NO HALL OF RECORDS Senate Voles Down Bill Carrying $100,000 Appropriation For New Buildinir Bv Vote of 1 6 to 24 i oi me judges oi me superior uourts. i Mr. Duls introduced a-bill to restrict in- TU F I AM FSTOWN FX POSITION Cing debts by municipalities. The bill solicitors in section 3737 Of second volume of the Code, and the amendments thereto I would be collected as heretofore provided I and paid to the clerks of the Superior Court of the several couuties, and by them paid into the State Treasury... The salaries provided in the bill for solicitors would be I paid by the State Treasurer upon; the certificates - of the clerks' of the Superior Courts of the several counties in the same : ntauner as now provided "for the oavment era E ACT ADOPTED House Recommends Feiw (taps . and Consideration of Measure Short-Lined - KIDNAPPED? where liauor: selling1 is prohibited bv law. : The same requirements in obtain ing licenses for grain , distilleries is re quired a9 for sale of liquor, with twelve freeholders on application -.. for distil- Sio Tleoiy About tie Yooni.Son of 200 feet of a church, nor where sale of MERCHANT'S TAX CUT OUT Commissioners or other" governing au- Recommendations of The ' Gov ernor Concerning State's Rep resentation There Raleigh Feb. 28, 1905. The Senate on Saturday by a vote of 24 to 16 refused to authorize the State to issue bonds lathe amount of $100,000 for the purpose of constructing a flail of Records. There was a spirited dis cussion oyer the bill, many Senators favoring a bond issue of $500,000 or $1, 000,000, for the enlargement of the Capitol Building and for other purposes, but opposing the smaller issue. Vn aulouuuicuif nmuusicu bu ravo the bill by striking out the section pro viding for a bond issue, and directing thority of ay munidpauty to contract in- Interesting Synopsis of "Amend- liquor is orohibited by law, provided that no liceose is to be granted to manufacture where, manufacturing is prohibited by law. - The merchants tax J is omitted. Dealers in pistols may sell jbistol cartridges without the $20 tax. j The tax . of . 40 cents on the $100 is .stricken from the taxes on sales of pia- .Senator Beasley REWARD MAYBE OFFERED debtednesa for the necessarv expenses of such y municipality, shall be restricted to the term for which they shall have been chosen; and no contract entered into by such municipal authorities fora longer period than their term of office shall be valid and biudrog oa the corporation after the expiration of such - lerm unless such contract shall be submitted to the people, and authorized by the' popular yote. A large ..umber o' local bills were pass ed, the calendar being practically cleared. The House measures. passed nearly 206. THE DAKOTA BONDS ments Accepted.Whiskey Comes In For Share Of Taxes ,: r . . Raleigh, N, C. Feb. 27, 1905, The House, on motion of Represent ative Wood, of Randolph, the House went into Committee of the Whoje Saturday night at 9 o'clock! to consider the Revenue bill and Machinery Acts, local and Representative Cuningham, of Per son, was called to the chair. Mr. Wood read the Revenue bill by secitons, noting the principal changes from the act of 1905. -The changes, so far as it was possible to learn from the The Mother of the Boy Neither aos and organs. Piano and organ firms Eats Nor Sleeps But All the .i . Time Cries "Give Me the Body of My Boy" are allowed agents at tax one dollar each and .$5.00 each to county without . tax by town, city or county. A tax of I "3 1-3 per cent on business done in the i State is put on express companies, only 1 the ad "valorem tax being allowed towns and cities. . , There wereT no changes of any im- f portance made in the Machinery Act, except that there are some additions to the property exempt from taxation, these being mainly in line with the property now exempt." ; - - The committee rose, but its beiner thrM 150,000 annually for two years be Senate Judiciary Provides Joint the printed bill are as follows: - taKen irom tuw iwuiauw wmuiis- .i IIMil n... Tn SnhPftntA A' t. inhoritannAlft, , uommiuee w net wiin uov. . r r : r is to apply to real property m aaqition The Senate Judiciary Committee yes- tb personal, property. It is maue the! stoner's receipts, to pay for the erection of the Hall of Records, but the amend- Maddened by the passag-e of the Ward outy oi boucuor oi tne nstrico to sue. bill in the iSenate and made desperate by delinquents for the recovery of , such l he prospect of its passage in the House, tax, his tee not to exceed hve per cent j lne opposition suddenly turned upon Unit- providing that $50,000 be appropriated respect to the situation as to the mth ed by tbe judge, the clerk to be allow-1 ;to their criticisms he cave out this state ment failed, and theD fail ed to pas3 its second reading. A 1oint resolution was cernioc the Jamestown offered con-Exposition, terday afternoon voted unanimously to re port favorably the Duls sabsitiutrfor the two rrsolutious of Mr. Zollicoffer In tht Senate and Mr. Muinhy in the House in to that institution, one-third payable Dakota and Schafer Brothers bonds. out of the taxes levied in 1905, one- The substitute, which provides for the third payable out of the taxes levied in appointment of a joint committee to in 1906 and one-third payable out of the vestigate the entire mitter of both the taxes levied in 1907, for the purpose of South Dakota and the Schafer bomls, two providing a suitable exhibit- for the members of the committee to come from State of North Carolina at the James the Senate and three from the House: the ed costs of advertising and ' reasonable fees and -expenses incurred in collecting pages. It should bepieserved the tax. In the income tax section all incomes obtained from commissions are added this being added so as . to catch insurance agents: a provision exempting incomes obtained from commissioners town Exposition in 1907, the appropria- five to act with the Governor and to confer from the sale of leaf tobacco, cotton tion to be issued by the commission to with the Council of State, Is as follows: be created . The bill authorizes the "Resolved by the Senate, the House Governor to appoint a commission to concurring: . represent the State at the exposition to , "That a special committee of five coasist of ten citizens of the State, one three on the part of the House and two on from each Congressional district. The the Senate, together with th Governor of commission would have a president, the State, be and they are hereby appoint- secretary and other officers, but none ed with full power and authority to take of the commissioners would be entitled all such steps after consultation with the to pay or expenses. The bill empowers Council of State as may in their opinion and other f.v m, products " was stricken the commission to erect at Jamestown a creditable state building suitable of ex hibiting the State's resources, to cost not less than "$10,000 nor more than $15,000. NO TRUE BILLS Grand Jury of Buncombe Fails to Indict Campaign .Managers Ah$ent Witnesses. Fined Special to The Observer. Asheviile, Feb. 23. The grand jury of the present term, of the Buperior Court, to which was consigned the task of investigat ing the alleged use of whiskey and, money during the labt election tor the purpose of illegally influencing Votes, has finished its work, made Its report and " has been dis charged by Judge Moore. The grand jury failed to find a true bill against the three parties charged with conspiracy in con nection with the use of " whUkey for cam paign purposes, and also roported that under the it was able to secure It was not justified iu making' presentments fjr any such alleged offonces. After mak ing its report the foreman ot the grand iurv stated that several witnesses who had eA failed to aDDear. The out. " -v - --.-.-'.." In Schedule "B'Mn defining; it is declared licenses obtained shall be a personal privilege, not transferable, nor an abatement in the tax allowed, and unleas otherwise provided the tax to be collected, in the county where in curred. For circuses and shows with menageries the tax is made $300 a per be Necessary to properly protect the in- formance for exhibitions where admis- teresls of the State of North Carolina, sion and reserved seats exceeds 75 cents with respect to the judgment Of the State of or where it does not exceed 75 cents or South Dokota; that said committee be and where more than fifteen cars are re- tbey'are a1 so authorised to confer with the qUired to transport the circus $200 a Council of State and also with any performancewhen less ..than fifteen authorized representative of the holders of are required 150. The former tax the bonds commonly referred to as the B $200 to main and $50 to side show Schafer Bros. B mds, and they' will report where 50 cent3 is charged, other $50. to the General Assembly at the present ses- Tjrider the new regulation $5Q is charg- siou, whether in their opinion there should e eaca . 8ide how, attached or unat- A gentleman in Raleigh has received a letter from a party living near the home of Senator Beasley, from which" the following extract is taken: , 'They are searching for Beasley 's boy yet but have not ' found him. They have searched the potato houses aod hills and wells, under, the hall and houses, every outhouse, fodder 16ft, barn, woods and swamp. The searchers get in on one side shown that only thirty-five members of the swamp and go clear through, the men Demg about five feet apart. ' - "The bloodhound Went to a Yankee's house,' and the Yankee lives back in the swamp with no ... one but - a boy1 and the -Yankee said that the last time he saw the boy that ' his dog barked and he jumped behind a bunch of bnshes. " That was his first tale. The next tale was that the last time he saw him he ran by his house and the next tale was the last- time he saw him he was in his "yard, but he never told that until the bloodhound trailed the boy to the Yankee man's house. .When the dog got to the door he locked , his door and put his key into his pocket and would not let them search in his house, but the men made him let them in and searched his house but did not find the boy. present no report was made to the House. The bill will be reported on Monday and other changes are to be expected. Senator Simmons Responds inent, which will ba found on our news If the opiositio thought "to bull-doze him, they "were foolish. If -they thought to frighten him, they were more so. Sena tor Simmons is not the mar to weaken uuaer any circumstances, lie is serv ing his State. He is not a radical prohibi tionist, but he is a sound advocate of tem perance and of practicable measures rificht- : eouceivl iu the Intet est of temperance. lie has adopteu tne policy or rural pro hibition and municipal local option, and the opposition i3 very much mistaken if it thinks to drive him from his position." Moreover, their threads will come to naught. If they have any effect they will strengthen the 'popular regard for Senator Simmons. He becarre Senator because of his magnificent political leadership. He will remain Senator not- only on that ac count but because he is bravely using his power to serve the people of our Common wealth. Every effort the distillers make against hi iu elevates and fortifies him in the esteem of the people. Biblical Ke- corder, : Make Your Work Count where a hasty axaminatipn showed that he was beyond human -aid and had been dead when picked up. ; " .; " : Midshipman Battle entered, the naval academy from Asheville ;.N.. C. on Au-. gust 29, 1902. - and since that time has taken jsi ' prominent place among his classmates. , He was a member of the . hop , committee both last year and this year, and last season pulled stroke oar on the varsity eight. - - Threats of Lynching Jackson, Miss., Feb. 24. A negro nam ed Stewart Johnson was arrested today on suspicion that he was the man who brutally assaulted Miss Mary .Marsh yesterday afternoon. The negro, against whom there is a good deal of evidence, was lodged in jail. 'One man who claims to hare been on the other side of the street when the assault occurred identified Johnson as the ability party. .Great crowds " gathered to night and threats of lynching were made. At a mass meeting Governor Vardaman announced the appointment of Col. R. J. Harding, former sheriff of the county, as colonel of the regiment of civil guards which will be formed. AT captain was named for each i ward in the city. ; They in turn will select the members of their companies. . A negrp church was burned early today. . THE SECOND 100,000 DOLLARS Warrants Sent Out By State Treas urer To Various Counties The warrants on the state treasury were issued recently for the apportion ment of the second hundred thousand dollars of the state7 public school fund to bring the schools in the weaker counties up to the , minimum four months' school term. The county re- ' "There was a strange man seen up ceiving the largest amount is Wilkes. about Barcopostofflce and two more places $4,421,93, -the second largest ffoes to by three different men. He was in a bug- Cleveland,' $2,851,11, and the third gy drawn by a black mule, and had the largest amount to Cumberland, $3,720, boy down between his knees, but the.peo- 67: The followinff is the list of western pie saw him before. they heard the boy was counties in the apportionment and the missing, .lhe men say that saw him that amouut each received: . - - the boy was crying aod seamed to be dig- t;iay . 283 02 satisfied, but the man was - talking to him Graham...... " ' 430.35 rough. " . Henderson ....... .. 462.00 Mr. Ansell, clerk of the court, met him j Jackson-.'.... "..2 014 68' near the court huse and he was eoioir I Mannn ; - o qa An 1 , be any legislation iu News S? Observer, regard thereto. v- tached to the circus. Oculists and op ticians are not relieved of the extra tax j in cities, towns or counties The tax in Truckers And ; Gardeners Should Plant Largely of Early Peas The severe weather which, we hag ext perienced during February, and which has extended fardown into Florida, is going to make a considerable shortage in early green vegetables, and n this account our markets will be very bare of green vege tables until late in the season. Indications are that the earliest crops of green vege ihioa will sell at eood Drices, both in WVVavw - - - home markets ad in the 'large cities North. fm The oDDortunitv preseated One day Thomas A. Edison was ramb ling through the grounds and buildings of Columbia University, and his eye happen- they were. Mr. Griggs phoned back that he north. No one paid any attention to him until they heard him talking so roughly to the boy. "No one that saw him knew him, if they had it was such a bad " day, it was raining and snowing, too, and I suppose that he was wrapped up and had his storm spread up. If they had ever seen him be fore they might not have known him. "The strange man was first noticed by Mr. Caleb Barco as he t passed by Bareo and he did not know who he was and, u bore on ' Mr-, Barco's mind that the boy was so dissatisfied that he, Mr. Barco, phoned to Mr, Jack Griggs and asked him if he had seen the man and boy and who Madison ... 737.23 McDowell; ....:........2)16.87 Mitchell...;.....w... :t . ..2,402.18 Polk....... ;. 714.97 Rutherford . 7. . . . . ...... . . .. . . . . ,2,007.71 Yancey . . . . ...... . . . ; . t .'...7.. ..... . 1,322.08 Two Months of Revival Effort" T.' -r z - ea to rest on me electrical plant then Just had seen them pass but did uot know who m at linn a voon in--aafh flfinnt.V. . T .... . .1 . i.WJ-vv: .- ' r - .i erectea. " vv no put mat up?'- he inquired, thev wre. Mr. AnRell , halted bnt th Every one conducting a livery stable IIe wa3 tW and immediately sought out other man kept'dnving. Mr. Ansell notic- a"d Mv w t,--. tne young mau to secure his services. sold is classed as a norse aeaier, witn an extra tax of $25. Peddlers or ven dors of medicines" are taxed $100 a coun- ty; the tax on other jpeaaiers on loot being raised from $li0 to $25 a county those with horse,- mule or ox with or without vehicle from $30 to $r0 for each county. Poor and infirm persona and Confederate soldiers may be exempted bv the county commissioners. A tax of ed the boy's actions. That Beth Liow, then president of the univec-1 evenins that the straneer was seen. He sit y, was abroad. He was communicated never was seen before nor since that any wjth, and by cab'e consented to the res- one knows of in this county, nor I never ignatwn of tbe engineer, who immediate- heard of auv one seeing him anywhere ly entered the service of Mr. Edison, I eiSe. ' . :" " where many years were subsequently spent Mr, Joshua Harrison went off Tuesday in the successful employment of his time morning and never got back until Sunday. and talents. His financial reward was He claimed that he had been to Pasouo- correspondingly satisfactoiy.: ; , tank." The Yaukee would not help them I bat vQuriff engineer left bis mark on I o.o-m tnw tv.o vsw toiiinrr tiiom that thov to our south- v - i uis-wui, auu was icuuguiicu ujr me would nna him. . tie .was tne only man each compress,. in place of this ta.x on. traine(1 observer and by one who Was in a I that rHA nnt turn fimt frnm Snnwden's to ,aiucu " . each l.OQQ bales compressea, An enure nntit!nn tAn thi vonncr .-nan . rrhM f xru un mo.nov mil nf npna onrt other earlV trUCK I . - V . , I w ""w J" r .u.uv ruwci ruiui, iium iwuu iur w iuc money out of peas and otnereariy c section is given to tdot-raachines, fnhl tnm i P.stRhnShW htm in hi . - crops is one haf they should pot ian w ft Asheville, N. C, Feb .. 20. Special. The pastors of the city and religious, workers are making preparations for - a two-month's religous campaign here that will extend through the municipal election, and will in all probability have a marked effect on that election, Miss Blodgett ishow holding daily! meetings in the First Baptist church for vromen is . drawing immense crowds. - At was Monday the conclusion of this meetinsr ' Dr.- Reiley pWndianapolis will come to the First Baptist church for a three weeks revival, and this" will be followed by a Bible conference, when Dr. Munhall, the well kno wn " Philadelphia evangel ist, will; come here April 19 to conduct a series of meetings that will last three weeks. The services will be held in the Auditorium and all the - pastors of the city will co-operate. ROW AT SALUDA. tides are obtained county where ar- from machines by .Jmntom nf ' TCatIv npaa are one or !rM 1 rr Z, rt J P just as soo: as IDe grouna can u . ., . hin or stencn thA nxt term of the Superior Court ana show cause why execudpn should not issue against thpm. The witnessss fined were: Jf. 4. Mackey. chairman of te Democratic county executive committee, wfyo is now in. Rajeighj pr. J. s. T. Baird, the defeated ftepUcan candidate fgr the legislature; George J. Sprinkle, Alfred Starnes, cqunty suryeyor, and Qr. A- M. Ballard, defeated Republican candidate for coroner. TO salary Solicitors gotten ready. The Mn Who Thinks fThe gpeat problems of h world are machines. Machines used as automa;tic clerks are exempted. Cither slot mar chines or thqse with nude or obscene figures are prohibited under penalty of a misdemeanor, fine $250 to $500, or im- favorable turn iu eatablishiug him in his life work. Every younff man has the! same oh'ance. The imprint left on his work is always visilileralways noticed by some one If i i3 good he is sooner or later taken by the hand and , led . ; up .,' to a higher sphere; if bad hut it never-, should be bad! -Merchant's Journal,- not going to be landed oyer to the men of priSOnnient three monthis to one year' f The following, said by a Western paper men of brains," said a or botb- ; - .- V V to oe tne Siecu.oran xnuian mer, ae- The taj? for 'futures" is kept in so serves to take, a place among tne classics: as to tax these if the Wood ard bill "AU that the red man is to-day ne owes i..ti,. mi moinQtod wttera mAr1imn(9 1 to the mlc-face. .. e have - been -so r,- Umiors that intoxicate are put in benevolently: assimilated that one measly thought. A man thin?; muscles but "to tbe lecturer, and then he "developed the idea for his hearers.; : C Jt is true that the forces that exert the are tbe torces or thine In Bill By Senator Pearson Contains shapes uch Provision .Jlaleigb 1 0. Ffb. 20, 1905. The only new bill of wide public impor tance introduced . Saturday in the Senate, was that by Mr Pearson to pay the solici tors of the State a stipulated salary Instead of fees. The bill-repeals section 373(5, chapter 67, of the second volume of the Code, and provides that " from and after July 1, 1805 the State solicitors of the several judicial districts of "North Carolina shall be paid a 'salary of twenty-fiye huur dred dollars ($2,500) each per year in lteu of the fees and allowances now provided by law. The fees how prescribed for State most powenu. ; lut. ' ln nnto whiskev dealers government agent could round up and herd UC EC ID ouu'i' I -a. . . The man of . . ... (?,ndin nee beer, medicated bitters, lobster g.yes m a hottie or wmssey witn a . . : 9ko anno Vifiino- imDnsedrthis f a whole Indian reservation . ine paie-tace motion, ine man oi orsuiB - 7- - , .' And the string reaches to court room, where we lie arouud for a couple of weeks while the witnesses ate cashing in thir pay Vouchers. Thfin we walk home in a snow storm. The sun of the red man is setting in the west Soon Will his copper-colored tribes be as- tbe thinking. ; : i O t i . . ..v. w nrt, M snlrl similated bv the copper trusts, and he will - W ' wno is compe led to gr , - be extinct au may put him in a bicycle begin .life: by entering .tne. service u, - - , rA license suit and taH shoes, but he will continue to another would learn to tnmK, u is ouiy a rj "r"' ,ni.fl Uem for olanked muskrat and Jamais Matter : of . time until the. His davs are numbered;. For a thought, well-directed, has . wrought for wi n him a mijjhty change, and ; he nimseit is 1 r1 . : 1; .mvpmmpnt commissioner, but he is fad- pursuing. He developes it into a concrete ctuoi, .u.r . - . - bis service tht other human force- "'TZT.Si muscle, thai does not think. It perform, lar w tnB c!..ou ,u , "V provides a tax 01 uuo uuuai- o' u r ; . : . I (.. .ii mamiuM wiViprp ' liniiofS are sold hv flnterine the service 01 ui T - " . -. . .. . 1 n ctmniv trt Ri?ranfi thinking for others and directing their vuu, "v? , - Uw Jwav and vou can see his fioish. . m 11 . H.1 A rY Wl3 T-W III linli 1 IIVT.l J-tA. V Vy I - n " .. m forces for his own greater chant's Journal. ; success. -Aier- 1 jaws. oldjind-no club is to . be incorporated have spoken-Charlotte Observer, Six Negroes Attempt to Take the . Town. . ' Atlantic ocean. VPBople from the beach and everywhere around are getting up a petition to get the Governor to put eut a reward for his body j dead or -alive. , They think that rMrs. On last Thursday niffhf six negroes Beasley will die. She eats nothing nor concluded two take charge of the South sleeps none only as they give her medicine ern railway outfit and the town of Sa-' to make her sleep .. and the minute her at the same time two officers and eyes open she is crying, 'Give me the manv citizens ioined In a Ditch battle body of my boy.' "News & Observer fand when the smoke cleared away six negroes were in limbo and quiet .was Midshipman Battle Fell Dead- at restored.: One of the negreesin the the; officers "and made an attempt, to shoot him but by-standera took a part .. , , Academy. : Annapolis, Md., Feb. 20. Midship man Samuel Westray Battle, Jr., sec ond class, and a son Of Surgeon Samuel W. Battle of Asheville, N. C, a' retir ed NavaV officer, dropped" dead at the in the fight and saved the officer's life One of the negroes .received a load of shot in his face ' from a gun in the hands of a.. citizen, and this probably Acadamy yesteroay. The young man's saved the life of the omcer. lhe whole death was due to heart failure, and gang was boun 1 and brought to Hen came just as the brigade of midship- dersonville. and -lodged in jail. .The men were assembling for the. regular cause of the whole trouble was, just as dinner for formation and when the sur- "usual, attributed: to liquor. All of the rounding grounds were filled with the gang were well tanked with the Iniqui- usual Sunday crowd of .Academy and tous and ? soul-destroying beverage, maoy young girls from other cities who Riot and rogury followed the drinking. had attended the hop Saturday night. -Young Battle had just taken his ap- " Senator -Lodge - says that the pointed: place as third petty officer of LGovernment seeds are a humbug. the ninth company, second battalion, A trnoJ manv naonle who have when he was seen to stagger and fall before anyone reached him.; He was taken at once to the' academy hospital, many planted, them opinion. are of -the same

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