Thirteen Reasons for . Total Abstl- ; . - nence. . . 1 r Intoxicating be yerages are unnec essary. Many persons live in health and ; labor in the hardest occupations without them. . ' 2. These liqffSrs are dear. They are solin thepaselves, and in comparison with other articles of diet. Ardent ties; while wine, bear, and cider con tain an -exceedingly small portion of nourishment. In a gallon of ale there is about as much as in a pennyworth of bread. . mind. They are enemies put into the .mouth that steal away the brains. " 4. They always endanger the chai acter and often ruin it. They inflame the imagination, appetites and passions, Through their influence multitudes : have been plunged into guilt and eter nal destruction:, and even some wise "and srood men have, for a season, been covered with shame and defilement. "Witness Noah and Lot. - 5." It enlargeslmd multiplies our jails, poor-houses, hospitals, and lunatic asy lums. This is certified by our judges, magistrates, physicians, chaplains of Tirlsrms- and othpr rnmnetp.nt and reli able authorities. It means a great ex tension of crime and misery, as well as a large augmentation of taxes. : . 6. The general practice of temper ance would help to fill our schools . and places of worship. Sobriety is likely to lead to thoughtf ulness; and that, in connection, with better - clothing 1 and more comfortable homes, will result, by the Divine blessing in the attendance at the house oiipod. of" men who were formerly absentees. y 7. Personal abstinence give us much more influence over drunkards. They are far more likely to sign the pledge and keep it when advised by those who, distinguished for sobriety and religion, have also set the example of nephalism' or avoidance of strong drink, . 8. It tends to fill the treasury of the Christain Church and to rise its spirit ual character. In nearly all sections of it, funds are constantly wanted to carry on the moral machinery. Back- slidings and expulsions, too, are con tinually occurring throughout Chrrsteh- dom, through strong drinV 9. As a pioneer, temperance hastens . the conversion of the world.' ' Means sufficient for universal evangelization would be . provided, the minds and hearts of Christains improved, the num ber of earnest workers multiplied and in other ways the grand consummation would be accelerated. 10. It will vastly aid in multiplying the inhabitants of heaven. Jn the case of many, it has been and will be a step-ping-stons to Christ and eternal life. 11. It increases the joy of angels. Th repentance of a sinner always swell their gladness,. and the abandonment of strong drink is often the first' stage of a prodigious reformation. .12. It undermines the throne of Sa tan. When delivered from the demon of intemperance, many escape altogeth er from the thraldom of the -great slave-master of the universe. . 13. It glorifies God.4His honer is nec essarily promoted by the diffusion of purity and happiness. Biblical Recor des. ' - Maxims for a Bride, Once there was an old minister who was noted for his kindly interest in young peo ple, and especial interests in brides and grooms. He had printed cards containing maxims for the bride and for the- groom, and if they had been lived up toralways, doubtless some rough places ' would have been smoothed over. ' The following max ims intended for the brides of long ag& may be applicable to a woman of today, for hu man nature is always very human, especi ally" the mole portion of it. When you marry him love' him,- After you marry him, study him, . " If he is honest, honor him . If he is generous, appreciate him. , 7 .When he is sad," cheer him. '---When. he is cross, amuse him. When helsAalkative listen to him.- $ , - . When he U quarrelsome, ignore him. If he is'confldeutal; eucourage.him; y '" If he is secretive, trt himl r); , t " ' If he is slothful, spur him. '- '" If he is noble, praise him. r . - If he is jealous, cure him. ' ' . It he cares naught for pleasure; ; , coax him, . ' a-.--'...-.' :v y y If he favors society, "accompany him. v If he does you a favor," thank him. t ; ' "When he deserves it kiss him., ,v.'. ; Let him think how well you understand him, but never let him know that yqu 'manage' nim. 3?- r'-' - y A ujiiyersalFeeliiig. Statesville Landmark v Referring to the fact that the Super- ior Court judgeiwbo is now, under fire In this State would have a big crowd to . deal with if he undertook to arraign his critics for contempt, the Henderson Gold Leaf aptly says- The Gold Iajf ? ivould, haye tou plea4 guuty no oi ; oeing m contempt of court dui vi contempt tor it. " ' And that feeling of contempt is well nigh, universale Up,; u this ?ood houp not one word-has been uttered in Judg'e Peebles', defence. ' r The Intelligent Juror. ; Charlotte Observer - " Some of the people who sit on juries in this country, determine property rights and, what is far more grave, pass upon the issue of life and death, haven't seen enough to tote entrails to a bear. Indeed, if" they had they would not be allowed to serve, for frequently it is the . interest of the lawyers who have the selection of tie juries in'certain cases, to choose them from the most ignorant and therefore the,, most impressionable creatures on the panel This is being said as an introductory to the following ietter, whlchj one ot the j urors'i n the Tillman case has written to the Spartanburg Journal: Spartanburg Journal, V . - Spartanburg, S C Sir; 1 have read your article in the Columbia Slate which was an insult to Every Jury man who sits on the. Tillman case. Not only an insultjo that body of men but to the Judges who was concerned in the case. You are following in the steps of the de ceased Editor, "abusing your -honorty. I wish to be polite in this matter and show more wisdom than you did in writing up theLexington couft that tried James H. Tillman. To make my .letter brief, I refer to the aunals of history when you failtofii:d a single conviction of any man for shooting an Editor. The State and counsel for same was satisfied with the Verdict, othcrwis the state could have gone to appeal courts, the Masses have accepted the verdict as fair but seemingly the press wants more blood which can be foUnd by walking in the foot print of K G. Gonzales, Mr. Gonzales was an able man, but unfortunately, he made a great mistake by abusing ttie liberty of his press, the courts have sustained the defeLdent by which all law abiding citizens' should be salisfid. If I was an 'editor and hot satis fied with the Defendent's acquittal and had thergrit to follow my pen,- I would, certainly invite the Defendant to enter tain me beyond the Georgia lines which would be more patriotic to my fellowman than to sit in my sanctum and abuse, him with my pen. In extending this invitation mentioned above I would say to my Bro. Editor if I should prove the unfortunate one in the affair not to call it murder but suicide by the abuse of liberty with the wrong man, now Mr. Editor with the kindest of feelings towards all Editors Will you kindty give "this note room in your paper and ask the Columbia State to copy same am not hunling a' eontriversy but will, assure the press that any com ments made the same f will beanswered politely. y J ..-;. , Very Truly, yonrs, ' "f " W. I. Kisikoer. ; Lexington, S. C, 10 21, 1903. This rooster is no doubt s fair type of his eleven associates. And-1 here . he sat throughout the dav, pretending to listen to the speeches and the evidence, and no doubt looking as wise' and as solemn as rah owl, with not even intelligence enough to know that he and his pals had doubtless already agreed upon what wpuld be final; not knowing that the State had no right of appeal. Aud this is the boasted jury system. Alfalfa in Tennessee. - A Tennessee correspondent tells of a neighbor who has some of the poorest run down land in the neighborhood, who sow ed a. piece of land in alfalfa. He got only a Jittiepatcu nere aud there ,. Tno next year he planted the land in corn and plows ed around the living patches of alfalfa, leaving them to grow in the corn field. The next season he sowed the land in alfal fa and new has a stand four years old. The probability seems to be thit the patches left in the first sowing did get the land Infected with. tb$ -microbes that live on the alfalfa roots, and hence the success of the second sowing. When he got patch, however small, where the noduless uan oe eeu, on me mis lie wm nave no further difficulty ifj he uses the soil from that piece to scatter over a new sowing and thus infect the soil. Legumas often fail the first time from -the lack of microbps in ljousiana a friend wrote that the first time he sowed crimsom clover he failed ex- certmg spots. The next fall he sowed the ame land had a fine 'stand. The hairy vcvcu wucuisiis ai nrsfr irom tne same cause, but is easily infected with soil; from an old garden where English peas hav leen grown, as they both have the. same micro oes. Why Is ANewspaper Like A .Woman? - t One bright friend came, in the other day wiw wna ne nognt wa3 a conundrum ' Why is anewspaper like a woman?'' The various answers were Because both have'to t)d .Tsnow'be appreciated.. "Because it has to have seme run . it.". Because both are: good advertising mediums." 'Because both have to be pressed. "Because it 'some: times changes its drc8 and tells tales." the correct answer is: "Because cverv manshouldjiaveone of his own -and not be running after hls , neighbor W-x change. .t " . . V Crowu Prince Frederick Wil nams lias earned the title - of Mrorigh.riderbyridintirith otccwwps or 8ixterracG8jleadinc m Kiio vjttBwo or can "wnnftt 'rKrt iuce.was followed by, anTentiijj SQUIRE SITTOM : SUED. i Prestine Petfied Phenom ' enon Coinpahr wants the Money Back. p The 'petrified mm is in danger of losing bis halo. A well known Ashe ville lawyer is authority for the state ment that a summons is even now on the way to the hands of one, A. W. Sitton, on whose Jand the "petrified one" is said to havbeen found. And now the question arises, "Is he a fraud and not afreak, "and is his finder a fakir?" , j . These are questions which a law suit m v bfi invoked to settle. The present owners of the ''mai,'! it is said, are considering suing.tiie roan who sold it to them'to recover t-be purchase money paid $3,00because they have been told that they were buncoed into buy ing, not a man petrified by nature, but a moulded barrel ofjeement. " ; Those of. th'e stockholders seen yes-J terday, refused to discuss the matter but it is a fact that an , 'attorney bas been investigating tho alithenticity of the man with a view to Suing the original vendor. It is overwhelming to contemplate the derision which will be: heaped on Asheville if such a suit is orougnt. Other cities jealous of the petrified man, have all along insisted that the man was a fake, but Asheville stood by him and said his deputation was un- 4 sullied. . And now to admit but noth ing will be admitted until something is proven. i! : The history of thei petrified man is brief that is since he was known. : He may be Adam .as far as the public Knows, it. was last March that he was dug up on Ir. A. Wi Sitton's land near Mills River. He wore no clothes but lay in the mud. Great inttrest was excited and he ; was ville by Mr. Sitton.; brought to Ashe- Asheville; people became i n te rested among them Messrs. Noland. Reisecker. Mackev and others. They sought to buy him but there was competition and Mri Sitton finally got about $3,500 from the Asheville men. They formed a company and offered a prize ior a suitaoie name, i ne name chosen was the Pristine Petrified Phe- nomenon company. The stock boomed away above par. The pristine went on the road with great! success. Sundry persons, jealous persons of course, de dared the man was a jfake and that he was-the same old bundle of mortar that had been "found" is other places be forel -Nobody, that i nobody that was anybody, paid any attention to these reports and the petrified man took in sheckels (or quarters in Enirlishl readily. Rut every man, including petrified, has his day. The Pristine was taken to the great" New Orlean$ Confederate re union. The stockholders' hopes "were high of much money and the petrified journeyed in state to New Orleans. But, alas, when the manager went forth in the morning to choose a sight for tho-phenomenon he jwas shocked be oh"d expression, petrified men were a tion.. It looked like Thirteen - other ready on exhlbi all the petrified men were having a reunion also. Of course they were fakes but then people did not; know the difference between the genuine and the imitation. The netrified never recovered from this shock. He did npt say anything, but his reputation was hurt. He did not ao mucn gooa atterwards. it is true he exhibited with some succession the Afurphy branch where, it might te saia, ne was Known nis native state as it were. j And now pis -owners! go back on mm what will the result be? Asheville Citizen.- "WARRANT SWORN OUT. . A warrant has been sworn out against "A W. Sitton by the Prestine "Petrified Phenomenon company, charging Mr. Sitton w;th fraud and bbtaining money under false pretence. - The case was set for hearing this afternoonat 3 o'clock before Justice Waddelli le t V The Prestine Petrified Phenomenon company charge that 'the7 petrified man" they bought from Mr. Sitton wa&a fakej and that Mr. Sitton knwj; ii' was not g enuine. ' ThePresti ne com pany '; paid Mr." Sitton 3;5QjO foijt the uman of stone.". ,-V:'--;-? :r ' ' ; 'v It has bedn rumored f for some time, that there was going tc be something Hoing In "petrifieVcirch? and Judge W. 3 '.'Brown, counsel fhr '.the i company, not long ag-inade.a. , trip to Charlotte and Spartanburg oV the purpose of se curing evidence showing that then 'mah had been dug up 1a some place in outh Carjoii n a hauled' through the country in a. wagon to Mr. Sitton's faring and there, by the light of the moon;, again planted, Lock Craig, Frank Carter and W. P; B'rown will represent the Prestine Pet rified Phenomenon company at the trial. At 3:30 Justice Waddeil was patiently waiting for. the case against Mr Sitton to be called, but the defendant had, not showjaup. sjbei warrant against Mr. Sitton was issued several days asro, . and f the caseset for trial thia afternoon but jthe warrant has not yet been returned and It is not known 'whether or not it has been'served. "vy.f .T. RVan, Ness of Charlotte, who was siimmoned. as witness in the, case: came in this;Uftemoon" and is, waiting for tho trial to take nlace.4 - '-f...T... WIN FER S -If- - WORDS OF WISDOM FROM A JUDGE. Judge Justice Talks Sense To Grand Jury at Monroe. The christian religion and the virtne of our women is at the Very bottom of -our civilization, and we.are taught the science of government and the obedience to law at the very cradle. www - The duty of educating the risfng genera tion, to give our children the advantages which the times demand, is too apparent for us to discuss . Judge'Justice. - p. . .,' There's no' passing upon the grand jury, no sayirg that this man or that man shal serve. But you were, selected entirely by accident, after your names had been put on the list by the county commis.ioners. You come from every part of the country. It is presumed, therefore, that you wil! know of anv violations of the law, and you are sworn to make diligent; inquiry into al matters and things that to you shall be giv en. - - ' - .' ' ; I I am charfiins men who love law who love their country, who know their duty to their country, their State, and as a part o the court. f r V .1 f: - You have said that yon will esent no oue for envy, hatred or malice. These m . - ! sentiments are the worst of all in the hu man heart, and they do not gyow natural ly. They have to be cultivated. "We take a-little disagreement or unpleasantness 'and and cbt rish it and cultivate it into hatred, envy and malice, I ave thog ht that the most nicserable one is the good man that is hot on speaking terms with his neigh bors. - The law, fprmcry held human life; less sacred than it does now. Former lyihere were hundreds of offenses punishable with death. Ndw there are only four murder in ihe first degree, arson, burglary,' and rape. Yon can't find a gand jury that ; wil fail to.indictjor thislast offence. And ii the testimony is clear and forcible, you can't find.a jury that will fail to couvict nor a judge who will fail to pass the death penalty, nor a governor that will not keep his hands off. Mouroe Journal. ' Marriage at Brevard. ; Brevard, Nov. 5. The prettiest church wedding that ever took place in. this city was celebrated this morning at 9 o'clock in the M. E. Chnrcbr South, when Misses Bertha and Ethel England, the beautiful and accomplished daughters of Mr. and Mrs TD. England, were united in the bonds ot wedlock-to Mr. Beverly W Trantham hind Mr. W. Hume Harris. 1 he ceremony was performed by Rev. 8. H.Hilliard, of Hendersonville, assisted by Rey. C. i P. Moore, Pastor of the church. The church was very tastefully decorated irk white and trreen effects, interspersed with chrysanths mums and pot. plants. " As -the wedding march was played by Mrs. D. M. Douglas, the wedding party approached the altar preceded by the youag lady ushers, Misses Elura Morris, Eva Pruett. Mattie Ne Clarke and Leona Allison, and the flower girls. Misses Edith England and Nellie For sy the. Miss Bertha aud r Mn; Trantham were acebmpan ied by Mr. James Trantham ana Miss Delia King, and Miss Ethel and Mir. Harris by Mr Huger Hawkins and Miss Addie Mae Councill. '1 . , s i Turn on the Light. Cardinal Gibbons' has given commenda tion to an English Version- of the fours gospels which an American printer has prepartt'ihe"'Gre'ek:" texk direct. Throughout ihe translation this priest ly scholar puts the : word "repent" in place 6f the 4do penance" of the :Domat Bible. .This not only repudiates the auinoruy-oi me vuiigaw,. but knocks away the foundation of ; the Catholic doc tine of. penance. We joyfully sub mit this as another exhibit in proof tf our frequently repeated thesis that the Catholic Church Is changing toward troth in spite of itself in this free land and under the pressure of popular liberty Interior. ISurcly a brighter day is dawn- pDourt-martiaU in the navy have growa at air alarming pace. Judge Advocate Lamlv shows tthnf. there-were 4,5G5 summary court s martial.for thq yeat ending -Jujie ' py, uaiusvoijz cascaithe pre. TIE TTfE have just! received a full line of winter (goods, VV. all kinds, at CUT RATE PRICES. ' We ad vise our customers nor to delay. Call at once and have the benefit of FIRST SELECTION, If you need a COOKING STOVE, buy from us; we have all kinds, and heaters too. We - can give you the best and cheapest goods to be had North or South, in Dry Goods,-Groceries, Hardware and Shoes . . . HOSIERY LYNN, NORTH CAROLINA. fThe f Winter - Resorts South REACHED BY Soithern Railwacy t The Southern Railway announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October, 15, 1903. ' The winter reports of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are especially inviting to those in search of health and pleasure. In these States are such noted resorts as" Pinehurst, N. C., Camden, Aiken, Summerville, S. C, Charleston, S. C, Augusta, Savan nah, Brunswick, Jeckyl Island and Thomasyille, Ga., Jacksonville, St. Au gustine, Ormond, Dayton, Palm Beach, Rockledge,KMiami and Tampa, Fla.; also the resorts of Porto Rico and Cuba, best reached via Southern Rail way. Tickets on sale up" to and including April 30, i 1904, limited to return until May 31, 1904. Southern Railway affords elegant train service, with the latest Tullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, elegant Dipinsr Car service, and everything for the cdmfort and pleasure. of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent - for fur ther information and discriptive liter- ature. ' !.:; .. '-. The Land of the Sky" and "Sapphire Country." Ideal ! Winter Resorts. The Southern Railway reaches the ideal winter resorts of the "Hand of the Sky" and "'Saphire Country, "-.including Asheville, N. C, Hot SpvW&r J C, Hendersonville, N. C Brevard and Lake Toxaway. The climate of this section is unparalleled, suitable for in valid,, athlete I or sportsman, and offers every charm of an ideal Winter Resort. Elegant tourist hotels Through Sleep ing Cars from principal cities. Tourist Tickets now on sale at very low rates. ; Ask nearest Ticket agent for detailed (information and descrip tive literature. v BY EXCELSIOR KNITTING MILLS, Of Union. S. C. FIFTY families or about TWO HUNDRED : Toppers, Knitter Loopers and Finishers, ages from 11 to 35, to make good wages at any and all of the work offered by us, all of which is nice ; anoeasy, and the prices, we pay: are much high er than paid by any other hosiery mill in the South. We have young-men and young ladies who make from $25. to $35 each per month. J We also want FIVE. HUNDRED rood Cedar Posts..- ; t - i : , - - APPLY TO J. HQAULTv & Hgr. 9 ) VThe LAND OF THE SKY" "SAPPHIRE - - COUNTY" t , .V 1 ALLf.YEAR.-ROUND RFSfiRTc y .Aw.i-ma uues Store fA" HENDERSONVILLE -WAYNESV.LLE, BREVARD. LAKER Tft IT. l , . wwwi. r-AIRFIELD AND SAPPHIRE.- - ' ELCGANT TOURIST HnTri c f ' m fed Eiaest iiouto East 0 SOUTH ERM ASK INvtv.... M COM 1'NQ Wr CO. Sale Under Execution. UNITED STATES OF AMERIC " WESTERN DISTRICT t)F N. c. United States vs -TnTin Wpavpr G. G. Weaver, f NOTICE OF SALE, ana F, Li, Weaver. By virtue of a Fi Fa execution issued the 2nth day of June 1903, by H. C. Cowley. ( 'lork of tv ed States District Court at Charlotte, (lirmei It the undersigned United States Marshal I wiiion the first Monday, the 7th day of December a n iwua, at ine jourt nouse aoor in the town of rn lumbus, N. C. during the legal hours of sale ken to the highest, bidder for cash to satisfy safd F Fa execution and costs, ail the rirht title -irui interest which the said John Weaver, one of. the said defendents above named, has in and to the following described real estate. t3-wit: All of the said John Weaver's one-eighth int"r est in and to the following described trait of land conveyedto M. M. Weaver, bwjohn Garri-1 son, LtN. Wilcox and wife Anna 'C. Wilcox on the 12th day of May, 1896 and recorded in iiook No. 17 at page 176 of the Records of Deeds of polk county and described as follows : - Beginning at a stake ie the Howard Gup road Lee Morts corner and running thence with Lee Morts line N. 65 degrees E. 104 poles to a stake in his line; thence with line of lot 14 Curitan Plan N. 7 degrees W. 87 poles to a hickorv: thence X 27 degrees W. 23 poles to a pine corner of lot 14 thence ;With line of said lot N. tH)1 J degrees y 95 poles to a stake in the Howard s ( iap Road thence with said road SI SO degrees W. 10 poles to a DODlar. S. W. to a stake. S. 7 de frees V. M poles S. 8 degrees. W. 20 poles. S. 3-.' degrees E. 12 poles to a pine, S- 24 degrees S4 poles to a pine S 24 degrees E. 26 poles to the nepinnin? corner containing 1 II acres more or less: The said John Weaver being a non resident and having no homestead tin the state of North Carolina: Also all the right title and interest at the defendant F. L Weaver! Jn and to the' following described parcel of land to wit: Beginning in the said F. L. Weaver's north line of home place about 10 poles West of said F. Li. Weaver's pine corner at a branch ami runs X 87 degrees "W. about 122 poles to a pine stump near St. Pauls Church, thence N. 3 decrees y. 7 poles to a stoke, thence NY 87 degrees W. lu poles to a black oak, thence S. 3 degrees W. 15 poles to a chustnut, thence N. 87 degrees WY 10 poles to a chustnut, thence S. 22 degrees E 'te poles to a chustnut, thence'S. 3 degrees W. TJ4 poles to a stone, thence a straight line To the beginning, containing (50 acres more or less The same being the excess of home stead allotted to the said F. Li. Weaver. The object of saii Kale is as before said to satis fy said F i. F a. execution and cost. " 1 This 23rd day of Oot. 1103. J. M. MlLI.IKANV Per. T. C. Israel, , Marshal ' Deputy Marshal. : The Southern Railway reaches the ideal winter resort of the "'La ml of oe okv and "Happire Country," m- cludingr AshevilleN. C, Hot !Sprin??, N. C, Hendersonville, N. t ., Brevard and Lalce Toxaway. The climate of this section is unparalleled, suitable for invalid, athlete or sportsman, and of fers every charm of an ideal Winter Resort. Elegant tourist hot els. Through Sleeping Carsirom principal cities. - lounst Tickets now on sale at very low rates. Ask nearest Ticket Ayent tive literature. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. lUi-Eaul-to-ita -i.v f Europe. - r- - mmmvw vm . : ol Rockies Cluiate sm m ' mm cr RAILWAY PASS AG ':. -. :.-JLT;E-';- - washing: ,4 m.-yA WASHINGTON, D -V 1 . -v. us-' I. .

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