THE VHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD "... .... ' l ' - BY -REV. A. R. LOVE, nothing of being a minister f the go to proclaim the whole gospel, will eanse pel, to preach some things I find in a stirring amontr j we iuuc niia rni Konoa AM slumbers saints as well; and be will ... v au-x himself the emtbets of ana necause iney piease ma peupiu nuu uuu6 . - .. i'.nii frt t.h.MA whn do not want to oe uislu. ucu ant ui in ucisuuai luictcsh auu uv i v.ww - r , , . :, .iLi Kov crm nthpr thinm which God's In their sleep 01 aeatn for.h W. nlalniv. because The most uopopular preacner. wno v. kvwwi j ' I I I : . . i Ti f was jeBua uaruii, uuu i . i i ; .i enemies were among vuuc t - i. .....- j my popularity as a preacher. who professed great zeai ior uua uu Tffiod 'sword does not fit mv Ideas, trutb, such men as. tne pDansees (WhnrAfopA T talc a vou to record this I i x a Hhfis and doctors of the Mos &J&lS&JS?&L be brourtt to fit God's word: became alo la, or.D. D's, a, nto tou all the counsel of God.' God's word can never be changed to fit our days. At the Baptist Church On SUII- they are unpleasant, unpopular, and do eyer lived I IlUb SUIL HI lucasi auu TT UUIU AV wvr I v . day Morning, October utn. HoOOO Wortlhi of T5he above to be closed out in Thirty Days, Ladies Oxfords, usual price $2.00, now seliing at $1.60; the 1.75 shoes goinrat . Mens $3.00 shoes reduced to $2.49. Nothing can compare with these values anthw. We have the largest line 01 clare unto you all the counsel Acts 20:26-27. A more beautiful asd pathetic ecene my ideas. If God's word does not fit my creed, we call them In Why was Jesus; so unpopular as a preacher? 1 !. " m. . ' m 1 Simply because! He dared ta DreaK " 1 , -3 t A. A. 1 j 1- a ..oan kan I men mv creea is wrona, ana it must ue was never enaewju upuu mu v4DW.o- . n, ttrtn nf th Pldpi our text i cnaugeu anu uinue tu ui uuu a wuiu, v i "r - the one in which the words of were uttered. Paul was returning from , his third nd last Grre&t missionary iourney. On this iourney he had endeavored to re- Tislt the churches he established on his , nrst ana secona journeys. He had gone through Asia Minor, If ittdania and Achala. or Greece, and God's word can never be changed to fit the views of the great religious leaders ti mn nrnA. as we would call tnem tooay. ne aareu "All scrlDture is srlven by inspiration to launch out ana speaK as one wno auu rirtrt an ia rrmfitahlA fnr dnctpJnft. for I authority, and i not as the scribes and renroof. for correction, for instruction pharisees, whose pbly metnod 01 teacn- i .uv.taAncnaei! oalth Pnnl n Timf- I intr was bv Quoting wnat liaDDi ao-ana I &u a aacuWwsuwi4v'Vw) vvw ww. a 7 v thy. 2nd. Timothy 16. And yet. there are people who will - - M'vi.nM.A.T.M,MiBm.' fcv say. "Freacn tne eospei. ano let otner w a k bj urii - - - - - - - wbb T wtw aw - "I . . . v nf TroAfi- the nlace where he saw things alone. the vision of the man from Macedonia on his second missionary journey. ftfiftchinflr Troas on his return, anoth er strange thlngoccurred. Paul preach ed all night and Eutjchus, a young man whose name means fortunate, went to sleep and fell down to the ground from a third story window. thoutrht he was dead, but Paul went a down and picked him up and declared life was still in htm, and, going back in to the third story, he continued Ills ser mon until the break of day; and when the day had fully dawned, the boat he was to sail upon, started for Caesarea. But Paul walked down the coast to Assos. a few miles away and the boat came to land and took him on. For some reason they sailed by Ephe- Oroc ernes Q II Uww Hardware oes Dry North of Spartanburg. We want your trade and we will treat you right. Ccme and best equipped store in the county. see the Tlhe Tryomi Lynn, So" said. Just as many preachers In our. day and time, who have no mind or oplnon of their own, preaeh, what some other Tn thfi " first Tilace. DeoDle who talk Dreacher, or doctoil of divinity says and , ' ' I - . : . - , . 1 a'.. i 1 that way do not know what the gospel thinks, and not f wnat liod's wora Scripture as "unsouna aocinue, uu fc ThA crosnel means 'i?ood news." I teaches them by their own hard nonest every new revision 01 tne ocnpmre irld tMWa." word of (iod . Hence stud v of lU ! as a "dangerous Bible." v-n-j I - i 1 I V m the gospel means "God's word ' or (Jnrist's teaenmg was airecuj in op- nen in ioeo, me reviseu ciiuu i "rood news from God." and the whole position to the generally accepted views the Bible came oat, (just eighteen years Rihle is the word of God. Hence everv In His day and time. Ufird) one old orotner mrcw up ' - - v 1 - , r - 1 1 M - . .... . m- W W ? : . Everybody J thing in the Bible is the gospel, mere is asmuch gospel in the Old Testament as there is in the New. And the roan who preaches the whole gospel preach- j "the dlevll. es everything he finds In the word of "Why hear ye Hi God from "In the beginning God" and hath a devil ... ed?" That is what the Jesus Christ because Ho dared to nre9S views different from what people had always North Moisery V0bi people said about ex the a been taujrnt, and different from wba 8us. where Paul had spent about three years on his second journey, but landed at Miletus, thirty-six miles south of c m Ephesus. - At that time Miletus was on the coast but now ft is ten miles inland, by the the big preachers Gen. 1:1, to 'The grace 6f our Lord Jesus be with the saints. Amen." Rev. 22:21. Or in other words, f rom the first word in Genesis to the last in Revela tlon. Yet, there are people who will say "Preach the gospel but keep back part I In that day and time preached; and d If of it. Declare the counsel of God but ferent from what the greatest and do not declare all of the counsel of only church in; that day and time be- 1 i : . " God." lieved. 1 -Thls la a rebellious people," says And because He Isaiah, "which sy to the seers, 'see ing the truth in opposition to what the cnange in me coafc-nnc. xt u uun uu" u u ftouuviai f.vrfuwj jrwun auu-. uio uuu uiw small town called Melos. Here the ship unto us right tnings. bpeat unto us lieved, He was arrested, scourged, spat remained several days perhaps loading I smooth things. Prophesy deceits.' 'jupon, mocked,; crowned with thorns, oi unloadiner. or both: and Paul sent 1 Isaiah 3:9-10. nailed to the crossi and a spear driven As a rule, people do not want to be through His heartl told what God's word says. His worn That was the price i Christ paid for is often harsh and rough, and the peo- daringr to preach tne truth, which the threw up his Because He did hot believe just what hands in horror and said that the the other rabbis believed and taught, authorized verbion was good enough foi He was declared to ber'Beelzebub" or Paul and it was good enougn ior mm. But he did not know that the authorr m, lie isinau icraryi zed, or ivmg James version vi lue.ocrip- or is devil-possess- tures, was not 'made until 1611, and Paul had been dead over fifteen hun- n is persisted In presets pie want to hear pleasant and smooth things. But men do not always want what messengers up to Ephesus, thirty-six . miles away, for the elders in the church to come down to Miletus, that he might see them and talk to them. They came; and no doubt many of the lay members came also. " - There upon the coast of Miletus, Paul they most need. nre&ched asrain to the church of I "I want a cool in er salve for this ris- Snhesus. intr," says the patient to the Dr. "That He began his sermon by saying, ' Ye l "t what you need,." answers the Dr - know from the first day that I came in- "You may want a salve, but you need abu ftrwht manner T hv heen the lance; and the lance, the very thing with you at all seasons, serving . the Lord with all humility of mind, with many tears and temptations (6r trials) and how I kept back nothing that was profitable, unto you, and now behold I go boundn the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things which shall befall me there, save that the holy spirit wit nesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. but none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself and now be hold I know that ye all among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more; wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men, for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves and unto all the flock of God over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church which He has purchased with His own blood." And with a few more such words, re minding them of his own faithfulness, and commending them to God, he closed his sermon and then they all kneeled down on the beach and Paul led them in prayer, and they all wept sore and ' fell on Paul's neck and kissed him, sor rowing most of all, for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. They then accompanied him , unto the ship and he departed. Did a more pathetic or picturesque scene ever take place between pastor and people ? Why did they love him so ? Because he had been faithful to them; because be had declaeed unto them the wnole counsel of God; because he had not kept back anything; because he did this at the cost of tears, trials, persecu tions, and self support by the labor of his own hands, lest any man should ac cuse him of being mercenary. - Surely a man who will be true to God, ' true to his .duty and true to his people at such a tremendous cost, deserves to : beloved. If Paul had declared only a part of tne counsel of God to them, and had kept back other parts, because those parts were not popular or . were un pleasant, then he would have been an unfaithful servant to God, who deliver? ed only a part of his Master's message to His people; and he would have been '. an unfaithful pastor who kept back part of the counsel of God from His pea pie, simply because it was unpleasant or unpopular. . uauxui overy witness in any . vtun : 19 tnat ne win, by the help o uoa, ten the truth, the whole truth, ' nd nothing but the truth. A man may tell the truth and y et be . an untruthful witness tecause he does - not tell the whole truth. half truth is a whole falsehood. I o right aa an honest man, to say biggest preachers andUhe only church great majority of of uts day and: time did not tielleve. oe oiamea ior it. nor endorse. But Judaism andj the traditions of the elders died when Jesus died, and the Pharisees and scribes lost their influ eoce forevermore. iprtce ior tne same dred years, but, "where Ignorance bliss, us folly to be wise?" . jv Some inen who think themselves wiser than their fellows, are unwilling to have their old views disturbed and behind this class stands In solid phalanx the unthinking orthodox, whose posi tion may be expressed In the well known saying, "I believe in it because it in impossible." , ! Such is the faith of the man who be lieves that a mortal sinner can live for ever. ' With such a mass of people un willingr to be moved, what can the preachers, do? If the ministers do not proclaim the whole counsel of God, the people,' in the instance, are to he preached Messiah, and that that call- Paul paid a like offense. Because Christ was the true He did rise from the dead, he was ed a heretic 1 : t The Jews at Thessaionica who "be- lieved not," moved with envy, (what an awful motive power J took unto them selves certain lewd fellows of the ba?er sort and set all the, city on an uproar. and assaulted the house of Jason, and not finding Patii there,' they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, "crying, -These that have turned the (world up-side-down have come hither also." If Jesus and Paul had preached just From ancient days even until now the people want their own thoughts told out to them, and through fear of offending the people, the twentieth century preacher is muzzled, or as stern old prophet puts it, "They are you do not want is the only thine that will do you any good." "I want a little sooth in? syrup and morphine." says the patient. "it is not sootnins syrup and mor phine that you need,'' replies the Dr "You need a dose of calomel and a bot tle of bitters. You would like to have your sensibilities deadened by morphine but that can never effect a cure." "I want this crushed limb bound up," says the patient. "Nay, says the Dr," it must come off. To grant your wish and bind up the crushed limb, would mean your death; for blood poison would soon spread over the whole system. n "i want tne preacner to preacn me a smooth comforting sermon," says the oeoole had always been taught und h. sinner and the worldly-minded church lieved, they wouldi never have turned dumb dogs that cannot bark." Why? Because they are afraid of j giving of tense. 1 i if the people object to having; their old ideas disturbed, they will obiect still more to pointed preaching on questions of virtue, trutb, morality, honesty and sobriety. The minister says, "If I denounce such and such things I shall offend Some man or woman." But whether it hurts or not, the truth must be proclaimed, if men and women are ever to be sayed from the error of their ways." Hence, terrible is the responsibility that teaches the doctrine of the everlasting' unending conscious suffering of the ungod ly, in a literal lake of fire and brimstone, or in any or other coicious condition, and if the Bible does not teach any such doc trine then why will men and women who profess to love truth, hold to it! Yet there are those who will thiow up their hands in holy (?) horror, at the thought of surren. dering the long cherished idea cf the un ending, conscious agony of the uugtidly in a seething, surging lake of fire and brim stone, which can never be quenched.'' "This dogma has furnished the pulpit hunder for many a pteacher. and he would feeljthat he was ruined for all the time, if he half to give it up. If you take away the doctrine of the everlastiog conscious suffering of the ungodly in a lake of fire and brimstone which can never be quench m a ed, wnat will-, we nave to scare' sinners with and force thrni to accept?" Mr Love is one of the first Baptist preachers in the South to take this posi lion. He lias evidenty not takeu it incon siderately, as treat is alonnds with the very quotations ftom the Scriptures usually cit ed to prove the doctine of eternal punish ment. So far as we can see he has quoted any particle of Scripture bearing on the subject.! Ot course his interpretations of these texts are subject to criticism and to denial, i The object cf this notice, how ever, is to justly state Mr. Love's views. The price of his little book is 25 cents. Biblical; ltecorder. For Sale: At Bellview various ar tiles; Lawn Mower, Chairs, Tables, Garden Tools, etc L. J. BELL. what all the other religious teachers of the minister of the gospel. anu preacners m.itneir aay and time God forgive me."if 1 have sooken were preacning, and just what all the smooth things to you and prophesied deceit. uod ior give me u l nave declared a part of His truth to you and have kept back another part. I see the faults and vices of men and women. Must 1 let tnem fro on to the error are being who dwell in them like ants member.' "Nay, nay, a sermon on the wrath of God, and the vengeance of God, is what, you need, and will do you far more good, than a sugar coated sermon on the love and mercy of God. m 1 ' 1 a. xne man or woman wno says witn a sanctimonious air, to the preacher "Preach the gospel and let every thing eiseaione," would tell nls doctor to throw away all of his bitter medicines and sharp knives, and use bread pills, stump water and salves, only. I he man who says the preacher! ought to preach some things in the Bible and keep, back some others, is either conciously or unconsciously mutr trath. whether it be what W i v.uc , .o lo Dajriu mat ways beard and believed or not." This parts or yod's word are not given by is the cry of every West heart.- And inspiration; ana mat toose are not pro- the Boreans ! uuie, ei.ner ior aoctrme; reprooi; home from every preaching service and correction or Instruction in righteous- tr,coad in,iiHn nur-i .v.- . ...wv.. v. nuiiuuuj auu . v Hill JiUg nil Hence the prechers ought not to preacher and putting their opinions the world up-sidetuown. But they did not preach just; what the other rabbis ' preached, nor;di!d any of the other apostles. Every one of them, we are told, save John; wfs murdered because judgement without giving them warn u ,u.uBr,luluK,nulvu wo ro. God will rftnnlrft t.hli. nann a nti a i-t. maa a. i. i ? -ww-,wr v lieve. When the castles of bombarded, those will rally to their defence around a mole hole. ; "Truth is bitter" says an African i J l provero, ana it is as outer to some Americans as to the Africans. , blood at my hands. I And so, I may not, I dare not, I wll not speak smooth things and withhold the harsh things. I will not prophesy a. w ' deceits, l win not witnnoid any part of God's message to his people, nor to the ungodly, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant; popular or unpopular ness. preach those 'parts. Now, if there is one word in the Bible that is not the word o God; if there is one verse in the Bible that is not Gos pel; and was not given by inspiration and is not profitable, in the christian over against what She has said, they will search the Scriptures diligently to see if what he said is true. Many people expect the preacher to be infallible and think themselves a Utt.l mnro en frt tia mnof wnoa .. n llTO. Ihon fhat. nrnvui r-rn ..on aV....- ! 1 I . . . . ... i . T: will , a "w7' toe infallibility of the infallible preach nas no place or business in the inspired volume of God's word, and I am heart! TW W BufcunK on every sucn wiU they 5eiieye ill when it is declar word, verse. chantr and hnnlr fim Ko I , . .. - 1 7. . . D... ' : ' Tr -.r-. ea onto tnem lromithe pulpit. There are plentyiof people who would "Declare unto u-4,the whole counsel or I whether it be in accord with what the God. Give us the truth and the whole people think or not. r -"To the law and to the testimony'' "What salth the Scriptures?" That should be the end of controver sy with every lover of truth. "Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men, for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God, ' r , God's word has but little weight with such people. The neither read It nor Bible. And yet, the very people who thus stigmatize parts of God's word by say ing tnat tne preacners ought not to preach those parts, would be the very nrst people to raise a howl and a war whoop against the man who would ad iwaio . mo bbriKiag ous oi tne - very words, verses, chapters and books in the Bible, which they themselves declare rather go through life believing a false hood than to surrender some long cherished idea.; ; v,;:;- . - On-the other h.nd, there are some men and men of brains and culture who love trutb for truUVa sake, and in the light of the present day scholarship they know that some of the . old inter pretations of Scripture are false. Not the scriptures falser but what the peo- is false, and thpv J ought not to be preached. ; : And if they ought not to be preached. oo -i . .t..J then they ought not to be read, and if ..rr., 18 ia,se ai they ought not to be either " P"chers shall tell the w ' - j'kvifvuvU read, they ought not to be in the Bible. p coeelstency I thou art a jewel." The man who dares to darl fl1A f n A whole councU of God; who is so bold as people the truth. otners wno cannot rL wo luea oi a cnange in what they nave alwava believed and A brand everv new nt.Apntat.,t. Books Receivedt l Heaven and lldl. By Alonzo f Lobt. Love, Th. G. "The Bible and Keason versus Ignorauce and Error," is the author's sub-tiile. Mr. Love Li pastor of the Baptist Church at lleudersonville, N. C, and his degree is from the Buuthern Baptist Theological Sem mary. in ims niue dook he takes the po sition against Eternal Punishment His position is that the unsaved are punished; out not punisnea witn a view to Makin tbem any better. They are finally at the General Judgment destroyed utterly, In his vie w Hades is the in termed! ate; state between the grave and Judgement, i This la the place in which the wickd ar to guf . f er for their sins. . -( The author denies emphatically the im mortality of the wicked. Immortality says he, depends upon faith in Jesus. There is not one single reference, nor oe clear intimation, in the Bible that the' soul of any man or woman in its natural, or ialleu sta'e, is immortal" u The following naramnha cvo-ooa every new interpretation of Scriptures iu vain to find. one single verse fare I 1 ll" M t 1 J Tf T f . . v,, . oi. rpin i Colorado Sprs. or Pueblo, Colo' - ct llt10a3. i Rates, one first cM farp 'i. 50 cents for the round trip. 1 VIONM A A . Horse Snow, Oct- 13-17. i03 rU: .m sale Oct. 12 to 15th. 1903 win, ' lIIUll vrc. xv,ivv.i. naie, Vi e first class plus 5Jc nts admission free. SAN FUANCISCO CAL. Account. American Bankers Assn, Oct. 20-23 1903 Tickets on sale Qct. 7 to I6ih incluivP' n v x . o . nan . . i iuai iiuia nut oif iWii,,. jQf it.te8 ply to Ticket Agents. DETROIT, MICH: Account Chritiac Convention, etc. Oct. 16-22, 1903. Tick ets on sale Oct. H-15-16-17 with final limit Oct. 23rd. Elate, one first class farT plus $1.00. For further Information, relative to the the above reduceii rates, apply to any ticket agent, or address, J. H. Wood MucTiiic, ii. v. uismct l aSftSenger agent. ap. . " .... Uv r?m , " ' Special Rates. TO. THE NORTHWEST AND CARO LINA. Very low rates for " colonists to Washington, Orgeon, California, New Mexico. Rates quoted on aplication. WILMINGTON, N. (X Account meet ing iNortij; Carolina Presliyterian Synod, Nov. 3. Tickets on sale Nov. 2-3-4, with final Nov. I3th. For rates apily to Tick te Agents. GREENSBORO, N. C. Account North Carolina Annual Conference, M. E. church, Oct. 14-19, 1903. Tickets on sale Oct. 12- 13th, wi'th final limit Oct. 20th. Eor rates, apply to Ticket Agents. j For Sale. Thirteen acres of land on the Soartaa burg & Asbeyille R. R., near Bllgirt P.O., known as The Stockade Plac Johnson and others. Apply to V. G Gullick, Eendorsonville. VISION TESTING Dorkt Risk Your Eyes. , i -' Never select glasses for yourself and never purchase glasses from a peddling spectacle seller. It's a thousand to one that you'll . select the wrong 'glasses. Anyhow such spectacles always have poor lenses and wearing them will in jure, your eyes. Our instruments for eye examinations are so accurate that a mitsake is almost impossible. And w have the lense ground to suit you. W. H. Hawkins & Son, Jewe ers arid Opticians. Hendersonville, N. C. 1 i Hta-rvds Ws.inited ( ; r MILLS . 'V BY - EXCELSIOR KNITTING Of Union. S. C. FIFTY families or about TWO HUNDRED Toppers, Knitters, Loopers and Finishers, ages from i i to 35, to make good wages at any and all of the work offered by us, all of which is nice and easy, and the prices we pay are much high- er than paid: by any other hosiery mill in the South, We ha e young men and young ladies who make from $25 to $35 each per month: We also want FIVE HUNDRED good Cedar Posts. APPLY TO J, H t QAULTf Treas. & flgr. 9 The LAND OF THE SKY" "SAPPHIRE COUNTY" VE8TEN NQRTH 5 ALL-YEAR-ROUND RESORTS LAKE TOXAWAY-Fifteea Miles Shore Linft-Eqnal to the Lakes of Europe. A3HEVILLE, HOT 3PRJNGS, HENDErtSONVILLE. WAYNESVILLE. 8 BE YARD. QUAKES TOXAWAY, FAIRFIEtP AMP APpHIRE. EIXQArfT TOVHtST QTiRI3, V Scensrj Dnparallelel fliiiiest Monitalis East oi Wig? Climate SuDerU ii Sew sr mutu " j SOUTH ERN RAILWAY - WILL OARRY YOU THBRE IN THROUGH TRAIN. ASK ANY TICKET AQSNT PORFOLOER S. H. HARD WICK QEN'L PA3 Afi'T. - AND DESCRIPTIVE MATTER. WASHINGTON. D. -A

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