J The News The News It Devoted to the Ib Unsurpassed as an Ad- mm. Upbuilding of..... vertisiag Medium. S O a Rates Low. - - K i Q5 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OP POLK COUNTY. VOL. IX. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINQS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. COLUMBUS, H..CM. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 19, 1904. NO. 44. - --ru. - y - - - . War Is Oh In JBetweer Dead Eainrest . Japan, and .- Rissi.? United States ;enai6rSMa Manna Answers ; Last Summons Ja panese Win First Two Enga 'emerits With a Severe Loss to RvissiaL. HUB MuH u H . An I U 1 1 I Two Rxissian Trans ports Captured An other Victory for Ja- pan Reported Japan Is Wild Over Her Vic tories War News Up to Date. nation, is wild oyer her victories. - "On to Manchuria' is her cry. ; Three army corps embarked , on transports today, 30,000 jnfantry and. artillery have land- ed at Masampho and are marcning nortn to loin the main body at Seoul. Hem- heini hurried to the army marching on the Yalu river. . ANOTHER BRILLIANT JAPANESE VIC . ; TORY. Tientsin, Feb. 10, It is , reported that in a naval battle at Port Arthur today eight Russian ships were cap tured bv - the Japanese. All reports point to another brilliant victory REPORTS OF LAND BATTLE. Chefoo, Feb.. 9. The Japanese - won two battles at Port Arthur this eve ning. Five Russian ships were badly damaged. Russia lost nine men in the first attack, and had two ships badly damaged in the second engagement. -Vienna, Feb. 9. A special from Port Arthur to the Neue Freie Press says that Admiral Kischlbos with 14 torpe- " a Wta from Nagasaki. 15 miles from tort Arthur, met the Russian squan droa reconnoiterlng. The torpedo boats in three groups attacked the Rus sian ships, launching torpedoes. The Ritvizen' and Cesare witch, though ' badly damaged, were able to rAtnm to Port Arthur. The Pallida, disabled with a broken screw and rud der. was towed back next morning. The Russian ships forced the topedo boats to retreat. The repairs will-take several weeks for all throe ships. COLUMBIA BRINGS THE NEWS. , Chefoo, Feb. 9. The Columbia has arrived from Port Arthur with addi tional news of the attack by the Japan ese fleet upon the Russians in the roads outside outside of the harbor of Port Arthur. The Columbia was in the roads at the time 'and felt the first nt a tstrnArfn extriosion at 11 DUUVK VT o'clock Monday night. The attack continued all night and at davlleht this morning two Russian bat tleships and !. one first-class Russian sion to pass through Raise Wilhelm nnnum. 0W finM MAnS B L L ,ww.,.. www ' - gland Is also asked permission to allow . ..... Tu; , the Black Sea fleet to go througQ tne niu diii, anu uib mauj 11111159 11- Dardaneiies. " " . -' L' Provides.- A dispatch from Chefoo says that in s - -: : anticipation of the return of the Japan- progressive Farmer. ese fleet the Russians at Port Artnur , orowmow auuju-i are adopting defensive measures, tak- hea first introduced two orthree years i n hf rh hrlr.k bulldlnsrs whose 1 ago, was regarded as fifty years, aneaq icf Mivt?nnTv hombarbmentJiiiffBC en- ui ume- iuw wo wca u tail loss of life. " - pairie nre, anu mo piau wi ThA Jftnanesa have attempted to oo- aid to rural road building now seems eunv the Kwantr Tung peninsula, to likely to take its place along with that tiiA nrt.h of lort Arthur, cutting ofl other great and quick-growing success, thA Russian stronghold from Mukden National support ot rural mail delivery. w?tK hinK it linrmnpAted bv the Man- While the Brownlow measure has: been churian railway. often explained in The Progressive According to Russian dispatches the Farmer, it may not be amiss to repeat Japanese landing forces were repulsed. Just how that It provides: rt is hpliAVPd that a Japanese force sue- 1. For the creation of a department ceeded In landing north on Talien Wan at Washington, with; proper superin- Isthmus. tendents ana impioyes, to raise care 01 Admiral Alexleff-has been appointed the building ot these roaas. . . M-:kTK0 t,th armrm command of the Rus. -2. The $24,0W.h,u tone -appropnateu, Lonaon, eo. r , , -forces in the i&r east by the av&Uable at the r ate of 8,000,000 a year Cear. He now directs both army and for three years, is to be divided emong RUSSIAN FLEET DESTROYED London, Feb. U.A dispatch to Rou ter's ' Telegram Company from Tokio, dated 7:10 p. m.i yesterday, says an un- pMnt. thnm that r""T United States Government tne XU9biau uccu ww uiujv ,-r battleships and three . crusiers,. being suiik, and that two Japanese warships were damaged in engagements yester day off Port Arthur, the Japanese get ting between the Russians and the en trance of the harbor before the fight commenced. . - - . ; ' JAPANESE ENTEK SECUL. ; Paris, Feb. 11. The Foreign Office receiyed a dispatch saying 5,000 Japa- The Republican Leader Passed Away Monday Evening at 6:40. , HEARST HAS MURPHY PAT " urn nArsistenfc reports of a tremenaous and battle at Ping 1 ang. iNo aetaui san be obtained. All Corean land wires are cut except each army s mili tary lines. , - " CZAR BLAMES JAPAN. ' St. Petersburg, Feb. 10. The Czar proclaims war, and charges Japan with treachery. . He says the attacK was made- without notification tnat tne breaking off of negotiation itself mark ed the beginning of hostilities." RUSSIAN PAPERS DENOUNCE AMERICA. New York Feb. 10. It is charged with bitterness with influential Russian newspapers that the United States is in concert with England in encoutag inir Japan and that were it not for sup- nort promised bv toem to tne mikrui , t . - lation, except f Hat no state is to receive loss than $250 d of this money. ; 3. Each Sta , dounty or town re ceiving Federal aid . must add a like amount to the sum received from the - ,. , . . ! VxFma iwa. HJU1B Ul Tfii.Vl w. cipitating hostilities. r. HAY'S NOTE DENOUNCED. . Paris, Feb. 10. Secretary Hayts note is declared to be the red flag to Europe and ,;Figaro" denounces it as "animprudent fireband possibly in volving all Europe in war. AMERICANS TO GO TO JAPAN. . Washington, Feb. 10. If the presi dent doea not tell them to stay at home Lieutenant General Young, former chief of staff, and Maj. General Bates, former paymaster general, both of whom have retired, will leave for Tokio to join Japan's army as individual observ ers. They will go on their own respon and will have no official staDd ! cruiser were seen to have been disabled KaaMioA at thft entrance of the auu ivsvvm . harbor. RUSSIAN FORTS OPEN FIRE. This morning the Russiau forts opened Hre on the Japanese fleet which waa about three miles distant. The Japanese returned the fire, hitting sev eral of the Russian ships but doing lit tle damage. The Russian cruisers then wont, rait and the Japanese vessels dis appeared. They were seen' going in the direction of Dalney apparently undam aged. . London. Feb. 9. A report of the hnmhardment of Port Arthur was re- steamships, most rich ceived. The bombardment, at last ad- an important bridge on the Manchunan wa in nroirress. railroad and landed troops Tho st, Petersburg correspondent she has also taken the mail boat Mag' that. Sundav nisrht Japanese sol- nolia and effected the- landing It is added that quiet prevails." Fourth Day. PORT ARTHUR BOMBARDED ; London, Feb. 12. In a dispatch from Shanghai, dated Feb, 12, 2 a. m., a cor respondent of The Daily Telegraph says: 'The bombardment of Port Arthur continues. ThreeT Russian crusiers have been sunk." .'? RUMORED THAT RUSSIAN CRUSIEBS BOMBARDED HOKEDATE, JAPAN. London. Feb. 12. The Tein Tsin correspondent of The Standard cables that it i: Rhnnld - anv state not take the amount allotted to It under this law before January 1, J907,' all such amounts not taken up are to. be reallotted in "proportion to the population of the different States which have taken up their entire allottment. As we stated last week, North Caro lina would receive $548,000 under the provisions of this bill. Jit is coming un for a hearing in the House of Rep resentatives within the next two weeks on a ovapv man who favors it. sho'ild WU4 V J lose no time in asking his representa; tit? tn iiTinnrt. it. Of the North Caro lina ' Congressmen, - Messrs. Pou and "fHVW'iV mir alrpadv 'declared'- for ' the exoect similar an UiVlMUt VI -w . - & nouncements from other members. . On His "Presidential Boom Ques tion, and Murphy's Problem : Is Whether to Callor Not.- NewYork, Feb: 9. The problem that Charles F. Murphy has- before bim is what to do wth William Ran dolph Hearst and his presidential boom. It is no secret that the Tam many leader has no desire to have the New York delegation, or any part of it, committed to Hearst, and Hearst pro poses to have endorsement of, some kind, or else make trouble in Tammany n the next municipal campaign- If Hearst cannot be president he may ho a candidate on a labor union ticket- This is what Tammany fears. hna snnnortfid ever v labor union man i rtr " m ' . . r a vnlll or Jocai omce. especiauv luruiajun Murphy wants to avoid a clash with I Hearst, but he does not propose to fiarrin-ftfl tho standine of New York's WAS TYPHOID FEVER That Claimed Him as Its Victim. After Long FiJJt ForlLif e Mrs. Hanna Was'.Not Pres ent When End Came Friends Are Grief Stricken. Washington, Feb. 15". Senator Mar cus Alonzo Hanna died at 6:10 o'clock this evening at the family apartments in Arlington Hotel after an illness ex- Hearst 1 tending' over nearly two months, filled with apparent .recoveries, followed by relapses and finally drifting into typhoid fever, which he in his weakened condi tlon, was unable to withstand.- When delegation to tha St. Louis convention I the end came all the members of the by tying it up to the Hearst boom. : It is 'admitted at Tammany Hall tnat noorsfa rlpmands for support are creating considerable anxiety and ey- tv fTni-t. will h made to pacify him short of'tfivlng him the national dele gation- ; . - MR. BRYAN'S BOYS. They Must Have Sam Ac commodation as Himself. . REPUBLICAN MEMBER WINS Seat in Connell-Howell Election" Case --Opposition to Loan. Washington", Feb. 10. The House to- is rumored that five Russian day disposed of the Connell-Howell crusiers from Vladivostock bombarded tested election case for the tenth Hakodate, Japan, on Tuesday. . Ppnnsvlvania district, the decision be- Inc-in favor of Mr. Connell- The Re- w - ' siDinty, ana w.n - Hakodate is one of the'islands of lUg. " I rT A ikn mnot nnHhcm (if the Ge"e?r Shira, of permission to go but Secretary lait .. v w,cimnia. nd Parker, of New thln he woutd beuer stay -in . , tte sdution khi iirkriinps. . - - . - i . .. . i - - .rrr well and regularly built. Tnere is a iniru uay. Japanese naval school there -London, Feb. 11. following a navai coup in which she rendered useless nine a mnst rowerf ul warships, Ja- . . Ana pan nas capmreu uc Thr has been a renewed attack on ing a loan of $4,600,000 Port Arthur. The Japanese captured exposition, upon which a vote on seven ships and chased others. RUSSIAN BAmiu n , flpvftloDed ia the debate BY A STORM. JAPANESE CAPTURE SEVEN SHIPS. London, Feb. 12. . In a dispatch from commercial Nagasaki dated Feb. 10, a correspond- nrizes. blown uo ent oi meiany r in Seoul. un i seating Mr. Howell, the sitting mem ber, and giving the seat to the contes tant. The Democrats soiiaiy support Mr. Howell. Tbo House then resumed considera Senator's family were in the room ex cept Mrs. Hanna, the senator's wife, and Mr. and Mrs. ;Pan Hanna. . Mrs. Hanna bad left the room orily a few minutes before. - ' BEGAN TO SINK. The last sinking spell began at exaot ly 6:30 o'clock. - Drs. Carter and Osier were then in attendance. They did not conceal the fact that life was about to When William Jennings Bryan was end and all members oi tne iamuy were - traveling over the country during the sent for. Mrs, McCormick, one of the last campaign, says the Boston Post, senator's daughters, and Miss Phelps ; he was met in the .State of Maine by were present when the end came. Mr. the State Democratic Committee which, and Mrs; Dan Hanna were the first to inquired at once what arrangement it arrive and they withdrew Immediately should make for taking the presidential to the chamber oi tne senawr s wn. candidate on a tour around the State, summons her to the bedside. It was w hve ensraired a private car for while they were absent the senator you, MrBryan," said the chairman of breathed his last. the committee, "but we would like to Fourteen hours before the end was know bow many you wish to i ac- announced jife had practically suspend commodate in thafcar to make proper flnArk beW kept preparation. . , - -,, iantific Mr. Bryan counted over tne memoers aiuw ujr t..r.. of his party, and tnen asKea -auu agencies. riTB-miumw un. then there are my eleven boys. Dbn t cam6) General Charles A; Dick came forget them. : I want them to nave as good accommodations as I have." The committee looked, puzzled. It had not heard that Mr. Bryan possessed such a tremendous family; besides it seemed very poor taste for a presiden- tia! oana,aa - "TT" In the- afternoon and died quUtW at on a campaign trip. i from the bedside witn tne annuunuo ment: "He is worse and has only a few minutes at the most." That statement was immediately followed by the last official bulletin which was. "Senator Hanna sank . gradually dur of a ti.. .4 Tkn CAnoa 'moriHmpnt TirODOS' to the Louisiana peated tne cnairman w,wuu. the "Yes, eleven oi tnenv" repiicu w question of concurrence will be taken Bryan, "ine eleven . 4avowi" ., - l . Elinor ma oonpvwhere." ' tomorrow. Further opposition tne porter Uu u.r propositi developed in the debate today. newpapef men can go in an coach," replied the chairman. Ttfrt clr ' said Mr. Bryan. a ua .m. m "Those 6:40 o'clock.' Mr. Dover,- the senator's secretary read the bulletin to the newspaper men who were waiting. Word went over the hotel like a flash. The lobby was crowd ed and a score of friends were, waiting. No attempts were made to restrain trrief. Senators Fairoanics, doom suu, iftra. disguised as Chinese, attempted I stronsr force at Chemulpo. rttrov a. branch of the Harbin Via- Her army by-seizing Masampho and .London, Feb. 12. In a dispatch from .. , n -D..nnlm .nMiam of- I i.!J..!.. it- mill nnnfrf t Hf (InrPan I r .'.(..ran n. r-TrOQrrnf1pnt'. flf The 1 tacked the Japanese and killed four. channel'and establish a strategic base Dally MaU says: "The Russian Baltic has received confirmation rom fellows need rest and comfort - ENGLAND will be neutral. for future operations. . squadron of 15 warships passed inrougn .ourc? - 'ZZZ i 0re than iao. xu kthat.nrovednotTuardfrfhnthetears ; Paris, Feb. 9.-The-first news of the According to latest advices the Jap- Damsh waters to day en route for the QJC If they go into one oi tne rear unbidden, to tfceir eyes Japanese attack with torpedo boats on anese have disabled, sunk and captured far East around Cape Skagen, and as a landing at the bay of Port Artnur ana f musb go ith them." 7, ran down their cheeks. General tpTRussian fleet created consternation twenty-three vessels, one a Chinese fierce storm was raging in the North were immediately repulsed. So during the trip through Maine the hig sorr0w. His assocla here. The foreign office said: It is transport, since the war began. ,1 Sea, the Russian admiral ordered the KUssia denies a report. - newspaper men rode in luxury a . . n ,th Senat0P Hanna "were born in profoundly to be regrettea tnat sucn a , fight at port ARTHUR. - squadron tnrougu iue MBirH..u0 St. Petersburg, Feb 11. The Minis- decisive step has been taken as termi- ; London. Feb. 1 1. It is reported that canal." " - - ter of Marines declares there is abso- nates the efforts the powers might have , fiffht at Port Arthur four Russian Japanese" ATTEMPT UNSUCCESSFULLY J iuteiv'no foundation for the report that battleships and three cruisers were i land near PORT ARTHUR. I the Japanese made several attempts w sunk, and two Japanese ships damaged. made to avert actual warfare;" Infor mation received here shows that, the British ' government will issue a declar- j ailon of neutrality ; within a few days I and France will fow the same course London, Feb. 11. A special dispatch land troops near Port Arthur. JAPANESE FLEET WITHDREW: Paris. Feb. 11. A dispatch for soon. i i Second Day. London," Feb. 10. The Japanese oc cupation of Seoul, the capital of Corea, has been accomplished. Fully 70,000 troops have been landed " On Monday 40,000 Japanese troops with six batteries with artillery landed atPingYans and the march north ward to the Yalu river has begun. A Russian army of fifty thousand massed r on the river. TWO RUSSIAN TRANSPORTS CAPTURED. Chefoo, Feb. 10.' Two Russian trans ports with 2,000 troops were captured on the way to Aean. Ten warships - - have been wrecked so far by the Japa- - bese. The cruisers Variagt and Kor , ,lelz were not sunk but captured. Tues day 100 Russians were killed. The Japanese will turn the Variagt into their own fleet. . - . V ON TO MANCHURIA." Tnkio. Fab. 10. Japan," a war mad from Port Arthur says tne japane&e St.. flAt. attembted Wednesday to lana men . t t-hn hnmhird. in fiOVArn navs 1L1 uib uwkuwiuw svt tetersDurg auuuuuws I . ment of Port Arthur day before y ester- Port Arthur under the protection of the tKft .TnnnnMA flftp.fc With- CTinS Ot- tne CrUSiero. XU r- . i 1 o day and that drew; after having suffered severe: loss. CAPTAIN OP V ARI AG BLEW VESSEL, UP Tendon. Feb. 11. Details of the Che mulpo engagagement say that the cap? tain of the battleship Variag remained on board and-blew her np after the crew had escaped. Reports say a Frenchwarship notified ithe -Kusslans of the Japanese approach. . The Korl- etz engaged the Japanese cruisers first while toe Variag protected the trans ports.; The Koreitx was soon destroyed. JAPANESE ENTERING SEOUL. , Paris, Feb. It The foreign office to day received a dispatch dated yesterday reporting that '5,000 Japanese troops wArn fincamned near .Seoul, some of v v x s.. P.. -. :. "- whlch had entered the town. MOVEMENTS OF"RUSSIAN FLEETS Ijondon, Feb. 11. Germany has been notified that a Russian fleet in the Bal tic of fifteen war ships! wishes permis however, that all the attempts were un. successful. ' JAPANESE SHIPS DAMAGED AND ' 50 JAPS KILLED.. Fifth Day London, Feb. 13. The Japanese and Russian forces which for days have been making ready for a battle on the Yula river have met. The first battle resulted in the capture by the Russians of 80. Japanese officers and men.. UNITED STATES- ASKS EXPLANATION I politics, but they had grown to be the , .nT tirrnrn i closest -couuuouvi "uui" OUTSIDE AID N0T: wEEDED biwtoad at hoth.. "- . president Roosevelt caiiea at tne Ar For Baltimore, Fire Sufferers The lington' hotel tonight personally, to w ror Ddimnuii condolences to the members of 5.000 C erks. Laborers and. fr famUv. HesawMr. Car Drivers at VVork. RalHmore. Feb. 1 L No appeal, will aid for the fire sut- fprftrs. - Five thousand clerks, laborers and car drivers are working to clear up streets. - Sp.nator M. A. -Hanna, the senator's Drotner, and Dan R, Hanna, his son, and remain ed with them for some time. The Pres ident walked, to the hotel unattended and spent some time with Postmaster General Payne, who also lives at the Ar lington, both before ana aixer ma .vim there announces that in tne ngut pMrf: a i.tmy i .Tananese ships were slightly damaged and 50 Japanese were killled and 150 were wounded. . ; GREATER NUMBER OF RUSSIAN WARSHIPS DISABLED." - . THE drew a check for ' . . aaa rnvi!iims will be settled at tentlon of the Unitea states steamsmp w,vw. . . . Ticiorioe hv the naval authorities at 1 once. Port Arthur: - " : " BRITISH STEAMSHIP FIRED ON. . - . i w , . ,o - c . rrv,a fiwst navmentof insurance on any .""''? a tt tvmnH tn to aemana an: - wihuwuu,. ,; - -- - - . n1 eAttlpd at I some wibmw -. the president and several memDers oi the cabinet to the question of accompa nying tho" funeral party to the, place of interment of the lato senator's remains in Ohio. The president would like to go very much and it is possible that he may go. The' matter, however, is still un decided.. : - : j; . . . - -LAST WORDS FOR HIS WIFE. ' - RhnrtW before 11' o'clock Senator . rmnnanies are . reaay w ionu Hanna moveu u ' money on the ground holdings in the fire zone. . r The financial fituation is more hope ful, due largely to the offer ot the in- surance companies to aavau . mi 1 . 1 -rr nri T rv the greater nuruneroi tne tvussiau v ' V a ,w ii.an have been was fired on at Port Arthur. disabled and that reveraT Japanese war- neutral ships are reported to be; vt Koor aet. hnme for repairs, red at rorx, anuu.. - SlllO UOf v t London, Feb. 13. -A formal . protest g at four and a halt per cent. iiiin am l a. uiau um mi.'. iarj lis iivn tuiu 1 1 I I1M iiimi. M. KM WW M - to ad- Bntish au - -n.l.!vy ; niton ta and the trnnr.fi to XJaiWUiui o viiv-, . - Other mcmav i8 being gobbled by the distract- 1 " " . - 111. detain ,.w,tc "Npariv ail me iuou- ance JAPANESE REPULSED AT PORT ARTHUR. HJTna Temps says it . ' I. .- - - . . . . ' (Continued on fourth page.) (Continued on fourth page.)

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