S3 The News la Devoted to the I The News : Upbuilding of.... . " Polk County. I Unsurpassed as am Ad - vertlslag Medium...... t .5 . . . . KatesJ-ow. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OP POLK COUNTY. C INDEPENDENCE IN MX THINGS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $i.oo PER YEAR, IN ADVAMCXL VOL. X. ; COLUMBUS, N. C.t THURSDAY, MAX 19, 1904 NO. 6 tory of I 1 -' J ly lV mm. RUSSIA. HAS GALID OUT : , 7100,000-r.ioRE troops ' It was the writer's pleasure to spend several days last week in the beautiful Sapphire Country. In company with Mr. W. K. Osborne, Prof. W, L. Carmicbael, - of Breva rd, I boarded the train at Transylvania's ''Capital City" on Tues day of last week and soon found myself passing swiftly through 'the', far -famed! valley of the Upper French Broad. . Naj lure has certain) ybeen kind, to the peol pie of that delightful section, and man, too, has played an important part, in beautifying and improving the country. When quite a yout h I used to roam over those hills and alone the valley, through the fields and down to tbe very brink of the 8 parkling: Tahkeeostee, : delighted with the charming handiwork of man and his 'Creator. The Upper French Broad has always been a lovely country; but I was agreeably surprised upon this recent trip to note such a marked inv Drovement in every condition of life since I left there some ten years ago. TxwyClty.",i V . At the old Eastatoa ford, ten miles west of Brevard, a. veritable little city has been planned and is already heavily populated for a'eountry place. It con tains three stores, a hotel,'' ptstoffice depot, many residences and a mammoth tannery. The latter establishment is a revelation, and the process of tanning quite interesting and wonderful. Tie genial manager, Mr. Sllversteio, direct ed our party through the various de partments of the establishment and pointed out the various changes hides undergo in completing the process, from the starting point to the shipping room. The concern sends out the most beauti ful and serviceable leather that can be produced anywhere, and the output Is very large. This enterprise has proved a great assistance to the farmers in that vicinity and thousands of dollars are distributed every month. The invest ment is profitable, however, and the company is pleased .with the location and business prospects. The 8am cor poration "is operating a spoke and han dle factory, from which it derives con slderable revenue. Thus it will be seen that the farmer finds a ready market for both bark and timber. Who ever dream ed of these things ten years ago? On Up the River t Lake Toxaway. Resuming our journey we found our selves travelling up the north fork of French Broad and leaving that stream we traversed the valleys of Flat Creek, Indian Creek, and were soon crossing the Blue Ridge overlooking the Toxa way river. This ridge divides the wa ters of the Atlantic and 'those flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. ; The elevation here is about 3,000 feet above the sea The descent from this point was of brief duration and we' soon found ourselves awe-strlckeq before the great Toxawax lake and the magnificent Toxaway Inn. The water line of this great inland sea is fifteen miles in length stretching far into the fastnesses of those suburban hills. The dam across Toxaway river, inmia tViA hAAfs fop the lake, is wonderfully constructed, . being mort- tban 200 feet at its base and forty at the cop. It is ten feet higher than the nor mal heiarbt of the lake and the huge waves are prevented from striking It by a break water, consisting of a line of loirs chained together and stretching entirely across the biff pond .' Tbe watershed of the stream feeding the lake is verv limited o-?niaintngihm 7,500 acres. To keep the water ten feet valour t.h tnn of the dam a waste weir, or escape, 'was cut through granii,ano to insure the wafer being held at tN low level the space io the aperture for , its escaping was made eleven t i me greater, than the cubic; space . occupied by the highest water ever, recorded in that strearai o ifc:U; accurately .calcu lated that a rainfall eleven times great er than the record might occur without affecting the splendid wall retaining Toxaway lake's waters. Toxaway Inn. - ' -Upon entering this magnificent hotel I was reminded of-the language of the Queen of Sheba, who' spoke uj King Solomon of old, . "the half has never been told." It is a dream ot beauty and I heartily eoncur with the opinion of a prominent writer wbosajd of it:"' "But it is the Toxiiway hotel which will entrance the traveler at first sight. An Imposing structure; fi ve stories high rTv annfooriate architec tural desiirn. it is half surrounded by the waters of Lake Toxaway, which driven by "a strong breeze lap upon the shnre a delightful lullaby,-' There a t- fifteen miles f swood-tnnged coast around which one may row or plow hU way in - a naphtha' launch: there are nnmbers of inlets and cevefi and rms and often as one skirts the hore.-.a- -de lightful picture of valley, hill and moun 1 -- - ' " -i i - ' - r " i . .jJ .. iii TV" M. i ' """n--'X' ii.".."" " V. ' '' ' ri ii.' "V. ' i 1 l : .v.:-:vi- Wi I . 1 1 1.1 ill 1 . Ji I .1 IJL 1 ... 1.1 ..FVPmnpMMPMIMPMMIMPVMMMnMBHMin ,i ' -g 1 - ' ; I. i ... - - '. r " V" i fTi77mmTrm'mTwffr , (w.iii.i.wiipiii ii . ;u .,.,j.ii...,j. .....i.. i. i""ui" ,' 'jw" . Lw,,"!.yM!Wj'iw ''vri:r;v.'''ivi'?w,!;wyi!'';"j BIRDSEYE VIEW OF THE LOVELY LAKE COUNTRY FROM THE. SUMMIT OF TOXAWAY. MOUNTAIN. . '.,?..i;v------" 5..,. " TIIE FRANKLIN, " AT BREVARD. FAIRFIELD INN, ON. LAKE FAIRFIELD. ... .-." 1 cation" upon a beautiful sheet of water, surround ed by mountains and having an altitude of more than 3,000 feet, Toxr -rway hotel is unequalled ;byri summer resort hotels in the South." The - great hall, the dining1 room and the music room would attract attention anywhere, -while the - finishlnes and decorations throughout the house are very pleasing. The rooms are large and, arranged, to great advantage, jill of thenal beings so situated as to cbuimand both - lake And mountain' vlewai. t Of course - there are apartments-eii i suite; elevatoreelectric lights, bath rooms on every floor, etc. 'J v 1 1 is handsomely constructed . of na tive woods and the furniture of like ma teriali tho'first story being constructed entirely of Birch; the remaining, three of Oak, Chestnut, and Poplar, respect ively! It is without doubt the most ele gantiy appointed hotel In tbe South and accommodates 400 people. " ' ; " : ' ;C;'; - On to the Weaf We Qe. Having taken ia.. the wonders, jiist briefly desoribed, our party . is 'ushered into a comfortable vehicle drawn by two spans of splend id steeds and borne" on to the westward; along the - Jake shore, across the big dam and over the Verdant hills to Sapphire Inn.- whlcjh ", is really the central and distributing point for the Sapphire Country. This excellent hostelry is under the splendid manage ment of Sir. I. A. rPhllliptjjEff ; ;New York. Sixty guests are accommodated here the year, round. Mr Phillips, is thoroughly conversant with the . ajrairs of this house and the sixty visitors there seemed contented and happy. j Here we obtained permission to disturb. . the sparkling waters of Horse Pasture rive? and try our luck at fishing for the pic" torial denixena of that fdst-fiowing stream. Fortune seemed to smile upon our efforts and many 'Speckled, beau ties" were taken on the first round. Under. the ruleof the company - each person fishing in the streams are limited to twenty per day and three in tbe lakes. WeM did not quite reach the limit, but had plenty of cab and to spar. Atbevely elrldjnn.) "Beyond the Alp lies Itajy" and be yond Sapphire lies Fairfield, nohe'of thaf most beautiful spots imagineableii On account of . the crowded condition 'at Sapphire Ion our party were couveyed by the management tp Fairfield Inn foi lodging.- This U also, an elegantly ap- pointed hotel located upon a - command ing elevation overlooking Fairfield lake which is one of the prettiest of them all It is btlted by a beautiful dnvdway. ino ' enure f airneia property is- a dream of beauty. . ' ' v Two miles to the North of Sapphire" on the topmost point of Toxaway moun tainUeXiodeManypebple -prefer stopping at this great elevation and th i.Lodge usually has its quota nf twenty-five guests. There is V well graded carriage road to the summit. of this great mountain and - guests of the other hotels oftea go Up to the Lodge, if only foV'day-'?'.5'";i'-:p Who Did AU ThI? ,: , The power behind Jthe throne itr the wonderful enterprises looking toihe de- velopement of this delipEtJuI plcee is Mr Hays, formerly of Pittsbur? who Is the general manager for 'the cpmpaby and directed the. work which; will ' be a monument to hi memory, t. About 65P,0ii0 have already been expended and the end - is not yet. The corporation! owns . the Transylvania raufoadTIahid about 91 miles of finely - graded ' turn' pike.; Also the Franklin hotel, at Bre vard which accommodates 16Q people. -Mr Hays earned South J or his health several; 'jears ao : and. improved .49 much that he 'decided to i brj n.g the merits of the country to the attention of hi . Pittsburg friendU. Tiber YyesuJl has .already been told.;. A.-' propertr comprising about 30,000 acresj (witltalV the-wonders decribed above, rih mines game etc, .'has been; securecU It is wonderlul to relate to behold: Jt &ll,is amazing. Such enterprise is' bound to success and -time will tell' the tale in glowing letters of gold, and silver. iind precious stones, r . 1 nere is , no : more desirable t property in tho Union. t ';-k . ivThe Asslitaot ..Manaser. - , When business ' matters clain the at tention .01: ur-m;i eiswnee sjtne management of the company's & in Traniyivalna' and Jackson counties devolves upon iir.-Thoa. H. Shipmanof Bre veard, who-is - the' genial ..and' effi cient assistant - manager. Wr.; man is thonxighly con versant, ;'rith every detail of the matters io hand and handles things in a manner entirely acceptable to the "officers andmerhbers of the company. ' He is a young, man' of pleasing' address and fine busiaess stfise tad the Toxaway eoiopaay I is The Japanese' Lose :0nev Of Their torpedo Boats While Attempt- PORT ARTHUR ISSTILL CUT OFF It Is Said the Russtaw! Have De- stroyed the Docks an Piers at ;ortfny f o Prepft Japs ; : From?' Landing; j t2 1 2 at at GUact. -TIilisorailJrCxl at Su PeterehuTg that the' Bti88iaiirarmyfo coniihue-1 fall bac? Vlcejoyl Alexleff has already removed : his headquarters ,to Harbin: J The Russians are still in ' possession el. Ninchtrang, hat are preparing to evacuate. It U reported that Rnniani and Manchu. : riau- bandits have crossed tha Yalu far above Wiju-and have made a1 raid "Into Korea, getting 1$0 miles souths ' Russia has called out 100,000 more troops - whowlll be huniedtorthekfrbSt. s V Within CO miles of LiaaT' Yang, where Geueral Kuropatkln had bis . headquarters, ihe Russians have been' defeated bv the Japanese and driven bjack.;.Th'e Japanese won by dragging guaa into position up seemingly insurm.QQntable mountain sides. .The Rusaians claim that railroad commu nlcation' with Pirt Arthur has been re-es-T fi.blished and the telegraph line is being repaired. - vii , iT't? . - -. y-t ?Th5 Jipaneeflt jclftsmg . in (on Ninch" wag, which tbe Russians, seem about to abaudon., , Four of five regiments have left thVport-;, It is annouueed that a ship-buildine firm at Newport News is coustructhur four tut rnariue boats; for ja nao m . AduurTrex)brta 1 that ior several days loudjjXpKsiohs haVeuJoeen heard in the tort Arthur harborJt isheliaved that Hn?-Mow i, tbeir warships to preveouh falling , Into . the hands of tue Japanese, , t -:, . r " The small - Japanese : garriapxj, at Anl u succeeded ia holllagff .au attack by Cos- sacKS unru rfcinrprcements arrived. Rus Hu owuuug, pariies Dave.goi peamd tae Japanese lines (n Korea. " C" 3 J ; ; -The UoitetJ States cruiser, New Orleans. he s been- Ordered from 8banghai to Niuoh- wangto protect' AmericanVinterests when the-Russtans withdraw; s Tf --v-v:v ;.ri M" ' '.:. fortunate in having, he benefit . oi his xperwnce;o,andt untiring Energy in prompting the. auccesa of th immense enterprises ot. that '. jbeauUful V and wonderful jegich... v.i The; foorhotelf, pfc.-ahe' oompany; which were closed.. ibr the winter, will be 9pened at thebeininff i of? the sum-' mer seaspn..on: June l,: under the fol lowing excellent xninageraenfic Toxawayilpn.by GeotAl feeler, -forer,managerof r Waldo Bote! ' Qarkbwg.W,Va;'4if":"i'i-r '-C - ;Eairel'd Inn,fM.cJ 8timp,f Atlan ta, iattt proprietor ot the flmos at : Franklin, -Brevard,- to be jaanaged by F. P. Mortoar,ot .the Beabqw, Greene . oora:c-;.'-;r ak-rbje: -The Lodgeon MtTpYraji will be Sapphire Idu ?. .k . v. , - , -1 fits ehainnppteisn feommodate senaersonviliejjs ; fellt the gate- 1- waytlie Sapphire' wuntr.J Here the'Vsaalig' f 'cafs'i's made..from the Southernrtb "the" Transylvanfa whieh extecbfalnto'theheart of the Toxa way mountains. Teh 'yearlr igo when " thetallEdficonstrucTng'a railroad " from Hendersbmplllr "io ' Brevard - was 1. began many people; ' shook"their heads ?ixh turpwse.e.BijWitb the' assistance, of ihftci&z&ne of rHendereo&ville town- ship and. tbose.ofrpaylvanU' together rkith the indoihinatAbie courage and " t energy of .lessra-r Vyarren, Jonk and &cNeelyithe:xoad was - completed and equipped.with, rolling stock and proved to be a payim investment 'almost from 'jbbetaTjV( x1 SmBfive ryeara JtgP the Toxaway company .purchased, property, and has ; sln.ee ex,tejdedte troad to, Xke Toxa- ijJi!$ii WJei. .beyorevard. This company, ,bas; already ttracted J jhousaods of peopletq Western North uarouna ani tne future.- dios .xair.to an; ipcrein ouwo.evecy,,yar uen dersonvi!le; as.wla e.ve.ryoth.er tewn ; alishduld thank Air. J-F. ; Hays.and hl etterprislrfg associates for the interest they are manifesting in the drvelop aaent of thin woaderlaBd. : - . : . -j "mil - - f I -if. t' -..-. fell I " 'i r - ; . .i -!, f J V -if i. 4 1 K:' At -ft " , . Bf. 4- "Exclusive of the advantage of Its lo-

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