THE Y ARE GOING BACK ure. at the depart ure of the saloon; nor do they want a dispensary. They are content with what we have. . We feel safe in the hands of our repre sentatives and rejoice in the abolition of rARIN RUSSIAN CITY. Vermont is Now Refusing to the traffic ' ' ' ' , So may the mighty work in the hands of L1C6QS6 udlOOnS. - the able representatives of a brave and no ble tieoDle co on. led uv tne loaa-siar 01 the God of nations, whose tabernacle is among men; until in the name or the well. I being of all the people, . our banners of i everlasting progress shall stand eternally Fifty-Four Counties That one Year LiviUzation k. d. holmes. Roxboro, N. C, Jan 20, 1905. 1,500 People Killed or AYonnded - SOME INTERESTING FACTS. PROMISCUOUS FIRING GUNS Ago Voted License1 Now Re- . , fuse to Grant itWhis v key 'is Doomed. Raleigh News & Observer. To the Editor: Please allow me to ex press my admiration and' appreciation of the stand "The Old Reliable" Is taking, The, Clerk's Personal Habits. A Bloody day in St. Petersburg The Revolt of the. Striking WorkmenJJulminates in a Deadly Conflict St. Petersburg, Jan. 22. The revolt of striking workmen culminated to day in a bloody conflict with the troops. "At Too often you hear young men who hold salaried positions say that as long as they do their work properly it was no affair of the employer as to what 9:30 o'clock p. m. it was believed that their habits micrht. hp,, hnw fchpv mteht 1 1.50O neonla have been killed or wound' .u i wu,e choose to spend their leisure time or ed; but all estimates for the present legislation. - ; anything of that kind, and it has gotten must be accepted with cautlonV Popular That the democratic party should have to be rather the impression of the em- rumor says that many thousands have iiLi .: s.-ii t i I nlnvprc t.KtTncalT7oa that. tViow ViaTra llt-.tlo I fnllon fho at 93(1 via nnlot cbuuuscu uiiscauao is no surprise, x uuwc i - v- w wuuw uu.w ..w.w v...M. j av . v.wv t - j I TlKa t lmeirere m tne n alter or tne Troops are ; oivouaciceu around camp personal nabits or tne man whose woric hres here and there in the streets. One is in the main satisfactory. The Wes-1 detachment of infantry refused to fire tern Electrio Company, of Chicago, an on the people and laid down their immense employer of young men, does not hold to the time-honored view in the matter, and has lately issued a bulletin in which it is plainly stated that the man who gambles, who. uses liquor or who uses cigaretts iin direct line for the "grand bounce." The notice, as it has come to the men, is about as follows: : ' . "Playing the races and all other forms of gambling, immoral conduct ties, who by any sort of means, labor to and the excf sve use of li(luor or ciH stroyed by troops almost immediate!; ... . i.i.t-M v ffM i.i v i in iiu i -wa nn q ' 3 iicnrn r naa .- j . . ...... . - aeieat all temperance legislation. I for- " Z,, J ". witn tne loss of 30 workmen killed. wardyou the following summary of the , "vuaoa iU ,,uo The sympathy of the middle class ig conditions, and effect of the repeal of the uu uesiro 6ne services or inose wno with tne workmen. prohibition statutes in the state of Vermont . . .mD-s W Father Gopon, the master mind of -a clipping from the New York Christian , "- mat any em- the movement, aimed at open revolu- Advocate: . ' . , T s uu,aou 18 w tion. be managed the affair like "A suong reaction in temperance senti- . ' jrenius to break the faith of theT people mem m Vermont nas laten place. It will . " w wuc,uCi lh uUltl Father who the i !-. s a .1 :.i -r I the emtllover hna thn ficrVit tr r)of I iaiuw, wuu iucj were 1 "uie- - t.Ko k.ku";.3. V r convinced, ; snd whom iour vowns wiucu last year voted 4u favor . " wuni uu" " musi, au- of license, this year voted no license, while mit that the empiojer has the right to ouly one changed from no license to liceuse. hire the most caPable men and to get Most of the towns still for license declare rid ?f tnose wbo are not so capable, and for it by reduced malorities. We have if il is the opinion of large employers learned from various sources that the effect it, to any man wbo has followed the of the party duriog the last quarter of a century and it is gratifying to find "The Old Reliable still leading in the cause so ,.vital to every best interest of the whole mass of our citizenship. Vast numbers of the best people of our state" are earnestly praying,' in the hope that the present legislature will enact still j mere stringent restrictions against the liquor traffic. . : . . .. . " That our law-makers may be on their guard against the clamor of interested par- arms, but Uhlan aad Cossacks attack ed those the infantry would not. Firing continues on the Vassiliostroy. It is m-? mored tbat the workmen there have seized a dynamite factory and also tbat 30,000 or 40,000 armed strikers from Koipino, 16 miles distant, are march ing on St. Petersburg. ITIidtfte Claaea Favr Wrkmea , Barricades erected an the island of Vassili Ostrov late to-night were de- Father Gopon had taught them, would right the wrongs and redress their grievances. Gorky, the Russian novelist, expressed the opinion that to-day 's work will oreaic thts faith xf the neoole In the tuat a man is better and more capable ,7.i., , if tiuinaa Vioa Iiauti vomt K- r.: - I "DO QOeS DOTj U&Vfi hftfl hfthits thm orr, 1 r w.v,M.S. aau0u MJ.f0 1UJ UOU VJlLlAwliB Jl I ' BurUngton, Vt., have told us that the de- PIover faas a right to let such objection moralizing influence of the saloons upon able men s and to &et those who come youth in that college city is greatly increased up 10 tbeir standards of excellence, and all over the state the consequences of The views of . the'. Western Electric ill-considered action are being realized. PeoPle in the matter are summed up by Apart from the merits of prohibition, or tbe superintendent in this way: hcen3e with local optiou, the spirit mam- "VVe Dave found much to our regret, fest m the repeal of the prohlUtoryjlaw was tbat the babit of PlayiK the races was deoidedly demoralizing. Those who openly develoPiDg to an alarming extent in the and avowedly supported the movement and ranks ' our employes, and decided to those who openly and avowedly resisted ii giv everone fair warning of our atti were in a : consistent position, but souie of tude in tbe matter an attitude which, the 8ocalled statesmen who narriH wtpr D7 the way, we have always held. Af. on both shoulders are now being regarded ter discharging some of the worst offen- follow- Ifc ,8now tbe people against the as timeservers." New York Christina Ad- ders we thought it best to re -enforce Pressors, and. the battle will be nn.n . 1 nrtinr. h rxf.finn. . i .i.. i . i uuiriM tn inn nii.rPT. onsi " mie. 1 wj woum lmm holicb. wnip.n 1 o " ' ' VM The repeal of the statute in Vermont has tncludes not only - gambling, but all furnished the whskey men a card whichl otder forms of dissipation. mey nave piayea ror all it was worth, end position in ine matter is not "To-day inaugurated rovolutlon in Russia. The Emperor's prestige will be irrevocably shattered by the shed- aing 01 innocent blood. He has alien ated himself forever from his people Gopon taught the workmen to believe that an appeal direct to the 'Little Father1 would be heeded. They have been undeceived. Gopon is now con vinced that peaceful means have failed and that the only remedy is force. - The first blood has been shed, but more will the return to the license in that state has Puritanical. It is evident on the face depressed many temperance men through- 11 tnafc a man's value to us is greatly Desperate (Street Figatlag. The military authorities had a firm grip on every artery in the city. At daybreak, guards, regiments, cavalrv .out the country, but the mistake they made Iessened by these practices. It is a part beld erfiry bridge across ls new frankly confessed. of our business policy. And, again, we Neva, thenetwork of cana! the frozen Let us be admonished thereby. desire that the men who are employed terlaces the city, and the gates leading The whiskey men says, if vou will maka b us and who represent us shall he from the industrial stinr.. ktu i ut . r - - nuito 1U bUC your temperance legislation effective, we gentlemen in every Bense of the word, palace square, at the storm center are with you, and he yells about, "blind wbicb is Perfectly natural, is it riot? were marched dragoons, infantry and tigers" and the "jug trade." Unquestion- No mai? can indulge in the practices Cossacks of the guard. Barred from ably this sort of agitation forced the repeal aKainst which our notices are directed tbe bridges and gates, men, women and of the statute inVermont. But now they anJ remain morally un&potted. ; children crossed the frozen river and repent in sorrow, confessing an irreparable "A9 for cigarette smoking, we are canals on the Ice by twos and threes loss to the whole state, .nd fwith forty- convinced that in excess it clouds a hurrying to the palace square, wherj four towns, that a year ago voted license, man's intellectual powers. Against they were sure the Emperor would be refusing them now, together with a general cigarette smoking in moderation we to hear them. The street approaches alarm at the rapidly increase of crime; it have no complaint, although we allow to the square were cleared by vollevs very clearly appears that in the very near 00 smoking whatever within the build- and Cossack charges. Men and women '""'x ftiiuuui win a?am nnniah ihn uuiuiwurKino nonro Mnfiini.tnH t , " - " 1 . - 1 - - www. vw .viuat 1 1 v i.iih 1 r iuu riT IVrt nnllanA i , . . wo..uu in our employ nas a ones, cursed the soldiers while thev 7 r""CU U8 auJ grouna ior com plaint. The men discharged were not couege graduates. Our college are a nne lot of fellows, and paloon. With an object lesson like thig before us4 our people must know that the Watte law is no mistake; that the bill of Mr. Long, of Iredell, is no mistake; and that while retreated. Men harraDgued the crowds telling them that the Emperor bad foil ed them and that the time had Qprae to act.: Men began to build barricades in the Nevsky prospect and at other points, using any materiel that came to hand and even chopping down tele graph poles. WbeleCltrfH Paaic: f Fighting meantime .continued in va- rioua places, soldiers volleying and charging tbe mob. The whole .city was in a.state of panic Women were run ning through-the streets seeking, lost j members of their families, beveral bar-1 ricades were carried by the troops. Towards 8 o'clock in the evening the crowds, exhausted, began .to ,d isperse leavinc the military in possession. As they retreated up the Nevsky Prospect, the workmen put- out - all - the lights. 'The little chapel at tbe : Narva gate was wrecked . . " Wllte Mav be Dictater. On the Kaminostov all the lights were extinguished and an . officer was found and mobbed. A general was killed oh the Nicholas bridge and a dozen officers were stripped of their epaulets and de prived of their swords. It is rumored tonight that M Witte will be appointed dictator tomorrow, but the report is not connrmed. The authorities, while they seem to realize the magnitude of the crisis "with which the dynasty and au tocracy are confronted on account of to day's events, apparently are paralyzed for & moment . . Mut Cud Ike War. An official statement was promised at midnight, at which hour it was an nounced that it had been postponed un til tomorrow. . Intense Indignation is bound to be aroused all oven Russia. The workmen and revolutionists expect news from Moscow and other big cen ters, where tbe troops are not of the same class as the guards regiments of St. Petersburg. r A member of the Emperor's house hold is quoted as saying today that this conflict will end the war with Japan, and that Russia will have a constitution or Emperor Nicholas will lose his head The Warsaw & Baltic railroad is re ported to have been torn up for a mile and a half, but tbe damage is said to have been repaired. There are rumors of trouble in Fin land and disaffection of the troops. Will Ceatlaae te Pigke. With darkness it was feared the mob might try to loot and pillage and ' even burn, but beyond the breaking of a few windows inr the Nevsky . prospect and the pillaging of fruit shops, little disor der was reported. Most of the theaters were closed, but at the People's Palace, which was open, Liberals attempted to harrangue the audience, proposing; but at the close the audience tttfi tr their sympathy with the workmen. In the meantime the strike leaders de elded tov continue the struggle with arms. No day was fixed for the demon stration. The strikers are so excited, however, that trouble is x morrow. :; . " .- - - .. At a big meeting tonight the follow ng message from M. Gorky, the novel ist, was read: i erky laeeaUarj Aleasace "Beloved, associates: We have no Junperor. Innocent blood lies beLweon him andthe . people. Now betrins the people's struggle for freedom. May it prosper. My "Blessing . upon vou all. Would I might be with you tonight: but I have much to do. " A workman who was introduced to speak in Father Gopon's name" made a fiery speech. He appealed to Liberals to furnish arms. The meeting adontnd a letter denouncing the officers and regi meuts that fired on the workmen and another letter extnlH nor " t.ha. M..... n ub wusuuh regiment, which refused to fire. oe rTranZdin Typewriter . . -'' f I' It 19 the simnlcV 1? ' . 4' pi J 19 the Simnl Prf .1: 1 - . r't, ijgntQs easiest, fastest runnJ.' on most durable Typewriter tne market. . The work of the FRANK ways , in Jbull View Operator Ali , is per k0 Jhe. Best Typewriter made. is al. of 'th -v. T5he Franklin, Price, $75.00 Cutter Tower Co., Jenifer Building-7th"&: D. Sts. N.- W., Washington D r . "... W. F. WOOD; Local Agent. ' Sbuthro. Motel, v Ashevillc, North Caiolina, 26 1-2 South Macin-Street RATES $1.00 PER DAY. Mrs. 1L. J. Burnett, Proprietory Kilfyre! Kilfyre!! KilfyrenT Demonstration eyery day at the State ave That is exactly what it ja, a Filler. Eair showing its fire fighting Dualities. thetn3 Farmn a Mil1, Glerj and any one owning property should h For SclIc By Columbia Supply Co., Columbia, SX, The machinery supply Loose of the state. 1 ' ijf' suiryS. ZtvvfcVxi simplest! Three Times the Value of any Other ONE-THIRD EASIER, ONE-THIRD FASTER Agents wanted Jn all unoc'pit Territory. Wheeler & Wilson, AIT e Co mrr - - Atlanta Gd MeCall & Coriley, Marion, N. (J. F. A. QRNNETT, W. H. WOODS UP Gherkee Marble v Works,' MARBLE wo GRANITE 39 Depot Street, AsheYille, N.u The , most ' thorousrhly equipped .marble manu facturing plant in the State. ' From tta plain slaV tombstone to the ele gant monument, from 3 paper-weight to a building front. men there are still in the land of the brave andJ Proud of them. This spring a renre free some who, notwithstanding tbe innu- sentative of the firm took a trip East merable evils that follow in its waue, still j??t before 'commencement time to en champion th.e cause of the open saloon; gage fifty of this year's graduates. That still the people must and do know that this ought to be a sufficient guarantee for 1WM uvjiuhj uie present ""o wukb man s success in business egislature for further relief. The experiment was successful, and it In our own little city dp here among the wil1 probably by repeated next year uxiia ui j: euu, we now nave no saloon, no Merchant's Journal. dispensary a dry to wo. EVENT SOUTIIERtl FAttMEO SHOULD READ r SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST PUBLISHED AT NASHVILLE, TENN. ' " . Because it is edited by.Southeru meu to suit Southern condition, Iu every issue such men as Mai Thns T vl vpttions. )mmisinnr f a ,;i,r: J7?J, , i108' h Key,; former Assistant Soule, " Everything in Marble ' Catalogue free. -: . Mail orders o5vn . ,,nn. Wachovia Loan and irector of tbe Vim nia,i- a: : Anarew are put to them by Intel 1 iewnt wi! - - questions w Trust Company Ou? Mlinttr nnm. J VtVAU- I tjwm- .1 w f - -1 V U LUV. A I J I fl I III f-" I U - missionera refused liVpnoo'iun i mK- 1 . I HiVfirv laariA'ia lilra n KJ - .:y v : Twenty daj s have .ince come and gone; T, -veiC pegan twice the cost of a whole year's Bubscription - -"8 ortn UAri I AL, uuv wiuie located id a sentfnn who t 1 nivix n ureaKieasr, nr. hich Asheville, N. C , Branch. Twenty daj s have .ince coine and gone- " Roosevelt bej ut while located' io a section where i nursday with a breakfeast have observed an alarming amount of e,8nfe to which he had invited drunkeBness, yet during these twenty days some newspaper men . D urine the after all that is sakl and done about "blind morning i 7 , tigers and the ju trade." there hasbeen H" 5 conferred but ene arrest for drunkenne, and as I 7., a legation on the railroad learned, from thechief of jwlice but. one ' l)e8ides receiving the visits of man since Intoxicated; Sobriety, good or- Senators and Representatives who der, and good will have prevailed No in- called. He entertained a distin decency of language or conduct has afflicted guisbed lAusician at luncheon our highways. Many men, who for years tr x 1 ' Auutueon, on the occasion of their visit to our town turned to his office where" he nave generally gone home to their families 'maiueu ui ve wnen he took intoxicated, now are sober and self-respect- a long horseback ride with Sena-big- a joy to their homes and a relief to tor Lodtre. Hh had - 1 a uaibv of dinner guests including White- send 50 ceuts for . year's .lrip-?V?ff?t southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Terin. . : - S600.000.0b ay or Cash 3om missions. etc., for boys. the community. . Iq God's name, I ask, can we by any use 1. "7 7 -uU.g ,n,e. of whiskey, or by any manipulate, of 1?5-d and ... .the . evening he traffic;- better these conditions? is mere any virtue or -manline&s, .; but will be protected and fostered by these coumtions? - -" , - : ; y- Would 'It lint ht Itb-o (ha otl i pent in the Garden of Eden for once to dis-1 wro this peaceful situation? . " A. krir(i:matnnn ' - ' . . -n ujuiti.jr ui me nose 01 our 1 -ountry peop.e are i ejoiced, beyond meas : T. S. MORRISON, Chairman, ' " ; W. B. WILLIAMSON, Cashier. ; - GENERAL BANKING SAVINGS AND TRUST DEPARTMENTS. u - " u ui i iana(rre . . - .auorKers..iiuns. and Wagon BeDositri '.ige D G. Deveniab, Supt Elk Mt. Cotton TO READERS riTr POLK COUNTY NEWS For a short timeye will trive to ever SELLVfllEOUTpSlCE Because they are the best in the land for the money. , : Ask "your dealer for the "Sunny-Jim" shoe, 'and INSIST ON GETTING IT. HUB SHOES shook hands With hundred and nff- u.'aj : If vou ftr ftiro T - .i??.,1?6 advantage of this remarkable nffo. - e of persons at the Dip omntic W5, ' 5 f thls valu" tion,. supper with the receiviug party. " This ProP?sltf n. wlH nobe held open inaefinitely, so hurry up. . AUDUESS. POLK COUNTY NEWS, ..Columbus, N. C. " - - Sample copies of the Southern Agriciiturist can be had at tbts'offlce.' - ' Mills. Thos. W. Park Co. auu rarson Wagner said-President Roosevelt leads the "feimnle life."'. . Raoul. Pres. Albemarle MStall'Contracior and Builder. Ptow;?ce-aTeP,"-W-T- leaver R. Bingham, Bingham School. J-R.S.'Howland, Pres. Howland Imn Co , Lessees. AtlanUo &N. aTft T J. n. Prichard, U. S. ( Ircuit Judge. - This Brand on a Shoe mpans some thing! IfVou want the BEST for your money, call for "THE BUB." FQS770AS $5,000' Guaranteed by a DEPOSIT BANK - Railroad Fair Paid. - 500 FREE ixrarses or fered. : Board at cosi. 'Write Quick; Georgla-Alauaica Bcsiiifss College: Macon Ga