UNEVITCH IS IN COMMAND Kuropatkin in Peep- Disgrace No Word of Praise for Him St. Petersburg, March 18. With the Jap anese on the heels and flanks of the rem nants or the defeated Kussian array, General Kuroptkin, the old ideal of the-fby the "recent; Legislature is ot treneral He Hve8 wilh his' wife who neariog the 1'oes for the following special occasions: century mark. Shadrack - thinks that he Athens, Ga. Summer School. June 27, private soldier, has been dismissed and disgraced and General Lineyitch," com mander or the First Army, is appointed to succeed him in command of all Russian land and sea- forces -operating against V Japan. The word disgrace is written in large letters in the laconic imperial order -. gazetted, ,which contains not a single word ot praise and also disposes of the rumor that Kuropatkin had asked to be relieved. The Russian millitary annals contains no more bitter Imperial rebuke. It transpires that Emperor Nicholas, upon the advice of General Dragomiroff and War Mininster Sakharoff determined that the step was necessary when it became apparent yester day morning that. Kuropatkin; while con " ceutrating for a stand at ' Tie Pass, seemed unawre that the Japanese had worked around " westward again, and practically allowed himself to be surrounded. Old reports brought .by General Grippenburg regarding Kuropatkin's failing mentally al so had influence. Under the circumstances, therefore, it was considered imperative, in view of the - exceedingly perilous pisi--Hion of the army, to turn over its command to Linevitch who alone had been able to bring off his army in order after the battle of Mukden. His record during the Chinese war had also demonstrated his capacity as a commander. Kuropatkin will return to St, Petersburg forthwith. . The task con fided to Linvitch of withdrawing what is left of the greaf army of 350,000 men to Harbin is a desperate one. He is hemmed in on all sides, and a consummation of the . Mukden disaster is feard. ' ' But even in the face of the possibility of the complete loss of the army and the admitted fact that Vladivostock is already possibly lost, the Emperor still shows no sismsof yielding. Preparations for con tinuing the war on a larger scale than eve1" are proceeding. The dictum has gone forth that another army of 450,000 men is to be despatched to the far East, and to avoid delay it has been decided, instead of send-' ing only reserve men, to form new armies largely of regulars in garrison duty at home. A division of the Imperial Guard will be sent to the fronU Separate 'armies are to be organized under Generals Grodekoff, Grippenberg, and KamaroflF. 7 The war council, it is also understood, has definitely decided that Vice Admiral Botjesvensky shallcontinue Lis Voyage and give battle to. the Japanese in the forlorn hope of wresting control of the sea from Admiral Togo. LAW BELIEVING I1L1RIED MEN An Act To Enable Married Men whoso wifes are Lunatics to SellTMr ,, - ; : Real Estate ; . The following important law enacted An Old Citizen. " Suffolk. Va. . - March 15. Shadrack I Bidj?ood, of Suffolk, a Naneemond county negro" of ante-bellum days. Is probably the oldest. man iu"Virgiuia. A Bible of his slave master has been found and the book gives the date of Shadrack's b'rth lu 1788, makes him: 106 vears old. lie is now a i preacher and looks as vif the end is near. EXTREMELY LOW RATES : ANNOUNCED, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Extremely low rates are "announced via the Southern Railway from points op its interest and our readers are therefore, given the benefit of its contents. The Generar Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. Every man .whose wife Is a lunatic or insane and is confined in any asylum for luDatics and insane per sons in the State of North Carolina shall will live for years. President Roosevelt is spending his spare moments until he can leave the town and civilization in making addressess to the Tract nave the right to sell and convey any sooiety and the'Mother's Congress Ul. t i ....... t... . ...... homestead, without the signature and private examination of his wife: Provi ded, the . superintendent ' of the aslyum in which said female cover shall be con fined shall certifiy that she is confined hTthe asylum of which he is superin tendent, and that she is of insane mind and memory, which certificate shall be subscribed and sworn to before the but it is likely that his heart is on that six weeks trip when he will liye'in the woods, eat beans land bacon and let his beard grow... Along with his patent leather shoes and his razor he will ' leave care at the edge of the woods . and for six weeks he will eniov him- . July 28, 1905. Atlanta, Ga. National Association,, of Manufacturers, May. 16-18, 1905: Bristol, Tenn. Annual , Meeting German Baptist Brethren, June 6, 1905. . I Charlottesville, Va, Virginia Rummer School of Methods June 2G-Aug.4. 1905. ; - " . Fort Worth, Tex. General' Assembly -Southern Presbyterian Church, May 18-26,1905. . , - Met Springs, Va. Southern Hardware Job bers Association and American Hard ware Manufacurers' Association, June 6-9,1905. clerk of the superior court of the county self after his own fashion. -It is a Kansas City, "Mo. Southern Bap- lit Con- fashion no other President has se- vention, May 10:17, 1905.- lected but 7 President Roosevelt is I Knoxville, Tenn Summer. School, June not one to follow. the fashion set . 20-July 28, 1905. by; his predecessors even in : the Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Train- matter of sport. , A rocking chair - iuS School, July 3, Aug. 15, 1905. dn the front porch has , not been I Monteagle, Tenu. Nonteagle Suuday the Rooseveltian ideal of a vaca- School Institue, July 17-Aug. 5, 1905. tion and it is well for him that Monteagle, Tenn, Woman's Congress, his tastes are otherwise. 'Sound v Aug. 1-15, 1805. 7 EVERY SOUTHEM! FARMER SHOULD READ SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST V PUBLISHED AT NASHVILLE, TENN. -Because it is edited by Southern men to "suit Southern - In every issue such men as Ma j. Thos- J. Key. form'0?0 so?,;1 10,18 wbici i i experience mftpH, . , twice the cost of a whole year's subscription? worth i iTwise a month jthe Southern Agriculturist goes to 50 000 s farm homes. Don't you want to join our big, happy famil -v Utilern send 60 cents for ji year's subscription.; You will never rcgjjt 8' Southern; Agriculturist . Nashville; Tenn. Agents Wanted .VWe give handsome premiums and liberal n u missions to active agents. It yon want to work for us. ask fm. fi Ca com. or Cash Commissions. Dishes and other useful presents for lnriv fi lum List etcr. for bova. ,.., . ' rs; GUn. Commissioner of Agriculture: of Alabama,; and AnHrD. Director of the Virginia Experiment Station, answer nnc are pui v iiivw uy luteingcuu ouuwieiu iarmers." Everv issueJs like a big farmers' experience i UD8, FEE in which said asylum shall be situated, which- certificate shall be attached to the'deed,. together with the certificate of the cleric, under his hand and official seal. '.. Sec. 2. When a deed executed by a married man whose wife is. insane or a lunatic, together with the certificate of the superintendent of the asylum and the-certificate of the clerk taken as pre- j scribed in section one of this act, sball be offered for probate before the clerk physical health is a part of the Nashville, Teun. Peabody College, Sura- President's creed and what he be- mer Schools; Vanderbilt Biblical In. lieves m theory he put into prac- . 8tilute' Juue l4'AuS: 9 mr: tice and in the matter of exercise 0xtord Mis?, Summer School, UuiveMty of the superior court of the county in which the land conveyed is situated, and the execution of such deed shall be acknowledged and proved, the clerkshall adjudge whether the certificates of the superintendent and the clerk are in due form, and if adjudged to be in due form he shall order " the registration of the deed and certificates. " Sec. 3. When the deed of a married and healthful, vigorous, clean and fair sport he sets an - example to the boys and men of the country, If theU President of the Uuitetl States can find time to maintain Changtufu, March. 16. Delayed Transmission. The rear-guard action continuing almost uninterruptedly. 8oldiers wounded in the last fight to-th enumber of 1,700 were dispatched north from Tie Pass on March- 15. ,The morning of March 15 the Japanese made their principal attack on the Russian left, and in the evening at tacked the riht aao. It is reported that several columns of Japanese infantry, with ravalrv. are movincr nnrlh s rnnaWcroWo distance west of the railway with the in tention of cutting the Russians from their base. It seems evident that the advance movement or the Japanese has continued of aJong time, and perhaps uninterrupted ly. The Russians, though fatigued with -three weeks or constant fighting, are offer ing a stubborn resistance in their with drawal, but many carts are missing, in- 'eluding those carrying private supplies of iooq. .. - .. -. The distribution depot, which has done much good work at Kaiyuan, will leave to day for the north. St Petersburg, Narch 18, 1:50 a, m. Decided anxiely is felt here regarding the fate of the army in Manchuria under its new commander, as no news of military developments the last two days has been received here. General Linevitch how ever, will have a considerable accession of fresh troops in a day or two, the Fourth European Corps being now at Harbin and "departing southward. Military official here declare that there are now 269,000 men at General Ltnevitch's disposal in Man churia, . and it is believed that this force will"be sufficient to cause the Japauese to exercise greater caution in their pursuit. Bt. Petersburg, March 17. 5:30 p, m. An iiitcrnational credit- loan of $100,000, 000, an at 5 per cent. Basis, isfiiiow being negotiated by the Ministry- ot Finance. The loan will J be ' floated" probably in a short time. ; The price of issuance has not been determined upon, but probably; will be 93 to 95. j It was stated at the ministry that issuance or wis loan is entirely indepen dent of the French' negotiations, which have not yet been concluded, r :V'.j ." : St. Petersburg March; 17,;jj:45 p; m- inere is a persistent raport that railroad communication has been cut behind the Russian army, i No official dispatches have been given . out up to this hour, and no private or , press despatches have been re ceived. News is awaited - with intense anxiety. :f ; :...-v.i-..- : . Autananariy. y Madagascar, March 1 7. The Russian second Pacific squadron left Nossl Be the afternoon of March 16. Its destination is not known. . - - - St. Petersburg, March 17.-A dispatch from NChaugtufu - rporte . that . General Kuropalkln left there u -night - for St. Petersburg. ' ' shall not apply to the homestead of the husband. " - Sec. 4. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby re pealed. Sec. 5. This act shall be in force from find after its ratification. , " 7 In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 8th day of February, A. D 3905. . of Mississippi, June 14-Jnly 26, 1905. Richmond, Va. Farmers National Con gress, Sept. 12 22, 1905. Savannah, Ga. National Travelers' Pro-, tective Association of America. Mav 16-23, 190. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf - Associa tion, May 9-13, 1905. St. L mie, Mo. National Baptist Anni versary, May 16-24, 1905. luscaioosa, Ala Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July 23, 1905. Rates for the abve occasions open to the public. Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on the Southern Railway Detailed information paii tw hdrl -,:n ! ri. t.- . . " T. wm ucieui tor nave 1W sessions application to any Ticket Aeent of the opened with prayer. This is a stp Southern Railway ,.or Agents of connecting m aavance of counsels of other y KfiaTiS me undersigned: Pennsylvauia- which have een T P- closed by the police. TO READERS OF POXrK COUNTY NEWS . For a short time-we will give to every new or renewing subscrihp paper a year's subscription to.the Southern; Agriculturist, absolutPi fto 0Ur charge. Subscribe now and take advantage of this remarkable offer If you are already a subscriber,- pay a fall year in advance and m v ble present. - . . u tnis valu- Your leadiDg county paper and the leading Southern farm nannr Knf v, price of one,-- . - . FP ' Dotniorthe This proposition will not be held open indefinitelyso hurry up. s ADDRESS POLK COUNTY NEWS, , , C!olumbus, N. C. ' . Sample copies of the Southern Agrlcuturist can be had at thisoffice BARGAINS IN FURNITURF - ; - SAVE MONEY ON Sewing Machines iand Organs. Selling Below Cost. Full lino ot. Baby Carriages. Select stock of new goods Call at th . our store of J. M. SEPP, Cole Block, Hendersonv'ille, N C man whose wife is insane or a lunatic a vigorous well; being by exercise shall be executed, probated and regis- there is scarcely au excuse f or tered in accordance with ections. one otner men neglecting it. - and two of this act it shall convey all . 6 . . . nut cshabe anu interest or tne grantor I . : in the land conveyed free and exempt Booker Washington suggests from the dower rights and all other in- that the negroes should raise more terests of his wife: Provided, this act ohinkAnn Th fa plaint has ever raise too many. corn- been that they i Kilfyre! Kilfyre!! Kilfyre!!! That is exactly what it is, a Filler. ' Demonstration every day at the stw Eair showing Its fire'fighting hualities. - - ' thenfVerJ Farme- OU MllI Ginnery and any one owning property should have , ForSatleBy Columbia Supply Co., Columbia, S.C. - . The machinery supply house of the state. The city counsel of Milton, Pa., UNCOMFORTABLE PREDICAMENT "There is no worse enemy of the wage worker than the man who Plight Of Tramp Who ReColYed'Sl.OOO C01ldones mob violence , in any I tjuupe or wno preacnes class- ha- tred." Theodore Roosevelt. For Restoring Brooch New York, March 16. With furtive mien,a'crisp $1,000 bank note cracklio? in nis ragged pocket, a tramp is slink- innr oKiit XT-. X T t auub xtjw x orK Loaay a prey to strange emotions, says a special tie received the bill w w v v a va Special Rates, Personally conducted r Excursion to Havana, Cuba. Tickets on sale March 29th, IU05, limited for retunrpassage on any steamer leaving ' Havana until April 13tb, 1905. Final limit for all tickets to' be April 16th 1905. One hun dred and fifty lbs. of ..baggage allowed on each ticketi Tickets limited to con. tinuous passage on olng journey, but stop-overs will be allnwfd aull mfc It looks as though Mrs. Chad- south Jacksonville on the return wick migh t ha ve an opportunity pourney under same conditions as grant- w nvo tno simple ute irom now f -.-"vuimuu hck- on. Charlotte,' N. C. . J. H. WOOD, D. P. A. A8heville, C S. H. HARDWICK. . W. ILTALOE, russ. .iramc Manager, ' Oea'l Pass Agnt i Washington, D. C. 1 ets. Those desiring to makexthis trio snouiu can at Uity Ticket Office and en gage state-rooms on steamer, and make pullman reservations. " No tickeis can can be sold for whom no pullman accom-1 modations have been reserved. ' Rate In the spring a congressman's iancy turns to ..thoughts of the summer junket and tho" last few aaV8 Of the Session ATA mnrlo vet J M Mi - ,.v.v twvi . . ..uiituoi ui .vyauiornin. nno i ciuruiQ? xo Mrs. T. Edw n Warr? more strenons hv na ofi,r,-f,r rtF t--.:j. - . 1 14tb street and RiversidA rtri ih. Uff.;. ::; u .l. , - . . 11 uonR diamond brooch which she recently lost eome to the m-t"m Ashevillefor round trip in front or the Garrick TheatPr u - T""-",s vvuo 111081 esires auguration. : Me sent the Presi- whiCQ Includes meals and requested that his name be not mad a to make, lhe congressional jun dent this tieram on Trmncmro- aboard ship. ii. . . . II . Z . . . . I . . " . .-l - puuuu,- leann? ma: an army of his " . 4, 0 ap"avo anair out like tion day: --...j jxitcnen irienas muu" muicome nign it ia a ' oorry cannot 'IS"V ""ov"u UP"U un ai once. great thinff. Wa tnlro v. n.. rw vuii uo kuow Dow known rtrom.. r ; n.. . him no more. He feared to sleen 17 frT pe0P,e and nijrht least his wealth shnnM- u lY nave not been educated or tracted from his pocket. He mistrusts broadened by travel the best all banks. He cannofc f. hAnonCa nA thiu? the nminf'nr nnn a i. I than beinc n. RriirrV." t:j--i . .. vi.noo i v o vu vi.vj mi at-1 -o xviu.r lo no o r:rWFer naa ine can; they sell and them is to make Wl father ha3 wirnd thnf. Because they are the best in the land for the money. Ask your dealer for the "Sunny Jim" shoe, and INSIST ON GETTING IT. . Wachovia Loan and Trust Company he with you: Children teething:. Congratula- 1 4 v M J . fry i . ... w " biuus. A lie Pruairfonf , ' .t. preaches that it is even greater Ww..f irvsueviiie. in. i.. tirancti. state-rooms - - - : $600,000 $4,010,424 CAPITAL, - - National Traveling: Protective Asso- ULQSCTC "'uuau, vjriu vccouni ot tne above occasion tickets will be sold to Savannah, Ga., and return May 13 & 14th, final limit May 2fith,-l905,: rat $9.50. - . T, S. MORRISON, Ch'm'n. & V. P. VV. a VVILLIAMSON, Cashier. would refuse to make chancre even had they the- necessary cash, fearing tho note, coming: from such a source would be spurious. - 4 A Thus, with more money in his' pos session than he has a- ut nameless Knight of Ras:s land Tatter 1 starving, is losing .weight from nerv ousness and iack of sleep; v " 7 When he collected the new' hill t. possipie lor them. Our legisla tors cannot bufrmake better laws tor having, outgrown their nro. vincialisms and there is no better or surer way to "grow them than by visiting and eeeing other couu tries A trip to a foreign coun try may make a man hoop only tne louaer tor his ;own -youngs i Fourth Annual Tourament Southern Golf Association,1 Savannah, Ga., May a-M. n r . . .. A liiuu o excuse tor nnn.ftan'i;-..; th.iQn, iaak was a suiKcient ono r " - - Account of tlie above occasion t.,vvt0 - vv GENERAL BANKING SAVINGS AND TRUST DEPARTMENTS. Notice-of. Land Sale? ; UwrrKD Stats or Ambbica Wkstehn District of Noeth Carolina : United states i Lane his emotions were tonro and rWlr fh., urujn, . J .!aIer.& F' K Weaver f r in.K- r'W4" 7" T -i)ru"VilouHiwVOiaie3 hcV"u of Vendition viaB ermg - to be ttS " was Passed over to him. uuiuyzeo. le glanced at is trnnil ermn U :- u" . , . V- Bowles Clerk nf ti10"?C,. . - I n iut iiiiu uub up noa uisinct cnurt. -v He had wLten hnf nna i ...T 7 OUQ OUt at.least there ia aimf hor edln said vZiSa s;?i"dent render- -u.uud UJCttl lU IWOfllVSM . Bimn,. -- "'""'CI, will be sold May.7r8.9th. 190.1. wiih fin. al limit May 15th, 1905. Rates one fare Hu ij cenuj irom Asheville $9 50. V UOUBtai vssemoiy southern PrPKv- terian Ob urch, Fort W6rtb, Te x.7 For me aoove occasion tickets will be' sold May 15-16 & I7jth, 1905. with final -n;n , - - a uj i u May 31, 1905. Uate one fare nln on i - . lnp liate from Asbeville Aqts as Guardian, Executor, Administrator, Trustee & Co., wilhhave your will written by the best lawyers in the state without charge J. interest paid in Saving de partment and on Certificate. Guaranteed by a Mnn nA A nr." " " ASSOCia - , uu American Marn' I ware. Manu-ir 1 j " Jra ulMiriCt fV-liirt i fctiA nlffht. t.. : t. - . 7' ' COmitrv ftlirl ::nn,W llVJLi ?J2ia. vcizsra, 1903, under an -VJViX" -- -.?w K'e-wus "e oaa slept in a ' vumzauon uri, V&suea' uPn the hereinnft w back allev. On a M,nn 1: and hv t.h'A t i w.. . r T-i . . . : i0.!1.; "I mtS 5 " .uwuanuu tzLw3n.it ni C7 1 --w. v.iuu uo uuh i rirniran uiuuu cuniainm in uu.i. . --.v vum- dollars, lit was t, m,,nK L v.f '& fh. 1. - door In the towrt fMairt -poxm comprehend, and in . uv Z j . : . : at 12 o'clock da? Aprif 1905 Va. June 6-9th. 1 ook- f-tenid it his pocket - ,r Z X f . aoesn . Oave hot corn .A of tbla asion ticket T Bafety Din and w.ii- j 7 . "iBS r ne nas began to WiJan June & 5th. 19ns i.k ... w m - , . u. u. i, noiiii 1 1 v niir. at i . - . - . - - . , r--... w i . uciciiuan r. jaim txt.-. i 11 m t nZ.-::.. t . "V I hor .uW;n ,1.. . . v inaw.ui acres of lni "'Ser. "yM wuo owio. - ne reiurnerl Iita. : I xcoueuit in wninh fhat J aeedfrom .Tnh "unueu . . 7 7 i , . . v"tM Weaver, f or f "8"" ,a? otQers, to M. ao witn tbis thins? No good one and tht. in Zi' ten?&y v-uuuuy a I0W more nf Poleswest of said w:.: a oout 10 , -r-. ... - I ok a i. . . " oYCr H TllnA fnm POSITIONS it CT A A A BANK DEPOSIT He returned later" Liav. - iih wu I n t V 7 "w vmim, with 0 - w W.V J It! T airv'h haon t --? v.u tu10 tu ouy a square j wuu cuancea to be in t.h store advised , him -to place it in some bank. But a cunniug look passed over ine tramp's face: . s prints: inn lOiU ,vA- rZT" vUUttl tun i.ii.ii t ui tv cIas fr-o f: .xvate ne first uo uenw ior round trip. Railroad Fair TaiJ fiOO FREB: uourees Of fered. Board at Cost. Write Quick. BejiAMfliu: Business College. Macoa Ga . HUB SH0E5 ... '?iMo of Manufactur- Ti. i - I . thftnK' ne" t: Paul's chnrAiT Cents fnr m,, t :. 7 r. ... i . . ' 1 WUUU LI" I II. . KOtQ tnn v vtu o a - : r uiu Asne It is deplored that amo:;8 -out WVX Coapejen-there aresKpro. &'T lea Tyfk" a .f.ii. . . esto Tiost rr""OT vine m ?a - - i . . " wum.. tiiiriiffH i w- i . . .SSTO. thence suth 22 this7hio,Ueb, r: mr -0..8.h,aDdles .foa juottf who get W oJal! ' "S h.A. ' " - -.n, the trips, and ih--s ... J cnances." - 7 . . . . 7 -v- jt- uu wnoae wives and He passed out into the street naafn daugters count' on an annn.il and thatwas; the last seen of him, but 8ummer voyage at the expense of "uTJ ine Clty his ine Snmeut, but this is dne of against ine me remediah . foof-A . - '""uuicu ui ine case, .et that be altered as soon ftfl nnsfli Kin it : ..v Spades are trumps in the Tana- Bo7uZ Z1 ma Canal zon oA 'a-j-- . r, go on. . x u,u n 11 in 1 i"o 1 1 m rttvA . i,. -Pg yoath have ever hand tightly pocket. - pressed 4 4- Walker will have to pass. homeIy'rwit yX This Feb. 27th, 1905. Per. T..C. ISRART. r .... . j U.. .'v U. S. Marshal. Justice Walter Clark Selected NewTork. Mnh.ft -n. : thi. tt.,:-. ' .VT " --tue euato of . v"C.BUJr rew. Yorjc todiv spit Wal.r C,Mk f Nortll OamItoa"dY rv.w. wo uamea ior thft f rii : of the Uiiiyewiiy . V " ' ame copyrights eta. 1 m ,TTata' trd mark. t come to uat : . - , 'ioit, J.7.v"l-. EUU. runt Offl a n 1 ra hta u . -- wi. u. c. M" a 1 K OT I '-This Brand on a 8hoe means ?ome thml If you want tne BEST for your money, call for "THE HUB." - . LEARN TELEGRAPHY And R R. AGENUY We also tram you for the U. S. SIGNAL CORPS. School established 17 years. Cbeap board, low tliif.inn. nd nil roln IN-' SURES position. Catalog free. ,y Ga. Teleqraph College, D June, 9. ' - Senoia, Ga.

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