- - - " ,---., . - T . ' . .1. -- - - i " - - ' - . . - - . .-. - rjWfP "M-" t0- , : INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINOS. . r - " StcfcrUI jibs PgSCCSllco PCt YEAR, IN ADVAWC& u , - .'! -"t !. COLUMBUS, N.C.,THUpSDAY,'jyp; V . !. f POPE LEO t EBBING AWAY t In Shadow of thr Vatican. PHYaiciANa Rampolla: Th condition of. ttii holy fatier u till tr&re. but m vors Night calm. Takes food without reluctance. Mind pert ectlj HIS VI. of Kur. ExhlbU Bamarkable It 1 Hvd Hia P U a QuMftion T The text of the bul C ooaiitio of the pope' L followa: C hla holindas pasaed ISu r . . . m M t wu yeaterdajr. The teen beaefiUd bj the in dlfltalii aad camphor and ioa of bu chest la aormai. gligtt oouffh with some ca- ben taken. Toe pulse U but oot intermittent and thi a U below normal, me coar h Migu&t patient, therefore, fi9!tribed a belter, but it a i mornlaa wae so unnatural j the gravity of hU rVaUcan Displeased. Rome; July 7. la Vatican - circle! there-eeem to be dissatisfaction be cause of the rumors In circulation tc the effect that those In authority in fttead of preventing the pope from oven taxU his failing atrenftX tot their owa purposes, eneaged hia con trary to cie phyeiciaa's adrlce to fur ther exerUoh. It has been, hinted that those who might be eligible can didates for the chair of CL Peter would not have mahjr regrets ahould ?he way be left open without more delay and that, regardless of the pontifl'a feeble. &esg. , they worked upon his harmleis, tiatural pride in the vigor, of his con stitution aavd his venerable age to en courage him to preside at the ".wo re cent consistories, as well as to under take numerous receptions of nilsrlma UNITES AND DUCKS RIOTJN INDIANA Coifjn of Terror In Town of EvansYiUo. COUNTY JAIL WAS STORMED. Upon Asked to Give Aid to Greenesborb Female College. Greensboro, .July a meeting of the alumnae here tonight, the . folio w- thootlng of an Officer by a Negro, andUn? was unanimously adopted: i s u sjO worse oration in th pope's xa- net withstanding the precarious condi tion of his health since the operation of 18SS, which had grown much worse the las few. months. Under the cir cumstances such insinuation are en ergetically repudiated by those con- ubsequent Attempt to Lynch Mur aerer, Resulted. In Race Riot Ne- firo Dives Ransacked. UJvansTUie. July 7.- Race prejudice between blacks and whites brought on a reign of terror here Sunday, which has not ended. All of last night and all day yesterday armed men threat ened the Uvea of citizens. - Gun storei were broken open and weapons and ammunition were seized by blacks and whites. The county jail is partly and other visitors to the Eternal Ctty.f wkd, and an angry .mob of 2,000 wnites Drote in to hunt for a black victim ; the wall was forced with a battering ram; negro dives were ran- "An appeal to save Greensboro Fe male; College: We, the , undersigned members of the alumnae association of the 'Greensboro Female College, do hereby issue a call for a public mass meeting to be held, in Greensboro city hall Thursday, July 9tb, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of demonstrating that our alma mater still lives in the hearts of her alumnae, in the interests of Methodists and in the interest of a broad educational spirit. "This institution can be saved if suf ficient money can be raised to purchase the property and provide for the per petuity of the college, -j Let every one sacked and shot to pieces in the search Lf whatever denomination-who has the r tkvk WW rorsuBoxin. M feared that possibly ft was iut flkkeriag of the vital I tj brighter ; interval, the u&d his habits of command M oagiTiog orders for ths U the brief appointing VolponJ. actually secretary to princes, sji secretarp to pstorlal ongregatioa. a post Wlag to ihe promotion of Moa Nocells. to the bardinate. The of uch an appointment, 7 at the present moment is vbeu It U considered that at ' death; the secretary of state exercise his functions, which juned lainiediately by the see 4 tee Oonsistorial conereTallan. I Will be dona W)ia wuiM Kk I K. when only ten day ago 1 Mietag over a public consist lurnittrod feebly Pope Lao at tiaself bte last evening sink t sleep which lasted about oura. until aun seek to consciousness. He and complained of naina oa Jde. of the thorax. Tenderly tfWsi. assisted bv Pom Iaq'i o Centra, and the nhvslciane Castro, lifted the frail form fAiag t$e position, succeeded M tae patient some relief. "vag on me Drink oi tfta lite ft thA nsrvHV to mn by means of strons stimu- d concentrated- nourishment le he u SU1 alive hia vnnilAr- Mitj m&y - again Teslst and con- attack of hia lllne. li evecing. after the excite the csremony of the last sac- vag over, the oobe seemed lest It. D&rtlv crfVj v. 4 k. - ' yv uj iuc religious 1 Partly by a dose of chloral, a givea him in considerable laterim during the early houw aorning testifies to the eonvie F e paslng of Pope Leo if ,aaar. The court yard of St WW i . villttSc oi ime caroi rM Of dunv nA,MA. mw. naaaeagera hurry across th wt bundle .f AttlAela ss.1. vvftoaswva History of Pepe Lee. Bora at Carplneto Xiaroh 2, Uls. Catered college at Rome in 1AM. - liatriculated at Gregorian university la lata. -,J Catered the College of Noble Eiccle adastic i& UU: Appornted domestic prelate by Greg ory XVI in iwt: Refereodiary to the court of Segaa tara March 16. 1S37. - Order of preisthood conferred Dec. tl, 1837. Apoatolis delegate at ' Benevento 1837-1841. Governor of Bpoleto 1841-1848. Papal nuncio at Brussels 1848-1815. Hade archbishop of Perugia in 1844. Created cardinal Dec. 18, 1858. Hade Cardinal Cameriengo la Jly, 1877. . , - Gected pope Feb. 80, 1878. Revived Roman Catholic hierarchy ta Scotland. If arch 4. 1878. . , Cncyclicel . condemning communism and nihilism Dec 88, 1878. ; : r : ' encyclical against heresy, tociaiUm. Nov. 5. 1888. ..t ' - i Recognised maity of Italy Oct. 7, 1883. v . encyclical condemning liberalism, Kov. 6. 1885. Celebrated golden Jubilee in 1887. Celebrated grand Jubilee In 1888. Encyclical on socialism and labor Hay 16, 1881. Celebrated Dplscopal Jubilee la Feb ruary. 1883. " -" Issued appeal to Fteglsnd for reunr Ioa of Ctulsieadom AprU 14, 1894. Celebrated sixtieth anniversary 64 his nrst mass Feb. 13, 1888. Declared 1800 a year oi universal Sabilee) May 11, 1899. Held conalatnry and created eleven new cardinals June 19. 1899. Celebrated ninetieth birthday aa 2, 1800. for the black and an armed company of drilled .blacks marched through ths streets threatening the ' lives of all whites. Cause of the RloL The race riot was the Immediate outcome of the shooting of Patrolman Hassey Friday night by Lee Brown s interests of ,tbls institution at heart, and : particularly every alumnae , and Methodist, respond to this appeal either in person, by letter or telegram. We earnestly' trust that every Methodist minister in the "State will read this ap peal at all church services occurring be- I f Ann t Via A of Ik ft f Vi a maatn r en ao r. neero. Brown aivrt ajinCKAr hacto I "!rwt - had engaged in a quarrel, and Brown I e8tlJf request that all State papers will had a worn to kill his antagonist H4 ran toward hia . home to secure a re volver, and Patrolman Massey, hear ing -of the trouble, lay in wait for Brown. As the negro came back arjned, hunting his . enemy; Massey stepped from a doorway and laid his hand on Brown's shoulder. Browd turned quickly, a revolver in his hand, and shot the policeman in the; abdo men. The officer as he lay pa th sidewalk, fired at Brown and wounded him dangerously. - . 4 : Patrolman Massey afterward died from the effects of his wound please copy and keep this notice promi nently in their columns till after date of the meeting, " (Signed). - 'Mrs: Lucy A. Cunningham, y ' s "President. "Miss Nannie Lee Smith, ",j . . . . - , "Secretary." A Negative Mea.n. is NcLiglt.v . A vacillating, undecided, negative no man can never amount to anything, Brown was arresetd and hurriedli matter whit his environment or advan placed in the Evansville jail. excitement has been intense and siaoe the arrest of Brown the Jail baa been guarded night.: and day.;." ;v Aa outbreak was feared an4 Hhe- negro was secretly removed from the jail and taken to Vtocenfies. where he now lies in the new pail at the point of death from his wounds. Thl Jail is being guarded by armed depu ties, who will remain on duty afi night. An enraged mob of whites last night made a determined attack on the Jail in an effort to secure the negro with the intention of lynching him. A perfect reign ; of terror prevailed for hours and the authorities were practically powerless. tages may be. ; : It would-be impossible.; -He constant ly subordinates his opinions and even his plana tpAwha,t others say and think. There is no certainty as to his faction; because he is always subject to outside influences. He never relies upon . him self or the inward authority that speaks to him. j. - v He Is'the echo of the last' man who pleaded his case for him. He Is re- maernetized every time he comes in contact with a new personality. Blown hither and thither by advice and opin- From the Wtich- irifjtoh Way. The denial bv former Pres't Grover Cleveland of an interview with him written by Mr. George. W.t Bailey, the wasnington correspondent of the Gal- vestoa-Daily News, has treated wide spread attention here, and has been one of the chief topics of conversation in the public buildings and the hotel lobbies, I have known Mr. Bailey for fifteen years, and I know he would not wilfully misquote or misrepresent any man, and especially a "man for! whome be bad the high admiration that he had for Mr. Cleveland. I saw the letter to Mr. Bailey . written by ;Mr. Cleveland makingilhe appointment for this -inter view, and in wbich he said he would be glad to see Mr. Bailey n behalf of his paper." What else then; could he have thought of -Mr. Bailey's visit, except that it, was to get 'a letter from his paper? When the .former President told Mr. Bailey unequivocally that he was not a candidate for the fourth nom ination at the hands bf the democratic party, Mr. Bailey took him seriously, and frankly said so in his article which prepared here for bis paper. I saw the article before it went to , the Galveston News by wire, and it-wait as kindly in tone as any man on earth could have desired. The direct' quotation of Mr. Cleveland was very .'snort, but it was unmistakable and took him out of the running as aTpoasibla candidate. The general consensus of opinions here is tuat Mr. Bailey told the truth, and that Mr. Cleveland never would have denied the interview had he not received in structions from some man in his select coteries of friands tchdo so, in Order to bold all the power that i a prospective candidacy would give him in the next national convention. Evidently they oeneve tnat ms name frm carry more weight the element that left the party in 1896 and 1900 make them more active in participating; in the convention next year and more potent n the selection of some candidate acceptable to them They are' simply , ualng the name of Cleveland to con jure. with. The simple truth as told by Mr. Bailey has forced their hand. : . " : ;g .- - Judge Parker s Career The Memphis News has this to say concern i ng the - Parker i presidential i DRINKING WOMEN. Their Right to Imbibe in Public, In yesterday's Observer it was perceived . hst Mr H. E. C. Bryant ventured to pro test against women drinking in public. Mr. Bryant was wrong, of course. Women have a perfect right to drink and smoke in public places. That is part of cry dig away from thralldom a glorious part of emanci pation.: Women drink in New 3Tork and in other large titles, and lu cosmopolitan . life it is almost universally conceded that they are privileged to smoke. ' ' " - - Why should man alone be considered en tilled to the perfumery of a brandy and " sjds or ah evil rcented Turkish cigarette ? Out on your narrowness. Mr. Brvant ! Tour staid old North Carolina sentiment is a Jangling note. We are behind the limes;, that Js st We have not yet reached the atsgf when we concede that a woman shall of right be other than womanly, refinedr-a dainty, wholesome creature lu a back ground of softness and reserve. Thus we are insular, indeed. And we shall be hide bouud in prejudice, it is feared. For, with a Scotchman's yielding Btuboornuess, the woman's right to drink snd smoke may be granted yet not cheenly or admiringly, but with condemnation that can be bo more courteous than to find concealmeUt Jn,a careless contemptuous smile. . - -'r. Let. the women drink and smoke, Mr, Bryant; and then turn away from them and thank God if yon know women who have clean breath and clear eyes. Report er in Cfrarlotte Observer. - " boom: i. 'f "Judge Alton U Parker is at the hed of the greatest , court of the greatest state in tne union. ie is toe oignest salaried Judicial officer ;ia thev United States, receiving, l we mistake not. $7,000 a year more ttan the Chial Ju tice of the Unlted!Ptte. Ileaa oc cupied the position ol ihe Justice of the New York Court of Appeals for the last fourteen years. His. fir at term having expired in-1897, he was re-elected as a Democrat by a large: majority, though the State had gone Republican the year before by an unprecedented majority. "previous to going on the bench he had been atively engaged in law and politics. He bad been the chairman of the New York State Democratic Execu tive Committee, and conducted the ions as opposite as the poles, like a leaf campaign of -1885 successfully. whirled by the autumn wind no one, "In those capacities he exhibited ex- . , .tn ecutlve ability of as high an order as not even himself, knows where be will thejudiciarbllJty whu3h he has dls- alieht. The man who lives to any pur- riaved on the bench.4' ! . . CITY IS NOW QUIET. ; vansville, lnd.p Juiy 7. This city il pose or accomplishes anything of good in the world has an abiding faith in blmself, in his forcefulness and origi- quiet this morning and there are nd naitty, in hia efficiency in the manage- SMALL ftlZED PANIC. ment of.his own affairs, and in his po wer to accomplish whatever he puts himself to do. O. S. Marden, in Suc cess. , la Hew Oxieaas, July T. 4a a eoals died panic in the cotton market this morning, September : options fell 70 points from 11:79 to 11:09. The sell kng in September was terrific. New York had aa immense bunch of selling crders la local brokers' hands aad the first declines scared weak longs into BnWlnf as quickly as possible. The consequence was that prices went down 9 aad 10 ponits at a time. The bull clique was also credited with unload log and U was current gossip thai local loaga were" unlosding in Liver- pool. - . . ' ; " There, wasnothia doing in August Late in the. morning September had re covered somewhat and was 48 points below, the closing : of Friday and' M points below the highest level of this morning M' 11:87, October 17 pointl below the closing of Friday at 9:98 and December' was 16 points below at 8:T6. signs of the mob violence that agitsV ed the population all of last night. Business is moving In the even tenoi ; of Its way. A trip in the business section reveals the fact that much dam axe Was done to numerous stores, espo dally to the hardware houses, mani Xemperance of which were entered and robbed oil h Convention. fiuaa and ammunition. inousanas oi mKnta wnrft ftrftd durkiflr the nierhL but I On account of the so tar as learned, although numbers The Washington Post, In comment ing- on the expressions of! the Memphis editor, says things tfhlch indicates that the Post declines to take Judge Parker seriously. The Post says: There is a great deal more of the News' article. but this is really all., Judge farker re tired from public life fourteen years ago, ana ever since, nas aweit apart from it as completely as though he were A Symposium. -What is the secret of success ?'V asked the' splnx. y ' . : "Push,if said the button. Tsk pains," said the window. Never be led, said the pencil.' .TY'-r ft,Be up to dste," tald the calendar. ;; "Always keep cool," said the Ice. "Do business on tick," ssid the clock. "Never lose your head,' said the barrel. . MDo a drl?lng bu8inefsf' said the hami. . mer. . . ; . ' " : : - "Aspire to great things,' said' the nut-. Hake light of everything, said the ' ' "Hake much of small things,' said the microscope. . "Never do anything offhand,'' said the . glove. f ; - "Spend much time in reflection,'' said the mirror. ; . : : "Get a good pull with the ring," .. said the doorbilU . ' : ' ' v.C ;' "Be sharp In all your dealings,"7 said the ' knife. v.: " : . ' . "Find a good thing and stick to it said the' glue. :; " r :-: . y ', : Trust to your stars for success," said the night. ' 'Strive to make a good impression' said the seal life. . " annum more than the Chief Justice of the United States, and has not been, since 1889, at least, if he ever was at any time, inaenunea wun a single theory or measure of t national states- to have been wounded. Several ne groes were caught by mobs and almosl beaten to death before the police could save them. I - The chief demonstration in the night was a charge on the county pail be twees 10 and 1 o'clock. Several thou Summer School at a a.a a - - . . J M. IJ I T W I UUt. v a a m. a no one was xuiea i uaieicrn tue rauroaas aavegrameu a raw ui i luausmu. am wcw,uw"u nAnia oro mmtA J or nnA rin he was chairman of .the : State commit- to attend . ,kth nwMnAwi Lcimc July 6, 7. This will enable many to aweno which involved no general issues the TemDerance Convention. It is a most Qf an v kind. He baa no record of the - - : . - - i . .. . . . . .i. . . imoortant meeting, and the friends of rslightest importanceo tne country ,ai Temperance should take ; thin opportunity to manifest their interest. , . The entire State will be organized with a TROUBLff AT STEKLVILLsL MO. Two Deaths From; Recent Floht at that. Place Is the Result. ' ' Steelvllle, Mo., July" 7. The street fight la Steelvllle Saturday wbieb re sulted la the deatb of Robert Starki jj- wiwuib i avail ovubii. " -w. vm m 1 isw UWHH V --w " - who was shot tnrougn aakA men crowded the streets befort view (1) To enforcing the Watts Act; (2) To;Establisning Prohibition in Towns ana rink. m To Obtaluinff More Effective Legislation. "; THE WATTS LAW. It is Constitutional De- fclares Senator Sim- : mons. Raleigh, N. C. July 3. Senator Sim- mons savs tnat otv ims ji ui vu the building and finally obtained en trance through the fortified gates w this, yard where they began to battel the windows' of the Jail. Efforts ta prevent this were futile, and the crowd held sway, the police of the city be bag occupied with holding the sight sers from Invading the front part ol the building and ransacking the sher Iff s residence, ., :;. -After the mob was thoroughly satis fied that Lee Brown, the murderer oi Patrolman Massey was not In thl Paying Wilkes Bonds. The contest over the Wilkes county railroad bonds was ended todiy 'by the hidden in a cloister,' He gets 87,000 per payment of about fifty thousand dollars. Judge Boyd had an order served on the county commissioners and sheriff of Wilkes a few days ago, instructing them to turn over the amount due to Hon. lierr Craig, receiver appointetTby the United SUtes Circuit court. It will be temembered that VVilkes won the suit in the state courts, but lost in ilie Clr uit court.' The state court appointed Sheriff Johnson and . ex-Sheriff Call re ceivers of ,tbe bond Ux fund. Taxes wereievied and collected by the county during the long litigation and as a re sult the cash was in the bank., to- meet the indebtedness. Twin City Dally Sentinel. , - " - large. There Is nothing to show that he has convictions . enlightened or otherwise, with reference to any ques tion of national or international policy, while it Is absolutely certain that be baa had no experience in either direc tion." Judge iars:erv may oe in est of men. There canxbe little doubt that be is a just - judge, :rf patriotic cltlseo. and a kindly neighber. - liut there are several hundreds of thousands of native Americans of whom the same can be caid, and wlth equal justice." bnlldtne. thev separated into squadl satisfaction raaice a cniitanuvw,.-; ka and naradad the downtows I tiAn ti the constitutional itv and -wu w w-w ar" vavM wm - BIRTH OF QUARTETTES. THE PRESIDENT INFORMED Roanoke, Va., July 3. Mrs. George W. Chambers, wife of a Franklin .coun ty, farmer, to-day gave birth to 1 f ou r healthy girl babies. The mother and - - - jf resenting the trustees of the Brevard I quartette are aomg welJ. The vicinity Kpworth School, went to Brevard ye-1 hi excited over' the event, women.' old The Epvorth ; Dr. D. Atkins, oi Winston, James Buttrick, J. A. Nlcbol", and Gejorge L. Hackney, of this citg, a. committee rep- streets until daylight shooting promis legality of the Watts liquor regulation u-rday with MUs Belle Benne ofLftnd youaftgoin to see the little ones. cupusly and visiting tne negro quar i jaw anci finds that there Is no matter iJ ,v Ulroun the alght with the .prince, of thl P noblemen and members al of tK tt reclyo from "anarchs of Europe. Think rw-ii. . . . : rlin l"1""H,"n- nppeiess. Jaly 7.-A11 the Rom- di U o l represent tha -"7"a as hopeless. -The l. ' 0' this Mtv , (....(.. e pontlff'a health. SJHsmpells. Rtport July 7.-The foUowlai received tody by thl Robert atarks. the abodmea by oae of the sherlff'i posse in attempting to arrest the young pn, : 'v-'-';. i '- At the coroner's Inquest over the body of the second victim of the trgge dv it transpired la the evidence thai w - tera. The negroes are terrorised. The local company of the state mill tla has been ordered out," and will ba reinforced by companies from southern Indiana. '"'rj- : ':: . ', ' , more thorougbly covered and sustained by the decisions of the United States Supreme Court than the right of State to restrain; regulate and atoluteiy pro hlblt the sale, and manufacture of liquor j and that the granting of license on the j part of the government is a mere dmlnration bv it that it will not inter- if allowed by the llichmond. K.v.. Mrs J. D. Hammond, and Mri. MacDooell, 4 of Nashville, t enu.. educuuonal committee of the President Roosevelt has been notified. hone. 3wart was tried xor tni va rinMi tft murSer of Frank Whltaker. ue maai difficulty. . Ther youag man. who wai X full confession M the crime, claim pot over tbyesre old atscked the g that he had invited Mr. Whitaket aheriff aad two deputies, aa well a twi to go on board the New Venice to get city marshals, aad succeeded in wound-1 somel clams ; that mriflu sad he was himseii I Whltaker cursed- .w s irrhel nreod hia-Tounjterl enraaed. he-E?wart) picfeed up an as , , pred Ewart Will De Hanged. -y Key West. Fla., July 7. Ved Ew art has been convicted of murder is he first degree and will be sentenced fere with the sale f at. : i noeea tne u mteu ounra ou- vww - "-"r preme Court says that what is common ly spoken of aa license from , the gov ernment is merely a tax by the govern- A'umau's Board of Home Missions, tolCnl." L&.nier 1IY Klrkf-frls look over the new building of the Bre- . TO T, , ard industrial School, and to complete I o nenaer- rrangemenU 'for the:, turning over ol jsonville more than a year ago to "go ota the school to the woman's iJoara. Aathe.hog" has been locatedas, the follow--other meeting was held tiiU morning i ltem8 a rwjent . lion the building for the opening of the Iverness (Fla.) Chronicle will show: ' -school in October, bya faculty supplied. ;W. M. Lanier of Hendersonville, N. by thei Woman's Boardf - Home Mis- c., is now working on The Chronicle for sions. This changejlsin every, way de-1 rfav .Ta. fr. T.nW ta ; -i ruble. It placesrhe school in the ETVni ZT r"u - -,m hands of the womenTof the church, whoM line, and we are glad to,,bavd him wl see that it isrun properly. Thei with us. i i - ' : r V . Woman's Board has, under its control I Col. W. M. Lanier of North- I'amHna . i tnent and not an authority on the" part I eleven other schools besides the Bre-1 ,-er i t.a ts.oow - - wound some ciams mat t wuu uico MI : , . .. i.,.:.! - . - f ; y ui aiw j?er- brother, before he died, to avenge nu death.-- -."I-- ' " - - - .. CherlS Tafl la still la a critical con dition Iron Lis wounds. . - ' v government has no control of -the In- and struck Wbltaker with it. He die ternal trade ot tne atate, ana can ouiy AmttAi arikfnir kiffl ffldm thaji I utK.rtze when under the constitution once, but admitted that he might hav ft has control; as to interstate -com done so. - - I merce. started by Mr.: and .Mrs, Fitch Taylor I says he has had about-10,000 bills pre- eignt years ago ana uh orc ru uiw genieu to mm m tne last few days all upwards oI10,000.-ETnlnjWw. pound Interest. ; . . sauon irpm - Cardinal

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