s Volame XXXVII. Number W " 'wlmsvim ftttwoo' tomtit, tif&msei - :-im jrf la nut u I s 'r i t 'in REGINALD WELLER imi iritf'f11 4 Capt. Reginald Woller, daring yoUrifl , Amrlcn flyar and World war hero, la on of a Mora of American aoldlart of fortuna who anllatad to flysfor th aultan of Moroooo. Franc1 ally In th Rlffian war. AN APPRECIATION. William A. Band, Editor, The Caroilna Mountaineer, Waynesville, N. C. My dear sir: I have read with much interest and satisfaction the article in the issue of The Carolina Mountaineer of the 17th inst, welcoming to Wayneyi'lo this company, its officers and employees, and I am very grateful to JWU for the complimentary and kind things which you said in that article. During the past jear I have receiv ed many very encouraging letters from the citizens of Waynesville and many expressions of good will and kindness from not only the citizens of Waynesville, but of your entire count-. It is the policy of this company to encourage its officers and employees in the cultivation and maintenance of the very friendliest t)nd kindlieest relations with your citizens. We de sire them to take an interest in your civic affairs, clubs and all public -Timt.innn find tn enrnuraire and heln - . .young laaies, was given in imiuiokc in evety way possible in the develoo-by her father and never looked lov. ment and growth of your town and ,ier in her weddinK gown o county. Our officers wifl always be whjte chiffon embroidered in peari8. i'.ad to extend to you and to the cm-Her veil of was held in place by zens of Waynesville every courtesy bandeau of pearls and 0Tfmge Wofl. and consideration in every proper mat-1 gomg and gne carried . 8hower bou ter in which they may be respectively! quet of bride,g rogeg and Swansonia interested. ucr gjgter, Miss Mary Ray, who was As President of this company, it is her only attendant was charming my sincere desire that our local of-; cers and representatives furnish you .om time to time fcuch facts relat ing to transferring our Sui.burst mill -1.1 W&vnniivilln as vnu may desire and as may be of interest to your sub-J The home was beautifully decor stribers. lated in trailing vines and leaves in I desire to subscribe to your paper and I enclose check to you.- order for one years' subscription thciefor. Again thanking you for your kind ness, t am, Very truls vo ir. A. J. ST 'c'. ENS, Fiesident Snncrest Lumber Co. MACFADYEN IS MADE COUNTRY t : club hb;ad. ; Announcement was made last nigl.t that H. F. MacFadyen, assistant man ager of the Battery Park hotel, has been appointed manager of the Bilt more Forest Country Club, succeed ing Thomas E. Byron, who leaves shortly " become manager of -the Barcelona Country Club at St. An "WWW'S Uc?'':' ''-) -': f Th neW imnager of the iBiltmore Forest club takes over his new Ju lie November 16. J John! Wfislwr, Who was Mtirfg mariagerM Jha iclub iast winter duiinW MrAftyrdnV ':; fcence ia, jFlorida, has , beeA made, as titant manager." Mr. Fisher la the n of Mr, and Mrs. I E. Fisher of I Mr. MacFadyen las Been assi.Ubt jnanager of the Battery JPark hotel line the opening of hoatalrif : 1 Vr.' MacFadyen U 41 ' WayndsvlHe toy and is the v son sot Mrv COMMUNITY CLtIB' WtLt( WSKt. The Community1 Club ' will v meet jQndsx, October lth., The-1 paper, Amritani Paintert of, Particular School," will be' glrn by Mrs X L. SMnfneldrMM.'.- W Beewitt sinf.1 Th hnt for ffls afternoon will be Mrs., W, T. Bheltoa, Hn. Nobla Garrett and Mrs. Roy Marriu. BEAUTIFUL PAGEANT. . A very beautiful and instructive pageant wa presented by the young people of t 'tis church Sunday evening at SjOpO.'-o'clock under the efficient leadership of Mrs. J. R. Mor gan President 'of the Woman's Mis sionary Society .v ; - -:k The production presented the .great undertaking of State Mission .Board throughout the State, and very force fully portrayed, its work in hospitals, orphanages, Christian education, evan gelism and other agencies of the dsnOmination.' - &" ' Miss ' Bessie Jwarda, inatructrelis of, Home Econonu. th city schools, played well the part of the nurse to the feeble old lady, who on this oc casion, was Miss Vernie Phillips. . Prof. Beam also of the city schools, impersonated in a mbat excellent way Dr. C. E. Maddry, Secretary pf Stale Mission Board. Mr. Shackleford, in structor in the High School, also took k very important part Which he ren dered well. Those participating in the pageant Were: Misses Ova Patterson, Louise Green, Joyce Green, Ruth Tew. Sylla Davis, Anna Dee Kirkpatrick, Eva Price, Anna Jean Plott, Margaret Eurgin, Carolyn Haynes, Vernie Phil lips, Bessie Edwards, Wilda Craw ford, Mrs. Clayton Walker, and Mrs. Paul Walker, Messrs. Beam, Shackle ford, Jasper Morgan, Willard Moody James Osborne, Edwin Haynes, David Felmet, Charles Russell and Fred Crawford. SEMMES-RAY. On Satuday evening, October 10th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ray, their daughter, Anna Louise, was united in marriage to Mr. George W. Semmes of Memphis, Tenn, Preceding the ceremony Mrs. J. W. Reed sang most delightfully "All For You" by Bertrand Brown. Promptly at six o'clock to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March played, by Miss Fredericks Quinlan the bridal party entered the library where the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Bouer of St. Lawrence church, Asheville, before an improvisedjaltar. The tride," whtr'";tol'one of Waynes villn'n nrotHps; '' AnA most nomilar i i j jn a goW71 0f orchid chiffon, beaded in crystal, and carried pink bride's maid roses. - Mr. Semmes' best men wv Mr. Vant- rh-nlra nt .TBlrannvi11s Fin. ,the autumnal . colors, excepting where the ceremony was performed, which was in green and white. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served to the guests who consisted of the immedbte families and intimate friends. Mra. Semmes' father is Mr. Clyde H. Riy. one of Waynesville's pioneer merchants and most influential citizens. She was ed ucated at St. Marys, Raleigh. Mr. Semmes, the son of M.-. and Mrs, Malcom Semme of Memphis, Tenn., and was educated at tha Georgia Col lege of Technology. He served with di t."iction in the Wo: l War, being dtiQialed by the Fren ' Gwefnment Ho tiered the service as a licute.v ant and the end of th wa.- ranked as a V'' Colonel. .... ' , ' ji Mr. and '$txt Sem,n;i; left nQ Tuded hoi.ym6c,Vwhieri t!w ws' jeside iAlackronvill . ' T Tne,WaynevtIle Pharmacy is hav- ing . Nyi, UofX MkVmfaf' Frl' day and Saturday of this week. ,By purchasing one article you etj Bjthertf'the jrin df;fonsef -.iv.JL-'u.li lr kt4UU fn' tUUWi JVW the nrice of ..one. This Is a great opf portunlty that eldom occurs, there forerthe Wayifeaville people should ' NORTBfrrE ICIRCLE. The Worth .eWe'Cirele of the Bam tist church, Wtf.h leadership o( its president Mre, H. Liner nud4 adonation of. oW!anndrd,(S9 lud, donation of flOftltf W the parsonagd feral bazaars rwently and sold thoj beautiful band maae articles maae by the circle niemDers. , . f DR. RUFUS Dr. Allen, who is one of the most prominent physicians in Western North Carolina, has been elected a director in the great Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York City. This is the first time that this big company hns honored a North Carlina citizen with election to directorship. Dr. Allen first came into contact with the members of the official board of this hip cor poration in a social way, bu. merit und bigness was soon recognized with the result that .when a vacancy occurred in the board, caused by the dt.tth of former Governor Glynn, of New York,-he was elected to fill the vacan cy at the regular meeting of the Equitable directors on April 17 HAYWOOD COUNTY MET. ALUMNAE On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 3, 192E, there was a meeting of the Haywood County Alumnae of North Carolina at Mrs. Nannie Persons, for the purpose of commemorating Foundation Day. The radio program sent out by the Alumnae secretary was used. The meeting opened with the singing of the college song, after which the greetings and messages from Presi dent Foust and members of the fac ulty were read by various merpbers. After the reading of each message each one had some pleasant and in teresting reminiscence to relate. 4t the close of the program Carolina -.vus sung in memory of Dr. Mclver. A delightful social half hour was enjoyed during which a lovely salad course was served. The guests were then invited into the dining room where a beautiful college birthday cake, decorated with heliotrope and pink geraniums graced the center of the table. The blowing out of the candles occasioned a great deal of fun. It was with much reluctance that the guests parted after the happy renewal of college associations. HAYWOOD HOME BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. The thirteenth series of the Hay wood Home Building Loan Associa tion is now open. This home building organization was started on Oct. 1, 1919, and will retire first series on Feb. 20th, 1926. Many citizens are availing them selves of this systematic way of sav ing and many are now home owners. The officers of this association are: Officers. R. L. Prevost, President; Chas. E. Quinlan, Vice-President. ' 'Directors. ' - . Rufu Siler, Dr. Thos, Stringfield J. TL Boyd, 3. P. Francis, 3. H. Bush nell,, R. L. Prevosti' E. J. Hyatt. Geo. H.. Ward, Oiaav.E. Quinlan. F.- W. Hiller.i ' - .-v 1 J. R. Boyd, Secretary and Treasurer." Geo. H. Ward,. Attorney, i ' " MISS PARKER ILL. . The many friends il Miaa Beatrice Parker will regret to hear of he Ill ness.: Miss Parker hat recently under gone? anxth operation in Norfolk, Virginia; She v will , unable tv-alk or- months, due to ber weakness, t Mis Parker .will be rememberel a a, popular member of the faculty "f tin city schools for two years. , L: ALLEN FOOTBALL GAME. The Waynesville High School foji ball eleven will meet the Weaver- ville team on the former's court Friday at 3:00. I So far the Waynesville te.m has made an enviable record in ue'eating Asheville, Mars Hill and Marion. Te line-up for the game will probably be: Lee Matney, L. E. J. P. Francis, Jr. L. T. Jack Nichols L. G. Hugh Noland Center Mark Davis R. G. Bill Garrison R. T. Whitner Prevost R. E. Howe Crockett Q. Ralston Campbell L. H. Lee Davis R. H. 'Harry Rotha F. B. Referee Herman. Umpire Plott. Head Linesman Phillips. Time Keeper Boyd. Admission 50 cents. TWO IN HOSPITAL AS RESULT OF WRECK. J. R. Hyatt and James Thomas, Jr. were carried to the Mission hospital Sunday night suffering from injuries sustained in a wreck Sunday after noon on the Balsam Road. It was feared that the injuries were se rious, but examination disclosed that they were of a superficial nature al though extremely painful. The car driven by Thomas collided with that of Teague, from Whittiei Both car were badly damaged in the accident. Both Mr. Hyatt and Thomas were able to be brought home in a fPwiWoodrow rirl. was a bride's maid inn'8 COmpy biing scatter, killed or days, however, they have not entirely the Coolidge-Toy wedding, a pron!.w5TS transferred to West recovered from the shock and lnjur.es nent event at Chapel Hill. 1erW?IlW,lu, under W Fre- 4 , Ll I Miss Michal was becomings gown- rf, fM greatly instrumental in MIS8 ALTSTAETTER HOSTESS. ed in , corn-colored frock of geor.brSjj.Jd. ot ders le! , '.TTrr; , ... gctte, and carried an arm bouquet of UJd. bandits who had bee M Lena Altstaetter delightfully ntea and aragaratum. ,ior soaw iime teroizlng the couv.tr entertained with an informal dimer ,. -r -vby-jdioptiflrdown stock and pilfering, Wednesday night,, honoring Miaa , Mr. Bob Breese of Raleigh is Bpen4-irng off1 everythin they could findj Anna Ray, whose marriage to Goorgd WK several day in Waynesville, be-; ntollzftig' and abusing: old men ana W. Semmes occurred Saturday. . , fore he and Mrs. Breese returir NtBiM Early fall ; flowers !! were uaed their home. . Tof1 hopUUUes ne mnf ried and sct'.le throughout the- dining Jului Uyiru? Anm$ avymtinnf pflife with room carrying cut th ;color ndieme rered the world war his patriotism courage to help ouzildWine' Cripples' of of yellow, and white, , . Misa Ray wore, a handsom't, (town of rose brocaded velvet with fur trim, atlagev - r ? iK,M-' .. Covers wen, laid for: Mis Anna Baye Mary Ray, Janie'Lpfc Mitcicl and Mrs. James I Stringfield, Messrs. George Semmes, Pritchard Ferguaon, John Ray and J. L. Stringfield v ' BALSAM NEWS.; A large number of friends and rel atives attended the funeral of Mr. Talmage Ensley which took piece Thursday of last week in Scotts Creek Baptist church and interment in Old Field cemetery. The funeral was con ducted by Rev. Mr. Deitz, assisted by several other ministers. Mr. Ensl y was successfully operated on 'for ap pendicitis last spring, but there were other complications from which he could not recover. Recently he ex pressed a desire to be taken to see his father and mother at Beta. Ap parently the change benefitted him and he was able to return to walk around his old home, but soon suc cumbed to the inevitable and was not able to return to his home here. He suffered much but bore it with little complaint. We extend our deep sym pathy to the relatives, especially to his faithful wife who nursed him "o tenderly. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Horton of At- lunta are spending a few weeks in their summer home here. Mrs. II.- P. Ensley, Miss Grace Mo- hafTey and Mr. Hubert Ensley motovei! to Marion and spent the week-end with Mrs. Coy Hedrick. Mrs. Ma Green, Mr. and Mrs. P.. 11 Green and children of Asheville spent last week-end with Mrs. Lona Green Mrs. Perry and Mrs. May Barnes went to Waynesville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bryson motored to Toxaway Monday Mrs. Carter Bryson went to Sylva Monday. Mrs. Ida Bryson, Mr. and L. H Hargrove and children of Canton visited Mrs. Maybelle Perry Sunday. Mr. Banks Nicholson apd family of Brevard spent Sunday ' with Ml"?. Carrie Queen. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Christy, Mv. and Mrs. Bryson Beck, Mr. Corbett Ensley. Mr. J. B. Queen and Mr. Odell Queen visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cuthbertson at their home in Al mond Sunday. Mrs. Cuthbertson is veTy sick. Mr. arid Mrs. T. M. Rickards haNe usual y'ela- man potacoes aooui nny moved to their new home in Cantrn.iP" cent; swecl Pot"1"69 hnve.m They will be missed in Balsam, hav-Proved since rafns and Probal,i ing lived here about twenty-five years. : win be a fair yie,d- Real estate continues to chan.ee Our school is progressing nicely owners. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Queen, under the management of Mrs. RC. purchased a cottage from W. J. Cog- j Francis and Miss Tucker. Several of dill, Mr. W. T. Lee, Jr. has sold his lour children are attending school out home, Mountain View Cottage to Ds j side the community this year. Robert, Sheider of Asheville, Mr. C. A. Bal- Rufus and Frank Ratcliff are attend lough has bought the C. A. Bryson ! ing the Waynesville High School, Her farm. Other lots have been sold in bert Turner. Fred Ratcliff, Herman Ballough sub-division. and Mollic Francis are attending Hay- Mr. and Mrs. Will Ballough left wood Institute at Clyde. Monday for their winter home In' Mr. W. J. (Billy) Rogers, an old Daytona, Fla. Confederate soldier of Athens, Tenn., Mrs. A. F. Dock left Monday for ' who left this county some forty odd Jacksonville. . years ago, is on an extended visit t The young snow we had Friday nurl , relatives in the county. He spent a the killing frost of Saturday niglitfew days in the community, visiting did not run all of the tourists awa . his nephew, Mr. R. E. L. Ratcliff and . We have about a dozen yet. .other friends. Mv. Rogers' life awl; Mr. G. C. Cooper, principal of our r.inicable character have endeared fcljn school, was host to the Parent-Tcael:- self to the people of his native com ers' Association Friday afternoon, ty, especially tin iild- people Wjio Miss Tllye Borden, County Super are always eager to extend a hearty visor, was expected to addrear, the welcome. While quite a young jinm meeting, but failed to come. How,?- following the honest pursuits of life ever, those present discussed vnricu. the war clouds began to hang over our needs of the community and a mo.il 'country. He, like many all other go d n,easant afternoon was spent. De- iiuous sanawicncs ana not i-nuointc the shedding of blood, but When North were served. C arolina seceded, from the Union he The Baptist church here will cole- cast his lot with the Southern cause brate Home Coming Day the first Sun and when the call came or' volunteers day in November and invite all other to enter the service he was one of th church members to come. There will first to enlist under Capt. R. G. A. be good singing and speaking by Love of the Seventeenth N. C. Retf noted persons, a program of whi' h ment. He went tb,1war and engaged will be published next week. Every- jn most all the hojjy contested battles body come and bring a basket and around Richmond, Manaasus Junction, make this, our first Home Coming Bull RunUnd others, was wounded celebration a success. geven times and' never was capture MISS MICHAL ATTENDANT IN LARGE WEDDING. Mi MrtT. MIMm! ttrBtK. arose; he was willing to ahoulder his gun if his services were i in defense of the flag . to destroy. Now in his ighty-slsth;d)don she battle flajd. -Hi voiw wnl year, alert, active as a man of .sixty, man of .sixty, cultivated six acre in cotton the nast'eumstances ih unmistakable term li ;V wsoni enjoying the life Wa woIT SprsiWn traiirsld1 Vrirf ?5ftipS. upent youth, clean, high tonod Chris lion that .,wcs being forcod on the tlan gentleman. , . Icouutry When- the Un.td States en . SHE IS TEST GIRL , y I Uurburu Manners Is one of the most photographed girls In Hollywood, but you never see her picture ou the screen. She works opposite many of the stars, but only for make-up tests os the sets. RATCL1FF COVE NEWS. Most of the farmers are very busy preparing land for wheat. It has been very difficult to prepare the land iliroper condition to sow wheat, but the recent rains have been sufficient to enable the farmers to thoroughly pre pare their land of which there will be an unusual crop sown. The corn crop is much better han was anticipated early in the season, about , seventy-five per cent of the citizens, desired a settlement without by the memil If8 was many time commended bravery, patriot ism and;" ftrethbughtedness. Inth ' " "W? wper,TO sixiy-iour anu nvq o shoulder hist condition of our,feountry. Duting ihe require to go 4rk ?4frf Jo retoustmction ha he bnci tried showed 'tjte'ssme pioiiim that he s ighty-st'sth'djd; on ihe battle flejd. "Hi voica wn - Jieard at all time and under all dr ', .heard at all time and under all d ; 1 mm i. K . " 1 1 1 4 p I 1 V .