THE HOME CIRCLE. A Column Devoted to tired mothers as they Join 'the Home Circle at V Evening tide. ' THE LITTLE COT. I never knew how, well I tared The little cot where I was born, Until I stood beside the gate One pleasant, early summer morn, AuJ listened to my mother's Voice. S!:e, spoke such . words as mother speak Of chcr and hope and all the while The tear drops glistened oh her cheek. ' And soon she turned and plucked a rose i'uat grew beside the cottage door, And smiling, pinned it to ray coat, she haT often done before, t away: 'twas long ago, r I ever, till my life shall close, ;e-ircstjtreasure I can know w II hi a faded little rose.' : There is nothing in life's ex- : v rience that so quickly and ef fectually awakens in the heart those better elements that ally us "to Angels and to God' ' as the scored memories of .home.; This tact constitutes a positive power i,: oiu lives and growing out of this fact is the highest duty of life, the duty to make the charac ter of your home such that its cherished memories shall be a de veloping and gladening influence inrough life. ; ! -iiciuory, be sweet to me , lake, take all else at will, So iuou but leave rne safe and sound, Without a token my heart to wound, 1 !is little house on the hill. Take all the best from east to west, S)Uhu but leave me still The clianiber, wherein the starry light I 'used t j lie awake at night And list to the whip-poor-will. CHILDREN. A cood'man was Judge Eli, as ! described in the Book Samuel, ? but he let his two boys, Hophni and Phinehas, do as they pleased f and through overindulgence they ! Z -f (, miin Th Mind nidi ! - .re r iTiatv-pi ah f. vasts of ncr& i hie wa wpW Attn ; front. An express is coming with tidings from the battle. This blind nonagenarian puts his hands behind h eats and I listens ana cries. vnau lucancm uic noise of thi3 tumult?" An excit ed messenger, all out of breath with the speed, said to him: "Our army is defeated. The sacred chest, called the Ark, is captured and your sons are dead on the field." No wonder the fau:er fainted anji expired. The domes lie tragedy in which these two sons were the tragedians had 4 ti JtT lessly as the vapor which rises at fJ&JJiite leisure from the open boiler. vvaru lu uit; siue ui uie gate tuiu his neck broke and he died; for he was an old man and heavy." Eli had made an awful mistake .in regard to his children. The Bible distinctly says: His sons made themselves vile and he re strained them not." Oh, the 10,000 mistakes in rearing child ren, mistakes of parents, mis takes of teachers m day school and in Sabbath classes, mistakes wo ali make. W ill it not be use ful to consider them? HOMES OF THE POOR. Hoiiies of the poor! Sacred iu- ixiea of earth where the alter j c V cf genius have been lighted. 1; . world forever be blessed i'i a moderate want. The u:nan mind is never whole till it r i suffered and it is better that - uugcl of poverty should mete u iiie required suffering in the rra oi a perpetual restraint, Ma r: thai it should burst like the iLur ueriitorm from the azure sky luxury, darkening with its t: uds the sun of life. The home of the poor man does noi necessarily mean a home of sauering, save in that humilia tion ana restraint to which it is necessary for all souls to be sub jected in order to develop. ; The Poor man's home need not be de void of a certain degree of lux ur v. Beautiful i Dictur es and r ks ol art can no longer De msy oram oi invention ui ; brought them withm the reach of ; busy brain of invention . , nasj",, - ...... Q. T. r.aWn ai l. The price ol ten cents wortn of tobacco smoke saved each day for fifteen or twenty days will purchase a fine book. The very poorest of men find no difficulty not been as severe here as in purchasing this- amount of : elsewhere. tobacco smoke each day. Only) . xktat think how many (lays there are! .The wind storm Wednesday in a life time. Three hundred night was thecause ; ofr thetele and thirteen working days in a phonewires between Columbus year at ten cents a day would and Ton being, broken msev. m e ?m 0 Twen t y y e a r s eral places where trees had been uldS$62& -Withina short dis- chase a? tartl five hundred :vol- tance surrounding Munbus ne umes, a Horary of which most ly fifty trees could be counted men should beproud. What an that, were Wow own; y the inspiring thought for a poor boy; wind Wednesday night . 1 h e the gifflteratoeVcl ed with the little self-denial that pine.. Outside of this, we to t costs to refrain from malHng heard of no lJS bacon of one's self, ' done by , the st; Jh Young man! promise us that as morning the wind had calmed soon as you have read this Home considerable and it was hoped Circle Department you will begin the wind storm was over. , . to lay up ten cents a, day and, if jwu win smose cigars, then be a little more economical in other unngs and lay up at least five cents. You have your life before yuu ana it would soon be so nat ural for you to lay by the small amount daily, that, you would drop it from habit into your pri vate treasury. Will you try it during 1905 and reap the harvest ? HOMES OP THE ROOR. ": History records no great re forms, no rare efforts of philan thropy and love, whose authors have not felt the restraint of at least moderate want. Out from the ten thousand . unnainted ant: tages that dot the land have stalked forth the crreat thou aht& and the mighty deeds. - - liUxure is the concave ' lens which disperses the rays .of human energy, while novertv is cenvex lens which causes them to converge, often bringing them to powerful focus, and t like the mirrors of Archimedes, burning the fleet of the enemy. , " Let no young man despair be cause he is poor. As well might the engine despair because the iron bands confine the restless energy of the steam. The engin eer computes the resistance to physical force in what he terms footpounds. So poverty is a term that simply designates the resis tance to the divine energies of a human soul. There are two in dispensable conditions to the de velopment of power in the engine; first the application of heat and second the outward resistance to " eorce generated. &o "V'r Pj the he f VntJ I tl0S3 circumstances to confine an concentrate the power thus gen- TT of thfe 8?ne is obtained by. confining those restless particles of steam which are struggling for release and which,, ithey do not soon oDtain it, win Durst their iron How impotent is the most ter rific heat if the steam which it generates have no resistance to overcome H Just so with the most gigantic volition and the grandest purpose, if they are not pent in by some sufficing resistance. If they have no fetters, either seen or unseen, in some way propor tionate to their own strength, they will be dissipated as harni- COLUMBUS NEWS. What the Wind Storm of Wednesday Night Accomplished The Cold weather - - Other things. - . V Sheriff W. C. Robertson is busy these days collecting taxes and is a frequent visitor to Coiumbus on that mission. - Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morris went to Rutherford Tuesday. They expect to remain several days visiting relatives. ; Attorney J..E. Shipman made a business trip to Henderson ville Tuesday. " Thos. Smith, of Sandy Springs and Miss M. M. Cudd, were here Tuesday for the purpose of settl ing matters in a legal proceeding i i . 1 1 j j i m wnicn tne latter is inveresweu. How did Tuesday strike you for cold weather. Good day to appreciate a fira- was it not? Mrs. N. A. Cloud has been sick for several days but we hope will soon recover. ' L. H. Cloud has his plating machinery in good working order and has' been doing good work with it. Subscribe for the Southern Ag riculturist and The, News, both one for $1.00 in advance. This is a bargain. F. M. Stearns is as fond of t; 0. to- Cahin most of hls tin?e at Inn. . Don't crriinble obout the cold weather we have had the last day W two but be thankful that it A SERMON BY A. RURAL PASTOR.. The Story of Samson, the Foxes and the Wheat Field Text:' Judges 15: 4-5.';' Beloved and Fellow Trabblers : Ise bin" reedin de Bible and I finds one of de funnies caricters in ; dare dat you eber hyar of. His name is Samson. You finds derrecord of dis culiar man in de book of Judges. De funniest thiiig hap'ned you need hyar of. 1 wil- a ' 'ya -a irr"able, : cannot sleep; have QnDe Flistians dey. fooled wid -headache, feel stuffy, dull and Samson -until dey got him mad melancholy or have neuralgia, wid em, and .didnn know rheumatism, backache, peri' how strong and .how sharp he ... odical pains, indigestion, dys wor, so he ints him - up some . nen-.h ii tmwa cotch he say you Flistians, and he takes dsm J foxes out to dey wheat fiel' and I de wheat wor standih dare bute- ful ripe and yaller almost ready to fall doyn. And what you spose dat ar Samson he tuck ancl dun ? Well; its bad but Ise wirie : to tell it for hits in de Bible and dats rees'n anuf. Hyars what he tuck and dun wid dem foxes: He tUck two of dem and put dev tails togeder and tied dem hard and fas. Den he gets a ; chunk of fife and he tied hit to dey tails and he flings de foxes rite into de middle of dat big ripe wheat fiel' and he kep on tien foxes dat way till he had ebry one of dem foxes in dat wheat wid chunks of fire to dey tails. Now de struction of wheat and tie ' ao:ny of dem foxe.i dat tuck place dere can be magined better I dan scribed. Now you can see, my bredderen, what a naorration and scrambelation dem foxes would make in dat wheat wid one pullin one way and de udder one puliin anudder way . Now spose uem loxes had cum dis kind of Agreement wid each udder one of dem had said : Look hyar, Brer Fox, lets quit dis f oohsnness, dene yo j. see dat wese tarin ali dis yere wheat down and fust thing yer noes de hole fiel's gwine ter be on 'fire andwe all gwine ter git burnt up. Brer" Fox, I tells yer what lets do. Lets bof pull de same way and lets pull dis chunk of fare but of dis tier and lets drag it down dare to dat little t ranch and put hit into de water and den de fire will be put out and Brer Fox, we can take and cut dat string wid our. teeth and we can get loose from dat chunk of lire and ail dis trouble." Now Breren. de " clesiastical terpretation of dis thing is dis: Dese foxes represent chech members in de cnecii , dey gits a spute about suthin and ole Satan gits holt on two of dem an coase he furmsiies de chunk of lire and de string, and he gets two of dem togeddeiy but not dere heaids an hearts but jes like dem loxes wor, one puliin. dis way an' de udder pullin' dat way. And-what is de suit of de thing? If dare is any of de bread of life in dat chech dey sho will tare hit down an set hit all on lire. Now you niggahs take a lessen from dis and quit yo' ranghfication er bout chech wuk or. yo' gwine to tare all de wheat of peace - and prosperity down dats in de checn. Dem foxes giv way to dey animal J an' hair an' de dus- an' "smoke what dey kicked up dare were tother side of mostheness for scription, ah' Breren I zost yo' to keep yd7, animal nater down, case er yo' let hit bile ; up yo' gwine to. need mor'n de surance comp'ny ' to save de ch'ech turn los'n all de wheat of joy an' de bread of life. Dem loxes dey b'long fo de animal kingdom an yo' couldn't spect much more f urn dem, but yuse is de King and heirs of de saints in light an' yo' nius' sho yo'seves better dan foxes.. ; 4 " ' Yo' umble servant - . De Rural Pastor;' , CHURCH DIRECTORY. rRESBY'fliUIAN. T. C. Chokkr,"' Pastor. PreuchiiiK very firtit and tuud fciuuday, 11 a. m. and at night, biiboath School 10 a. ui. BAPTiiiT. W. M. Whitbsidk, Pastor. ' Prcach iuff every second and fourth buauay it 11 it. m., and t!o batarday preTiou.s. fcuaay V bchool at 1C a. m. GREEN II 1 V J5R CIRCUIT iM E T HO I) IS I EPiSOOPAii C11UKCU SOUTH. W. ii. ; - Psrkt, Psvor, Milt aiprius. N. O. I : YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY 0FC1IRISTTAN j liiNDlSAVUU. iS. is. ixouu, rresiueni. It mutt. every Sunday evening at 7 p. in. al tha iuHiitut building.- . BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A. good - winter- laying . strain. Eggs for batch ing and stock foi sale. SCOTCH COLLIE SHEPHflPwD PUPPIES. . Thoroughbred stock: at moderate terms. " Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL, ' HARRISONBURG, . Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA. , r -"- i , ...... ,v-.,r-... .. . .. . ' ; ... ' 'M . ..V,1 . .' .' ' ILife ent. The power that gives you Mlife and' motion is ,the nerve . force, or nerve fluid, located in the nerve cells ot the brain, . . and sent out through the nerves to the various organs. v If you . are tired, nervous. cd; something to increase nerve ; Sn orgy st rength en the nerves. , . -Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is the fuel you need. It ' feeds the nerves, produces nerve v iorcc,- and' restores vitality. . "When r.bcsan ."taking-" Dr. Mila nestorattvo -Keryine and Anti-Pain ..-,I-iks -.1. was .conGRed to my , bed. I bad Bcvero aervou3 sndls, the result of two years illness with malaria. I crraaually grew bo weak that I was una tla to sit up. Tho npeiis would commence TiCith ccld ctill3. and I would become weak and almost help less. My. circulation was poor. I i hati coctorfcd t- riht alorr but grew weaker and weaker. " The Nervine . teemed to strengthen me right away and my circulation was better. I hav taken in aU seven botUes cf tho Nervino, and I t m ctlrtly rcU," - ROSA E. .WEAVSCK, Stuai'ts, la. Dr. ."Miles' Uervlne ss sold by your drugqlst, who vITI carantco that tha first Insula will 11 it faiJs, he Will refund your money. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, Ind Anrcns fsv.l:ix a sketch nn5 descrtntlan may qniokiy H-rt4tji ov.r cr.nUn froa whether en invi:t!on ia Tnbn.h1y i;ten.ihl. Corantcnfct ti:sf.tiict!yrr.i.uaovUul. hnhUeOOK a Patents sent free. )iSvt airent-f f .. stcnrinjr pateJita. 1'iteiitR tjktMi throuch i!umi A. Co. receive tptcLU notice, wifliyTit cbarsfo, ia tbe Sciatic :J!iKfirlca. cnlaf to:x of any eicr!tll3? Journal. Jjr!rost clr- ! I our tiontta. sL Sold bT ail lievrsdojiUr. o:i vi any b four tv.ontt 1 ernin, 3 a ltr: :ic Oc. 625 F St. 7abia(0, D. C. 4 v SEWING MACHINE. , ROLLER BEARING. J-r HIGH GR1QB. ' 19?P?1 taking the ex- ltis?v flr(nrv frr" " I'iis easy sciung tlfeii reae niachine. SPECIAL INTRODUCTOSY TERMS Nttionstl Sewing Machine Co. " BELV1DERE. ILL. - ''I waa 4iouWd with stom ach Iroabla. Thedford'a Black Draught did rue more pood in ne week than all the doc tor' medicine I took in year." MRS. SARAH B. k3 SKIXFIELD, Kllottsville, lad. Thedforcl 'a Black Draught' . ; quickly inyigorates the ac-' iion,, 9 the etoiaach and Ti cures even chronic cases of . ' indigestion. J you will take a small dos of Thed--Afordts Black Draught peca- Bionally you will keep' your j stomach and liver ia per- f ect condition. l4 a More sickness is caused by ' constipation than by any -other; disease. Thedford'a , "Uiack-Drauaht not only re ." licYes constipation hut cures -diarrhesa aad dysentery aud teepa the bowels regular. - . . "All drjgiits sell . - 25-cent, p&clages. -"Thedford's Black-' - Draucrbt is the best medi cifiB fo regulate the bezels , I have ever, used." MRS. " A. U.K GRANT, Sneada .Ferry,' N. C. ; . vM- 50 YEARS' W -EXPERIENCE : f2m&$m&k TfSADS MARR9 r r t ' v CopvniGHTS ic. COLUMBUS R B P A I R I REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS such" as Harness Shoes, Rubber Goods, Tinware, Glassware; Furniture, etc. Carpenter Work and Painting Saws - Filed. All work guaranteed. ' Plating in Gold, Silver, - Copper, or " Rdyal " silver metal. Watcher, Charms, Chain Badges, Finger Riugs, Gollar and Sleeve Buttons and' all kinds of jewelry can be plated with gold or silver. Knives, Forks, Bpoonr and ; all table ware with silver or the Royal " silver metal, v V - The " Royal " silver metal is preferred by a great many people for, tableware because it looks almost at well' and is cheaper than pure silver. - - A liberal commission paid agents in each locality to solicit goods to be plated. Mail or Express orders given prompt attention, Addrese L. H. GLOUD, Express Office : Tryon. N. C. COLUMBUS. N. C. BIG' CUT' PRICE SALE! We have just completed taking stock and find that ' we have too many goods on our shelves which we have , decided to close out at greatly reduced prices in order of goods. " . Jbor the next sixty days we Kjaiiva a, aiiu vctes yd yaru, guuu deiius at a; aim mm;us ' per yard, Flannelettes at lOcts per yard, and all other dry goods in proportion. Shoes, both ladies' and gents', at 90cts, $1.00, . $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, -$2. 00, $2.50 and S2. 75. These shoes formerly sold for $1.25 to $3.00 per pair. ' Be sure to inspect these goods before" you buy or you will lose a bargain. - "7 Don't forget that our line of groceries are always fresh and , the best that money can buy. - ' When in Columbus" we invite you to make our' store head quarters whether you want to buy -anything or not. No trouble to show goods. , - " , " - Thanking you for your trade the past year and hoping for a continuance of the same, we remain. Yours to please. - McM URRAY Phone No. 13. will open August 29th, ,1904, .One hundred and fifty students Tuition from 50 cents' to Board in the Dormitory ?4.UU per mouth last year. 55.00 Will pay Central Tuition For. One Year. You can not find a school of equal grade in the state vrith such cheap rates.' Two new additions are now being built to the Dormitor'. We are' going to make room for all who cornel Our catalogues are now ready for mailing. Send us your name and secure one. For further information write - IA. VI. IAHITESIDE, uome quiCK to avoia tne rusn si Jr-B. PACE & COMPANY, . and see their new stock of Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions, CHILDRgNS' CLOTHING. We make a specialty of Childrens'. Clothing. See bur line before buying elsewhere. , A COMPLETE GROCERY DEPARTMENT. We have our grocery department complete. We keep Oat Flakes, Wheat Hearts, Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Posturn etc. Cheese, Macaroni, Raisons, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Apples Bananas, Cocoanuts. The best assortment of Candy ever brought, to Lynn: And pur Christmas Presents, Queens Ware, China and Glass Wares are up to date in quality and price. Come and see us. I. B. PACE & LYNN, Jr Itf IMWU' remarkable durability. -rf IV WE HAVE AH ATTRACTIVE ; PR0P0SITI0H TO MAKE YOU If you intend to purchase a future. It will cost you nothing - THE HARVARD PIANO CO., Manufacturer, CINCINNATI, OHIO. . , GENERAL N Q S H O P to make room for our new line . f ' . will offer good Outmgs at 8cts per ' - . - . & LA WTER; COLUMBUS, N. O. Industrial 1 iistitufe. with a corps of five teachers. expected. "' : $2.00 per- month. .'. at actual cost which -averaged your Board and Rrlncipal n; c. are preferred by teach- rrt avrtiin4' rtf HTOT1 iffQ Hrfiil tone aualitv. and c Iff 11 X .-- piano at any tune in the near, to learn what we nave to oner. RUSH! A COMPANY,

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