S The News 8 Is Devoted, to the S Upbuilding of, J Polk County. 'opfijial journal of polk county. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. . COLUMBUS, -N.' C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lti903. NO, 86. 'Uf : - C: jpi - Uatcs Low.. ( The Addition , our store is now com plete eacl we irivite you to inspect our stock of V Hardware, Builders Supplies, Wagons, Bug-! gies, Harness, Paints, Oils, Tinware, Stoves, Jleaters, Cutlery,UGuns and Ammunition';: etc. You can find" many useful and ap-' propriate articles for . CHRjST in our store, and we cordially invite you to call and see what, we have, and price our goods, or telephone us, and: we will take pleasure in giving you any information with in our power , regarding goods in our line. Yoirs to please, T TO YON. SUPPLY - CO., Tryon. GEO. A. GASH. Mocnecger, - v - - NortK Carolina, t s ' -ft : t HT1 ..... if- 1 0 -rf . Tnnr i -? . .-'..-' ." ' -i. I v. .r" if J You to inspect our stock of Fancy "Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, .Tinware, Crockery and a full line of Christmas Goods in Toys China, Etc;, at . The Brick Store, - at Try on rT.-4 SEND OR! NO Autumn dth it's whistling winds and frosty mornings tejls us that winter is near. The Eall Clothing question is now an all important matter for consideration, ' (ahd ': we v take -great pleasure -in- oordiallyljnviting every Man, Boy, or Parent, who will have clothing to buy during the season, to call on us for the purpose of looking at, and examining the new Clothing, Hats, Furnish ing Goods we are now showing. To show our new styles affords iisgret satisfaction. 'A EEADY COME Yoing -Men's -Suits 4 C7 The young man who insists .upon Fashion's . latest whims, naturally comes to Fashion's Headquarters for them. ; ; As you .-.'v know, that means Tie comes here. - As soon as he lands he puts orf a'Suit, and the Suit gener ally lands him at once. The smartest andnewest double breasted Sack Suits are here, as well as the new, firm, highshoulder, ; narrow lapel, single breasted Sack Suit. -. Worsteds: Fancy , Cheviots and Scotch Suitings are the favorite fabrics. - - This way, young man, if you want a Suit of clothes that's strictly "It." . .w7 THE NEVA5AC WEST l vTTffi-CARDlfLt A --Glance The good featu res of -our Overcoats proclaim -themselves: , -, There are . a dozen kinds and styles. What's you r particular prefer-. ,ence long; short or - medium ? ' We have, it ; You Motke the Decision.- , By the time wehave shown you what Over- s-. coat; styles are worn, 'rrT?r?v von will he able to de- cide which one becomes 7; ;,.yon and what cloth you want.. ' . AIL cloths; all colors, all styles, that deserve to be : here, are here. . t , : . v ; -" V - Overcoats at $5.00, $7-50, $15.00, and away up to $30.00. v."... .. t - V.tr ll.nnn went It. ,.-' v . r The eatherJratBeF..Oercoatishnow-TdonJt sV boys I L - a . v That C7 Q Key's - . -. X - ... - ' Ootlies The clothes question for the growing Boy is a perplexing : proposition at best. '. Parents, who have raised an assortment of boys, know all ' about it. The boy must be pleased as well as- the parent We have Boy's Suits that will satisfy, all hands ; add promote contentment in the family circle. 4 - Our handsome jShort Pant Suits for Boys frorrt to-1 6 years, in two or three piece styles,' will r :' FILL THE BILL EXACTLY : $1.00. iS2.00 or S4.00 are some of the prices." : The' Soits are handsome and have styled enough to please both the boy and his mother, as well as that substantial wear his father will insistupon ' having.- - , ..'-7- , - Bring the boys here for all round clothes satis faction. : 1 - - ' 11 " 1 . mmmtmm - - , ----- - - , . ' - - - - a fi ' : .11 r ' jLi J Tins f T t ' ' ' ' - - .-" - A Hj ii lfliJii JLjlli)iiiiivJ Skirts. Capes. Wraps and Jackets, in fact, in our Ladies Department you can come and; bojfittcd; Anything you wear, except, shoes and hats. The styles are better;than you can have thejn made . by the best dressmakers; vfjour ? Prices are leLThan 5oi. can buy the goods and have them made for. We only have one fair price to every one. and sellforxash only. , but should you hmil and det the money for it.Z This is pur way of doing busi, nessecnd we think you will acrfree with us, that it isthe besjtvay. : ' . r FLOYD :E. MEES, - y - 62.64 morgan souare - - Spaihtanbjiirgp (Si - . v. ' . 1 '.: .i ...... , ' 4. . . ... r -4 C .'r .. .t - . . ... , v- - A- .

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