- V 4 - -1 i- i if i, 5 1 1 ' 5- - I a 1 - - I i i- -t id -ft THE POLK COONTY NEWS. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF POLK COUNTY, 7t r ! Y. C. Corcoran, Editors aDd .J Jchn Carnegie, j ; Pnbhshers. t)u year. , . . "T. . . i$1.00 - Six moh t)Xxs 50 ..Tlire" mohtifa . .". . . . ... . .'. . ; . .25 A " - THIfibTl)AY, NOVEMBEK, 12, 1903. . - nr.. . . . A Q00D NEWSPAPER. - A newspaper is like 8, man be gpuerally it reflects some 4man and it should be judged as , j . mail 'should be judged; largely " t and 'oh the whole. No man lives a perfect life ; no editor prints a perfect paper. If an editor is honest he is bound to offend'some one every day of l)is life; if he doesn't offend some one, the editor is nainbypamby and flamby. The same thing is true of the average iban. A newspaper is bound to uiake mistakes, in getting news it must necessarily take hear say. ' But in the long run and in tne main day alter dav and vear after t year a paper stands for decency, :tr the honest thinking and clean living, of it speaks fair for those - who are trying to do good and coii- - demns sneaks and cheats and low jiersons, that is a good paper. The Freepbrt. 111., Home .Journal. TRY0N. - Mrs. D. H. "Williams is visitin relatives in Hot Springs, N4 C. H. T. Conant and laraily are oc ; cupyiug Mis. D. H. Williams' house ou Melrose avenue. ' j j "William Durham and wife have - moved from the Gaines' cottage on i t the Lynn road to the J. K. Uutler house. : . j E. M. C. Hoach has removed his J V-. shoe-making establishment to the .' stand in the post office building -v j fori ut-rly - occupied i by the Tryon ' Fruit Store, -v 7 Miss -Nora Gorman of Catons ville, Aid., who is engaged to Dr. Edgar Balrenger, is a guest at the home of Hon. T. T. Balleuger in the PacoJet Valley. - Harry Montgomery of Frankfort, Ky! who came here with his wife and his . mother about two mouths ago for the benefit of his health, died in the Faine cottage Monday. - The remains were shipped to Ken tucky tor interment - F. E. Hellen, proprietor of Oak , Hall hotel, returned recently from an extended trip North. While en .route he stopped at Washington and had a long talk with ; S. H. - Hard wick, Gen. Passenger Agent -of the Southern Bail way, regard- ' ing Tryon as a winter resort and " requested him to place Tryoq in the Southern Railway "Ideal W'in- ter Besorts" advertisement that is now running in the papers of this section, -which was done. He in- - tlorms us that the Hotel will be re- opened within two or three weeks. Mr. Claud W. Ballenger and . Miss Lucinda Collins' .Thomas were married at the home of the bride s parents, Mr.4 and Mrs. Walter S. Thomas in Troy, Q., Tuesday even ing, No v. '3rd at 7 oclock. About forty near relatives "of the bride and groom were present. A recep , fion was gfven the bride and groom after the ceremony, about two hun dred being present. The young Vjcouple were the recipients of many - , . beautiful and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Ballenger arrived from Ohio Sunday evening and will make Tryon their home. At present they are the guests of Hon. T. T Bailen A irer. Jater they will occunv the Bal- 'l . lenger house known as "Sunshiny . '. . . ' - . ... w 1 - j; 1 - juouage. f,s; . Affreight wreck occurred f Wed 1 i . I esday.night, November 4th a mile ! bejo fire near the Vaughn's creek : 2 . trestle A broken flange is said to i f ) have been the cause for the wreck ; ) I ' The engine and several coal cars i' plunged down the, embankment, r ! 11 a n , nxoiieaover. ana ana lanaea bottom iiipwaicl The engineer, fireman and a brakeman went down with the wreck, but marvelous to relate, were not killed, though all were in- . lured, the brakeman the most sen - .oiisly. A track was laid down the 1 embankment for the - purpose of "raising the derailed engine and cars. The wreck occurred on the 1 -j sharp curve just before reaching the trestle, which is a wooden structure ninety feet high. " Envelope" and wrHing paper for r.&U at The Hews office. VERY LOWRAIES " TO " MANY POINTS BEACHED VIA. TEE ' SOUTHERN Hih Point, N. C Account Western N. C. Conference "M. E. Clmrch South, Novy 11, 19l3, Tickets on sale Nov. ), 10, 11. Final limit Nov. 20, , Raleigh, N'.'C Account korth Carolina Industrial Fair (Colored) Oct. 2730. Tick ets on sale Oct. 20, 27 , 29 witb finul limit Nov. 1st. One fare plus 25c admis sion for the round trip. "Wilmington, N. C. Recount meeting of North Carolina Presbyterian Synod, Nov. IV Tickets on sale Nov. 2, 3, 4 with final Ihnit Nov. 13, 1903. Columbia, S. C Account State Agricul tural and Mechanical Fair, Oct. 20-30. Tickets on hale Oct. 24-2'J inclusive s'.th final limit Nov. 2, 1103. Kate: One ffe pins 25c, plus 50c admission to the grounds. For rates 'hud further information call on nearest ticket agent or address J. H. Wood, District. Passenger Agent. Ashevillr N. C. THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH BEACHED VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Sonthern Railway announces (he j&le of round-trip Winter Excursion tick ets to all the principal resorts of the South beginning Octcjher 15, Ii)(i3. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and "Florida are espec ially inviting td those in search of health or pleasure. In these States are such noted resorts as Pinehurst, N. (., Camden, Aiken, Summerville, Charleston, S3 C, Augusta, Savannah, Brunswick; Jekyl Is land and 7'homasville, Ga., Jucksouhle, gt. AugnstUie, Orinond, Daytona, I'ahn lieach, liockldge, Miami and Tampa, Fla., also the resorts of Nassau and Cuba, best reached via the Southern Kailway. Tickets on sale up to and including Vlpfil 30, 1904, 'limited to return until liav 31, 1904. Southern i?ailwav affords eleyant train service, with the largest Pullman Drawing llooni SleejungCars, opeiated through be tween princiial cities nJ resorts, eh gant Dining Car service, and eve) y thing 'for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Jgent for i'nrther in formation and descriptive literature. ' ' I Four" Best Route to jf California Colorado Texas Via St. Louis m r' WARgCN J. LY1CH, W. P.OtPPE. Gen l Puss. & Tki. igu luGeu l P 4T. A. Cincinnati, :o e umntner, e My Cotton Gin and Grist Mill are now in operation. Gin for the 20th. Ban--ging and -: ties included. ' Prompt attention. :' S JOE B. PAGE, LANDRbM, N. C. Please read jtbe following law carefully : 1 j-' . Sec. 80v All persons having taxes ehargqtl against the.nlmd unpaid, the tax collector s'liall:. seize aud"sell property for the sauie Taftetr JNoveinber 1st, 1903. I will be at the places named below for the pur ollecfing Taxe All persons who fail to meet visited "immediately by myself or .a carrying out the law. All . persons piwmpnj uuu pav tueir taxes J. M. Putnam, Tuesday Nov. 17th, 1903. ' - Melvin Hill, Wednesday Nov. 18th. 1903. V. John McFarland, nr-11 e m MilI8;& oixm opxiufej, j uesuay no. ZAtn, lUUii. - : Pearidge, Wednesday Nov 25th. , 1903. T , :Pkk Williams, Thursday Nov Lynch Whiteside's, Friday Nov. 27th, 1903 - 1 Lynn, Company Store, - ryon, Mayors' Office, Wednesday Dec.'2nd,. 1903. W. C.-I?OBERTSnr .Qitm Columbus, N.- C., Novcmfe 2nd, j LOCAL J PRODUCE MARKET. I CORRECTlU WEEKLtf BY V j - The "Ballanger Company. el $ .80 .White beans, -pet IrusueJ, 2.50 2.00 Colored ". i .6 it lountain Ii ieb Sweet Baldwin apples t otatoes , 75 .50 1.00 .& . . - .11 .12 1-2 .20 . 1 .2i) .30 'Corn meal Couipond lard, pnr lb: Kettle reuiiere Cou ii try' butter EtfS "-.doz. Hens Broilers. neh 15 to .20 Clear side rneat,f p-r lb. ,12 1-2 In qambUn'q it is weli to quit play ing when I he gartfc in at its led. In advertising i bed to go it all the stronger uhen velum prove that it ixiit a game (A chanee, hut a sure means to annl -f-Jed Searboro. , Central Industrial n s i i i u t e . A well eqiiippet sexes. School for both Primary, Intermediate, College Preparatory. A temperance community with ,'ood moi a!.lind sdcial 'surn'Jundings. Special attention given to studenltb ivho have been deprived 'of eailv educa- tiona) ad i vantages. Good Literary Societies. A good library and reading room open toj all students without ertraicharkre : I : Write for information to Rev. Marion Wihiteside, Prin. COLUMBIJS, N. c. Capital $10. 000- Surplus $3,000- ESTABLISHED 189$. The Bank of Rutherfordtcn NORTH CAjHOLINAl Invites all your bujmiesa. j Loans on pcn stcmitr. j Pays; ' interest on timd deiRjsits. Ik tlie rtepctitory for state- funds by order of the state trt usurer, Bring or send us all your business. f D, i .AIOHHOW, J. W. DORSEY, Pkesident. Acting Cashier BARRED PLYMCUJTII ROCKS. i. A good wintjer laying strain. Eggs ; for hatch ing and stock for 'sale. SCOTCH COLLIE SHEPHERD x PUPPIES. ; Thoroughbred j stock: at ' moderate trmsl Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL. HAlUUSOXliUUG, Rural Route :,C. VIRGINIA. TO CURE A COLT) IN ONE DAY Take Laxative JJ,rorao All druggists refund th4 luoney if it fails 10 cure. jij. . Groves signature is on every box. 2o cts. j 9 lose of me and settle their Ltps will ' v. rigid deputy for tile purpose of owiusr taxes are reouestett to moot aim save cost ana trouble. At : Thuj-sday Nov. 19th! 1903. Cox Store, Friday Nov. 20th, 1903. 26th, 1903 Tuesday Dec. 1st 1 903! -1903. '1 ' r - - s -for 1903. Now . Opens, Bot: Th Inn is three thotisand feet ahove s:' level,' nest ling among the mountains -surrounded by a - level serpentine drive two n:il in length, with mountain peaks five hundred feet above, which, in turn, 'have winding paths to summits. The many, springs which flow from' thesepeaks form he head waters of the famous Shunkaw'Hknn Falls. . : : A fine place to spend the - Wiutfr. lje.-dth' climate, plenty of fruit and good spring water. For otlit r in format ion call ojad dress Mrs. M. E. JAS. P MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Located in Olliee FormerU'.' Occu pied by Geo. G. Justice, Opposite Court House. COLUMBUS, N. C TELPHOMSL : No. 7. Residence Office No. 14. A GOOD 'MOUSE of six rooms and one-!:alf acre ; j lot in town of Columbus for sule. For particulars apply to . . . L. H. CLOLD, COLUMBUS, N. C. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Anyone !n1lnfj n n'-tot rh nn j description may qtiickly ,ncori:!in O'lfvpi'i'-oji free whether p.n Invention is pmbaMy potcntnhle, Commnnic tlonimtrictlyconiideJitKL HANDBOOK on I'atent Bout free. t!lest ntrency' for eecurinp partita. Pateutj taken tlirouch Munn A Co. receive tpccinl notice, wit hout charge, lathe v Scientific- Hit rlcan. A handsomely tllnstrated wecklr. I,nrcest. clr tnltion of any Brtenttflc journal. Terms, f 3 a year ; f onr months, (L Sold by all newsdealers. -MUNN & Co.36,BroadwNew York Branch OtBce. 625 F SU Waahlnjcton. D. C. NOTICE OF I3ANK11UPT SALE. virtue of the power vested in me as trustee of the estate of Ii. L. Garren, bankrupt, I will, on Thursday the llOth day" Of December, .li)03, at the court houee door in Columbus, N , C, at 12 o'clock nooili sell to the h ghest bidder, -for cash, the following described laml, viz: - .One town lot in the town of Salnda. N. Gi, oh Henderson street, adjoining lands of Hrs. B. E. Tiner, T. F. Thorne and others.! and contains 111 feet front by 210 feet deep. Also on Friday tl:e llth day of December, lyU3, I will sell a lot of various boolTac counts to the highest bidder for cashj at Saluda, N. C. at eleven o'clock a. m. , . The object of sid sale is to make assets ror the creditors of the said K..'L. Garren, bankrupt. P. S. Ramsey, Saluda N, C, Nov. 9, 1903. Trustee. A : 7,4 Investment than an Ad in The News cannot be made by' any . merchant. It goes-iiuto - allparts of Polk County, 'i - - The ' rates are low, aud , the returns are good. ' Try it. :: :: :: :: :: Cottages a. A few cozy cottages for rent, sjiuated in Spriwg Mountain, Park on the top of the . mountain. " A ''de lightful place to spend the Summer. The cottages are located in picturesque spots and are near Log Cabin; Tnn " and " Ben Cragen." For other in-' formation apply to the i polk .county NEsi sjS TRDB Marks: v Designs 1 V Copyrights Ac. Mountain . , 1 T' "- a,-. t" k x ' u" " . r ; mm'" ' ' 1 - " WE ARE ON THE WAY IN SPRING MOUNTAIN PARK. SWEDEN SON, Columbus, JV. 6. YES, m Screeii Wii p, Fly Trap?, Ice Hammocli! Summer GOOD FOR Onr bjeaiitiful pearl, handle Muve, Buggies and AYagoi;s 3H tf glect your house if it need's Dtpds :iu ibis line at as low We ai4 local' ajeut8fof'th Deering farm machinery which lias no snperior." Iii fact for any tLin in Hardware let us quote .-yau.pifccs whether we sell you anything or not. Phone No. 9. st National Bank of . u ross assets, -' . :;, Individual Deposits. 13ank Dsiosits. . -Total Deposits, ' - ' CAsn on Hand and Reserve "Agekts, The FIRST NATiONAL, BANK and Us savings depart-. ment, mc riotLiiy lcan aud iRusr ucMPANY, ha today assets amounting to . , AS STRONG AS tHE GRANITE FOUNDAlicfJ UPON WHICH WE AF.E BUILT. V. EY. I3UIttfETT, - VuKSinxsT. ; J. W SLMl'hON, Cashikr. Are-flowj reacly for ginning Cotton. Ginning 75: Ws per bale. Bagging I and Ties; 40 cents" per baler We pay ; railroad prices for cotton and seed. 'Manufacturers of Flour Wheat. 1.00 , per bifshei; Paper- 'Mar;gcj R A Color Cards and .Sampet of Waf Paper Upon Application. . Estimates on WoricCheerfuUy Furnished. s. i u u a a : - .1. want to communicate with, parties ' in Polk county who ,J have lands or farms for" sale ' ITiave"commumc4tions from . outside parties wanting to buy farms and timber iand in this cfrunty andmay be able to find a buyer If or you 1. ;': : , , , Call on me , or write.-, the description of your farm ! and I ' will try to find a purchaser : : VT. ' . - . : JAMES PlMQRRIS TO LOG CABIN INN Proprietress, HAVE IT. Crnirf Freezers, .Mason's Fuiit Lap Iioliei ALL' SE SONS: Knives, cot h pi etc line of Agfite for cash or iiibtallmciits. Dun t WTe cnii suinlv vour painting. prices as the! market will afford. Spartanburg :.S643,127v $336,123 - 33,542 ; : i 369,740 - llb.7C6 j m94,3O0.0Q . . MJ0H II. jCLEVELAND, Vick-Pkksiuknt. A. M. CIIHElTZiJliiKi, Ass t .Cashiku. and Lumber. Seed " - . ' ff4 Mm GEO. A. BRANSCOM, Pres., Melvin Hill", N. C, WLEONARD, - ad Heiise Deeepaief, fin,,,,: N vour C. - v. t. : .-

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