jMiiB WUea Snnvford, &Jitor COMPENSATION. The universe-' pays every man ia Lis own coin; if you rfih'lle, M smile upon you in return; if you frown, vu will be frowned at; if you sing, you will be invited into gray company; if you think, you wilir be entertained by thinkers; and if you love Vhe world and earnestly seek for the good that is therein, you wiU be surrounded by treasures of the earth. Censure, cnt icise and hate, and you will be ten sured, crltcised and haled by yrur fellow men. Every seed brings forth. alter its kind. Mistrust' begets mis trust, and confidence begets confi dence, kindness begets kindness',' Inve begets love. Resist and; ou will be resisted. To meet the aggreaive' as sault every entity- rises up 'rigid anil' and. impenetrable while yonder moon tain of granite melts and floats - away on the bosom of the1 rivet- ot love. N. W. Zimmerman: Miss Josephine Thomas ' snoopy in Asbeville Friday. . fti ' j ? Mr. Will Hyatt, who recontly moved to Asheville, was a visitor Sunday, i -"' J. C. Patrick -k returned Tuesday from a business trip to KnoxvfUe. Mrs. Julia Plot of Route 1 Waynesville visitor Friday.' ' was a Mrs. B. M. Brown of Sylva is vli iting her sister, Mrs. C. A". -Miller.' Arthur Schulhofer left, last -week for Aiken, S. C. where he will te this winter. Mr. Troy Wyche of Asheville was the guest of his sister, Miss Ruth, Friday. Mr. W. T. Lee of Raleigh snd Waynesville is in town for several days. Mrs. C. B. Russell returned Friday from Pittsburg after a visit with ber parents. Mr. Clinton Green tof Franklin spent last week-end with his undo, T. L. Green. . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. SimOhS and daughter, Helen, of Sylva were vL: itors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stone and J. H Lord of Sarasota. Fla. motored to Brevard' Friday. ' "" 'n ' ' Mr. and Mrs. William A. Band have moved into the Dykera cottage on Church street. . m m Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrison were guests of Mr. Garrison's parents ini weavervme ounaay. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morgan and Ralph, Jr. of Asheville were guests of friends Tuesday. Miss Louise Kilgore is ' attending school at Mount, de Sales academy in Macon, Ga. this fall. Mrs. Clem S. Smathers and Mis. C. B. Smith of Savannah we-e Ashe ville visitors Tuo-jtiav. Mrs. M. Kilgore, Misses Annie Welch and Elizabeth McLean motored 10 Canton Thursday. Mi-. Lawrence Miller of St. Loui was tho guest of his cousin, Mrs. W. C. Garrison, Thursday. Mrs. D. A. Baker has returned to her home in Salisbury after a vinit with Mrs. R. L. Allen. H i m Mrs. J. A. Kinnard of Detroit is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ,D. A. Howell, for several days. Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan and Mrs. Rufus Siler attended the club meet ing in Cullowhee recently. Mrs. T. L. Green, Mrs. U E-Green and two children, Mack antf Emmett, motored to Asheville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fudge' of TTinceton, West Virginia were guests at the Miller House' Wednesday. . . Mrs. James. Lapsley and daughter, Agnes, of Montreat were week-end guests at Mrs. R. H. Blackwell's. ,S5- ' H. B. Foy, Sr. returned Thursday to Wilmington after a visit of several c'ay with his son, H. B. Foy, Jr. v - Miss Elizabeth tVenor faf Yasoo. Mississippi is the attractive guest of Mrs. J. W.. Seaver for a fortnight . ... !,', , , Mr. Robert L. Boyd of Bellas Re turned Tuesday sifter a visit with his patents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. L. Boyd, s k-W .' Mrs. W. B. Conine of Jonathan's Creek spent the week-end with her psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Asbury HowelL MiKWrtiwiw, 1 " ' . v' attb Pergonal 2Aomm ILL Judge . Frank Carter of Asheville attended court here Friday. '" Prof. C. H. Allen of Cullowhoie m6tored to Waynesville Sunday. ' H. R. Mauney of Retreat made a business trip to Waynesville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Miller of Ashe ville were the guests Wednesday of Mrs. Miller's sister, Miss Flora Palmer. Mrs. A. T. Boyd left Tuesday for New York after a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. L. Allen. Mrs. Ben Sleeper and two daughter left Tuesday for Waco, Texas after visiting Mrs.. Rufus L. Allen .far a Worjtnight. Mrs. H. D. Jollay has returned to her home in Asbeville after spending the summer with her mothers, Mrs. J. M. Moody., .. Mis Ola Francis, who is a student in the Cullowhee Normal, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Francis. . - ' .'' Mrs. Frank C. Moody of Franklin returned to her home Wednesday; alter a brief visit with her daughter. Mrs. Noble C. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. William. Davis of Earl, Arkansas arrived Monday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tate and younir s-on of Blowing Rock are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Jje Tate. - Miss Sara Taylor, who is attend ing school at Sylva, was the week end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Walter Hawk. 'I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berthea of Faunshall. Ala. have retumrf tn their home after a visit with Mrs Frnlr - Smathers. Mr. Odin G. Buell of Buelton, Ca.l arrived Sunday for the Thomas-B-iel wedding, which will be -solemnized Thursday. Mrs. B. H. Pearson of Murfrees boro, Tenn. has returned to her home after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Liner. Miss Annis Jackson of Atlanta left Friday for Ensley, Ala. after a prolonged visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. R. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Miller and fam ily are leaving this week for Candler. N. C, where Mr. Miller will engage m the grocery business. n v i .... iniss uaiaue AtKinsson, who is. attending Cecil's Business College in Asheville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Luther of Oviedo, Fla. returned to their home Tuesday after spending the summer at their cottage on Hazel street Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee and Miss Evelyn returned Friday from Sweet- water, Tenn.,. where they have been the guests of Mrs. D. W. Dickey. 41 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holland and young daughter of Hendersonvi!le were the guests Sunday of Mrs. Holland's aunt, Mrs. Toonie Davs. Mrs. H. E. Carson mid daughter Wry Allen retu.-ped Monday to their home in Tampa, after spending sev- al weeks i V.r J. M. M-ul-'s Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson of Ral eigh, State Commissioner of Public Welfare, spent Saturday with Mrs. C. E. Quinlan en route to Murohv. Waynesville's Asheville visitors Saturday were: Misses Minnie Bur- gin, Ruth Noland, Dorris Messer, Earl Messor and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mei- ser. ' Mrs. S. L. Phillips, Mrs. J. M. But ler and two children left Monday for their home in . Jacksonville after spending the summer at Mrs. J. M. Moody's. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Willis B. Powell, who have been spending .severe! weeks at Mrs. S. C. Sattertwait's returned Tuesday to their home In Jacksonville. Messrs. LeRoy Sargent, C. W. Sey- more and Capt Emeson of St Pe tersburg spent several days this week Waynesville in connection with the Raceoom development project. Dr. J. A. McDowell of Winston-' JSaJtnT arrived. Monday for an extend ed visit with hk brother, Dr. C. H. McDowelL Dr. McDowell 'spent the pasV summer touring Europe. . , . J - jiirlihin 'iVrl i. A"--ussisssssisi Hoyt cWiurton left Thursday' fot Chapel Hill wfcsrs lit , will attend tut University thfc year ,A. ; ..; m .r Messrs. Joa Graves. E. K. Harbea and fieorge FradyJ attended the In dian Fair Wednesday. Jr. and Mrs. D. P. Pressley and Mr. . Leon Gillespie spent the week end in, Brevard and East Fork. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Glenn of Ashe ville are guests at Mrs. D. P. Press ley. 4 Mrs. W. H. Liner and Mrs. Hayes Alley returned Saturday from Balti more after an extended visit with friends. Mr. George W. - Semmes arrived Wednesday from Jacksonville for the Ray-Semmes marriage which will occur Saturday. Misses Mayme and Annie D. Clay ton left Wednesday for Jacksonville, Gainesville, St. Petersburg and other Florida, points. Miss Nell Campbell, who is attend ing school t Cullowhee this fill, spent the -week-end at the home jt Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boyd. Mrs. Joseph Tate returned last week f renin, Brevard and Headersor- ville after a visit of several weeks with friends and relatives. Mrs. D. M. Simons and young son, Joseph, who have been in Ashevi.le for some time with Mr. Simons, who recently underwent an operation, were in Waynesville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Alley and young daughter are' occupying Mrs. W. T. Crawford' cottage on Bramer avenue. Mr. Alley will be an insu rance agent here. Mr. C. S. Gore of Florida, who will be remembered in Waynesville as he was formerly connected with Alex ahder's Drug store, is now located in Asheville and has a position with the Hollywood Florida Real Estate Co. Louis Allen is attending school at Wake Forest this year. His parents, Mr - and Mnl- L. L. Allen, accompr nied him there And spent several days n the eastern part of tne stale vuit ing friends. ? y Mr. T. M. Rickards and Miss Kate Rickards of Balsam motored to Way nesville Friday. Mr. Rickardsihas sold his v pme in Balsam to a lot -idian and is planning to move to Cnn- ton shortly. Miss Grace Plott left last week for Thomasville, Ga., where spe has ac cepted a position as instructress in the John D. Archibald Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Mary Martin Sloop of Cross- more, who attended thePresbyte lian Synodical meeting Wednesday was a guest of Mrs. Charles E. Quin lan. ' f ' Miss Ruth A- Hopkins, emoloyed by the Bureau of Engraving ad rrinting and . Mrs. Jone Fletcher of Washington, D. C, are guests of their sister, Mrs. Mont McNabb, of Alle.i'-i Creek. Mr. B. P. Howell of Stuarts Draft. Va. has returned to his home after spending several weeks with his hbrother, Mr. E. J. Howell, who has been critically ill Jonathan's Creek. at hiS homfi On Mrs. J. P. de Fravio of Charlotte returned to her home Sunday after ''visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Howell. Miss Ruby Howel accompanied Mrs de.Fravio as far as Asheville. , ' James Ferguson of Murphy spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Ferguson Mr. Ferguson holds a responsible po sition with the North Carolina and Tennessee Power Company. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Stanley Wood and children of .Ontario, Cal. left by mo tor Friday for Miami where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have been the guests of Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs. E. S. Harrold. for several weeks. Rev. Albert New, of the Episcopal church, will be absent from his pul pit for two Sundays, October lllh and 18th, Mr. and Mrs.' N"v are taking a brief vacation in Florida. The Hon; Ex-Congressman C. R. Thomas witl give two address ca on these Sunday at 11 A. M. each Sun day mornings" "The - Birth of . the Christian Church'' will be the topic on Oct. 11, and "The "Mother Church at Jerusalem" on the 18th. The Rector -will be back home for du& on .sdet 25th and will on that date dedicate a. pair . of . handsome brass seven-branch. t catodloabra. ""vesnor IfcWikK WWry of tlw laU Mr. D. im vunnam .wno aioa on ' wooer bdui, 1922, ,-The. gift to the church is the donation of Mrs. D. L. Dunham, St Augustine, norida. i A' Si I'M t.s l?Jf " r i ' i ' ' '( : " '' 1 '"' '--- Store Chat Frass 1 .VU ' TUB TOGGERY. Costume Suit The House of Youth. Mrs. Hugh Worley and Mrs. JU, P. Pressley spent Tuesday in Asheville. Miss Katherine Merchant of Pueblo, Arisona, who has been in. Waynps ville for some time settling the es tate of Mrs. R. H. Dykers, left for Asheville Monday where she has ac - cepted the position as bookkeeper far the Bon Marche. MISS BARBER ENTERTAINS. Miss Mary Barber was the charm ing hostess to a week-end houre party, given at one of the Barber cottages on the Dellwood road. Miss Cheatham, - a member of the facu'ty in the city schools, chaperoned . the young crowd. The young . set enjoyed a party Friday night with several additional guests. Those who accepted Miss Barber's hospitality were: Misses Edith Man gum, Dorothy Lane, Eleanor Garrison, Virginia Garrison, Tibby Hardin, Mary Quinlan, Nancy Crockett, Helen Ray, Elizabeth Smathers, Anna Gor don McDowell, Ola Franois, Pauline Welch and Grace Hipps. . MISS SHERRILL HOSTESS. Miss Virginia SherriU delightfully entertained the seventh grade with party Saturday night at her home on North Main. During the evening the children en joyed several games snd contests after which punch, sandwiches, candy and chestnuts were served. I Those present were: Josephire Cabe, Blanche Howell, Martha Mock, Alice Stringfleld, Lola Davis, Gladys Justice, Frances Ray, Elizabeth Henry, Margaret Kuykendall, Louise Matney, Elizabeth Ray, Martha Stringfleld, May Crawford, Elsie Smathers, Jenny Young, June Smath ers, Jimmy Atkins, Albert Harris, T. L. Bramlett, Jr., Jeffrey Freeman, Roy Walls, 0. L. Briggs, Jr., Willaid Moody, Albert New, Bob Alley, Gar rett Howell, George Rotha, Charles Russell, Fred Crawford, Jim Sam Cabe and Earl Pat ton. FIVE RING CIRCUS AT LAST. REALIZED Ripglin Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Enlarger to Accommodate New Big Acts. . At last the five-ring circus! For years reporters have used this figure of speech to describe the big ness of the Greatest Show on EarJi. Now, for the first time in history pa trons will actually And five finf-s when the greater Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus of 1925 comes to Asheville October 16. With the addition last winter of enough performing horses, to bring the Big Show's total to three hundred and fifty the problem presented to the Ringling Brothers was, "How handle five troupes of them in a single display?" The limits of the show. grounds in many cities forbade lengthening the main-tent. None cf the stages could be spared. All were amJaJ t tk. V. I nnllantiva -n TIC nt L.n Thor. nmhntv mm. jested that though the "big-top" par uphernalia could not be cut down nor yet "spread out," there was no rea son why it should not be built higher," That suggestion was worked out uid now, in addition to the three dirt floored rings, two additional ring." have been constructed to fit over the tops of the steel structured stages. This is the greatest innovation since the Ringling Brothers started their super-circus policy by combining their own with Barnum & Bailey 'tr cus. It has opened the way not for trained horses numbers in sets of five, but for other big, new displays Though there are more than eight hundred men and women arenic stars on the mammoth program of 1025 only a few of the most brilliant are presented singly. Instead they ate presented in imposing ensemblv. These groups extend over the entire length of the huge main-tent seven nine, as many as eleven troupes In action at one time. In keeping with this plan of giving the spectators at the end of the tent just as much "show" as is enjoyed by those nearer the center, five herds of elephants are now presented instead of three. .A hundred clowns distribute their cap erings in all parts of the "big-top." The hippodrome track is utilized mora than ever before. At one lime it is completely circled by one hun dred and fifty .trained horses, leSah ridden by an expert, in an' amazing ballet and "Fete of the Garlands." Again it is filled with glittering pa (reants, with splendid hlgh-schoyl horses or remarkable thoroughbred! that give brilliant exhibitions of lefty hurdling" and hazardous high-jumps - - - Mr. and Mrs. Boy McCracken , of Orlando arrived Wednesday and will be the guests of Mr. MqCrackco's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Q. Mc Cracken, for sewral-aaya. : Mrs. Arthur Meade has as her house guest for several days Mr. and. Mrs. Moore of Miami. Miat Amelia Meado, New llavun, Connu, Mrs. W. M. Biggs, Cltn.on College. S C Mri C. (IT. Samllers, Gicemille, S. C. LITTLE MISS SILER ENTERTAIN Little Miss Emily Siler delightfully entertained with a party Thursday, honoring her sixth birthday. After the children had olaved num erous games on the lawn. Mrs. Siler invited them into the dining hall where they were served delicious ice cream, cake and candy. The invited guests were: Catherine Martin. Thomasine Stringfleld. Hester Anne Withers. Harv Adams and Car oline Ward, Haselttne Swift Mary Alice Blaylock, Hattie Siler Freeman, Louisa Virginia Sherrelh Anna Kath erine Coin, O'Neil Kirk,- and Billy Prevost, John and Robert Boote, Howard Hyatt, Ernest Withers, Jr., Bill Swift Willis Smith, Jr., John West, Jr. and Bobby Coin. MISS THOMAS, BRIDE-ELECT, 14 EXTENSIVELY HONORED. Miss Josephine Thomas, whose mar iiage to Mr. O. G. Buell, of Buelton, Cal., is to take place Thursday has been extensively entertained by her friends during her last pre-nuptial days. Mrs. Rufus L. Allen was the charm ing hostess to a miscellaneous shower Thursday afternoon. The invited guests wrote in the bride's book, and Miss Dorothy Thomas was awarded the prize, a dainty work basket for the most unique verse. Later in the afternoon little Miss Martha Dlcus and Beautrix Day rolled in a carriage laden with beautiful gifts for the bridge-to-bo. Mrs. Allen served a delightful salad and ice course. Those enjoying Mrs. Allen's hos pitality were: Misses Josephine, Sara and Dorothy Thomas. Fannie Campbell, Janie Love Mitchell and knbena Miller, Mesdames J. N. Shool- bred, Charles Badsrett. Charlen R. Thomas, Caroline de Neergaard, W. I,. Hardin, C. M. Dicus. R. H. Mitchell. Claronce Miller, Jr., David Miller, )I. G.' Stone, Franklin Day, J. R. Thomas, Cleveland Kirkpatrick and E. I Withers. ' Wanted To buy some good used office furniture. P. 0. Box 59, City. Hemstiching and Picoting. Soe Mrs. H. L. Mease, Clyde, N. C. 0ct2.)p One Year Ago TVDay We started in business with an ideal; to give the best Ford Service found any where. Our customers have seen us emerge from a handicapped condition to an up-to-date, systematized business. To our good friends and customers goes the credit, and we hope some little pleas ure for making this, our First Anniver sary, a happy reality. If continued honest and square dealings will keep your confidence and good will, then we will have many more successful years. WE APPRECIATE DUCKWORTH PHONE 350 , it i - " " t t ' t 1 V IfeCteBDAT. CCT MRS. SKAVM WILL - Mrs. JT. W. Bmnt will be the grt oiotts.hBStess Friday to tight tables ;l V, i bridga aoooring her attractiva hous Vl , giiastWMiaiavlwtk Vanor. of Taioo, kt Of Taioo H Cltv. MiaslMiimt. and Mrs. ClerralaneH ; o- ' , KirkpatricfcvmantbHd 'Vijl , New Fall and Winter coats fair all , y Lhe famllr. Sm them. C. E. Ray the fatoUy. ft bona. J Itc MitF QUINLAN lUtNOREIi. Mrs. R. O. Covington delightfully entertained with six tables of bridge Wednosday, honoring Miss Elisa beth Quinlan who leaves Saturday for Boston where she enters Leland Powers this fall. Early fall flowers in the various hues were used effectively throughout the lower floor. The hostess presented Miss Quin lan with a lovely address booV At the conclusion of the games Miss Vir ginia Rotha held high score and re ceived a dainty bottle of Coty's tal cum while Miss Diana Black was lucky in cutting the consolation and received Coty's prefume. Mrs. Covington was assisted by Eleanor Bushnell and Frances Din ton in serving a delightful sal ad course. Those playing were: Misses EUta beth and Mary Quinlan, Thomas ire Howell, Virginia Rotha, Diana Black. Mag Francis, EJUwHMl MgLj&n, Btai ton. Kirk, Anne Welch, Isabelle Davis, Janie Love Mitchell, Lucy Tate, El eanor Bushnell, Frances Denton, and Wilds Crawford, Mesdames Curtis Logan, Jr., John Swift, Jr., Hayes Alley and Tom Lee, Jr. Mrs. C. E. Quinlan, Mrs. S. T. Neat, and Mrs. W. T. Denton came later in the afternoon and enjoyed refresh ments. Little women's dresses in sizes 13V4 to 18 at C. E. Ray & Sor.t. 1 OLD MR. CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE. "Ater taking Adlerika I feel better than for years. At my age (60) i: is ideal so different from other med icines." (Signed) W. W. Carter. Adlerika is a simple mixture of buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., whirii removes GAS in ten minutes and often brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stop3 that full, bloated feeling. Bring3 out old waste-matter you never thought was in your system. Excellent for chronic con stipation. Waynesville Pharmacy. Coats and dresses in the newest fabrics, models and colors await your inspection. C. E. Ray A Sons. Itc YOUR BUSINESS MOTOR CO. I y Waynesville, Nt C. t . 1 sj m m jH i, ' ,v w t I lt, is, 1 "ft ft vis ?j IP,.'." 1