SHORT FOLK COUNTY ITEMS Xews From ? all Parts or the Count Briefly Told. COLUMBUS. ants- ne trustees ordered mat a GroverCaldwell of Landrum and catalog of twenty pa.sfes be prepared Miss Lona Garrett of this plaSe under the diiectionof Mr. White were married at Landruin, Sunday, side. It was further ordered that 1 June 21st by Dr. Erwin. pastor of uue tKAi uuuh.s .auupwu uy uia otaie me ljandium Baptist church f The Burgess has been several days but is ilrs. F. M. in ite sick for 2,uch better today. Mr. Westlake's two daughters, Misses Florence and HeTf u West lake arrived recently froai New York City. Capt and Mrs. John Black and little son, of Columbia, S. C, are guests of Mrs! M. E. Stevehsdn at jj0g Cabin Inn. They are much pleased with the mountain. . '. j Messrs. R. T. McFee of Green ville, S. C, and Chas. B. McFeue of Jryou, were in town Tuesday. Mr. jlcFee came oVer to make: some repairs in the telephone exchange. Work on the .telephone line to Loir Cabin Jnn andBen Cragen cottage in SpTitg Meunain Park will be cumpfetecf' within a few days. V. Miller's 'plione was installed 3Iouday. .. : ; Messrs.' J. A. Safratt and Thos. 13. Clarkson of Gaffuey, S. Q., are taking a vacation in the mountains. Qhev spent Monday night at the Cuiumbus Hotel and went up to Cabin Jnn Tuesday. J. G. rixighee, who it will be lemembered was quite sick when the last issue of The News went to press, now seems to be xn the ineud and we are glad to note is able to move about again. . Gertrude V. Coombs,, daughter 0f Mr. and Mrs. O. JR. Coombs, was marrl to A. Jett Edwards, on Wednesday, June 17th, in Urbanuay Va. Mr. Coombs and family, it will be remembered, were residents of Columbus a few years ago and occupied the Miller cottage. Board of Education be used, except those of the higher branches. The young couple were employees of tho Landrum and Lvnn hosiery ing turther l.itormation about the scho'ol should address Wm. Justice, Mill bpnng or J... E. Shipman, Col- school will ouen September 1st. mills close' December 18th, 1003, for the ; side in Landrum and accept posi Christmas holidays, reopen January tions with the Blue Ridga Hosiery 4th and close April 23rd, 1904. I Mill. f The school is divided into eight tit- t n S grades. Tuition ranges from 50c 1 nf ?81? Belle Cannon, who was oper to $2.00 per month. Parties wish- Columbus recently for rfnrfW hrt f - FPmuciu8 nas sutiered anotlier w w , . .4. w j. I M. V LA Ml yM I, L11U A1J 1 i -. - l: . i anacK and was operated on tne second time Sunday by Doctors .' Donn t . t J jt O t:. . . t umbus, N. C. ' TtT n i i;"0? ' . and Dr. Grady of Tryon, at her The Watts Liquor Law and the home here. The operation was suc- Prohibitionl Law for Polk county cessful and the patient was resting go into effect next Wednesday, July well yesterday. It is hoped sne 1st. The Watts law is inoperative will recover under the skilful nurs- in this county, being covered by ing of Miss Wilder, the professional the local act, which prohibits the nurse. . - v manufacture and sale of spirituous ' .if':.- liquors in the county, except wine I 5 manufactured upon the owners'! tv 7 . . ;- ' .;out,oni;.v, . 4. u u- i If the merchants in the county pieraises and it must not be sola in ' u y , quantities of less than one gallon. Jrm -the people through a The bill also requires physicians '. business Local whenever they received and druggists in the county to keep a new shipment of goods, their stbti a lecora or all prescriptions tilled Vv7 t th THEY. . . . ARB Business Locals. BUSINESS . . BRINGERS Ads Under This Head Five Cents Per Line Each Insertion. , COHN or other produce will be received in payment of subscriptions to The News. CLOSING OUT SALE OF LUMHEK. Come quick and get the best. . H. E. Gbay YOU ought to see our line of pretty pearl handle knives. Tbyon Supply Co. BEST ALARM CLOCKS on the market only $1.00 at McFee's, Tryon. WANTED. 100 bundles -of fodder. Apply at The News office. THE BALLENGER COMPANY. Tryon, will pay for corn. of you 70 cents in trade for spirituous liquors and to make a report to the Solicitor at each term of court. Such prescriptions cannot be duplicated. Violation of this law will be considered a misde meanor and the penalty is a fine of $500 or imprisonment not exceed ing twelve months. It is said the Watts law will throw about live hundred store-keepers and gaugers out of their jobs and the local law will not leave a single licensed dis tiller' or bar-room in the county.- VERY LOW RATES TO . MANY POINTS BEACHED VIA ! THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. F. M. Stearns ; left on ilbnday for his home in' Cleveland, ; Ohio. Mv. JStearns spent ,vmore time here this year than usual, being here about three months. Most of his time was spent on the mountain, a place his heart is wrapped up in and which he believes can not be excelled for beauty, pure air, spring water, ..etc. The Columbus Lodge Knights of Pythias recently elected the follow iug officers serve for, sixmonths: J. fi. Sbipman, C. C; Ij. Jj' Tallent, .Vi; ii. Cloud, Prelate; J. P. Morris, M.W; V M. Burgess, M. Y; A. L fcMUrray, M. E; L. H. (Auud, M. Aji?: T. C. Croker, I. G ; C. G. Vest,TQ:Q. ; The installation of officers wiUf'.take place the first week iu July. . Rev. J. R. Vaughn's Temperance lecture Sunday afternoon was well tttf iided. There was nothing new about it, however, being along tbi hsiiue line usually followed by tem perance lecturers. The audience was disappointed at not hearing lvoy i. Jacksou sing, as advertise The young man is sick did not ac company R.ev.!; Mr.V Vaughn on his trip to this section. liey. W. Mv VVbiteside, who has lu ll ekcted principal of the Cen ti :il ludiistrial Institute," is a Bap tist preacher and it is reported that he will supply the Baptist churches at Columbus and Mill Spring, now Wng supplied by Rev. John M. Walker of ltutherfordton. Mr. Whiteside is now at Wake Forest College prepaiing to move his fam ily to Coiumbus and will take up his residence: here in about three weeks. The amendments to the road law which were passed by the Legisla ture this year, and went into effect Way 1st, takes the appointment of road trustees for the various town ships out of ' the hands of the jus tices of the peace and places it in the hands of the county commis sioners. The road trustees appoint supervisors; who are required to ork six oailds. The road tax must be not less than 10c nor more than 25c on the $100 valuation. Miss J. M. House, a former teacher in Columbus, spent a few days here recently visiting friends. Miss House is a native of Michigan, out is now teaching in the mill sec won of Huntsville, Ala. Her -visit to Columbus was a source of pleas ure to her numerous friends, both young and old, as Miss House is greatly beloved by all who' knew uer when she lived here seven years aoro. Miss House addressed the Christian Endeavor society Sunday evening and gave an account of her work in Huntville. She organized the first Christian Endeavor society ever formed in Columbus. The trust.PAH nf thn fWitrnl In dustrial j,lf u uauuci uicoiuvuiij .1 T71 rut . HU A III I 1 f I I I W I I 111 V - TRYON. Chas. B. McFee is away on a few days' business trip to Greenville and Spartanburg. Mrs. L. E. Markham expects to leave in J uly lot Colorado and New Mexico to spend the summer with relatives. Roland Lee, Superintendent of the Blue Ridge Hosiery Mill at Landrum is building a handsome residence there. . The landslide at Melrose was cleared yesterday and through trains are now running. This is good n'ews to the travelling public and a great relief to the railroad people. j jyiessr J. B. Page and J. 1. Bishop of LanJruin are building a brick yard on Zewis creek in this county. They expect to commence work about July 1st aud will, turn out 12,000 brick per day. The Tryon base ball team will play the Brevard team two games at that place on July 1st and two with Rutherfordton on ihe Lvnn diamond on the Fourth. The new- grounds are in good shape, seats have been erected and an admission ee of 25c will be charged. Lemon ade, peanuts, etc. will be sold on the grounds and a big picnic day will be spent. The wnole iine-np of the Tryon team could not be as certained, but we will try to give'it next week. Among the local play ers who will make up the team may be mentioned, W. K. Lngel; R. B Engelj P. H. McDonnald; Silas Fowler and John Seigler. It is reported upon good author ity that Skyuka hotel will be opened about July 10th. It is generally understood that the Aaron French properties in Xsortn Uarolma nave been, transferred by Fhilo N. Jb rench of Pittsburg to W. H. Stearns and Miss Lucy Stearns of Tryon and Mya. F. B. Higgins of New York Git', and that the management of the Mimoas hotel will pass into the hand? . of the Messrs. Stearns on July 1st, who will conduct the hotel upon a reduced scale. It is not positively known yet who-will have the management of Skyuka. M. J. btamp, the present manager of the Mimosa, who nas successiuny con ducted the hotel about two years will return to his home in Chicago July 1st. The property is valued at $150,000 and includes one thous and acres of timber land. Both hotels are modern in every respect and will no doubt continue to be pop ular resorts both summer and win ter. The Mimosa is situated in the lamous Pacolet valley one and one half miles from here and Skyuka is about six miles distant, upon tne side of Tryon mountain with an elevation of 3000 feet Tt Tughes, treasurer; AV. A. Cannon at. Whiteside. Mr. Whiteside as elected principal, Misces Estelle T; ,..-JtQ mention. School, June LYNN. ' Rev. S. O. Bryant will conduct services in the chapel, Sunday, June 28th at 3:30 p. m. Rev. J. R. Vaughn's temperance lecture here Sunday was delivered in the gospel tent to a good audi ence and was well received. Prof. Branon returns to his honte in Winston-Salem this week. . I$e has been a very earnest worker m tne tent meetings and his efforts frave ster and Nora Cannon, assist-1 been blessed to the good-of mtiSiyV? The Southern Railway Company an nounces the sale of tickets ut extremely lpw ratesj from points on its lines for the following special occasions: Asheville, N. G. Southern Educational Association, June 30-July 3,' 1903. Asheville, N. C- -Southern Student Con ference and Convention Y. W.X. A., June 12-22, 1903. . linens, Ga. Snmmer School, July l--4u-gust9, 1903. Atlanta, Ga. National Convention B. Y. P. U, of America, July 9-12, 1903. Boston, Mass. National Educational As sociation, July 6-10, 1903. Knoxville, Tenn. Summer 13-Julv3l. 1903. Monteagle, Tenn. Bible School. July 1 lugust 30, 1903. f . Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College Sum mer Schoois, June 1-July 3t), 1903. St. Louis, Mo. Saengeif est of North Amer ican Saengerbund, June 17-20, 1903. Tuskegee, Ala. Summer School, June 26 Aagust 7, 1903. ABOVE RATES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Tickets will be sold to above points from all stations on Southern liailwuy. Detailed information can be had upon application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway or-'Ag'ents of connecting lines, or by adtiressiijg jhe Undersigned: ;i Account North Carolina Teaphers Assem bly, June 8-16, 1903, Wrigixtsville, N. C. Tickets on sale" June 6th to 14th inclusive with final limit 30 dajs from date of Hale. Rate for the. round trip, one first class fare plus i.25. ;.' Kate from Asheville $12.90 f ' Account North Carolina Bar Association July 1-4, '03. Tickets on sale June 30th, July 1st and 2nd with final limit July 6th, 'oo. Rate from Asheville $16.80. Account Summer School, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. V. Tick ets on sale June 12-3-5-6-22-and 29 with final limit July 15, 1903. Rate for the I round trip, one fare plus 5.25. Rate from Asheville, $3.35. Semi-Centennial Celebration, Roanoke College, Saiem, Va., June 7-11, 1903. rickets on sale June 5-8 with final limit June 15th. Rate for the round trin from Asheville, $9.45 i Account Summer School, Knoxville, Tenn. June 23 to Juy 31, 1903. Tickets on sale June 21-2-3-8-9, July 5-6-13-20. 1903 with'nnal limit fifteen days from date ofsae. Rate for the round trin from Asheyile $4.25. ' Account Annual Convention of the Dio cese, of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C, Jun6.1Utb-14th. Tickets on sale June 9th, 10th, 11th with final limit June ! 16th. Round trip from Asheville, $7.75. Account Fourth of July Celebration a special rate of 'one and one third first class fare for the round trip will be given. Tickets will be on sale J uly 2, 3, 4th with final limit July 8th.. . 1 Account Meeting Saengerfest of North America Saengerbund, St. Louis, : Mo.V June 17th-20th, 1903. Tickets on sale June 15, 16, 17, final, limit June 22nd, ,j Rate, one fare plus 25 cents validation fee.; Account Twentieth Triennial National Saengerfest, June, 15-20, 1903, Baltimore, Md. Tickets on Bale' Jnne 14, 15, 16. Rate, one fare plus $2.00. Rate for the round trip from Asheville, N. C, $1$.15. Account North Carolina Bankers Associ ation, WrightsviUe, N. C, June 24-25, 1903. Tickets will be sold to Wilmington . C June 21 , 22, . 23rd with final; limit June 29th. Round trip rate from Asheville $16.85.. : " 5 : : M Accoun3VIeeting North Carolina Dental Associatioffj- Winston-Salem' N. CifJune 13. 14, 16,17thth with final limit June 22 1903. Rrte for the round trip from Ashe ville, $7.30. ; Account Meeting Western North CarflK lina Baptist Sunday School Convention, Lexington, N. C, June 24-28th. Tickets on sale June 22, 23, 24 with final limit Jane 30. Rate from Asheville, $6.85. Account Annual convention Thurman Wdmans' Christian Temperance Unions Statesville, N, C, June, 18-25. Tickets on sale 16-17-18 with final limit June 27i Rate for tha. round trip from Asheville, '$5.25. ' - , . Account Virginia Summer School" of Meth ods, Charlottesville, Va., June 23-Vug." 3. Tickets on sale June 22-3-4-5, July 13 14-15 16 with final limit August 3 1903. Rate for the round trip from Asheville, $14.00 - For tickets to ; all points North,; East, West or South, write to, or call on " ... .... , . H'VVpoD, ',.-', - District Pflssenger Agent. AsheyillrN.C. FOR SALE. An extra "good quality of bottled Ginger Ale and Soda Water can ba had at Thk News office. ;J;, J WE' have the agency for the famous Rock Hill buggies. Tiixon Supply Co5. " STOVES or tinware for cash or install ments. Tbyon &uppi y Co. FOR SALE. Seven room house and lqi in Tryon, known as "Lower Masson cot tage." t-all on or address H. E. Gkay, Trustee, Columbus, N. C. t WRITING PAPER and Envelopes for sale at The Nkws office. The quality is good and the price is small. Don't forget us when you need any. THE BALLENGER CO., Tryon have .this week opened a nice line of clothing, hats and shoes. . Let them fit you you out for summer. Can - give you a ready or tailor made suit. FOR SALE. I f will offei at private sale ! at Columbus, N. C, the following property: a good -saw mill, 1 log ; wagon, 1 good top buggy, with harness -and '-lap robes, 1 one horse wagon, two horse wagon with har ness, 2 one horse cultivators, and other farm tools, 1 piano, household and kitchen furhiture and other things too .numeruos 11. E. Gbay. "THE LAND OF THE SKY." This is the title of an attractive book let just issued by the Passenger Depart ment of the Southern Railway, descriptive of Western North Carolina. . -' The book is Jjtautif ally illustrated, and gives prospective tourists an excellent idea of the attractions of this charming moun tain country. ' , To those contemplating a trip, for either health or pleasure, during the Spring or Summer, would be well to apply to a representative of the South tin Railway for copy of Jhis booklet. w Cents The News TO Jan. 1st, 1904 ,4 . j 40 t" THE NORTH SOMt STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES - Commercial i Literabt Domestic Science Manual Tbainikg Mvsc Classical Scientific Pedagogical Fire courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leading to'o Degrees. I Well equipped Practice and Observation School. . Faculty : numbers 40. Boardr laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $140 a year. For nbn-residents ol the .State $1C0. . .Twelfth annual sessipn begins September. 15, 1903. To . secure board in 'the dormitories a.ll free-tuition applications should be made before July.lS. Corresporidence invited from those desiring competent teachers - and stenographers. jYqt catalogue and other information address y j CHARLES D. McIVER, President, r - ! I GREENSB OR O, N. C Dbn't Do All The Drinking Yourself Give your family IS cbance to enjoy the high grade Ginger Ale : v ' and bottled Soda Water which is sold by the leading mer- chants all over this section and manufactured - by ? The Pacolet Grap$ Jtiiqe QomP&W I j HENPERSOSyilLE, N, . i': Tm mm v. .14 Furniture, Cook-Stoves, Taior and Reaoy Maae Clothing, Shoes Dry Goon's, Notions ' V Fancy Groceries a Sp ecta THE NEATLY Ri BILL HEAD, LETTER HEAD, NOTE HE A D, S T AT EMENT t ENVEtQP CARD OR CIRCULAR mm Attracts Aroii Leaves a Good ; Sa'les' and is . an Brings Good Can be Had Impression, Advertising t ' r . :J ..".S3 -. tlfp: Makes Many Medium That THE MlWS RE8ULTS. at : Such Printing Mil At Reasonable Rates. . Mail Receive ;. Prompt , Attention. . 5 OIF Orders '4 J;S We can supply you with visiting cards that are sure to please. Neatly printed in the latest style type. The price is right. ' Give us your order. BUY THE ii mrif u MSZJ SEWIN& Do not be deceived" by those who ad- j . .in rr r1 I ft ; vertis 3oi.uu cewing luucnuie.iur $20.00. Thiskihid'ora machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. ; WE MAKE A VARIETY. ' THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST, The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines; , . The Double l eea combinea witn otner strong points makes the New Home the teat Sewing Machine tojbuy. e for CIRCULARS IS; y?Q manufacture ana prices colore purcnasing THE EW HOHE SEWIRS HAGHIRE SO. '. ORANGE,' MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, I1L, Atlanta, Ga., St. Lquis,Mo., Dallas,Tex.,San Francisco, Cal FOR SALE BY - - ' BAYLORS r Cherokee Remedy of Cures Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, LaQripparid all threat and Lung Troiibles MADE of Piire SWEfiTT tjOM, MULLEIN & HONYi Your Druggist. Clsit25 & i . PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FKfDAio , ,. ; FUriiisheS;! the latest news local aiija general. Bach issue,, up to the; hour of going to piess, contains ihe latest telegraphic news from . all pai ts of the world, crop conditions and prices ?f I jlfia. products, iveu. : . v.. ' j- . ' -v-r.-.V'. -..- .... -t. Three Months, - ,p5c: . ' I Six Months, - ; - 50c Months, v-i AMj$l00 Send in your subscription to-daj t THE CITIZEN, mm i The, Semi Weekly s Twelve Cash in advance. i Address, . 4 ' ' .AS&EYILLE, NoBTH CA ARTISTIC t9 PHOTOGRAPHS IN ALL ITS BUANCHES. OUTDOOR AND j INDOOR WOHK A SPECIALTY. . . . r C VIEWS FOR SALE.' f: ALL KINDS OF AMATEUR WORK, PROMPTLY . ATTENDED TO. . . V . DEVELOPING AND PRINTIH& PORTRAITS EN EAR ChEJD IN OIL. WATER COLOR, PASTEL, SEPIA C AND CRAYON, . ... . . . . . v : GALLERY OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. " II; '7. i fyon. u; Tt&a Laxative Bromo omnine Tci!t3. Seven l.GSon boxes told ia pest 12 oosthSi - La Ttto Dtji -: .1.'