rvr COLUXRUS POLK TOR GUDGER. Geo. Miller, who live rr Mill Spring, was a business visitor to town Monday. J. P. Arledgc, tVc prtsen' C! rk of Superior Court, made trip to Saluda Friday. Mayor J. E. Shipman went to Henderson villc Friday and returned Saturday. Kcv. McNeil and Mrs. Barnes,' of New uik, arrived here Saturday and are stopping it the former's place, which is now ocewnied ly Mrs, Westlake and Mrs. McSwain Mr. McNeil expects to remain a week or more. ' Mrs. J. I Arledge and daughter, Mrs. W. C. Rustic, spent.Sunday at the hom ? of County Superintendent of Education W. M. Justice, near Mill Spring. Attorney W. C" McRorie, of Rutherford tou, the junior mtuaber of the law firm known as Justice and McRorie, is expected hete this week, where he will establish an office."- He will occupy the Mc Murray cottage, on the corner of Walker aud Mills streets. . Majority if Not All Delegates to' State C&n- venticn Aie lor Glenn.-" Democratic convention was held .lure in court house Monday, fo the purpose of eltct- Congre&sional and ?Ri7hiB sale. I Business I am offering; the. following'-articles at pri vate sale at my residence in Columbus s - - THEY. . .ARE 3 Cotton Baskets, each . j I Scythe nnd'Snath. . . j I Pair Hnrpy Shate. , I Dixie Plow . ". . . I Vinegar Barrel . . . . I Waunn fairer a?ifl 1!nw tion were instructed to vote as a unit lor Con- -,-;. '' , w , , - ...... ' 1 Caraen Kake ., . . .. jjroMnan j. ai. uurtger. A rising vote was taken and every one in the house favored in structions lor Gucger. There was not one dissenting vote. $.. 25 5 BUSINESS . BR1X 1 , ing delegates to the Siato Senator conventions. The delejTtes to the rortrressina! roven- 'itf&&'&W1 . THE LATEST WEAVES; Line Each Insertion. 75 V: 4 oo rG'Al.- !!LANK.iciiattel Mortgage blaaks .Delegates to the Senatorial convention were instructed to vote in favor of M. H. Justice, for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court The vote was unanimous. After the election of delegates to the differ ent conventions, speeches were made by Kirkpatiick, Cudger's private secretary, T. C Mills, of Tryon and E. B. Cloud, of Columbus. The delegates elected follow : Delegates to State Convention ; T. T Rev. McNeil, of New York preached at the Ballenger, WJ M. Justice, Dr. E. Grady and Presbyterian church Sunday. His Sermon J F. L. Weaver. Alternates : T. C. Mills, was enjoyed and appreciated by those present, j J. D. Carpenter, T. M. Rtrppe and M. A. The fine spring weather served to bring out a J Corn well. larger attendance than usual. " ( Delegates to Congressional Convention : D. A. Goodman took third rank in the J- C Fisher, Dr. II. H. Edwards, C. H. 1 w r a f ii r ti v;Mc of Pvthias Tuesdav nhrht. Several of """ . ry. rearson, """ - . . - I C. f 11 -r nn w..i -r-. ' t ... the members from Lynn attended. ?r"v" "-""cu' l muis MISS" w I 1 1 TT sT T- m - iuiuc, r. ai, curgess, i. M. Reagan and following arc tuc urttuan uuw icu- Ambrose Mills. , Alternates : J. D. Car ers for May and June meetings: May 8th, 1 Mnter. v. r Chamninn T R T.n w Mossie Hampton; May 15th, J. P. Morris; r Gaines, T. C. Mills, T. E. Walker. F. K May 22nd, J. l! bmpman; May 2910, Miss McFarland, W. Y. Miller, J. R. Paris. T. R estlate; June. jm,. irxesiacni; juue uj, 1 j.0ster and F. L. Weaver. Minnie Arledge; June 19th, jttrs. Moms; Delegates to Senatorial Convention : T. E. June 20th. Iva Hampton: Shipman,' J. R. larU, T. T. Ballenger, T. T. ! Camp, J. A. Hines,T. G. Edgerton, J. D. A SUGGESTION BY J. P. MORRIS. Wilson, B T. Boone, M. H. Wagoner, J. D. 1 desire to say to my friends of Polk county I Carpenter and J. T. Waldrop. Alternates : lv whom I was elected to the General As- H. T. Green, B. F. Capp's, J. D. Rhodes, J. sembly in the year 1 902 and many of : whom j B. Dalton, J. W. Edwards, Sr., J. T Ed- are now favoring my reelection this year, that 1 wards, C W. Williams, John Carnegie, J. A. I appreciate their, friendship, confidence and J Feagans, T. E. Walker and Jas. Green, Sr. endorsement of. the record 1 made in the-last I There is no truth in the report that General Assembly, but owing to the fact that majority of the delegates to the State conven would be extremely detrimental to the tion are for General Davidson. The reverse practice oi my chosen profession to enter the I would be nearer the truth. Most of the 1 ace at this time, I shall have to decline. I delegates favor Glenn for Governor. While as I have said I highly appreciate all tlut mv friends have done for toe in the pasM -,., ... d it is extremely graUfying to me to know m .LUnUHtoo. tht the pood people of Polk county are well ' wasnington, u. .u, April 30, 1904, nleased with the record I made in the Legis- A thing that has attracted universal atten I i 1. 1 j Uure, and, especially they arc proud ot the u" "lt among mc eaaing aemo- temnerauce leirUation which I secured "ats, is a speech made by the Hon. William v . . l t lt . f t r .t through the help oi the people of PoIk. anooipn iiearsi, 01 iew noric, oeiore ine county 1 republicans as well as democrats). House Committee on Judiciary, on invitation Ana lor tuatrecord. friends. 1 am proud. lu4 Vou,u,luec- " 4 oc occa5,on was Lpou temperance legislation aepcuds the consideration by that committee of the joint flume destiuv of our yovernmeut, county, " """-x-VA v""v- -fc" . 1 -4.....' 1 Hearst tii the effect thai thf Att.imrV (ipnrril state and uaiiouai, ana u -wiu citizens to send to the Legislature on the 4th 01 the L,Hlcd r9uestcd furn,sh . . . r I th T Toiler with alt th rviilnr in f Clay Oi IJC iivkuuw 0u.v.r fr'-- -w. i wen, Yes,' mcu wlio will have courage I"1 u,c l oruugui u7 to Llot from our erand'old state one many monms ago, given ini, meccp ul her urcatcst curses; men who will put n8.oi.Uie Attorney uenerai, ana vwmcn nas been sleeping ever since in the pigeon j I "Pair Plow 11. nines and Back Ban . j Lot of Mason Jars, I 'quart, per dozen Lot of Tin Cans, I quirt, per dozen, . 4 Cauip Slot-Is, ericij . . . . . . 1 Buggy Jack . . . .. . . ... . 2 9 liht Window Frames, each . !. . I Sp&'lC '" Horse and Cattle Powders . .... . I Saddle Girth ... ... . . . . I Step Ladder, about 6 ftct . . . I Cook Stove, good as new . .' . I Organ, good as new . . . . . . . This is last chance so come at once. S. W. MILLER. 25 5. 4 15 75 25 10 . 20 25 5 10 00 60 00 for E.1I0 at TitE News oflke. x - - A GOOD assortment of Ladjes' spring hats. . 1 k vox lies I ery to. notice. ;. ,y State of North Carolina, Polk County. r By virtue of the power of sale contained in aertain Mortgage executed to the undersigned by C. E. Page and Julia Page his wife,, of said County and State, which. Mortgage was executed to secure the 'payment of one certain note for 5 1 20.00 datefl December 15th, 1902, due January 1st, 1 904, default having been made in the payment of the principal and interest at the maturity of said note and the power of sale in said mortgage contained hav ing thereby become operative, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Columbus, Polk County, N. C, on the ' ; . ; 17th Day of Hay, 1904, the following described real estate, situated in Polk County, N. C, township of Columbus, described as follows: Beginning on a pine and running with the said Cleveland line S 20 E 47 poles to a pine, thence S 64 W, 114 poles 6J2 leet to a rock by a pine stump, thence in a N. W. , direction 10 poles 2 feet to a water oak the west side of a branch, thence up the branch to a maple on the lank of the same, thence westerly 15 poles fcnd 4 feet to a . bunch of maples old line, thence S 64 W 32 poles and 12 feet to a rock in the Turner's line, thence N 50 30" E 3b poles to a pine, thence N 64 E 132 poles to the beginning corner and known as a part of the Richard Tallent bond and containing fifty tive acres, and Leing the Same couveyed to the said CV E. Page by Geo. A. Justice, Com. D-ed dated July 4th, 1898 aud registered in bvok 14, page 575c in the record ol Polk County. EUZAUETH J. KlMntRLY. Thisoth. day of April IQ04. 5-12 IF IT is plows, hoes, forks, rakes," yon need, call on us. Tryon Supply Co. 4 J U ST a few heaters left and going at less than j cost. Tryon Supn.Y Co. - MEN'S STRAW HATS. Tryon IIosiu; Co. r - . SINGLE BARREL SHOTGUN for sale. Address II," News Office, . -' . - .'. : ' :...--..'.. - ' v ; 1 l)k ' COOKSTOVES and vessels, at low prices v Tryon Suitly Co. ANYTH 1 NG in hardware. Tryon Supply Co. - '...;. '' FINE TRUNKS. A fine line of tnTnks. See them, Tryqn" HostEXY Co. -A greater number of elegant pieces than, we have ever had." before. Come and see them. Prices unusually interesting. , Our grocery line is always complete. We -Lave 'the finest' Sugar Cured Hams made. - Come to our store for anything you need. , ARNOLD & CANNON; LYNN, TELEPHONE NO. I. 9 greatest iowu liquor and ave the youtli of our state, May tuc ,;ood people of Polk county work to Mis end. 1 know that it is a duty each citizen owe t. cou jtry to s:rve it wbeii called upon, rv-jiU-Jiess 01 o:c'jpauou ur ios 10 uiujw. Gulf Coast Resorts. Mobile, Orleans, Mexico and Cali(orma New VIA holes of his desk, and further providing that ! a commission of the House and Senate, con 1 sisting cf seven members, be appointed to go through, the testimony thus furnished by Mr. Hearst and report if any case had been made L it at lb s time Heel that for ine to make lhe iust the Coal Trust, the entire facts in the case; in order that the proper legislation might he enacted to the end that justice might e done the consuming public, the proper .unishiutnt administered to the Coal Trus and restraint fixed upon its future operations. Mr. Hearst spoke for an hour, and a number of the members of the committee, in comment-. ing upon the speech, said that it was the clear race for the Legislature would-be very detri mental to the practice of my profession. W.j lie 1 have in uiy mind at this time many j gjod m;u who are eminently ri tea for the Ltfc'is;atuict and whom I InJieve wou d en doiie i.ie legislation of IO03, especially do I have iu miudoae man who is peculiarly fitted fur the uujc of a legislator, aud whose char SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Winttr Tourist tickets now on sale to the noted resorts of the Gulf Coast and Mexico and California. Tickets on sal via Southern Ji'uilway up to and including April 30. 1U04, limited to Aiuy Sl.TiHM, for retnru passage. . N Elegant train service. The route of the "Washington uud Southwestern Limited" aud "Sunset Lkmled. " Ask nartst Ticket Agent for detailed information uud descriptive matter. LADIES SHIR'f WAIST goods.' The best line that has ever been iu Polk county. Tryon Hosiery Co. SUMMER PANTS.-A nice line of summer pants at McMurray & Cloud. Call and see them. ' ., A DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN at a bargain. If interested address "D," Nkws Office. SALT WHITE FISH. A shipment of them has just been received at McMurray & -Cloud's. Try them. 9 9 9 a 9 ,9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 o DID YOU EVER THINK OF IT? j Did it ever occur to you that Z poorly prlnteci station- J - - . - ery hao lost many a Z dollar for the touoi- , ss man r Have your orintlne: I done here and you will make, not lose money. . POLK COUNTY NEWS PRIflTIFJG HOUSE i THE BEST OF PRINTING. " ;'. S mr - a. a a. a a a A A A A k. a A WRITING PAPER and Envelopes of good quality are always kept in stock at The Nkws office. The price will please you. CORN, FODDER or other marketable produce will be received at any time in pay ment of subscriptions to The News. l& XV Villi L3L3 ARE THE B E S T THAT CAN OE GROWN If you want the choicest vegetables or most beautiful floweravou should read BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1904,-w well known as the " Leading- American Seed Catalogue." It is mailed FREE to all. Better send your address TO-DAY. W. ATI-EE BURPEE A CO PHILADELPHIA. FRESH GROCERIES. A nice .line of fresh groceries iust received. idcMl'RRAY & Cloltx, Columbus, N. (S. if. I . 1 .1 . l..S,l aun.r ana record 4 as spotless ana pure as ine 1 r i . mn ilf, :,. u,-!! 1 of any subject that has evtr come before their oriveu snow. A young man wuo is weiti j committee, this was cause for. some little astonishment on the part of many members of that Mr. Hearst was incapable of making a ... . 1 cr.-K cimntu Kniiicf lit nnt hin AnhU A man who is deep, logical aud yv " . . . . . 7. . . I 1 utAM fi Mm cAiin1 s9 fi tc rr rm ail nnr. In fact he is a power ipon the -'8. young VLiictJ 111 politics, both state and national. A ,,nn w.,.,.- aUl,tv to waire a camoaien that astonishment on then . A..rtr rtv nf -be House, who had, up to this time, believed uodlrt briui success to-the democratic prty 01 1 .. I oIk county is undisputed by those who know him best. nvi'i.rirl In I art hii is a n..,c- u,Kn.r,m,mhPr hU articles mg-4his session. 1 hey are now beginning to . .1 t.V nfTtViir Viitc n hie t nti11irhinlitv as 'well t. . 1. I'll u 1. . L- f nilVTV NfcAVS in '-v.. ...w w . . j ixnfi !n defense of the national issues. to popularity. J 7 I r . . .t : . 1. - I jj U at once recoguize hisabihty to handle . . ,. , . ... - - . . 1 nn tho ovoninir nf A rvril fi ' Xh ailvpnf fif Tu man to whom 1 refer is Mr. fcdward " " - f J " . , , , , .i j I this child has served to stop tne voice 01 . wlOUd, OI OIUHIUUS. viuuu wa 1 .... . .... . ,. aud raised in Columbus, being educated J Zander .ntn.s cy at .east, wn.cn nas oeen Antral -ludustrial Institute of that aggea B nse S,nsi n,m ever smce nc uc- came a potent lactor in tne democratic presi Ul 1.1c i-.acc, aitciiding when the school bad at its lnd such able instructors' as Professors Det Milcr, liceuian and Townsend. Mr. Cloud applied uiiustilf well, but not only did be a, p.y uiuiatlf to text books, but he has had ac; Mucc his childhood to the splendid liijrury iu Columbus, known as the Stearns library. It is from this library that he has oUuiucd a broad knowledge It is said that there is ut a book in the library he has not mastered. . When but a small child, his friends tell me. Lis mother wquld have to watch hiui iu order to get him to bed at night He would sit by lamp or torch drinking in the knowledge and thoughts of great men. Hence Mr. Cloud Is a broad man, peculiarly fitted for the duties of a legislator. He is too modest to ask for honots and he has not asked for this place. He Jias often said to me that he believed, in the "office seeking the man and not te man seeking the office." Ikit knowing him to be a, true christian man and knowing that to send him to the Legislature from this county will mean that what was done in the Legislature of 1 903 Mill be heartily indorsed by him, I want to .... 'V,:...,,!,, .,A oil tUf trrnd ueople of l'oik county to rally to his supiwrt that we may have such a man on the 4th day of next K..v.-miur in ruivnwnt us in the General Assembly. - FeeUng assured that my friends will favor such a man. Such a true and tried democrat and such a true christian, I desire now to thank them for the support they will gie him on the day of the convention and also on the denlial equation. It has served to accentuate the beautiful domesticity of his home life sur rounded by his accomplished young wife and bis benevolent mother, Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst. Mr.-Hearst is a man who neither smokes nor drinks anything intoxicating, and he spends every hour possible from his arduous work with his family. This I know personally to be a fact, and yet there are political scav engers in this country who insist on throwing lilth at him. Chas. A. Edwards. SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those "who ad- AnA SVV f " t" f - veriise a ou.uu Dewing juaenme ior 120.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from ua or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the v best Sewing Machine to Duy. mforCIRCULAR8SS2 we manufacture and prl CCS" before purchasing OUR CLUBBING RATES. We have made arrangements whereby we can offer the following clubbing rates to those who want any of the papers in the list below. These rates are very Jow and we must have cash in advance. Look the lis over and then send us your order. The Atlanta Constitution, (the great Southern weekly) and lllE News, $1 50 The Sunny South and The News, i 50 The Semi-Weekly Observer andjTHE News . . ... ... ... I 50 The Progressive Farmer and The News . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 The Farm Journal all of 1904 and The News one vear .... . . , I 00 The Farm Journal five years and The News one'year .15 Send all orders to THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, . Columbus, N. C. BUV THE r UN4NIE THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G. ORANGE, MACS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga St. Loula.Mo., Dallas,Tez.,Ban Francisco, Cai " . FOR Al.E Y HAS A UOLtTREPUTATIOIl H For tho Cure of gJvgr end lUdrioy Endorsed by hundreds of people it has cured irv its home city, i f Has won a REPUTATION v to be proud of. : ' V A trial will convince you of its merit, for you will be benefitted ; - " from the first dose. - Write to us tor Free Sample and Book- let of Testimonials. Price $ I . a bottle, six bottles $5. ' Sold by your druggist, or address, SAtlO REMEDY CO. Cleveland, Ohio. SAN0 PILE CURE Works Wonders. Prica 50c. JUST KECEIVI D a nice line of paints. Paint that old house, or new house. Don't , put it off. Delays are dangerous. TRYON Simty Co. SEWING MACHINES. If you contem plate the purchase of a sewing machine, apply at 'I he News office and learn of a . bargain. - STRAW HATS A good lot of straw hats going at a dargain. 15 cent hats at 10 cents. "25 cent hats at 1 5 cents. 50 cent hats at 35 cents. Coiuetmick. They won't be here long. McMUkkay & CLOUD. ' ' - WHEN YOU ARE "ALL OUT" of Envel opes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, etc, and need srne AT once, send your order to The News office and get it filled quicker than you could elsewhere.. This Space is Ovned By the entral Industrial " institute, WATCH IT; vf. WANTED. -Special representative in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. F.xnenses advanced : Dosition permanent Wefurnish everything. Address, The Col- r JtiLiLSmnLf lUUiOlA 10 AVtv xavaaaao umbia, 610 Monon Bldg., Chicago, III. Furnishes all the -latest newsr local aud. general Each issue, vp to 4-4 the hour of croiner to piess, contains the latest teiegrapnic newg Irora all parts of the world, crop conditions aud prices of farm products, given. The Semi- Weekly Citizen WANTED. SpeciaL representative in this county and adjoining territoriesj to represent j " and advertise an old established business house of solid, financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. 'Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position pcrman-.-nt; : Address Blew Bros. & Co r Motion Bldg , Chicago, 111. r 4-28 WANTED. Several industrious persons in ' each slate to travel for, house estaLlished eleven years and with a large capital, to call r upr n mtrchants and agents for successful "and profitable line. Perp-anent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24. and all traveling expenses and. hotel bills advanced in ca$h each week. Experience - not essential. Mtniion reference and enclose self-address ed envelope. The. National, 332 Dear- -? - xVn St'. Chicago. 518 Three Months, ; - - -25c Six Months, - - -; S0C Twelve Months, - I - $1.00 SeDd in jrour8ubscription to-day. , THE CITIZEN, : - A8HEYILLE, NOBTH CAB0U5A. Cash in advance. Address,' Advestise in THE NEWS. W ANTED Several persons of character and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise o d e&tadlished wealthy business House of sol id tiiiHiiciaisutidiug.' Salary $21.00 weekly . with experts additional, all payable in cash diiect eacli Wednesday from head offices Horse and carriage furbished when neces j v s..ry. References.' ' Enclose self addressed , nveldpe. Manutacturers and Wholesal " ?" er$,T5ebL a, "third floors 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. ' 5-5 Subscribe for The News. Dyspepsia, Stcxszsh, liver, :. Hcrvo Troubios crCczstfpzilsnP - CHYLO VJILL GUZS YCU. Tt f ft nnt a readv relief but a permanent core. Im thm ISf Dympm mm tn CcpfSV rhviA 1 ot a Bateted medicine, Vut is a prescription which has mad Umovm atft the woS's eUU ialita, who hi uaedSln W. practice for rl' fmm thew dreadful aliectiona. You nd not dlmt mhrnfi-trnkiaff tmOXim. that wiii prepare 11 so perioral wusuki" ry ZZ-TZZj CJ ZZtJA n f ionmeang riehloodj J Rood TLS aBtrontT CAwa unmrntatm AooondaUtm because itcurea Indigestkm. IndigUoB "th?cuM of ViSSS ca thf bTtestine. to retail ' "ggH when not removed, produce thia dreadful malady. No urach mafter can b retained when Chylo is used. Therefore Chylo is a sure prevenUve of appeadlcitia. : .. . , , : Chylo can be had at your drugyist, price 60 cento. ' . ." ' : - Made only by' the CHYJ-O CO., 244Q Calumot Ave Chlcmgcy Hi. .V. 4th day of next November. J. P. Morris.