VOL. X. FOITOB MSI TMJBJ Sajs Republicans Daw Thrnst lloral Issue on this People, llust Take Consequences, ; A QUESTIOH. OF RIGHT OUtY. Temperance Law Benefit to Schools, Churches and the General Pub- Ibr-Underit Many Victories Have Already Been Von. The last local election on the drink que ttous for the present yew Has neen oeiu. Next spring we confidently expect the tern perwice force throughout the state to pitch Ueir tenia in a final struggle with the sa loon. We look for fighting all along the ...-Nnrth Carolina, which is now tlie stronshoM of the bar-rooms. But meanwhile we hate no reason to rest on the victories won. We hare right at band throughout North Carolina acarapalgn involving the very foundation of the pro . i . w- nf lMnnerance that has Sen IchWTsd and with that foundation, of of fighting blood.-Biblical Recorder. s, onr hopes of progress ia u iuiu, the moral leaders of that territory, whether preachers, teachers or mere citizens, to see to it that the people ae arrayed on the side of rierht. If they are in earnest for probi- Klititn thou will mabfl their earnestness tell now.' For our cart if the people should not en dorse this legislation, we would not be dis posed to insist that any party shall attempt so much again. In the second p'ace, the Watts Act has in ntiiuii nntimr in the cities and towns. The presumption was that the ru ral districts were ready for prohibition and that while some cities and towns were, others were not. This . presumption has been vindicated. We have lost elections t ; teii places and won them in more : than twenty.5 Within recent weeks elections were held in Charlotte. Greensboro, New Bern and Wilmington. In the first three prohibition carried; in the last saloons car ried. We submit this is a fair sample ot the working of the law and an evidence of the state of public opinion. Shall we not show our appreciation of a law under which we have achieved such progress? Or shall we be indifferent while politicians conspire to take it frqra us? txt MnnA ff,Ti tn AMiimo that aii is well. To be sure the large majority in this stale Is with us. But this Is not just the question. The question at this juncture is. Will the majority that is with us be more active in defense than the minority that is airainst usin thettack? Ii is a question cs BRYAN HOT HALF-HEARTED, JudiLB Pafker Assured of" Ueliras: kan's Enlhusiastic Sup-rt- READY TO TAKE iTHE STUMP. W PARKER RESIGNS JUDGESHIP Took.Part in Clearing Up Cases ' Before 'the Court ot Appeals 3 i Then Sent His Resignations . 1 - . to Sercetary of State. AlhAnr. N. y'. Aucrust 5. Alton B. barker ceased to be Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of this State at 3:4 p. m; , today, and became the untrammeled candidate of "the democratic party for the presidency 'of? the United States, lacking only the formal : notification, which will take - place at Rosemount next Wednesday afternoon. Without any advance announcement or intimation of bis purpose, he came to The Capture Coif i3ar Fearedby Russians Yang Not Other War Newsofthe VVeek., ..4 . Former Standard-Bearer Will Place His Services at the Disposal of National Committee. . Ta w v; Anmt s Edward C. Without any advance announcement a Petorsburfir. Aug. 2. It is ofiBclally 1 retirement northward,-; but the cavalry WalL of Wisconsin, and Mrs. Wall were or intimation of his Purpose. Je " announced that the Russians have fallen has checkedtbe Japanese threatening the guests of Judge Parker today. They Albany, took pari, wiu back from Yanze Pass, but are holding nanK movement are en route to Europe. Mr. Wail Drougui juuKDa " VC ' wn the a cordial message direct from Wm. J. Bry- cages which had been aredbefore e . - . . a.. u i- u- nnnrK. and then Sent ft fflBSWUEW w . 0 g - 1 TT., I . , . .. . . an, assuring J uage raiKer iuamc ww i - . nf 1 St. FetersDurg, Aug. -ieuwiii ii.u- por&ea nreinai rTii Anour nasDeen ttly with the ticket and will place himself bis format regnMu 7lmn ropatkln reports that the Japanese have captured by the Japanese.? at the disposal of the democratie nauonai loecieuarjr.ut oww, v , occupied Iknavuen, east of Ldao Yang, (it is not probable i that ; Nagasaki -Nagasaki, Aug. ANoonJIt is re- ' ' . 11.S Tue next ninety days are uie mow cru.u ia all the history of the temperance cause In North Carolina. In that time the peo ple -ball determine whether that cause ahaU Jo forward of backward; whether the party fnat ha. give- sympathy to auseahal. . . r th cr&iner thereby; wbetheri indeed, future general assemblies shall un dereund that the forces in our public life lUt make for temperance and ligbteoua- neH re greater,thn the forces that adyo cate ihe abandonment of onr people to the bar-room; whether, in particular, the cause otthe churches and echooiam ow couujr dismcu is dearer to the people than the cuae of the barooma and distilleries.- -Of course there will appear people who cry out against going into v " reason upon this a moment We could not obtain ihte present law without enartment i .n..mhiv. cnuld we? ier- tainly not. Then what else has been done? The republican convention denouhce. that law. We could not help this. Who then made this law a V mtimi. And it must take the Lasquencea. If it desire, the moral forces to let it alone, why did it attack the legis lation of the moral forces? The man that advocates running away fmm .n itack of this sort is either a cow ard or a traitor in the ranks of temperance and the sooner to understands that he is so regarded the better for all concerned. We sek none of his counsel ' nrw. . . loriIallOn O nt veinpermuvu -s Una a political issue; and it must WEST VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS . ......... Meet In State Convention to Select Standard Bearer. S ParkersburgrW. Va., August 8. e democratic slate conveution here today did oot meet noder such harmonious conditions as had been anticipated, especially for mi nrnla on the ticket. The delegates committee to do everything In nis power wi ana puunc vww thi- fiii Mr. Brvan He left Esopus at 10:26 a. m., accom- breakfasted with Mr. Wall at the latter's panlea oy ine newr - home in Milwaukee, July 23. and they spent been on duty at Rosemount ever since j .-.. i u Mr . 'Wail Mill Mr. h nominations Until after the wain Bnan had been misunderstood in the Eaal had. left Kingston, he would not divulge and that the feeling toward him is untor- bis aesunauou. r pwo important defenses tunate: Continufne. he said; . coach in which he Appeared . t,r,4 V. - - . a .3 m m nil mu 11 niini nuw Mr. Brvan is a democrai ana nevr wm i cuk"' - : - be arything else. While differing on some two p. "JJJg1 SSrwi. .toadlog from Port - Arthur to Kinchou uTaddispitcljLto the emperor q-tions w 1 ' ' ' ' venuon, he reaiia-s wiese Wiu& ?::7"itrl knd after luncheon ria bay, but closer to the former tnan Iam happy to report that the troops upon and has acceptea tne oecuion. e w T7J7 " tiA I to the latter. Roughly speaking snan- a rvi mi una m. i. ik n .- na u tmnaa, au wo.woir , .r - .... - la -Wt ten miles from the ac- t ...u.Ur m th h b m Mimes nveri "v t . : ia couBUiiWUu . t I Port Arthur., It is a and the Yangee Pass, thirty miles east would be" the first point and., the only of LiaoYang. . point to learn of thef all of Port Arthur. t. - - There are hb ad vices from Tokio or the pm -An. it fa renorted.Jttere Japanese legations At Washington or that after three days of desperate fight- London to confirm.the Nagasaki report.) ing the Japanese have captured Shan- J K j. p v .. SL- Petersburg, Aug;- 7 Lieutenant of Port Arthur I General Stoessef, commanding the Bus- . . .. - ' . i a vv tlwo1 I . ...... i v with I BhantaiKow is siuiawju ou mo 1 sian military iorces at jc-ort- Artnur, aatiafled with the plattonn and circumstaiicer considered, the platform is for the best interests of ihc party at largs. will not attempt to say that he has alianr iloned any of tle principlea he advocated in his campaign, but he thinks that if he was right he will evenUially be viiHlicateaV That, however, will not tnrn him from what he belies to be the duty of every demo crat to support ljyally the platform and the ticket of the party I repuleed all the Japanese attacks of July the ce-. pm.i nositionof great natural strength, com- The fions, S mandimr a broad plain leading to Wa, hour, ana at W J-k- "rjJTZ: Ki-t7 -nnt.hr atroh oositioh on the IVk nnrlA1 nAU7n U l.IIR I UUIHVUMI mmv 0 cleared up the business before tie court . --wy.- ,v .. . The only cases remaining are two or : Liao Yang August 3.rhe-pusslans three in the hands of Judges Gray and attempt to push back a numerically su- D0 iot r ,o are in Europe. All of the nerior force of Japanese from Kuchiatzu "The admiration Mr. Bryan has for Judee casea In which Judge Parker was assist- on JttU 3l resulted in an admitted Bus- 1 26, 27 and.28 with enormous losses. XUt7 fcttl l iDUU D CUvUUOlAOUl W A3 ?Jk.bl. Cfe- i. .tn lanAMit in iiuhotdinate everything I i. i..ir.hMrii. -. H said to melino- iudj?e were disposed of. An lnter-i8ian loss of 1,000 men. wcm., " . 1 -.. . - . M ;nnnAMtAtnrt . - ' - to the desire of aiding Henry u. uayw tuat Jut1ge Paper's telegram to tbe con-1 esting leature 01 u carrying his own state for the national fck- -on denoted courage and bravery cod-1 was that the judges were without tne i Hbengr, August 3. In conse- et, but there was differences of opl. ion as to what was best for IJavia.- , : - s On re-assembUog In the eveuing the con vention indulged in a long continued demon stration as former benator Davis entered the wigwam. Mr. Davis thauked the con fnrita hearty greeting and hoped Car take the fesaed his able standard bearer for. the party -and oo that every democrat can endorse and sup port with'credit to himself." Hr. Wall was asked about the report thit Mr.- Bryan, while supporting tne ucaei, wo lid not srjeak directly in favor of Judge its harmony and enthusiasm would continue parker,8 eieclion. He said emphatically: rmtit NnvAmber. He said in part: I "That ia not true, and I want you .to -I cannot refiain from an expression of . me M jiug so. Mr. Bryaa was my gratification at this large ana euu..- gWen a commusion to ieaa tne aemo astic convention of democrats, showing as I and St jouig conveution ia. th um soirit of unity aua ocwri"" . oHrrftudcred his nosition of comraana. minaUon in West Virginia that pervades the j n tendering that he abandoned none amocracv throughout all sections oi me . fealty. Again 1 want to say, he Is a democrat in eyery , sense or me Jadffe ParkeV was. greatly interested id el tuat inn. Mr. Wall told LUC V 1 ioAun him that while the state, under normal con ditions. eives 20,000 plurality to the repub licans, the breach between the La Follette and the "8taiwart, factions is of such a na ture that it cannot be healed. He expressed th- hAiif timt if the democrats ;" who sur- jauBV . 90 mr convictions: that he is a suit-hocg,. black sUk robes which they OI" I quence ot the desperate fighting of , the ordinary, ." . 'The fleet assisted In the defense by bombarding the Japanese flank; "Our losses during the three days were about 1,500 men-and. forty, officers killed or wounded. ' According to statements of Chinese and prisoners the Japanese lost as many as 10,000. .-. t-- . .- ; "Their losswas so .great that the en emy has not had time to remove the dead and wounded." . . .... . tAAiar nnirt Onr national sianuaru -,tii n.i the tenth day of this monin. oe i- mally notified of his nomioaUon, and in the th- conaeoueuo. illation? It Whatlstnai wiupci- - . - inFin Mrtaln llmua- porated towns, exvcyr r acoepunce thereof , will naturally give nnnn the ouestions at Issue I campaign A week later I will be notified at White 8ulphur rprings oi .my u. tlon for the office of vice presweni, aii i the same time, it Willi my uiuy s--.. ..nrHHrioD of mv views on political ouiu a'- - A telegram. from .Chef oo, - dated Aug. 7, says that according to Chinese inior nariear;TLswas cowing, to act that the session was Ainexpeciiea i movement. the Russians have been com- and there had not been time to get the I pgjj to evacuate Hai;Cheng i aDd;,fttll madonna fierce' battle 'was fought on robes, which bad been pasKea wajr i yjf Anshianshan. .- i the land side oi Fort A.rtnur, August o. the summer. - , " '-';J ;';'" f 1 ; I The Japanese are reported to have been The ludges present were: rarKer, l gt. Petersburg, August 3. Whether repulsed with great loss, the killed alone O'Brien, Martin, vannr vuueu i a gerai engagement is. aireaays pnr-i being estimated at iu,umy wniie tne greasing around Liao Yang bet weed the , Russians lost about 1,000. forces af General Kuroki and thV three ,The v telegram says that ' Lieutenant Japanese 1 armies which hav been GeneraV Stoessel was personally in corn moved against them from the south and m&nd and that the conduct of the Rus- east, the decisive battle of the campaigp,i troops was splendid.- Werner. . : . - f The court was in session lesi than two miotites, and adjournment was taken Until October 3. It is a long time since any such number of decisions has peen. handed down at one sltung oi too wui His business as- Chief Judge oeing thus completed, J udge Parker then took up the matter upon which he had come to Albany, the filing of his resignation. tta in all the newspaper men, ran ajanarawa- is regarded as certain if the Japanese, j energetically follow up tbeir preumi- narv success of the last three pays, ai . -. various oolnta the fighting nas oeen oi Ayta anH hloodv character, the Captare af Liaa Taag 'if'l,; Tttaiaatama." Nat Fearad ' LiaoYang, August 7. Liao Yang is. in no imtriedlate"dangerK,thougii; the Russians have'. been compelled, to fall i t t thftrefore. I think, my duiyiol , ftrtr.riior La Follette two years ago both our candidate for the presidency and f 'yp of julministering a rebuke to tour party that I should not now lhe faclion headed by Senator spooner auu Hiftonanton ot the issues. . i ivnMmm BadoC c.reiurn io mm . i ..l..,i:n onmi Mill . ' .1. - .1 As Mr. Uavis was coniuu.6 tUere is no r nffurlnir t.Vlft mngt Stubborn rLiiwtiiauii uuvtiugt - a - t. - 2 1 . took them through the court chambers 8l8tance. The losses, therefore, although t back owjng to the superior, number 01 and consultation rooms, and introaucea extent b not yet established, must tue -iqau. - ; . each one ta his Associate Judges ; In heavy on both sides.. Between six - ARussan cavalry division until today his ow n room.' which he has occupied el ht thou8and men is one eaiimate was in contact wun tne enemy in so long he stopped and looked out 01 ?- - of the Ruasian losses.- : V , nsnang. xu um the window to the distant hills across 8troQg screen drawn around Gen-Iture any rolling stock at Hat Cheng. It the Hudson: His voice. trembled per- eral Kuropatkin's interior positions has is rumored her that the Japanese are ceptibly as he said: ThU room, boys, driYen ln at all-points, Hai-Cheng changing their base to Niuchwaug. a mine." - --- I hftW nracticallyabanaoneawii-noui a 1 iaj,u Track Detliaed far taa Bibertaja Uoas brandy and wioe.-- - T -Ued Hurrah for a-whlte man s party, wUl b, el. to this worth wuiier x r ' . . Davis replied: -I certamiy . . .wofft( Th verv slight emphasis upon the rhft -nressuTsV-of 'the: Japanese j doubt that the democratic state WOrd.u was" was tne nrsi. iu" numbers and tne lauure wi uum uu RaUraaa. St. Petersburg, August 7- Parkers Notification, a JiaiAia wfiTLii nuirvi 1 . s throughout our mrai --- wUh on the white man's proi.- U it ablessing to our country Tnen foUowed a rousing demo,,- ttlboon ..f; ration that lasted some moments: nrotectlon to our oouuwj - S3. .o..e - - - legiaUUon that has neen e.. -Carolina In I generation? 1 . If lo, you will stand by it. If o, ; ' it i.t mBd come to . SS uS WW- for th. to Bos.mount ol tb. no- . .. . - win determine yuuri Mmm iroA rvcuDiea iue ok course in una u101 " " - , , , .-1 tineanou r, utioo to thetemperauuc 1 tantion Dr jucge ramci -i un. William S. rvi B.aaaa. - y..? J2-J 1L Tbey will mr tU.1 nrkntatlvas to vote against it. ! a P SXe almply because one of Ihe par . .nnoe IL our part we hold 11s under great obU- uxxtil the ceremonies ajif f waB enacted I ...... . , eatlbnt here. s;iw"7; " - , concluded. Prince Hil- 1. - . S ' . I r- Jlil" . . a .a a. - i- elacted. MT Wall, aaia inai jhad given 01 nis iomsuuub t 6 ,1 DOrthern positions prwuuijr " 1 wjuimuwwv.vv,, v. - while tne iwo..um... - : . -T" iom Ki.KTrtfr.' aOT aecimea n Hum i wa t nnir vt. ltiui; vu v va'w , aia a.uki. : a , ... et 'of electors, ve law ena Anw. one : "7- hat1n the form of a the favorable offers- of foreign , compa- take advantage of. abreak ,w and, turning ;U,rv " - iu --- ;. thouMa Umr of the trans- seml-circie wvuuu- -ro.'i . ..... 1 - , , " . - , - h .wr,.u 1 Ing' from Anshanshan, ball way oeiwtwu jaiDenan ran way! mu.w? u and file HI " TJatfYang. to An Ping, be-n Dostponed. . i -; .I aa 1 Tfirtra-TTriT HI eel ne&s for . me S .V toKe auyavaKC :5m I'",.,, -, tha court said:-An ;. niiKtv rorvn ill now wu m km"" i ill luo uiuv.ii . . , "' rr thla law the Tsame drews, will you do.a; kinane name cannot appear twice u t c r,-- . ol state." - down stairs lot The electors wm ue " " - irtAvpr the ticket of the -"stalwarts" or vonus. N. Y., Aug. 7. Preparations oyer La Follette faction. 0& Whichever iMi Hiatlnntion. said Mr. W an laCUUII wn "" ; .. ' . , ', will get the votcof the party man . woo ai votes the straight ticket. But if are- Secretary of tentlon of Judge Parser wuay. : . e f facll0a am . xvomt,, v. - llUhftiiot for the republican electors resigna New York, were tne gue,s ona his own state tuket, it will be nece . . momhAP Ot tne I " , . , . 41,.. ternoon. nr. ivuu, - -- f . him to place a cross guu Wl V a " r , ac- . ir:.i, coto dpmocrauc e& new iwftB""", r .... nvnATtJi to take an oommiiiet -r . t , live part lirthe campaign in New York state. He will be in charge of the Sag- amore, which will bring ne c.-- from New York on weuu, boat wllf 'land its , passengers - AAr arid then anchor and his own of eery person on the ticket for whom The document read: TTon. John P. O'Brien, -SUte: -r?f "fi: ' ;4Sir. 1 hereby respectfully resign -mi affioe as Chief Judge of the Court oi Appeals of the State of New York, such itrnation to take enect icimouwW.j, Esopus, N; Y."i August Ir onlV 13-miiea easw awa ar . -my Yanir. " Unless tne duik o uouw. ropatkin's army has aireaay drawn north of Liao Yang, it is difficult tnBaA how he could how do so with such the Japanese almost V I Dull . V. - I . ... upon his main lines. Three" i. Faarteea Iralr"Togo re-; -Tokio. 'Aueust'Sk ports a'n eiciling tbjdlwatdestroy er fight whlcfi look kiuWtf Port Arthur ' .. mtJik'W '.'Aiiiamcf. H TnA Jk. ., Inasmuch as por- rriu,!T":"r' engaged I panes torpeao owvwswujois wu . , XVJSCUIUUUU, , inn. nf four armv corps, were fighting up to tie tot ilghVana , . . 1. .1 Dnnat.n aimv. It. KeeDlS C6r- I tafincr. rn A urnniH ikuaatw j 1 . r , v ..j. . . . .r'. . w&AW T . - . . , . . v . ...... oameoieer i"- -I , , .- n..-i, aMnt. iha Mmslnder oi . . .t.. Atiinr fltmnt a mruoiroi the . tsM.n0fa trail de&trovers he desires w yutc. - i rnvrsation with his I Wnnitiona bAve vet been re-l'ro, u-. cAnnrAtAd and endeavored to . Wall expreascu wc. i e He refused I KhtAaa well informed I , i.:-., i.t Mr. The at the In; mid have been he cootinued 'Wiscon- connection wun nw resigimu r that General uropu ar j . iKV.Vif the' Russian boats. V.T:l"ka' W f the cvW, Mtpeaks for Itself. Si ith the bulk of the, main army if hel driving off-three of he Russian boats. moral we do i'.K- Ho.mands of ithe ia tMOonae m . . i it. 'amtiniL. - For c tbC 0ther ponding to sucnaeaui th-t-'niin.aiea hand we want every ; " . -.nj. to suffer. We call upon the .. .... M.t ddci not Uk fuur-iuare !?! ...irtl. ibat b. .uool bat let na msu ui k-oK11 nnort: and so teach a icsou that shall va "T Km forarotteu. w-Tr-tand that this legislation will h anprlatlv ODPbsed in the Eighth Con gressional dUtilctwblch under the opera . tin thia law has been made prohibition i .i. .iiainmin of the " . .h ,mmlttee, called on rrYato- in the Afternoon. . . .. .,.o.li-..u,c in the court, tie reiuseu i -- Nevertheless well miormeui 4 . t-m afa-"rhe lat- !. wiUranse a deiecuon w wo ,uu iw wiik6-: . - . . t : P""""' i.tt-1 surrounu mo. --. .... - -r - i j.i, an ctatement or comnwuv u - ,f .tianhes exoress vue p"uu ... rraiicttcket. i ; fcwav ter broketrougntne coruou, uU0, "At any fate gin must at least - . . . . doubtful stales. ' . oa h One of them Among tne pniuu.cu. , r - -,uiav testlfvlnelo thees- r -necials from the 1 . aa Mfinuiina .11 tn. a n u f wa aiiiai iiiiik w ka aw-"- w aiaaaa m wa na kb wa w - at Rosemount tomorrow - - . .1 -17-1 whh la considered omr W Bailey of Texas; National uoinuiiwcr- teemia w b len tney uuiu uiu.. : i are Busita , - - Tamraaar His fellow judges renoso :reU- J flQds tte chances against him. r; ir Tit .rn to New York tomorrow, t wiU bold its first meeting. . n ty tirav. oi ienv, . nnil Tamont. who aecrew j it n niavton and Col. JJ. L- Russe.i, of Alabama. Col. Russell is general soli- i-1 tnr for the Aioone a Endol Bitter Jight. is.n nhvsiclans had a long and stub- . " - . . n riAiaware, anci Judge ueorgw , -.-T- . : V.A I . - ij.. ..,;! an Ritrebft on iny riiiut 1 '- .i that . . trt visit iwseuiouuu, r.w worn usriii. . ., j unueiw rv-' WMa n rmiiv T7U rw - 1 . - . . . at v uit 1 . m.i 11 At ibis point the, Japanesev,torpedo boat v destroyer Inasuma joioed, the other two and the three turned and spiritedly , at tacked the1 eleven Russian boats. The litter retiredithintbthar ; The ..uiu"A,,a."-Joho& Huyler.t t. Petersburg, August 4.-A ; rumors Jftpaqese,. boats were .uninjurea. the NewYorkhdy millionaire, bought is current that a battle is;in progress theianiaunkliown. . AnKeville college north of Hal Cheng ' r Admiral Togo congratulated the men today at auction the -Asheyille .college sakharoff reports that , twen- J'i Ws Intense anxiety prevails in all circles. iront Wwtn Aafcevllle. 'ormer uu,rB".' i-f iiiint a.."and . : .- a. a. - MAAnn 1 . --w w a-i iirriifia, 1 11 iua unable to maae -..-- Kvervb()dy thought my here today, and It - - M a. a last resort I tried Dr. wrtlino. be abie to con -r-; - . . -vefV , for consumption. killed or wounaeu iu wa-- tin KWf "t . . r " -- TT...U. nvmnfuoa . T.IlA j.:. a Am v a I . . rri Jul-1.: ana 'inait erection of a large seminary uuu. , mem m ' , . ftnRnicea of the Montreal religions asso- au guns wre u-- Parker i-emonies. - Ja&e r - AUO . a - fai ava. Now I've - 11111 ft--vrr tr in lj, with Mr Lamont at, . fpet in a few days W . n C T. .AnniwiH Unt.. ..(. vears a CO ninnaires. of which Uuyler is fpresi- until after tne . nMW" ling is. -"" T a m 1 linflti r"r: mhera of his faml-Untirelv gained my neauu. .s v 77;" ' . - In sLltution and Mr. Parser .t.TClntou I u t W hs. Colds and Throat ana - - Iiormeny uuu ; Southern M.. Church. - . $uperionttmber.? theen,eniy:s-8hips. Tjeutenant General Yamagachi,of the Fifth division, who commanded the Jap igust 4. V - I . ntiz during the BoxeV uprising, news ngencyjrom J-".t.Cia' elation, estabn8nw a6p.-r-r a...-A dispatch to a hv Huvier ana umur 1 , uwuuu, .-p, - - . . a . a ywATanv a; a v-i mi ri nnmiiii w yvr. new- k--- 7 .ducted tiSiV; fter ,a lingering illness. niK." a cVi AvHle collesre was a well Japanese ' 7? Vry - w .;M n;i r; a xa.a. aav - , . . a. - a ::hnrob services at iung- .u Cougm , nrnff 8tore3. frmerlv under 1 v H.1.1.KUWVM w . iAnniiii 1 111 . caaa a-n . . - 7 .he trip in a trouwes, u-:r - was the wttb gwt eoergr agalmt th Muthera I ropetor ,da general, Ymtgeehl today, making launch. 1 wS 4 M . Trial boul.. . 1 forces. The Huss 5. 9 fc'5T Jr H(r two ibots. It becomes

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