" --5' W, POLK COUNTY HEWS. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF- POLK COUNTY. ? "John Cabneoii! Publisher, i : ; One Wlr. $1.00 Hix month. .'; , . ..... . . ... .50 Tiire months . . . . . ............... . . .25 THURSI "'AY,- JANUARY 21, 1904. . j- . - About the Fire. ? The fire which occurred in Tryon lust Suuday a. m., although an un welcome aiid horrible visitor, left numy causes for thankfulness, chief amouL' them being that no lives i .were lost ..'.' Fear is entertained by many that this severe lass may ' check the march of progress in Tryon. "We trust not Bui hope that it will be, as many such fires' have proved, tiu iuceutive for a- better and more rapid growth. ".;:'. Ve extend our sympathy to John Orr & Ca, aud The Ball enger Go., -intheir misfortune, but commend them for their grit and enterprise, Jn' re opening and selling goods the day" after they had lost. all. That's the . spirit with which to build up a town. Never say 'down." ' Pall Together. : The uaturaP advantages of Polk . county are many, but they avail it little so long as they are unknown to" the outside world. If !Polk county is to become the prosperous business centre and health resort we'rall believe it is destined toe, then the citizens must begin to act aufl work together. To " ke.ep everlastingly at iC" is the best way to build up a town or county. Let each citizen talk his town in particular and Polk countv in general to his " friends and keep on talkiog until it is imprinted in their memories. " Tell them off its . superb locations and great advan tages for factories and industrial enterprises. It's health restoring .S powers- and natural' beauty. -The opportunities for - successful truck farming and "fruit I growing. The ' good schools and moral influences. . If Polk county is your home and ideal, don't keep it a secret Let . people know it and tell thenvwhy -. yon; think so much of, it In this way you can do "muh to bring your county to the front - - : Let us all pull together for Polk . - - county. . About Ourselves. v '-.'We have jjtadded considerable - printing material td Th Polk County News, office, in the shape of type, etc', and are now able to do a better and more extensive line of j book and job printing. We want , you to bring us all you have in this line and let us prove that we can .xlo as neat a piece . of printing as v can bojdone anywhere. Why, send ; your printing elsewhere when you can get it as good and as cheap right here at home? patronize ' -home industries and so .help to build up Polk county. - We want to double the circula- tion of Thb News the coming year and ask you to help us. You can . . do a great deal by talking to your - friends about the paper and per suading those who are not . sub scribers to at- least try it for one month. This will only cost them ten cents. 7 We will endeavor to print a - newsy readablft sheet, but wish to remind you that the quality and influence of a newspaper depends largely upon the support it receives - from the citizens of the county. The great advantage of the . telephone was experienced ' by the citizens of Columbus; when - the fire at Tryon caused them to be disconnected with the latter place for a "day or two the forepart of this week. Subscribe for and advertises in The News. It will prove to ;be one' of the best investments you. ever maae. ,. i ; k2l There sre mnriyuses for a Shotgun or Rifle, hut be sure to have one of a reliable make. The "Stevens" has been ori the market since i304 and is guaranteed for quality. , v We manufacture a complete line of - - Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns Ask your dealer for the Steven." i. There is no substjrute. If you cannot obtain them let us know, and we shall sV.tp CtvX,txfrisi prtpaid, ; upon receipt cf price. -' Send for Illustrated Cat alog. You cannot do without it, if Interested In SHOTTING. Mailed fret on request. ; . " Try l:at new puzile of ours I It will keep you guessing until you solve it, and furnishes lots of amusement. Sent on receipt cf two a-cent stamps. Address. " Puzzle Department.'" J. STBVENS.AHMS & TOOL CO.. P.O. 60x3093, Cnlcopee Falls, JIass. w ree "A Tfrci rbrpner," gars T'T.. TT . Write for ,..! book hy. . 1 I'lTS ! LOTGV RoIIsiaa Nntt nd K'vod rhApprr K. 11. At voordrn'cr'd.Sn. By mail orcv ptv4 I ie. Yui:r2UCK ISACIi ifuot sut ifactury, K0IXXA5 CrO. CO., i;oru Ae, JJonat Jy, P. Saw Mill Machinery. " Portable and Stationery Kngijxes of various maizes, saws, etc., suit able for Lumber Camps, Logging; etc. H. K. FIN'Gt:i?, Mill -Spring, N, C. NOTICE, Jo the friends and patrons of the Hank of Kuthcrfordton: I want to. say that in th.tt-duy of burglary nd safe robbery ,b41 inouies de iosited in this bank will be wife. For in keepiiig with our usual precaution we curry burglary insnvance to t cover all losses in case robbers should blow up our safe. We invite all persons having nsoDey to deposit to place it in oif safe amHfcJKill be protected Kemember this is the first and oldest bank in the county and has withstood all test for twelve years. I While others have failed, the Bank of llutl.er foruton stands. Bring 'us .yirur deposits and all your valuables ; for safe keeping, v Soliciting all your business, I beg to be - Yours O nly, V r D. F. Morrow, ! ' President. THE WINTER RESORTS SGUTR REACHED VTA " SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Sonthern Railway announces The sale of rouud-trip inter Excursion tick ets to all the principal resorts of the South beginning October 15, I9;,3. v - Th winter resorts of North ttnil H.th Carolina, Georgia and Florida are esnec- lonj nniiiug 10 mose m search of health or pleasure. ' In these States are such noted Vesorts as Jackson vi 1 1 tjt. . Augustine, jOruiond, . Daytona, V aim Jeach, liockledge. Miami and Tanina 1 niHu iue resorts ot. .Nassau and vuDa, best reached via the Southern Railway. 1 -Tickets, on. Mile, np to and including' 31P 1904 ly4, limited to 1-fctQrn ntU May Southern Railway , affords elegant train service, with the largest Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, operated through be tween principal cities and resorts, elegant Dining Car seryice, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler Ask nearest Ticket 4gent for further in formation and descriptive literature yl ' M mm' sfete "Opens It Is Never too late to make good resolutions, especially if m making your resolu tions for the new year, you did not resolve that you would : : : ; Advertise more this year than you did last. Judicious advertising is a business builder. When placing your ad vertising f jr 1901, do not forget that it will be to your advantage to place an ad in : - ... The Nes, LOCAL - PRODUCE MARKET. . 4 , : corrected weekly by VThe Ballenger Company. i Com, per bushel $ .80, 2.60 ' 2.00 N . 75 .50 While beans, per busueJ, Colored , " " Mountain Irish Potatoes J3weet Baldwin apples Corn meal Compond lard, per lb. Kettle rendered, " " Country butter " -Ejjfgs " duz. Hens each 1.00 -.85 . .11 .12 1-2 . ,20 .20 .30 15 to .20 Breilers Clear side meat, per lb.' . ,12,1-2 In gambling it in well to quit play ing when Ihe game, is at its best. In udvertisinq 'it is best to go it all the stronger ichtn returns prove ' that U , isii t a game of chance, but ti, sure means to an end.- Jed Scarboro.y Central Industrial in s t i t u t e . A well equipped School for both sexes. Primary, lntermcdntie, . C ollege Preparatory. A temperauce community with good moral and social surrouudiiigs. Special attention given to students who have . v been deprived of . early educa- tional ad- ' - .vantages. Good Literary Sv)cieties. A , good library ami reading .room open to all students without ertra charge : : : : Write for information to " ReT. Marion Whiteside, Prin, COLyMBUS, N. C. V Capital ,$10,000. ' Surplus $34)00- ESTABLISHED 1892. The tok of MherfordtCD, , NORTH CAROLINA. Invites all your business. Loans' on gool security. Pays interest on time deposits! Is the deprf itory for state funds by order of the state treasurer, Bring or seiid us all your business. D. F. MORROW, - J. W. DORSEY, - " Tresidot. , - Actixg Cashier. HARKED iPLYMOUTH ROCKS. A good winter laying strain. 'Eggs for liatchv ' ? iug and htbk for sale. SCOTCH COLLIE1 SHEPHERD V : PUPPIES. Thoroughbred stock at moderate terms. Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL, HARRISONBURG, Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA. TO 'CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Ltixative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails J nnru . 1? IV n ..... . every box. 25 eta. wv.... jj. ii . uiuvcu Bagnaiur in on LOO 'Now Open The Inn i$ three thousand feet aboiJ sea level, nest- -Jing amon surroun sierpenti in leng peaks above, have " summits, springsi..wnch flow from these pealss form thejiead- . . . . p -waters ot : the famous Shunkawttfom Falls. - .". : .A fiue pliie to spend he VViuter. lolthy climate,- - . ... ' . f a plefty of Ifi uit and , good ppring wn,er. For other iuformiitTtSi-callior address 5 11 , - Mrsli M; E. 1 I' JAS. P. MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW. v Located in G rand Jnrv Room in Court Houle over Clerk's Ollice. COLUMBUS, - - TELEPHONES: Office : No. Residence : No." 14. A GOOD HOUSE of ; six roolus and one-half neve lot in towns of Columbus 'for sale. For partichus '-apply to : . . . L. H. CIXOLD, COLUMBUS, N. C. 1 Tent 12xl4 1 large" Wagon Cover, 4 Camp Stools, lj stt Wagon iiows, 1 Fruit Dryer and Iitid ltker, 1 pair Buggy Shafts- 1 Ladie Hiding if idle and Saddle, 1 one-hoise Tfp l'uggy and Uarness, 2 Vlows, 1 irginaSMusio Box and lfe it'ecords, l-Graphophonelund i'2 Itecords, 1 Crown Parlor Orfun. ;ood as new ; 0 shares in Po'Jf (bounty Tfelephrne tl., 1 eighteen months oil Keitu Ay bred Colt, Tost Hole Diggers, Tsllundles Pine Shingles. ' I am offerinti the articles named above- at urivate sale. I Call, if interested. S s w. miller: Columbus, N. C. NOTICE Of BANKRUPT SALE, Uy virtue of the piwer vested in me as trustee of the estate of R. L. Garren. bankrupt, I will, on Thursday the Juth day of Detemb-, 11)03, at the court houei door in Colunjbns; N. C., at 12 o'clocl e clock noon, sell to thf h.ghest bidder, for cash, the. following described land, viz: One town lot in the town of Saluda. N. C. on Henderson etieft, adjoining lands of Mrs. r a v Tine... tuv hm . j '.ii u. w.f- i.fc.-. iuuxuc buu omers. ana ..t 11 i. Si r i- - 1 counts to the highest bidder for cash, at Saluda, N. C., eleven o'clock a. tvi The object of suid sale is to make assets ror me creditors of the said R. Garren bnnfernnt.. . " a .- T o tt Saluda, N. C, Njov. 9, 1903. Trustee A Investment 9 - thananljAcL in The News - I - - cannot le made by any merchant It goes .into all parts jj of Polk County. The t rats are low aud the 1 retirns 'Try it !:: are 1 . good. Mbuntaiii Cottages . '.:Afew cozy cottages for r rent; sitiiated in Spring 1 Mountain Park on toe top V of the ntountain. A de-' 1 , lightf uL riace to spend the Summer. The cottages . : are located in picturesque spots andi are near "Log . Cabin Idn". and Ben Cragen." For other in- : formation! apply td the " S , ' - . . . - a " - . - n- - ' 1 ' ....... . n dfjl -by a Je el ki drive t o ranes p t t'7rXx- y-X' sTit5 th J with mountain ' . I7t' ;iO:!frv ' five , hundred -feet UP&W' ' M3X, '4 winch, in turn, iMw-'. -v.t-' 6 AWIS .r --"V ',jLj inaiBS paths, to Mrzr .va. . s i jne many h t. -s.-.a , .-' -v-i:5! v - uuumius hi iti ironc Dy zllf teet deep. Also bn Friday fte 11th day of December lyOj, I will sell! a lot of various book ac Better POLK COUNTY; NEWS For i Win ter Guests. -vv- ------ rr-'voAVvl WE ARE ON THE WAY TO IN SPRING MOUNTAIN PARK. - . STEVENSON, Columbus, J. C. Too Bisy Maye We Been ; .... ... : To notify our numerous customers ' and-liibiids thut 3 ITS as X .S -. 3 M bomeliow, they have louud it WINTE but in groups aw.pains, to nia'k'e their -urAase.H.'.'pf. cook Btoves, heaters, -wagoLs," buggie'p, ti.-irn.-jss, Hc.: Yjlh, we have CliristmiiH gouls, too. Express wH go us for the littler boys,. JA;nl handle liuives for' your wile, istr or pwcetheait. A 'beautiful line of - blue, steel ;ehau.eh'd ware, porcelain lined ; also graysteel-or agae ware tor our wife and don't -slight her for she is the ' flower ; of youilrtJine. IShot- gubs lor the .bviyaand. many other articled toosuumero-us to' name. 7 Write, call or phone (No. D) and we will answer. . J ; . ' . TtyoMSum ' Sir M. Jl TPxO JM First National , Banb' of Spartanburg "..".Gross'- Assets, - j - IxDinouAL Deposits, - v . Baxk Deposits, -i Tot a l t) epos its, - ." Cash on Haxc .ucd Iieseiive Agents, The FIRST NATIONAL BANK -and lis savings depeft ment, the Fidelity Loan aud Trust ccmpaky, have today assets amounting to , .. , , . . AS' STRONG tfiS THE GRANITE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE ARE BUILT. W. E. BURNETT. Iksidkxt. J. W. BIMPOfv. Cashier. A. by thousands all over this country, who uaec'ltl?rfW,a 99 for headache of all kinds, Neuralgia, Acute Rheumatism," Grip" and Sore Throat, etc, that it is to suffer with the above ailments when you : can buy sg itiCuPi9 the' famous remedy for aches and pains at all druggists. . 25 doses only 25'cts., or delivered by us anywhere the mail goes on receipt of price. - ' What Mr. J. IL BEATTTE of Norwalk, Ohio, Auditor of Huron Co., says: - ' I have been subject to severe headache all my life and have derived more ; ' benefit from the use of "IT-KURAM than from any remedy I have ever used. More valuable testimonials for the asking. . , . - . ' Mfd. Only by THE S. W. FLERIIXG PP., Now ItHtOon, O.f Are now ready for ginning Cotton:! Ginning -75' cents per bale, gaggipg. nd Ties, 40 cents" -per bale. .-.'.We pay railroad prices for cotton and seed." Manufacturers Wheat 1.00 per bushel. GEO. ) INN LOG CABIN INN Proprietress, we - handle. ftiii'sn HE 13 ! PK"' Bil W IS oi, and are cowung; liot sinirlv dm ... ' iV. - C. $618,127 $336,193 : - 83,542 369740 116.7C6 ,300.00 JOHN li. CLKYELjVND, Vick-Prkside.nt. M. ' OHlVEITZUjEStti --Asa'j Cashikr. . ffTTS GUktfflED of. Flour and " Xnmber. V - Seed A. BRANSCOM, Pees. ' MeWin HilC N C. r1 ai-Ai Three TimestheValOE. of Any OTHeR, One Third Easier! r " j ? One Third Fasten . The only Sewing Machine that does not f ail in any . point. : Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings make it the lightest running ma chine in the world '' - .Agents , wanted in. unoceupied territory. t "," ' ' Send for circulars and, terms. Wheeler & Wilson r Mfg.. Co., r ATLANTA GA. 'i-!. 1 ,-5S 'it..v;.