Mrs. R. Q. McCracken. $2.00 Best display of swcelpeas, Mrs. Rufus Siler. $2.00 Best display of gladioli, Mrs. Harry Hall. $2.00 Vase of largest gladioli, Henry Tuttle. $2.00 Best display of larkspur, Hotter Ann Withers. $2.00 Best display of Delphiniums, Mrs. Harry Hal). 12.00 Bes. display of house plant rin. R D. MeCracken. $2.00- Best ditptey of Ph:-.r, Henry Turtle. J McDowell-Elmore Wedding The outstanding social event of the summer season was the marriage of Miss Isabella Wadley McDowell to Mr. Kelley Lee Elmore of Lowell, hich was solemnized at the Metho dist church at eight o'clock last even ing, Rev. J. T. Man,gum, pastor of the church, officiated using the im pressive ring ceremony. The wedding vows were spoken be fore an improvised altar of evergreens and clematis. The chancel and choir loft were decorated with baskets of gladioli and hydrangeas and lighted by candelabra placed on white pedes tals. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. W. Lee Matney played Schubert's Sere- md, and Because from Jacselyn. Mrs. James W.Reed sang' "All for You" by D'Hardelot and Mrs. A. B. Hartsfield of West Palm Beach, "My World" by Geehl. At the first strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. the ushers, Mr. Ernest Withers and Mr. Roy Francis, entered and took their places in the chancel. Then came the brides maids. Miss F.dnn Elmore, sister of the groom, and Miss Vera Ward. They wore charming dresses of delicate pink Flench georgette with silver acces sories and carried arm bouquets of gladioli and asters tied with green tulle. The groomsmen, Mr. Charles Bundy.l of Monroe and Mr. Robert Jones of Wilmington, entered and were fol lowed by Miss Anna Gordon Mc Dowell, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Gordon Starkley of Canton, who Wore georgette in deeper shade of pink. They also carried bouquets of gladioli. Mr. Hugh Ryan of Dallas and Mr. Elbert Ivey of Hickory, groomsmen, were followed by the dame of honor, Mrs. Arthur Mackie of Jersey City. She wore her wedding gown of ivory crepe black satin with trimmings of CAantjTly latia nd jMwd pnMlfc,Jfrc bouquet was of deep carol gladioli tied with silver ribbon. Miss Joscelyn McDowell, as her sister's maid of honor, wore a hand some imported French "Mirror" dress of delicate carol crepe Romaine beaded in crystal and trimmed with tiny mirrors. She carried a sheaf of pizii gladioli. Little Miss Louise Gordon Duff of Beaumont, Texas, wearing a dainty frock of dawn pink accordion plaited crepe de chine, carried the ring in the heart of a rose. , The groom with his best man, Mr. Cecil Cornwall, of Gastonia, entered the vestry immediately preceding the bride were two lovely little flowers girls who scattered rose petals from graceful baskets. They made a pretty picture in their crepe de chine dresses of roseate hue. The bride approached the altar on the arm of her father, Dr. Charles H. McDowell, by whom she was given in marriage. She was lowly in her bridal gown, an imported French model of white chiffon, georgette with exquisitely wrought design of frosted crystal beads. Her veil was of snowyy chiffon banded in real laoe and arranged from a bandeau of of orange blossoms. Her ornament was a platinum and diamond bar pin. The bridal gift of the groom was a pltinum watch. During the ceremony "To a Wild Rose" was softly played and following the prayer "O Perfect Love" was sung by Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Hartsfleld. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. McDowell in East Way nesville. Receiving on the porch were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Withers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis, in the hall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qunilan, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed. Dr. and Mrs. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore and the bridal 1 Parly received the guests in the ... T ... , i living room. In the library where .. ... ... . . the gifts were displayed, Mrs. Clinton Terrv Doff. Mr- and Mrs- Huhert G Stone, Mrs. Rufus L. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrison and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gavett formed a second receiving line. Mrs. Harry Rotha and Mrs. Lowry Hardin presided in the dining room and were assited by Misses Isabel Ferguson, Elizabeth Quinlan, Alice Harrold and Mary ,vStringfield. The bride's table was very attrac tive with Its decoration of clematis and lighted candles. The center of attraction was the three-tiered wedding cake with a Continued on page eight Farmers Federation Organized. Organization of Haywood County branch of the Farmers' Federation, Inc., of Asheville, is well under wav, following meetings here earlier in the week of 25 leading business men and farmers of this county. At the meeting here last Monday, decision to organize the federation, launched a membership and subscrip tion drive, and establish warehouses, was reached. The sum $8,000 wa3 pledged toward the goal of from $25,000 to $50,000, needed to finance the business. The working principles of the Farmers' Federatioon, its tremendous success in Buncombe and Henderson' counties, and what it may accom plish for the farmers of Haywood county, were outlined by James G. K. McClure, Jr., president of the federation. Dr. Thomas Stringfiold presided over the meeting Monday. Those present unanimously endorsed the federation movement. Appointment was made of an executive committee consisting of II. A. Osborne, Canton; C. F. Rhinehart, Canton; R. Z. Boyd, Jonathan's Creek; Dr. Thomas String field, Waynesville, and J. R. Boyd, Waynesville. This group in session Tuesday named the following township com- ittees to conduct the campaign in their communities: Waynesvillo Township Thomas Stringfield, J. R. Boyd. Clyde Township G. M. Fish, Tom H. Rogers, Albert McCracken. jQut Beaverdam Township-H Arthur, m; Osborne, J. B Mann Jr. Harley Reno. of his valuab)e efflcen ,y uienn raimer, A. v,. ..mc. , .r-l n 1 A " lir-11. Pint uest. Iron Duff Township Z, I C. Davis, Thos. Davis, Glenn ite. greater , part o three yean and a Fines treeVowmhTp V. A. N6- nVer 0?cplrTment'aT phtns of unf- land, Chas. McCracken, Feridy Green. form character are attributle to hi3 White Oak Townshij) Dee Clark, experience and ability. Grover Clark. rather breezy discussion here was Jonathan's Creek Township Robt.' provo)((lf) by the ruijn(r Gf Attorney Boyd, Chas. Moody, Robt. Howell. (;eneral Brummitt that Evangelist M. Ivy Hill Township John Campbell, p Ham an( his on()ir iea(jeri w. A. Murray Ferguson, Marvin Allison. Ramsey, are subject to the State in East Fork Township T. L. Gwyn. oomc tax. The attempt to exact this Pigeon Township E. D. Wells, . tax meets with scant approval, th A. Moore. prevailing opinion indicating a rather Cataioochee Township Jarvis Pal- strong sentiment against penalizing mer, Cataioochee, R. E. Caldwell, religion. The point friends of the Nellie. I evangelist are advancing is that tho G. M. Fish, of Clyde, has been State must be in an embarrassing selected to manage the Haywood situation financially when it feels the county branch of the Farmers' Fed- ''''l ' exacting a tax on free-will . . ... , , , (tfToi-inir li, (iti7.im if ttinr fntiQ eration. Mr. risn nas oeen success - ful in the produce business for the This view of the matter is not con past H0 years. He is a member of """"' t(l partisans of the Ham-Ramsey the firm of Fish and Rhinehart, which l""t.v. It is not believed the slate will become the nucleus of the new .f-iiwrnt iv mnrketiny association, The Farmers' Federation endeavors t,rs an K"SP('' singers.. The sug ir. h..v it members farm sunnlies at Kestion is considered not only unfor- lower figures than could be uone nyi individaul effort, and markets his produce to advantage. It encourages cash crops on the farm entensive cultivation, and car lot shipments to most favorable'1""1 association ot oun'v ( ommis markets, declared Mr. McClure. j sinners meeting at Blowing Rock dur In discussing the success of the federation in Buncombe and Mender son counties, Mr. McClure pointed out1 that it had never failed to pay div- idends of fi annually. me iranuuuii ....v. for the farmers, Mr. McClure stated, orKani3,c(1 unitv umIor (lefinjte am, showing now Buncombe and Hender- rfsponsjbu executive leadership son county members of the federa-j Duplication of effort, overlapping tion had profited by car lot shipments duties and kindre(i evils jnnict thp to Florida and other markets. present svstem which shouM bc re. The decision of Haywood county formed. A commission to atudv ur. farmers and bua-m.-u men to enter t eeds and Tecommend hpalthv the federation is another progres- roforms is RUKgeste(i in the Govern sive step for this county declared org Ietter prepared for prcscntation Chas. G. Tennent, of Asheville, editor to the Commissioners' Association of the Farmers' Federation News. bpfore takjng hig dcparture for ..tho Mr. Tennent was a visitor here yes-, sti(.ks on a brief ..eave of absence." terday. state and Federal crop estimators It means that the Haywood county place the cotton yield for North Car farmer will grow cash crops which olina this year, at 1,114,335 bales, an may be shipped out in car lots. It increase of 256,318 over last year, means that intensive cultivation and The national crop is said to be 13,556, more scientific farming will result in 000 slightly smaller than the 1924 this county. Haywood county is second to none in the mountain area for its ability to develop its agricultural interests, he declared, adding that the county is: machines were stolen and seventy already adapted to trucking, grazing, five recovered. The department dairying, poultry and apples. stresses the importance of reporting Already Haywood county apples all cars stolen immediately in order are widely known for their flavor and to facilitate the work of recovery, color. In order to compete with The "pilferers" show a preference western apples, the fruit grower here for Ford cars, f orty-nine of these must get organized. ' (Continued on back page.) Our Raleigh Letter (By M. L. Shipman.) Raleigh, August 17. With no "let up" in the price of ice and no imme diate prospect of a- reduction, the capital city sweltered under the most excessive heat of the season, while directors of the "cooling process" went "scott free" of the charges of operating in restraint of trade, pre ferred against them by a Wake coun ty grand pury. The case against the ice manufacturers was hastened to a conclusion when the defendants de cided to offer no evidence after Judge Dunn had ruled that only issues in volved in the present case could be presented. The jury found no "crim inal intent" and the defendants were released, with the prospect of a civil action to be brought by the city act ing with the Attorney General who intimated such a course in his speech to the jury. The defence contended that no evidence hud been adduced which tended to show the organization of a combination in restraint of trade, such as the Capital Ice Company was shown to be although the prosecution had apparently established the claim that the price of ice had recently reached ' new high levels." So it goes while "Jones pays the freight." The "statue quo" is maintained in State administration circles, 'io mean ing at all that "when the cat is away the mice will play." Secretary Eng land, Pardon Commissioner .Sink, and other attaches of the Executive Office are keeping the machinery m oper ation and when His Excellency le turns from a well deserved vacation he is likely to find no snaps in of- i fiinllniiri thnt fnnnnt Ka Anilv 'trfnoti by the resignation of Carl K. Hill who leaves the department t;, go into private business September 1. Mr. Hi1 hag been the department the would he gainer in the long run by exacting necial taxes from minis- -", ....,... .( ! Governor McLean placed himself on I record squarely against the present ' ""liquated system of county rjovern- ment in a letter to the Nortli C.uo- ing the week. The Governor doclari 1 that his administration is earnestly trying to place the State government on a sound business basis and urged reformation in count? governments as j vveel. The system of county gov- prnmpnt. th nks the ttnvornnr lo,.l crop of 13,627 bales. The theft bureau of the Automobile Department kept ahead of the game last month during which fifty-six I "111