'V": PTL . 4-H - 1 -.: t; -ret Sc. 5- 4 Hi- 1 1 5 - .a i-ti- Si I . i, 1! 1! m polk; county hews. rrr. OFFICIAL JWRAL' OF! POLK COUMTY. ' - t v ."J ,,i . . -v - , Editors and Publishers. . Ollir TI'ttRi . .... i .,........ $1 .00 Six moiiths.....; . . .". J. . .T. . .50 Tlire nionUiH. ' .25 XHTJSA . NpfllBEK, 19, THE! NEWS OFFICE BOBBED. he I)iitC6tmTY News "Office .was .jbioken into' last Saturday uigbt or bund ay morning and one cap case, 11 filled vrith capital letters, composing .. sticks ? and a I quantity of iiewsjaper -.l6dy type tukeu out. . ;i : TiiC miscreants eridently entered office which could easily -be opened. The type taken was that nsed in setting up the paper. The books and other things in the office were not molested. Robbing a printing office is a new one on uS M,s type is of no value to anyeevfiot4ntbe printing business. TpectintakiBg the type was, eyidently4Vtp so. cripple the office that The Mews could ,not be printed. Fortunately however, the vagrants who performed the deed did not know enough about the art preservative to accomplish ? I-;- their purpose. 51 V ' ve still type enough ; to f3 I get "but the paper and The News i!' conies out at the usual time in spite ; of what has, been, done to prevent it being issued. We will state that " even if all the type one! "other material in the office had r been - stolen or "wrecked that "TheMSews - would still be printed, as re'lire sure our . naiFsJaper friend; The j Hustler, of Hendersonville, would 'M gladly extend uai-fthe use :pf v tits i equipment -until our own establsh- jnent should to in running shape gain. So"; that it would noitbe an ?;r r;- ., '- " - veasy task to. put The News out of business without the consent, of ' - - its publishers. : Cbi readers wiU, . we are r sure, Excise any shprtageJn news matter this - week : in .consideration of the . Joregoing facta and jpjoice with 'i ' V 1 " f a A ' m a us in mat we are auie to get tne paper out on time. - ; , QODHXI n POOR HOUSE . u Jti8ta8.we .are going to press it Was' learned that the County Poor House, whicfr. &ias&ttated; about three and a half miles from Mill Spring was, derxoyed .by -.fire on Tuesday nigUt: All the inmates 'except H. B. Green are reported to Have lost Ves.- The number of inmate febld bther. particulars could not" w; Uatned in timer: for publication , . r: v . W. O. OhampidnVthe keener and his family, whose . residence was apart from" tfieP Poor House 'were J :. - "fortunate to. escape.- '.. : ; ; It is. tiwigKt T thit t& inmates i ' were about eight in number. COUNTY C0UHISSI0NERS JfEETm The Board - oimty ICommis sioners met Nov. 16tbt,;1903;'1tlJ being present The following business was transacted -Ordered i'f c "that : tm Sheriff take- conTicts now in Jail to Henderson countyd -.s : Primary school lot in Columbus placed on tsiafelist to F M Stearns atlGCKX TluaUon. V Jail be recovered in the month of Peember. V li'L ftlker be released of poll f-' for im;.r U H HaOVaTaluaiiQnon cattle 03 reduce-froit50 td 2S. Treasurer pay Ti BoTdy $?for liis support for October.1 ': ' w. ' VERY LOW RATES 1 . v f TO : . MANY POINTS BKACHKD VIA THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Hi"h Point, N. C.Account Westcra K. Conference M. E. Church South, Nuv. 11 IDOS, " Tickets on sale xovv ; mi i . Final limit Nov. fcO, 1803. l? , r v Raleigh, N. O.-Account North Tarolina Industrial Fair (Colored) Oct. 27-30. Tick ets on sale Oct. 26, 27, 2$. 2D with iiuul limit Nov. 1st, One fare plus 256 admis sion for the round trip. Wilmington, N. C Account meeting of North Carolina Presbyterian Synod. Nov. 3. Tickets on Bale Nov, 2, 3, 4 with final limit Nov. 13, 1903. Columbia, S. C. Account State Agricul tural and Mechanical Fair, Oct 26V30. Jackets on sale Oct. 24-29 ' inclusive th final limit Nov. 2, 1903. Rate: One fare plus 25c, plus 50c admission to the grounds. For rates and further information call on nearest ticket agent or address J. H. Wood, District Passenger Agent. Aahevillr N. C. THE t WINTER RESORTS SOUTH SEACHED VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Sonthern Railway announces the sale of rouud-trip Winter Excursion tick ets to all the principal resorts of-the South beginning October 15, 1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting to those in si arch of health or r pleasm-e. ..In -. these States are' such noted resorts as IMnehurstj N. C., Camden, Aikett,- Summerville, Charleston, S -CV Augusta, Savannah, Brunswick, Jekyl Is land and Thoniasville, Ga.,. Jucksonville, gt Augustine, Onnond, Daytona, Palm rieach, Kockledge. Miami and Tampa. Fla., also the resorts of Nassau and. Cuba, best reached via the Sonthern Kail way. Tickets on sale np to and including .4pril 30, 1904. limited to return until Mav 31, 1904. 'Southern JfailiraY aflforda elegant train; enrice.'with the largest Pullman Drawing Koom Sleeping Cars, operated through'be- iween principal cities and resorts, elegant Dining Car service, and everything for tlu? comfort and pleasure of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket A cent for further in formation and descriptive literature.. fir v '?v our BestRoateto California Colorado : ,' -Texas I St. Louis ' W4JUHN j. incn. w. t.Dtm. ClHCWMATl, O 1 My Cotton Gin and Grist . . Mill are now in operation. , - . Gin for tne 20th. Bag- ging and ties included. 'Prompt attention. : : : : JOE B. PAGE, LAbDRbM, I. C. ise read;the following law -.y&BB. 80. All; persona. haf in g taxes ehargedj against 'thevir and unpaid, tbe tax collector shall' ; seize : aud Bell property . for the same after V Jiovember 1st, 1U03. t . .I-. will.be at the' places named below for the purpbsetoi r?:- JJOIIGGiinii 1QKGS iOi' Alt persona who fail to meet Tisited immediately by myself" or- wjiuy uui m jhw. aii persons me promptly and pay their taxes-aud J, M. Putnam, Tuesday (Nov, ;7tbV ; aiemnHill, Wednesday; ' , v t ;Juyis JIUl A8pnng; Tuesday Not. 24tb, 1903. -J;; V" . . .Fedg'i.WednesdayrNoT.' 25th, 1903. 1 .117 1 . S, v-Mt J Not! 2Chih-iSK)i lchhitesideXiday NoTtKlSOS. ' , M -Yv S:- LynnV Company Store. TuesdaV, li 1 QfVf ''I ;'. 5- f- If' 4t WZ&;WOI0BRtSQi, Shtfttt, A. LOCAL PR0OTCEE1J I CORRECTED WEEKLY BY The Baixenger Company.. I Corn, per bushel I - $ -ou 1 VHil lipans.rier bushel. .2.50 Colored "J " 14 j Mountain Irish Potatoes Sweet j'-.' "Y ' Baldwin apples f . Corn meal I j V Com pond lard, per lb. r Kettle rendered, " 2.Q0, 75 .50 1.00 ...85 .11 ,12 1 .20 .20 ' ' Country butter it t C( lieus I Broilers I eac .30 15 to .20 Clear side meat, per lb .12 1-2 ' In gambling it is j well to quit play- tng when lh$ game is at, ns jn advertising it i ft ,toi- go it all' the, stronger when retufnj 'prove that it isn't a game of Wianoe, bvt d sure means to an end. Jed Scarboro. Central Industrial i n stitu i e . A well equipped chopl for both Primary, Intermediate, College fyepkraiory. A temperance community with good mora! and social surnfundiiigs. Special attention given to studeiitH 'who have been deprived of v . . earlv ediica-;i tional ad- ;j a - vantages. Good Literary Societies A good library and reading room ope u to all students without ertra! charge : l : ; : ' s S : 1 vii : r-- AVrite-ior inforinatibn to Rev. Marion ' Whiteside, Prio. COLUMBUS? N.1 lev " i i " Capital StO-OOO. Surplus $3i000. ."' E8lCABLISHE6i 1892. - The Bank of Rntherfordton, NORTH CAROLINA. Invites all yonr Winess. Lean onj good securitv.' j Pays interest , on time deposits. Is the depofcitorf f oi.tateJfuhda uy Qruer oi me sute trta&urtr, Uring or send us all yonr basinfc8& f .'IJJj, ;.,t .i . i . B. F. MORROW, Am. DORSET, .u. -. PRKSIDENXr" Acting Cashier. BARRED PLYMOUTH i ROCKS . , jjuua winter laying strain.- - Epgs fbr; hatch ing and stock for sale. 'SCOTCH J30LLIE SflEPHEED PUPPIES. Thoroughbred stock at - moderate tenns., j Address : f.!. 111 4. ' GEORGE E. WHlTESELi ,v HARRISONBURG, Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA. . TQ CURE A COLD IN ONEWAY r Take Laxative JRromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the hioney. ifit fails to cure E. V. Grove's signature in on every box. 25 cts. ... ' ' i:i , carefully, ' K : . ... . j 4 s i -me rand settle their taixM wilV 1 a; rigid deputy for th'el noibose of owing taxe are requested to meet ae cost and . trouble: j At : - 1003. J'v.U I v4:';jV Not. 18tb, 1903JH - $ ilT NotTI 19th:Ht96a - jl;ox store, iidaroT: 2Qtb: V 4 ' 11 1 TT?11. MayprsOMce Wednesday Deci nd 1902J :v.1 4 I X ' - s TM'inn k three thousand 'feet above sea level, nest ling amoifg hhe mountains, surfoundd by: a Jeyel- serpentine drive two inilep' in length, with mountain 'pealcH five , hundred feet aoo've, which, in. turn, have winding paths to summits, i The " many springs which flow from these peats form the head p waters oi . tne iamous ShunVawaljAn Falls. : s FT Mrs. M. E. JAS. P. MORRIS ' ' ' ; - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Located in Office Formerly Occu pied by Geo. C. Justice, Opposite Court House. tvl- COLUMBUS, N. C. y- TELEPHONES: Offit J ; No. 7. Residence : No. 14. A GOOD MOUSE - ri. ; of six rooms aad one-half acre . , ..lot in town of ColumbuK for sale. Fqi. particulais apply to . . L fL CIMVD, COLUMBUS, , iV. Cm' .V V EXP EXPERIENCE. ..f3a 'SL-fA Trade Maims rkyf?i'.f.. iWH Designs Copyrights Ac ejnlckly ascertnin onr ottiiton free whether an Anyone nend1n suketh nd desert ptlrm Bay InTent Ion la prohnbly nalwrtsble. Comn UonBntrtctlyoiittdentlfiL HANDBOOK on Patenta ti iti ent free. Oldest, agency for aecarttiir tenta. raienu lojlou inroatrn Man a tpciol notice without chanre, la the Scientific American. -A handsomely Illustrated weekly..' Idtnrest cir culation of any acientlue Journal. Terms, t3 a year: four months, U. Bold by all newsdealers. bfflini & Co.38h"-'- Hew York Branch Office. 62S F 8U Washington, D. C , KOTICE OF BANKRUPT SALE. By virtue of the power vefted in me as trustee of the estate of R. L. Garren. bankrupt. I will, on Thursday the. 10th day of Uecember,.iyp3t at the pom t honee door in Columbus, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, sell to-the highest, bidder, for cash. the following described land, vix: One town lot in the town of Suluda. N. G: on Henderson street, umoininc. lands of Mrs. 8. E. Tiner, T. F. Thorne and others, and contains 111 feet froj&t by 210 feet deep ASg on Friday the 11 th day of December, I will sell a lot of various book ac- uuuuls iu iuo uigiiesc Diaaer lorcasn, at Saluda, N. C, at ehrren o'clock a. m.r - The object of sid sate is to make assets rorihe creditors of the said R. L, Garren, bankrupt. ' P. S. Ramsey; Saluda, N. C, Nov. 9, 1903. " , Trustee. , than an Ad in The News cannot be made by any merchants It gbes into all parts of Polk County. - The, rates are low and the - returns are good. Try - it. :: :: :: :: v. Cottages A few -cozy cottages for rent, situated in Spring V JVIountaih' Park on the, top "of.; the. mpuntain.N A- de lightful place to "spend the . Summer. The cottages . 8re Treated in picturesque i Bota and are near "Log - Cabin Inn" and -"IW ;Cragen. For other in- ton apply to the 1oktcountt: news 1 - . j. .:...-. "... - A, fine place to spend the 74i::tr Winter. Healthy climate; gmf plenty of fruit and- floo ' spring water. -For -other, fe.ti Moimtain ", " Ti. p r - - t i - i - i ii I ,l . i - I ' ','jrTr.tJ I - ., v -V' n 7 WE ARE ON THE WAY TO LOG CABIN INN IN SPRING MOUNTAIN PARK. STEVENSON, Columbus, A. 6. YES, WE TViie; Fly Tin ps, Ice Screen Jais, Hanimockp, Summer Lap Lobes. ' : ' : . f j GOOD FOR ALL SEASONS: Our beautiful pearl handle Knives, complete line of Aate ware. Buggies and Wagons .for cash or in stalJnients. Don't neglect your.house if it needs painting. We can supply your neds in this line at as low prices as the market will afford. We are local agents for the Deering farm machinery-, which has no superior. In fact for anything in Hariwarr let lis quote you prices whether we sell you anything or noti Phone No. 9. Tryon Supply, Co., ' :. V-'r TRITON jv. ier First National Bank of Spartanburg i. " : ' ' Gross Assets, ! -- IiNDiYiDUAL Deposits. -I Bank Deposits, Iotal Deposits, - Cash, on Hand and Reserve Agents, - 118,706 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK and Its savings depart fllCJll, inTIDtUIT LCAN AND today assets amounting, to AS STRONG 45 THE GRANITE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE ARE BtttLT. i - - ...... , . . V. E.- BURNKTT.iPrksidkkt. J. W StilPSOX. Cashier. n n i."'-.-' i " 1 - ' a . Are now ready for ginning Cottou. Ginning 75 cents per bale. Bagging and Ties, 40 cents per baleT We cotton and seed. Manufacturers of Flour and Lumber. Wheat 1.0Q per bushel. GEO.rA. BRANSC:0T k. ,.: ,i ',; R. A. Paper Hanger ' TRYONe 5. Coor CSrds and Samples j(JYaII Paper Upon Application; Estimates on Work Cheerfully Furnished. nil You I want to communicate with parties a Polk county whb haxejands or faW for sale. I haVe communications from outside parties wanting, to buy farms and timber land in this eppntv and may be able to find a buyer for yon. : : : . ' Call on me or write the description .of your farm and I will try. to find 'a purchaser. : . : . . . : rJAfJES P, fJOfWIS; Guests. ''AW Proprietress, 1 HAVE IT. Cream Freezers, Mason's Fruit $648,127 ; -$336,198, 33,542 - - - 369 740 j?sa5R,;;s. $894,300.00 , - JOHN 11. CLEVELAND, VjcR-PRK.-iinfcr. A.M. CllllElXZIlElUVAss'.T CASHitK. iLL-iljlq.,D, Seed " Melvin Hill, X. C, :Dee0pat0Ja N. C. Your Farm 9 Columbust ? C. LEONARD