. ' r,, 1 JB3rife 2,802 ftctU; ' ; " ' -' ' ! "t'I r J ir t ""ir"""i m"- h n . i' mm tW.MW ... . . , - . ... . - w . ..Mll- I I T -...-.- I.. . ...... . .. .'a. . . .1 . ,1 m ' 111 !l ,. . I'. I Ml I- ' 4 WATNBSVHLR HATWOOD (UHiY, OSTa CAROLINA tlfURSD A SKPTEMBEB 17, 19&5 2.00 A Year in Adnee; $20 if not w UL iff 1 mm Wwmsmm Chamber of Go - - - - ' - ?l ; - - '1 Will Bring New Hotel the Stincwst Lumber Companq A. NEW. HOTEL. u J'. '-- . V The Carollu .MoanUinccr to . deeplInUrMCed 1riiaWftt"ir wmm t I 1. t..t Tiki' DauMK1 ment project." It is pointed ont Jl? ... . ... ... 'w M m ll utat warnesTiue neeoa r vnan; ber of Commerce to; get behii! these projects. - tHBAtBB SURNS.. The Lyrie Theatr t flMeiwood, ovned and operated by JKalpb Davis, was bon.TnadatA.aioralng bout tiv . d"elockv TNTrWari 6t aft Itirovn orii3n "arI UMtolfcl'lMls etiiuated at J1B.00C. Theia m& a fwrtial insurance 'on ZifS sfaructM, boweer, not enouglyw flVer the laws.' AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT, MISS DOROTHY THOMAS HOS- Miss Dorothy. Thoiiaii was hostess to five tables of bridge dri SafurdiSjr afternoon. The home was profusely decorated in golden rod, MJchaelnlas, daisies and other fall flowers. - THe color scheme was green and gold and was artistically carried out jn decora tions, score cards and ifreshmeati. At the close of the game Mrs. Bailey held top score and was given, a hand soqit wall Tse;f the ucod 'UffiTOt' won by lliss Braxton Kirk, a band painted powder jar; the consolation, A compact, fell to Mi Ffaaeej Den ton. All the prizes were daintily tied in green and gold with small clusters of the golden rod and daisies. A chicken salad course: was served, The guest -were: Baijey ptSehna, AJUba Wk Hay A1W, Hugh Massle, Uiases Katherme Merchant of , Pueblo, CaLj Braxton Kttlc, "Katherine Kay, Janet and EUsabetb ,Qunilan, . aMry Ray, Jane Love Mitchell, Frances Denton Eleanor, Busbnell, Nora, and, Carolyn Ashton, Thomasene Howell, Virginia Rotha, Annie Welch, Mag Francis, Janie Beeves and Elltabeth McLean. Miss Nannette Jones sustained slight injuries in an automobile ac cident while returning from a show In Asheville Monday night' " The lights of tbi'car in which Miss Jones and Armstead Jones were rid ing became' dlsconected and' V a re?- sijjlt the car landed in a ditch. When the emergency brake was applied Mjsa Jones -iu. thrown against, the shattered windshield which cut - her iaca in several places. ine injuries, though painful, are not considered of a serious nature. Vast Pay Roli-MuMmptoy Many Men. Building StanddfdiGouge Railroad. DEATH OF JUDGE HOKE. (By L L. Shlpmn.) Raleigh. September 15. The pass- one" of the ablest men and sweetest The oeottle of Wayne8vffleJt Haywood ountylWerafiywillplrit which ever graced the bench be interested to know sometrun:oi tne Drwrresa Dcirur made dv , m wortn Carolina. , ine ena came un the SunereBt Lumber iGompann in its iwopbseq deration: at Wavne&viUe. - i ANNUAL PICNIC. REPETmOIN OF CHILDREN'S FANTASY. On Friday evening at eight o'clock at the high school auditorium, the Children's Fantasy, which was so beautifully received-when given on Grace Church Parish House lawn, will be repeated. " The beautiful pantomine, Sleeping Beauty, was composed by Miss Mar garet Senunes. The theme is as fol lows. Coart Scene. The Princess and her ladies-in-wait ing, the flower girls and court pages come upon the scene in a beautiful cardeir of the castle. While engaged in merry-making and dancing upon the lawn, a fairy ap pears and casts a spell of sleep over- the Princess and her followers. The Princetonies in view. His kiss will awaken the Princess. - Quickly the flower .girls are transformed by the fairy Into a stone jwall surround ing the garden. The Prince tries in vain to get over finally after weary efforts he break through the chil dren become a high thorny hedge cov- r.rc4 with climbing roes. The Prince trying-to fore his way througb Is pricked by a thorn, and f alto fainting i th earth. , The children gaze upon the unebnecious form with awe and orww. -They go slowly fat -rhythmic movemenU back to the eeudt of the sleeping Prinoats. The Prince -re gain eoaadousnesa,, and creeping. stealthily paat the. form'f ileeping children reaches the Princess and -awakena her. The children awaken; . tab their yf , nd follow the "Prince itv ""r018 wtp. 4r?fui " - - ..,., inn n in hw h Aims- L.' - TArifc.-an-T5 the JWawiesville. Book t liPSm. Adutta r fifty, cent,- children tjL' ..v, J:Swity-aye.eent,, 4:j 'm. i toi - f "If ' . ' V vro ;,,.-, f ;vr V fiXviv-. met WHrnWayiafternooa- f: their rr' f- - ng'f ihevon. I. isf.r V the year we.e alaCi.iu. ' ' " A., f arenUre urgedp fcttnd t - t i ' :',ng and cooperate -wilh The Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. Church will hold their annual picnic at the home of Mrs. James Atkins .' at Lake Junaluska Sept. 22. AH members are asked to attend. .. . ' .: ' ' BURN E Y-M EDFORD. Miss Valeria Medford, dat-ghter of Dr. and Mrs, S. B. Medford of ayde, Moeaf gaes-tewlepi flied ,ydnoadaymoraln toj umuy uurn.ey 01 Aperaen. ine cerr viniHijr vook. piace m we irnng room ff the bride's homo, witn only inti mate friends and members' of the two families witnessing the nuptial ceremony which was performed by the bride's brother-in-law. Rev. John R. Williams of East Point, Ga. ' - Miss Mary Grissom, . piano instruc tor at Louisville Conservatory, furn- ished the wedding music Mrs. L. E, Green of Waynesville beautifully sang "At Dawning." The ceremony took place before an improvised altar of climatis, ferns and white flowers; The bride's only attendants wero Master McRoe Williams who carried the ring in a white rose, and the two little" flower girls, Vivian Haynes and Geraldine Robinson. The bride wore an attractive cos tume of brown French "velure, with matching accessories. Her bouquet was of bride's roses. Mrs. Barney is a charming young lady of brunette type, and her win some manner has won for her many friends. She. was graduated in voice from the Louisville Conservatory of Music T Mr. Burney is a popular young man of Aberdeen, and is 'the manager-of the Carolina Discbarge Agency. immediately after the ceremony, the bride and groom lef tufar Shen nendoah Valley, Vanfiate theYrill spend . their honey moon. After 'Oc tober 1, they will be at Home to their friends in Aberdeen. " The out-of-town guests for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. D. J. St.' Claire, an Miss Mattie Burney. of Lanrlnburg, N. C, J. L. Waldin. Chaif lotto. Dr.. and MrsiFelix'.O. Aberdeen, Miss Mary. Grissom, Louis ville. Ky Rev. and Mrs. John R. Wit- Uams . and children,' East' Point, Ga', Mrs. L. E, Green and Mrs, T. U-fireeaJ .wayneaviUe. and Mrs. GurUe Robins awon ,. H-fi'H, MRS. MONTCOMERy, HONORED. "Earlyithis year " the SUrtcrest dumber Obmiany 'closed a deal with, the Champion Jflbre fjopinxjy by which $ acquired the did Kessawayhe Plant at WayneaviBe and the narrcJw gfauge road funning from the mill plant at Wfeynesville to Magrgie and beyond. Sincefthff purchase of this -plant from the Champion Fibre Company-jHhe Suncrest Lumber-Company has scrapped the fold' Kesaawayne plant at Waynesvillp and will move the machinery and equipment now at Sunburst: to this plant at Waynesville as soon as the operation is completed at Sunburst which we under stand will be about the first of November, of this year. In the. meantime, the Suncrest Lumber Company has widened the gaujjre of. the track from Waynesville to the end, of the nar row gauge line above Maggie and is building the road through to Deep Gap up Wykle's Fork of Jonathan's Creek connecting with the Cataloochee boundary of timber owned by this company. When we consider that the widening of the gaugfe of this'track from narrow to a standard gauge required the revbuildirig of alt trestles on the line and the taking up of the old track and putting down new ties and relaying the steel on the new road-bed, it will be seen that the Suncrest Lumber Company has made good prog1" ress in its vork to date. ' There are now a number of crews of men surfacing up the track end, getting it in condition, for the operation of trains over it. Qnen2me has already been removed irom bunourst to waynesville--ww is being used in the construc tion work. It is estimated that; within thirty days the line will be ready, for the operation of atedard wuge trains f torn Waynes- viuv ui uie ena oi- w oia une-"Httve Maggie. The timber owned by the Suncrest Lumber Company on Cata loochee,. except far the, taking over of this plant and railroad lm b the Suncrest LumbeffimDany. would haveeen hautfd to Ravensford in f?win - rontiJ smrl i her a martiifanttiwKt inti lumoer.and tnep slupp.ed by way. of the p AKalachian Railroad Company 4o the SdutherBRailroad Company at Eht, North Car olina, ana uien ty soutnernrttaiiroad ngnt past "Waynesville to Eastern markets and oom F All the Davrroll for iha operation of this boundary of timberwwould have gone to Swain County but ior me jacc tnat tne management or the suncrest Lumber Cottar pany thought it advisable to bring the boundary; of timber over vua reinnu. una a , mnmciure n ai ..waynesvjjie, ana mo people of Haywood Cointy"are duly appreciative of the fact that the pay roll is to. be turned loose in Havwood Countv. Moreover the taxes on ttiia line of railroad and the 'eauinment bf theT Sun. cresx iiumoer. trompftny m :wme8Vin:iiictudiliirwiaw mill, plant, amounts to thousands of dollars each year, all of which tax revenue Haywood County would haVeeen deprived of had It not been for this decision -on the Dart, of the comnanv to onmtt ana manuiacture its uataioocnee timber at the old Kessawayne Liunwer vompany piant at waynesviue. v , Another fine thing about the operation of this lumber nlant at Waynesville Is that it la m keeping with the wood manufact uring inuusines now locatea in waynesvtue ana nazeiwood and iltfre is no objectionable" feature about it such as would inter fere in any manner with the tourist trade of which Waynesville is now receiving its share, and will hereafter eninv a mvmt in crease over this year and former years, j, -, Business interests in Waynesville fhav predate the pay-roll that is now being disbursed by this coinpany on its work in this locality but the ;pay-roll which will be paid uui nere Dy mis piantas soon as its mini is ready for operation will be greatly increased .over what it now is.. In fact, the nav roll of the Suncrest Lumber Company, it is said. Will be more that all the industries combined in this end of the county and will be second, it is said, only to tlraChampion Fibre Company While every one appreciates the amount of money spent here by our tourist visitors, yet at the same timew it la a fact that ft community that Is blessed with, an iiiduftrial pay-roll' every two weeks, or every month, in the community, has a decided advantage over the town who depends upon totuUi and after all it is the uausuiw pay-rou ana we comxnerciai life xa ft commupity that keeps men employed. and, enables thetnlto.upportand educate their families. And while the tourist: trade. affects m, great manv people, .an industrial bav-roll affected larown nuniKai. vwta f Tr - . y..ui, vcupnj wuu jrjuTwy come in .conwcx witn 71? i timate4 thareauire to,or,elt-lit,inore! months for the Construction Of the mill nlant. ndf nlflcino' Af maAhM K Joresthe actual inanufactuw.ot,ir- bcslartmt within a I Tbursdajr 'tOg-bt at UevMaaonio haul the wayhetvills Cbapter of the East ern Star 'fa ve a farewell party ; in honor of ita . Past . Worthj Matron, MwuVBi'1 idiontffoniey,'rfwh -Uft Monday afternoon for. Baltimore, t.,,' At the braanitatioA of: the ehapte Jn. October, 1929, ' Mr,Montgomery waa ebosen Torthy Hatrorr an - held" the office alnce Cat- tlnte. . . t the lo of the etenna; JqUcous re freshment werelerX "TtTvT6! S.Tr i-wit-muat-i-sfro,,- i 'vAU much shorter time, the logging and timber witting operations will begin oft the timber boundary.' & , i-. v"" f :. Anothething that ough to be of great interest to the peop'.e Of Haywood County iithat ia'Cle woiif so f ir dore in converting W. tl J M ' ' . . . Z . 4.u nutrowt xrwn a rnrrow gaaz9 w a st&n.ri r D!'ln the 'cnmmrfl!v"'tlimn'?i wktrS i(o'' -. , 3. ..." :'T . ...... Y.. . , ..-..v.., . Wii. UAUtoa vefrrloyti tl vwfeand it L ;aid T tho--to Jkonw.ti,t t2x;r.-jny4 wJ pi :ad y th tv- locmenaredofcarfor it. ' : - X l.:e policy rf t!je Suncrest Li'mbe ' Zc it " '3 t) ft . 3 to many po 1 a position 't t . t o r ,uoa:ion c,; r.teii'. nee. Personally a ,dls:'. children wlso are too considerate of-iT.eir t!urs.' WO' ' ville . 1 M ' ' ' st Su ae ir" ' i 1 r 1 l, f r 1 we it c : 't' 1, vA J of t rff.C v.ayr. . iil- iat 1 i expeeledly at Rex Hospital shortly after .nine o'clock Sunday morning and attending physicians say was the re sult, of sn embolism of the heart. Two weeks ago he was' taken to the hos pital for an operation for goiter and had apparently ' recovered from it. Had planned to return to his home during the week and was in fine spirits when the final. 'attack came while conversing with an interne and a nurse at the hospital. Judge lJoke was 73 years old ant bad been on the bench thirty-four years as Superior court judge, Su. preme Court Justice and Chief Jus, tice following the death of Chief Justice Clark two years ago, retir ing last March on account of impaired health. The funeral serivces are be held, today at noon at the St. Luke Episcopal church, Lincoln' on, of which he had long been a vestryman and honorary senior warden. The Supreme Court attended in a body and the. doors of the court room are closed until tomorrow.'' State build -ings are draped in mourning, with flags at half mast. A special train conveyed the funeral, party to Lin colton last night. Raleigh churches heeded the call of Governor McLon Saturday for a ay 01 lasting ana prayer ior tne Giver of all Good to visit the earth with refreshing showers for the ben efit 6f growing crops and the cattle of the hills. The answer came during the evening of the same day and the people are happy that the extended drought has , at last been broken. It .is announced that the general fund of the state under the first month of Governor McLean's budget ary-policy showed a gain of $76,572.3fl, During July, the first month of changed operations, the reported ex pehses were 1948,544.66 and receipts were $1,080,117.02, which is consid ered a fine beginning. A comparative statement of four state institutions recently given out shows Caswell Training School the most expensive per capita. The state; ment issued by Governor McLean shows the following: Insane at BaI- eigh, $341.18; Morganton, $279.58; Goldsboro, (colored,) $178.33; Cas well Training Schools, $407.93. Commi8ioner of Revenue Doughton and the Attorney General 'rule that gasoline used by counties is not ex empt from , the state tax of four cents a gallon except that used solely in the construction of new roads. Those purchasing gasoline for use other than for motor vehicles may obtain four-cent refunds by applies tion to Commissioner Doughton. ,, The State Department of Agricul ture through its Division of Markets is launching a campaign to supply millions of ' baby ' chickens annually from-'Certified hatcheries, within the state, according to announcement of George B. Rose, chief of the division. Dr. R. W. Lelby, of the Division o Entomology, calls attention to the need for an early application, of pera dichlorbeniene to. peach trees "to kill tha. horea.-v, s i;, The constitutionality of the Pworth less thee law is soon to be passed upon "by; the Supreme court, The ease! comes up for argument on the point Cat the statute does not makol frau4 the basis' f o imprisonment and that the- Iawia unconstitutional be-' c" It '"makes indictable a breach FAVORABLE PUBLICITY. The announcement that the Governor of Florida and asso ciates and the stupendous Rac coon development proposition was published all over the coun try. The Florida papers without exception carried the news. This week much favorable publicity for Waynesville.. Another rea son for a full time secretary who has had experience ia the lack of advertising and publicity about Waynesville. AMERICAN WATER WORK ASSO CIATION LUNCH AT GORDON. About two hundred delcgutes from all sections of North Carolina and adjoining states met at the Battery Park hotel in Asheville Tuesday to hold a convention of the American Water Work Association. Judge Thomas A. Jones gave the welcome address at ten o'clock. Af ter the adjournment at 12:80 the del egates motored hore and had lunch at the Gordon at two o'clock. At three o'clock Dr. J. Howell Way, President of the State Board of Health gave an excellent address, after which Mr. C. G. Logan gave a report of Waynes ville's water supply. Immediately after the luncheon here the delegate returned to- Ashe ville where a banquet was iriven at the Battery Park hotel at seven o'clock. Wednesday the .business was trans acted and reports from f'-fferent pan of the state were given. 1 t' tfr -tract' :X'j, $fM"1 r Governor .Morrison defers 1 . .it promised for the' Sun-j nt to a later date, . T:TC2BlBuiLblN ' '. f rr the Owners'of a large i b . ..re. IA JSaselwood, are : a raw brick utruetura, or the C.e post dfflce. henrcom be,tle nicest tore-in 4 k THE MISSES FERGUSON HONOR. ED, 1 Harry Rotha, Jr. entertained a num ber of the high school students with a dance in honor of Misses Virginia and Adele Ferguson of Washington, D. C. Delicious refreshments were served to Misses Ruth Tew, Pauline Welch, Harriet Boyd, Grace Hipps, Tibby Hardin, Virginia Garrison, Mary Barber, Dorothy Lane, Elizabeth Smathers, Anna Gordon McDowell, Edith Mangum and Mary Stringfield, Messrs. Ralston Campbell, Edwin Haynes, Whitner Prevost, Henry Cox, J. B. Siler, Charles Bndcett. Douglas Badgett, Jimmy Reed, Melvin Reeves, Roland Stall, Nobel Ferguson, Paul Blackwell, Dave Cabe, Alton Fetner, Bill Garrison and Harve Crockett. APARTMENT BUILDING SOLD. Mrs. Lillie Harbeck sold her Lake wood apartment building in Kenil worth now under construction, to Mrs.' Mary D. Willy of Asheville. The consideration was not given. The building is two stories high and is made of stucco. When comnleted it will contain four five room apart ments a"nd two four room apartments. The building will be comnleted by November 1, and ready for occupancy. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES. On Sunday, September 20th, Holy Communion at 8 A. M. will begin the worship of the day. At 10 A. M. in the Parish House, Hon. Chas. R. Thomas will conduct the Bible Class. The study will be: "The Church's Conquest in China." The Rector will preach at the eleven o'clock 1 service. Evensong at 8 P. M. will be a- special . service commemorating the life and example of "The Converted Publican Levi, called Matthew.'' ' jsyeryDooy cordially Invited to all ourrtrvices.' - , Kav, AL.ra.KT NEW, Jr Rector, ' ' "d the bni!din' will ,he In WayneavilllT;' he has I a ly Sow. lv ITaria rshdy" jwlth' his brother, Kr. J - JivC ' 1 i-' mot of a MR. COBLE SELLS.r, Mr. Tom Davis 4as nornhuwl Mi ? sioclt thnn .Will CobU who or, av -iu"' oral yean ha been enterprising pro -'e pneror or -ns raggen Wtueaewelry ' ' f Rtdrt in North CaroUna."., The coiid..rt f 1 eration was not mentioned v , ' Mr. Davis Jwarbe-i .uc2- 'jl, v jewelei for' the'pa, i " '.n y-rs -