1 . 4 ..... .... ..... j..t,.'Vfc..--fT-1,,,,J!l. MS 4h Ln I ' tHUBSDAT OCTOB t V 7 10, 1925 i - J t r Ml"! Si BALSAM NEWS. i" Hcv. W. M. Robbing preuched his lost sermcn in the Methodist church , here Sunday, before Waving to at tend conference at Statesville. We' hope he will return to Balsam after conference. Rev. Rymer of Waynesville preach ed in the Baptist church here Sun ay morning. Mrs. D. T. Knight went to Lake ounaluska Sunday to attend a meet ing of S. S. Superintendents and co vorkers in circuit type schools who have a program of work. The meet ing which was interesting and in sliuctive, was held in Long's Chapel nd conducted by Mr. O. V. Woolscy of Lexington. Superintendent of V. N. C. Conference S. S. Board. Scotts Creek Township S. S. Cor ention will meet in the Mt. Pleasan Baptist church the 4th Sunday in ;nis month. All day session. Mr. R. R. Fisher of Addie is the Township President. Miss Hattie Harrell, primary teach er in our school, and Mr. Rufus Hall of Dillsboro were married the hoir.c of Rev. W. S. Queen on Savannah, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Hall will continue to teach here. Misses Hattie Bryson and Seine Crawford left Saturday to spend eome time in Gastonia. Sirs. Carrie Queen made a business trip to Sylva Monday. ' There were many "chestnut hun tcrs" in and around Balsam Sunday The woods were full of them. v Mr. Henry Christy made a business! wjsh they would remember not to molest private property such as trip to Saunook Monday. Haiirht. who has been cutting balsam and pine trees, rose bushes, etc., on private lawns ana on ..loures. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rickards made a business trip to Canton Monday. We are sorry to hear of the deith ci Mrs. Sara Norman which occurred al her home near Willcts Thursday Mr3. A. H spending some time with Mrs. W. B. r irv.ell and other friends, left Mon-1 day to visit Mrs. J. C. H. Wilson in Asheville a few days before return ing to her home in Capitol Heights, Maryland. Mr. Sam Norman 1 her Thursday. BILIOUS JTTACKS From Which Kentucky Man Suf fered Two or Three Time Month, Relieved by Black-Draught Lawrencenurg, Ky. Mr. J. P. Nevlna, a local coal dealer and far mer, about two years ago learned of the valuo ( t Thedford's Black Draught liver medicine, and now he says: "Until then I suffered with se vere blllnun ct(ai;- that ran:o on two or H:r (I: i j each month. I would ;ut nauseated. I would have dizziness an I couldn't work. "I v.ould tal'o pills until I was worn-out with them. I didn't seem to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couplo or three times, thin I would be very constipated "A neighbor told me of Black Draught and I began its use. I never hare found bo much relief as It gave me. I would not be without It for anything. "It seemed to cleanse my wholfl system and make me feel like new. I would take a few doses get rid of the bile and have my usual clear head, feel f till of 'pep' and could do twice the work." One cent a dose. Mr A H Mchnffm' loft Slinflliv ' morning. or business trip to Washington. j Mr Bob Norman .Miss Belle Dunca and Mr. Bob Duncan are visiting relatives in Ma rion. Messrs. Luther Owen Patton a?.d .1'ihn Wilson were in Balsom Monday Mr. and Mrs. John Kenney and baby ;nd Miss Lilian Kenney visited relatives on Caney Fork Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Quiett has returned from Florida. of Whittier ind of Willets were YOU HAVE LOSS If, Tutt's Pills I what you SMd. Ttoy torn th weK I (touch, ud baud at ttt ajum. rtlt. bllnnlan. Wind torn on. mcc mmucim. 'ras down," yoa will Had T? Buildmcj Resident of Small Town Needs No Pity TheMIttle town, says the New York Evening Post, does not Invite the con- NC-161 PARDONABLE PRIDE It is only just, after all, that people should realize what tremendous pride we take in our prescription department. This pride alone will always be a suf ficient guaranty of the careful handling of your prescriptions, for to Alexan der's, any compromise of the most pain staking efforts or quality drugs is out of the question. Perhaps this attitude in a large meas ure explains the report and confidence which Alexander's enjoys in this com nity. ASK YOUR DOCTOR ALEXANDER'S DRUGS Phones 53 and 54 Opp. Postoffice 1MT OST fires start from preventable causes and should never occur all fires cause loss to the public. DE careful in discarding lighted matches and smoking tobacco; correct electrical defects: remove rubbish; repair defective chimneys and flues; use every care in handling gasoline and other inflammable liquids, and otherwise guard against fire. D EMEMBER last year fire cost the nation 15,000 lives and more than $548,810,000 in property destruction. EACH one of us pays his share of this waste. ERNEST L. WITHERS & CO. PHONE 100 Insurance Protection WAYNESVILLE, N. C. descenslou of outsiders- It has Us own uubllc opinion and civic pride. The munuger of a chain of rural atores comments . on the revolution wrought to country life by the easy access to (he city. Radio, autos, and national magazines have been part of the Inter weaving forces of a shuttle constantly at work between the larger and the smaller communities. He might have mentioned the power of women's clubs to raise the cultural level by lectnree on current events, by the encourage ment of gardening, by the provision and furtherance of music. The Mule town does not live by the mere sufferance of the city. Nor does i It run tp the city for every good thing I to eat, to hour, to wear. It Is uware of hooks and abreast of fashions. It has churches served by ministers who are compensated by the devotion of a flock for their relatively modest In come. Moreover, that income is not always small when weighed In the bal iince with the cost of city life. One of the peculiar satisfactions to the small (own dweller Is the neighborhood con sciousness the knowledge that next door neighbors and those beyond next door ;id Infinitum will eagerly mobilize to lio'ji in tiiiH of need. Tin- little town offers it own abumhint eiinipenatioris. best known to Its own citizens. When Any Part of Your Machinery Breaks Have it Welded We have a complete Burdett Welding Outfit with an expert welder in charge. Broken parts of machinery made new by this service. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Duckworth Motor Co. ANNOUNCEMENT! Community Built Up by Organized Effort A line example of community effort thai jSK'ts results Is found In t'le work of Improving the streets that Is beiu,; carried on in Columbiana. It Is also n demonstration of the manner In which such an organization as the Exchange club cun render Its best service. Some weeks ago nt a meeting of the club a fund for street Improvement was start ed. In this, however, they were pre ceded by a group of citizens who, co operating with Mayor Leonard, were at work chertlng the street leading to the Southern depot. Other citizens Joined the Exchange club with their contributions and now the depot street has been completed and good progress Is being mude on College street. There Is enough money pledged. It Is said, to chert every street In town. There are other things to be done In Columbiana and there are similar things to he done In every other community In the county. Let our people organize them selves and take hold for still greater effort at community building. Shelby County (Ga.) Reporter. Movement to Suburbs The tremendous growth of Ameri can cities and the resultant growth of the suburban zones around them hnve renched such proportions thnt the whole conception of cities and their regulation requires revision. The standards by which everything regard ing cities was Judged a generation ago are no longer adequate, and some radi cal changes In the physical aspect of cities and their administration may be expected. Decentralization of cities Is already under way. and the results are apparent In the real estate market In an unprecedented demand for ncre aire n round the fringes of the cities. In the Chicago area this activity Is apparent for 30 miles or more In all directions. 7Ae Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company ANNOUNCES trie opening oi a district of fice at Waynesville, N. C. Reliable Life, Health and Accident Insurance. Free Abstract Service and the best advice we bave is at your disposal. DOYLE A. ALLEY, District Manegtr. Plan for Beauty The city that is planning ways to make Itself more ,beniitlful Is going to grow more rapidly than the city which does not care, a speaker at a real es tate convention at Detroit asserted. I would like to think that the real rotate men of this country are becoming more and more an Influence for right living nnd right thlnhlng. If ve do so. dividends will be returned to us one hundred fold. Let us hnve cities that are clean clean morally and clean physically. Let as do away with the things that mnr and disfigure their beauty, that stop growth and retard wise city development. SOUTH R N City Managership There are now 14 states In which any town or city may adopt the city manager plan by a referendum of Its people. They are Massachusetts, New York, VIrglnlu, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kan sas, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Indiana and New Jersey. The plan baa made greatest prog ress In Michigan, where 34 cities and town have adopted it Texas, with 23; California, wttb 18, and Virginia, where every city over 25,000, with the Ingle exception of Richmond, la un der city management GUbere Witty Sally 8tr W. 8. Gilbert was a member of the "Liver Brigade," a group of Xmo dem wen who rode dally, for their health to Hyde park.' Hla faille, al waya "kept tb. equestrian m good humor. On one occasion be rode od to a man that for year had been In! the habit of walking hit bone In the . park, and said : TnxHt, Trash, yon will be arrested the police ha v. their V on yoa." 1 d fallow T Ooui RAILWAY SYSTE REDUCED EARES to ASHEVILLE October 16,1! On account of Ring-ling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows at Asheville, October 16th,. the South ern Railway will sell round-trip tickets from all stations within a radius of 50 miles of Asheville at rate of one vfare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold from all stations within the radius . named for use on all trans October 16th, only. Tickets will be good returning on trains leaving be fore midnight, October 16th or 17th, 1925. No baggage will be checked on these tickets. frutoaa, what far Toe fafjfltff r a a w Mtartog." - -I 1 . "is 4. . i P V 4.. k, jMM4lHaSrHi