,1 i i f ; I '5 t .1 : 4 'THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. WFFICIAV JOURNAL OF POLK COUNTY. w. c. cobooban, John Cabskoix, Editors and Publishers. Due year.. ...... .... ............. .$1.00 6ix months... ... ............ ...... .50 Three months ... . .25 THURSDAY, JULY 2$, 1903. It is evident that some property in Polk County is not taxed as much as it ought to be. Poor management of property by its owners should not be taken into consideration when it cornea to taxation. The Equalization Board which met here recently for the purpose of adjusting the taxes equally in the different townships, has been the object of much severe criticism. It is said that in some instances laud is listed at much less per acre tuan adjoining lands of the same value that are held by different people. If this is true, then the Board of Equalization has been guilty of injustice toward some citizens and the errors ought ! to be rectified. before the tax "collector makes! his appearance. On the other hand, if it be untrue, then the Board of .. Equalization has been unjustly criticized and those who think they have been taxed un justly ought to come forth and prove it or cease their grumbling. POLK'S PROHIBITION LA W. An Act to Prohibit the Manufacture and Sale of SpirituouIiquors in Polk County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Sectios 1. That it shall be un lawful for any person or persons, rm or corporation to manufacture sell or otherwise dispose of for gain any spirituous, vinous, or malt - liquors or intoxicating bitters with ? in .the county of Polk: Provided, this act shall not be construed to forbid the sale of such-spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors ;by a -druggist for sickness upon the written prescription of a regular practicing physician liaving such sick person uuder his charge : Provided further, that this act shall not apply to the manufacture of cider or wine - out of fruit or berries raised on the land of the person, so manufacture ing, and it shal-npt prohibit the sale of wine in packages containing not less than one gallon when said wine is made .from fruit grown on the land of the manufacturer. Sec. That the place of de li veiy of any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters within the county of Polk shall be so construed as to mean the place of sale and that any station or other place within the aforesaid county of Polk to which any person firm or corporation shall sip or convey any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, or other intoxicating bitters, for the purpose of deliver ing or carrying the same to the purchaser shall .be construed to be the place of sale : Provided, this section shall not be construed to prevent the delivery of any spirit ..uous, vinous, or malt liquors to a druggiet in a sufiiicient quantity for medical purposes only. ' Sec 3. That no druggist shall sell more than one pint of spirit uous liquor to any one person at any one time, and then only upon the written prescription of a reg- ular practicing physician, and it f shall be the duty of any druggist filling a prescription to file the same and furnish to the prosecut ing solicitor a list showing the number of the prescriptions filled. the date thereof, with the amount and the name of the person to whom it was sold and the name of the physician giving said prescrip tion, and under no circumstances shall the prescription be filled the second time. No druggist or clerk thereof shall fill a prescription un less ne is satisfied tnat tne same ' has been given in good faith and that the liquor is to be used for medical purposes. Sec. 4. Every physician giving prescriptions under this act shall keep a true record of the same and file a list of the ' same with the prosecuting solicitor of said county, giving the name of . the party to whom given, together with the amount and to what drug store directed, if any ; and any physician yrho shall make any prescription for tho purpose of aiding or abett ing any person or persons who are not bona fide under his charge to purchase any intoxicating liquors I contrary to the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined - or impris oned 1 or both in the discretion of the Court Sec. 5. That any person, firm. or corporation violating. the pro visions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be im prisoned in the county jail or peni tentiary not exceeding two years, or fined not exceeding five bundx&d nojmr. or uoiu in me tnacreiwi oi the Court. , Sbc. 6. That all lawsand clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. 3ec. 7. That this act shall be in , force from nd after July first, A. D. 1903. In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this 4th day of March, A. D. 1903. Adverhmna.'nlwaus has been and always will be a 'chief factor in trade. . , Printers Ink. 1U" THE OF NQiRftff CAROLINA. Academic .Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred Jkn'3 eight scholar ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sous of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Student. $6 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works Central Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. r Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Sept. 7 th, 1903. Address, . P. VENABL President, ; CHAPEL HILL, C. Dentist, ; Of SPARTASBLRQ, S. U Will be Located at MIL L SPRING, For one week cojjaioeiieixig MONDAY, AUG. 3rd, 1903. Prepared to make and mend plates, fill teeth with gold, fcihrer and bone fills. A painless and nannies method of extracting teeth. Diseases V Of little children Iron fori Also diseases of the mouth. Careful and painstaking with everyone. Call and yon mil lie Pleased. NOTICE' OF LAND SALE FOR TAXES. By virtue of the Tax List for the year 1902 in my hands for collec tion, I have this day made levies on and will, on Monday the 3rd day b August, 1903, at the urt house door in Columbus, Polk County, N. C, during the legal sale hours, sell to satisfy the state and con taxes and costs due, the folio wii real estate. COOPER QAP TOWNSHIP. E rMcGuinn ; 17 25 26 acree W A Buff W 11 Turner D H Thompson 10 61 3 25 46 TRYON. 10 acres L D Johnson $ 2 00 $ 2 59 3 46 $1516 $7 02 WHITE OAK. J Ii Smith 60 acres W D Thompson 86 . GREENS CREEK. Mrs.Elija Green way 276 acres . SALUDA. Ed. J Campbell 4 1-2 acres W.C.ROBERTSON, Shkjujt and Tax Comjcctob. UNIVERSITY Or.S S.Daniel LOcit PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY The Ballenger Coup ant. Corn, per bushel ' $ .80 Whit.fl hpftns. per bushel. 2.50 Colored " . " ' Mountain Irish Potatoes Sweet " Baldwin apples Corn meal Compond lard, per lb; Kettle rendered, " " Country. butter ; v . Eggs ' "; doz. Mens each ; 2.00 .75 .75 2.00 .85 .11 .15 .20 0' Broilers - " to :20V Clear side meat,; per lb. ,112 In gambling it ; is well to quitpfay ing ichen the game is at its best.' 'In advertisina it is ! best to ao it all 'the stronger when returns prove that it . isn t a game of chance, out a sure means to an end.- Jed Scarboro. Central Industrial i n sti t u te. A -well equipped Scliool for both series. U Primary, 1 Intermediate, , College Preparatory. A temperance community with good moral and social surroundings, Special attention given to students who have been deprived of early educa , tional ad- vantages. Good Literary Societies. A good library and reading . room opeu to all students without ertra charge : : : : Write for information to Rey. Marion Whiteside, Prin. COLUMBUS, N. C. Capital $10,000- Surplus $3 000. ESTABLISHED 1892. The Bank of Rntherfordton, ' NORTH CAROLINA.. Invites ill your hnsineas. Loans on good security. Puym intereKt on time dvpositu. Is the depcfcltory for state funds by order of the sUite treasurer, Bring or Bend us all your business. D. F. MORROW, J. W. DORSEY, I Peesident. Acting Cashier, Notice to Contractors. FOR SALE CHEAP. Ono good Derrick. H. E. Gray. PLYMOUTH ROCKS. A good winter laying strain. Eggs for hatch ing and stock for sale, SCOTCH COLLIE; SHEPHERD PUPPIES, 1 Thoroughbred J stock at moderate terms.. Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL, HARRISONBURG, Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA, FOR SALE! One 110-120 egg Incuba tor and one 100 chick outdoor Brooder, i These machines are in fine con . dition and the latest make of the Prairie State In cubator Co. They are recognized as the best . machines in existence to day. For other informa tion apply to :: :: JOHN C A R N EG I E, COLUiVIBUS. N C "THE LAND OF THE SKY." This is the title of an attractive book let just issued by the Passenger Depart ment of the Southern Railway,- descriptive of Western North Carolina, i The book is beautifully illustrated, and gives prospective tourists an excellent idea of the attractions of this- charming moun tain country. 3 " . "--'-' , s o those , ntemplatin a trip, for either health'-Jor pleasure, during the Spring or .Summer, would he well to apply to a representative '? of the South ern Railway for copy, of this booklet. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, -v E. Wi Grove's signature is on every box. 25 cts. BARKED LUG Now Open For Summer Guests. The.Inn is three thousand -feet above sea levol, nest ling am&xtgihe mopntaine, Ssurrounde&, ,by a. ieveU k serpentine drive twormilee , nfa engthirwithpr4oihtain; Wales five hundred above, which, -in turn,; have winding paths to summits. The : many 'springs which 'flow from these peaks form fhe head waters of f the famous Shunkawalsan Falls. : u (A. fine place to spend the jSu mm er. Hilthy climate, plenty of fruit and good (spring water. For other information call or address Mrs. M. '- JAS. P. MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW. located in Office Formerly' Occu . pied by Geo.X G. Justice, ! Opposite Court House. S 5- COLUMBUS, N, CI TELEPHONES; Office : No. 7. Residence; No. 14. We will send The Polk, County Kews one month fbee to a limited number of people ib the county who are not now subscribers. Only, one person in a family or household may avail themselves of this offer. Bring or send in your name or that of a friend whom you know is not now a subscriber. Bead our 40c offer in another column. NOTICE. " Having duly qialified as Executor of the last will and testament of Franklin Coxe, deceased, we hereby notify all pvrspns hav ing claims against said decedent to exhibit the same properly verified to us-on or be fore July loth, liKM, or this notice will be p-.eaded in bar of their recovery, 'All per sons indebted to said decedent are hereby required 10 mas immeaiute settlement. Tench C. Coxe. Executors, M a by Matilda Coxe, Executrix " v ' of - : the last will and testament of Franklin Coxe, deceased. Davidson, Bourne A Counsel, This July 9th, 1903. A Better Investment than an Ad in The News cannot be made; by any merchant. It goes into all parts of Polk County, The rates are low aud the' returns are good. Try it. Picture' Framing, , Have just received a large assort ment of picture moulding and am prepared to frame, your pictures at reasonable rates. ; L. H. CLOLD, columbus, :. ' . N.- C CLUBBING We have made ftrrn.nwmATta whereby we can offer the following The' Atlanta Con ati t.n HnV. nrv. ' Southern weekly) and Thb News . . . $1.50 The Sunny South and The News. ....$1.50 : The Polk County News, Columbus, N, C. Envelopes t and writing paver for sale at .The News office, k-. RATES A BIN rj v-;. Jr.-, tffcv "r-;c vj -r: . .r . V.- ; ivyvc . ?fes:yfi k. Mrtt- un i t.t WAY; Vo LOU'wABINtuN IN SPRING iWOUNTAlN PARK. STEVENSON, Columbus, A. 6. I YES, WE HAVE IT. Screen Wiie, jFly Traps,. Ice Cream Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jais, Hammocks, Summer Lap Itohes. : : . . GOOD FOI? Our beautiful pearl handle Knives, complete line of Agate wore, Buggies and Wagons, for casb or installments. Don't' neglect your house if it needs painting. We can supply JOur neds in this line at as "low prices as the market will afford. Wg are local agents for the Deering farm machinery which has" no superior. In fact for anything in Hardware let us quote you prices whether we sell you anything or not Phone No. 9. nr Woh Supply Co. TR ICON : JV". C. Fipt National Bank of "Spartanburg Gross Assets, - . - - : : ; $648,127 -. Individual Dtrosrrs, - - $336,198 " I Bank Deposits, - - 33,542 - ; . Total Deposits, r - ' - - 1 369,740 ,i I - ' Cash on Hand and Reserve Agents . - 118,706 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK and its savings depart- rf rS J 1 S S r f ment. the FIDELITY Lcan anp Trust UCMPANY, havi T1 ()() llW today assets amounting to . . . . . . . IJ )0 J JJV AS STRONG AS THE GRANITE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE ARE BUILT. W. E. BUIiNTT. Prksidkxt. i J. W. SIMPSON, "CA8HIKR. I will close my jewelry shop v ' SATURDAY, All parties who have work now in shop or desire work done will please call before above date. CHAS. B. Mc Goods at the Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Notions, Etc., Etc. T. W. , "Wood's Seeds. Northern Seed Potatoes. , , . . , i. SMITH i COMPANY, TRYON, N. C. " ' New Bargain Store YOITNEED II you are. expecting to purchased an organ do not buy until you consult us. We can sell you a first class organ at a very low price. This is a good chance and it will pay you to investigate it. For other information apply at the office of - - - " THE POLK dOUtPT NEWS COibMBbSj N. (, ' Proprietress A lip Will 1 1 ALL SEASONS: ' JOHN B. CLVEL.ND, Vice-Piiksiuot. A. M. CHRElTZBJSIlG, a5s t Cashikr. JULY 11, 1903. A. C. Mountain Cottages A few cozy cottages for rent, situated ' in Spring " Mountain Park on the top :, -v of the mountain. A de-. ' lighttul place to spend the Summer. - The cottages are located in picturesque spots aud are near "Log Cabin Inn"- and "Ben Cragen." ' ' For other in formation apply to the POLK COUNTY NEWS notice I 4 f. .