. . . - , - . i,'-!,U:-t;--.v W-y: " - , -r." - , fc - GO I) Nil yvoM all Parts of ol NTy Briefly Told. thk. (ULUM T 'K 'Shipnmn spni. the p ast .j,,.,' the 'Uusbueli cottage on. jLk street. Hon- J- ! M1Tis au1 re itlv visite! friends and ieKtives iuKiitlieii-,J county. L. Mc Murray bas resigned his position as clerk in the store of the Trvon" Hosiery Go. , -. Lee Morris of Rutherford county hvnthei' of Hon. J. ?. Morris, is attemhng school at the Institute.- , pr. ami Mrs. J. 0. Hughes of Hartfonl, K:m., arrived at the liome oi atid Mrs. Hughes JastFri la evening for au. extended visit. Misses Docia and E-va Hall, late stih'eiits at the Iust'.tute are ai teiiilin .school in their home dis trict during the public, school' term. . K. A. Leonard of Lynn wag" in town vesterday. Mr. Leonard is a professional wall paper hanger and jutt nor ih corator. See his ad elsc" vbeiv in this issue. Anybody with half an eye can pee Floyd Liles ad in this issue. Peal what he has to say and save jijoney. You are cordially invited to isii his establishment, when hi hpaitauburg. , J. V. Newman was kept busy the past week hauling cotton seed hulls and meal from' Campobella, ('., for a uuiuler of our town people. If you need any hauling done, see him. . Att'y J. P. Morris is in receipt of a uuniher of letters from parties in Cleveland and aoVjaceut couuties waking inquiries for farms and tiuibc-'r lands l. for sale in Polk corinty.- ISee his ad-, in another column. ; They have early breakfast at the Porniitory, but not quite as early as 12:30 a. m. Two of the students: who burn the midnight oil, aroused the other students at the bo3's' q miters one bright night recently, and informed them that the rising bell had rung, Two or three of the boys jumped up, hnstled on thir cl thes and hurried to the Dormitory only to find everything still and dark within.' Thev meekly crept back to bd aniid shouts of laughter from the otlm boys and ni)v they await the appearance of th- tiery ori of day, instead of trusting the veracity of the other boys or the feeling of -emj)tiness within, to waru them of tbe ap piuuciiiug breakfast hour. MILL SPliJSG. Linn "Waldrop is sulTering from a sprained aukie. - A Fruit Agent was in our village lsst week delivering trees. Miss Jessia Sifton- has returned from an extended visit to relatives at Easlev, S. 0. Ben. T. Boone and little Grace Thome, of Saluda, visited parents and grandparents here Sunday. Mis. M. E. Stevenson and' Miss .toary Stevenson, of Lo Cabin Inn, eie quests at the Mile Inn lastf Bum lay. G, o. B. Logan, one of the Col ttmbus students, spent jbu few days ifecentlv with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Boone. flip Mill Spring public school opt'-iied Monday with" twenty-iive scholars enrolled, and more, ex pfcfted. Miss Sitton is teaching at tlie McDohuald schooL " Uev..V. H. Perry, left on the 10th- to attend the annoa. North jWolina Confereiice, which is to '."elield at High Point Mrs. Perry has born successful ia her effort, to j'aise funds to purchase new furni- &ro ful' the parsouage here."" We K.lad to relate "that she is im 1'V)m,i. and we hope to soon have :L'uiu iu our midst. v 1 nt re was quite a large crow"d inj " dance at the Missionary Rally at hethlehem Sunday and the andi was much interested in the 0r,n service, the valedictory delivered by our competent : u,i much loved pastor, Rev. V. H. lr.v. His discourse" w as touch- Ill ir ... 1 au impressive The day was "ts" jS oaikiu auu . -M'auce lectures. 'Mrs. W. A. U0D Presided at the organ. , e speakers were Messrs'. Jno. D. Renter, R K. Finger, aud Kev. -rt Powell. We extend thanks friend Baptist and Presbyterian and for taeir assistance W atteudance. The day was - u unity and love. 'miUii' Tirvrirrxr 'rr.r ,- f - : Ay:r -'-y-- : e 1 -' ' . '. 1 i - ' . ii. i i , MELVIN HtLL Miss Ella Gilbert is visiting her aunt at Iaiuan, S. C., this week. , Mr.and.AIts. V. R Cole went to h mHrvillp s; c tu' 3- ouHness trip. . M'sses Martha and Amanda Tones, of Brooklyn, S. C, were guests of -Mrn. Geo A.; Bi xnscom -SiiLday. - James Monis, formerly the wagouer for the Mfdviu Hill M'f'g and' (Supply Co., has moved away and a Mr. Green way ha'3 taken his place. - Samuel Gilbert and his two brothers had spleudid successj uuntmg. bnturday . They killed seven teeu; rabbits, three partridges and a squirrel. ;; : The young people gathered at the school house' Sunday evening and engaged in a . song service, tie v. S. P. Jones, of Brooklyn, S. C, was "present and offered a very beautiful, and teeliug prayer at the close of the service. He stated that he is goiug to California with in" a fewr days. . Some of the children here were very much amused Monday at see ing a doz driving a wagon to null. He was sitting in the wagon hold iug the reins in 'his mout!i 'and seemed to knowvhis business quite well. One of the boys called out: "Raise , your hats to that gentle man in the wagon." v- . NOTICE. C. C. Constant en tew six (fi) acres of land ia Colambn and Tryan townships oa wateip of Pacolet, adjoining Lmds of H. N. Keller and others. Enteted on the 9tlj day of November, 1903. F. M. IiURGESSi Register of Deeds und Entry Taker. CIIUKCH DIRECTORY. PRESBYTERIAN T. C. boker, Pastor. Preaching every third Sunday, 11 A.M. and at night Sabbath school at 10 A. I , BAPTIST. Rev. Marion Whites! m, of Columbus, l'ator. preaching every; second and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m., and- the Saturday, afterkioon previous. Sunday school every Sunday at 1U A. M. .GREEN RIVER CIRCUIT METHO DIST Li iSC OPAL CHURCH SOUTH. Rev. YV. 11. Perky, rtor, Mills Spring, N. C. THE YOUNG PEOPLES' SO J IETY OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Mr. P. Mokeis, President. It meets every Sunday evening at 7 p. m. at the Institute building. All are c'dially invited to attend. The-Gulf Co 1st Resorts, Mobile, New Orleans, Mexico and California VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 'Winter T mrist tickets no v oa sale to the noted resorts of the ulf Coast i nd lexico aud California. Tickets on sale via Southern A'aiiwav up to and including April .;,xrj)i, limited to .nay ol, I . U-i, for return passage, Elegant iraiu s-rvice. The route of the "Washington and So?ath western Limited" and "Sunset Limned. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed information and descriptive matter. CLUBBING RATES We have made arraugeinents whereby we can offer the following clubbiqg rates: The -Atlanta Constitution, (The great Southern .weekly) and The News ... $1.50 The Sunny South and The News. . , ..$1.50 TnE Polk County News,' Columbus, N. C. ECZEMA, Old Sores, Itching Piles, Skin Diseases, 'ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT4 SALVE, V 23 AND 5d CENTS A BOX. Sddty all Drugjrista. Take no other. Old Family Remedy 25 years. Wood's Seeds. villi yield under favorable condi tions 8 to 10 tons of green io6d per acre, or 1 J to 2 J tons of liay and is worth as a fertilizing crop, 10. to $25. per aere. Full information is contained in our Fall Catalogue just issued, which we will mail free upon request. ; Wood's Fall Catalogue also tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat,'Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. Write for Fall Catalogue and A prices of any Seeds aesireu. T. W. WOOD & SONS, " Seedsmen, f Richmond, Va. ... LIYERY AND FESp . STABLE.! : New Uigj and iGood ' Hiding or Drivihg ; Animals for- it rut. .Good Conveyiancy for , Mountain Paitiei - ; h jl tj x irfe?. 6 Prompt A t te n f on Givn Telephond and L Mail Orders ! : : : ' -. . 1 , ; ''vj - ;r- COLUMBUS, D, F. MORROW . :: J. RUTHERFORD! ONt N. C h VV'iU practice in tbe Court of Rutherford and tiujo Aiiig eouiitiw. - ' : uuu All Dunnp en trust oil to nira vjiJl :ij:lVe prhinpt una enretui tii.-nti.ii. ; ' 0iUc; i e.tr i,i y.nk o-'Ilntherfor.lttiii.. ' NOTICE TO-ltEDlTOBS-. : Having qualified us administrator ith the will ahnexed, of the iast Will smd testament 'of Mury L. jCaj-jith, deciKf-d, this is to notify:, ail persons paving claims Hgainst said estate to present the same for payment on or before the l'jth day of Oet obei, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, j Af persons, in debted to said estate will plfase inake'im mediate payment. Wake en 1. FjisiiEi?, This Oct. 10, 1908. -diniuistrator. I- SALE OF LAND FOIl PARTLiIok North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Polk County lUford the Clerk. Wiu. Green w.iy J. ii. Gieenway J. W. Green way W.G.Green way Ex Parte By ti Louise ! ir Agent Gieenway. liy virtue of a decree o the Superior L'oim of l;ik county in jthoiib. vv eiitidid C Ciiuse, dated Octobt-r k), .it iJ t ),, ar.toiiziug the undeisigaed to neil the laid described ill liir JJUHIUUI 111 JltIH.1 UUi.-iC lor the pui partitioii of pjse of mu&iu'g, aii 'ttp.jtublf siai lands among tlu heirs Thv lvfore in acewrdanc.il wi i wnl seil on Motu.ay, Df. t it)j,j, at the court house duiui l'oik county, N. C, at in-'-! at cuiiuiou. I said decree, uber ihe?ih II .Coin uiiius. " uu.ciy an ii'i taiijls de Uact of land to the higiietst bidder, all - u; j scribed in the i)etiiiun, viz: ij lyiog aui being in the counj.t Polk and s.ate of North Carolina jami bounded as follows: iieginning at a st;ikd on the bank of creek oik John Abiaius 1: he, thence S. 47 W, 'ZiH poles to ..a stalce I thace v' . 2lJ pole!-' to II ;ind.poiutera,J 0 warked W where the. lines .iiitersee$, ' tldenee S 15 E ol poles toli O by the jclry pond, thence N 74 18") p..iW: to u , siuke4 tjac iice S it V 20 poles to a V O, tbnee N 4" E ID pples 10 a U O, th rice S o. E 14 poles to u dead oak, thenc; v.iiu Johns b's 6ld Jin - K 2j E tC poles to a dowtkl on the creek, thence up Jhe creek as it: mtjt ndars to the oeinnin coa.ui-iiijig 1U1 acies n'ie or' less, estimated by a plat N$. J5 when' grnrrted to John vrhiesi(le's. i f iaact io. 2- A tract cuniijuous to tract io. 1, afl;oinrng lau is hi lot u Green -vay. and others, t)onnded as follow: beginning on a chestnut, thence noith $) E. ' J poles to a staiie on wnliaiu Gieitln way's line, thence with Lis ane 3 W 1 poles to a stk, thence N. 7:i W. 11) ph' es to a shike E. 1(5 ioks -61-2 acres on Jackson s uire. tnence! -JS.; to tne beginning, contaihing mire or less, haid ssie jto ll ;le made dur- inp; the leal hours for salt b. . TeriBS of sale strictly cash. j J. P.jMoflitis, x ;Coikiimissiouer This October 2nd 1903. I When 'writing to advertisers pleaxe "mention Tlie News. MORTGAGE SA LE. By virtue of the power . coutained in a certain mortgage executed o 1 the 8th day of Jpril, 1897, hy J. A. McCiiiw aud wife, Elizabeth McCraw, to R, L Hamilton, to secure the indebtedness of $387.50, which mortgage is of record in Polk county in Book 1. Page, 57-'), and dtjfault llaving been made in the payment o : the said in debtedness, we, the undersigned executors of K. Ii. -Hamilton, deceased will on Mon day, Dec. 7, 1903, within the legal hours of saltv oiler for sale to the li ghest bidder for cash, the following described lands, viz: Lying on Allston'si (reek in Polk county, adjoining lands of J. B. Turner, W. M. Justice -t al, and . known as the Carson 1 1 ice and bounded as follows: Be--ginniirg a a "nhite-oa'i on lr-nk of cre-k, thence east, 40 poles to-a state, tnence south 127 poles to a stakej, thejnee west 127 poles to a t-take, thence hoi til 127 poles to a stake, thence east 87 iiok$ -the begin ning, containing 100 acres more or less. T. V. 1VICU-AINT f fc, . tt. ... 1 r Ji" jxecutors. x 5. a. riA.iiiiXON? J. E. Shipniau, Att'y. - . ; Tnis 5th of November, 1903 1 MORTGAGE SALE. Jan. 1 S01 r to S. M . Laughter to secure-an ijage is'dnly recorded in Mortgage Hook Nq. 1, at, rage 326 of the recovjeis f-Deeds for Polk coiiDty and default; having been made in the payment ot tthe same, i win, on Mpndaj', - Dof uilier 7th 40, within the legal hour of sale offer for sale tohe highest bidder, 1-4 cash, balance ; six months time good securityi the property conveyed by said mortgage; and described in said mortgage, reference, .'Jtook 1,'Tage IvimV in Cooper Gap Tosciiship, 1 Vnnntv of Polk, joining lands of Mills' heirs Jessie Green and the Egerton lands, " " " " " fr Si l ' v . . r it . .... 1 certain mortgage executed byj T. F, Mills strong points makes the New Home known as tne traci a uougm 01 uw. vml called the Millsvtract. . . - 'i :, , . " S. M. IiArOHTEB, . , . , Mortgagee. - This Nov. 5th 1903. 4 - BUSh NESS THEY. . 1 . ARB ttUSiixLZiS r if OCALS. Ads Under Tis HeaU rive Cents Per ' CORN or orher produce will be received in paynieut oi suijfc.'jiiptions to T11& jnews. J (JST A U RIVED. A shipment of Kelly's Aves. iRYOis -. Supt X.Y Co. . "OU ought to see our line of pretty pear handle knives. 'iiiioN Scily Co. WANTED. 1Q0 bundles of fodder Apply at The NEys ofhee. - CALICO 4 tents, OUTING 5 cents at O. T. Raynard's .Mill Spring, N. C. . WE have ,the agency for the famous Rock Hill buggies. Trs ion Supply Co. ; STOVES or tinware- for cash or install ments. ; Tryon Si:ppiy Co. DRJERIWETHER'S next appoint ment in Tryon will be lomtay, 11 ov em ber, lUih. ' . '' . V1N'D TO BUY Shacks, Tmy and Wheat Straw. Highest market prioet, paid. P. H. McDo.s.sai), 2Vyou, N. C. WRITING PAPER and Envelopes 101 sale at The News -office. -The quality i good and' die price is small. Don't forget us when you need any. , NOTICE. O. T. Baynard and R. A. Turner entei one hundred (10.)) acres of land oii-lhe watfrs tf Grten River adjoining lands oi -James Wniuside, T.j M. . Ruppe, Jat'-ol-' Jliuppt'ts p.laee una others. Enteied on th, UOtii' day of Oc'i. ii-u3. F. M. Burqess, Register of Deeds and Eatry taker. I The "Lend of the Sky" und r' Sapphire Country." IDEAL WINTER RESORTS- The Southern Haihvy reachei the ideal winter' resivrts of the "Land of the Sky''-, ai d -the fckipphiie Country," inciuding Ameviiie, LotT Springs, Hendersouville, I'reVard, Toxaway and Tryon, i. C. i he 6"inuate of thit. t-eCtion is unpai ailed, suit able for invalid, athlete or sportsman, and offeis every charm, of an ideal Wintef K sort. Elegant toiirist hotels. Through Sleeping Cars troui jaincipal cities. Zyuiist Ticke's now on sale at vety low rates. ;JLsk nearest 2'icket Vlgent tor de tailed iiitormation i-.nd descriptive literature. AslieYille Steam haundry j. A.'MCHOLS, Prop., ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. Laundry' sent Wednesday p. .RsjUrned Saturday a. m. Usual Rates. m. AGENTS IN POLK COUNTY I - THORN E & 1 JO ONE, Saluda. E. E. IMISSILDINE, Tryon. Cents e News TO Jan, 1st, 1904 Gen BUY THE SEWING MACHINE - Do not be deceived by those '"who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing 3Iachyie for 20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from uatn any of our dealejs from $15.00 to $18.00. ., we mak& a Variety. - i- f THE HEW HOmE IS THE BEST. The'Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines... The WfitsMCULARSl showing the dlf- rerent styles or Sewing Machines we manufacture and prices before purchasing THS HEW HOME SSWIM HAGHIMS GO. :' .'r. ' ORANGE, MASS. -', 28 Union So. N. Y., Chicago, I1L, Atlanta, Ga,, St. Louls,Mo.,l)allas,Tex.,San Francisco, Cal ) FOR SALE BY. v " ' : , J j i TJn?rr Wnirps ftftM in fcast 12 IS is - - BUYS?2 m ii b 3 H Y is a E BILL HEAD, LETTER HEAD, NO UJi . HEAD, ' STATEMENT, ENVELOPE, CARD OR CIRCULAR :::::: : . .. - ' fc? Leaves a Good Impression, ?TatvR.s 'anv Sales and,- is an Advertising Medium Tit Brings Good Results- Such pRis:riNa--J Can be Had at : : : : : : : ': - : - ire a a fill At 3 I; easona ble Bates. Receive Prompt Attention. -The Spml- Weekly ffi ! v y I'UBLLSIJED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Fmiiisbes all tbe latest news local and general. . Each, issue, up to the hour of irking to .picss, contains the lateat teJerapta'c news U' my aii- parts of the' wrld, crop conditions ani paces' .f lurui'Vi-aaabts, giv'u." Th , 25C . : j Six Month's, ' Twelve.. Months, Cahh" in dvaice. T Send in ress, THE Ad( .nil. I I .11.1111 IN ALL IT8 BRANCHES. OUTDuOil A AD IBOjjjLt 'WORK A . bPECIALT.iL. . ' r . : VIEWS WOB. S ALE. 1 ALL; KINDS OF AMATEUR WORK i'KOM r T L Y ATTENDE D TO. . m '."':. -" A V DE VEL OPIN G 4 iVjQ PRIV rA'O, C RCFRTRA.XTS EJSJZsA.RGEJb IN OIL, WATER COLOR 1 AbllLL, hEI'IA aN13 CRAYON. . .. . . . . . . . . j . i GALIJeRY OI EN DAILY EXCEPT bUNDAir; , ; mi 1 weekly constitution '! X Circulation Gvsr Uhe &V N NJ S OUTH, Wee Kly Circulation Over Z5homas E. Watson's " . Life of THOMA5 J I Jink TWO Estimates at the CASH ' $10,000 COTTON ly newspaper 4he farmers friend, vthe:womais pompahioh, the children VJ &e S U N N Is the recognized standard Southern Literary ly devoted to Fiction, nousenoia reaaing especially -aaaptea lo.xne nresi r-iiity cents a year. .. LIFE Wind TIMES of THOMAS JEFFERiSON By Hon. Thomas E. JFafJon, written for The Weekly Constitution as th J first volume of Watson's History of the United States, the greatest of an . of Watson's great: Histories. The Life of Jefferson was begun in The Weekly Constitution in July being published weekly and to be completed between now and: Christmas. All subscribers to The Weekly Constitution -at ST. GO. or to both The Weekly Constitution and TheT5uhny South at SI. 25 for the two,' will be sent FREE, upon request made accompanying : : .. subscription, aI complete publication of all the back install meut?, of this great-iiistor , which should be iu every household. You thus ge: two v ' . invaluable weekly periodicals, one news, the other fictloiVand literature- y-''''' aod in addition, a publ ication of all back installments of this gbeat-HIStoeyj -r -Ci-bringing you to the date of your subscription all for the trifle of $f 25. - - f s $10,000.00 PORT Is upon the total' receipts Of cotton at all U. S. Ports from 1 Sept., 1803, to' '7 V 12 January, 1904. both inclusive. It is offered only by ho Constllut Son and ; .. . . . . 11 4 J V- - . . 0 . not in connection wun any newspaper Byuuiuaws, uu ucuuo is iimnei wo xno Constitution's Cir'cuZalion. v ' v:. . The prizes! are $3,00000 for the exact or nearest to exact figures, v, . S1f53C,OO.Jox the next best, $500.00 for the next, $200:00 for next, and 5 , $1 25.00 for the nex: best estimate, for five next nearest S500Q eaoh, tQ next 25 CO each, 29 next $15 OO each, SO next S7.50 each and lOO "-;h--i--. ne-st best estimate $ each. Total of set prizes $7,030.00. IN AD-t . . , DITION S 1 ,OGO.CO in five $200.00 prizes for the best estimates In rivo v monthly sections of contest and $29GOO In two great consolation offers for : : .."t 500 bales and ltOOO bales each way from exact figures. ; . - 1: w ; ;; i ; 5 , 'I '-'L " 4 s" .-.'. :--v '' '. "J-t. .'.;.? vS'Xt 1 The Statlttlcj covering th contest ftor last faW yean cr t ' : i : ' - :----,;. TotAl port rwsaipt SitmBbw X t lltli r-" ' " Cotton Year. j ' of following ABnry, both laclariw? ' r ','4V' " I 1 897 " 1 898-. .......... ..... ...... .............!. ...6,070fiL. . j-. v j 1 898 1 899 . .............................. ,..... .. .f.. ... . , ...0.2S0y 1 78 : ' w'-5."' C J 1 1901-1902. 1 .jc I902-I903......r.. WRITE BY! THE EXT MAIL if is better,, send subscription remittance, j . or registeredmall to months. -i hiil. uGiS mtanl 01 Ma if Try - -,: S1.G0 joiir subscrip tii iT t ay... ; CITIZ&JSl ASHEVILLE, JNOUTH. ("aROMNA. ORDtiUS ' " . ; ' V ' . . JS. - ' ,: , m . ill. j JiL,, r f , II . & ryjn. EST OFFER OF THE YeWIS 150,000 100,000 " '-' EFFERSON CONTEST Y S O XJ T H ' -Hi . Romance, Literaturoj&d . , f . , . - RECEIPTS ....4... 1 "UaUaUU ....... . additional I particulars wanted, or. what with estimates, direct byjnone order; THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Co. : - . cores era . vL I CVC7V .for. "t" One My . .. e. SC w? fcoi. 25c. -if: 5. w w - . - - - . I - c "'s '1,: ?' .:-v';x

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