QDi.uaiBirs, n. c, thlksday. april 10. l9o2. DESPERATE FIGHT ble Possee Held At Bay By One Alan SIMMONS OPPOSES MULLEN. Senator MWO MEN INSTANTLY .AND' nds Seven Others of the Possee Werelv Finallv Shot to Death r , - r d Burned. negro iscumbia, Ala., Special. In a des- .te battle, fought near this place lav between a sheriff's posse and .Reynolds, a members of the t and seven wounded by the dead silade of the negro, who after j was killed and his body thrown a burning building. The dead Hugh Jones; Bob Wallace and J Reynolds (colored.) The wound re: Sheriff Gassaway, mortally; Gassaway, mortally; P. A. Prout, ly; J. K. Payne, seriously; Jessie S, Jim Finney and Robert !Pat jn. irly in the day, accompanied 'by Gassaway, a deputy, Sheriff Gas y went to a negro settlement irdtown,' to arrest Will Rev is, on a charge, of obtaining goods r false pretenses. The negro was leaded in a house and jopened fire a Winchester, mortally wounded I -iff Gassaway and Will Gassaway, was about 300 yards distant. I soon as the news of the en ter reached town, a posse left for scene. Owing to the location, I of the officers could venture f the open space. Dynamite was jred and the house in which the 3 had fortified himself was fired but to no effect. At 1 o'clock Pson of the Wheeler Rifles, ar i with 12 guns and 1.00ft part. ,es which were distributed among -mis company was oned around t.h hr,,ca vnwy OIXU 1 111" it, but the negro had tairpn m me cellar and returnad the killing Jones" and wounding Z'iSfl 01lWas tben Procured iter four hours of hard work .adjoining houses to that in which ?egro wa3 ere fired. At 8 o'clock .house mwhich the negro was lo- urea by . the WJippw s, who had arrive nn 4 ; i-ii c occil'i. "u lieu lO a RhPr! an1 ed fire. killino- xrn '"b- Manage mug uavjs. but fell M HflKeS .a Hght Avr,Ici ..... 3 - .fcMIIW wnariotte Postmaster. Washington, Special. Senator Sim mons has placed himself squarely and emphatically in opposition to the confirmation of Mr. Mullen as post master at Charlotte, N. C, at a meet ing of the postoffico committee. He re ferred back to the committee the pa pers in which the President had' re nominated Mr. Mullen in these words: "I decline 'to submit the report on this nomination on my own responsibility. Personally I shall oppose the confirma tion on the ground that I am unwilling to advocate the nomination of a man to desperado, such an important officewhen hi3 con- posse were duct was h t . UUv.u ,o x uuuci&wuu nis xo ,nave been." Mr. Simmons followed this declaration with the, suggestion tha the secretary of the committee should be instructed to procure copies of the report made by the inspector with ref erence to the charges against the Char lotte postmaster, Swhich suggestion was promptly agreed to. Before leaving the subject Senator Simmons recited some of the facts which had led the Presideni to withdraw the nomination of ' Mr. Mullen after the agreement to re-ap point him. The chairman of the com mittee, Senator Mason, of Illinois, di rected -the" secretary: of the committee io secure tne papers in the case with out unnecessary delay. NO. 52. PARTIES TO COMBINE Eight Organizations Band Together For Mutual .Opposition - - ' REFORM FORCES COME TOGETHER LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Many Matters of General Interest In Short Paragraphs. Spoke for Good Roads. Charlotteville, Va., Special. Senatoi Hanna, ex-Secretary of the Interloi Bliss, Assistant Secretary of Agricul ture Brigham, Congressmen Tongue, Davis, Llttlefleld, Prince, Bowersock and McCreary, together with 80 othei guests, arrived on a special train from Washington, over the Southern, Rail way, to attend the Good Roads Conven tion, now in session here. A. hard rain kept the attendance down this morn ing. Hon. W. L. DIckerson, of Spring field, Mass., spoke on "Improvement ol Our Highways;" Col. Chas. E. Harri sori, government expert of New Jersey spoke on "Practical Road Construc tion;" Hon. P. H. Hanes, of Norti Carolina, also" spoke on road construc tion. 4 m re-and next The Sunny South. ' The loss on cattle In Oklahoma from winter storms will not exceed 3 per cent. . The threatened strike of street car Referendum General mn at New Orleans, La., is said to nave been averted. In a prairie fire near Anadarko, L T., Mrs. Hattie Hand and her two children were burned to death. , Five hours' liberty was all that C. C. Campbell, a Federal prisoner at Atlan ta, Ga secured as a result of breaking jail. . . .. - Delegates Must Subscribe to the Ini tiative and Organization. Louisville, Special.- The movement for the formation of an allied party comprising adherents of all parties op posed to the Republicans and Demo crats or as the call f oft the meeting started "a union of the reform forces against plutocracy," took definite shape Wednesday afternoon when a conven- uon attended by about 200 deleg representing eight States, and as many different parties, was called to order In this city. The work today was of a preliminary nature, a temporary organ ization being effected and committees appointed to prepare for the perma nent organization. The convention ad journed at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon to meet again tomorrow morning. Rev. Senator GUI, of Indiana, offer ed prayer, after which Dr. Joseph E. Chambers, of St. Louis, outlined the purposes of the convention.- He urged that a party be formed with a plat form broad enough for all to stand bn. Not only were the noliticlans rrmrprn- ed, he said, hut the great common peo ple and the financiers ofVWall. street were greatly interested. He compared the meeting with the Continental Con gress in Philadelphia. He urged, that all little differences should be thrown aside and said that, while he advocat- Fldods in East Tennessee and Ken tucky have caused considerable damage ana the loss of several lives. TI T . . ... "','' wianeston is making preparations iui a, ms aemonsrmt on n hnnnn nf aico' resiaent Koosevelt when he visits the The grand juiy at Lexington, Ky., has indicted four officers of the Cen tral Mutual Deposit Company for em- uezziement. Miss Mary Burkhart, of Lane, Wolfe voumy, is running for Congress in the lenin Kentucky district. Mrs. G. D. Walker killed J. S. Judd at iaaa vegas, n. M., as she alleges, , to pro tect uer nome. At The North. o.xic wueat crop m vansas is re ported in better condition than usual. A check for $20,000 has-been sent Carroll College, Waukesha, , Wis., by naipn voornees, of Clinton, N. J. Osteopathy has gained State recog nition in Uhio. - " " a kock island train coming into iiast Pueblo, Col., killed two women and the infant son of one of them. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Confidence in the Sooth. ( Mr. M. H. Atkinson, of Atlanta, Ga., who recently returned from the North after conferring with the stockholders of various public service companies of Atlanta, says jthat he found the stock holders much encouraged over condi tions in that city. Tey apparently had great faith in their investments in the South, and believed they had 2one well to invest there. Furthermore : they would not dispose of their hold- ngs. Continuig, Mr, Atkinson said he "v oycut luree weeKs in the North, and that during the entire time he has been living, in the South, making-occa- ; sional visits to the North, he had nev er seen business men of the latter sec tion so thoroughly imbued with the idea' that the South is the place 'for In vestments. "They are," he ) added; "going to, do much for this section in the future, and the results of the pres-' ent feeling will soon be felt generallyv a uompuisory Education bill has - y.M.yAuj. w yio.ixrLB, uc wau,cu oy tne lowa Leelslatnre. cvcij. une to oe strong enougn to noic seVon iapM .Wfnn nia-i t n Oil Tiitrvi nmUw . I . . . J " rv xnass., employing 16.000 Dersoris. win . , , ' " vu UC A iron the posse and .militinmn crowa, numbering i nnn jTHldled bOdv and thraw i us i building: ce, who was '-killarl.-.-w-na vk 5? lhe negro' whoshot him' fn the body. H:s bodv fpii-in F1RS debris., but. h Wallace .md Trait , n. . no fired the building xtun en-)uses were burned in the ef- v u c i j i in i uuunrn rr,l Uu r V, uc uatue. il is per tne sneritr nn , VA UiO ti - lu live. BO IrnSfli 6 nesrP's aIm that it nimbly an hour before the i - yoni could be recovered. Not fvas jirtd bv RevnnirfQ ha Oil t,. u .. - " -'-- ""I. .U1U W II Pn fhniin ; "n I could be intense. Fully 2.000 nponb (VUCe and Sheffield were here , - 'bcuu m ine town- was tiu icai the negroes whom he wa? seen. The excite- Many Deaths From Cholera. Manila, Special. Up to noon ' Thurs day 117 cases of cholera had been re ported and 72 deaths from the dis ease had occurred. The health board since the. establishment of the deten tion camp, has been having much diffi cuny in nnaing tne wnereabouts ol cases of cholera. As soon as the members of a household find a cast they either send the sick person out of the house or flee themselves. Majoi Maus, the insular health commission er, has written to the bishop object ing to the action of the priests in in iwiiu"ifi peopie mat no cases o; cholera have ' occurred : that Chairman Parker, of . the national Populist committee, read the call for he meeting, after which he read the agreement reached by the conference at Kansas City last June, when the meet- ng in this city was provided for. This agreement stated that delegates to be entitled to seats in the convention must subscribe to the initiative and re ferendum and the imperative mandate, the public ownership of all publis util ities; the land, including all natural close to head off a strike. To Double a Big Mid. Mention was made recently of the fact that the Belton Mills, of Belton, S. C had in contemnlftti tion of a duplicate plant. The propo sition was given onsi deration at meeting of the directors on March 20. ana decided affirmatively. This com pany now has an equipment of 27,000 spindles and 300 looms, which will ac cordingly be duplicated; The construc tion of the required additional build ings will be commenced at once, and contracts for the machinery will be awarded soon. Formal action to rat ify the directors' decision will ho t. kep in April by the stockholders. C iwiization is ?400,000K and probaMy ?300,000 will be the investment for the new mill. F. A. Smvthe is v XT X Denim mil Rumored. ' Messrs. Moses H. Con e Cone, of 'Greensboro. N. C.. are nernM- ating the purchase of a water-power property near Roanoke Ranids N n 5ertPower said to be obtained being 10,000 horse-nower. It la rnmnrnd tht ;if the property is purchased it will ha at condemned hurt. While. in a ft Mrs. Mary Hively, of Warsaw, Ind., fell into a pan of, boil ing sugar and was scalded totdeath. A shortage of $12,500 is I charged against Receiving Teller H. G. Bell, of the. Riverside Bank, New York, who is missing. The Executive Committeft of th Mn- resources shall not be monopolized uona vrram Dealers' Association is for speculative purposes and alien own- ?S 25.iL Sicaf?' JU" to Sftlect the ership shall be prohibited; that all T " v tods novr held by corporations, in ex- L??TShS r,t i . :'"4 .r U1 vuiuago, 111., will consolidate under the name of ine for mer, with ?2,000,000 capital Fire in the chair shop of the prison i Property is purchased ft will ha Auburn, N, Y., caused tnic aSg murderers but nnne waq uvUlul mm ui wv iuoiiis ana ?om- iuuiuciub, uui none Was I n Pment nf enlnlnn m v. - A , r.i, wo. ojmuicis win ue erectea to utilize the power. The I ""-J I ici icuia cases of cholerine have been discov quantity cess of natural needs, or held by aliens, thall be reclaimed and held for actual settlers; In scientific money based upon the wealth of the people of the nation tnd not redeemable in any specific nommodity, but to be full tender for all debts, public or private, to be used by the government only and without in tervention of banking sufficient- in power. The Messrs. Carta Control the PrOXimitv Mflmifaptnrtnw Co. at Greensboro, N. C, which oper ates 18,000 spindles and 1,000 looms in the manufacture of cotton denims. ' Textile Notes. I (From the Manufacturers' Record.) . The Highland Park Manufacturing Co. of Charlotte, N. C., and Rock Hill, S. C, will build a cotton-seed oil mill to be operated in connection with Mill No. 2 at Rock Hill. It is 'proposed to expend about $100,600 for the erection and equipment of the addition. Doubt less this is a step toward adding a gin- Commercial artists in Chicago 111 ft y and rertilizer factory, and thus iMoroH o c: ii '."' the company WOUld he pnahlnd tn mn. 'hi pted. of an is an- The Philinnln rnw ', ofa& Special -George G. 'ed u'1 vaDie uomnanv. I forthi t0 seIect a landing L1 Projected cable bPtwppn Ms arrr7 i Ui"PPines. Mr. the "Snted by Charles Cur- J B "--ei. electrician. e,Mr. Ward will consult mpanv Mackav. President' of ccu auu mat tne sanitarv nrppan. .wUkJ v ntku iaj .u.u.jy tut: pet pie. I Coiner V..JM JRrst i net ,f congressional action. lu .K hetween Ran tt't-o? be win be comnlpfp Rent HnfU mv. ', . It h,lPpfd. from England next wP y heen decided iana on this of Prbably tnl or this . -Miuucr women. ta'f?8Cia!A certifiod check d Uiawn to the order of PrpC. llnnon,..i , 'foni. ' ,a!3 fwaraea to thp c-u z?tn by the com- iSpPPnte:' December lai iuuus for tha New York to Charleston. iNew York, Special. At Friday's meeting oi tne Merchants' Association of this city, a letter from Mayor Low was read, saying that April 23 had oeeu suggested as New York Day at the Charleston Exposition. The mayor saic ne tnougnt it desirable that New Yorli should take advantage of this susses tion to show the Southern people the city s interest in .their commercial ad vancement. The mayor requested the association to take charge of all neces sary arrangements and a resolutios was adopted to this effect. Col. Milton Parks, of San Antonio Texas, said that while he was with any party opposed to the Democrats or Re publicans and would even .unite with Emma Goldman or Herr Most to defeat the common enemy, he wanted it un derstood that he was not willing: to surrender the principles of the People's parry. declared a strike in 14 establishments. i Iowa's House of Representavies yes terday declared in favor of ponulai election of Senators. wuiie loaamg nitro-glycerine into his wagon at Findlay, O., John Duran was mown to atoms. in ew , x orK ..reports state tnat Flor am ma : T ' Hi . . - cuve i ourns win probably go on the stage Suffrage Plan Adopted. Richmond, Special. The constitu tional convention adopted the suffrage plan by a large majority. Then' came upthe rescinding resolutions and all were considered and rejected, except those relating to change in the hold Blow to Texas Anti-Trust Law. Austin ' Tex.--The Court of Civil An- peals has dealt a severe blow to the anti-trust laws of Texas., in afflrminer the suit of the State of ' Texas asrainst the Vaters-Pierce Oil Company, from Mclennan county, and the case of the State of Texas against the Shippers' Compress : and Warehouse Comnanv. mi ..... . . me court neid in the case of the Wa. lonvr iciue uu wjmDanv. - wn cn was brought under the act of 1&89, that it At The National Capita!. unitea States Marshal Thnmnenn ofOklahoma has resigned, to the Qur prise or tne Treasury Department. . Thirty-seven artists have entered tlm competition for designing the $250,00C The new loomhouse is built of brick ufacture from cotton all its marketablt products. "K 1 Piedmont Manufacturing Co,., Ports mouth,. Va., states that its proposed equipment, lately mentioned, will be oi sufficient capacity to produce 400 do2ea garments -of ribbed underwear daily, employing 125 hands when in full oper ation. The building completed is a two-story structure 40x80 feet, with a 3.0x30-foot ell. Capital is $25,000. Hapid progress is being made with the reconstruction of the Globe Cotton Mills , at Augusta, Ga., and the plant will be in operation in the near futare. The old building has been remodeled and rebuilt, and will hold 5600 spindles Grant statue for Washington, D. C. Prom Across The Sea. '' A At. ' . muusana persons are reported uave Deen Kiued in riots at Ta mmg M, umna. . 149x156 feet, and will hold 400 loom .a,;new wneeipit will be built, and ne equipment of water-wheels will be' in' J stalled. . . R. M. Gates of Charlotte, N." C , is about to purchase the Green river shoals property near. Henri Arson vw - N. C, with the intention of developing England continues is unconstitutional to recover penalties strong resistance. The British Parliament failed to en act a single measure . at the ten peeks' session just closed. . and that it contains the same nrovis- ions as the Illinois act. which was do- i . . - ciarea to be unconstitutional bv th .united btates Supreme-Court. In the bhippers Compress The attempt of the Amerinnn TV. bacco Company to win the trade of he Property and erecting at the -jite a to be met bv lcLe cowon mm. Mr. Oates also has "u,uci uuusiuerauon remoyic. to the - A TTT . 1 - over Senate question ana the election Cbmranr cms tirmnrt W.M tWl. I A resolution to adjourn Friday after noon until -May 22 was adopted by a large majority. , ' ltutional and the case from Illinois is appliible to this Co . 4 : .. .. - . . fa Mldren, sufferers i Qtrat ion in the camps cf Sbuth Africa . " $ioofooo for College. V Lexington, Va.,. Special. A telegram received here from President Denny, of J Washington and Lee University, Vho is in New York, announces the completion of the Wm.-L. Wilson memorial fund of $100,000 to found the Wilson memo rial of economics at . the University. Former President Grover Cleveland is chairman of the fund committee.1 J. P. Morgan's famous Madonna, bv xwijuaci, is uemg exniblted free in Ajonaon. . . A high Danish official says no com- aaiuu is aue to any agent for the sale of the Danish West Indies. During the first 10 months in 1901 tne exports from the Philippines in. easea i,ii,&t5 and imports in creased $4,239,989, compared with the corresponding , period in 1900. South Carolina Farmer Killed. X Augusta, Ga., Special. W. L. Col lins, a farmer of Edgefield county, S, C.,. was assasinated by a negro on a road five miles from Augusta, in South Carolina, Wednesday afternoon George .Woods was driving with Col lins and resisted a hold-up when the negroes fired upon the men. killimr nrday foi Rome to see Pope Leo. Collins and slightly wounding Woods. Members of the Iron Moulders The negroes escaped. -. J Union of America will. receive a 5 ner '' f -t cent.-. iicrczEe 4n Treves. ; " Miscellaneous Matters. v Bourke Cochran left New York Sat- site a Charlotte mill, instead Ing new plant The Charlotte mill has xo,ouu spinaies and 300 looms. Messrs. W. C. Kimball Rr. C.n nf t?t. lapoosa, Ga., stated that their knitting plint, reported recently, will require an; investment of $2,050. ,The two-storj building, 25x80 feet In size ia'nnw w ing erected to hold the tn machines for producing hosiery. ? I Ellawhite Cotton Mills of Uniontowb Ala., contracted foi a 500-spindle addi tion, not a 3500-spindle addition as stated last week. All contracts have been awarded. Work has begun on the erection of the required buildings ; Roberdel Manufacturing Co.. Rock-. Ingham, N. C, states that plans have not been formulated as yet for its No 2 mill. Announcement of the decision to build this addition was marin n length. lirt'Treel:. -